What's your favorite Nostalgic thing?

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Queen Tink

♥ Crystalline Goddess ♥
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It can be many things, I'm generalizing to find out what nostalgia looks like for everyone, so please tell me?
my nostalgia is mostly just stuff from when I was a kid 🤔 Old movies I used to watch, or foods I would eat. Or anything that kinda makes me miss a specific feeling or time period
80s and 90s stuff. :D
There are a lot of things which make me feel nostalgic. I'm a wistful person. In particular, there are many scents which send me back to younger days -- a certain brand of hand soap I can still buy at the store, the smell of cut grass, the smell of chicken baking in the oven, and many others. Scents are hardly the only thing that makes me nostalgic, however. Spring around here is a bit of a nostalgic season for me, as are the lupines which grow in plenty (both the sight and smell of them). The video games Fate, Heroes of Might and Magic III, and the old Fire Emblem games. Dozens and dozens of songs. Certain book series, the manga Pandora Hearts. Sometimes I'll find an artifact I've thought long gone and have a moment of "that used to mean so much to me". I also have a (tiny) box of nostalgic trinkets.
I like and would like to see more of retrofuturism