A Doll's Destiny

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"Well, that's true. Some people aren't going to take well to you, but that's like that for everyone sometimes. There's always someone who isn't going to like you, even if you are not a talking doll and are just a human bring," Clara replied. Like he said, he would just have to get used to it because not everyone would understand or be accepting, and they probably would be someone in the world who would want to dissect him.

"My story?" she repeated. "I don't think there is much to my story. I'm just an average person. I get up. I work. I come home. And during my free time I do the things I like. My life is rather boring actually, but I suppose that's about to change now with you in the picture. I'm the only one living here as well besides you now, of course."
"Well, what do you do for work and during your free time?" the doll quirked a brow. He always loved getting to know people. Sure, he guessed his life story was interesting, but finding out what made someone tick made being inquisitive more worthwhile.
Clara took a few more bites of her salad as he asked his questions, then swallowed before she responded. "I work at a bookstore. I really like to read, so I'm glad to be surrounded by books all day. Honestly though it would be nice if I could own my own instead of just work there," she replied. "I also enjoy gardening and swimming. But I will say I also have some lazy hobbies like watching movies."
"So, you're like a librian?" Aiden heard of libraries, so he assumed book stories and those working at them were one in the same.
"Yeah, sort of. They can be similar. I do recommend books and such for people like librarians do sometimes," Clara replied. "But at a bookstore, people by the books so I also work the cash register as well. I also do a lot of other things there like make sure the selves are stocked with books and add new ones on the selves, things like that. I could take you there if you'd like." She had no idea if he knew all that much about a bookstore, but it seemed like he at least knew some things about libraries. He probably had never been to a bookstore before.
"Oh, yes, please!" Aiden beamed, bouncing in his seat. He was finally getting the opportunity to check things out!
Clara smiled and let out a little giggle at how happy he was to get the opportunity. "Alright. Then tomorrow I'll take you with me," she said. It would be a little odd to bring a doll, but there wouldn't be anyone else in the store anyway besides customers so it would be fine. And it was nice to see someone so excited about it. "I hope you like it. Oh, do you know how to read?"
"Of course I can, honey!" laughed Aiden. It was probably a random thought.
"Well, you're a doll. I wasn't sure if you've learned to read or not. Humans have to learn how to read and usually parents help them with that," Clara replied. She didn't know if he just automatically knew this stuff as soon as he was made, or whenever he came to life, or if he had to learn them somehow either by someone or by himself. "If you want, you can pick a book to read while we're there."
"Oh, I see. Well, I somehow already knew how read, and yeah, I'd be interested to see what kinds of books you all have. I know I look like a kid's toy...but I wouldn't mind checking out the adult stories..." a mischievous smirk slowly crossed his furry features.
So it seemed he just knew how to read. She wondered what else he just knew how to do and how smart he really was, but that was just something she could find out over time. Like did he know how to do math? Did he know how to draw? Or anything else? "Well, you can check out what's there and pick whatever you want," she replied. "Oh, but technically how old are you?" Although he was a doll so it probably didn't matter if he read some books that were more for adults.
"I...don't have an age, but I guess by the sound of my voice, you'd assume me to be an adult...right?" he had to admit, she had a point. "I know dolls are mostly meant for kids, but that doesn't necessarily mean I should stick to just children's stuff."
Clara nodded as she listened to his explanation. "Well, you're a doll so I guess age doesn't really matter all that much and you do sound like an adult," she commented. "And I get it, I wouldn't want you to be forced to only be able to enjoy kid's stuff. Technically speaking you don't age in a way anyway." It wouldn't be right if he only could experience kid's stuff especially if years have went by. For all she knew, he could be older than her.
"And, since I don't age, I can't die. So, technically...I guess you'd consider me immortal. It's definitely cool, but I do sometimes worry about the people I saw last," said Aiden.
"Well, I suppose though I don't know if that would also translate over to if something happened to you," Clara replied. He might not age, but it was possible for parts of him to break or something else like that. If someone was rough with him or some type of accident, something could potentially happen to him. "There isn't much you can do about that, but it's nice of you to care." She could see how not aging could be hard in some ways.
"There's that, and thanks. Better to go through life happy than constantly stressed," Aiden said. "That stuff can seriously mess some people up."
"That is very true," Clara replied. She finished up her salad and then stood up. She headed over to the sink and rinse out the bowl she used so she could wash it later on. Then she turned back towards him to speak again. "So, Aiden. What would you like to do now? Is there any human thing you are curious about?"
"Watching TV, computers, playing games...anything humans do, as long as it's not dangerous," the doll laughed. "Wouldn't want me speeding down the highway, now wouldn't we?"
Clara let out a little laugh at his comment. "Well, no. We wouldn't want that. And I think you're a little small for that right now too," she replied. In order for him to actually drive, he would need it set up for someone who was his height. Though she honestly couldn't believe she was thinking about a doll driving. "Well, we can try watching some tv then. Is there anything specific that you heard about and have always wanted to watch?"
"Superhero movies. I heard plenty of people talking about them. Some people think the Marvel ones are the best, others think the DC movies are the best, so I'd like to try them both," Aiden said.