fandom: games

  • So many newbies lately! Here is a very important PSA about one of our most vital content policies! Read it even if you are an ancient member!

    A site made for roleplay is way cooler we promise <3
Based on or borrowing elements from an existing video game or series.
  1. R

    I’m back and trying my luck.

    Hello! I’m glad that you sir or madam have decided to click this thread in particular! Since you’re here i guess you’re looking for a 1x1 Partner Roleplay? Yes? So am I! A little about me: I have been role playing for about three years off and on. One of those three years has been on this site...
  2. C

    Looking for a General or Lieutenant (Fallout 4)

    Look out on the ruins of Boston and what is it you see? Diamond city? A great green jewel arisen from the remnants of an old baseball stadium with a stable economy, food production, water supply, electricity and a military force alongside an even rarer resource in the wastes: an education...
  3. Bandit

    A Twist in Time

    Elizabeth sat at a table near a river, gazing at the many people walking around the bazaar. She sips her tea and takes a bite of her croissant "mmm~ delicious as always" She hums to herself and keeps watching the small bazaar she sat near. after awhile she got up and started walking around the...
  4. mr_pibbs

    Welcome to Poké-Vale (Pokémon Gijinka Slice of Life, See Inside for Details)

    SCIENCE CHAT: WITH PROFESSOR PORYGON! Hello, and welcome to another episode of Science Chat! Today's lesson: A Brief History of the World! My name is Porygon Zed, and I'm a Pokémon Professor. You can call me "Professor Porygon", if you'd like! When our world first began, there was a massive...
  5. S

    Sei's RP Request?

    Hello! I am Seihou and I am looking for partners to roleplay with! Due to my very gorgeous friend being busy with life and work and other fabulous stuff (if you're reading this, you know who you are ;D), I decided to find another partner to rp with in the meantime. Before going on, here's some...
  6. E

    Searching for People

    Hello im looking for rp partners my roleplay preferences isn't too bad I don't mind short paragraph replies..I can't really play as fandom characters but fandom rps are okay with me set in they're own universe if your willing to play as a Canon Character for me I can provide OC Background...
  7. L

    GAMER FANS UNITE! (male or females!)

    Hello, my name is Teresa, and I love's amazing I know! However being bored out of my mind and having the itch to write has gotten me thinking, hey brain....lets do stuff, so here I am-- a fart who's hoping that someone who scrolls says out loud "man...there's nothing here..." except...
  8. Apollyon

    Final Fantasy Tactics

    I have been seriously wanting to do an FF Tactics-style roleplay, with the different classes, Job points to unlock new abilities, a war between two kingdoms, a princess, a leveling system--with people who are advanced in sentence structure a well as grammar. I'd also like folks who can write...
  9. L


    Fandom Stories (OC/In Chatacter) The Last Of Us Ratchet and Clank Batman Assassins Creed Sly Cooper Skyrim Horizon: Zero Dawn Bioshock ANIMA (We can discuss a type of plot in any of those fandom stories) Original Plot(s) - (MxM/MxF) 1. The Backyard War - Long ago, ever since time began...
  10. L

    Hey again.

    Hey, I was hoping to do a Ratchet and Clank RP either with someone being Ratchet or their own OC and if you want I can even draw your character for you. Basically there's this female lombax that was abandoned as a baby to die on an seemingly uninhabited planet, but woopsy daisy it's populated...
  11. KayWyn

    What Is This I Don't Even

    Hello! I'm KayWyn, but just put Kay. Or, you know, your Almighty Panda-Eyed Savior. Because eyeliner isn't very agreeable. Anyway, I'm looking for an RP partner!....Again..! I went on a hiatus for quite some time due to personal reasons involving family. It was rather sudden, and I don't...
  12. I

    Mario & Luigi: Return of the Shroobs

    A deep, orange light crept through the stony hall, in which a simple bridge was the only solid floor. "Let's-a go," a voice on one side of the hall exclaimed. The lava that covered the ground below him bubbled furiously. "O-okey dokey," another on the same side replied, somewhat unsure about...
  13. Nav

    [Detailed] I'm the worst

    Hello! My name is Nav and this is my very basic interest check because I'm lazy and yatta-yatta. Everything you could ever want to know about me in terms of roleplaying is here. As a person, I enjoy long walks on the beach, candlelit dinners, and sexy roleplay partners just like you. ;D I'm...
  14. Artorias

    Bloodborne - The Eternal Hunt

    Hello and welcome to Bloodborne - The Eternal Hunt! Yharnam is once again thrown into chaos due to nefarious beings and creatures, Great Ones and Yharnamites who believe they can control such cosmic powers. Something has gone wrong--or right if you want to look at it from an evil standpoint. The...
  15. Bandit

    Assassins Creed: The New Age

    Helvian gasped and gulped for air as he flung his arm over on the rooftop, hoisting himself up as his fellow assassin chuckled, staring down on the city of paris, gawking at the amount of people crowding around a public execution "hey...I've heard stories yeah?...dont you think it gets a little...
  16. Mira-Charma13

    Mira's Endless Search for RPs! (Craving Undertale)

    Hi, hi! Your friendly neighborhood Mira here! ...for RPs! :D I'm looking for some awesome people to write with! A few things you should know before writing with me... RP Preferences +Redstar? If you're interested in doing a Redstar RP with me and you're eighteen or older, please ask me for my...
  17. M

    idk what im doing.

    SEARCH THREAD Hi. I'm Mango. Heads up. First things first: i never have a schedule. Therefore, I cannot provide you a 'time I respond the most', or anything like that. I can promise one post about every week, with exceptions as things are always coming up with me, but I am also capable of...
  18. Wing

    Join me for a roleplay?

    You may call me Wing. Please read below then send me a PM. I ask that you do not post on my thread. I probably won't see your response. Gender - I am able to play both male and female characters. As such I expect the same of my partner. Pairings - I can do M/F, M/M or F/F. When you PM me...
  19. N

    Necrow's Long-Term Partner Search!

    Whoops I let the old one get absorbed into the archives which is probably fine cuz this needed to be rehauled a bit Hello! Thank you for visiting my partner search thread! Take a gander through the tabs - if you're interested, PM me ;u;! I would love to meet you! Please make sure to read the...