• So many newbies lately! Here is a very important PSA about one of our most vital content policies! Read it even if you are an ancient member!

    A site made for roleplay is way cooler we promise <3

>General Characteristics<

Character Name: Dalilah Jane Hanson
Alias: D
Gender: Female
Age: 17
Sexuality: Homosexual
Birthday: January 5th
Zodiac: Capricorn
School/Grade: Meiko Academy | 12th Grade
Occupation: Barista
Aspect/Source of Love: Joy | Light

>Physical Appearance<

Height: 5' 5"
Hair: Short and white Daliah's hair is cut similar to a boys
Eyes: Blue



Personality: Dalilah is what you would call a tomboy with a dash of girly. She loves to joke around with the guys but won't pass down a day with the girls. It's like she fits in no matter the gender she hangs with. Though this is mainly because she molds her personality to fit others, seeing as she fears showing the true her. Dalilah has always hid the true her, showing it to only those close to her. Instead she changes day to day, group to group. In one group she can be more girly while in another she can be more of a bro.

Still through all her persona's Dalilah has a strong sense of what happiness was as she always had to be the happy friend. Dalilah was the person with a smile always on her face, even around her family and close friends. Never was she seen without a smile until she was completely alone. It was then Dalilah was true to herself. She was goofy, talkative, and loving. Though these were only the good emotions.

Underneath everything that is Dalilah she truly is alone. No one has ever gotten close enough to see her not smile or even frown. Dalilah suffers in silence, helping others feel joy in life when she in fact feels little joy.

Strengths: Adaptable | Courageous | Leader figure | Intelligent | Moldable
Weaknesses: Closed-off | Cautious | Hides her feelings | Blunt | Not a good judge of character
Hobbies: Drawing | Skateboarding | Nature walks | Writing | Painting
Talents: Art | Skateboarding | Writing
Likes: Flowers (Daisies) | Art | Painting | Pastels | Skateboarding | Swimming | Walking in nature | Deer | Watching animals | Cats
Dislikes: Spicy food | Dark colors | F*ck boys | Oceans | Being sad | Showing weakness | Kids | Horror movies | Christmas
Fears: Falling in love with the wrong person | Intimate situations | Ocean


Place of Birth: Colorado, U.S.
Current Residence: Ai City, Japan
Background: Born in a small town in Colorado Dalilah was an unplanned pregnancy from a one night stand. The man was unknown to Dalilah; her mother has kept it a secret. Instead she moved on, had Dalilah at 18, and married an older man 4 years later. Being 4 when they got married Dalilah didn't quite care for her father at first. He was taking her mother's attention away and Dalilah didn't like that. Of course after a year Dalilah warmed up to him. They became like an actual family and Dalilah became a joyous child.

At 8 Dalilah's little sister was born, a cute little bundle and from the first moment she held her sister she was filled with an urge to protect and love. The next years went by fast, Dalilah and Lilia became close, well as close as you can get with a toddler. But still Dalilah loved her little sister and made sure to be someone Lillia could look up to. She made sure to get good grades in school and work hard during and after school.

Then the accident happened. One snowy night when Dalilah was 12 her family was driving home from a Christmas dinner. Her mother was driving, the snow was coming down heavy, and it happened in a flash of bright lights. Soon the car was rolling down a hill, Dalilah had thrown her body over her little sister who was 3 at the time. When the car stopped glass was everywhere, Dalilah had a gash on her back, Lilia was crying, her father was struggling to get out, and her mother was laying still not moving at all.

Sirens rang out and moments later her and her family were being pulled from the car. Dalilah was rushed to the hospital, along with her father and little sister. Unfortunately her mother died of blood loss. Having been close to her mother Dalilah was broken by the news. Her father went into a depression but kept it hidden as best he could. It was because of him that Dalilah hides her emotions and stays happy. Years pass and Dalilah and her family have slowly mended. Her father became her role model and her little sister became her best friend.


  • Mother - Maria Hanson | Deceased
  • Father - Fennick Hanson | 46 | Office worker
  • Little Sister - Lillia Hanson | 15 | 10th Grade
Pets: Guinea Pig named Piggy

Theme Song: i wanna be your girlfriend by girl in red
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Earth's Revenge
zombie apocalypse


00. Lore

In 2030 a group of explorers stumbled upon something rather odd deep in a Venezuelan tepuis cave. Reports show the explorers saw ecosystems like none they've ever seen, even minerals that haven't been discovered. However, when the explorers returned things were off. A sickness washed over them, one that people associated with a simple cold. But this wasn't a simple cold. Everyone the explorers touched or were around became sick.

It was a week later that the explorers, one by one, arrived at a hospital. They explained their symptoms and were admitted immediately. Soon after the staff began getting sick, and more people started showing up at hospitals across the world. Seeing as the explorers were mainly overseas colleagues that got together for the expedition.

All hell broke loose when the news reports came out about the mysterious disease sending people to the hospital 2 days later. The day after the reports started, people began dying. Though, something was off about it. Lasting a week and a half the disease claimed many lives only for a nightmare to happen. Deadmen and women began waking up and attacking at random in an almost frenzy.

Many lives began being taken, to the point of military interference. But nothing worked. Soon the governments agreed to bomb the more populated area of undead, evacuating the cities before sending missiles to blow up the city. This didn't work and the world was thrown into chaos as the population dwindled.

With the government no longer useful, riots started in the streets with mobs of people running from, what is now called, zombies. Humanity has fallen…

01. Story

3 years have passed since the bombs fell and people have begun to rebuild. Settlements have popped up dotting the world. Not many people are left but the world is recovering. Paper money now useless people turn to coins, any size and shape, as currency. One coin is equivalent to one dollar. With this trade came to be, shops popped up and settlements now had a fair way of dividing food.

Commodore is among these communities that have popped up. Founded by 5 survivors they work efficiently to maintain their home. Taking up a 9 story building, Commodore holds many commodities that are needed for survival. But Commodore isn't all that it seems. Some say the founders are hiding a dirty secret, others simply see a safe haven. What do you see?

02. Xelapin Virus

Symptoms after infection

12 hour: Mild headache, cough, and runny nose.
1 day: Severe cold-like symptoms. I.e Migraine, sore throat, cough, sneezing.
5 days: Muscle spasm and cold sweats replace cold symptoms.
6 days: Extreme body heat and loss of muscle movement.
1 week: Infected people have a hard time staying awake and sharp pains erupt through the body.
1.5 weeks:
  1. Internal organs begin to fail and internal bleeding.
  2. Lungs fill with blood and the infected dies.
  3. The body has restarted and reverted to primal instincts.

