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Having been under the impression that Daniel would wake up in the morning after a few hours rest, Indigo jerked abruptly at the suddenness of the other's movement, staring cautiously after him as he threw up. Setting his laptop down, having been glued to some random nature documentary, he carefully braced himself before wandering across to the bathroom, awkwardly hesitating in the doorway. His instinct was to lend a hand, but he figured that Danny might not appreciate that at the moment, so he instead stood waiting for him to gather himself together as much as he could before offering assistance.

"...I can help, i-if you want? I have some herbs in my bag, they'll... help the sickness if you'll let me do that? I-I'm so sorry we had to resort to... well, a-a friend of mine brought you here. Ideally, you'd have been at least conscious enough to agree to it, but you can leave a-as soon as you want to. Just... hear me out first, th-that's all I ask," he began quickly, standing upright in the doorway in case the other wanted to barge past him, therefore attempting to block him in. He was taller than him by a few inches, but Indigo was aware he lacked any strength to hold back Daniel, even if the other was sick and disorientated. "Come and sit on the bed and I'll brew you some tea. Just hear me out and let me help you before you decide to go."
"Where am I?" He asked, keeping his face cover knowing these if he pulled away he would surely get sick again from the lights and just how dizzy he felt. He was shaking like a frightened animal and the fact that he was blocked in didn't help.

"Please don't hurt me," he begged, tears staining his cheeks as he tried to curl himself tighter into a ball ascs coping mechanism. If he didnt, he knew he would most likely freak out and use his powers. "I... You're the guy from the cafe, aren't you? Why am I here? A-Are you stalking me?! I... I don't want anything trouble, I-I..."
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"Hurt you? I-I'm not going to hurt you! We... found the bar and... maybe it was silly to bring you here but you were sick and hurt and my friend didn't want anyone taking advantage of you, so he thought it was best to bring you somewhere safe and warm! I just... I need to talk, that's all," he insisted again, more weakly this time. He did feel as though he was doing something wrong, even if he hadn't done anything to Daniel. Dee's intentions had only been good, even if it made the other panic about being hurt by arriving in a place he didn't know, with someone that he was apparently weirded out by.

"...Look, just let me help," he emphasised as he carefully knelt down, reaching into the bag beside him for some herbs. Holding the few leaves in his hand, he cast Daniel a glance before deciding that showing his own powers might be useful - it would show he wasn't a liar, after all. Thus, after murmuring a spell beneath his breath, he watched patiently as the herbs glowed a bright green, before handing them across with a faint smile once the light disappeared.

"Chew on these. Don't swallow them, that's... important. Chew on them and then when the taste has disappeared, spit them out," he instructed with a stern tone, only doing so to stop the other growing more sick, which swallowing the herbs would result in. "Like I said, I... I want to help. It's a simple healing spell, it works best on these herbs, so... so do that. Then we can talk about... you."
His eyes wide in fear, he stared down at the glowing herb which only made him tended more. A part of him was relieved in a sense to see someone else having a semblance of his powers but it also gave him no excuse for denying his abilities or saying he was weird. With trembling hands, he carefully grabbed them and slowly chewed him. He couldn't really feel his tongue as the effects of the drugs still hadn't fully worn off.

Grimacing at the taste, it only made him want to gag ironically. He continued to chew obediently, though he didn't really know why he believed the other. It was mostly because he was desperate, he decided, as he wiped the sweat from his forehead.
"...So my name's Indigo and... and that's Dee, my Familiar. He's the one who rescued you from the bar, you were in a real bad way, apparently," he began as he gestured back towards the cat on the bed. A part of him wasn't too happy with Dee being in that form, unable to help him out with the explanation, but he also didn't think it would be wise to gesture to the other to transform there and then in front of Danny. If he was already fearful, seeing something like that wouldn't help matters.

"I'm from a... a different realm. You were born there, it's how I managed to track you down. I... I'm not sure how your mother got you here, but... a-anyway. Your distant relative passed away; the Queen. You're the sole living heir to the kingdom and the realm, and... look, I'll be honest, it's really important you come and take the role, o-or I'm going to hang for it," he whispered under his breath, his urgency growing. "I-I know they'll kill me if I don't manage to... to bring a new King, s-so... so please, you have to at least t-take me seriously. This isn't a-a game."
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"That's a crock of shit," Danny quickly replied after spitting out the herbs into the close garbage. "This... That's bullshit. I must be still tripping on... on something," he continued with an anxious laugh while wiping his face clean of more tears. The sight of the magic only made him panic the more he thought about it which only made the fact that he was sober more frustrating.

"I just - I mean, even if I hypothetically believed a word you said, like hell am I going to go to this 'mystical 'nother dimension' or whatever, why the fuck would you think I would be able to help? I'm... not doing that, it's better for you. I can - I can barely handle going to a club, apparently," he noted as he looked up at the mirror, his frown only growing at just how horrible he looked.
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"...You don't understand the severity of the situation, clearly. N-Now, I... I'm willing to hold off from making you decide, maybe for another week. I want you t-to really think about this, Daniel. I... I need you to r-really... get your head around it all," he grimaced, the forcefulness of his refusal making him pale more. It didn't seem like Daniel would ever agree, so all his hopes were unfortunately pinned on him having a dramatic change of mind during the week. He couldn't wait any longer than that, so the next seven days were, evidently, the most important of his life.

"Besides, I... like it here; in this realm, I mean. I had to learn how to use a laptop and... and television. It's all really strange here, but it's fun. Another week won't be so bad - and we can talk and I can help you with your... magic. I... assume you haven't had much teaching?" He murmured with a faint smile, taking a seat on the bathroom floor as he carefully pulled out his spell book. "I get that this might... unnerve you, but this is who you are, Daniel. And I want to help you. We're... not so different, hm?"
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"You're insane." He stated simply, his eyes locked on the spellbook in confusion. "This... is ridiculous. I-I... what if I don't want to do this? What if I want to be able to enjoy the short life I have and... and not do all this crazy shit?" He suggested, the spellbook only making him more confused.

