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    A site made for roleplay is way cooler we promise <3

Natalya Rostova

Two Four Six Oh One
Original poster
Invitation Status
Posting Speed
  1. 1-3 posts per day
  2. 1-3 posts per week
  3. One post per week
Writing Levels
  1. Adept
  2. Advanced
Preferred Character Gender
  1. Male
  2. Female
Modern, Medieval, Historical, Romance, Adventure
Hello all!

If you're like me, there are certain things I immediately look for in a role-play partner before I even start to think about genres and such. So, if you'd like to skim through and look for some key words, those things will look like this. Hopefully we're compatible and you find it within yourself to read this entire post! If not, thanks for stopping by, and good look on your quest! C: *leaves out a plate of cookies for all*

Now, onto the important matters!

  • I am happy to play either male or female, and I have no qualms with introducing side characters for the plot's sake. Normally I will have one main character, and he/she will be well-thought-out and realistic, having a mix of strengths and flaws. I hope you will do the same.
  • I love romance. I would even go so far as to say that it is a requirement for my role plays. However, it doesn't have to be instantaneous. What I ~~~love~~~ is when two characters, each having unique personalities with ample strengths and weaknesses, fall for each other throughout the course of the role play. Also, we both need to be moving things forward. If I play the male, that doesn't mean mine has to be the only one conveying feelings or promoting romance. All of this being said, please take note of some limitations that I have: I only do male x female pairings, and if they feel inclined to go R-rated, I'd like to fade to black.
  • Violence and swearing are fine; I will most likely include both. However, I'd like for us to maintain semi-realism and not be entirely over-the-top or unnecessary with these things. Let me know if you have an issue with violence! If I play a warrior-type character (which, in medieval settings, I usually do), I will PROBABLY want to set up a few scenes so that he/she can be awesome and kick some ass. =D My characters usually get their asses kicked from time to time, too.
  • I don't have a lot of super fleshed-out plots right now, so thorough discussion before the start of the role play will be paramount. We may need to hash out our characters, the setting, plot, etc. for several days before we begin. I actually really enjoy doing that, and I will probably want to work things out as we go. I like getting to know my partners and plotting our next moves. c: It's fun to throw in surprises for the other person sometimes, but in most cases, communication is key!
  • My responses are typically descriptive and are 2+ paragraphs long. You don't have to give me a novel every time, but at LEAST a few sentences would be helpful in keeping things moving.
  • I would most prefer to do this over private message here, but I can also do email or a thread if you want.
  • Okay... some nit-picky stuff. I'd prefer if we all wrote in the third person, past tense. I happen to be a fan of character sheets, but by no means will I require someone to write one up if that's not your thing. I, personally, use pictures of real people for my characters, but you can use whatever you want. My posting speed can be anywhere from lightning fast/multiple posts a day to once post per week, depending on how busy I am and how much I'm procrastinating my life responsibilities. :D If I know I won't be able to respond within a week, I'll let you know. If I haven't responded in a week or so, you may politely give me a heads up, but please don't nag!
  • FYI. I'm leaning more toward role plays that focus on character development/interaction/relationships with a storyline than extensive world-building or delving into history. School is eating away at my extra brain space, so I really don't have much room up there for doing excessive research or creating a complex universe/plot. Just wanted to prepare you in case that's something you're looking for! I DEFINITELY love creating interesting plots and will always try to do that, just on a smaller scale than some.
  • This is getting a BIT long-winded, but I just want to get all of the boring stuff out of the way first!
So as not to waste any of your time, here is a list of things I do NOT do:
  • Rape, excessive torture, incest, taboo pairings, etc.
  • Fandoms (though I often use them for inspiration)
  • High fantasy (I COULD be persuaded, but only with a killer plot)
  • Sci-fi
  • Futuristic role plays
  • Animals (except as side characters)
Topics of interest! Yay! My genres have been much more expansive over the years, but here's an overview of things I really enjoy and am in the mood for at this moment.
  • Note: Check out the spoiler at the bottom of this list for a few ideas/prompts rolling around in my brain.
  • Anything medieval. This is definitely my favorite time period. There is an infinite number of pairings we can do, from royals and members of court to servants, peasants, gypsies, soldiers, knights, etc. etc. I can think of a few basic premises off the top of my head to get us started with this.
  • Other historical time periods. I am by no means a historian, but I'd like for us both to have a little bit of knowledge about the time period and location. A few eras I'm comfortable with are WWII, American Revolution, and potentially Cival War era.
  • Modern. Once again, there are so many options. I have a couple ideas for this as well. Most of my ideas are more on the slice-of-life side, but I'm completely open to hearing more adventurous ideas. I really love the concept of some sort of reunion after years of being apart. Whether it's a bunch of friends getting together for the first time in years or just 2 people who were in love but broke up for some reason, I just really love that. Also, at the very end of this post, there's a bit about a musician character I've been mulling over - it'd be fun to use him in a scenario like that. But yeah, that's definitely not the only modern thing I do! Feel free to suggest something if you've got a hankering!
  • So, this isn't a genre so much as a few elements that make any role play a bit more ~juicy~. Ever since I first watched The Notebook, I've had a particular fondness for plots involving exes reuniting after several years apart. As mentioned above. Another thing I love is forbidden relationships - possibly in combination with the whole "exes" deal. I just think this adds a bit more tension and makes things more complicated for our characters. Also, strong characters. I can deal with limp noodles, but I would just LOVE a deliciously complex, living character to work with.
  • Okay... So here's an exception to my "no fantasy/sci-fi" rule. Time travel. Lately I've been watching Outlander, and I've been SO intrigued by the concept that I would like to potentially try out something like that. Especially with the complicated love triangle situation.
  • Lastly, another exception to my "don'ts." Gifted. I have a plot. If we do this, it would be great if you could play a couple NPCs and maybe even more than one main. But I won't force you. Anyway, there's a little bit about the plot in the spoiler below.
This are some pretty basic ideas in my head. I have some ideas on how to move the story forward, but I'd love to hash it out together/figure it out as we go.

