IC Turner City

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Gabriel laughed for the first time in what felt like forever. In reality, it was the first time in months. There was not much reason to laugh before now. It was the company, it was Devon that even allowed him to relax enough to let him laugh and provide him content to laugh about. She had the face of a serious woman, but the personality of a silly and lovable one.

"Cheese is your new big thing? I do recall you had a little big thing for cheese back in college. Thank the stars you aren't lactose intolerant, then you'd really be in trouble." He looked away from her briefly when an unfamiliar face walked into the aisle, scanning the shelves. He gently put his hand against Devon's back and guided her out of the way, consequently nearer to him.

With one question, she instantly grabbed his full attention once again, "me? No, no," he was almost laughing once again. He hardly had time for himself, how would he possibly see anyone else? And who would want to see him when he was ... curse. He did not want to see anyone else when he was such a mess. "I'm just taking time to myself." he had been for the last few years.

@peach 」​

  • Hit Me in My FEELS
Reactions: peach

Ah yes, dairy. Her truest love in life. For now at least. " Yeah, cheese." Devin giggled. " It's an interesting field… Maybe I'll have to start my own dairy farm. Can you imagine me in overalls?" She joked, taking a step inwards as she noticed his arm swing around.

Devin whispered a quiet "excuse me" to the stranger, her breath halting in her chest under Gabe's touch. She felt heat rush into cheeks and ears, a bashful smirk tugging at her lips. Oof… Gunna have to unpack this later…

"That's great, now you can be my boyfriend!" Devin started excitedly, clasping his hand in hers. " Well, my boyfriend at fancy chef parties… I need to bring a plus one and get everyone off my back about you know what." She explained, cringing at the thought.
Code by Jenamos
  • OMG
Reactions: MaryGold



"I could actually," Gabe had seen his fair share of women, men, and all others in overalls. He was from the farming village of Greenwich where overalls were the fashion. Meaning all shapes, sizes, and shades had at least one pair. And Devon had the build for sleek and professional and cozy and farmish. Farmish specifically. "You're not afraid to get your hands dirty." One of the many traits he admired about her.


Gabriel nearly stumbled back against the shelf behind him, instead, he dropped his basket, and luckily his wind bottle didn't crack open. The pace of his heart quickened unnaturally, his vision somehow brightened when looking back at her. She was full of so much more color than a moment before and he was just about sure he was having a heart attack.

The explanation that followed nearly missed his ears, but fortunately, he caught it or he would truly lose his heart. "O-oh," Gabe breathed, not relieved, but finding that looseness in his body again. He would have to get his eyes and heart checked at a later date. But he could pretend to be a boyfriend for a friend, even if only briefly. It wasn't as if he had anything more to do. "I can do that. If they're chef parties, then I can show off my cooking as a skill of impression." Even if he was just a home cook. What else could she showcase?

"But I am sure you won't need me long." Devon was Devon, she would meet someone.

@peach 」​

  • Love
Reactions: peach

Devin let out a long sigh of relief, giving the air a small punch to claim her victory. "Yessss, thanks Gabe, you're the besssst!" Devin cheered, quickly reaching down to lift his basket for him. "Why don't you come over and I'll cook you a meal sometime this week? Celebrate our first meal as a happy couple." She teased, though she spoke much more tenderly now.

"A home chef is my favorite." Devin reminded warmly, a wide smile still spread across her face. "And don't worry, Gabriel! I'll always need you." She placed her hand on his shoulder and gave him a gentle, reassuring shove.

That was cheesy. Don't laugh. DEVIN DO NOT LAUGH, JESUS-
She'd become hopelessly giddy and excitable, and all it took was a trip to the grocery store. She'd been reunited with the dearest friend - and let's be honest, had(?) a bit of a crush on- she had ever known and they were already making plans to hang out again after all this time. For the first time in quite a while… Devin was hopeful for her future.
Code by Jenamos
  • Sweet
Reactions: MaryGold



Everything was just an act, pretend, with jokes between here and there. They were putting on a show for her coworkers and this was the rehearsal. But the logic and context behind her words did nothing to stop that awful and nearly crippling heart race. Least of all when he could easily read the kindness behind the most important statement. She would always need him. As cheesy as it sounded loud. It was nice to hear. Even if he knew it wasn't true.

"Our celebration as a couple and my birthday dinner." Gabe bumped his shoulder against hers gently. He took his basket and hers both away from her and began transferring her groceries into his. "I'll pay for the ingredients and you can cook them." Once he was done loading the basket, he dropped an empty one onto a shelf.