03. Zombies


Maximum speed: 1.5 mph
Diet: Dead or living animals and humans
Type of zombie: Common



During the day walkers are slow, barely moving faster than a limping walk. They aren't very active due to the sun's rays, though if there is a living creature near they will attack. Walkers will stand in groups.


At night walkers are more active, since the sun has set they are able to move at a steady walk. It is during this time that they feed and are more prone to attacking. Even at night they travel in groups, attacking camps and taking them down easily.


After the change a walker will retain most of its human features. However, the skin will look sickly and decayed, having a gray tone to it. The skin of a walker has holes in it where they were attacked from, those areas usually have a red tinge around them and you are able to see inside the hole. Their eyes are milky and bloodshot, almost like they are blind. Meanwhile their hair is wiry and caked in blood and dirt.

Attack style

Walkers attack in a frantic manner, like a wild animal. They use their sharp nails to tear at flesh, while using their teeth to rip the flesh off the body to eat. Walkers are the more brutal of the zombie types. They have no instincts other than hunt and kill.


Maximum speed: 5 mph
Diet: Living animals and humans; will eat the dead if available
Type of zombie: Radioactive



During the day spitters are rather active, tending to use this time to hunt and feed. Spitters usually will have a pack of walkers with them, as this type of zombie is seen as the leader. Walkers will naturally follow the closest and strongest Spitter.


At night Spitters are less active. Though they will attack you if you get close, they will not hunt you. During this time Spitters travel with their packs and the pack will protect its Spitter leader.


Spitters have green tinted skin that is pulled taut on their bodies, tearing in areas to show a green glow. They have little to no hair as the radioactivity has made it all fall out. The hairs that do remain are wiry. Their nails are sharp and jagged while their eyes are red with the white tinted yellow. Spitter's teeth are black and decayed.

Attack style

Spitters attack in a frantic out of control style. They scratch and bite at people in a sporadic way. However, Spitters are able to produce a radioactive bile that they can spit out of their mouths. This bile will melt most everything it touches, even skin and bones. Spitters main attack option is to scratch and bite but they will use their bile more often than not.

> Bloater <

Maximum speed: 2 mph
Diet: None
Type of zombie: Water filled



Bloaters have little to no energy during the day. They choose to either shamble about or sit still. However, if a Bloater sees or smells a living being they will "run" after it.


At night Bloaters have more energy, though they can only move at a slow jog opposed to a fast walk. This is their main hunting time and when they choose to travel. Bloaters will either travel along or in a group.


Bloaters are large zombies full of water. Their gray skin is stretched and saggy, with some areas leaking water slowly from small puncture wounds. These zombies have little to no hair; if hair does remain it is wiry and black. Bloaters have few teeth that they use to tear flesh from bone, leaving the teeth with a yellow, orange color. Milky white eyes leave bloaters looking blind, though they do have a yellow tint when up close.

Attack style

Bloaters attack in a wild frenzy. Their arms wave about as they wobble after people. While they don't produce any bile like spitters, hitting them with any form of weapon can result in them exploding. If one gets the fluids of the bloater on them they will become infected if it reaches any open wound or if it gets in the mouth, nose, or eyes. The "explosion" has a 5ft radius.

> Runners <

Maximum speed: 8 mph
Diet: Living creatures
Type of zombie: Mutated



Rather active during the day, runners use this time to hunt and travel. Usually they travel alone due to their rather aggressive nature. But, a runner can occasionally be seen following a spitter.


The time of day they almost seem to be sleeping. Runners will lull off to an almost resting sleeping state, regaining their energy for the next day. Seeing as they aren't very active it's a little easier to outrun them at night.


Much like walkers, runners look like regular zombies. Besides the blood stained, torn clothes and the sickly appearance they could pass as regular humans. The biggest difference with this type is their skin is taught rather than decaying, almost to the point of looking like they are wearing someone's skin.

Attack Style

Much like walkers, runners attack in a frantic clawing matter. Since they run faster than walkers runners can grapple and jump onto those when running at their full speed. Their teeth are jagged and used to rip through flesh in animalistic ways.

04. Commodore

> Setting <

Location: Downtown Dayton, Ohio
The Building
  • 9 stories tall
  • 1st floor is tallest room
  • Floors:
    • 1. Entrance/Security Checkpoint
    • 2. Common Area/Security
    • 3. Shops/Trade Market
    • 4. Secret (Level 5 clearance needed)
    • 5. Café/Grow Area
    • 6. Library/Learning Area
    • 7. Rooms
      • 1 - 30
    • 8. Rooms
      • 31 - 60
    • 9. Rooms
      • 61 - 90

> Defenses <

Every soldier of Commodore is equipped with bullet proof vests and military gear that has been scavenged from the local military points. Their weapons range from guns to melee weapons. As for their outside defenses they have makeshift metal walls with barbed wire across the top. On top of that they also have surveillance cameras throughout the building and even some outside.

> The Founders <
  • Leader -
  • Second in Command -
  • Scavenging Operations Lead -
  • Military Advisor/General -
  • Scientist Lead -

> The Floors <

1. The first floor holds the main entrance and a security checkpoint, a place you have to go through to enter the building to its fullest. Being the tallest of the floors the walls reach 12ft. A mostly barren room, the entrance can have an echo to it when first walking in, seeming almost abandoned if it weren't for all the military personnel they have roaming the premises.


