A Moment in Time

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A High-Fantasy Dragon Rider Role-play between Violet x Jason


Name: Princess Odette Avalia
Age: Seventeen
Race: Elven
Gender: Female
Personality Traits: Kind hearted. Carefree. Loving. Bubbly. Smart. Loyal. Stubborn. Passive-Agressive. Petty. Egoistical.
Powers/Abilities: Air Manipulation. Healing Powers.
Brief Biography: Odette was born to the King and Queen of Astria, an elven kingdom located in a dimension far from any other. She grew up a carefree princess, concerned about her people. Never one to consider herself better than another, she grew up humble and kind. The graceful princess, on her 15th birthday was gifted a baby dragon, whom she named Xavis. Together, they have protected their kingdom from enemies far and wide.


Name: Xadis
Age: Three {Mid Teenager}
Magical Abilities: Fire breathing. Flight. Powerful tail and claws. Can communicate with his bonded rider.
Personality Traits: Fiercely Loyal. Protective. Angsty. Teasing. Smart. Trustworthy yet untrusting of others. Strong willed. Stubborn. Moody.
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"I shall not falter, no matter the cost."

Trevinter Diabolus

510 (19 Equivalent)

Fallen Angel


Personality Traits:
Trevinter is a rather well mannered, and calm individual. Always ensuring to keep his manners, and wits about him every moment of the day. He is usually rather soft-spoken and can even be described as kind. He is fiercely loyal to those he cares about, and causes he believes in. His mentality is deeply rooted in carrying himself honorably around others. He is also a bit of a secretive romantic. Despite his seeming differences from his species, Tevinter as has limit. In combat, the boy absolutely merciless and abides by no shred of honor, seeking victory no matter what the cause is. He has a long fuse, but when angered tends to revert back towards the ways of his kind, seeking to leave a bloodsoaked trail behind him.

* Enhanced Strength and Speed
* Minor Necromancy
* Capable of casting minor magics of the element which his dragon is affiliated.
* Expert in close quarters combat

Brief Biography:
The firstborn of the High King of Hell, Trevinter was first in line for his father's throne. King of the Demons, the pits, dread priests, and the forgotten realms. He led a rather decent life, successfully leading more than one of his father's bloody conquests within their plane. Exterminating those who would seek to hurt his people, and his lands. It was during this time that the boy discovered a lone dragon egg, taking it into his possession. Before long, it would hatch and a newborn dragon would emerge. Bearing the name 'Drakon', the beast soon grew to be a constant companion to the boy. Though no element seemed to manifest for the little beast, something which worried the boy.

Though there would be no time for such worries, as something entered his father's realms and Trevinter was sent out to war. A war which would decide the fate of his home.

* Trevinter has a long tattoo seeming to resemble wings sprouting from his shoulder blades and covering his back.
* A long scar crosses his face from a recent battle.



Magical Abilities:
* Ice Breathing
* Flight
* Powerful Tail, Claws, and Jaws
* Telepathic Communication

Personality Traits:
* Protective
* Kind
* Nurturing
* Sassy
* Smart
* Soft-Spoken
* Thoughtful
* Aggressive​

Astria was a beautiful kingdom, from the bright blue skies to the rolling green hills far as the eye could see. Truly it was like opening the pages of a fairy tale. It had bustling villages, large windy cliffs, a beautiful open sea with sparkling waves that crashed against the shores, and of course a beautiful castle to complete the scene. In the castle, lived the kind elven King Raegar and his wife Queen Valenia. Seventeen years ago they welcomed their only child, a beautiful daughter into their world. Odette, the charming and carefree princess. Truly no kingdom could be more quiet and quaint then Astria.

Or.. so they thought.

Odette was wandering through the village on her morning stroll. She took her job as princess and future ruler very seriously, and what better way to serve the people, then to ask them. So every morning she would wander about a village or sometimes even the port, to get a clear idea of what was working well and what wasn't. Later she would report back to her father, through he rarely took her thoughts into consideration. "No matter, when I'm Queen, I'll make my own decisions" She huffed to herself, blowing a stray piece of her ashy gold locks out of her ice blue eyes.

