A Certain Bizarre Affair

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Endearing Misanthrope
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  1. 1-3 posts per day
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  1. Give-No-Fucks
  2. Intermediate
  3. Adept
  4. Adaptable
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  1. No Preferences
Quite open to most general genres, like fantasy (usually more urban fantasy), science fiction, slice of life, etc.
A Certain Bizarre Affair



Two men of great ambition. One god with the power to realize it.

Heaven and gravity were such abstract concepts. Many people had different ideas of both. Some believed that both, if not either or, did not exist at all. Some believed that Heaven was actually Nirvana, or that gravity was the will of their god and nothing more than that. However, they knew exactly what to make of these ideas. And soon, they would let the entire multiverse know of it.

Given new life after his defeat years before and reunited with his close friend and confidant, Enrico Pucci, the man known as Dio Brando revives his objective to obtain "Heaven." After the events of When the Corpses Cry, the activities of DIO and Pucci kindle an interest from the Magic God known as Othinus, a figure with ties to the multiversal organization known as the Revanchist. Approaching them, she makes an offer to them that they cannot resist, and with that, the fate of the multiverse begins to stir forever.

The two-chapter story takes place shortly after When the Corpses Cry and ends just after The War of the Universe. It began on October 15, 2016, and ended on March 25, 2017.

Table of Contents

Chapter 1 - Shifting World

Chapter 2 - Fluctuating World
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  • Nice Execution!
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Chapter 1 - Shifting World



Gravity is a force that holds the world down.

It keeps everything and everyone in check, grounding them in reality. It is the safety net that allows people in the world to remain as they are in the world. But, at the same time, it is also something that holds back humanity. It is something that has tried time and time to prevent humanity from exploring further than its own atmosphere, exploring areas such as the moon itself.

And yet, man persevered against the rules of nature. They escaped gravity and managed to pierce into what lay above, but there was another goal that it had always wanted to achieve, but never knew how, whether it be the work of gravity or not.

They had yet to achieve Heaven.


Shortly after their reunion under rather bizarre circumstances, Dio Brando and Enrico Pucci, the latter heavily inspired by the former in life, bid farewell to their ally, a so-called warrior of 「Heaven」known as Yuna Yuki, would return home.

Except what they would find back home would be what they expected at all, as they would soon find out.


Setting foot in his home world again after the strange encounter with the blasphemous witches known as Beatrice and Bernkastel, Enrico Pucci was home again, and with him, the man who had inspired him in life ever since he was but a boy, the man known as DIO.

Though DIO would recognize the area well, this place being the mansion that he resided in during the late 1980s in Egypt, Pucci wasn't exactly in the know about the location, and thus, he looked around curiously, examining the decrepit old building's interior closely in an attempt to gauge where exactly they were, though to little avail, as was to be expected.

"... DIO, what is this place?" The priest asked curiously, looking to the other man as a source of guidance.

Then again, that was exactly how Pucci saw DIO.


"We... are in what was once my old, humble abode, it seems. How convenient. It appears that time has been fair to this dwelling," the man spoke richly with a soft chuckle, words oozing with a smooth, practically sultry and alluring voice, hypnotic like a vampire. All of it was what contributed to his grace as a man... though, he was far beyond a "man." He was more than that. He was DIO. Nothing more, nothing less.

Rubbing his chin thoughtfully, DIO would inhale sharply, as though taking in the air of the mansion that he had once lived in, the place that he had previously taken as his own, like a king or conqueror would a populated land. It smelled old and dusty, as expected to a place that had gone without maintenance for so long. There was a part to him that was almost surprised that this place wasn't torn down by now. Hmph. Looking back, it only seemed like yesterday to him that it was the 19th century, and he was battling his respectable rival, JoJo, as he called him, or rather, Jonathan Joestar.

But it was no matter. Men were capable of aging and becoming out of time, but as mentioned before, DIO was beyond "man." He rejected his humanity long ago, and never looked back. And as someone beyond man, DIO would never be out of time. Quite simply, in fact, he had all the time in the world. He had all the time on Earth to reach Heaven.

"You'd... walked among this place before?" Pucci questioned, suddenly eyeing the place up with a newfound spark of interest, as though the mere mention of DIO's previous presence within the old mansion was enough to intrigue him.

