A Night in Terror Town, a horror rp

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Original poster
Please see the group's General Chat / RP Discussion / Discord Server for OOC talk.
You can check out the wiki for more info.

A Night in Terror Town

The rp will be starting October 15th. Sign-ups will continue past the game starting, but only for a little while.


You were hoping this be a just like any other normal day.

You were wrong.

You find yourself waking up on a chair inside a derelict bus station. Quickly you find that you aren't alone inside as more people are seemingly having the same experience as you. Gathering your thoughts, you make your way out of the station. The town outside does not look any better than the bus station interior.

It seems like the entire town is deserted leaving you stranded in a ghost town. The only thing you hear is the crows screams through the broken glass ceiling. Anyone with powers trying to use them find them to be greatly diminished which is peculiar by itself.

On top of that for some reason you can't shake the feeling that someone is watching you. Soon enough you realize that you have been dragged into a game of survival as horrifying monsters and death traps try to kill you at any chance they can. Even seeking sanctuary inside the buildings might not be enough to save you from the entity stalking you. How did you get here and how are you going to escape this living nightmare?

Character requirements

Your character needs to be horror or supernatural themed, but I will be rather flexible when it comes to what is considered supernatural. For example things like Gravity Falls, the Adams Family or Mortal Kombat would be perfectly viable and anything in-between.

Even characters that aren't from conventional horror or supernatural series like say Vamp from Metal Gear Solid or Sabrina from Pokemon work. If you're unsure where your choice stands just ask here and we'll work something out! As long as they live up to the spirit of Halloween then it should be good!

Duos are not allowed.


The threat of death exists by many hazards. Living or otherwise. The players will have to think up the best way to get out of trouble lest their lives will be forfeit.​

Rules (courtesy of @Verite and @Atomyk with some modifications)

1. Naturally, all of Iwaku's rules apply here.

2. Please be respectful towards everyone. As the GM my word is law, but I imagine there wont be a lot of problems.

3. If you're a newcomer, welcome! Though the Murder Series is a mass fandom roleplay with its own original lore that's been built up and up for a while, don't let all that intimidate you, you don't need any past knowledge of the Murder Series to enjoy it! That being said, as a fairly tight-knit community, we suggest and encourage you to join our Murder Group to keep up with updates and meet the community. Also see our Discord server!

4. No OOC talk in the IC, please. Take it to the group or Discord. By extension, OOC drama isn't permitted anywhere either. If you have a problem with someone, take it to PMs and settle it in a civil manner.

5. This should be a given, but no godmodding / metagaming! If you don't have a clear idea on what those are, see this post here.

6. Players of all posting levels are welcome here. That being said, please at least put something whenever you make a post. We'd like as little IC posts being nothing but image spam or so as possible. Speaking of image spam, please only post a maximum of three images / GIFs per post in order to not flood the page with images that make it harder to load.

7. Due to the intended speed of the game, it is practically a requirement to seek out other users to be your "posting partners" so that you have some people you can stick with. Using the tagging system is absolutely required. This is actually very important. It's fine (and encouraged) to only keep up with a few characters / players for the majority of the game, as that is far easier than trying to keep tabs on everyone. Summaries and important GM posts will be made prominent.

8. Please post once a chapter. Chapters will generally last from a few days up to a week, so you'll hopefully have time. Not doing so will result in your character possibly being removed from the game. At the very least, PM me if anything comes up and I'll do my best to keep you around.


Appearance: Self-explanatory. Just a picture is fine.

Name: What is your character's name? Do they generally go by an alias / nickname?

Age: Chronologically, how old is your character?

Canon: What does your character originate from?

Powers / Abilities / Equipment: What is your character capable of, and if they have notable items they carry around, like weapons, is there anything special about them? While I'll be lenient with what to nerf and what not to, naturally, you know the drill. In any case, even just a Wiki link is fine.

Short Bio: What is your character's backstory in a nutshell leading up to how they came to come here? Once again, pretty much just a Wiki link is acceptable.

