• So many newbies lately! Here is a very important PSA about one of our most vital content policies! Read it even if you are an ancient member!

    A site made for roleplay is way cooler we promise <3


Original poster
Posting Speed
  1. 1-3 posts per day
Writing Levels
  1. Advanced
Preferred Character Gender
  1. Female
  2. Primarily Prefer Female

Fettered by calamity and bloodshed
A shattered realm sheds its final tears
Those with hearts aflame
Must roar against the current of fate
Else their dreams be lost to despair

It has been three whole years since the Seventh Umbral Calamity. Crippled by Bahamut's wrath, but saved by the brave actions of the Scions of the Seventh Dawn, Eorzea set out on its journey towards recuperation. Yet, in their state of weakness, the most vicious of the realm's enemies-- Garlemald-- watched carefully. It struck like a venomous serpent; with a single command, Garlemald's shattered armies finished off Thanalan and took it as its own. The battle only lasted three months at most, with Garlemald securing a total victory over the weakened city state. La Noscea and Gridania stand against Garlemald in solidarity even today, though it is obvious that they are fighting a losing battle. Garlemald has been steadily poking holes in La Noscea's defenses, and the nation struggles under the pressure of their foe's merciless advances. Eorzea is bleeding, and there is naught that we can do but watch...

In the month, things have been getting more desperate. La Noscea only has a few more outposts left to defend, and Gridana is witnessing the shadows of the first Garlean soldiers penetrate their forests. As the people of the wood fight to maintain their freedom, the Garleans assault their weakest points. Blood is shed nearly every day as Garlemald's shade spreads over the country. While Gridania's army fights the war upfront, there are those who work from the very shadows that plague their land. The Lyxian Accord, a newly formed band of vigilantes that come from far and wide, has been the topic of interest among many of Gridania's citizens. These fellow few are said to be willing to do anything to rescue Eorzea from the clutches of their enemy. Though, what will happen when their backs are pinned to the wall, and all that they hold dear is at the risk of being torn from their very fingers?

Preliminary Notes
1.) We are not a first come first serve roleplay. We are only looking for a total of 5-6 other players other than the ones that have already stated they will join. Just because you proclaim interest first does not mean you will be guaranteed a spot in the roleplay.

2.) Be an experienced roleplayer with adequate grammar. We all make mistakes when writing. But if your posts are illegible or a pain to read, then you're probably not going to be a good fit for the roleplay. Sorry.

3.) Do NOT ghost us. Be active both OOC and IC. If you need to step away from the roleplay, please let us know. We'll be having a discord set up as soon as the characters are accepted. With that being the case, I'd appreciate it if you could be active on the discord. In my opinion, OOC talk is just as important as roleplaying itself.

4.) Work hard to create interesting characters that are a pleasure to write with. No one wants to write with a Mary Sue or an overbearing edgelord. Take your time when creating these characters, and make sure they are properly balanced in all ways!

5.) You do not have to have played the game to participate in this roleplay, but be prepared to do your research. If you have any questions, please let us know.

6.) We'll be starting off with classes rather than jobs. That being said, make sure your characters are realistic. There are only a handful of white mages in the world. Black magic is seen as taboo. Dragoons often stick around Ishgard. I'm not preventing people make specific types of characters, but you must keep points such as these in mind when planning out your character.

7.) We'll be sticking to the beginning areas when we're starting the roleplay. In other words, we'll be focusing on La Noscea, Thanalan, Gridania (where the Lyxian Accord is based), and Ishgard during the early part of the roleplay. We'll be moving on to other areas later on.
Dropping my interest here, as well as just checking to see if this is still happening.
I'd also be interested in knowing if this is still happening.