"Come on now, I want that steak dinner Chef Kaser." He opened his palm and gestured out of the aisle. Having dinner with Devon Kaser, his best friend, his crush, and the first love of his life, now when things felt, looked an tasted bleak was the best unexpected late birthday gift he could have asked for. It was worth the wait.

@peach 」​

  • Love
Reactions: peach

Devin made sure to take note of how natural it felt to tuck her arm around his, interlocking them solidly as they moved down the aisle together. She took note of the butterflies fluttering busily within her stomach, the way her head pulled towards his shoulder like a magnet, and the way her cheeks hurt from smiling. Her cheeks radiated and she could feel her heartbeat start to pick up.

Devin looked up at him, stealing glances now and again just to remind herself it was real. Why did this feel bigger than her wedding day? She definitely need a drink after this, was she feeling okay? Did she smoke earlier and had forgotten about it? Surely she would have been happy to see an old friend but this? This was a lot.

"You can pay this time, I'll pay next time though." Devin bargained, giving him another warm laugh. "If it's a steak dinner you want, it's a steak dinner you'll have."
Code by Jenamos
  • Love
Reactions: MaryGold

The first official time skip. There has been a fast-forward of two days later and the city falls on the day of Halloween.


DATE: October 31st, 2035. Sunday.

TIME: Up to the players for their scenes.

WEATHER: 47.6°F (8.7°C). Cool sweater weather and wet from previous rain.


Many still look to have fun but within doors.

  • Love
Reactions: peach
Daniel Rivergash
The Backstreets of Turner City

Interactions: Elodie @PavellumPendulum

It's Halloween night, and that means that Daniel was putting in double duty. He was still looking for leads on his sisters' murder, and trying to dig into how exactly the gangs of Turner City operated. That wasn't going very far. Running up to random people and trying to ask him questions about what they knew about criminals in the area had never got him much sympathy nor much success, and doing it on Halloween night had yielded similar results. With the night about half over, he shifted to the second part of his job as Turner City's least subtle vigilant and gang-buster; punching people who seemed like assholes.

His attire wasn't exactly subtle. He walked around in a big baggie hoodie which kind of helped, but Daniel's form was just an obvious one. The merfolk's form had been mutated and warped from chemical exposure, so he looked like a shit sandwich with extra mayo. Distinctive, obviously, and not something you wanted anything to do with after it got close. The hoodie only made him look less like an obvious eyesore, transforming him into a mostly obvious eyesore instead. It also hid his spiked knuckles, which did admittedly give him a slight advantage at turning the tides in a brawl. Given his physique and natural strength however most people got the message before he had to bring out the jagged pieces of metal and let things get really messy.

In this particular instance, Daniel is walking down the streets with heavy breaths, willing the bruise on his side to shut up already. He had found a real creep accosting some folks leaving a costume party, and when he had started to get physical that was when he made his move. It wasn't a difficult fight for the mer-brute: one good punch had been enough to sent the guy packing and the accosted partiers on their way. But he had gone and slipped on the curb as he left the scene, tripping and eating shit by colliding with a nearby dumpster. It had not been one of his finest moments, nor one of his more picturesque saves, but he had been trying to focus on the good deed and not on the radiating heat flushing out from his ribcage-adjacent area. He had taken worse beatings in his life. It was just...rather undignifying.

For now, he ignored the pain and surveyed the streets, knowing a couple backalleys where thugs and goons still picked pockets and mugged folks. It wasn't the gangbreaking lead that he wanted, but it was honest enough work to enjoy. His tail hovered side to side as he walked the blackened backstreets. He had heard a shout earlier; and while it was nothing, he wanted to check it out first before maybe calling it an early night to give his ribs a much needed break before he got sent to another new job site tomorrow morning.
She was regretting doing errands so late in the evening.

Elodie held no disdain for Halloween, truly. The Witching Flour often saw a spike in sweet treats being ordered around this time of the year and she truly did think costumes and the like were fun. Celebrating was something people needed to do and she could emerge with a touch more chocolate in her stomach than normal, it was a win in her book. She too, was clad in costume, her butterfly wing corset dress pulled taught against her body and swaying in the evening breeze. She glittered underneath the streetlights until she didn't.

