The Evrensel Conflict: Prologue -- The Only Easy Day Was Yesterday (Stealth)

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Wade Von Doom

All Caps when you spell the Man's name
Original poster
Posting Speed
  1. Speed of Light
  2. Multiple posts per day
Writing Levels
  1. Advanced
Preferred Character Gender
  1. Male
  2. Female
Sci-fi, modern, horror, a bit of dark romance stories.
What passing-bells for these who die as cattle?

Only the monstrous anger of the guns.
Only the stuttering rifles' rapid rattle
Can patter out their hasty orisons.
No mockeries now for them; no prayers nor bells;
Nor any voice of mourning save the choirs,
The shrill, demented choirs of wailing shells;
And bugles calling for them from sad shires.
What candles may be held to speed them all?
Not in the hands of boys but in their eyes
Shall shine the holy glimmers of goodbyes.
The pallor of girls' brows shall be their pall;
Their flowers the tenderness of patient minds,

And each slow dusk a drawing-down of blinds.


You are in your home world, doing something of great importance to it. Or, you're minding your own business, keeping to yourself amid your surroundings. Or perhaps you're relaxing in a place you find comfort in, easing away the stress of the day. Then, before you could blink, something blinded you with a white flash, like a camera bulb suddenly went off in front of your eyes. Suddenly, you're in a free-fall. Gravity pulls you left, right and center, as you tumble through the air like a person falling from the clouds down to Earth.

With the speed of the fall pressing against your body, what little you can see is a barrage of bright lights passing you by. It looks like the passing of stars in the night sky at breakneck speed, with your body glowing white hot like you have suddenly caught fire. Yet you can also see a faint tint of blue around your body, protecting you from it. But the g-force is so much to take, you begin to pass out. The sound of everything begins to fade from your ears, and the white takes hold of your vision, until finally you black out.

The next thing you see, when finally awakening, is someone's voice echoing gently as you regain consciousness.

"Hello?!" The voice shouts. "Hellloooooo?! Anyone alive down there?"

Opening your eyes, once again you're greeted with blinding white. But, at least when your eyes adjust, you can see much more clearly your surroundings.

Or lack thereof. You float in the center of a circular, white room, with several turquoise colored rings around your body. Two are scanning you, while the rest hold your limbs in place like cuffs to keep you as still as a statue.

"If you're awake in there, don't panic! J-Just don't panic– keep calm, it's all fine, alright? Don't move too much, I'm gonna get you out of there! But, uhhhh… Don't know how to yet, but I promise, I will get you out of there!.... It-It's just a bit complicated up here is all, bit of a new computerized system I'm going through, I'm not used to it, so, I-I'm uhhhh, just learnin' on the fly here to make sure I don't do anything wrong before I can break you all out–"

Before he could finish the sentence, an alarm system went off. "AH! No no no no no, Uhhhhhh, stop, stop it, stop-stop-stop!" The voice exclaimed. "Ahhhhhh, right, new plan: I'm just gonna release you all real quick, because I think they're gonna start sending in security up here!"


The rings around you unlock While now finally free to move, you're still floating aimlessly in this room without gravity.

The panels along the way begin to retract and shift, the space becoming larger in size, while a group behind you gets separated by one of the walls closing shut between you and them.

The room begins to fill with gas from the small space between each wall panel, with a few opening up for drones to fly through and approach you and the others. "Hold on, hold on, hold oooooooooonnn– Got it!" The voice shouts excitedly, as two larger wall panels open, one behind you, and one above. You can see people looking down upon you from the top, ready to aid in your escape. "Go go go! Follow where that opening takes you!" The voice shouts.

Several of the drones nearby seem close enough to reach. A bit of wiggling reveals that some movement is possible, a bit like swimming.

Time to escape.



@Hero AS Wolf

@Girania the Knightess AS Anri


@Noble Scion AS Bem

@LenxKaitoYaoi AS Luer Lastez

@Valkan AS Tokui Uchiha

@Nero Kunivas AS Kiana Kaslana
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Idan blinks away the crust from his eyes as his body detaches from the rings. "Wha- Th- WOAAHHH!" He notices the lack of gravity and his eyes shoot wide. Waving his limbs about, flailing, he curses. "The fuck? Hold on? Where the hell am I?" As walls nearby closes shut, Idan forcibly pushes himself out of it's way, a hair's breath from getting crushed. "Oh shite! Better be fuckin' dreamin' right now. Swear ta' God. But if I'm not..."

Idan reaches into a muted green canvas sack. With a bit of hassel, he manages to pull out a small bag of white powder and a what looks to be a clear liquid solution in a large sprite bottle. "That book better 'ave been accurate." He turns, facing towards a wall, before he mixes the powder into the bottle. Moments later, the bottle fizzes and bursts, shooting out against the wall and pushing Idan in the opposite direction, towards the opening.

