A Lonely Coconut Looking for a Bunch!

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    A site made for roleplay is way cooler we promise <3

driven to drift

Original poster
Hello to all! Much like everyone else around here, I'm looking for a few roleplay partner buddies! I have many different interests, plots, likes and wants, so I figured I would post a few here and see if anyone was interested! I prefer to play females, however I will double - you play a male for me, I play a male for you. All plots are up for negotiation, especially in terms of doubling and what-not. For my epic craves, I'd be willing to attempt one of your cravings as well if you help solve mine~ ;D I'll bold the role I would like to take~ Also, I'd like to have posts of at least a few paragraphs a piece if at all possible~ <3

  • Final Fantasy X - I'm thinking a Prequel-style during Braska's pilgrimage. Auron/OC, please~ I have a few plots, but my most craved is listed below.
    • Braska, Jecht and Auron have just arrived in Luca after visiting little Yuna in Besaid, all for the sheer purpose of the blitzball tournament that Jecht insisted on attending. As a less-than favorite summoner (married to an Al Bhed, a dishonored warrior monk and drunk as his guardians, you know, the usual), they were not surprised to find no crowd greeting them on the docks. However, as they stepped off, a young woman caught their attention and requested that she become one of Braska's guardians. They learn she is a member of a traveling minstrel clan whose greatest pride is the stories they tell through songs. She is searching for her inspiration and has decided to enlist as one of his guardians. After much arguing (particularly on a certain guardian's part), they agree and she joins their party. Adventures ensue.
  • Zoids - preferably with OCs and set after the Guardian Force era of Chaotic Century. I might be willing to negotiate this during the Guardian Force era, in which case I would prefer an Irvine/OC pairing. Just be aware the plot was written for OCs.
    • The Red Death of the republic: a lieutenant colonel feared by those on the receiving end of the blades of her Black Slash Liger. The Republic prided itself in its secret weapon - bringing her to the battlefield to massacre the enemy. She was considered a heartless, soulless and mindless killer. The General in charge of her battalion was also overseer of a project to recreate the Deathsaurer, first in small and then in full scale. She was meant to take control of the powerful zoid in its final form. However, the Red Death of the Republic was also to participate in several lab tests...which was where she met the head scientist. He was friendly - talked to her even when she said nothing back. Eventually, she did start talking back. He managed to get her to open up and even soften. Slowly but surely, she became friendly - willing to speak to others and hold conversations. It had been three months since she had last been on the battlefield and she was a completely different woman...and then the small-scale Deathsaurer was completed. Everything was going well until they lost control. The Zoid demolished the lab, killing everyone present, including the head scientist. When the news reached her, she stopped. Thoughts snapped together in her head and by that night, she disappeared. Gone from the Republic entirely. The Republic was absolutely frantic in its search for her, but turned up nothing.
      She laid low for two full years...in the Empire. She had befriended a scientist and archaeologist who helped her transfer the core of her Slash Liger into another Zoid that he had unearthed and had been unable to bring to life. There were rumors that the Republic's Red Death had died. No one was suspicious of the unusual Hayate Liger [slightly modified] and its friendly, red-headed pilot. She worked odd jobs and left people oblivious to her former identity.
      ...until a certain pilot recognized her. He was a mercenary and recognized her almost immediately, to her dismay. He wanted a match - and she refused until he'd finally pushed one-too many buttons. He was an impressive pilot and she was actually starting to have fun when a mass of lower level Zoids surrounded them and a new communication was established between them. Her former General informed her that they had almost completed the full-scale Deathsaurer and they wanted her back to pilot it. Naturally, she wasn't planning on going back, but did have every intention of making his life and living hell and preventing him from succeeding.
  • [x][x] Global Rallycross and Tanner Foust - yesss, my favorite driver for many reasons! But nonetheless, I have a plot for this I would like to have a little fun with. Tanner Foust/OC. This could also be done with OCs, however and I would probably be just as happy. xD
    • Another season of Global Rallycross begins, and all the drivers are in for a surprise: an all black Fiesta with minimal sponsor liveries is set up before any of them get there. Sitting propped under a tent near the new, unfamiliar trailer is a driver already adorned in the fire suit and helmet, a reflecting visor making it impossible to see the driver's face. He doesn't talk when any of them approach, though does shake hands and nods or shakes his head to answer questions. The other drivers are all curious - no where is the driver's name given, just some code name most of them snicker at...the snickering stopped, though, when this mysterious driver ended up placing on the podium. At the Texas Motorspeedway event, Tanner arrived particularly early on the day of qualifying...and found a young woman heading directly towards the new driver's trailer. Intrigued, he eventually intercepts her and, after some pause, learns that she is the driver's sister. They talk for a while until duty called him away. It wouldn't be the last time they met, however.
      As it turns out, she was not the driver's sister, but actually the driver. Having just been sponsored, they didn't want the fans and drivers alike to discount her immediately based on her gender, so the developed this not-so-elaborate plan to hide her identity until the SEMA event. But what happens as she and Tanner - and some of the other drivers - become friends and perhaps more...? Can a friendship - or any relationship for that matter - last when a secret like this comes out in the open?
  • [x][x] Formula D and Tanner Foust -Yes, I have more for this...and these, again, I would probably be just as happy with OCs. It would just take some more refiguring. Tanner Foust/OC
    • Although Tanner retired from Formula D, he still likes to try to catch an event here and there. At the first round in Long Beach, he was catching up with Rhys Millen, who informed him of the new driver that had appeared on their radar: a young woman who had just gotten her Formula D license moved out to California. Now sponsored, she had shown incredible promise, qualifying fifth in her first-ever run with the big boys. As though she knew, she had approached to ask Rhys a question, offered to leave, but had the Kiwi quickly introduce her to the former Scion Racing driver. They talked briefly, before one of her techs informed her that her spotter had come down with food-poisoning. She frowned but shrugged it off, willing to go without...until Tanner offered to do it for the event. She declined at first, not wanting to impose, but he insisted. With a clean-run and podium finish, she thanked him profusely and he invited her out to a GRC event...and so their friendship began. As hard as she tries, though, she can't help but be attracted to him.
    • It's 2007, and Formula D is experiencing its first run with a brother-sister team of driver and head tech. The female driver was already catching slack from a few of the drivers, although had ended up befriending Rhys Millen prior to a driver's meeting. Befriending Rhys had her quickly introduced to Tanner Foust, and the three hit it off quickly. Her brother, however, was wary of his sister's involvement with them, particularly of the unmarried Tanner, who he'd caught his sister flirting with more than once. She's more-than aware of the issue dating a fellow driver could bring up and brushes off his concerns while continuing to hang out with and get to know the two. A few events had her realizing, though, how drawn to Tanner she was. She tried to fight it, knowing her brother would throw an absolute fit and not wanting to jeopardize either of their driving careers...but what if he reciprocated her interest...?
  • Other Pairings, only. No really thought out plots.
    • Police Officer/Female Street Racer
    • Male model/Female Photographer
    • Naruto: Kakashi Hatake/OC (I do have a slight plot idea for this one)
    • Full Metal Alchemist: Roy Mustang/OC