Delivering that last minute order of cupcakes to the nearby Halloween party hadn't seemed like such a big deal. Estelle was prepping for tomorrow and it wasn't as though they had an on call delivery driver. Plus, a fifteen minute walk hadn't seemed so bad... But now, backing up and feeling her shoulder blades make contact with the cold, grimy surface of the wall behind her, she was berating herself for being so stupid. Halloween magic meant nothing to those who meant to do others harm. Celebrations would not stop them, not these two men, from backing her into a corner, her wide eyes catching the faintest glints of their canines in the darkness.

Hands reached out to grab her bag, where the payment for her delivery sat. A jolt of fear rushed through her like a lightning bolt, as she suddenly cried out, throwing her leg forward to kick at one of them, the panic setting her blood cold. Why had she chosen baking over self-defence classes? Why hadn't she sprinted towards a crowd instead of continuing down the more isolated way towards the bakery? Why hadn't she kept Estelle on the phone, to send for help if she found herself in a bad situation?

She struggled, holding her bag against her the best that she could, shuddering with a high pitched wheeze when one of the men knocked her head to the side with his open palm.

Her world spun.
code by wren.
  • Hit Me in My FEELS
Reactions: Ghostie
Daniel Rivergash
Interactions: @PavellumPendulum

He rounded the corner, glad for the lack of streetlights. It was a lot easier to work here in the scummier parts of town, half of the streetlights didn't even seem to bother trying to turn on and the others died about half as often. His merfolk eyes appreciated the consistency; he had found himself stalking through the darkness and avoiding the lamps just so his eyes wouldn't have to adjust back to the sharpness of light. The effect of needing to swing around the lights like this lead to something of a suspicious apperance. A lone large man stalking the night, swimming through the darkness like a shark and avoiding pools of light. Nobody had talked to him about it though, and it wasn't likely anyone would mention it anytime soon. That left Daniel to be busy Dark-Sharking no matter how suspicious it looked-

Though it helped when you were pulling up on two scumbags in the middle of stealing a nice ladies' purse. For all of the hate that Daniel could muster for gang members, murderers and all the weird sacrifice bullshit that was going on, there was a different level of disdain that he felt for muggers. Most people in Turner were just trying to get by, and punching down wasn't helping out at all. Well, one thing was for certain. The butterfly had had a bad enough day, time to turn things around a little bit. Pulling his hood higher like a superhero donning a cowl, Daniel pointed assertively and called out among the small distance they had left.


Then he charged. Running straight at the two wolf-folk and using his large and intimidating frame to do the rest of the persuading towards his arguement. For a merfolk as big as he was, he was fast. Powerful strides quickly shorting the distance only to pull his hands into a boxing stance before swinging a wicked haymaker, one that he regretably hadn't had the justification to knuckle up for. As much as he loved beating up on thugs, there was a point that bringing out the poison was just overkill. Until they had some kind of weapon to be an actual threat? They weren't worth actually pulling out. Regardless, the chance of the attack hitting was pretty low. He was trying to build space- get them to think second and run off.

"Listen here jackasses." His tail swayed behind him, side to side as he played defense for a moment. "As of right this second, you don't get your payday. You don't get shit. The only thing you're going to get is a beatdown, and I would relish in the idea of beating your skulls in. So whats' it gunna be? Go ahead, make my day." He sniffed, standing on the balls of his feet which just made him taller. His moontail flickered softly in the moonlight, little sparkles of starlight brought down to earth like a lightning rod.

He just really wished his ribs would stop hurting for like...five minutes here? That'd be great. Then maybe he wouldn't need to feel quite this woozy.
Elodie's fangs nicked her lower lips, staining her teeth with lipstick and her tongue with droplets of blood. She didn't even quite understand why they were protruding now, maybe because of how her body was struggling to cope with her fight or flight reflexes kicking in. She crumpled against the wall, not quite fully tumbling to the ground, but her knees were giving out as her ears rung from the impact, but the speed and volume at which a third stranger entered the scene still shocked her. Her head shot up, her arms still clutching her purse for dear life, as she watched this... Humongous fish man hurl himself at the were.

Was it being racist to think of a merfolk like that? Surely that was what he was? Elodie had never seen such pronounced gills and fins on a legged creature out on the streets, but in the whirlwind of her mind and the panic of the situation, it was hard to be objective with her thoughts. His skin gleamed with moisture in the moonlight, as though his scales were layered with some sort of translucent film. She steadied herself, trying to assess her options.