Under his heavy worried breaths, Idan mutters, "Tinkers are bullshite..."
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Bem - Mysterious white room (???)

Looking around, the bee would be met with confusion. One moment she'd been happily sucking the nectar out of one of the famed giant flowers of her hive's forest after being exiled, and the next she found her and her four arms, two legs, and even her wings confined by this mysterious energy.

There was the voice too, and the terrifying brightly lit surroundings, all of which were startlingly not the forest, and sending shivers of fear and panic through the young bee's skeleton, though they'd subside somewhat at the disappearance of the 'cuffs'.

Had she been sent to one of those terrifying honey-stealing hives she'd heard nightmare stories about? No, no. Looking around there were other people here too, and they weren't bees like she was. This was something else.

Reluctant as she was to accept the help of monsters, she didn't have many other options as her only escape made itself known in the form of opening panels.

Using her wings, she'd soon start buzzing her way to freedom, though a little unceremoniously as the lack of gravity messed up her flying, causing her to tumble and roll a little wildly, but still making good progress.
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From the Old World to the New Adventure

Anri wasn't hungry yet, but had decided to fetch her next meal anyway. It was in preparation for when she truly did become hungry, after all. Anyone would do the same. It was entirely logical for a little girl to go hunting and scrounging for food when not in a city… Unfortunately, her choice of food would not be normal, and the location she found the damned thing in was nowhere close to a logical hunting ground. She decided to hunt, roast, and eat the captured Bunyip being held in a cage in a bandit camp out in a swamp. Well, "hunt" is being generous. The creature was already captured, so there would be no actual tracking or trapping done whatsoever. Instead, there would be more trouble than any single hunt should be worth.

Anri, in an act that many would consider foolish, approached the camp out in the open. The bandits laughed at the fact that a possible slave they could sell literally came walking up to them of her own free will. Oh, how heavily they laughed as well! For it had taken them a long moment of unrestrained chortles to realize that the girl had pulled out a rifle and was already aiming at the Bunyip. The first one to realize that she had a weapon yelled out a startled profanity, just as she pulled the trigger and let loose a simple lightning shot.

If the profanity didn't stop everyone else's laugh, then the painful shrieks of the Bunyip being electrocuted. Now, the bandits would be angry at the girl, if not for the fact that the Bunyip's pained and erratic muscle jolts had allowed it to inadvertently break free of its cage. Anri had set the monster free. Keep in mind that this wasn't an accident on Anri's part. It was her usual plan when hunting Bunyips. Weaken it with an electric shock, lacerate it for easier cutting, then cook soon after it succumbs to its wounds. Anri's recipe for Bunyip roast after a fun hunt. If she was lucky, it would have a pleasant shock still on it when she dogs in!

Unfortunately for her, she would only make it to step one of that plan, as she was soon yanked away by a bright light, leaving the bandits to deal with a pissed off Bunyip with their stolen and scavenged weapons and no cage.

They were eaten.

The end.

But one story's end is another's beginning!

Anri would find herself in a predicament that she was not entirely new to. She was immobilized and suspended by a force she did not know or understand, surrounded by strangers in the same circumstance with an outside force attempting to break them free. As soon as her muscle control returned to her, she let out a joyous laugh! A new adventure! New friends! New foods and new games!

When the voice of the helpful stranger urged her and the others to go through an opening, she watched two others begin to make their way. One was being propelled by an explosion, while the other looked to be a bug of some kind! The others would soon follow up, so Anri decided to join in as well. With a twirl and pull, she began swimming in the air, up to the exit, where others yet awaited…
Collab post between me (Orange) and @FACELESSFACESFECKINGFLYING (Red)

As Idan floats towards the panel's opening, clutching the broken top of his bottle rocket, he takes a moment away from cursing his luck to scan over the room of his fellow abductees.

The first thing that comes to his attention is some sort of short bee humanoid -obviously a Case 53- trying use her(?) wings to fly towards the opening. Idan momentarily deliberates on whether or not to try and get her attention. 'I'm already fuckin' screwed out here.' Idan thinks to himself. 'Might as well try and get a cape on my side.'

While the idea of making first contact with a cape -especially a Case 53- is 'stupidly dangerous for anyone with a working brain and lack of powers', the red-headed Brocktonite decides to take his chances.

"Oi! Bumble-Bee!" Idan grimaces for slight moment. However, he quickly forces on a smile and continues. "Any clue on what's happenin' right now? 'Fraid I'm a bit.... lost."

First, the bee's antennae would swivel in the source of the sound's direction, soon followed by her head as she'd look towards Idan, apparently also confused.

Fluttering her wings to try and stabilise her controlled tumbling, she'd make an 'x' out of two of her arms, the other two resting on her hips. Her age-worn red scarf flowing dramatically in the lack of gravity, a satchel hooked over her shoulder, and a particularly used-looking spear, though it was more like a stick with a knife tied to it.