> Facts About Commodore <


05. Rules

1 - Standard Iwaku rules apply
2 - Please respect your gm (me)
3 - Swearing is okay but use it in good taste
4 - There will be blood, violence, and gore. If you do not like these things do not sign up
5 - No Mary Sue's/Gary Sue's
6 - I ask that you post at least two paragraphs. No one liners.
7 - Keep drama out of the OOC please
8 - Romance is allowed as it's a natural thing it's bound to happen to some characters
9 - Digital art or realistic drawing only please
10 - Children are allowed but have a less chance of survival
11 - There is a three character limit
12 - Try to be creative with your posts, it's a rather open world concept so feel free to explore!
13 - Any violation of the rules with result in a warning, three warning and you're out
14 - You can only claim 1 founder spot; there are 5 spots

06. Roles

  • Leader - TAKEN (Lulunopia (Me))
  • Second in Command - OPEN
  • Scavenging Operations Lead - OPEN
  • Military Advisor/General - OPEN
  • Scientist Lead - OPEN






07. Character Sheet


Full Name -
Nicknames/alias' -
Age -
Gender -
Sexuality -
Blood Type -
Occupation - (what they do in Commodore)
Role - (Scientists, Military, Founder, Scavenger, or Citizen)


Height -
Weight -
Build -
Hair -
Eye -
Piercings and Tattoos -
Complexion -


Personality - (can be paragraph or bullet points)
Strengths -
Weaknesses -
Secrets -
Fears -


Backstory - (at least 1 paragraph; 5 sentences minimum; can also be done in bullet points)

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Name: Annabella Jane Ivanov

D.O.B.: October 19th

Identified Gender: Female

Blood Type: O -

Brief Physical Summary: 5' 2" | 121 lbs | Blonde | Blue eyes | Curvy

Ailments: None Known

Occupational Background:

Educational Background: Bachelors in Medical Science, Major in Political Science

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Hello and welcome to my partner search thread. I am Lulunopia, or Lulu. Formally this account was LuluBunny but I managed to get my old username back. Anyway before we move on to the actual thread I wanna say a few things. Hi to any of those who remember me, uhm I'm back and finally more active. I also now know the limit of how many rp's I can take on at once. So, hopefully this time I don't burn out and disappear. Anyway onto the thread!

> About Me
  • I am 21 years old...finally. I mean I'm not happy about it because I'm getting old and my little brother is 5 now (;-; they grow up so fast)
  • I am huge into astrology, wicca, meditation, and mythology of all kinds so if you're into that thing let me break something down for you. I am a Gemini Sun, Virgo Moon, and Aries Rising who is scared of confrontation and has no idea how to make friends :/
  • I love OOC chat and will gladly be your friend, seeing as I have none irl...if you don't count my love. But anyway, yea, let's be friends please! Forewarning I am awkward as hell and I have little idea on how to make friends. I never really got the chance to make many friends as a child.
  • When it comes to my writing I can write out novel sized posts if I'm inspired or it can be 2+ with the same inspiration. It all depends on what I feel is needed. Also depends on what my partner gives me.
  • I can post anywhere from once a day to once a week. I can either be very busy or I'll have a lot of lazy days. There is never an in-between.
  • I have been rping for 4 years now and writing for 6 years. Guess I could say I'm an advanced writer but I am still learning new things. Which is needed to help me develop the book I'm writing.
  • I prefer to write women character but can write for men as well. I'm just a woman so I'm more familiar with a woman. But I'll gladly play a male character if you would like :)
  • When it comes to smut I do have no go's like toilet play, vore, gore, other things. Just ask before we delve into it to make sure we are both okay with what's going on. No want for anyone to get upset or triggered or anything like that.

> Pairings

  • Jock x Nerd
  • Prep x Outcast
  • Single Parent x Child's Teacher
  • Teacher x Teacher
  • Soldier x Nurse
  • Model x Shy Photographer
  • Soulmates

  • God x Peasant
  • Witch x Wizard
  • Prince x Witch
  • God x Goddess
  • Knight x Princess
  • Peasant x Royalty
  • Shy Maid x Tyrant King
  • Werewolf x werewolf
  • Werewolf x Vampire

  • Vampire x Human
  • God/Goddess x Human
  • Demi-god x Human
  • Werewolf x Human
  • Elemental x Elemental

> Fandoms
  • Naruto
  • Fairy Tail
  • One Piece
  • Harry Potter
  • House of Night
  • My Hero Academia
  • Death Note
  • Disenchantment
  • Dragon Ball Z
  • Avatar: The Last Airbender
  • Supernatural
  • Soul Eater
  • Rick and Morty
  • Gravity Falls
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Text Here

Credits to Rabbit

Name: Juniper Kellingston
Nickname(s): June
Title: Personal Maid to the King
Age: 24
Gender: Female
Race: Human Mage
Social Class: Lower Class

Height: 5' 4"
Weight: 125 lbs
Hair: Blonde reaching lower back
Eyes: Green
Build: Lean
Complexion: Cream

  • Shy
  • Reserved
  • Modest
  • Bubbly
  • Closed-Off
  • Kind
  • Gentle
  • Empathetic
  • Compassionate
  • Submissive
  • Follows her heart
  • Obedient
History: WIP
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  • Love
Reactions: EldridSmith
Thimble Jameson

Text Here

Credits to Rabbit

Rowena Monet
black rose clan


00. Basics

Name: Rowena Monet
  • Human Years: 24
  • Demon Years: 2,400
Gender: Female
Race: Demon
Clan: Black Rose
Rank: Second in Command

01. Appearance

Human Form:
  • Hair: Reaching the middle of her back, Rowena's hair is jet black. It rests in a straight fashion and usually can be seen down or in a high ponytail.
  • Eyes: Blood red, Rowena's eyes show no emotion and seem to be dead. She stares with a blank look that makes people uncomfortable.
  • Complexion: Rowena is a rather pale individual, being close to a ghost. Her skin is clear of imperfections and blemishes.
  • Body: Standing at 5' 4" Rowena isn't tall but she's not that short either. Her body is petite, weighing only 121lbs. Her body is lean with slight womanly curves.
  • Clothes: Usually Rowena wears business casual clothes; skirts, blouses, dress pants, boots, flats, ect.
Demon Form:
  • Hair: Just like in her normal form Rowena's hair is jet black, only now it reaches below her butt. It's stringy and course almost like it'll break under one touch.
  • Eyes: Pale white her eyes hold sadness and grief. It's almost like she just lost everyone close to her. However that's just part of her look. She states to shed tears the longer she'd in this form.
  • Complexion: Her skin becomes a pale grey with darker tones. There are various scars littering her back ranging in size from years of abusing this form.
  • Body: Now standing at a height of 5' 8" Rowena still holds the same body type but now is taller and weighs slightly more at 135lbs.
  • Clothes: Her clothes change to a long tattered black dress. It reaches down to her feet in strands and tends to drag. She no long her shoes and her arms are covered in the same tattered dress.
  • Extra: Dark red horns protrude from her head.

02. Abilities

Weapon: HTA-Aqustinger - A polearm made of steel and carbon fiber. The polearm runs electricity through it to give it quite the sting. Its blue blade radiates with energy and expels electricity when it hits something. The blade is sharp, able to slide through bone with the help of the electricity running through it.