If I have a preference about what role to play, that will be in bold. Current cravings are teal.


  • A band of criminals is sweeping through the country, hitting the outlying villagers, plundering and pillaging and the like. Our characters (who may or may not previous know each other) are taken captive by these criminals, who for some reason deemed them useful. Our kiddos have to figure out how to get free/take down the criminals before they wreak more havoc. I'd like to use my female character, Evelyn, for this. The link to her CS is below.
  • Similar concept as the one above, but your character is one of the criminals. O: Maybe he's been forced to work there, or perhaps he becomes sympathetic along the way. Could make for a pretty good adventure!
  • Outlaw x Lady - This one's pretty vague, and it could go several ways. My character would (preferably) be the outlaw, the male, who for one reason or another has a price on his head - most likely because of a misunderstanding or framing, or because he committed crimes for the benefit of others. Basically, he's not an outright "bad guy," but he's on the run for something he may or may not have done. I've got more ideas, but adding them here would make this too wordy. We could also make this an ex x ex pairing!
  • Runaway royalty x Person - The royal family is killed (by assassins or because the country fell under attack and was overtaken), save for one prince/princess (your character). He/she escapes and seeks to live a new life. I guess this is similar to the beginning of Anastasia, but most of the plotline will be different. Whether it's immediately after the event, several years later, or somewhere in between (I don't have a timeline figured out for it), the prince/princess meets up with my character. They go on adventures, and the secret of the prince/princess's identity hangs in the air between them, potentially putting them in danger. If you'd like to play a male, I'll use my character Evelyn; if you'd like to play a female, I'll probably play a ranger or something.
  • Pretty much anything where I get to play Evelyn. Heh.
  • Okay, I know I've mentioned exes 9829487393 times now, but I've been watching Outlander (again, sorry for excessively referring to it) and I've become inspired by ~certain events~. I'd love to do something where two lovers are torn apart, against their will, for a number of years - most likely 5-8 years.Perhaps one thinks the other dead; perhaps they both think each other dead. Their efforts to find one another are futile, so they try to carry on without each other - until they end up suddenly reuniting. They'll have to grapple with their feelings and figure out what to do in their current circumstances. Perhaps one or both of them have moved on. Perhaps everything has changed. That being said, I really don't like to meddle with marriage relationships, so I'd prefer if our characters weren't currently married at the time of their reunion. Being engaged or widowed, however, is a different matter.
  • Something like "The Notebook" - I know I've probably mentioned the whole "exes reunite" thing more than once at this point, but I friggin love this idea, and there's so many different ways you can go about it. So much potential for delicious tension and slow-burning FEELS. I have several ideas for different characters (male and female) and premises. One thing I love to do is reunite them, make them mad at each other, then make them get stuck in a room together to work their crap out. >D Like they get snowed in or something. I know it's super cheesy, but sometimes I live for that stuff.

