
  • So many newbies lately! Here is a very important PSA about one of our most vital content policies! Read it even if you are an ancient member!

    A site made for roleplay is way cooler we promise <3
Focusing on characters with extraordinary abilities, often gained by luck or terrible circumstance and which necessitate having secret identities.
  1. Tastes Like Blue

    OPEN SIGNUPS OUT OF CHARACTER G E S T A L T // Sigma Squad [a "superhero" RP]

    ...... The journey of your life may not have gone where you wanted to. You were born as a special human with powers, called the Zero Variants, or ZV for short, but no one gave a shit. You were either looked at with jealousy, fear, admiration, or a strange mixture of all three compounded in...
  2. Lore Magus


    The Heroes' Secret [tabs width=450px]IntroHeyo, it's been a while since my last group RP venture around here, but when the itch returns so do I. This is a sort of spiritual reboot of a plot I tried to run a while back that unfortunately wasn't able to get far. It's an RP focusing on my character...
  3. paranoid

    ALWAYS OPEN The Freaks (IC)

    You there! Do you have powers some would consider unnatural and strange? I'm sure you do, otherwise there's no reason for you to be here. A large super-powered group of 20-somethings struggling with their powers and their life join forces in an abandoned chop shop as their base with the hopes...
  4. paranoid

    ALWAYS OPEN The Freaks (OOC & Sign Up)

    You there! Do you have powers some would consider unnatural and strange? I'm sure you do, otherwise there's no reason for you to be here. A large super-powered group of 20-somethings struggling with their powers and their life join forces in an abandoned chop shop as their base with the hopes...
  5. Glass

    INTEREST CHECK Dragon Ball - Altered Degrade

    Anyone up for a Dragon Ball Z roleplay?! Yeah, that's the main point of this post. Want to see who would be up for a roleplay, with all original characters, set in the Dragonball Z universe. So far I have two plots arcs planned and would like to plan more around other people's OCs. Setting It...
  6. Goonfire

    ALWAYS OPEN X-Men: Eve of Apocalypse

    For millennia, mutants—the powerful product of minor genetic abnormalities—have existed on this Earth. Of all the species of the universe, mutants have truly experienced both extremes in over five thousand years. Some were worshipped as gods... … others shunned as demons. The 1960s...
  7. IGeo654

    X-Men: Advanced X-Men Evolution sequel idea. Looking for Long term partner with time on their hands.)

    Does anyone else love and remember the X-Men: Evolution series from the early 00s? I know I still love it, even after all of these years. I always wondered what happened in the future in the world of that show, besides Professor X's visions, of course. To anyone who loved that show, I have an RP...
  8. Bixir

    DC: World of Tomorrow (A DC Comics Universe Roleplay)

    You know them. You love them. Probably. This thread exists to solve that question. I have far too many ideas for fandom RPs I’d love to pitch, but there are few things in this world I love more than DC Comics. Action Comics, the handful of imprints that are now officially under their umbrella...
  9. SaltyWater

    {Home Sweet Home}

    Greetings, half-bloods! I'd like to congratulate each individual who was nominated to reside within one of our recently constructed homes! Numerous demigod children have perished over the years due to a lack of protection, and those who do endure a little while longer have a horrifying 34%...
  10. Sapphire Moon

    Hello there

    "Hello!" hits the mic a little making a loud noise. "Hello, can everyone hear me? Alright, I'm Sapphire some call me Saph. I've been working on this thing called roleplay for a little over 10 yrs. Am I good at it sure I've been told I am. But I always have room for improvement im not perfect of...
  11. pvllingteeth

    healing auras || bnha [pvllingteeth&humanalien]

    (this thread is the continuation of a deleted thread from a different site.) One of the first things Kanae had learned about Izuku during their first year at U.A was how openly expressive he was. His heart was always on his sleeve, much too large for one body to possibly contain. His feelings...
  12. CanaryCry

    Double Trouble

    'Soarin' Sonny' had been growing in popularity for a year or so now, ever since Sonia had tried out the persona doing little hovering tricks and flips on YouTube and TikTok at the beginning. Her usual cheery, friendly nature had attracted people to her quickly, and the moments that she was...
  13. CanaryCry

    Of Partnerships and Problem-Solving

    Once, Evelyn had been an anonymous entity, operating solo as The Informant and passing along information to those who would pay to get it. Now, she found herself at the beck and call of a legitimate agency, with consistent work on a sometimes inconsistent schedule. Odd hours suited her just...
  14. LuckycoolHawk9

    Lawless( A Superhero RP with Consequences)

    It wasn't supposed to end like this. Not with the world destroyed. Not with me... afraid. This is not home. It's not my own. But.... sometimes you Just Forgot Things. -Journal of Matthew Harris, 5.6.22 It happened over a year and two months ago. The World of Collateral was Mostly...
  15. Seniornabbit

    Welcome to UA, ready to become heroes? (Hero Academia rp) sign ups

    Info This rp is about a alternate version of the hero academia world that involves new or alternate versions of various heroes and villains including the UA class 1-A. This class will be the focus of the rp as they go through their experiences at the school and dealing with various events. The...
  16. CanaryCry

    Moving Forward (w/Wooseog Ryu)

    Name: Evelyn Age: 26 Superpowers: Evelyn has what is referred to in her universe as Sight with a capital S (known as elemental scrying by the superpowers wiki). If she is touching water, she can then see into areas she isn't physically present in through any other source of still water. This...
  17. CanaryCry

    A Package Deal - With Superpowers!

    Taken right now, but if you’re interested I can be convinced to use them twice :) Name: Evelyn Age: 26 Superpowers: Evelyn has what is referred to in her universe as Sight with a capital S (known as elemental scrying by the superpowers wiki). If she is touching water, she can then see into...
  18. CanaryCry

    Some Characters for Platonic RPs, If Anyone Here Does That >.>

    Hello! Ive had some characters floating around my head recently that I’d really like to use. I’m good with platonic roleplays if thats what you’d like, but if we’re going for romance I prefer to let it develops organically between characters, not be love at first sight. I’m not new to rping, nor...
  19. Seniornabbit

    Welcome to UA academy students! (Hero academia rp signup thread)

    In this world where most of the population have a power known as a quirk there is a well known and highly regarded school known as UA. This is where students are taught in the ways of being heroes, mastering their quirks and developing as people. With their goals of becoming heroes they'll have...