Passive Abilities:
  • Demon Physiology: Enhanced strength, speed, and endurance come natural for Rowena. She is more durable, stronger, and faster than that of the average man. Her specialty however is speed. Rowena is seen as one of the fastest in her clan, if not the second fastest, behind that of Avaddon.
  • Dark Aura: Rowena makes humans cower with her dark aura. It's hard for people to describe the feeling they get when they see Rowena but the consensus is they feel complete darkness from her. Because of this humans often avoid her unless they are enhanced to see past it like other demons.
  • Sadness Embodiment (Demon Form Only): In her demon form Rowena is the embodiment of sadness. The longer she is in her demon form the more the sadness consumes her until finally she looses her mind. It starts with tears and ends in screaming and death. Rowena doesn't go in her demon form unless absolutely needed because she refuses to loose control again.
Active Abilities:
  • Demonic Light Manipulation: Rowena can manipulate the lights of hell with just a flick of her wrist. Having become almost a master at her craft Rowena doesn't have too many side effects of using her base power. There are 2 sub-categories that she can access in and out her demon form, while the third is only accessible in her demon form. However, Rowena is not a complete master of Demonic Light and as such in her demon form she has a habit of losing control and destroying everything in her path.
    • Sub-categories -
      • Generation: Rowena is able to generate Demonic Light, not needing a source, but if something catches fire with the light she is unable to put it out without salt water. The light can cause her to glow a pale white and become hot to the touch.
      • Incinerate: (Demon Form Only) An ability that allows Rowena to incinerate a 30ft radius. This ability can only be used once before she is push out of her demon form and back into her human form.
      • Summoning: Rowena is able to summon beings of light, often seen with wings, armor made of steel, and swords made of light. However, she can only summon 3 of these beings once per day. These beings can be defeated rather easily against a demon.

03. Personal

Persona: Closed Off | Silent | Follows orders to a T | Doesn't back down from a challenge | Fiercely Loyal | Motherly | Soft spoken | Calm | Compassionate | Keeps secrets from most | Doesn't often talk unless spoken to | Hesitant to kill | Doesn't like to resort to violence | Often Passive | Blunt when speaking | Doesn't take bullshit | Aggressive when needed or ordered | Doesn't take insubordination well | Racing mind | Soft spot for children | Gentle with younger generations | Animal Friend | Prideful | Faithful Follower | Hates Failing | Impatient | Lonely Soul | Curious

Likes: Helping those in need | Reading and writing poetry | Reading history books | Teaching Children | Helping her Clan Leader | Animals of all kinds | Spiders | Fan of old literature | History | Classical Music | Occult Fashion | Black | Big Cats | Sharks | Blood | Kids | Old books

Dislikes: Insubordination | Back talk | Sarcasm | Pink | Small dogs | High pitched noises | Crying | Using her demon form | Tomatoes | Most fruit | Candy | Getting her hands dirty while working | Killing | Flowers | The Cold | Steak | Outsiders | Racism | Teens, of any kind | Seeing people sad | Being talk down to | Failure

04. History

Born in Haven, Rowena was the oldest of 4. Growing up her family lived in poverty and resorted to other means to get money. Rowena spent most of her early life with her mother while her father worked long hours with underground organizations. Once she was old enough to be on her own, Rowena spent the rest of her childhood alone. That was until her siblings began to be born. At 100 years of her life Rowena started taking care of her siblings. One after another, they were left in her hands while her parents went to work...wherever that was. They never told Rowena what they did and often kept it a secret.

Years pass and Rowena and her siblings are living peacefully with each other, never really knowing who their parents were. Still, the younger ones didn't understand that their parents saw them as burdens rather than blessings. Rowena took on the role of being their mother. Each one came to her for help and Rowena would drop almost everything to help them. It was a bond stronger than steel. Her siblings looked at her for leadership, and Rowena sought them for comfort on hard days.

Of course all happy times don't last forever. On the eve of her youngest sibling's 100 year birthday her family had finally all gathered together to celebrate. However her parents seemed on edge and it wasn't long before Rowena knew why. 4 demons barged into their small home, swords and guns in hand. They pulled the family from their home and threw them outside. Rowena was the first to react and took a defensive stance in front of her siblings, while her parents shook in their boots.

The demons laughed before putting a bullet in both her parents heads, no hesitation or explanation, just death. Rowena froze then and as her siblings ran to her parents, she stayed frozen staring at them. Unfortunately as her siblings ran up to their parents, one by one they were killed until the youngest dropped to the ground dead. The 4 demons turned to Rowena and something in her snapped. With an ear piercing scream she activated her demon form and took down the 4 demons in one attack; Incinerate.

Black Rose Clan members were on the scene first. They took her to their leader Avvadon where Rowena's only words were "kill me." The leader took pity on her and took her into his clan, making it known to the others she was not to be killed. Rowena was shocked by his declaration but was thankful at the same time. It would be years later that Rowena would finally come to terms with her family's death and then started to train harder so she could grow in strength and protect people from experiencing the same type of pain.

Around her 2,000th year of life Rowena had achieved the progress she had planned and more. Her power had grown and she was faster, stronger, and more agile than many. Though around the same time the Second in Command passed, leaving the spot open for the heir to take. However, Avvadon had other plans as he chose Rowena for the position instead. Her shock was immense but she accepted the position and vowed to serve as his second in command faithfully and loyally as a way to thank him for sparing her life.

05. Extra

- Clan mark is located in the middle of her upper back

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  • Love
Reactions: EldridSmith

Mackenzie Ponsil
ash wovles
00. Basics

Name: Mackenzie Ponsil
  • Mac
  • Bloody Thorn (Code Name)
Age: 32
Gender: Female
Race: Human
Rank: Second in Command of Ash Wolves

01. Appearance

Hair: Reaching below her butt, Mac's hair is snow white, corase and thin. Her hair often falls out but she is never seen with any less hair than usual. Bangs frame her face giving her sharp features.

Eyes: Piercing blue, Mackenzie's eyes hold only anger and disgust. Those are the only emotions Mac even shows through her eyes, other than that she wears an emotionless mask.

Complexion: Lightly tanned Mac's skin has darker tones to it. Around her eyes are red marks and bangs from not sleeping. On her abc is a large jagged scar going from the top right shoulder to the bottom center of her back.

