The Evrensel Conflict -- Prologue, Chapter 3, Mission 4: Long Road Ahead

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Red Hood

After Thea shot someone dead, his response to which was essentially "What the fuck?!" Which got worse after whatever the Doctor did, freaked her out as she called out for someone to get the teleporter and run.

Jason grabbed a scientist and shoved him towards the containment chamber. "Grab the fucking thing and make it safe for us to take or so help me I will shoot out your knees and dick with this rifle!" He painfully jabbed the barrel right into the back of the scientist's head before retreating back a bit.

@Amber Franklin @Wade Von Doom @Epiphany.

As the situation got worse, Max did his best to help but tapping the creatures' knees as they ran towards them. Hopefully forcing them to drop so they would be easier targets for the others.

Eventually their armored red friend dropped down to join them, before said friend pointed out the door as Max basically helped in providing cover fire as he retreated with them towards the door. Standing with the strange lady that spoke with 'we's and such, before turning back as she provided support for them to further retreat.

@Wiggin @Wade Von Doom
Thor Odinson, God of Thunder

Thea had thus far proven to be no-nonsense and very inclined toward murder, so her killing a random scientist didn't surprise Thor. Ignoring the Doctor however did slight him. "Couldn't you have at least listened to the Doctor for one second?" He quizzed in an annoyed tone, giving a frustrated shrug as she was being restrained, feeling the brothers had her well in hand.

But just because things always had to get worse in this place...things got worse in this place. The Doctor's tone shifted to one of urgency, to grabbing the teleporter and getting the hell out.

"It never ends with this place!" Thor growls in irritation, then motions over to Red Hood and the scientist. "And I can make it much worse for you if you don't listen to my red-helmeted friend! Grab the thing!"

@The Wanderer @Amber Franklin @Wade Von Doom