She really didn't have to though. The two were seemed to be intimidated by being caught, initially looking ready to fight, but hesitating once they saw the nighttime vigilante, especially since the prize in her purse likely wasn't worth a full on fight. The both of them scattered, scuttling out of the alley before Elodie could even say anything, her green eyes wide and two small trickles of blood beading down her chin from her lower lip. She felt her fangs retract as her breathing slowed, clumsily standing up straight. Her mouth tasted like copper.

"... Um, thank you." she murmured, bewildered both trying to look at him and not look at him, thus having her eyes settle on him then wander again, over and over. "I... Er... How about I repay you with... Tarts?"
code by wren.
Daniel Rivergash
Interactions: @PavellumPendulum

He was almost disappointed that they made a run for it. Despite the fact that he was down a rib Daniel always preferred thinking his way through a brawl than through half his other problems. Easier to break bones than break the bank or something like that after all. The fishman went to shout after them and really give them what for. To let them know what he really thought and give them a tongue lashing of a lifetime even if they had decided to evade his fists for the night. Unfortunately, his own rib continued to be woefully inadequate in the current predicament and he felt a sharp pain in his side. Seething, the merfolk clutched his abdomen and watched the two men run off while momentarially incapacitated by pain. He hated the feeling, and not just for all the sharp sensations inside of his body. He felt helpless again even having successful halting the mugging in its tracks. He wanted those bastards to pay for their shitty decisions, instead of just scaring them off to go try their luck somewhere else. Fear alone probably wouldn't get them to give up the ghost for good. If they were going to realize that this crime stuff needed to stop? Danny figured it would take a beating or two to really get them to stick the message into their skulls.

With them gone, it was just playing damage control. He turned around to take a look at the woman who they had been accosting. She seemed like a fancy enough type given the costume, but it was hard to get a feel for that given the events going on in the evening. Normal people liked to dress up for Halloween right? It had never been something that he had the budget to afford, and working holidays was good for an extra pay boost anywho. As his eyes scanned her, he straightened up from clutching his side. This had the unfortunate side effect of making himself rise to his intimidating height and cut out the moonlight as his form blocked most of the view of the sky. Two eyes pierced deep into her as he took in her face. He looked at her costume, at her expression, at her fangs-

A vampire, huh?

"You shouldn't be here." He murmured, before refocusing on her face as a whole- looking between the curls that fell down her eyes. "This late, I mean." He gave a stiff sigh, trying to adjust his body to stop the aching and mostly faking it. "Bad to be out alone. Especially in these parts. You probably knew that. Consider it a reminder." As she looked him over and over again, his gaze didn't shift from her face even once. Focused eyes dead on- like a shark hooked on a blood scent. There's a moment's pause as he contemplates denying her food, it wasn't like he was doing this to get paid. If he started taking money, he was pretty sure it was just a protection racket with extra steps.

"You're welcome though." He seemed to appreciate that. A good chunk of the time when he saved someone they just ran away screaming after. Or they pepper sprayed him- that sucked. Assholes. "Sure. I don't need money or anything. But Tarts sound nice. You buy 'em nearby or something? They fresh?" His tail waved slightly at the idea. He had skipped dinner and was frankly starving, but she didn't need to know that. Wincing slightly, he looks left and right as if to check their grungy alley again "I'll walk you to the main road. You should be good from there. Doubt those guys will fuck with you again." He pointed down to where he came from- it wouldn't be a particularly long walk to get rid of him if she really wanted. "What brought you this way alone anyway? You got a death wish?"
It was almost as if he'd switched places with her attackers. Elodie felt herself falter under his sharp gaze, wondering if he himself was trying to size her up now, with how intensely he was staring down at her. Surely, he wouldn't try to corner her now if he'd stepped in to save her, right? He held his side, but even when hunched over slightly, he loomed over her, nearly a full foot taller than she was. She ran her tongue over her lips to lap at her own blood, holding his gaze, as he decided to start lecturing her. Almost instantly, she deflated at his words, but at the very least, she was no longer anxious that he would try his hand at robbing her now.

The strange merfolk seemed excited by her offer of tarts, which was nice. One of Elodie's favourite feelings in the world was the satisfaction of feeding someone who was hungry some good food and it was never like she was low on treats at the bakery. "Er, I don't buy them. I make them." She held up her empty delivery bag in her hand shyly, a dark navy with white logo that sometimes shone when it caught the light, naming The Witching Flour, "This is mine and my sister's bakery, on Dandelion Avenue. I have some fresh ones from just earlier today left over that you can have." She smiled bashfully, "They're almond cream, mango and kiwi tarts."