"Indeed... Brings back quite a number of memories, good, like meeting you, dear Pucci, and bad, like falling at the hands of that meddlesome... Jotaro Kujo. To think that a hundred years later, Jonathan Joestar's descendants would come to battle me upon hearing of my return. A testament to the power I possess that they fear, perhaps," DIO spoke, almost proud, but still reserved, of the power he possessed, idly tracing his finger across an old cabinet that had happened to be in the room, picking up some old dust in the process, before wiping it off with his thumb.

Calm as ever, Pucci found it admirable that DIO could think back to the men who had interfered with his life's work and plans, and remain collected as ever, truly like a man above men. Like a god.

If that phrase were used to describe any other man, even the mightiest of men throughout history, Pucci would have considered it sacrilegious to describe a man as above god, but DIO was the only one exception. As he had once said before, he loved the man as he loved God. It was depressingly humorous in that regard. The one man that he could describe as truly like God, given human form, other than the Son of Christ himself, was technically not human.

"Still... It appears, now that I've discovered this greater multiverse, that the possibilities are endless. There must be unimaginable amounts of people with power similar to what we possess, Pucci, but even throughout different worlds, realms, dimensions, one thing remains constant amount man. It is not what they can do that defines them, that makes up the fundamentals of their existence, but rather, what they desire to do, to take, and more than that, how much they want it. Will is what separates men, what makes them unequal by birth. And I..." DIO trailed off for a brief moment, clenching his fist, giving it a long and hard gaze for a moment, before letting out a breath, reminiscent of a small chuckle, "I am above them all. Men are not born equal, but they do not even begin to compare to I. And they will know that soon enough, once I achieve Heaven, even if I have to use the powers of others to take it into my hands."

A beautifully said monologue. Pucci never had any doubts. But evidently, DIO wasn't done. He still had more to say. A man like him always had something to say, and he required an audience to listen.


"And, even though power might be dependent on one's force of will, let us not underestimate power in the literal sense. Jotaro might have been a formidable foe due in the anger he felt when I destroyed Joseph Joestar, his own grandfather, before his very eyes, as well as the burning desire to save his poor mother, but all the willpower and desire in the world would have been futile had it not been for the power of Star Platinum alongside him..."

Pucci furrowed his brow, continuing to only listen, never daring to interrupt, interject, or otherwise comment in between, simply nodding in response to DIO's words, as though he were listening to scripture. When the priest was confident that DIO was done speaking for the time being, if only to catch his breath, Pucci would throw in his remark.

"I see. Indeed, a man of powerful ambition needs powerful abilities to allow him to accomplish his goals, especially if it is to change the world," Pucci mused, cupping his chin thoughtfully, "But... Where would we acquire this kind of power to achieve Heaven? If the Arrow is unable to grant us that power, then... Where in the world would we be able to find it?"

DIO let out another chuckle, crossing his arms as he gazed at Pucci with an amused smile, almost mischievous like a child. "Oh, dear Pucci, your thinking is too limited. Think not about what this world can offer us, but rather, what the other worlds throughout the universe, or even the multiverse, can provide for us!" He exclaimed, stretching out his arms, as if to emphasize the sheer size and scale of what he was talking about, "Case in point... How do you think we came to be in this mansion? Surely, it could not be some coincidence, and there was no way to have chosen where we would have landed after that accursed Witch's Game. No, no, no... Someone, with some kind of power, put us here deliberately."


"And that someone... is you there," he said, pointing at the wall opposite from himself and Pucci, talking in a far more authoritative tone than he held when speaking with just Pucci.

"Come out, where I can... see you. You cannot hide from me."

"Ah? Dear me, perhaps I should have exerted more effort into concealing myself," a mysterious, unfamiliar feminine voice would say, before footsteps would be heard ringing from the other side of the room, until the shadow of a figure. In terms of stature, she was far smaller than DIO, but her presence was just as imposing, even to the two men before her.


"Greetings. I did not expect to have been found out so quickly," the voice continued, stopping after a few steps, continuing to remain in the shadows for the time being, before speaking again in a nonchalant, almost unassming tone, "How do you do?"

Sharply however, Pucci, standing in front of DIO, was be the first to answer.