"Nope! This one has no idea, but she thinks it might be your human kind's doing." She'd chitter back, a hint of aggression in her voice before returning to her cautious flying.

Idan quickly raises his hands in a mock surrender. "Look. This type of bullshi- Oh Shite!" He curses as he begins to flip upside down, his ragged vagrant-looking jacket nearly wrapping over his face. Carefully, he pulls the jacket from off of his face and tucks it down in the waist-band of his pants. Following that, he twists his body facing down, with his head lifted forward and a green rugsack trailing along his back. Without turning, he tries to speak to the bee-humanoid again.

"I ain't trying to be your enemy." He says defensively. "This is some high-tier parahuman tinker-tech. In fact, it probably took multiple tinkers to build this." He tilts his head in the bee's direction. "But that don't mean we ain't trapped in the same fucked situation."

Bem would snicker at the man's antics as he'd struggle to control himself, easily amused by the simple gracelessness of it, though the smile would disappear again soon enough as Idan would speak, as if she'd forgotten who she was interacting with and only just remembered.

"ALL humans are bad. That's what the hive taught this one. I will find these tinkers and kill them so I can go back to my forest and serve out my exile." Bem would declare, surprisingly determined as she'd make such a bold claim, happy to have been given a goal, though not entirely sure what a 'tinker-tech' was, but believing it to be bad based on Idan's words.

"... And you are wise not to make an enemy of Bem, she can be very scary! Hm!"

Idan pinches the bridge of his nose and sighs in frustration. For every man and woman in this tinker tech deathtrap, his luck had him trying to strike up a conversation with the crazy one, a woman who believed herself to be an actual bee.

"That's... ju-." Idan stops himself and takes another deep breath. He considers his options. He could try to float away and leave things there and risk getting included on her kill list when she finally snaps or....

"You're absolutely right!" Idan exclaims with fabricated gusto. "Humanity. We are a real horrible bunch of creatures, aren't we?" He carefully gestures to himself, eyeing the bee-woman carefully to measure her responses. "Destroyin' nature, killing one-another pointlessly, and all that bad stuff."

Idan hides his cringes. Never in his right mind would he find himself engaging in the delusions of a Case-53. But, at this point, it's a matter a survival, and the Brocktonite knew he wasn't going to make it far by burning bridges. "Say. I have a bit of experience with dealing with other humans. What say I help you out with your goal of killing the tinkers who made this deathtrap, in the process paying off my innate-" He emphasized the word. "-human badness?"

This was it. Either she would buy his bullshit and he'd have a loose temporary cape ally... Or she would see right through him, most definitely making himself an enemy of her.

Bem would quirk her head at him, confused that he'd agree to much with her, though he brought up the wrong reasons, he seemed to be grasping the correct idea.

"Well.. Mainly human cultivators enslave my people for our honey is why... The rest of that stuff everyone does." She'd answer back with a chuckle, a dainty hand of hers rising up to her lip and poking at it in thought, before returning to her chest to join in on the two sets of folded arms.

"... This one thinks she does not need your help." Bem would continue, a certain smugness in her denial of his assistance as she'd smirk at him with her small mouth. Human cultivators were fickle and dangerous to let close, and she'd heard too many horror stories to just let one get close to her. She intended to keep her distance if possible.

Idan nods and hums along to Bem's words, pretending to understand and acting unsurprised. In reality, he couldn't be more baffled. Not at the ramblings of the obviously deranged Case-53. Idan considered that as just part of the course, given how some capes are.

Rather, in the last four minutes, Idan's witnessed Bem go from aggressive to confused to amused before rejecting his offer with a sense of smugness. While a part of him is worries about his survival chances, another part of him finds her refusal as a relief. 'Maybe. Just maybe-' He thinks to himself. '-I've just dodged one hell of a fuckin' bipolar bullet.'

Blinking a few times, he manages to pull himself out of his head as he smiles back at the bee-woman, a minor spark of genuine happiness shining in his light blue eyes. "I'd wish you luck. But I barely got none for myself." Idan pushes himself off of a nearby wall, trying to gain more speed as he rushes towards the opening.

The bee would nod humbly to the kind gesture of offering luck, not that she really understood it. Her kind usually wished each other safety, but humans always had been a strange people.

"Stay.. Lucky?" She'd call back, a little confused but hoping the message got conveyed before resuming her gravity-less bumbling towards the exit.
Tokui Uchiha

It was a cold evening on an undisclosed forest of the Land of Fire, quite a ways away from the Leaf Village. Tokui was heading towards a Raitonbo hideout after a successful mission. He was to assassinate some rampaging shinobi, whose fits of rage left villages in ruins. Tokui took a subtle approach to the task at hand. Approaching the man as he walked alone, Tokui faked a sense of friendship, he slowly made the man lost in drinks he had offered. When he looked inebriated enough, both went for a walk. Tokui lead him away from any potential witnesses. Before the man could react to the certainly unnerving situation, his chest was already pierced by a chakra blade from behind. The shinobi struggled for a few instants, before dropping with a dry thud on the ground.