After her morning stroll she made her way towards the cliffs, legends were often told of the cliffs singing, but Odette had yet to hear any sort of beautiful music from them. No, most of the time she would sit and read, enjoying the sea breeze as it blew through her hair. One of the only times she could truly escape her royal duties.

As she sat in the tall soft grass she felt the winds speeding up. A smile appearing on her lips almost instantly as she felt the fast approaching sounds of her dragon Xavis. Her dragon was a three year old fire breathing beast who was also her best friend. When he began his descend from the bright blue skies she stood up, before having to suddenly dive out of the way when he suddenly fell to the ground and collided with a loud Thump!

"My My Xavis.. we need to work on your landing skills a bit more" She said with a slight smirk as she dusted off her flow dress. Xavis shot her a look, his snot ending at her belly, as his dark black eyes pierced her soul. She smiled, even as the giant creature's breath almost blew her over, and gave him an affectionate scratch.

"Hey I almost had it that time" The dragon replied with a snappy tone, but not moving his head from the loving scratches. Odette simply rolled her eyes in response, opening her mouth to response before the words were taken out of her mouth by a dark feeling that overcame her.
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The harsh white reflecting the burning orange from far below, blocked by large black shadows on all sides. His bright red eyes locked with those of the shorter girl next to him. Then towards the towering shadow lumbering slowly across the wooden deck of the longship in the frozen sky. The two warriors looked once more towards each other, giving a solemn nod and preparing to dodge. But quick as a bolt of lightning, white flashed between them. To his right, a sickening thunk followed by the deck being suddenly stained a deep crimson. His head snapping to his right, the boy watched his comrade falling to her knees as a large shard of ice impaled her, and she stared up at him with pain evident in her desperate eyes. "B-brother." She gasped amid pained breaths but never was able to finish as yet another shard impaled her. This time silencing the girl for good. "Azaleth!" The boy yelled, too late to save his sister, barely making it to her side in time to catch her collapsing corpse.

The world suddenly went silent, dark. Time seemed to freeze as all time suddenly stood still. A lone scream pierced the silence, its source remaining unseen.

Another shard of ice surged forwards, aimed this time at the boy collapsed on his knees. Moments before it impacted, he turned with a maddened look in his eyes. All around him, flame suddenly leaped forward and into existence. The magical shard melted upon impact as the other shadows moved slowly away from this new flame. Then as it appeared, the blaze suddenly disappeared. The boy stood in its place, large wings like an angel but black as night now sprouting from his back. In his hands, an obsidian-black greatsword with glowing red runes. He grinned devilishly, showing off two wolfish fangs near the back of his mouth. Fire burned within his red eyes, as he launched violently forward. His weapon following in a vicious arc, leaving behind a red afterglow as he made a strike towards his enemy. The being that had destroyed his last family deflected the blow with ease, a behemoth bearing a wicked sword. However, their fight was only beginning, as the boy lurched forward once more and followed up with another set of vicious, desperate attacks.

The being seemed to have no trouble stopping these attacks then lashed out with a savage kick. The boy went rocketing backward, slamming through the mast of the longship and barely able to stop himself with his massive wings. With a mighty battle cry, the boy shot forward a wall of flame, charging directly in behind it, hoping to catch his opponent off guard. As they drew near, the wicked sword from early cut through the mighty blaze, making a long, deep cut on the surprised boy's face. Reeling in pain as blood slowly dripped to the floor, the boy for a second changed. His fangs disappearing, the manic expression fading, and the glow fading from his eyes. Stumbling forward, soft licks of flame began to run along his skin as if trying to regain that rage from earlier. The being did not allow that chance, reaching out and closing an armored gauntlet around the boy's head it lifted him from his feet. Showing him off like a trophy to the crew of the longship, who each lashed out with their weapons. Opening long, deep wounds all across his body while hissing in a foreign language at the boy's cries of pain. The being waited until his parade left them at the edge of the ship, then drew a large knife. In a single move, he severed the boy's wings. As they fell away into the darkness, the boy screamed out in pain. Something unlike he had ever felt before, burning along his back as if in the shape of his wings. The fire faded from his body, turning cold as ice.