"Quite interesting to act as though we are friends before introducing oneself," the man spoke, giving the figure a wary look, while DIO in contrast remained seemingly relaxed as ever.

"You would do well to refrain from acting overly familiar in the presence of DIO, stranger, at least until you reveal your intentions. Tell me, who might you be? And are you the one who brought us to this place?"

"My, such an eager youth. Perhaps I ought to teach you some manners," the figure only idly said, containing little more than a twinge of irritation in her voice, though despite what could be interpreted as a sort of threat, she made no move, continuing to stand perfectly still where she was.


"Now now, dear Pucci, don't be so hasty," DIO spoke, holding his hand up, causing the priest to stop in his tracks when he was about to make a move, "Good things come to those who wait, after all. Still, he raises valid questions. Questions that still beg to be answered. You. Answer them promptly. I haven't much tolerance for whatever games you might have planned."


The figure stood at pause for a brief moment, evidently having a different reaction to DIO's commands compared to when Pucci was speaking, as though his way of talking, if not his general voice, gave a different meaning in a way. And then, after a while, her silence was broken... by a small laugh. Now seeming even more amused, the figure, tipping her witch's hat, continued to remain in the shadows, but introduced her name nonetheless.

"How interesting. Even in the presence of a Magic God such as I, you would use such a tone with me, and yet, the decision to do so is not out of ignorance, as even you, I'm sure, are able to feel that aura in the air. Rather, your tone is out of sheer conviction," the figure observed, "Even with a mundane action such as talking, you always make sure to give it your all, showcasing your willpower through every action you perform and every word you speak. Admirable... for a mere human."


"Mere human?" Pucci spoke up before DIO would be able to respond, the figure seeming to more and more rub the priest the wrong way, though perhaps for a different reason than one would expect from just about anyone else, "Speak blasphemy like that to DIO again, and--"

"Now now, Pucci. I am sure she simply does not know better," DIO simply said, reserved as ever, before clearing his throat and refocusing his attention upon the feminine figure, "Get on with it already. It is bad enough that you are wasting my time, but you are also boring me while doing so."

"Hmph. Very well, then. If you desire my identity so badly, then you shall have it," the girl said, clearing her throat, "My name is Othinus. I hail from another dimension, foreign to yours, and I have been observing you for a small while."

"Hoooh? Is that so?" The blonde vampire would inquire, raising an eyebrow at the words of the individual who introduced herself as Othinus, "And might I ask why you have been watching myself and my companion? You would do well to tread carefully. I don't like being watched. I've had to endure enough of that because of Joseph Joestar's troublesome Stand..."

"Oh, do not fret. Once you hear what I've to say, I'm sure you would forgive my... intrusion," Othinus spoke, her features remaining nondescript, obscured by the darkness of the shadows she hid within, though DIO and Pucci could practically sense a subtle patronizing air from her, "For you see, I have a proposition that I think you would find... most intriguing."



DIO remained silent for a brief moment, half expecting her to continue. While he waited, he turned his back to her, continuing to look around the room they were in, wiping off some more dust on the furniture and looking at his dusty finger, before deciding to take his chance to get another word in, turning his head ever so slightly to the self-proclaimed Magic God behind them.

"So even a god would make a proposition to me, eh? Interesting, very interesting," DIO spoke with a small chuckle, amused by the thought. There was very little room or reason to doubt Othinus's claim that she was a Magic God, whatever that entailed. After all, though it only felt like a few days, he had evidently been believed to be dead for years, even decades. That was how long he'd been out of commission, and he'd only revived during that Witch's Game. Being able to observe that kind of place, which was evidently a multiversal gathering, meant that she too could gaze upon and step into different worlds, as proven by her very presence here.

Of course, that fact in of itself raised the question...

"But then, if you have been watching me, that must mean that you were also observing the Witch's Game, which I gathered was not the first of its kind. Tell me then... Assuming that this is not the first of its kind that you've observed, what makes myself and my friend special?"

"It is as you said yourself previously, Dio Brando. Men are not born equal. What separates them, even more so than the power they hold in their hands, is the power they hold in their hearts, though through the two of you, Dio Brando and Enrico Pucci, I can feel great power in both of those places. You have great ambition, and great power that would be used to achieve that goal, no matter what. I can admire that about humans. The sheer, remorseless ruthlessness that drives man. The concept of what the ideal man fears, as you begin to construct your own concept of your ideal man."