One visit to the nearest spot where he could get his bounty later, leaves us with Tokui skillfully jumping from tree to tree. One more name tallied off his Bingo Book. At this pace, he'd make it to his destination before dawn. That's what would have happened, were it not for the fact, that he was sucked out of reality, for a lack of a better term.

He was twisted and turned as he fell, absurdly faster than anything his Sharingan could register. Speaking of, he felt sluggish as he fell, as if his life force was being drained. Then, just as he was about to pass out, he snapped back to reality. Not his though, this looked far too... advanced? For even scientific ninja tool laboratories. More importantly, he was fully restrained. He could barely move. He still had his belongings and was even wearing his skull mask. Whoever kidnapped him was confident.

The eerie silence was broken when a voice from above seemed to have released them, an opening on the side of the wall opened as another locked for him. Having no idea how he got here, leaving sounded nice, even though disembodied unknown voices were not to be trusted. With his feet chakra locked to his holding deck, he looked around. A guy, a... bee... person? What? Questions for later. And a girl slowly making her way as well, swimming in the low gravity environment.

Tokui clicked his tongue. He had no idea how much time they had, and while he usually would avoid interacting with people, he wasn't about to leave a little girl to her own devices. That being considered, he leaped off the table, gently grabbing the girl as he locked himself to the floor now. "Sorry about that, let me help you out" He said, quickly weaving some signs with his hands. The result were jets of water propelling him at high speeds towards the exit, little girl in tow.
Luer crossed his arms as he listened to this stupid ball progressively fuck things up. Naturally. He face palmed and shook his head. His disdain for technology was founded on the grounds of his general discomfort around it, but this only seemed to add on to the reasons he did not want to deal with it. Perhaps someone with an actual brain might have had better luck working these machines and not risk hurting someone than these so called 'intelligent' robots.

When the doors opened and he could see the others inside, he quickly scanned over the group. A child, two guys and a bee lady. The kid would have been his first priority, but one of the guys got her. The bee lady and the other man seemed to be going their own way. He took his bow, gripped it at one end to extend his reach and held it out to the girl. "Grab on." He called to her.
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- Kiana Kaslana, Herrscher of Flamescion -

What a perplexing turn of events. One moment, Kiana Kaslana was in the Hyperion, having recently returned from mourning the loss of her mentor Himeko and celebrating the defeat of the Legion Herrscher with her friends, the next she was being spirited away, not unlike her recent trips to the Theater of Domination, yet this one was a more prolonged travelling experience that sent her unconscious for a few moments. The last thing she remembers was calling out to her friends for help and their faces of shock and worry before darkness took her.


Upon awakening, Kiana saw through blurry eyes that not only was she not on the Hyperion anymore, she wasn't anywhere she knew anymore, certainly not the Theater of Domination. Worse still, she was restrained, grimly reminding her of her time with the Jackal. Her attempts to struggle were futile as she called out desperately: "B-Bronya?! Fu Hua?" In a quieter voice she would also utter; "Mei...?" But none of these names would be answered, furthermore, she felt something Questions for later, as it was time to move. The restraints had been deactivated by a timid, yet friendly voice, who instructed her and others present to leave this place and fast.

Kiana was surrounded by unfamiliar faces, all wearing strange clothes and looking about as out of place as herself. But they were united by their desire to escape and find answers, and seeing they were in need, Kiana would leap to their aid. The child was already helped by another man who seemed to fly using water, while a...bee lady? And another man were leaving, leaving only a petite archer and a girl, with the former offering help to the latter. As the archer seemingly was magnetized to the ground, it was towards Bem and Idan that Kiana made her way via small platforms beneath her feet using the Void Core, giving her a measure of solid "ground" to work with.

Surreptitiously, Kiana slipped around the bee lady, taking her in her arm as she moved to the older man alongside her, to take him in the other arm, before readying new void platforms beneath her feet, but not before saying apologetically, yet firmly: "Sorry, this'll be faster. Hold on!" With a jet of flame from behind her and a springing jump off of the platforms she'd made, Kiana would take Idan and Bem as she propelled herself higher towards the point of exit in the ceiling.
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Once everyone had made it to their exits, the panels would close behind them, cutting off the drones in the room from following. "Everyone alright? I̶ ̶h̵e̸a̷r̷d̶ ̸s̸h̸o̵u̶t̶i̷n̷g̷

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The comms for the little robot that was helping them became garbled and messy, static white noise drowning out Wheatley's voice. It would become too unbearable to listen to, before finally cutting out. Now this certainly wasn't part of the plan. Or as much of the plan as Luer could remember. He wouldn't remember how they entered the station, only that they needed to take it. But the how and why were lost to him, just as much as they were lost to his teammates, separated across from him by a large metal wall; too thick to speak through.