Other Info: Optional. Just basically any extra info you feel is necessary that I as the GM should know about.

Cast list:
@Archmage Jeremiah as Rottytops (Shantae)

@Atomyk as Robert Small (Dream Daddy)
@BarrenThin as Vlad Von Carstein (Warhammer)
@Bomb as Kuro (Pokemon)
@Crow as Jack the Ripper (Fate/Apocrypha)
@CrunchyCHEEZIT as Trevor Belmont (Castlevania)
@dark as Delsin Rowe (Infamous: Second Son)
@Darkseide as William 'Penny' Adiyoi (The Magicians)
@EternalInfinity as Kel'thuzad (World of Warcraft)
@GreatSalmon as Doopliss (Paper Mario: The Thousand-Year Door)
@Gummi Bunnies as Kyle Knock (Lost Alice)
@J A Y F R OM T H E 6 I X as King (One Punch Man)
@Josh M as Bray Wyatt (WWE)
@Kaykay as Numahime Tenma (Kajiri Kamui Kagura)
@Khan of the Mardu as Akira Kurusu (Persona 5)
@Klutzy Ninja Kitty as Makoto Niijima (Persona 5)
@Lissamel as Sammy Lawrence (Bendy and the Ink Machine)
@LuckycoolHawk9 as Theo Raeken (Teen Wolf)
@Midnight Maiden as Tarlotte (Kyoshiro to Towa no Sora)
@Minerva as Yuri (Doki Doki Literature Club)
@Otto as Varus (League of Legends)
@Sen as Saeran Choi (Mystic Messenger)
@Takumi as Seishin Muroi (Shiki)
@ThatAverageGuy as The Devil (Cuphead)
@thatguyinthestore as Chucky (Child's Play)
@Verite as Ethan Chandler (Penny Dreadful)
@York as Simon Henriksson (Cry of Fear)
@Yun Lee as Grell Sutcliff (Black Butler)

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Name: Sherry Birkin

Age: 26

Canon: Resident Evil

Powers / Abilities / Equipment: An accelerated healing factor thanks to the G-virus in her body.

She is also a trained hand-to-hand combatant.

Short Bio: Sherry Birkin is an American federal agent attached to the Division of Security Operations. The daughter of the late Drs. William and Annette Birkin, she was placed in protective custody following their deaths during the Raccoon City Destruction Incident, which resulted in a G-Virus infection and the gaining of regenerative abilities.​
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"Hi I'm Chucky, wanna play?"

Charles Lee Ray
AKA "Chucky"



Powers / Abilities / Equipment:
  • Strength and speed of a full grown human adult.
  • Advanced knowledge on voodoo/black magic, specifically spells.
  • Although Chucky has used a variety of weapons over the years, his most common weapon is a knife.

Short Bio:
Chucky's Bio

Other Info:
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Name: Grell Sutcliff

Age: Around 27 years old physically, but as she's a Reaper...much, much older. (As if a woman would reveal her true age though! ♡)


Powers/Abilities/Weapons: Grell is a Grim Reaper, and has the task of retrieving human memories from someone who is dying. In order to do this, Grell has a specially customized Death Scythe that's essentially a chainsaw. She's also very agile in combat, able to jump high and far due to not being human anymore.

Bio: Grell Sutcliff

Other Info: I'll be playing Grell from where I left off right after the Circus Arc.​

Name: Sally Malik

Age: "22" ( She passed on three times, but officially died at the age of 22 each time and has not aged)

Canon: Being Human

Powers / Abilities / Equipment: Teleporting: Sally is able to disappear in a puff of smoke and reappear at a distance away from her.

Telekinesis: Due to being a ghost, Sally can move small and medium sized objects with her mind. If she is emotionally durressed, she can move larger objects with her mind.

Invisbility: Sally can make herself invisible to humans, but can be detected by all supernaturals and humans connected to the supernatural ( read as everyone)

Possession: Sally can posses mortals ( easily) and possesses werewolves with ill after-effects.