These aren't the only things I'm willing to do! These are a few ideas!
Feel free to shoot post here or me a message if you have any questions, suggestions, ideas, thoughts, feelings, wishes, concerns, etc. I look forward to hearing from you!

As a bonus, here's a little bit about the characters I like to play.

All of my main characters are typically strong leads in their twenties, though that can certainly change depending on the plot/setting. The youngest I'd go for my mains is probably 16, and the oldest would be in the 40s. I'm willing to try something different now and then, but I'll be real... I usually prefer to stick to what I know/what I'm comfortable with. Unless I have a lot of spare time to work on it. Which, currently, I don't. D: Most importantly, my characters are dynamic, and certain aspects of their personalities will change as the story progresses. That's one of my favorite parts of the whole deal! I'd love for our characters to learn from each other and grow together! <3


  • In medieval settings, my main male characters are typically soldiers/guards/knights/rangers. That's what I feel more comfortable with, but if we're cooking up a really great plot that calls for a different character type, I'll certainly consider changing it up! Depending on the situation, my dude will either be predominantly introverted or extroverted, but he's usually somewhere in between. Here's an example: Arek
  • In modern settings, for some reason, all of my characters tend to be teachers. Haha. I don't know why. But that's not necessarily set in stone. Sometimes with a military background, give or take some PTSD. TBH, I've kind of wanted to delve into a musician character, one who's very creative and laid back and is deeply passionate about his craft. So, I don't know, that'd be interesting to try out. We don't necessarily have to do a plot centered around music, but it would be fun to test out this character idea I have.
  • Almost all of my females are variations of the same one. Haha. For the 2 female characters I've made on this site, I literally use the same face claim for both of them. I ain't even mad. xDD Usually they're free-spirited and strong-willed ladies, but like my males, they can be anywhere on the introvert/extrovert spectrum. Also, it IS possible for me to play a lady who doesn't have Kaya Scodelario's sassy little face. I just haven't posted such a character on here yet. But yeah, usually they're either teachers (surprise!) or something in the medical field. I really need to figure out what other professions exist... xD
  • In a medieval setting, my ladies tend to be non-traditional. I can play a princess or something of the like, but it's not my norm. Here's what I usually gravitate toward: a noblewoman who plays the part but is displeased with society's expectations for her, a noblewoman who has gone ahead and rejected their expectations and is doing her own thing (example: Evelyn), a noblewoman who has found a niche in the world of high society (could also be Evelyn, or something similar), or someone who isn't of noble birth. Perhaps an artist or performer of some kind, maybe even a gypsy.

Too much information? Perhaps. But I just want to put it all out there so that y'all know what I'm about and what I like to do. Hopefully some of this piques your interest and we create something beautiful together!
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I would love to start something up! Do you have any particular plots in mind?
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I've been itching for something taking place in a medieval time period. What do you say?
I've been itching for something taking place in a medieval time period. What do you say?
Sounds great! I'll PM you!
Modern. Once again, there are so many options. I have a couple ideas for this as well.
I'd love to talk ideas if you're still looking for partners? c:
  • Thank You
Reactions: neptune
I've been editing this post quite a bit, making it pretty and a bit more specific to what I'm looking for/what I'm comfortable with. As a warning, I probably won't have extra room in my brain for anything wildly divergent from what I have listed here - at least not until exams are finished in a few weeks. ;-;
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Added and edited some things. It's a bit wordy now, but I think it narrows down what I'm looking for and is more informative to those who don't mind reading a bit extra. Hopefully the colored keywords help make it more concise! I added the bit about the musician character because I'd love to do something cute and heartfelt with that. Lolz.
Added a spoiler with plot ideas!
Opened it again and tweaked it a bit!
Updated plot prompts and included cravings! O:
I might be interested
Just sent you a PM!
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