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Memento Mori
Original poster
Posting Speed
  1. 1-3 posts per week
  2. One post per week
Online Availability
My timezone is PST
Writing Levels
  1. Intermediate
  2. Adept
  3. Advanced
  4. Adaptable
Preferred Character Gender
  1. Male
  2. Female
  3. Futanari
Homosexual, Romance, Fantasy, Scifi, Magic, Vampire, Werewolf, Supernatural, Angels/Demons, Superhero, Zombies

The Mystical Simurgh
Errol Demir

Aspect Type


December 5th


Street Performer/Theif



Hair: While from a distance, Errol appears to have medium-length, wavy golden-brown hair. It is only under closer inspection that it can be discovered that his hair is really no hair at all. Instead, it is actually feathers. The top of his head or crest is covered in speckled golden-brown feathers, that like most birds can fluff up and down when startled or angry. At the sides of his head sits a pair of ear tufts that stand upright when he is alert, or drape down the side of his face when calm. (Example: One, Two)

Eyes: With a pair of sharp amber-colored eyes, his orbs are about one and a half times as large as a normal human. Like birds, the increase in size contributes in part to their visual acuity. Errol also has ciliary muscles that help to view objects at varying distances.

Height: At a meager five foot three inches, Errol is considered quite short by human standards. However, for his species, this is very normal. Similarly to birds, the body is designed to be as lightweight as possible to make it easier to achieve flight. Therefore, having a short frame is beneficial to his species.

Weight: Errol weighs just over a hundred pounds. Errol has a low percentage of body fat, and muscles. Although part of his low amount of body fat is due to food scarcity, he also has a high metabolism that prevents him from gaining weight or muscles easily.

Build: With being both short and slim, Errol has a petite frame. His gings, which double as his arms, are slightly long, while his legs are more average for his build. (Example: One, Two, Three)

Complexion: While his skin is a beautiful bronze tone, the feathers that adorn his wings and body are a range of bright rainbow colors. (Example: One)

Plumage: The feathers start at the top of his head, spreading down the back of his neck to where his wings connect to his back. From there, his feathers continue to travel down his body until the tailbone. At the tailbone, a two-foot-long fan-shaped tail protrudes from his body.

Wings: Errol has an approximately five-foot wingspan when they are fully stretched. The wings start just below his shoulder blade and drape down to about the knees. At the end of the wings are his hands, each finger ending in a sharp claw.​


Affectionate, Curious, Loyal, Naive, Clever, Intuitive, Excitable, Compassionate, Ambitious, Charismatic, Playful, Courageous, Empathetic, Selfless, Genuine, Sociable, Individualistic, Proud, Secretive, Passionate

Optimistic: Despite all the hardships that Errol has had to face, he still believes that with enough hard work and determination that he can change both his situation and that of his clans. Even though he has many obstacles, he is determined to achieve the life that he wants.

Selfless: In everything he does, it is for the benefit of his clan. Ever since he was a child, he vowed to one day give them a life where they could live comfortably and without any fears. This is his main goal in life and the reason that he is able to keep moving forward in the face of hardships. Even in his daily life, it is not unusual for him to stop to help someone in need.

Prejudiced: Despite being a Turk himself, Errol has come to resent his homeland. After being persecuted and forced to flee, his outlook on the country and its people has gone sour. Even now he feels a great deal of animosity towards them, and others with similar opinions of Aspects. It isn't unusual for him to become irritable or ignore them altogether when forced to be around them.

Meddlesome: With his inquisitive nature, Errol often ends up sticking his nose into other people's business. Although he always has good intentions, it doesn't always appear that way to others. At times he can be unknowingly intrusive. This, combined with his sympathetic attitude towards others, means that he inserts himself into situations that don't involve him and try to help or fix them. Often unable to turn a blind eye knowing someone is struggling. But, this behavior doesn't always have a good outcome.

Suspicious: After years of persecution and oppression, Errol has become distrustful of people and constantly has to question their intentions. He has grown accustomed to having to hide from people. Even when he appears friendly, he is always waiting for the moment that they will betray or hurt him. Despite his desperate desire for connections, it takes him a long time to fully trust someone.​


Occupation: Street Performer & Theif
When in need of money, Errol will often perform on the street to passing crowds. While this usually consists of aerial routines, he has also been a roadside oddity. Although at times this can be humiliating, he takes advantage of people's distractions to pickpocket and steal their valuables.

Backstory: Errol was born in Turkey in a clan of other bird Aspects. When he was just a young boy, his clan was often harassed and persecuted. This continued until they were chased from their homes and had to flee with nothing but the clothes on their back. Since then, they often migrate around without settling anywhere for too long. Errol will often venture into nearby cities and settlements to make money for his clan.​


Hooded Cloak: He often wears this in order to go unnoticed, and avoid trouble due to his feathers and wings.

Dagger: This is solely for his protection, though he doesn't like to use it unless necessary. He stole it off of some affluent-looking man.

Voice: With a wide vocal range, Errol has a bewitching singing voice. His clan has songs and melodies that have been passed down for generating that he learned as a small child. As he grew older, he practiced and improved. He has now collected songs from all over Persia.

Pickpocketing: After years of watching his family live in poverty while the rich sultans and officials grew richer, Errol decided to take some of that wealth for himself. He has spent years perfecting his movements to the point he can steal valuables from someone with ease.

Aerial Performer: Errol has never been against using his beautiful and unique body to make money. With the help of his wings, he is able to delicately glide through the air, performing intricate maneuvers and routines.