He could at least tell them of what he did know, his adventures of before coming to this station, and the enemy they faced that brought them here. Whatever he did next with his ragtag team of new companions, the metal floor panel they were standing on began to move backwards, the opposite direction from where Alec, Moire, Felix and the newbies were going.

Even stranger, and more concerning, was that the zero gravity they were faced with began to disappear. While Luer had magnetic disks strapped to his heels to keep him planted to the ground, the others would slowly feel gravity return, and could step onto the floor with him. Something was going on around them, it wasn't because of Luer, or Wheatley, but something else now surrounding them in this narrow corridor. The lights, bright white, began to fade softly from sterile high color temperature, to a toned down faded greyish tone, like that of old fluorescent lighting.

As they dimmed, the darker corners of the corridor became more noticeable. The umbra of the shadows grew in size, like it was reaching out to touch everyone in the corridor. With each passing second, the lights grew dimmer, and before long, the floor panel they were all on began to move faster. Its speed went from gentle to an increase in gravitational force in a matter of minutes, like riding downhill on a bike.

The faster they went, the bigger the shadows became. The corridor became a blur, and the lights passed by so quickly, the passing motion of them was coming a solid line of faded white. Yet, the darkness grew bigger, engulfing everything but the light, and while they could barely even make out the floor beneath them anymore, with only their upper bodies illuminated by the light above, something would tickle along their skin. Like fingertips reaching up to touch them.

Something was in the darkness. And it wanted them all.
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'Shaker?' Idan thinks to himself, his memories returning to the world he unknowingly left, searching for a frame of reference to describe the power he saw. Idan recalls a similar powered cape from the Bay, Grue, a shaker whose effect creates a blanket of dark smoke which disrupts communication lines. But this was more than your average shaker's theatrics. It's range and power is larger, surrounding them despite their speed and he can feel it. This scale is way out of his capabilities. This... this... this.... was-

"Bullshite!" Idan curses out into the darkness, pushing a hand into his duffel bag. Here he is, a nobody, in some goddamn tinkers' compound megaproject, being hounded by a creepy shadowy bastard. "I've read the statistics." He says aloud in a more measured tone. "This how I die, ain't it?" He whispers to himself, before shaking his head.

"Maybe... But I ain't gonna give em' them an easy time of it." He whispers again, as his hand digs out a long and thick drum with a long fuse. It's a firework. The type he had to buy custom made in ABB territory given it's danger. Old habits kick in as he breaks the firework open and holds it under just under the shadows beneath his body, creating a trail of ashy powder flying behind him and the platform, in the process releasing a putrid chemical smell, only faint due to speed that the platform is constantly moving away from it.

Idan looks towards the upper-light-covered halves of the other abductees. "So!" He says in a loud presentable voice "Any of you capes got a solution to this, be my guest. Elsewise, I'm sparkin' as soon as this-" He briefly lifts up the firework, still creating an ashy-chemical trail. "-runs out of fuel. Burnin' a multi-coloured line from wherever we were two minutes ago, to wherever we are when this empties. Hopefully, burning whatever shadow-summoning bastard is chasing us in the process."
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Bem - Mysterious dark room (???)

With some reluctance, the bee would grab onto Luer's bow since it was offered, though she'd make a note of protecting her hands with a layer of her aura, a faint lilac glow forming over them as a sweet fragrance would fill the air. Bem hadn't detected anything with ill-intent coming from him, but an odd instinctual feeling made her feel uneasy, like he was hiding something. Perhaps a bloodline? She couldn't tell.

Bem wouldn't thank him, but instead give him an uneasy chittering sound almost as a warning as they'd float through the air, a little more graciously than before now that she was anchored to someone.


Though it wouldn't last long as the gravity would fade, along with the light, plunging them all into a discomforting darkness, earning more anxious hissing from the bee, though she'd continue to hold onto the bow for the sake of not being left alone.

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Tokui Uchiha

Tokui landed on the platform outside their containment room safely. "Are you alright?" He asked to the girl he had his arm wrapped around. Not that she would have had much of a chance on whatever her answer would be. The mechanical voice showing concern for them quickly warped to the point of not being understood. Now a wall separated them from the other escapees. Tokui considered breaking through it, but at least they were away from those machines.

Some mechanism triggered not long after, making the floor move across a tunnel of sorts. He noticed feeling pulled towards the floor as one would usually feel, so he undid his chakra grip on it. Tokui then realized that he was still holding the girl, which he would've let go, if not for how concerning things started to turn. The lighting slowly faded, and darkness slowly filled the tunnel as they moved faster and faster. It was particularly concerning for him, as his sharingan couldn't see through it at all. This was no genjutsu he had ever felt either. The crawling sensation was very much real then.