Body: Standing at 5' 6" Mackenzie is more on the tall side, though her curry figure makes it known she's a woman. She weights 143 lbs with her slight muscle mass and her hourglass figure.

Clothes: Often Mackenzie is seen in black leggings, combat boots, and a sweater or long sleeve T-shirt. Her 'battle clothes' are similar, the only difference is she wears a back and blue one piece under the black leggings rather than a sweater or T-shirt.


02. Abilities

-Gauntlet - Mac's gauntlet enhances her strength and adds pure energy to her punches. With each punch Mackenzie is able to send a wave of energy at her opponent. The gauntlet is made of a dense material allowing her to also block attacks with it.
-HTA-C.Blade - A carbon fiber sword with a titanium blade, Mac's sword has taken hit after hit and stayed sharp. The sword holds no power but it makes up for it with its lightweight material and usability. The blade isn't too long, reaching about the length of her arm.
-MGia-Ma TORCH - This pole arm is infused with energy that when touching something it will set on fire or melt as it's cut through. The blade glows orange and can be turned off when needing to be stealthy.

Passive Abilities:
-Almost Inhuman Reflexes - Agile as a cat Mack can move through a battle gracefully not getting many, if any, scratches. After years of training her body Mackenzie has achieved a level of reflexes almost beyond human capabilities.
-Sneaky - Mack moves through any terrain with silent ease. Her movements are almost undetectable by demons and humans alike. Stealth is her specialty and she uses it to her lightweight movements to sneak up on people and take them out quickly.
-Master Lock Picker - Mackenzie can get into almost any safe, vault, room. Having been nothing more than a petty thief at first Mackenzie's mastery of lockpicking only grew as the years moved forward to reach her current ability level.
-Expert in Weapons - Having trained for hours and hours everyday Mackenzie has learned to use her weapons as an extension of her body. Her sword was the easiest to master, then the polearm. Now she can use about any weapon but chooses to use swords and polearms due to having used them the longest.
-Enhanced Speed - Mack wore weights on her ankles almost everyday for 4 years. Eventually she would get used to the weights, so she would add more. When she finally took them off her speed had immensely improved to be almost on par with demons.

03. Personal

Persona: Sassy | Sarcastic | Only listens to her leader | Will change plans if needed | Hot-headed | Sadistic | Flirty | Narcissistic | Adventurous | Clever | Cynical | Blunt | Talkative | Guard dog | Shoot first, ask questions later | Hard headed | Stubborn | Once her mind is made up she sticks to it | Won't back down unless ordered to | Curious | Hates demons | Chaotic | Impulsive | Self-assured | Confident | Rebellious | Loud | Sneaky | Tells white lies occasionally | Will tell you to your face how she feels | Won't talk behind someone's back

Likes: Sushi | Walking | Blood and Gore | Horror movies | Jogging | Cold weather | Action packed movies | Walks alone | Being apart of Ash Wolves | Talking | Being the center of attention | Men | Drugs | Parties | Drinking her mind away

Dislikes: Demons | Dealing with kids | Prissy people | Bullshit | Bold face lies | Lying | Having to kill humans | Unnecessary violence | Extreme Heights (i.e. plane level) | Hangovers | Being left behind | Fighting with her brother | Unnecessary death | Over the top plans | Romantic dates | One night stands

04. History

Mackenzie lived a rather normal life in the beginning. Her father worked as a lawyer and her mother was a teacher. Mack was a happy child, lived the life people dreamed of. When her little brother was born Mackenzie was 5 and while she got jealous from time to time, Mack loved her little brother. They had a bond like no other, a close bond that people tended to not understand. And like always the years piled on and by 10 Mack and her brother were inseparable. They spent so much time together, and when Marcus got scared of anything Mack was there to pick him up and dry his tears.

But all good things come to an end eventually. Mack and her brother were on their way home from school one day when a group of demons, around their age, walked up. At first they seemed fine and nice but they pushed Marcus to the ground and shoved Mack to the side. They proceeded to beat her brother, keeping her held back as she watched. Marcus was left bloody and bruised by the time they finished. She wasn't sure what the purpose of the attack was but that was the first incident of Mack growing a distaste for demons.

A few years later and Mack is 16, she's starting her Junior year in high school. Walking home one day alone seeing as she got out before Marcus, Mack was confronted by the same ground of demons. They called her slurs and pushed her around. At that time in her life Mack wasn't much of a fighter, but being pushed around like that, it caused a feeling that she wasn't sure what it was at the time. But Mack was weak and the demons overpowered her when she tried to fight back and run.

Running was the problem. The demons caught up fast and toppled her to the ground, beating her bloody. One of them pulled out a knife and Mack panicked. The demon began to carve her skin, making random deep cuts here and there. It wasn't until she stopped struggling that they got bored and left her. Mackenzie lay there for an hour or so before she finally stood and limped her way home. That day her distaste grew tenfold.

Years pass and it's her graduation. Her family decided to throw a party to celebrate her graduation and acceptance into college. But the day was ruined by the demons that had been a problem for her and her brother. They looked menacing as they approached her family, blood lust in their eyes. The demons attempted to attack Mackenzie but her mother jumped in the way, taking a sword to the heart. It was her father who moved next, he attacked the demons and told Mackenzie and Marcus to run.

Marcus was smart and ran like their father said, Mackenzie stayed long enough to see her fathers head cut off before she too ran. Mackenzie wasn't too sure what happened to the demon group but after that day they vanished. Now, however, Mack detested demons.

Taking on the role of a mother Mack dropped out of college and took on odd jobs and stole to make ends meet. Mack even started training herself to fight, needing to know self defense in order to survive. It was late one night when a strange man approached her. He offered her training as she showed potential. Mack had no hesitation as she accepted the offer.

The next 5 years she spent training day in and day out with her instructor. Though he ended up killed by a group of demons, of course Mack was quick to kill once she found them over her instructor's body. Mack held no sadness as she looked at the man that taught her everything she now knew about fighting. Instead her eyes held rage, she wanted to hunt and kill for fun, but that went against everything she stood for.

So, she moved on.

A year later Mack is making her way home for the first time since her parents died. Though she didn't make it far as a rather large group of demons circled her. Mack was confused but up for a fight; and she put up a good one. However, there were simply too many for her to take on at once and eventually they overpowered her. Just as they are to cut off her head a man comes into view and, in almost no time, takes the rest of the demons down.