She followed him out of the alleyway, shaking her head a little to clear the fog in the back of her head that had risen from the palm hitting her. Her tanned skin was faintly darkened and red near her cheek and eye from the impact, not to mention the sting of it that remained, but she supposed it could've been worse. "I was just running a quick errand... I noticed them following me, but I wasn't fast enough to get away and they ended up cornering me." she muttered softly, eyes downturned, her bright blue eyeliner catching even more visibility. Seeming to want to change the subject as soon as possible, she added, "What about you? Why are you prowling in the alleys with a... Rib injury...?"
code by wren.
Daniel Rivergash
Interactions: @PavellumPendulum

As he walked alongside her, Daniel's thoughts moved to the rest of the evening. Aside from the obvious plan to enjoy the pastries and actually earn something from once for his efforts (not that was why he was in it in the first place.) Even he had to admit he was probably a bit fucked up for the whole vigilante thing for tonight. He wasn't doing anyone any good if he got shivved or clawed and it wouldn't take a particularly combat savvy opponent to put him down. He was a prideful guy, but not suicidal.

He looked down at her when she spoke up again, seeming actually surprised. Piercing eyes seem to study her again as he processes what she was asking.

"Firstly," He murmured, a little caught off guard by her efforts to make conversation. He was used to the people he saved running off screaming at best, and more commonly just standing in awkward silence as he tried to usher them back towards the light. "When you're showing a merfolk something at night- pick one. Light or dark. The flashing is making my eyes hurt." He speaks with a rumbling, and his frame cuts through the darkness like a shark. He's a very direct walker, with his gait not leaving a lot of meandering from side to side. "Still. Sounds nice. I guess." He wasn't sure how to phrase his thoughts. "It's a good name for a bakery. Flour. Heh. Baking joke. And I like Mango, so that's nice. Never had kiwi before though." Fruit wasn't super common for him growing up, outside of Bananas. It was just easier to buy the cheap shit all the time. Now that he was old enough to start contributing to what got brought in, it just felt weird to change things up. But maybe it'd be tasty? He wasn't opposed to new flavors. They were just...strange.

"Second." He echoed, despite having totally walked off the whole individual points track three topics ago. "Dicks like those guys want to scare you into going somewhere more isolated. They won't try anything in the open. You played into their hand. So...don't' do that. Next time you're in the area, if some guys start following you you should duck over onto the big road over there." His large hand comes up, and he motions to a busier intersection. "I mean, don't' get run over, but it should give 'em pause. Might even find a kind stranger who'll tell them to fuck off." Somehow, she gets the impression he doesn't consider himself to be part of that particular category. "As for why I'm out here..." He trails off.

If he was being honest? There were a lot of answers to that question. Lots of complicated answers with compounding and complicated reflections into himself. Lots of introspection needed to answer that one, and Daniel didn't quite have the headspace with his ribs pounding like they were. He didn't have the headspace to do it even when they weren't- but it was his excuse in that particular moment.

"Because someone's gotta stop people like them. And it ain't gunna be the cops. So might as well be me. They don't care how banged up I am, so I might as well not care either." He grit his teeth- jagged little things that blistered with a fractured sharpness. He pulls his hoodie tighter over his face- his disguise to hide his identity. "Way I see it, there's too many people who think they get to decide how to run the place. And that means hurting people. I hurt them? They think twice. Then they won't harass pretty butterflies on their way to Halloween parties or bakery deliveries or...whatever." He waved a hand dismissively. "They start shit. I end it. That's all there is to it." He thinks for a moment. "You got pepper spray or something? Hold on." He fumbles through his hoodie pockets, pulling out a small glass vial full of a clear liquid with a cork in the top. "This'll do the same thing if you don't. Take it."
The embarrassment was evident on her face when he let her know she'd inadvertently hurt his eyes. Was she being an asshole? In truth, she didn't really know many merfolk personally... She mostly kept to herself and the bakery, if anything. Elodie deflated before finding more comfort in the situation once they were on their way, though the nagging voice in the back of her head told her she'd just committed a horrifying social misdemeanour that would never be forgiven, much less forgotten.