With a quick sign, Tokui summoned forth a copy of himself, while the original one switched to give the girl a piggyback ride "Hold on tight!". He was trying his best to keep her away from that unsettling darkness. Meanwhile, the copy Tokui did a few signs with a kunai in hand. The end result was a Storm nature chakra blade extending from the kunai's own. Then he proceeded to try and slash and stab the mysterious darkness beneath them. "Should I try to stop the platform?" Tokui asked to the group, as whatever he decided did not only affect him. Were he to be alone, he might have tried something else without asking, but how much more effort did making that one shadow clone require and the fact he couldn't use his Susanoo ever since first trying in this place... There was a lot that remained unknown, less than ideal working conditions.
Hello, Darkness My New Enemy

The child simply laughed as one of the others grabbed hold of her to rocket on over to wherever it was they needed to go. It was pretty fun, even when they were all being moved around at varying speeds with Anri not necessarily understanding where they were or what was happening. It was a funny kind of chaotic! Kinda reminded her of her friends in the Dawn Covenant, only with strangers! The man that was carrying her even put her on his back. It was weird. He also somehow summoned a copy of himself. It was more weird. Said copy used magic to make a shining sword of light to swing around in funny wa-

Suddenly, Captain Evelynn's words flowed through her mind again: 'Anri, would you like to look around?'

Her voice was gentle, her memory had an uneasy smile, but warm nonetheless. She would often ask Anri questions like this… Anri faded back from the words, and looked around. The group was on alert. A dark presence begun to swallow the surroundings, leaving only the brightest parts of the light sources alone. Some of them, like the person who was carrying her, even attempted to fend it off or ward it away. To Anri, this was… well, it wasn't a dumb idea, but it gave away that they were on edge and knew nothing about it. It made them look like easy prey to manipulate. Only violent beasts would not see such a plain sight of confusion.

One of the few things she learned from her old friends was that a threat cannot simply be fought. It had to be observed and planned around, even if it has to be a quick process. So Anri squirmed in the stranger's arms. She didn't break free, but managed to touch the shadows enough to see what had them so concerned. They tickled, which made the situation a lot more understandable. Still, trying to force change in a situation with unknown variables was a bad idea. She decided to recite something one of her friends used to mutter.

"Breathe. Calm down and listen for it…"
- Kiana Kaslana, Herrscher of Flamescion -

As if things weren't difficult enough already, it all went from bad to worse once gravity began acting on the group again, bringing Kiana to a crouching position on the ground, and the voice of Wheatley was lost to a nightmarish mishmash of technological noise before silence fell and darkness began to settle in. An unnatural shadow that not only knew the group was there, but it was coming for them. It was a feeling of oppression Kiana knew from her days in Arc City, fighting off the influence of Sirin, but visualized for her and all to see...

But this time, it would not be the warm flames of her class monitor that would light the way, but the blazing flame of hope from Kiana herself. From the embers, Everlasting Flames would be summoned to Kiana's hand, the blade's tip resting on the ground as she held it in a reverse grip. In the silence that followed Idan's firecracker plan, Kiana eyed their surroundings and timed her breaths, keeping herself calm and grounded.

Whatever the shadows did, she was ready to strike at a moments notice.
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With Idan, Tokui and Kiana trying to attack the darkness, they would see that it would react to the sudden brightness; cowering it away from the three. The darkness itself was strange to look at once illuminated. It had a form. A fuzzy, gooey substance of pure black, coiling back from the sudden light like an animal would fire. Its fuzzy texture looked like water vibrating softly, and its form was meniscus as it surrounded the three.

It separated from them by a few inches; the metal flooring beneath them reappearing once more, and it stayed away from them for a few seconds, studying their movements, their sources of light. Once again, like an animal assessing the danger. It looked as though their fire would work to keep it away, giving them freedom to find an escape.

But, once it realized the fire couldn't actually hurt them, it struck fast. Once more like water, it flung itself at the three, starting at this feet, then quickly moving up their bodies like a vertical spike wave. It would smother them, drown them in darkness, and snuff out the flames of Kiana's sword and Idan's fireworks. Tokui's copy would be pop like a balloon, while the other two were dragged down into the darkness with the force of an ocean wave crashing down upon their heads.

Yet, it wouldn't do anything like that to Anri or Bem, or even the real Tokui, should he be smart enough to listen to the child.

The tickling feeling along their legs and lower bodies would spread across their bodies, yet they weren't smothered by it like Kiana and Idan. Instead, they would begin to float above it. The darkness assessed them, and saw no danger. Gently, they began to float towards the lights above them. The howling wind passing by them from the speed of the platform disappeared, and the light was now a solid line with no sign of movement. They had stopped, and with careful ease, the darkness gave them an exit.

The light grew bigger as they were pushed towards it, and they would see walls along its sides. The light had somehow become a doorway, another corridor for them to leave through. The darkness pushed them through it, and in the blink of an eye, they were standing along the edge of large block of metal, in an endless maze of shifting metal block, phasing through each other and constantly in motion.


