doubled characters

  • So many newbies lately! Here is a very important PSA about one of our most vital content policies! Read it even if you are an ancient member!

    A site made for roleplay is way cooler we promise <3
Indicating that the author prefers, allows, or is seeking players who will create and play as two characters.
  1. Beatrice

    Princess Diaries RP. (18+ 1x1. MxF & MxM. Doubling. Always Open!]

    Hi there! I'm just going to start by telling you a little bit about me. I'm female, 21, and from England - I've been role-playing since I was about 13, and I love doing it :-) Now these are the general rules (don't worry, there aren't too many): - Please be 18 or over. This is definitely a...
  2. S

    The Shadow Remains Cast!

    Hello lovely Iwaku citizens! :D Since summer is here, I pretty much have lots of free time on my hands and that means time for roleplaying! I have a very long list of things to choose from but first here are the rules! Limits: I'm 22 so mature content is a must! That means I'll only accept...
  3. D

    On the Hunt! [Ignore Post Count]

    Why hello there! :) I'm currently searching for quite a few roleplays to keep me going over the summer as college is on a break, work has slowed down, my health is better, yada yada...I will confess that Fridays and Mondays I do work and can't reply as fast but otherwise I'm pretty quick to...
  4. LucLeigh

    Anyone Like twisted stories? (MxM)

    ~Looking for partners for MxM story plotting~ Hello! I'm looking for more aggressive style partners, people who are equally willing to help shape the plot with me and who can write at least a paragraph for each reply. Maturity is a big deal as well, since I enjoy roleplays that delve into...
  5. AHeartlessNobody


    Looking to do an Avengers one on one. I don't really want to go into details in thread because it's a plot I wish to work on with my partner so that we can turn it into something we both will enjoy. XD It would have multiple characters in it, so you'd have to be able to handle more than one...
  6. D

    Searching for RP partners

    So I disappeared for about a year because of life and junk but now I am back and I want to roleplay again and I have very little ideas and many pairings. Most are mainly MxF though
  7. PekoPekoKaeru

    Fandom Cravings

    Hello! I am Meilin and I am looking for a partner or two to do some role plays with. First things first, I do have some rules. Nothing too major, but it makes things easier later. I love doubling. In fact, I prefer it. This means you will play a male and a female and I will do the same. I...
  8. L

    Looking for male character(s) or double

    Hey guys, so it's summer and I'm a student at home. Ya know what that means? Boredom and copious amounts of time to rp. SO, that means I'll be on here a lot. That also means that if any of you want to rp, I will have plenty of time to set one up with you and get it going. I do a wide variety of...
  9. J

    Roleplay Request.

    Here I am again, searching for a roleplay partner. It's been a while since I've been active on this website, but I've been itching to roleplay. I've recently gotten some more time on my hands, so yeah. I'm going to make this simple. What I want to roleplay is Fullmetal Alchemist: Brotherhood...
  10. M


    Yes I did disappear for a while, and yes I am back for a while. PM if interested. Semi detailed. Casual paced. Romance. M x F. Doubling permitted. No kinks, no smut. Character sheets required. Pm preferred but threads are fine. Any region is okay. Would prefer a more realistic world. No PMD or...
  11. C

    Sage's Request

    Hello my fellow Iwaku users! I have taken a great hiatus but am back, and am searching for some new roleplay partners as well as some new friends! I have been roleplaying since I was in the 6th grade, I had been obsessed with anything to do with writing so naturally this, as you could imagine...
  12. S

    Dragon Age Roleplay

    I'm new to Iwaku (but not to roleplaying), and I'm looking for partners to roleplay any of the dragon age games. I like romance (gay, lesbian, straight), usually using OCs. I prefer to roleplay as more than one character so the world feels bigger. If you're interested let me know the game you...
  13. Mystica

    Love Live RP?

    One of my favorite anime is Love Live (currently watching Love Live Sunshine) and I think I'm able to do a roleplay about it now. Though it is my first time doing a Love Live roleplay, I'm excited to try! I will play as either my OC or Nico Yazawa. I'm a 3+ liner and I only roleplay in 3rd...
  14. D

    ALWAYS OPEN Ever Searching: Literate partners please!

    Heyo! So, I was in a really bad car accident a few months back and had to abruptly leave. I just got out of the ICU two weeks ago and just got electronics today so I'd like to start a few roleplays. If there were any people I had a roleplay going with that would like to continue, please send me...
  15. catalyst

    Open for the Summer!

    After a long semester, I am currently taking in some roleplays for the summer! I'm just gonna recycle an old request post I set out a while back, so that may be why this seems familiar to you. Right now, I can post several times a day, but I am anticipating getting a job so my response rate will...
  16. Alexis

    Searching for a Riverdale Roleplay

    Recently, I've been obsessed with the show Riverdale and all its drama and characters, more especially the main four characters. Right now, I'm really craving a Riverdale roleplay that would involve playing the canons or doing canon x OC pairings. I'm searching for someone to play Jughead for...
  17. H

    1x1 search for romance & amazement

    Hello I'm back from a long, well needed hiatus. My first year of college was crazy and I had no time on my hands. Now I have more time than ever and I'm looking for some fun. To keep this short and simple, I have a few easy-to-follow rules. 1. Be open-minded. Contribute to the story and...
  18. AHeartlessNobody

    Looking for some One on Ones

    Hi everyone. So I get out for the summer starting this Thursday (May 4th) and I decided I would start looking for a few extra partners to fill in the extra time. I'll try my best to be brief so that I don't bore you all with the usual stuff XD So, let's get down to business. PLOTS