Awkwardly, she followed beside Daniel's confident stride, one of his steps equally two of hers. The way he spoke was much harsher than anything she was used to. It hurt a bit, to be spoken to so directly, her brain twisting itself into knots at his tone, thinking surely that he hated her with all of his might for being so stupid to go out on her own in the bustling night. It would make sense if he was, after all, he was some sort of crime fighting entity that prowled the night for damsels in distress like her... He'd probably seen this time and time again and rolled his eyes every single time it happened once more.

Elodie took what was handed to her, the tiny glass vial cold against her fingertips. "Oh... Okay." she stared down at it, not quite sure what to do with it, "Um... Isn't pepper spray... A spray? Do I just uncork the vial and throw it at them?" Inwardly, she cringed. Even with something as simple as this, she fumbled. They rounded the corner and she felt an internal sigh of relief flooding her veins at the sight of her family bakery. Tucking the vial into her pocket, she used the keys on her lanyard to open up the front door to The Witching Flour, which jingled with the welcome bell. Hung from the ceiling were little fairy lights and paper cut outs of various desserts as Halloween decorations, such as a bat cake, a pumpkin parfait and a spider cream puff. The 'CLOSED' sign remained visible in the window as Elodie flicked on the lights.

The bakery had a few little cozy chairs and tables for dining in, but those were tucked away for now since the floors had needed cleaning. The display case was empty, but as she lead Daniel past the front part of the shop into the kitchens behind, he would be able to see multicoloured sticky notes on the case, labelling what Elodie had planned to put on sale the next day. She gestured for him to take a stool at the large stainless steel table in the middle of the kitchen, wiped clean after the bakery had been closed. "The tarts are chilled since I put them away for the end of the day, but they're still good." she pulled a small tray out of the industrial fridge, carefully placing two colourful, beautifully arranged fruit tarts, the mango and kiwi slices arranged atop them to look like flowers.

After putting the tray back, she handed him the plate. "Would you like anything to drink with that? Water, tea, coffee? I have jallab too, if you know what that is..."
code by wren.
Daniel Rivergash

She shuffled along awkwardly; that was fine. Daniel was used to his marks being uncomfortable with his existence. It made more sense for this kind of dynamic anyway for whatever reason. Fangs like her were usually the most confused with what to think of him. It kind of went both ways ,since he felt like he punched a lot more fangs than he saved. Regardless, she cut out with the eye stuff which helped put him at ease.

She asked questions about the vial, seemingly not quite getting the operation. If he was being entirely honest Daniel wasn't really sure himself? Whenever he used his own acid against someone he just generated it on the spot. It was the most potent that way after all. Bleeding or spitting it at someone got just enough range to be effective in a close quarters brawl, and that had mostly been what he worked with. The vial-of-goop thing was a new idea he had come up with to try and make an effort even if he wasn't around. Technically speaking she was the first person he was trying this enhanced self defense thing with but he wasn't going to let her know that, not when she already seemed so nervous that she was going to drop the thing on the spot and shatter a good evening's hard work kneeling over his kitchen sink like he was a grade schooler sick over a toilet bowl.

"I mean, I'd just throw it. Mostly 'cause glass is kinda hard to deal with. It'll help as much as the acid will anyway. If you don't think they deserve that then sure uncork it. Or if you're not strong enough to break it." He squints, scrutinizing her form. They didn't seem strong. "Aren't you fangs usually tougher? Supposed to be apex predators or whatever right? Ima be honest. I haven't met many of you face to face. Mostly just heard stories." He shrugs, content to let her be whatever proof of how things were. "Anyway. It's acid, I'd avoid the eyes unless you're looking to catch a charge, but any contact with the skin will hurt like a bitch." He grinned, proud of his little deterrent. "Pepper spray's expensive. Especially the enchanted shit you need to actually stop a wolf or a cat, This is cheap, since it's a renewable resource."

He faltered for the first time when he came to the doorway of her bakery. The larger merfolk loomed inside but didn't take the last few steps; himself reduced to a mere vampiric stereotype much like the ones he suggested she should fulfill. If he was being totally honest? It had never quite gotten to this point. Most people dipped as soon as they got to a lit thoroughfare. He had escorted a few people home, but he'd never been invited inside. Come to think of it he wasn't sure if she actually lived here, but it was supposed to be none of his buisiness at this point. Yet...she invited him in, nobody had done that before. Nobody had offered him tarts, either.

His stomach grumbled, and he walked inside, taking a seat that protested slightly as it shifted under his weight; this was evidentially something he was used to to not be bothered by it. What did have more of an effect was the tarts: He stared for a full few seconds as if expecting her to pull them away at the last second. His hand reached out slowly before quickly snapping one into his mouth whole.