DIO remained silent for a moment, having to take in her words. Certainly, she was one for flattery. He could sense that she spoke mostly to serve his ego, but that there was also a tinge of truth behind her words as well, so he accepted her given reasoning for the time being.

"I see. And now then, what is this so-called proposition you have for myself?"

"One that would entail working alongside myself, as well as a number of others. Simply put, I bestow upon you the chance to work with me, and I can help achieve the Heaven that you so adamantly seek," Othinus offered, "And you may ask yourself... What is the catch? Surely, even though I be a God, I would not strike you as the certainly merciful one that one such as Christ would believe. At least, is that how you would imagine your God, man of the cross?" She asked, looking at Pucci, who only sneered at her lightly in response, prompting the Magic God to continue with that.

"The answer is... There is no catch. I simply want to help you, though... I would be remiss to neglect mentioning that I would be helping you help me, and vice versa. Our goals, you could say, are one in the same, as I too wish to achieve Heaven in a manner of speaking, and it would be beneficial to seek those who venture on the same crusade as I would."


"... Hmph. Heaven, eh? So you really have been listening in," DIO said, intrigued. It took him a small while to register Othinus's words and formulate a reply, but the way he spoke and went about talking made the conversation's flow seem more seamless, the man smooth and charismatic as he was before he'd died the second time.

"That answers that, and you even went ahead and talked of the flaws and benefits. If we are to be mutually beneficial to each other, you, one who claims to be a God, and I, who will climb up to snatch that very title for myself, will hopefully get along just fine. However," he suddenly interjected, practically interrupting himself as he'd raise a lone finger, "I will only cooperate so long as you remain useful. Should you go back on this word you've given me in any way, this promise of working together to acquire Heaven, I will not hesitate to dispose of you, god or not. And let us make this clear... I am not your pawn. And beyond your title, beyond your powers, the only thing that I will grant you is that your ambition is indeed admirable, but I would take care not to let it get to your head. There is no use in attempting to deceive me, because I dare not call what we would forge a partnership, but rather... mutual usage. We're simply using each other, no more, and no less. Or would you continue to try to hide the wicked that you say I can sense within you?"


Now, it was Othinus's turn to give pause, DIO's response seeming to continue to intrigue her. Indeed, he was perhaps going to be one of the more interesting people she'd encounter throughout the multiverse, and with his power, along with his manservant's, he and Pucci would surely be a useful asset to her cause.

That all said, she gave a small breath, reminiscent of a dry laugh, before forming her response.

"Indeed. The result is what counts in the end, is it not? And we will gladly use each other to reach those ends that we deem desirable. That is how progress is made," the Magic God spoke, a ghost of a smile barely visible on her lips, "I'll surely keep that in mind; we are only joined together because of our shared resolve and goals. Nothing more. After all, these kinds of methods are necessary with traits like those."

It was amusing for her. Speaking to someone and essentially treating them like an equal. Usually, everyone she spoke to, Othinus generally treated as an underling in some sort of way, but when she'd found herself in the presence of someone with so great an amount of individualism and will such as Dio Brando, she couldn't help but speak to him with a more... deferential tone. It wasn't like she was actively conscious of it. It was simply something that she'd ended up doing.

"With the resources I have at hand, that is, an entire organization at my beck and call, I am sure that Heaven is just barely in our grasp. All we need is to be able to grasp it and take it for ourselves..."

"I care little for this organization you speak of. Simply provide me with what I need, report to me what will help me reach my objective, and nothing more," DIO spoke, quickly changing his tone to that of a bored one again, "Still... As a point of reference, what would I say to refer to this... organization of yours?"

"The short answer to that would be... the Revanchist. I presume that wouldn't ring any bells?"

"As I said, I care little about those matters. The same goes for what you do. It matters little to me either way whether you choose to help me or simply go about your own business, so long as you stay out of my way. However," he continued, raising a lone index finger once again, "If you would choose to aid me, then maybe, just maybe, I would feel inclined to reward you, just as a leader would his subjects. And... I'm sure we can work something out."