Then the being spoke in a deep, menacing tone. "Your foolish efforts come to an end, princeling. I am Eredin, and your fire..." It said, pointing towards a massive burning flame over the ruins of a once great red keep. The flame slowly fading, draining into the fleet of flying longships which began to glow with energy. "Is mine." The being said as it raised its sword, ready to strike down the lone survivor. Weakly the boy raised his hand as if to stop the blade, preparing for inevitable death. But a sudden blast of ripped through the ship, cutting it in half as it started to slowly sink from the sky. Through his fading vision, the boy weakly looked around. The villianous longships ominously floating in the sky, below the ruins of Hell sat silently. Frozen in an eternal winter as in the distance a massive wall of ice closed in on the last remaining stronghold of this plane. The end of his people, the boy knew. Everybody else had already perished at the hands of this... Eredin. Above him, he faintly heard a loud roar and saw Drakon closed in, shooting breathes of ice in every direction towards these enemies. Odd, because he knew she had no element. As his vision gave way, the boy could have sworn he saw a glimpse of suddenly blue sky. Different from the permanent red of his home. Grass plains, something which only existed in other dimensions he had invaded... but then the world went black.

A dot in the sky slowly grew bigger for the young princess. Accompanied by the desperate roars of a dragon that was not her own. The speck eventually grew into the form of a person, falling and unmoving towards the surface. A large white dragon in full dive behind him, trying desperately to reach the boy. However, it would not reach him in time. A loud smash was heard, accompanied by dust flying upwards into the sky as the boy slammed into a nearby field. Then the dragon crashed down, looking at the small crater holding the bloodied and broken form of the boy, yet somehow he was still alive. But barely. A loud roar of pain shook the lands as the dragon roared to the sky, and any nearby heard a pained female voice in their minds. Screaming a single name, that of the boy laying broken before her.

Odette's breath was taken from her in a instant. Her eyes flickering upwards to watch, in horror, as a black form fell from the sky. The black speck was followed by the gigantic outline of another dragon, as it desperately chased after the form. Xavis, as if frozen in shock, locked his eyes onto the falling figures. Odette's eyes filled with a fiery passion as she placed her foot on Xavis' gigantic claw, climbing quickly onto him.

"Fly" she simply commanded, as Xavis obediently followed her direction. He took two giant steps off the cliff and his wings expanded to his full wing span. The wind picked up under his wings and lifted the giant creature high into the sky. Odette looked anxiously onward as her dragon quickly turned and dived to catch up with the falling forms. Though they were far to late and could hear the crashing of bones and scales. The sound causing Odette to shudder violently.

Davis narrowed in on the targets and against his better will to protect his princess, he dove straight towards the other dragon who let out a painful cry of the boy's crumbled body. As Xavis landed he could feel Odette's emotions outpouring as she dismounted him quickly and began running towards the other dragon. "Odette! NO!" Xavis screamed in his mind. Throwing his body in front of her to both stop her tracks and protect her from the unknown danger of the emotional dragon. His golden eyes narrowed at the female dragon. His breathing increasing dramatically as he watched it's every moves.

Odette's mind was racing, her emotions overcame her better judgement of running at a dragon. As she approached Xavis quickly stepped in, successfully stopping her from any more movement. "Xavis! I can help him! Move!" She commanded, desperate to get to the boy. She clambered over Xavis protective body and slowly approached the dragon with her pale hands in front of her as to not appear as threatening.

"Xavis, can't you tell him I can help the boy?" She asked, her eyes never leaving from the other dragon. "It's a her Odette and I'm not sure this is a good idea" Xavis huffed to her, his eyes watching the two females every movements. It was a dangerous game Odette was playing, it made every fiber of his being on edge.

Odette's eyes found the dragons, who growled at her every step closer. Odette pleaded with the dragon to let her touch the boy. "Please... Please I can help him.. Let me help him."