Shredding: Sally is one of the few ghosts who can kill other ghosts, a rare thing in her world.

Fire manipulation: In sharing magic with a witch, she can control the element of fire.

Spell casting: Sally can cast spells and knows all the spells in Donna's spell book. One primary powerful spell is freezing time.

Short Bio: Sally died in 2013 when her boyfriend pushed her down a flight of stairs, killing upon impact. Over time, Sally adjusted to being a ghost while living her werewolf roommate, Josh, and her vampire roommate Aidan in which she helped them with their lives. She also passed up her door when it arrived. During the third season, she made a deal with a witch that allow her to temporarily live again, but die later on. Later on, she shared the witch's powers. She arrived here after casting a spell that turn her vampire roommate back into a human, having disappeared. She expected to die, but instead wound up here.

Other Info: Sally has died three times and passed up her doors multiple times. Sally has a split personality that existed before she experienced her second death. Sally has previously been a human and werewolf ( alternate timeline).
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"We've all done things to survive. There are such sins at my back it would kill me to turn around."



Ethan Chandler


Unknown, presumably early to mid thirties



Powers / Abilities / Equipment
  • Marksmanship - Ethan is exceptionally skilled with firearms, able to deftly dual wield pistols with general ease. He has much experience, owing to the many times he'd been put into combat and his days as a sharpshooter in a wild west show while traveling through England.
  • Skilled fighter - Ethan is also proficient in hand-to-hand combat. Self-explanatory.
  • Intelligence - He is also a skilled tactician to a degree, and is knowledgeable about religion. He can also speak some Latin and Apache.
  • Lycanthropy - When the full moon comes, Ethan involuntarily transforms into a wolf man. While in this state, he is granted superhuman attributes and razor sharp claws, though at the cost of his sanity as he becomes a feral beast. On the side, this also allows him to exhibit a unique canine affinity, able to even communicate with an alpha wolf to a degree.

Short Bio

Ethan Chandler

Other Info

He is taken from after the events of the show Penny Dreadful.​
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Appearance: Self-explanatory. Just a picture is fine.


Name: Celica (Anthiese)

Age: 17

Canon: Fire Emblem Echoes: Shadows of Valentia

Powers / Abilities / Equipment: Celica is a priest of Mila and is capable of magic as well as combative abilities. Her spells consist of Fire (a small fire spell), thunder (similar to fire, but with thunder), seraphim (a powerful light spell that's effective against things such as zombies), Recover (A healing spell), Excalibur (A wind spell), and Ragnarok (A more powerful, extremely destructive spell). She also carries a steel sword on her.

Short Bio: Celica (Or, Princess Anthiese) is the lost Princess of Zofia who went into hiding. She became a priestess of the goddess Mila. Following a large famine in Zofia, she travelled to find the source and meet with Mila.


Other Info: Hope she's good enough!
mysterious clues - mystic messenger

"I'll destroy your pathetic make-believe world."​

ray / unknown

Saeran is a 21 year old young man with two different personalities, Ray and Unknown, which is likely a side effect from ingesting Mint Eye's elixir of salvation for several years and is implied to have DID. The two personalities are aware of each other and are able to communicate with one another. As a hacker, Ray and Unknown have extremely different skill sets with Ray's skills being on par or even being better than his twin brother's. At the moment which one is Saeran's original personality is unknown.

For the majority of the route, Ray is the dominant personality. He is gentle, sweet, and terrified of being abandoned. He is against violence, and cannot bring himself to hurt another living being. Ray was also terrified of having Unknown's personality awakening and taking over.

On the other hand, Unknown is the complete opposite of Ray and extremely dark in nature. He is sadistic and destructive, opting to destroy those who oppose him. Unknown was mostly suppressed by the effects of the elixir of salvation, but Ray's last dosage had him taking over Saeran's body. Unknown seemed to hate Ray, calling the other personality a marshmallow boy, and disliked Ray's crying and whining.