"Mwoah. Mrish ish oog." He mumbled with a mouth full, jaws snapping shut with sharpened teeth like piranhas around flesh. Mango was a special treat, so he savored it for all of two seconds before he swallowed. "Mmm. You're good." He nodded sagely, before poking the second tart like a shark testing the waters. "I'm not about to say not to a drink. No clue what the last one is, but I'd take whatever. You probably want me gone though- I know what I look like. So I'll just take that one and get out of your hair." There was nothing...self deprecative in his tone. He knew the monster he appeared to be, and he knew most people didn't like looking at him. Grimacing as he massages his chest- the chewing was aggravating his ribs again. Stupid bones.
She could barely imagine the sight of it: her with a limp wrist and an expression torn between being half-way apologetic and half-way indignant, a vial shattering against the face of her would-be attacker after a triumphant throw on her part. Elodie had never been very strong-spirited, though she'd never really known why. She wanted to be, she knew she had to be, especially when playing her role as the eldest sister, but the courage that she'd been waiting for since hitting her first growth spurt never materialized. The gifted vial of suspicious liquid burned a hole into the compartment she'd left it in, even while she left it sitting innocently on the countertop.

She inhaled slowly, reminding herself to be calm as she let the stranger eat the offered tarts. She was in the kitchen. She was in her space. Everything would be okay, even at least for tonight. It settled in that she'd invited him in without even getting his name though, so amid the homey scent of citrus surface cleaner and a faint whiff of brown sugar, she let herself look at him again. He was talking with his mouth full, spiked teeth and strangely childish appreciation somewhat boyish despite his more menacing features.

From the fridge, she poured him a glass from the large pitcher within, the dark drink garnished with ice cubes and a sprinkling of pine seeds. "It's homemade. Date molasses, grenadine and rosewater... And um, toasted pine nuts. Sometimes raisins and smoked with incense, but I don't usually do those parts. I like the lighter flavour." She placed it gingerly in front of him, though a touch far away, even with his vast reach. "You don't have to go." Elodie murmured, before she made a slight correction, grimacing, "Not immediately, anyway. I, um, don't mind the company, but I don't think you could stay overnight..."

She trailed off, busying herself by opening up a drawer and anxiously fixing anything out of place repeatedly. "... I don't think I got your name yet."
code by wren.
Daniel Rivergash

He still felt like a fish outta water. People didn't do this for him in a place this nice. Cussing him out and kicking out his family maybe, but never anything close to this kind of positive attention. Daniel would have thought it was pretty nice if he was willing to get his hopes up for more than a few seconds that it would ever happen again. He played with his remaining tart, entirely capable of simply popping it in his mouth like a cherry tomato but deciding to idle with it instead. His large fingers pick up the pastry, fiddling it between his fingers as he ruins the presentation by rolling in between his thumb and index finger. He only idly listened to what Elodie was saying; filling in their words with every half dozen script he had seen play out in his life. It was rare that anyone bothered to put up with him for this long. All he was waiting for now was for her to politely yet firmly request him to leave. Well..maybe not firmly, based on what he had seen of them tonight. But the boot was going to come pretty quick.

Or so he thought; when an invitation was extended instead of a boot to the curb, he looked up with an actual surprised expression on his face. The cocky bravado melted into...still a good amount of confidence, but she had pulled him just a little bit out of his depth, and now he had to see what it would be like swimming closer to unfamiliar shores.


The word hung in the air. As obvious as his suprised expression. It wasn't unwelcome though, and his sharp teeth shimmered in the light as they morphed into a shark's mimicry of a smile. "You're alright Fangs. I won't overstay my welcome. I'm good at that: Wasn't looking to spending the night anyway, not usually part of the business." He laughs; it's a booming laugh that roars from his body and out into the bakery itself. Daniel is a loud laugher. He slaps the table as he does so, stopping only when he accidentally spills the drink from the force of it. "Oh shit." He calls out. "My bad. One sec." He does his best to scoop the fruity liquid back into the cup, holding it carefully as it also seems to not be quite the right fit for his large hands. "You invite me in and I go and ruin your table. Can't go anywhere can I?" He rolls his eyes good naturedly before attempting to just kind of...smoosh the juice out of the table. It's not very effective, leaving his hand wetter and not doing much to remove the drink. In fact, it was probably just pushed deeper into the wood for his efforts; but you couldn't see it quite as much anymore!