"Look, I... I need some fucking coffee and something in my stomach," he explained, his voice changing to its usual quiet tone after a long pause followed, in that time seemingly dissociating from the pressure. "I need to leave..."
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Indigo knew that this all had to be a lot for the other to take in. He knew he had to be patient, even if time was of the essence and he had no real time to spare. However, he still found his lips screwing up into an upset frown, taken aback by the insanity remark. He had been called crazy countless of times in his youth by bullies, and it was only a harsh reminder that he hadn't entirely changed, however much he liked to think he had.

Besides, he was exhausted and growing sick because of it. He hardly needed to be dealing with someone who clearly held so much distaste for him; not when he could be in bed, cuddled up beside his Familiar and watching a trashy Netflix movie.

"...Then go. I-I'm not forcing you to stay," the warlock huffed, gathering his spellbook with an unsubtle sniffle in disappointment. "I-I... I hope you're satisfied. I'll get h-hanged for this. B-But hey, be selfish..."
"Don't be so overdramatic, Indigo. We're going to be fine and this shithead is going to listen to us. If he doesn't, well... we can always force him to listen," Dee suggested as he wandered into the bathroom, his arms folded with a grimace as he took in the admittedly pathetic sight. The Familiar immediately realized he didn't like Danny the moment his eyes landed on the King - to - be. Helping Indigo up, he took in Danny to realize his presence wasn't helping. Time was running out and while he loved the human world, it wasn't home and like hell did he want to be a refugee in a strange realm.

Danny's immediate reaction was to vomit again, his face growing pale when the mix of growing anxiety and the reaction to the drugs hit him again. The sight and sound made Dee nauseous but he kept calm. "We aren't here to hurt you, why would we? We need you as much as you need us, it seems - you clearly aren't in the best situation right now, yeah?"
"H-He's right! You're welcome to... well, to stay with us, if you'd like? Not that I think you would, but I... I think it's polite to offer that option if you need somewhere to stay. O-Or somewhere less likely for those men at the club to find you. Dee here said that you were... in some trouble," he began tactfully, his own features pulling together in distaste at the sound -and smell- of the vomit, pressing in closer to his Familiar in an effort to console himself. He didn't want to cower away and let Dee lead things, knowing that, while he relied on his Familiar, he needed to take control of this. He owed it to the Queen to see this through as best as he could.

"...I'm afraid we can't take no for an answer, so you'll need to listen and... well, agree. One way or another, you'll be coming with us. I... want it to be your decision, but I can't... let you decide against this, unfortunately. It's vital you come back with us. Until then, I can explain the situation properly for you if you'd only give me the chance," the warlock continued, a little more softly as he approached again, clutching his spellbook to his chest. "I'm a warlock, like... you are. There's no escaping that fact as much as I can see you'd like to ignore it."
"I'm sorry," came Danny's weak response as he clung to the toilet bowl, his face stained in tears and sweat. Squeezing his eyes shut tight, he had to hesitate to get to his feet and miraculously only stumbled a tad, wincing when he hit against the handle of the shower a bit too hard.

"F-Fuck," he whispered, grimacing at both the generally shitty feeling and the mention of the fact he was taken advantage. It had happened plenty of times and he often just drank or did drugs to forget what happened. "Listen, can... I take a shower? I feel disgusting a-and I want to be alone."
"Oh! Oh, of course you can have a shower! And... And we can order room service if you're hungry, though there's plenty of spare sushi because I'm not entirely a fan of it, and Dee won't mind sharing a little if you wanted to fill your stomach," babbled the warlock, his stammers cutting short when he realised that he wasn't helping matters. Rather than bombard the other, giving him some space to shower and gather his thoughts was probably the best point of action so, while he wanted to proceed with talking and explaining everything out, he reluctantly trailed out with Dee beside him.

"I... I think... well, it went sort of well, didn't it?" Indigo smiled nervously as he took a seat back on the bed, collecting his portion of sushi to nibble at, if only around the edge. "He's... nice? When he isn't calling me crazy, he seems nice, don't you think?"
"Why would you offer him my cucumber rolls?" Dee quickly murmured as he led Indigo away from the bathroom. Once hearing the shower start, the Familiar sighed in relief before flopping back onto his bed, exhaling hard. He wanted nothing more than to take a long nap but he knew it was his job to stay awake and make sure Indigo was okay and didn't"t do anything dumb.

To relax, he popped one of the varying pieces of sushi into his mouth before motioning the wizard to sit beside him. "Relax, take a deep breath and let's watch some Jeopardy reruns, yeah? He'll come out eventually, he'll be better and more rational. You could always make a potion or a spell or whatnot to 'convince' him a bit more, though I know you're too nice of a person to do that."
"Of course i'm too nice for that. If that was an option, I'd have done it by now, Dee.It can't happen that way, he needs to agree to it without the influence of magic. That's just... no, you know that's not possible," he sighed, running his hands through his hair as he stood by the window, taking in the view of the city beyond it. He may have been in the city a few days now, but he hadn't yet grown bored of absorbing it all in yet. The main city back home was equally loud and busy, but it was different in so many ways.

"It's beautiful here, isn't it?" He murmured with a careful smile back at the other, folding his arms tiredly. "I mean, all these lights and... and the energy of the place. I like it a lot, Dee. We can't stay, nor can we visit again, so... let's explore tomorrow. I want to take it all in before we leave."