Saeran, along with his brother Saeyoung, is the illegitimate son of a high-ranking politician. Shortly after birth, their alcoholic mother exploited their identities by forcing their father to pay hush money. During his childhood years, he and his brother were abused by their mother, but he received the brunt of it due to becoming ill more often than his twin. His fondest memories were eating ice cream and sneaking out of his room to see the sky for the first time with Saeyoung.

Shortly after Saeyoung had left and five or eight years prior to the start of the game, Rika kidnapped and recruited Saeran into Mint Eye, where he was forced to take numerous substances and brainwashed to believe that Saeyoung had purposefully abandoned him because he was a burden. As Saeran devoted himself to Mint Eye, he had his right arm tattooed with its logo.

He carries a handgun and a knife to defend himself.​


Makoto Niijima



Makoto possess a natural knack for intelligence and also has talent in aikido. As for her equipment, she uses tekko for her main weapon, but can also use a revolver. Other than her natural abilities, Makoto possess supernatural ones as well. She possess the power to summon a persona--which appears in the form of a motorcycle she can ride--that can perform several magic-like abilities.

Short Bio
Makoto Niijima

Other Info
Makoto is best girl. ; |

@Khan of the Mardu

Kyle Knock "The Cheshire Cat"


Lost Alice

Kyle is able to use basic magic. Such as telekinesis, disguising himself as a cat, energy manifestation as ribbons. However as he is outside Wonderland, these abilities have been weakened.

~Short Bio~
Originally a character from a forgotten tale, Kyle had no meaning in existing. Until the Spinner of Tales dragged him into the realm of Wonderland, and soon he was enlisted with the role as the Cheshire Cat to lead "Alice" astray. This caused an obsessive fixation for whoever turned out to be "Alice," but at this point in time, "Alice" never showed up to Wonderland.

~Other Info~
*waits for someone named "Alice" to show up*


Akira "Joker" Kurusu




A professional liar and rebel, Joker is a charismatic young man adept at adopting false personas to feign innocence and a lack of remarkability, hiding a cunning and calculating true self seeking justice beneath the facades. Equipment-wise, he carries many standard tools of the thievery trade including lockpicks and smoke bombs to make quick getaway, while also carrying a dagger and semi-automatic pistol that he is skilled in wielding. Finally, he possesses the ability to summon a persona – a being that takes the form of a winged gentleman demon – capable of various magic-like powers.

Short Bio
Akira "Joker" Kurusu

Other Info
Makoto is best girl, but Akira is also the best boy. ; |

@Klutzy Ninja Kitty


Name: Kuro

Age: Who knows? Not even Kuro knows.

Canon: Pokemon

Powers / Abilities / Equipment:

Kuro, like all Mimikyus, have a wooden tail that they use as part of their disguise. Also perfect for smacking people and other Pokemon.

Ability: Disguise
Kuro can use its disguise to mislead others to attack the head, when the main body actually resides in the lower half.


If you don't know what any of these move does, click on em.
Swords Dance
Kuro either hones the "sharpness" of the shadow that Kuro uses as bodily extensions, or hones the wooden tail he uses.
Play Rough
Kuro smacks a bitch so many times, they question why this move is classified as Fairy-Type. Oh, it may also weaken someone's attack power.
Leech Life
Kuro absorbs the life force blood of an enemy and uses that to recover.
Shadow Claw
The shadow that is Kuro extends as if it were hands and uses them to slash at someone. The lethality of this move can cause it to, as Kuro puts it, critically injure someone.

Short Bio: Not even Kuro knows who he is. Kuro woke up near the outskirts of a secluded town at night. Not knowing what he looked like at the time, he attempted to ask around, but the townspeople collapsed, and the remaining people and Pokemon fled. Moving towards the town square, Kuro reeled in horror as he was met with his reflection in the fountain's pool. Not forgetting his image, Kuro spent his life hidden in the woods, mountains, and even caves, to hide his identity from everyone. Not even Pokemon wanted to interact with him. Overtime, he figured out he was a Ghost Pokemon dubbed Mimikyu, leading him to believe he was dead.