Kiana and Idan would be returned to the group, but in a much more violent manner. In that, they were throw across the gorge from out of the corners of the shifting metal squares, in hopes they would either fall into the endless abyss of space that lead to nowhere, or be crushed once they did finally land on solid ground.

Whatever happened to them, a warning siren would go off; echoing across the place.


The drones from earlier would fly past them from above, and more would show up from around the corner, all heading in the same direction: East, down the darkest path of this place. The darkness was affecting the station, and if no one stopped the core from melting down, everyone here was going to end up as space debris.
Sekiro, The One-Armed Wolf

Wolf did not like the massive fortress sailing the black sea of empty space beyond the sky. He did not like many things unfamiliar to him, for they were difficult to properly read the danger of. Not knowing how much risk something presented was a problem when your primary goal is to protect someone. The fact that Kuro wasn't here changed very little about his approach.

Their goal required the utmost subtlety and swiftness. As a shinobi, this was his area of expertise. He had until this point remained hidden, watching Luer's back as they traversed the mechanical monolith. It was not long then, before they found the slew of imprisoned people they'd be taking with them, as varied in appearances as those he'd first met himself on this unexpected journey. For an instant, the sight of a small figure with dark hair caused his body to tense as he mistook the child for Kuro. A moment later his mind caught up with his eyes and he let out a breath, one part relief and another disappointment. Just a young girl, not the Divine Heir.

Upon completing the initial objective without complications, he almost expected the sudden reversal of fortune. To make any more progress as smoothly as they had been would be too unlikely in his experience. Though his guard was raised, the darkness engulfed and transported him elsewhere the same as everyone else.

Reflexively, his eyes darted towards the smallest member of their group. She was of course not his lord, and he was not obligated to watch over her. But old habits were difficult to break, it seemed. As it was, she seemed safe enough with the decisive seeming water user they'd picked up. His unnecessary worries satisfied, Wolf tore his gaze away and took in their surroundings.

The colossal chamber they now found themselves in was a sight he could only compare to the Fountainhead, in sheer size if not majesty. Had he travelled here of his own volition, perhaps he would have taken the time to commit it to memory, but there was no time for such frivolity now.

"Luer," he spoke, making his presence known at the side of his ally, "Please impress upon them the urgency of our task. We cannot afford to hesitate."

He returned his eyes to the path ahead. The shadows were undoubtedly thick, partially hindering even his own sight, which ordinarily would not struggle to see even in the complete absence of light. However, the fact that he could still navigate at all left him best suited to the task.

"My vision is not entirely obscured. I will take the lead."

Of course, that and the grim fact that any traps encountered would have a far harder time putting down Wolf than any of his less resilient fellows.
Idan would be returned to the group, but in a much more violent manner. In that, they were throw across the gorge from out of the corners of the shifting metal squares, in hopes they would either fall into the endless abyss of space that lead to nowhere, or be crushed once they did finally land on solid ground.
"Fuckfuckfuckfuckfuck!" Idan curses and flails around as he is launched across the gorge. He thinks to himself, 'Damn capes. Can't fuckin' fly. Hell's I'm 'posed to do?' As he falls closer to the hard metal floor, soon to meet a painful and pasty-end, his thoughts are disrupted by a loud siren.
Moments later, drones begin to pour out from behind him. Still flailing about, Idan reaches out with one arm and grabs one of the drones as they fly by. "Shite!" He curses once again, as his arm dislocates from taking the whiplash of his momentum going against the drone's speed. "Not dyin' today. Not dyin' today. Fuck that!" He grits through the pain and quickly uses his other arm arm to grab the top of the drone and pushes himself up. As the drone continues along it's path, slower from the additional weight, Idan looks below him and sees the others standing along the edge of large block of shifting metal. Under his breath, he mutters, "Fuckin' capeshite..."

Idan turns his attention to the drone ferrying him. "Lookie here, tinker. If you're listenin' through your drones. I don't understand half the shite that's been goin' on lately, but I'm pretty sure a core meltdown is bad for all of us 'ere. You don't want your pretty base blown up, and I don't want to get blown up with it. What say we help each-other out?" Idan leans on his good arm and pushes more of his upper body onto the drone. "Got some explosive shite in my pack. I could toss 'em when that shadow bastard gets close to one of them drones, scare 'em away a bit." Idan internally groans, thinking to himself. 'Where the fuck has my life gone to? Talkin' with a metal tin-can who's owner probably can't hear me.'
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Luer gave a small nod once Bem took the bow and he pulled her up. With everyone out of the floating area and on their feet again, Luer looked to the bow he held out for Bem and tilted his head as she kept a hold of it. He will not comment, though, unless he needed it. If it gave her some sense of security that was fine. Moving from the edge and taking a glance over them he nodded. It seemed the others were alright, if naturally confused. Trying to explain that was going to be difficult.

