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Original poster

Name: Shirin Utana
Age: 28
Gender: Female
Appearance: xx
Race: Human
Nationality: Persian
Occupation: Business Owner, Entrepreneur, Philanthropist
Abilities: xx

Likes: beautiful and useless things;
the moon, stars, flowers, smiles, jokes.

Personality: xx

Backstory: "Carve your path to Asha -- the path of Ahura Mazda."

The daughter and only child of a Zoroastrian priest. She had been raised in good faith -- an acquisition of virtue through choice and free will.

Father, I have tried. Have I not done enough? What truth must I seek?

Shirin, the beautiful young bride to Kashim, the first son of Sattari saffron fields.

Misc Information and Possession:

  • xx

Name: Xīn [新]
Age: Twenty-Four
Gender: Female
Race: Human
Nationality: Woki-Tal
Occupation: xx
Abilities: xx
Personality: She is quick, sure and arcane. As a child, adults were impressed with her precocious maturity, and they were a little frightened at it too. If she had been born to a different family, she would have been adhered as a prodigy. Her parents were humble people, and her zealous nature had often been abated through their disapproval. They saw through their daughter, who was very unlike either of themselves, or most others. In her adolescence, Xin felt her power in causing the helplessness and confusion of others. She often outsmarted and deceived other children, and felt glad when it required them to feel a reliance on her. Adults too, she found, could be tricked and helplessly naive. It developed a feeling of separation in the young Xin, and she sought out to pacify the loneliness within herself. As a woman, she pursues to hold virtue in her actions, albeit controversial in what she considers virtuous. Her candour, often found threatening or challenging, nonetheless gravitates people to her. Despite her soft features, there is a striking hollowness in her eyes. Even if her actions were to be endearing, she seems too sharp, too unnerving. Her presence, large and never withdrawn, can sometimes seem ostentatious. Regardless of impression, she harbours the face of fortune and wealth, as such material things flow abundantly into her life without much effort. Even in the most absurd, tempestuous of times, Xin is unwavering and most rational.

Backstory: At twelve, Xin had independently traveled from her hometown in Greater Woki-Tal, to acquaint herself with the skills and knowledge she desired. The monks of Land's Fall were clever, far more clever than the young Xin herself. In her first year training at the monastery, she had been swindled, cheated and robbed . . .

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Zakhele Souaei

Age: 22
Gender: Male
Race: Human
Nationality: Nubian
Occupation: Royal Gaurd

Upon pledging his oath, something in him -- his selfish, careless nature -- had permanently changed. He sees the princess and his duty to her as his only reverence.
The Souaei are highly respected artisans with generations of master sculptors, potters, and smiths. Even in the far regions of Persia, their wares are found to be admired by nobles. As modest, working-class people, the Souaei's skills and talents had often been exploited. They are earnest creatures, inheriting a fervent dedication to master their craft over other worldly desires. While many search all their lives, there are those certain few born with a purpose. The Souaei are such people, gifted with obedience. Therefore, it was an oddity to have such a frivolous, lazy and fickle child like Zakhele in the family. Having their clan join with merchants through marriage, the Souaei's began to amass great wealth. Zakhele held a comfortable, lavish life, similar to the Nubian nobles. Unlike his relatives, he takes it upon himself to enjoy his family's wealth.
At the age of fifteen, his father had hoped to inspire pride in his son. He took him to the royal palace to receive recognition for their family's contributions to society. Upon returning home, Zakhele made an unexpected decision to enlist himself in the army. In little time, he rose through the ranks with sheer prowess and skill. Much to the surprise of his family, he chose a life of servitude over the path of a decorated warrior.

Personality: A refined sense of discernment and strong mental constitution. Zakhele is not a calculating person, but he is quick and decisive. His greatest strength is his tenacity, a vicious dedication. He seldom feels remorse, even if there is a lapse in his judgement and learns to adapt instead. Zakhele has a charm that allows people to see him past his flaws and accept them. His laughter is inviting, a pleasant sound like the clearest bell.

Abilities: An innate warrior's talent and natural disposition for violence. Upon joining the army, he quickly became known for his genius. Be it his deft hands or strong body, he has an inherent and overwhelming gift for battle. What allowed him quick succession in rank and mastery over combat was patience. He has the uncanny ability to hone his skills through a fervid dedication to repetitive, monotonous training.

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  • Love
  • Nice Execution!
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