One day Kuro met with a shadow like him, but was wearing a costume that reminded him of a yellow Pokemon he once saw in a forest. The shadow called herself Nero, and she was abandoned by her own trainer when her trainer tried to peek underneath her disguise. Nero taught Kuro how to make his own disguise, and left as Nero went off to find another trainer that would love her.

But no matter what, the public still avoids Kuro, even with the disguise on. As time passed and as Kuro moved from place to place, he still cannot find a place for him. And he still couldn't find out anything about himself.

He wanted to disappear. But even the Pokemon world damns him to this very day.

Other Info: Hopefully I can actually stay in a game this time : |​


Name: Alm

Age: 17

Canon: Fire Emblem Echoes: Shadows of Valentia

Powers / Abilities / Equipment: Alm has no known powers or abilities, at least for the moment. He does have an iron sword in his possession.

Short Bio:

After learning of the atrocities befalling Zofia, Alm happened to run into a young man named Lukas, and with friends at his side left his small village to join the Deliverance, a group of able fighters trying to help bring Zofia to it's former glory. Alm has only recently became the leader of the Deliverance, and reclaimed the Zofian Castle from Desaix, a man whom aids a neighboring kingdom in trying to overthrow Zofia.


Other Info: Need any changes let me know! Also possibility that my choice may change at some point.
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Simon Henriksson


Cry of Fear

Powers / Abilities / Equipment: What is your character capable of, and if they have notable items they carry around, like weapons, is there anything special about them? While I'll be lenient with what to nerf and what not to, naturally, you know the drill. In any case, even just a Wiki link is fine.

- "Universal" Weapons proficiency; Simon appears to have a handle on a variety of weapons... Ranging from knives, batons, and pistols, to outright machineguns, shotguns, and rifles. However, since the more supernatural/outlandish weapons are usually considered "joke" weapons, I will discount his ability to use those. However, he does seem to have a distinct ability to use most conventional weapons in either case.

- Switchblade; Though technically a folding knife, it is a relatively useful item for Simon, especially when he is stuck without a ranged weapon, and allows for him a basic, close ranged way to defend himself by hacking and slashing at his opponents, amongst other utilital purposes.

- Glock 19; A standard issue glock, with a 15 round magazine and a reasonable, semi-automatic fire rate. He carries two spares with him in his bag.

- Simon's Phone; A decent, but somewhat unreliable communications device, at least in supernatural settings. It would appear that messages and calls he receives are often either weird, confusing, freaky, or distorted. This phone is thus often more useful as a flashlight of sorts, one that Simon can wield in tandem with his Glock or his Knife, sacrificing a bit of his accuracy/attack speed in the process.

- Note Book; A place Simon has to store and collect various notes and the like he might find. A very useful asset for holding onto various documents that may have some sort of convoluted riddle connected to them in some way.

- Simon's Bag; The place he stores any items he can't immediately carry in his hand, a useful, but limited asset, as it does not allow him to carry anything crazily oversized or anything (contrary to what may occur in the game, because videogame logic can be er... Weird sometimes).

Short Bio:
Simon Henriksson
Note that this takes place sometime after Cry of Fear's fourth ending.

The events of the game are to be considered a series of strange dreams, and in a few instances, cases of psychosis he may have had following the hit and run that paralyzed him from the waist down.

After the events of the fourth ending of the game, during his time at a Mental Hospital (which could potentially extend for the rest of his life), he ends up dozing off... And having another dream, or so he thinks.

A dream, like the ones he used to have, where he was still able to use his legs, but had woken up somewhere weird... In this case, a bus stop of some sort.

Like before, while it seemed like he was all alone at first, the entire area had this ominous feeling to it, like someone or something was watching him. Though this time around, for the better or worse... He was not the only one who ended up here...