"Indeed. Your self-confidence is amusing, but before you can be of any use to me, and in turn, I to you, I'd advise you... gather your bearings. I am sure that there is much you'd rather tend to first than this," Othinus spoke, seeming to ignore DIO's further clarifications concerning who was who in the hierarchy, before clearing her throat, "... That said, I will take my leave now. My objective was to offer you the proposition, and now that that has been fulfilled, I have no further reason to stay. Before I leave though, consider one thing..." She would say in an almost warning tone, before finally stepping out of the shadows, exposing her face to the two men before her.


"Sometimes, to maintain as much power as you wish, you must... share the wealth, as they say. You may have impressive force of will, but too much ambition will always result in downfall. Keep that in mind when you think of betraying me without warning," she said testily, before turning around, blonde hair flowing in the air as she did so.

"Now then... We will meet again, I may promise you that. Perhaps next time, I shall have a more solid opportunity for you to grasp in order to help you step higher to power, but do make it a careful step when it is offered to you. It would be a shame if you were to... slip and fall," Othinus asserted, before walking back into the shadows. There was no need for any flashy magic. Once she was out of sight, she was instantly gone, like a ghost who was never there.



Pucci, who had remained reticent for the rest of the conversation between DIO and Othinus, the man whom he loved as God and the woman who claimed to be like God, gave a scowl in the direction that Othinus once stood in, before giving DIO a look.

"You would... actually consider cooperating with that sanctimonious harlot?" The man inquired distastefully. It wasn't in his nature to question someone as wise as DIO. After all, like God himself, he worked in mysterious ways, but this...


"Hmph. Hardly. Do not be absurd, dear Pucci. It was difficult enough to have my patience be tested by that woman. God or not, if she would have continued babbling on about her own devices, I may have decided to kill her myself," DIO spoke with a sneer, moving his hand to the edge of the stand that he was rubbing, as though continuing to wipe dust.

"As irritating as it is, however, that she would believe herself to be my equal, perhaps the best course of action would be to feign cooperation. When she ceases to be useful, I will dispose of her, and perhaps by then, we will have made at least some progress on our goal."

"Even... after her warning about precisely that?"

"Quite clearly, a threat. She believes me to be bound by some foolish code of honor. I ought to destroy her just to prove her wrong. You seen it in her eye as well, didn't you? She thinks the same as I. Once she believes that I would cease to be useful, then she would do the same as I intend to," DIO uttered, his lips forming a frown as he would suddenly clench his fist, crushing the stone of the stand that he'd been touching before, "She thinks that little of me... How disgusting. But I am not a man without patience. I shall let her have her delusions for the time being. After all, it is as she said herself. The result is what counts in the end. It is... what will be remembered forever."

"And... just what exactly, specifically, would be remembered forever?"

"Why, shouldn't it be obvious by now, Pucci?" The vampire replied, glancing back at Pucci for a moment, before walking forward, towards the wall. Whether by an old skirmish from twenty years prior, or by some natural degrading over time, the walls looked rather worn down, the one DIO facing having a decently large hole that extended to the ceiling, exposing the night sky and the full moon above.

"Once we achieve Heaven... We will take the multiverse into our hands. And nothing will be able to stop us. Nothing at all."

And so, just as the multiverse shook from the ambition of other villains in the past, it would soon shake again very soon...

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Chapter 2 - Fluctuating World




The squid stood in the vast emptiness of the field he stood in, having taken his leave from the other group now Elliot had been sent away, dealt with for now.

"I suppose I should be on my way now..." He murmured to himself, sighing gently. As he walks, his mind is preoccupied with going back home. He wishes he could help with all that other multiverse business, as it seemed from the mousy young woman back there that the so-called United Nations was in need of staffing, but he had his own business to tend to. He had a class to teach, and a world to destroy


As he was walking, he'd feel himself bump into someone, apologizing he'd look down, smiling as his eyes met a blonde male, only a young adult. "My apologies, I should look where I'm going."


"Nah, it's fine, I'm just watching. Didn't get involved in that nasty ol' game," the mysterious young blonde chuckled, his hands pocketed nonchalantly, despite the strange location that the both of them found themselves in.

"You say that like you had a choice..." The squid-like individual commented.

"Well, the Reapers came to my world too, but they didn't know who they were messing with, clearly."

