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Original poster
Invitation Status
  1. Looking for partners
Posting Speed
  1. Speed of Light
  2. Multiple posts per day
  3. 1-3 posts per day
  4. One post per day
  5. Multiple posts per week
  6. 1-3 posts per week
Writing Levels
  1. Give-No-Fucks
  2. Intermediate
  3. Adept
  4. Advanced
  5. Adaptable
Preferred Character Gender
  1. Male
  2. Female
I'm Wing. I have an interesting plot for a Pokemon roleplay. For this thread, this is only what I am seeking. I am also only accepting a limited number of partners. Please read through all the tabs before PMing me.
Please do not post on the thread. Send me a PM.

Status - open

  • Gender - I expect my partners to be able to play both genders. I will be playing a female and a male character myself along with side characters.

    Pairings - Normally I'm up for M/F, M/M and F/F but for this plot, I am only accepting M/F.

    Post length - I am capable of writing from free to advanced. For this, I ask that you post at least one paragraph. More would be great.

    Posting speed - Multiple times a day to once a week. I know life gets in the way sometimes, I ask that you try to keep me posted. If you lose interest and want to quit, let me know.

    Mature - Red-stars only please.

    Characters - I am looking for both Cannon x OC and OC x OC for this. (Please see Character tab)

    This is a long-term roleplay search.

  • If you want to know the plot then please PM me. As I will do slight variations with each person.

    The Pokemon world is not as we know it. A war broke out and the world has no freedom. Ruled by an evil company. (Not Team Rocket) The Pokemon tournament is no more. Pokemon can be bought or sold. Wild Pokemon are more dangerous than ever before and almost impossible to catch.

    Now the best way to own a Pokemon is to buy from a breeder at outrageous prices. Unless you're lucky to find a breeder who puts more love into their care and is not in it for profit. (A high rarity)

    We will be using all the regions, meaning there will be traveling.

    Mega-evolutions are very rare unless you are part of the organization. Z-moves have been banned for anyone, not in power.

    The new powers that be do not need competition.

    Life is normal as long as you follow the law, you are free to travel collect Pokemon. You can enter them in contests in the regions that host them or a showcase in Kalos.

    In Alola there are no more island trails. Alola has become nothing more than a vacation spot.

    Where will this go? Well, that's up to us. PM me and I will share with you a few different ways this can go.

    Characters may have Pokemon, in fact, I encourage your OC(s) to have at least one.

    Also, I should mention like in Pokemon humans can handle attacks from Pokemon. Only to a certain threshold. People can be hurt or killed by Pokemon. The same goes for Pokemon, they can kill each other.

  • Cannons that I am looking for are Volkner and Professor Kukui.

    I can play any character except Ash. Ash will not exist in this at all.

  • When you send me a PM, be sure to include any of your limits.

    I will also need to know what route we are going. If you don't want to use canon characters than just tell me you want to do OC x OC.

    If you are willing to go the cannon route than please state which character you are willing to play and please include who you would like me to play for you.

I am still looking.
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