Mackenzie was grateful for the man's arrival but before she could thank him she passed out. Later she woke up in a hospital with no clue as to how she got there. It wasn't until a week later she found out. A group of darkly dressed humans approached her. They spoke of the incident and offered her a choice. Join them and get revenge on demons or continue her useless life. Of course Mack was quick to accept the offer to join them and upon her arrival she met the man that saved her, Sephtis.

Years in the organization go by and by 30 Mack had been working under Sephtis for about 2 years. At that time he was simply second in command but, when he finally took command of the Ash Wolves he chose Mack as his second, having seen her talent had improved immensely since he first saw her. From that day on Mack has served Sephtis as a loyal guard dog.

05. Extra

  • Younger Brother - Marcus Ponsil | 27 | Teacher | Married | 1 Child
  • Niece - Lillian Ponsil | 5 | Elementary School

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  • Love
Reactions: EldridSmith
Rowena Monet
Black Rose

Text Here

Credits to Rabbit
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  • Like
Reactions: EldridSmith
Black Rose
Ash Wolves


Hello and welcome to my partner search thread. I am Lulunopia, or Lulu. Formally this account was LuluBunny but I managed to get my old username back. Anyway before we move on to the actual thread I wanna say a few things. Hi to any of those who remember me, uhm I'm back and finally more active. I also now know the limit of how many rp's I can take on at once. So, hopefully this time I don't burn out and disappear. Anyway onto the thread!

> About Me
  • I am 21 years old...finally. I mean I'm not happy about it because I'm getting old and my little brother is 4 now (;-; they grow up so fast)
  • I am huge into astrology, wicca, meditation, and mythology of all kinds so if you're into that thing let me break something down for you. I am a Gemini Sun, Virgo Moon, and Aries Rising who is scared of confrontation and has no idea how to make friends :/
  • I love OOC chat and will gladly be your friend, even tho I'm awkward. But anyway, yea, let's be friends please! Forewarning though I don't know how to make friends XD I love having them!
  • When it comes to my writing I can write out novel sized posts if I'm inspired or it can be 2+ with the same inspiration. It all depends on what I feel is needed. Also depends on what my partner gives me.
  • I can post anywhere from once a day to once a week. I can either be very busy or I'll have a lot of lazy days. There is never an in-between.
  • I have been rping for 4 years now and writing for 6 years. Guess I could say I'm an advanced writer but I am still learning new things. Which is needed to help me develop the book I'm writing.
  • I prefer to write women character but can write for men as well. I'm just a woman so I'm more familiar with a woman. But I'll gladly play a male character if you would like :)
  • When it comes to smut I do have no go's like toilet play, vore, gore, other things. Just ask before we delve into it to make sure we are both okay with what's going on. No want for anyone to get upset or triggered or anything like that.

> Pairings

  • Jock x Nerd
  • Prep x Outcast
  • Single Parent x Child's Teacher
  • Teacher x Teacher
  • Soldier x Nurse
  • Model x Shy Photographer
  • Soulmates

  • God x Peasant
  • Witch x Wizard
  • Prince x Witch
  • God x Goddess
  • Knight x Princess
  • Peasant x Royalty
  • Shy Maid x Tyrant King
  • Werewolf x werewolf
  • Werewolf x Vampire

  • Vampire x Human
  • God/Goddess x Human
  • Demi-god x Human
  • Werewolf x Human
  • Elemental x Elemental

> Fandoms
  • Naruto
  • Fairy Tail
  • One Piece
  • Harry Potter
  • House of Night
  • My Hero Academia
  • Death Note
  • Disenchantment
  • Dragon Ball Z
  • Avatar: The Last Airbender
  • Supernatural
  • Soul Eater
  • Rick and Morty
  • Gravity Falls
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Hmm hmm hm hm hm hmm hmm hm hm hmmmmm~

A deep humming echoed through the dark empty apartment. Though it wasn't entirely empty. Standing in the slightly large bathroom was Gabrielle. He was facing a large mirror using a comb to straighten the mess that was his bed head. Gabe fluffed it slightly before smiling, happy with how he looked. It was his first day working for a new photographer and boy was he excited. Gabe had heard great things about this photographer and to think he was chosen to be photographed by this mystery person. Checking his watch Gabe deduced he still had time to grab him and the photographer coffee. Ah, coffee, one of Gabe's favorite drinks; and he likes it with 2 cream and 2 sugar.

Breaking from his thoughts of coffee Gabe headed to his room and quickly changed into a grey button up dress shirt and black jeans. Tucking his shirt into his pants Gabrielle grabbed his petticoat and put it on after socks. Then finally he grabbed his boots, put them on, and headed out the door with his keys in hand. Locking the door, Gabe drove off toward the closest coffee shop. While he drove Gabe ran through the different photographers he knew of, trying to figure out who exactly was about to photograph him. Alas he still couldn't figure it out as the description of this particular person was far different from everyone he knows and knows of.

It wasn't long before Gabe pulled into the coffee shop parking lot and was out of his car headed into the coffee shop. It was a small ma' and pop shop but the coffee was amazing. As he entered the cafe Gabe smiled as the bitter smell of coffee hit his nose. Quickly checking his watch Gabe saw he had 20 minutes to be there. Thankfully the studio was only a 10 minute drive. So if everything went according to plan he would be early and maybe score some brownie points with this new photographer.

8 minutes later Gabe was leaving the shop with two cups of coffee and a small handful of creamer and sugar. Checking his watch again, once in the car, Gabe smirked seeing he had 12 minutes left to get there. With that in mind Gabrielle drove off toward the studio. However, life had other plans for him. Once in the heart of downtown Gabe was stuck in stop and go traffic. His once happy look was now gone and replaced with a glare as he watched the light turn green over and over.

After 20 minutes of being stuck Gabrielle was anxious as he pulled into the parking lot of the studio. Hands shaking slightly Gabe turned his car off and looked at the coffee. If he hadn't gotten the coffee would he have been here early? Sadly there was no time to dwell on it as Gabe looked at his watch for the fourth time that day. Anxiety ran through his body as he saw he was 8 minutes late already. Jumping out of his car Gabe quickly dressed in his jacket and put his keys and wallet away.

Grabbing the coffee Gabe speed walked through the building as he searched for the room he was supposed to already be in. Then his phone started to ring. Stopping, he pulled out his phone to see who was calling. His eyebrows shot up as an unknown number was calling him, and had already called him 2 times now. Shit! That had to be the photographer. Now he was running, searching, pleading that he could find the room he was looking form.