"Interesting, so you are strong enough to just...beat the Reapers?"

"Well, I had help, but yes, we fought the Reapers off," the boy nodded. As Koro-sensei examined the boy, he couldn't help but note he might have been only a year or two older than his students. How he managed to do something like hold off the Reapers from his world was a mystery, but then, the multiverse was a big place, after all.

"I see, teamwork is quite a valuable thing," he nodded sagely, a sagely nod done so in a manner that it almost came off like a parody of the act.

"Yeah, it is, that's how we beat the Witch's Game; it's how we'll beat all the games thrown at us," the young man smiled and waved, before walking past him, leaving the squid to ponder his words. Teamwork was the key to beating the murder games. Perhaps he could spare a few days every once in a while to help out with that.

And with his new view on the games, the squid left, ready to return, if the multiverse needed saving again.

Or so he had believed.


Koro-sensei stopped dead in his tracks when the body of the blonde suddenly came back, crashing into the ground in front of the giant yellow squid like a meteorite. Perhaps more astonishing than the sudden crash was the fact that the boy hardly seemed all that harmed by the crash, or whatever impact had caused him to be propelled in that manner, but the teacher had little time to think about that.


With an inquisitive sound, he quickly turned around, only to find two unfamiliar, strange men standing before him and the boy. One was a tall, even towering individual with a distinct yellow color scheme, while the other was a tan man in priest clothes, both of whom were unfamiliar to him.

"And who might you rapscallions be?" Koro-sensei inquired curiously, to which the taller man scoffed.

"I have no need to introduce myself to vermin like you, but I, DIO, will grant you to even know of my name, as it is the last time you will ever know," the man said haughtily, crossing his arms, before focusing his attention over to the blonde boy who was gathering his bearings, getting back to his feet, "It has been quite a while, boy. Izayoi Sakamaki, was it... I believe we have some unfinished business from that Witch's Game, did we not?" He inquired.

The young man, evidently named Izayoi, chuckled as he wiped off his chin, whether it be dirt or blood. "Ah, right... You two goons with the bad fashion sense who just like to be real nasty to poor ol' me. I'd ask what I ever did to you guys, but..." He trailed off, digging into his pocket and producing what looked like an ordinary stone.

"Sometimes, it can't be helped that my personality just clashes against others!"



With staggering strength, Izayoi, utilizing his Esper powers, threw the stone at high speeds, fast enough to break the sound barrier and create a small sonic boom as he did so, the force behind his movement possibly enough to eradicate any given human from the impact.

But the man known as DIO, or rather, Dio Brando, was one who was beyond human. He had transcended and rejected humanity long ago, when it had rejected him first.



With a flick of the finger, DIO easily deflected the ordinary stone, rendered lethal by the hands of the Izayoi. "Hmph. Pathetic. Is that all you can do? If so, I suppose it was fitting that all a mere insect like you could do was be an annoying distraction to me. I will make sure you stay dead, like a person making absolutely sure that the cockroach infesting their home is truly out of commission."

"Nyuhuhu, friends of yours from this Witch's Game, I presume?" Koro-sensei commentated from behind, turning fully around finally and walking over next to Izayoi.


"Oh, yeah. Friends alright. And with friends like these, who needs enemies?!" Izayoi exclaimed, kicking his feet against the ground in order to propel himself toward DIO and the priest for a head-on attack, fists poised and ready!

"Hmph. Child's play."


Summoning his Stand, 「The World」, DIO smirked devilishly, anticipating every one of the Esper's movements and calculating them within a split-second. He proved to be a treacherous individual during the Witch's Game. Confident, but not stupid, but certainly not intelligent enough to prevent his own death during the event.

The right amount of intelligence that DIO could almost respect. Almost. But he didn't.

DIO turned his back to the teenager charging at him abruptly. From the viewpoint of any ordinary spectator, it would have initially looked as though DIO had deliberately left his back vulnerable to the Esper, though that wasn't the case at all. Rather, if Izayoi attempted to remain one step ahead of him, DIO took two steps forward in a metaphorical sense, as what would go on to happen would lay out as followed: Izayoi suddenly disappeared from DIO's back and reappeared right in front of him, a tactic that he had hoped to use to blindside the vampire, not expecting for him to see right through it before he even tried anything.

