SOLO RP Zodiacs: The Lives of Immortal Demons (TGR)

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terrified to be known, desperate to be understood
Original poster
Posting Speed
  1. 1-3 posts per week
  2. One post per week
  3. Slow As Molasses
Writing Levels
  1. Intermediate
  2. Adept
  3. Adaptable
romance. angst. drama. modern. fantasy. supernatural. adventure. crime. period pieces.


Three Months After The Rampage

"Do you want to see the flowers? They are in full bloom, you've always talked about how much you loved that." Hyun Ki smiled softly as his hands wrapped around the handle of a porcelain teapot. Slowly, he filled the matching teacup and slid it toward the frail and pale girl, sitting on her bedding, looking away from Hyun Ki and straight ahead. "I thought it would be nice because … because..."

"Because I'm dying. Because I don't have much longer, if any time at all, to live." Her tone was curt and her voice was hoarse. Finall,y the girl looked away from the wall and to the Ox before her. While there was no expression on her face, the anger and hatred radiating off of her spoke volumes.

"I'm sorry...Hani-yah," he whispered, but even he knew that speaking those words no matter how many times would never be enough. The Ox had committed too great a sin to be forgiven and yet he was still greedy enough to want it. "I'm so sorry ..." His voice cracked.

After all, the sick and dying girl was the only survivor of her village. The same village that he had crushed to ruins. Though he had did it, he could hardly remember it. And though he was sorry, he made no excuses. Worst of all, he had hurt her, Hani, a girl most dear to him like a blood sister. He had watched her grow, she was the first human friend he had made. She had never treated him like a monster. Until now.

"You're sorry? Don't get familiar with me," she snorted, her eyes once full of life and brilliance was now filled with nothing but darkness and a burning hatred. Hatred for him. "You - you're a demon. A monster. You've taken everything from me, you and your kind. If you're really sorry why don't you just die!" her frail and weak hands grabbed the nearby teacup and launched at him.

He didn't dare dodge, and though her throw was weak, it still managed to not only hit him but break the skin and draw blood. Slowly, he wiped the blood from his face. By now, he was used to all her hurtful words, it no longer fazed him on the outside. However, inside, she was gutting him. "Would me being dead suffice? Would it make you feel better?" Would it ease her pain, give her peace of mind before the inevitable? It was genuine curiosity, but also a hint of desperation. Hyun Ki was unsure of what to do. "Do you want me to accompany you on the journey to the other side?"

Hani paused, breathing heavily. Her time was almost up. "No, as a matter of fact. Don't die, I want you to live. Live with the guilt, the pain, remember me and remember that you don't deserve to be loved or to love. Don't you ever love, don't ever live happily." She breathed through gritted teeth. "So, that when I come back, I'll put you out of your misery."

When she laid back and closed her eyes, Hyun Ki pulled the blanket over her frail body. He stayed and watched the rise and fall of her chest until they slowly and steadily stopped. She was gone.

He choked back tears. "I'll be waiting."


Two Days before the second Great Race

Hyun Ki flipped over the letter once more, reading each and every line carefully. It had to be the fifth time he read over the letter, but how could he not. In it entailed the opportunity of a lifetime, to be a god. On the surface, it seemed great. To be a god, all the power and the glory, having some form of control. Of course it had to be marvelous, who would pass that up? The Ox, that was who. He set down the letter and sighed deeply. "I've gotten the letter. So, why did you have to see me again?" Asked the growingly irritated Ox.

"Do I have to have a reason to see an old friend?" Moon Bong raised an eyebrow at Hyun Ki before sipping on his cup of tea. He grimaced slightly and mumbled,"this tea house does not serve as good as tea as the Lotus Room does." And of course, it didn't. The Lotus Room was a mystical place serving special teas straight from the heavens. "Anyway, I had a feeling you wouldn't be joining the meeting if I didn't speak with you."

"You were right. I have no intentions of joining in. How could I?"

Moon Bong harrumphed, looking as if he was resisting the urge to roll his eyes. "Everyone else is." He paused, watching the Ox. "Including the cat."

His head perked up, eyes widened. "Min Jee? She - she's back?" He frowned, looking away. The cat was back. He didn't know how to feel about that. The cat who died riding his back, or it could have been the cat who was killed riding his back. He didn't know, but he was sure it happened on his back. To be honest, he could have done something back then, but he had been … Distracted with his own issues. "I want to see her." He announced. "But, I don't know .."

"And then there are some others .. Perhaps, less capable one's joining. Perhaps not." The phoenix sighed deeply, leaning back in his seat. "Like Junho."

"Junho?" Hyun Ki huffed.

"Yeah, and if anything happens to these guys I am more or less going to have to deal with the consequences." Moon Bong set down his tea. "Which is annoying. I didn't even want to come here. No offense, but Earth, I don't like it much. At all. Humans smell. Have you noticed that?"

Hyun Ki pinched the bridge of his nose. "Okay, okay, I'll come. I'll join, but only to make sure they are safe. That's all." He hadn't seen any of them in years, except for the horse and snake. Joon and Seo Yeon lived nearby. It was hard to avoid the two, even when he wanted to.

"Do as you please," Moon Bong rose on his two feet, when they were both standing side to side, and the Phoenix was nearly the same height. "I'll see you in two days time, then?"

"Of course."

Smiling slightly, Moon Bong turned to leave but suddenly halted. "Hyun Ki," he suddenly began before turning back around. "I think I should warn you. So, then, you may be somewhat prepared for what comes next." Moon Bong's eyes carried a somber and sad look that Hyun Ki had only seen once before. "Min Jee is not the only one who's come back …"

His stomach began twisting in knots and for the moment his heart stopped.

"You never escaped a punishment, I told you it would come eventually." He sighed. "It's come in the form of a girl. And it's fast approaching."