Finally he was standing outside the room, his phone had stopped ringing, and his heart was racing. Letting out a deep breath Gabe put on his best smile and walked into the room. Immediately he could feel the tension as all eyes set on him. The hair and make-up team looked like they wanted to pounce him, which he's pretty sure that'll happen. Then there were the two women standing together. One older and one around his age, maybe. The older one was holding a phone while the younger one wore a cat ear hoodie.

"H-hey! Sorry I'm late, I got stuck in traffic." He apologized, his smile dropping to a half smile. "I-I brought coffee for the photographer." Gabe admitted his voice dropping to a slightly lower tone.

Credits to Rabbit
Oliver Preston
Basic Information
Full Name: Oliver Preston
Age: 6
Sex: Male
Species: Barn Owl

Hair/Fur/Skin Colour: White feathers covering most of the body with brown feathers on head, wings, and tail feathers.
Eyes: Black
Build: Small, stocky

Physical Strength: 3/10
Intelligence: 8/10
Endurance: 8/10
Diet: Rodents

Character Origins
Natural Habitat: Forests
Person: Eric Preston

Character strengths: Intelligent | Reliant | Friendly
Character weaknesses: Restless | Temperamental | Sassy

Eric Preston
Basic Information
Full Name: Eric Flint Preston
House: Gryffindor
Year: 7th
Age: 18
Gender: Male
Species: Wolf-shifter
Ability: N/A
Blood status: Half-Blood

Wand Information
Wood: Ebony
Length: 12 inches
Core: Phoenix Feather
Rigidity: Sturdy

Hair: Brown
Eyes: Blue
Build: Lean with muscular tones
FC: Froy Gutierrez

Academic Information
Favorite subjects: DADA | Charms | Alchemy | Potions
Least favorite subjects: History of Magic | Herbology
Magical strengths: Defense and Offense spells | Non-verbal spell casting
Magical weaknesses: Hard time controlling how powerful his spells are | Understanding advanced texts | Herbology
Classes: DADA | Transfiguration | Charms | Potions | Alchemy
Extra Curricular Activities: Beater on the Quidditch team

Character Origins
Hometown: Bristol, England
Pet: Barn Owl - Oliver "Oli" Preston
Immediate family:
  • Mother - Martha Preston
    • Deceased | Muggle
  • Father - Keith Preston
    • Deceased | Wizard
  • Older Sister - Angelina Preston
    • 21 | Witch | Unknown Location
  • Older Brother - Henry Preston
    • Deceased | Wizard
  • Guardian - John Lindell
    • 56 | Wolf-Shifter | Detective


Born the youngest of the Preston siblings Eric was known as the troublemaker. He hated to follow the rules of society and chose to make his own rules. This caused quite a lot of problems with the law and his parents. His siblings, however, were a different story. Angelina, the oldest, was a quiet girl that never really interacted with the family as the years went on. Henry was the middle child, loud and proud.

Eric got along with his siblings for the most part. Him and Henry were closest. Angelina never gave Eric the time of day unless he needed help with homework or the likes. This was while he was in muggle schools though. As he got older Eric and Angelina grew very distant, to the point of an almost distaste for each other.

When Eric's letter came in the mail everything changed. Life took a different turn as his siblings began to grow more distant, not seeming to have time for him anymore. Then everything ended. It was his second year, winter break. Eric as usual was visiting his family. Everything seemed normal until he heard a scream, followed by a thump coming from downstairs. Having been with his brother they both bolted down the stairs. Before they even reached the bottom step Henry was dead. A green beam of light hit him.

Eric looked where the beam of light came from and saw his sister standing by the dead figures of his parents. Being only 12 there wasn't much he could do, but anger and hurt filled him. He went to attack his sister only to fall to the ground in pain. By the time the pain passed his sister was gone. Hours passed before authorities arrived at the house, a neighbor reported having heard a scream.

Eric refused to say anything, he may not care about his sister anymore but he wasn't going to tell muggles what happened. Then entered the detective, a different kind of man, a wolf-shifter. He took Eric away from his home and adopted him. The man, John, didn't want Eric to look at him like a father. In fact, he simply wanted to be his guardian.

By his 4th year Eric had another change. During a full moon John bite Eric. It wasn't intentional of course but it happened. The next day John began to help Eric through the change and after a talk with Dumbledore Eric was able to return to school at the end of break. Now in his 6th year Eric is still learning to control his wolf side.

Character strengths:
  • Courageous
  • Selfless
  • Brave
Character weaknesses:
  • Blunt
  • Temperamental
  • Argumentative
Fatal flaw: Honesty to the Max - Eric has a habit of ruining every friendship he's ever had due to being overly honest and open. He isn't one to hold anything back which leads him to having no filter and saying anything that comes to mind.
Patronus: Fox

  • Chocolate
  • Animals
  • Snow
  • Helping those in need
  • Reading (don't tell anyone)
  • Quidditch
  • Fighting without a reason
  • Bullies
  • Pureblood elitists
  • Most Slytherins
  • Tomatoes
  • Herbology (he can't keep a plant alive)
  • Not being able to save the ones he loves
  • Losing his siblings
  • He was the reason for his parents murder
  • Has major depressive disorder
  • He's a homosexual
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Calypso Preston

n i c k n a m e / s: : Cally; Widow (code name)
a g e : : 27
g e n d e r : : Demi-girl
p r o n o u n s : : She/They
b i r t h d a y : : June 4
b i r t h p l a c e : : Hampton, Virginia
s e x u a l i t y : : Pansexual
r e l a t i o n s h i p - s t a t u s : : Single
o c c u p a t i o n : : Full-Time Field Agent
p o s i t i o n : : Field Agent of 5 Years

h e i g h t : : 5' 5"
h a i r - c o l o r : : Gray
e y e - c o l o r : : Brown
d i s t i n g u i s h i n g - f e a t u r e s : : Heart tattoo on left side of face

h e a l t h - n o t e / s : : OCD | Bi-Polar 1 | ADHD

p e r s o n a l i t y - t r a i t s : : Sassy | Sarcastic | Only listens to her superiors | Will change plans if needed | Hot-headed | Sadistic | Flirty | Narcissistic | Adventurous | Clever | Cynical | Blunt | Talkative | Guard dog | Shoot first, ask questions later | Hard headed | Stubborn | Once her mind is made up she sticks to it | Won't back down unless ordered to | Curious | Chaotic | Impulsive | Self-assured | Confident | Rebellious | Loud | Sneaky | Tells white lies occasionally | Will tell you to your face how she feels | Won't talk behind someone's back