With that, DIO began his counterattack, standing still while his Stand did all the work, The World swung its fist around, the spirit's punch meeting Izayoi's own punch intended for DIO's temple. Unable to overpower the other, both The World and Izayoi pulled back, before thrusting forward once again, the two of them throwing rapid punches at each other at blinding speeds to the point that it was impossible if they were even successfully hitting each other's bodies, or simply parrying the other's attacks.




"... Hrm."

As they yelled their battle cries, Koro-sensei decided that the best course of action was to step in and defend the boy, quickly growing tired of the fighting. With each punch thrown seeming to create a loud impact sound that shook the very area, the squid knew that unless one of them fell quickly, the location would be the defeated. More than that, the man who introduced himself as DIO didn't exactly look to be the friendly type, so whatever his reasoning for wanting to assassinate the boy was, it couldn't possibly be enough to justify it.

Of course, perhaps he shouldn't be speaking, as someone who deemed it a necessity to destroy his own world, but alas...

As he lunged toward the general direction of the two clashing individuals, he was unexpectedly impeded when an unknown force delivered a sudden punch into the side of his face, knocking him brutally into the side, though the octopus-like teacher managed to recover quickly enough to see the priest stand before him, exuding a strange aura about him.


"Your fight is with me. You will not disturb DIO's fight," the man spoke intently.

He was Enrico Pucci, and with his Stand, Whitesnake, he seemed intent on taking on Koro-sensei. He couldn't possibly fathom why he would be a target considering he did not know who these two men were, but when push came to shove, even the teacher wasn't above fighting to survive.


"Hrm... Sorry about this, but I really must. And you're not going to stop me!"

Morphing his tentacles into drills and holding his perpetual grin, Koro-sensei faced Pucci with his ever empty stare, before lunging forward once again, this time at Pucci himself, at high speeds with the intent of catching him off-guard as the battle between DIO and Izayoi raged on.

However, rather than a rapid battle like Koro-sensei had expected, similar to that of the one between the other two, the fight had ended earlier than he expected. Of course, he wouldn't realize it, nor did he expect it until it was too late, as Pucci's Stand, Whitesnake, stabbed its own hand into Koro-sensei's face as though it were a dagger, before the striped Stand clenched its fist and pulled it back. In a bizarre display, as it did so, it seemed to pull out a strange object out of the giant octopus's face, resembling a disc.

This was Whitesnake's ability. To be able to extract "discs" out of people that contained their memory.


"... Tch. Hmph," Pucci grunted, unimpressed at the pathetic display as he looked down at the unconscious form of the monster.

With Koro-sensei's memory forcibly removed from his head like a heart out of a slowly dying animal, the sheer shock of the act caused Koro-sensei's tentacles to quickly revert back to normal as his whole body dropped to the floor. He wasn't dead. Not yet. Simply... unconscious. For now.

Meanwhile again, the skirmish between DIO and Izayoi raged on, finding themselves evenly matched, much to the former's chagrin and to the latter's amusement. Loath as he was to admit it, they were practically at an impasse, unless the boy had some trump card waiting to reveal. Otherwise, while DIO, and by extension The World, had superior speed at his disposal, as well as the ability to stop time, the esper seemed to be able to hit harder and more durable.


"... Hmph. I grow bored of your games, and the stalling of your death. Yield now, and I might even consider turning you into one of my servants," DIO spoke in a strangely benevolent, yet simultaneously sinister tone, like an ominous god.

But then, that was always how he carried himself.

The purple-eyed boy only chuckled, as DIO proved unable to wipe the smirk off the cocky boy's features, before placing his hands on his hips.


"Thanks, but no thanks. I'm not into that kind of foreplay, especially with guys, y'know," Izayoi chuckled, preparing for his next attack, only to find himself freezing when he heard another unfamiliar voice, this time that of a female, speak behind him.

"Pity. Spiky-haired boys like you are a dime a dozen."

With that, the source of the voice suddenly grabbed Izayoi's hand from behind and with through sheer force, strength that simply had to be godly without exaggeration and no less, managed to crush it, breaking every bone within the hand and eliciting a cry of pain from the boy. Without missing a beat, the mysterious figure proceeded to rip off Izayoi's arm right from his body, blood gushing out of his open wound and leaving him open as he writhed in pain.