Other Info:
Basically, because the alternative is literally having Simon stuck in a slow moving wheelchair and shit, I'm having him retain usage of his legs, and take on the form of his mental projection of himself, so to speak he takes the role of over the course of the game. In other words, through some weird paranormal shennanigans (sorta like what happened with Madotsuki), because he was tossed into this event while he was dreaming, he takes on the form of his dream self for the duration of it.​
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"We're looking for our mother. Are you her?"

  • Jack the Ripper
    Assassin of Black

  • Was never born.

  • ei4XWk4.png

  • Class Skills


    Presence Concealment - A+
    Hides one's presence as a Servant. Suitable for spying. It is possible to disappear completely and become almost impossible to be detected, even against a Servant's perception. However, efficiency will decrease once preparations to attack are taken.

    Personal Skills


    Murderer of the Misty Night - A
    A skill associated with the Servant's nature as a serial killer rather than as an assassin, which permits a preemptive strike against all opponents. Requires luck to work for sure in day, but unconditional success possible at night.


    Information Erasure - B
    The removal of information regarding the Servant's True Name, abilities, and appearance from the records and memories of all eye witnesses, including the opponent, following the conclusion of an engagement. This effect is enforced even if the battle took place in broad daylight or was recorded by devices such as digital recordings of a closed-circuit camera. However, evidence of the engagement is not removed from the scene, and by way of logical deduction, the Servant's identity may be revealed by examining those evidence.


    Surgical Procedure - E
    If that icon doesn't scream irony I don't know what does!
    The capability of surgical repair with use of a bloodstained scalpel.
    Despite the technique being 120 years old, and somewhat unreliable by visual appearance alone, the procedures manage to attain their intended effect, boosted somewhat with application of Magical Energy. (The victims of Jack the Ripper were found with their organs removed in such a way as to require anatomical knowledge or skill with dissection.)


    Mental Pollution - C
    Makes it possible to shut out any mental interference Thaumaturgy due to possessing a distorted mentality. However, at the same time, it becomes impossible to come to an understanding with individuals that do not possess an equivalent rank of Mental Pollution.
    In the condition that the Servant's master is of the Evil alignment, or perpetrates acts of cruelty against her, her Mental Pollution will increase in rank, further increasing the chances of blocking magecraft. However, as the Servant's psyche is inherently broken, this may result in irreversible corruption.
    Likewise, it is possible for this skill to be removed if the Master is of a more Good alignment, seeing that Jack the Ripper as summoned by the more morally-sound pure-hearted justice-seeking protagonist of Fate/Grand Order does not possess this skill.

    Noble Phantasms

    Maria the Ripper: The Holy Mother of Disembodiment - D~B
    The Mist: Darkened Misty Metropolis - C

    Unlisted Feats

    These are feats and abilities shown that are not listed above. They don't exactly fit anywhere above, the same way FSN Rider summoning Pegasus from her neck wasn't on her profile.

    As stated in her history, Jack is made from the souls of tens of thousands of abortions. When she is cut, she will not bleed an agonizing red, but rather, release a black liquid that is, in reality, these very souls. These souls can materialise into child-shaped wraiths or black phantom fetuses with fully-grown teeth, and possibly possess others. For balancing purposes, the possession ability will be used within reason, or possibly not be used at all.

    She can identify people by smell to some extent, evidenced when she sniffs Mordred aka Saber of Red and comes to the conclusion that she was a woman. This event also occured when the Mist was activated, which shows that she is immune to the toxins of her own mist, as well as phenomenom similiar in nature to it such as factory exhaust, and she can even smell through her own mist.

    See more here.

  • London, 1888.
    It was a time where whores roamed the streets. Whores who did not want their children, and thus, resorted to abortion, drowning their unborn children in the rivers, polluting them with fetal blood.
    The resentment of the abortions amalgamated when the numbers reached the ten thousands, creating a demonic hivemind in the shape of a young girl. Her mind was geared towards an unknown path, an unknown path that resulted in the killings of many whores. The destination was to return to the warmth of their mother's womb. She soon became known as Jack the Ripper, and was elated that she had gained a something that only children with parents could acquire - a name.
    She was soon extinguished by a magus who identified her as supernatural in nature, but that was far from the end of the Murderer of the Misty Night.