Alright! I think that's a good start! That's what I've got mostly off the top of my head, but I'm sure there's more in there somewhere! Hee hee~ Post here or message me if you'd be interested in starting a roleplay with me~ I don't bite! :D

*goes to profile and checks RP resume. ponders.* ...You can't possibly write that long for every post. -_-
Anywhoo, you're new so I can't look at any possible on going RPs that you have, but heck, i'll risk it. I'm interested in the Police Officer/Street racer and Male model/female photographer.

I RP 2-3 paragraphs on average, although there are times when I get down to one-liners but I try to avoid that because I hate those. Although, quality over quantity. No use having a long post if it's empty anyway. Visit my profile, get to know me. My RP resume is not updated very well. I travel a lot so there are times when I vanish for days or have only brief appearances but you will be warned when I am going. I try to post AT LEAST once a day so it also depends on how fast you reply and the material on your posts. I am honest to people I RP with as I would hate to waste their time and mine. I will tell you constructive criticisms if I feel that it is absolutely necessary for your sake and mine. I also expect the same treatment. :)

Here's a couple of my one x one RP's just to see if you like my RP style:
http://www.iwakuroleplay.com/showthread.php?t=15725 - playing a girl. newly started
http://www.iwakuroleplay.com/showthread.php?t=15106 - playing multiple characters. about to end
http://www.iwakuroleplay.com/showthread.php?t=15995 - playing a boy. newly started

If you don't want to RP with me, it's cool. Different strokes for different folks. :)
Anything else, Welcome to Iwaku. :)
No, even when I was roleplaying hardcore everyday all my posts weren't that long lol. That was an intro I chose to use just because I think it gave a good idea of style in terms of actual content, intro and how I try to portray my characters...that and it was something I had saved and typed up... I didn't really realize just how long it was...xD;

Anywho, after looking through, I think we could get along quite nicely in a roleplay~ ;D Unless given more, I typically just match what I'm given in length. Or try to, anyway. :3

So! Would you prefer one or the other, or doubling/multiple characters? Or one set for each plot? :3

I can play multiple characters. Although could you tell me more about the plot of both the police/racer and model/photographer? I usually only do one RP with one person xD
No problem! I don't really have concrete plots for either. For the police/racer one, I was just thinking along the lines of Fast and Furious style, where the cop is told to go undercover to try to take out the street racing group, and she's essentially the 'head honcho' who goes unchallenged until he gets there. Maybe he's even got some background in street racing, himself or something and they just end up connecting on another level. Or it could be a bigger game of cat and mouse where he's just always trying to chase her down when they find their racing spots and somehow they end up running into each other when he's not on duty and they really start talking for some reason or another (he can't arrest her at the time for x reasons) and end up taking to each other more. There are a lot of ways we could include multiple characters in either one as well. I'm getting more detailed for that last one in my head as I type lol.

For the photographer/model one I don't have much of a plot, either. Maybe she's a freshly-graduated photographer who gets her first major job with a big company, and he's a much more established model. She finds herself attracted to him for obvious reasons, but they do end up getting along very well and becoming closer. She fights with her feelings, afraid that if it does come out, she'll be dropped for being unprofessional and all that so she starts trying to distance herself from him and what-not.
Lol i like the streetcar stuff. xD u can message me about the rest if you'd like or just her character sheet. idk. something. hahaa