Once she was close enough she knelt down next to the crumbled body of the boy and looked over his wounds. Severe burns marked his body, making the flesh around his bones melt as if it were mere candlvwax. The impact of the fall had broken many of the boys bones and she was sure he had punctured a lung from the look of his ribs. For a split second Odette could have swore he was dead. And she could not help the dead.

Though she felt his faint heart beat and placed her hand on his chest. Her piercing eyes fluttering closed as she began humming a soft melody. The hair beginning to glow a brilliant blue as she began piecing back together the boy's body. His lungs inflating larger with a blast of air as she moved her hands slowly among his body to repair the bonds of his bones. She felt the energy of both the dragons, built up tension and aggression as she healed to boy. Once completing the healing as much as she could she fell backwards and gasped for air. The energy she had used to help the boy flooding back to her all at once. She panted loudly but hoped she had healed the boy enough to let him live.
The boy's breathes became more even, calm as the princess went about healing his wounds. Yet he did not wake, rather he remained peacefully resting in the crater as if he hadn't just fallen from the sky and crashed down. Along his face once could see a long, jagged scar that seemed rather recent. As if put there by a sword mere minutes ago, then suddenly healed. His armor was an utter mess, destroyed and dented in at most points. It was obvious that to fully heal the boy, the armor would need to be removed. Particularly along his shoulders and chest, where the plate had been dented inwards and was likely crushing his ribcage. The moment the girl pulled away, a slight hint of color returned to his face. But he wasn't waking, and still in quite a bit of danger.

The white dragon standing over ducked her head now and sniffed the boy, nudging him slightly before turning her attention towards the girl. Ducking her head down to look the girl in the eye, the dragon sniffed her as well. Seeming to decide that she was friendly, the princess would feel a cold spike enter her mind for a moment before fading. Immediately followed by the female dragon's voice. There are still wounds you can't fix, little one. If you have a safe place he can rest and somebody who can help get that armor off, you can heal him. We would be indebted to you, but please help him. She said in a polite tone, looking down at the boy once more who did not stir.

She tried mentally reaching out to Trevinter. Hoping maybe in his slumber he was dreaming, and she would be able to reach him. Yet when she attempted, she found nothing. Just darkness as he was fully unconscious while his body tried to heal itself. The dragon let out a frustrated sigh when she realized she would have no way to confirm how Trevinter was feeling. Not until he woke up, which left him in the hands of this girl that she barely knew. Sure, they needed her, but it did not comfort Drakon to think that Trevinter's survival was so dependent on this woman.
Odette sat back on her heels as her energy force came rushing back to her. Her breathing pattern became regularized and she opened her blue eyes to look down at the boy again. His armor was still broken and piercing into his skin from multiple angles. She was pleased to see that his face looked more flush as his colored returned slowly. She placed her hand on his forehead and ran her fingers trough his hair as she looked over the other wounds. Xavis looked onward and glanced over her shoulder at the boy. His eyes never leaving the other dragon as he stepped closer to Odette in a protective stance.

As Odette began to try peeling away some of the metal armor she felt a sudden piercing of her mind, like a needle entering her mind. The pain causing her eyes to shut instantly as she rubbed her temples in an attempt to calm the pain. The pain subsiding to reveal a feminine voice cooing to her. She looked over expectantly at the other dragon, unaware that she could speak to her as well. She took a second to listne and then nodded at the female dragon. "Of course. Let me try and remove some of his armor and we'll take him back to my castle to rest.. Now if I could jsut get this damn metal rod out.." She said, getting to work on removing bits of the boy's armor. "By the way.. What's his name? I figure I should know who I'm helping after all.." She said, glanicng over at the female dragon.

As Odette began undressing the boy, she couldn't help but let her eyes wander down. Her hands moving up and down the boy's now exposed chest to heal along his open flesh wounds. Gulping softly when she began to peel away at his pants. Looking away as she began to heal along the boy's outer thighs. She then paused for a moment, removing her own white silk robe and placing it over him as to help hide his indecent exporsure. Her cheeks quite flushed as she chewed on her lower lip.

Xavis felt uncomfortable as he watched Odette continue to heal the strange boy, though now his thoughts were focused on the other dragon who hovered close to Odette. He reached out to her, communicating to the strange female beast. "Who are you.. where are you strangers from?" He asked.