The topic of his name pulled his attention away anyway, Daniel scratched his chin with a conflicted look on his face.

"Listen, you're a nice gal. But I can't just go around giving anyone I meet my name. I'm trying to work undercover here. Hence the disguise." He motioned up to his hoodie, drawn tighter around his face. In the lighting of the shop however it did close to nothing to actually conceal his identity. "I got people I'm looking after, yknow? I don't want to draw heat on them if I can avoid it."

At the same time...she had been a nice lady. Nicer than most people he saved. And a lot nicer than most vampires one way or another.

"Tell you what. I'll give you my name, but you gotta swear on the biggest most important thing there is to you, yeah? Whatever that is. If you do that and give me your own, I'll trade you. Deal?"
They wondered what kind of picture the two of them painted in their kitchen. What would Estelle have said, walking into them, feeding a random stranger on the street? Out of the corner of her eye, Elodie glanced at the merfolk intermittently, working herself into somewhat of a neurotic, cleaning-induced hazed, destroying stains and bacteria imperceptible to the naked eye with careful hands. He was toying with his food now, the tarts dwarfed by his thick fingers, crumbs dusting his skin. She wondered if he was bored of the food, complimenting it only out of politeness. They frowned, eyes back on the countertop, the press of their lips only deepening at being called Fangs.

They scrubbed harder. Not that it mattered. The new stains were in front of Daniel, not in front of them. His laughter, somewhat oafish, and his silly attempts to try and clean up the mess he'd made, were only somewhat forgivable now, Elodie's expression shifting from reflecting anxiousness to something more stern, more defiant.

Had she not taken a risk as well, inviting him into a private area of her business? Had she not offered him a moment's rest, food and drink? His words were somewhat irritating when paired with his actions, spelling things out as though she wasn't smart enough to understand it on her own. Turned around now, Elodie stared at him, frowning. "... My name isn't Fangs. It's Elodie." she stated, no longer lowering her gaze, "... I'm not an idiot. I understand the position you're in. This bakery is the biggest, most important thing to me, besides my sister and you're in it. Try understanding what that means, that you were invited into it."

Elodie's jaw trembled, a telltale mark of her nervousness returning, as she turned around again, not wanting to face him anymore.
code by wren.
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Daniel Rivergash

They were a nervous one, this Elodie. More than most of the people that Daniel had escorted which continued to be a strange contrast to how she invited him into her place of business. It was the one piece of the puzzle that he hadn't been able to slot into place. Like many of the puzzles that Daniel came across it simply meant that it sat discarded at the edge of his mind, there in placement but lacking in purpose. He was far too busy focusing on relishing the nice and very tasty food that she had provided to watch the little vampire brewing and stewing until her anger lashed out like a knife. Cutting upwards into his mind just as he popped the last tart into his mouth, silence ringing into the bakery itself as he stared at her after her outburst.

She had looked away, but for a moment she held his full gaze. A shark's glare of attention, unaffixed once blood spilled into the ocean surrounding it. She could feel his presence as he shuffled the chair backwards, standing up to his full height. The wood creaked and protested a second time and the table squeaked as he pushed it slightly to the side. A single step towards her and a heavy claw perched onto her shoulder. One second of eternal silence. Then two. A third that threatened to consume the world.

Daniel broke into a full on belly laugh full of approval and mirth. She could feel him shake as it rumbled up into his arm and into her smaller body.

"YEAH! There's some fire! That's what I like to see! Hoo-ah! Way to go Fa-aah uh fuckin Elodie! Way to show a guy some teeth!"

He was very enthusiastic about sharing this with her. He was however also very close to her face with a LOT of sharp teeth bared in a wide full mouth grin.

"I mean, that's the kinda thing I'm trying to protect you know? You give a shit about your bakery. It's your home, and your family's livelihood! Course you wanna protect it. When you put it like that? It's a damn honour." He gave her a mock salute, but there was nothing mocking about it. The merfolk took a step back (finally) mostly to frame himself against Elodie's view, slowly lowering the hoodie with a rather dramatic affair. "Now...listen. You're the first person I've ever shown my face to on my second job, got it? Not sure what that means, but it feels important. Put 'er there." His claw hand extended outward, easily dwarfing Elodie's own but still offering the shake regardless.

"Y'know what Elodie? You're alright. I think I might just get to liking ya. You got some rapids in you! Just don't let nobody swipe your rocks."