    Read more here.

  • She has memories of her Fate/Apocrypha incarnation until her death, and none from Fate/Grand Order unless plans change.

    She is currently looking for her 'mother'.
"I'll always be waiting for you to call my name."


Too many to list; often referred to as Nora(the term for stray), which she despises

Good question. Unfortunately, the answer is not so easily tracked


Powers / Abilities / Equipment

Short Bio

Other Info
You may call her whatever you wish. She's also probably mildly insane and possibly yandere. In addition, while she appears as though she is a 'noramal' girl, she is actually a Regalia- the spirit of a deceased person who was taken in by a god(in her case, countless gods) as a servant and weapon. Finally, her skin is covered in various kanji, each red in color and representing the names given to her by each of the gods that owned her at some point.

Looking for new masters, willing to devote body and soul
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  • Bucket of Rainbows
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"I'm Trevor fucking Belmont, and I've never lost a fight to man nor fucking beast."



Trevor Belmont


(based off of game knowledge)

Powers / Abilities / Equipment
- The Hunter: Trevor is the last surviving member of the Belmont clan, a family who dedicated their lives to hunt and slay vampires, demons, and other creatures of darkness commanded by Dracula and protect mankind. As such, Trevor is a master combatant, tactician and expert in the field of unholy creatures and the methods needed to kill them. His combat expertise ranges from whips, knives, axes, holy water, rock salt, and many others.

- Vampire Killer: A legendary whip wielded by the heroes of the Belmont family, being passed down with each generation, ending at Trevor. The whip is consecrated under holy powers, used to destroy and annihilate vampires and demons -- and beyond that, it's length and design make it a pretty lethal weapon against any creature when used with the right hands.

Short Bio
Trevor was the last surviving member of the Belmont clan, a family who dedicated their lives to fight creatures of darkness commanded by Dracula and protect mankind. However, rumors spread that the Belmont clan practiced black magic attracting evil to them, causing the family to be exiled and excommunicated by the Church, eventually leaving Trevor all on his own. Trevor is left bitter and cynical over the persecution of his family by the Church, letting himself be reduced to naught but a wandering alcoholic, trying to survive between the roaming hordes of demons and the brainwashed populace living under a megalomaniac bishop.

Other Info

Trevor is taken between episodes 1 and 2 of Season 1 of Castlevania.
"Surrender and slave for me in life, or die and serve me in death."



: Vlad Von Carstein, the first King of the Vampires

Age: Don't know. He's very, very old.

Canon: Warhammer Fantasy

Powers / Abilities / Equipment:

Necromancy: Vlad is capable of summoning up entire legions of the dead, given time and resources. Of course, this requires there to be legions of dead people to summon. This same school of magic allows him to heal his minions and cause massive destruction on the battlefield with a flick of his wrist.

Vampiric Prowess: Vlad is nearly unmatched on the battlefield, taking on Greater Daemons singlehandedly. He's incredibly fast, immensely strong, and nearly tireless.

Vampiric Aura: Vlad gives off an aura that charms those near him, making them more likely to fall victim to his wit and his reasonable appeals to logic. It's not really a 'force you to do something' type effect, so much as a passive allure that even makes a face like that a bit tempting.

Intelligence: Vlad is a skilled diplomat and tactician, usually using his wits rather than just brute force to accomplish his goals. That being said, he's of an evil temper that, without someone he loves dearly to ease him, will almost invariably result in blood being shed when angered, regardless of the danger this poses to himself.

Blood Drinker: Vlad's sword causes regeneration when covered in the blood of another creature.

Von Carstein Ring: This ring would ordinarily cause Vlad to heal and resurrect from... pretty much anything. Even total bodily destruction. It's not working as much as usual, though.


Sylvanian Armor: A full plate set. Nothing special.