Odette finished as best she could, Leaning back to inspect her work and hoping the boy's body hadn't been shocked too badly. She waited, holding her breath, for the boy to inhale a breath and open his eyes.
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The dragon remained silent while they traveled, not answering any questions until the girl was hard at work healing up her rider. Speaking calmly into the girl's mind as she healed, Drakon decided it was only fair to finally share some information. His name is Trevinter Diabolus. He's now the only survivor, and King, of the Viribus Empire. She said, not elaborating much past that as she was suddenly distracted by the boy. He hadn't woken, but his breathing gained strength. Now it was simply calm, not faint as if he were resting peacefully and not recovering from something which should have killed him. His body was still, but responding to her touch. Small twitches, reactions, even goosebumps in some areas as she went about healing the boy. Drakon ducked her head down, gently nudging Trevinter's body and the pulling away slightly to see how it reacted. Seeing the boy's hand twitch slightly as if to touch the dragon, Drakon made a slight huff and seemed to be smiling slightly as she stood once more to her full height.

Turning her head towards the other dragon, Drakon tilted her head slightly and inspected him. He didn't seem like much but clearly was rather close with the girl. So she suspected that she owed it to him to answer as well. I am Drakon, and he is my rider. As for where we are from? I do not know if your people have heard of the lands. The Viribus Empire, spanning the lands of Dis. Though if my guess is correct, its from a different plane of existence entirely. The dragon spoke to the other, giving a slight nod as she finished her little lesson, and turned back to watch Trevinter's healing process. It seemed that the girl was finishing up, and with that she was quite content. Trevinter would be alright, as she could now sense the boy was dreaming aimlessly as opposed to being in a full coma.
Odette gave a long sigh of relief, wiping away the few blonde strands of hair that stuck to her forehead. Now that she could see his body reacting normally she felt herself relaxing her shoulders. She hadn't realized how tense she was until just now. Brushing back a few of the boy's hair that stuck to his forehead with sweat, she mused over his name and whispered. "Trevinter.. King of some far away place.. how did you end up here?" Her words soft, almost like a strange lullaby.

Xavis relaxed a bit as he chatted with the other dragon, the first time he had really communicated with another of his own species. He was fansinated with her, the scales and coloring so unique to her body and design. He was lost in his own thoughts until Odette spoke.

"We should get him home, a nice bed for him to recover in." Odette said, her eyes never leaving Trevinter's face. She was glad to see him so at peace, and now that his skin had been placed back together, she finally got a look at his handsome face. Truly he was unlike anything she had ever seen. Musing around with the idea of whether or not to fully dress him again, it was a shame to her that she couldn't have gotten a better look at his... no matter. A princess must remain respectful and graceful, especially around other noblity. Though, she was unsure of whether or not she truly believed the dragon, she'd mettled around with that fact later.

She looked around to see if any of his remaining clothing could be saved, though most of his clothing was tattered and torn to shreds. She could however manage to shurg on his remaining underclothing, enough to cover him decently. She reached down to pick up his head and shook her head softly. "There's no way he can make it to the castle without me holding him.. Unless.. " She turned to the female dragon and continued "You let me ride you.. I'll hold Trevinter"

Xavis huffed angrily, his nostrils flaring with every breath he took. "Absolutely not!" He stormed, Odette wouldn't be riding any other Dragon. It was his job to protect her at all costs. Odette looked over at her faithful dragon, she smiled and placed her hand on his nose. "Just this one time Xavis, for the boy" Xavis huffed in annoyance but would not press the issue any further Allowing Odette to stepped onto Drakon's back and settle the boy in between her and Drakon, securing him in her arms.

Odette smiled, it felt odd being on the back of another dragon. "Ok, just follow Xavis he'll take the lead." She said, nodding to Xavis who nodded before spreading his wings and taking off into the sky. She held on as Drakon took off after the other dragon and giggled as the wind hit her face.

