CHARACTER INDEX Divinity, Eminence and Theft

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Original poster
Writing Levels
  1. Adept
  2. Advanced
  3. Prestige
  4. Adaptable
Preferred Character Gender
  1. Primarily Prefer Male
Name: Fen
Age: 321
Gender: Male

Abilities: Fen is a genius wizard whose primary limitations are social. He has grand knowledge of all things arcane and has walked many worlds in order to continually perfect his formula for immortality. He has cured age and frailty and seeks to increase his power more through his formula.

History: Fen was born the child of a farmer. He has forgotten the names and faces of both his parents, only that they were peasants. Farming was hard work, harder than anything else Fen can remember. Yields were poor and his hands often bled. Fen remembers he had to have grown cabbage as he has a hatred of it to this day. When he was old enough to take a wife he fled the woman who courted him and ran to the woods where he found himself in the hut of an old Hag. She gave him his first grimoire of magic and from then on he spent his time away from anyone, only speaking to those who might have new grimoire or have knowledge of a great beast that he might be able to put into his potion.

Personality: Fen is a very shy fellow, he ran from the first woman who proposed to him and never spoke to a woman again unless she were a demon or townswoman selling something to him. Far from misogynist he simply has shut himself in and finds it easier to avoid women than men.
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Name: Asta Helt

Age: 21

Gender: Female

Appearance: Standing at 5'4", Asta is fairly average in terms of her body image. She has long blonde hair and grey eyes. Often wears dresses of pastel colors and doesn't like heels but she will wear them when it's necessary. She likes to have her hair styled in braids or pulled back.



Personality: Asta is a curious creature, bordering nosy. She's often finding things that she can read and learn about, regardless of the subject. Devoted to her country and people, hardworking, extremely independent, and at times, critical. Asta can be high-maintenance at times, often being fussy with how she wants to look or how she wants to present herself. Forgetful at times and impatient, she does her best to try to be understanding others, even when she can't. She enjoys all things art and plays the pennywhistle. One day, she hopes to publish her own book.

History: Being the youngest of 13 children had its advantages and disadvantages. She was able to get away with more than her brothers and sisters but she didn't get as much attention as them. Because of this, she stuck her nose into various activities that she thought would be interesting. This included sewing, trying different arts (dancing, drawing, etc.), learning to horseback ride, and cooking. Nothing kept her interest for too long and with the knowledge of knowing she would never rule the country, she started looking for other things to get into. Her life was nothing interesting in the slightest and all she wanted was to explore the world around her and what it had in it.