l i k e s : : Sushi | Walking | Blood and Gore | Horror movies | Jogging | Cold weather | Action packed movies | Walks alone | Talking | Being the center of attention | Men & Women | Drugs | Parties | Drinking her mind away

d i s l i k e s : : Dealing with kids | Prissy people | Bullshit | Bold face lies | Unnecessary violence | Extreme Heights (i.e. plane level) | Hangovers | Being left behind | Fighting with her brother | Unnecessary death | Over the top plans | Romantic dates | One night stands

s k i l l s : : Agile | Secret keeper | Proficient with swords

w e a k n e s s e s : : Temperamental | Argumentative | Not good with long range weapons | Hand-to-hand combat | Impulsive

p o w e r : : Psychic Constructs - Ability to shape psionic energy into weapons
l i m i t a t i o n s : :
  • Can only make weapons as she has yet to master the ability to create objects outside of general weapons.
  • Must have contact with the weapons in order for them to stay shaped; i.e. constructs disappear once contact is lost
  • Simple weapons only, Calypso cannot make guns of any kind
  • Needs a day's rest after reaching her limit; 2 hours
  • Can only keep a weapon formed for a total of 10 minutes before it disappears; needing a 2 minute rest before making a new weapon
  • Holding psionic energy too long causes burns to appear on her hands; 1 hour before burns start to happen

h i s t o r y : : TBA

f a m i l y : :
Mother - Maria Preston | Deceased
Father - Antonio Preston
  • 60 | Detective | Weapon Mastery
Siblings -
  • Younger Brother: Finnick Preston
    • 24 | Law firm Secretary | Telepathy
  • Younger Sister: Octavia Preston
    • 20 | "Dancer" | Succubus Physiology
e x t r a : :
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Mardia Vonna

It was morning, the sun was just rising over the horizon and birds began to sing their joyful songs. The light from the sun illuminated the world in a golden glow. The morning had come and it was time to start the day, and for most it had already begun. Mardia was among the few that had started their day before the sun rose. Her gleaming blue eyes caught sight of the sun rising as she stared off into the distance over the horizon, almost looking for something. Though as her eyes turned back to the task at hand a short knock came from the large wooden door.

Mardia narrowed her eyes as she said, "Enter." The door opened not a minute later showing the head guard, and good friend, Fillian. He stood tall in his metal armor, medium length hair held back in a ponytail. His emerald eyes met hers before he quickly bowed. "What's with the formalities, Fillian?" She questioned, mirth dancing in her tone.

Fillian sent a glare Mardia's way, to which she simply smiled. "I'm not supposed to be friendly with my superiors," He mumbled. A chime like giggle passed Mardia's pale lips as amusement played on her face. "Stop laughing!" He exclaimed in exasperation. Her giggles ceased but the smile never left her face. It was odd to see her friend in such an uptight mood. Usually it only meant something was happening.

"Is something happening Fil?" Mardia questioned, using the nickname she had given him years ago. Back when they were just teens and getting to know each other. Things have changed since then and nothing will be the same.

A sigh was heard as Marida connected with his eyes. "Unfortunately, a loud crashing sound was heard near the entrance of the forest." He paused a worried look about him. Something wasn't right. "No one has gone near and nothing has been heard since." Fillian stated, green meeting blue and all Mardia could see was pleading. "Will you go check it out? The King and Queen are getting worried."

"I'll check it out." Marida stated as she put things into a satchel to take with her. Mari was never one to let the King and Queen worry. After all, they took her in when no one else would. People found her scary, what with no one having seen an elf of her kind in decades. Especially not one with her capabilities and skills. It was because of this that people often avoided Mardia, choosing to see her as a freak, opposed to a person with thoughts and feelings.

Once her bag was filled Mari grabbed her staff and darted for the door, moving past the silent Fillian swiftly. Down the stairs, left, right, right, left, and out the back doors. Mardia was on a mission and it wasn't one she would easily be swayed from. The King and Queen wanted this done, and no one makes noise in the forest.
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Welcome One and All

  • My name is Lulunopia! Though most people just call me Lu or Lulu! Feel free to use either for come up with a nickname for me!
  • I am 21 years old soon to be not ready
  • I am huge into astrology, wicca, meditation, and mythology of all kinds so if you're into that thing let me break something down for you. I am a Gemini Sun, Virgo Moon, and Aries Rising who is scared of confrontation and has no idea how to make friends :/
  • I love OOC chat and will gladly be your friend, even tho I'm awkward. But anyway, yea, let's be friends please! Forewarning though I don't know how to make friends XD I love having them!
  • When it comes to my writing I can write out novel sized posts if I'm inspired or it can be 2+ with the same inspiration. It all depends on what I feel is needed. Also depends on what my partner gives me.
  • I can post anywhere from once a day to once a week. I can either be very busy or I'll have a lot of lazy days. There is never an in-between.
  • I have been rping for 6-ish years now and writing for about 8 or 9 years. Guess I could say I'm an advanced writer but I am still learning new things. Which is needed to help me develop the book I'm writing and dnd campaign
  • I prefer to write women character but can write for men as well. I'm just a woman so I'm more familiar with a woman. But I'll gladly play a male character if you would like :)


  • Jock x Nerd
  • Prep x Outcast
  • Single Parent x Child's Teacher
  • Teacher x Teacher
  • Soldier x Nurse
  • Soulmates

  • God x Peasant
  • Witch x Wizard
  • Prince x Witch
  • God x Goddess
  • Knight x Princess
  • Peasant x Royalty
  • Shy Maid x Tyrant King
  • Werewolf x werewolf
  • Werewolf x Vampire
  • Werewolf x Hunter
  • Werewolf x Human
  • Vampire x Human

  • Vampire x Human
  • God/Goddess x Human
  • Demi-god x Human
  • Werewolf x Human
  • Elemental x Elemental
  • God/Goddess x God/Goddess

  • Naruto
  • Fairy Tail
  • One Piece
  • Harry Potter
  • House of Night
  • My Hero Academia
  • Death Note
  • Disenchantment
  • Dragon Ball Z
  • Avatar: The Last Airbender
  • Supernatural
  • Soul Eater
  • Rick and Morty
  • Gravity Falls