He looked up when the robot glitched out. Difficult and postponed, it would seem. From there everything went to hell very quickly. He stared ahead, tightening his own grip on his bow as the lights started shifting, and he could swear the shadows were moving. But that was one of many concerns when he gasped as the floor start moving. Oh hell. Between the moving and the lights the way they were, the nausea set in quickly and he was forced to kneel down- he feared losing his balance otherwise. The most he could do to even try easing it was to close his eyes so the lights were less compounding to the motion sickness.

This helped, if a little, but it did make things co placated for him. He felt something, and not being able to see what touched him he could only try and carefully shift away from it. Not that it did any good. He could only go off of a few cues, one of which was Idan's words. Shadows? Given that the feeling was not overly concerning for more than just his feet that he could tell, he opted to ignore it in favor of listening to the others and trying not to throw up.

Eventually, that tickling feeling faded and the motion slowed down and eventually stopped. Not enough to stop his nausea, but enough to deem it safe to open his eyes again. His vision proved to be of little help though, as what he saw was… nonsense. He flinched at the siren that went off, and gave a concerned look as Idan and Kiana were launched from somewhere he could not necessarily see at first. Idan ended up on a drone and flying off to who knows where.

He looked to Wolf when the man spoke his name, shrugging. He was not sure he really needed to do that, the siren was pretty damn imposing in term of 'hurry the fuck up', he felt. "I am fine, if ready to vomit at any moment. But I will not argue. By all means." He was nauseous, and frankly in a place like this he would be leading no more than anyone else in the group would. He had no idea where they were going. He looked to Bem for a moment. "Shall we?" He asked with a gesture to Wolf. He was content to follow him right now if she was. He was not about to let go of his bow, anyway.
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The Mission Objective is That Way!

What followed the darkness was a bit varied. Those that hurt the dark entity were punished, while those who had done nothing were brought somewhere else. Not to worry! The two that were punished were thrown into the same room as the others! One of whom had grabbed one of those small, floating metal golems while in the air. He was being dragged on over somewhere else, and it was honestly a funny sight. Not too funny, but enough to make Anri giggle. She watched as the things made their way down yet another dark passage.

Now, here's something that one must understand. For all her childishness, she is still a Templar of the Dawn Covenant, and thus she knows how to listen. She heard that disembodied voice warn about something urgent. She heard the exchange between the new man and the blue-haired man. She pieced it together that they were forced into a mission of import and urgency. Which meant that the mission was to follow those golems and stop the meltdown!

Unfortunately for the group, Anri was still a wild child, and so she tends to forget stuff like someone saying that they're going first. Anri began to squirm out of the grasp of the other person, eventually succeeding and falling to the floor. She scrambled forward and began making a dash in the same direction as the machines and the guy that was hanging on to one of them. She didn't laugh or giggle like she usually did, but she had a smile on her face just the same. Onwards into the darkness once more!
Tokui Uchiha

"Good advice. That is why the clone is acting, and I'm waiting." He replied to the young one, and their particularly mature answer. As usual, using a shadow clone as bait was a good idea. While the light of his storm chakra seemed effective in dispersing the still growing darkness, it did little more. It was then that the darkness backed away for an instant, before engulfing the ones attempting to drive it away violently. The clone was quickly hit out of existence, while Tokui was more gently carried away. This... thing, isn't very smart when it comes to enemy detection, or so it would seem.

Tokui's eyes were greeted by a new sight once the darkness let go. A massive area, filled with puzzling shapes constantly shifting around. As much as he would like to take his time inspecting the place carefully, four things urged him to act quickly. A loud alert which meaning eluded him, it couldn't be anything good, however, as a respectable horde of machines flew past them. Then the two attacking the darkness were brought there less gracefully. one being spat out into the robot horde, while the other simply was falling to the unknown depths of the chasm near them. Finally, the one that had remained silent urged them to move, he seemed to have some semblance of what was going on. The girl took this to heart and hopped off his back, running off into the darkness, by herself.

All in all, not good. But there was no time to think too much about this. Weaving a sign, he swiftly created two more clones. One of the shadow clones used chakra enhancement to leap and intercept the large sword lady, using a wind technique and dispersing to redirect her for the other one to catch, once he did, the remaining clone moved to the back of the moving group "Miss, are you alright?" The clone asked as they moved.

The real Tokui used his athleticism to catch up to the girl in a couple of hops. "Unlike what you said before, it's not very smart to run off on your own to face an unknown threat... Or run towards it in general..." By now, Tokui had picked up this was no regular child. The strange weapon, the scars, and of course, the demeanor towards imminent danger. That said, he didn't pick her up again, opting instead to keep a vigilant sharingan on the surroundings, while casually jogging to keep the girl's pace. "Though the situation does demand we hurry"