Fragile: Like most birds, Errol has thin and hollow bones which help to make his body lighter. However, this makes him much more susceptible to injuries than the average person. A fall from a decent height could easily break his legs while being struck could easily break his rips or nose.

Name: Karim Bahman
Age: 21
Gender: Male
Sexuality: Homosexual
Race/Nationality: Persian
Occupation: Medic

Hair: Chestnut Brown
Eyes: Brown
Height: 5'6"
Weight: 130lbs
Build: Slender, Lean, Short

Naive, Empathetic, Sensitive, Cooperative, Reserved, Curious, Optimistic, Stubborn

Karim has always been a soft-spoken and respectful child. It has always been in his nature to selflessly help others, even if it would cause problems for himself. His desire to help others often pushed him to study harder in order to be the best doctor that he could be. While he grew older, he became more outspoken about the inequalities he saw. Eventually, his thirst for knowledge and wanderlust nature overtook him, and he decided to explore the world.

Karim was born in the city of Isfahan. He was born as the second son of the house with an older brother, and three younger sisters that he often doted on. His father was a renowned doctor and scholar who often worked in the palace. His mother, with her Turkish heritage, was a brilliant tinkerer.

As a child, Karin lived peacefully. With his family's healthy income, he never wanted anything and was able to receive the best education. Similar to his parents, he has a thirst for knowledge that allowed him to advance beyond many of his peers. But, it was never enough.

Karim wasn't satisfied following in his father's footsteps, and simply tending to the nobles and wealthy. He wanted to use his powers and knowledge to help everyone. This, mixed with his insatiable wanderlust, meant that he soon decide to leave home in order to carve out his own path in life.

Abilities: Endowed
Restore - Karim was born with the power to heal a person with just a single touch. Due to his privileged life, he was able to attend both private studies for the Endowed as well as a medical school in order to better his skills. He would be considered to be fairly skilled at his young age.

Avid Scholar: Karim has often been called a bookworm. Whatever the topic, it is likely that he knows some kind of useless facts about it.

Navigation: Karim has always been fascinated with navigation. He is particularly skilled in celestial navigation, or the practice of position fixing using stars and other celestial bodies that enables a navigator to accurately determine their actual current physical position on Earth.

Speaks Turkish, Greek, and Persian

1670816630515.pngAmaros Tamsi
Age: 37
Gender: Nonbinary
Race: Human/Nubian

Hair: Long, curly, dark brown
Eyes: Green
Height: 5'7"
Complexion: Tawny with a slight tan, soft and clear of blemishes
Build: Slightly athletic, Lean

Anxious, Compassionate, Pessimistic, Meddlesome, Intelligent, Neurotic, Selfless, Loyal, Meticulous, Scholarly, Hardworking, Maternal

Ever since being entrusted with such an important job as being the head tutor of the princess, Amaros has taken that role very seriously. He is someone that works tirelessly and goes above and beyond. However, this isn't just a mere job to him. He truly cares about the princess and her well-being. Despite the many antics that she might get into, Amaros is always right behind her, ensuring that she is safe.

As a child, Amaros spent much of his time studying and reading any books or texts he could get his hands on. While most kids wanted to play, he had an insatiable hunger for knowledge. In school, he was leagues ahead of other children his own age, and he was soon taken on as a scribe at the palace. Over the years, he worked to become a tutor to the aristocrats and was eventually appointed to head tutor of the princess.

Translator: Amaros knows several languages including Egyptian, Persian, Turkish, and Arabic

Tutor: Due to his occupation, he has a fast knowledge of many subjects and is highly proficient in things such as reading, writing, and maths.

Astronomer: A hobby of his is studying the sky. He has become skilled enough to use them to navigate and tell the change in seasons.

Political Adviser/Foreign Relations Coach: After working in the palace for many years, along with building many relationships with foreign countries, he has become a helpful adviser on such matters.

Ashri: A female griffon. Several years ago, a Persian gifted the baby griffon to him in an attempt to court Amaros. Amaros wasn't interested in the offer but gladly accepted the gift. Ashri has grown to become a fierce stead, despite how he babies her.
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1695750703992.pngName: Mundir Darwish

Age: 26

Race/Nationality: Arabian/Persian

Role: Navigation

Audit: Mundir is someone who is always excited about their work. It excited them to find and document new places, especially ones that potentially have never been found before. Although he is the epitome of awkward and clumsy, he seems to never actually have any fatal accidents. Just plenty of near misses. He is your typical nerd, and will spout random facts at you for hours if allowed.

He was born to an Arabian prostitute and a Persian soldier. It was merely a month long affair while he was visiting, but his mother fell head over heels for him. But, soon he left without a single way to contact him, and in her heartbreak, she realized she was pregnate.

As Mundir grew up, he was always compared to her lost love. Their lives were tough, and they never had enough money, but at least they had each other. However, one day when a customer was being particularly rouch, Mundir couldnt stand to listen to his mothers cries anymore, and went in to kick the man out. A fight broke out, and Mundir soon passed out.

When he woke up, he realized that the man was dead. His mother was now terrified to be around him. While Mundir tried to understand what had happened, a strange man appeared at their door. It was his father. He had returned, much to his mothers happiness, and wanted to take Mundir with him.

Even though Mundir refused, it was made clear that he didnt have a choice. So, in the middle of the night, he ran. He didnt know where to go, but eventually snuck his way onto a ship. He was found by the crew not long after, and began to work as the assistant navigator.

After a while, he left in search of a boat that would travel to more exotic places. He met met Captain Lagoudakis at a portside pub, and struck a deal to become their ships new navigator.

Abilities: Invade
As of right now, he only has very vague knowledge that he is able to do this, and isnt able to control it.
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