With Izayoi completely vulnerable, DIO sent The World forward, sending rapid punches and finally landing attacks, first at the boy's jaw, then his temple, and then at his gut, where his fist managed to penetrate his body! As soon as The World pulled its fist out, leaving a well-sized hole in the boy's stomach, Izayoi gritted his teeth in pain, but his pride prevented him from showing the full extent of it. But it was no matter. While it was debatable whether or not DIO was, the figure who stood behind Izayoi was not sadistic, so she decided to make his death quick.


So she grabbed his head and cleanly tore it from his body, instantly killing him, before silently dropping the head and the body.

Unfazed by the violent display, more casually annoyed than anything else, DIO withdrew his Stand when his so-called "partner" finished the fight for him, sneering at her. "I did not require your assistance. I was merely toying with him, gauging his power and wits... Othinus."


"Did your mother not ever tell you that you shouldn't play with your food?" Othinus spoke, seeming to make a dry joke, knowing of DIO's vampirism. Slowly walking past the corpse of Izayoi and toward the unconscious form of Koro-sensei, which Pucci stood nearby, she nonchalantly raised her leg and smashed it down, crushing his head and finishing the job with him as well.

"If you intended on joining us in battle, why did you not choose to accompany us when you had assigned us this task?" Pucci questioned, crossing his arms as he also withdrew his Stand.

"Because while I was right in that the two of them, with delusions of believing they were able to protect the multiverse from the likes of the Revanchist and GREMLIN, had the potential to be a threat for when we would eventually rise, I could have easily crushed them myself like I just did," Othinus spoke, brushing aside her long hair, "However, I decided that it would be a good opportunity to test your... resolve if I were to send you two first. I would say loyalty, but... alas, you are only as "loyal" as we are useful to you. Truly, there is no honor among thieves," the Magic God laughed slightly as the two men frowned at her, using the term "loyal" rather loosely. She knew that DIO would prefer to see himself as above all those beside him, but the truth was... Both parties were using each other.

Their positions were like scales that kept tipping to different sides each time. And while DIO might not enjoy this game, Othinus, knowing his power and cunning potential, knew that if she intended to keep going, especially if their cause were to one day rise against the Coalition, needed to keep playing it.

"It would have been a foolish choice not to go. You grossly underestimate DIO if you had any doubts over his resolve," Pucci spoke on behalf of the vampire, continuing to look seriously at the Majin, "Now that this redundant errand has been run, what do you want from us?"

"I wanted to know... if you have thought more over my offer. After all, as I have demonstrated to you, our little organization reaches far. Far enough to grasp whatever it is that you seek, which in turn may be a stepping stone to what I seek myself. And should you join... I shall place my minions at your disposal at well to command as you please. After all, we'd be on the same side after all, no?"


DIO remained silent for a bit, recalling the first time that he and Pucci had run into Othinus, who had unceremoniously appeared in their world. Yes, that kind of deal... DIO had indeed thought over it, musing over the pros and cons of such an arrangement. It was very obvious that the Magic God was planning some sort of set-up for him, but DIO saw it as a game of chess. Risk and gambit. Would he be willing to spring the trap? Would he be able to overcome it? It was like an unspoken, taunting challenge, as though she dared him to ally with her, as though she dared to underestimate him.

With a sneer, DIO crossed his arms. "... Indeed, we would be. And so shall it be. Very well. I will... associate myself with you for so long as you are useful to me."

It was different from working "under" her or anything even remotely like that, he needed to clarify, but indeed, he would do whatever it took in order to achieve his goal. That was simply what he was doing now. Doing whatever it took.

"Glad to hear it," Othinus spoke, a small smirk tugging at the edges of her mouth, "Let us hope that our relationship is a consistently mutually beneficial one."

There was no need for any sort of handshake. There was no true camaraderie in this. As far as even Pucci was concerned, they were enemies with the same goal, and as the saying went, the enemy of an enemy is a friend.

... For now.

Who knew how long this would last? None of them knew for sure.

But with their fate determined, set out to them like a road, DIO fully intended to walk down that road, and should it lead him down a path not to his liking, he would merely construct his own new road.

A stairway to heaven.[/spoili]​
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