Odette smiled as she watched the world fade into the background as the two dragons swirled together in the sky, dancing on air up into the floating lands until they reached the top layer of the floating islands and decended down into the castle grounds. When Drakon touched down gently, Odette gracefully slid off her back and held Trevinter, snapping her fingers for her guards to come retreive him.

She saw Drakon tense a bit as the guards roughly grabbed the boy from Odette's arms but she helped the guards direct him to a room. "Don't worry, I'll let you know the minute he's awake." She said with a small smile. "Xavis will show you to his cave, you can wait there until I know more" She then disappeared into the castle and made sure that Trevinter was comfortably placed into a guest room, making herself comfortable until he awoke. Deciding to take a seat next to the boy who was tucked in nearly under a plush comforter. She slowly began to drift off to sleep, her body falling gently against the boy's sleeping siloette.

Leaving the two dragons in an uncomfortable silence.
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Drakon looked at Xavis with a critical expression. Your ride forces you to live in a cave? Barbaric. Don't try anything. She said calmly, as she turned to follow the other dragon whenever he would decide it was time to head to his pitiful little cave. The Ice Dragon felt a bit annoyed at the idea of having to leave Trevinter, even if the girl seemed to have a good heart. He was her rider, and he was all she cared about. The idea of leaving him in the hands of another sickened the dragon a bit, but it was a strange new land. Sometimes out of the way decisions had to be made, she could only trust that her rider would fight his way out of this and come back to her. A small huff left the dragon's mouth as she flew, a tad bit annoyed at the whole situation.

Meanwhile, Trevinter was not having a restful sleep. Horrific memories of the coming enemy, of how they destroyed his home. His friends, family, and his people. His whole body twitched in reaction to seeing the bastards who destroyed everything he loved. He made small noises as if trying to fight back against something coming for him. Then the boy's eyes suddenly flew open, breathing heavy he looked around the room in confusion. This looked... nothing like his home or anything that he recognized. Looking down, he felt some weight on his chest and a girl's head there. It seemed like she had fallen asleep while sitting next to his bed. Confusion ran through the boy's mind, as he did not recognize the beautiful maiden, and certainly didn't recall going anywhere the previous night.

Then it hit him. Those horrid dreams of his home being consumed by ice, the death of everybody and everything, that wasn't a series of bad dreams. That was the cold, harsh reality. He looked at the girl once more, and his heart began to hammer in his chest. Panic rising suddenly through his body as he tried to understand what was going on. Mentally he desperately called out for Drakon, who was already much out of range. He had to get away, or at least get up. Get answers from this girl. He had to be ready, surely the hunt would be here any moment to finish their job...

Sitting up suddenly, trying to get her off of him, Trevinter was trying to process everything going on. Then he yelled loudly in pain, grabbing his side as pain suddenly flared through his senses. The feeling of a thousand knives seemed to be driving into his side as the girl suddenly jerked awake and looked at him with wide eyes. On one hand, he wanted the pain to stop. On the other, he knew it meant that he was alive, and thus a good thing. Still, the pain was absolutely immobilizing as the boy wondered if his side had suddenly split open.
Xavis rolled his eyes in an unamused look. "Her name is Odette, Princess of Astria. You'd be quite inclined to refer to her as such. After all if it wasn't for her your rider would be a heap of crumpled of bones and melting flesh." He shot back at her, huffing in annoyance as he turned his body for his short flight to his cave. "And she doesn't force me to live in a cave, I choose to live there. I lived in the castle for quite sometime but preferred my own place." He said very matter-of-fact. His wings shooting out from underneath his body and catching the wind. Flapping his large black wings to carry him up.

Xavis lived just above the castle in a small rock cave. The cave held a beautifully decorated living room with a gigantic oak table and many maps scattered about. Deeper in the cave was a bed of silk linens laid out for Xavis. He looked around the cave walls, covered in gem stones of all sorts and gave a huff of approval. "Welcome to my home. The King and his army use it as a headquarters for war planning. It has a bird's eye view of all of Astria and some of it's surrounding neighbors. And of course it had a stairwell into the castle for conveinice." He said, curling up on his bed and blowing a soft flame to light the surrounding candles. "You might as well get comfy, it could be awhile"