Short Bio:
Vlad von Carstein (pre end times)
During End Times: Nagash, Vlad is resurrected by big bone daddy himself shortly after the latter's return. Vlad's first act is kicking the ass out of Mannfred when the latter tried to Sindri him again, only sparing his life under direct order of Nagash, who still has use for Mannfred. Vlad only agrees to work for Nagash on the condition that Nagash will bring back his wife Isabella. While the rest of Nagash's forces and his Mortarchs march on Nehekhara, Vlad and the Nameless are charged with fighting the forces of Chaos. Despite the situation, Vlad still has his eyes on becoming Emperor so he covertly tries to ingratiate himself with the Empire. At first he tries to work with Balthazar, even making the latter his apprentice for a time. He allies with the forces of Altdorf when the Glottkin and their forces attack, even being made the legitimized elector count of Sylvania by Kurt Helborg during the latter's time as regent. He is killed again by Festus the Leechlord, but his ring does its thing and Vlad kills the near daemon prince Festus. He later fights Otto Glott but gets infected with a disease harmful even to Vampires after drinking some of Otto Glott's blood. Fortunately for him he turns into a swarm of bats and flies away before Karl-Sigmar's rebirth purges evil magic from Altdorf.
Later the Empire, in a fit of desperation, sent emissaries to Nagash (who had just conquered and enslaved the Tomb Kings) to seek his help against the forces of Chaos. Nagash heard them out, killed them and forbade any of the undead from helping. Vlad, still struggling with the disease, heard the message since he was the one to bring the emissaries to Nagash (Nagash doesn't grant sick leave). When the latter was snoozing and Arkhan was buried in paperwork, Vlad disobeyed the order, summoned some undead troops went to help the Empire in the battle for Averheim. He got there just in time to see the forces of Chaos overwhelm Ungrim. Vlad gave them a moment's silence before turning his army around to rush back to Sylvania before Nagash finished his power nap. During this time, a combined force of undead led by the Nameless and nurgle daemons attacked Sylvania.

When he got back, he was forced to fight then force invading Sylvania alongside Mannfred and Luthor Harkon at Arkhan's orders. After a vicious fight he was reunited with Isabella, who had been brought back by the big 'N'. Unfortunately for him, then big 'N' this time wasn't Nagash, but Nurgle. In revenge for how Vlad saved her from tuberculosis and out of his hatred for the sterility of the undead, she had been possessed by a daemon that convinced her that Vlad had never loved her in the first place and was given powers that were meant specifically to be used against Undead. She killed him, with Vlad swearing revenge on Nurgle in his dying moments, but his ring did its work, bringing him back now free of the Nurglite disease. Finding out Isabella's state understandably left Vlad upset, but he soldiered on regardless. When Nagash allied with the living he lived up to his Mortarch title and stays in the background, only emerging to fight, chide Mannfred or trade witty banter with Arkhan.

He heads to Middenheim with Nagash's forces and encounters Isabella telling Mannfred to go sit in a corner, he encounters Isabella again. Possibly inspired by his own rebirth purging the disease, Vlad gave up his ring to her before killing them both, knowing that the resurrection process would free his beloved wife from the Plaguefather's clutches. His body was last seen impaled on a spike with no sign of Isabella; she was rescued by Neferata but the world ended before she regained consciousness.
(with a p.)

"So many people... so many tricks!"


Paper Mario TTYD

Doopliss once prided himself on his various 'tricks'. Turning people into pigs was his previous big gig, but that's not his true style! That was just an opening act, for his true calling was in doppelganging and body swapping. Oh! Imagine the looks on little Billy's face when his best friend would suddenly call him a nerd! It was priceless every time. He even got some big shot's body. Marko? Marty? It was something like that. But now since coming to his stupid town he just can't tap into that special little talent of his. Now he's just a walking, sometimes floating, blanket. Well! It's good practice to go back to the basics of tricks... but goodness gracious at this point he could, mind the language, 'kill' to have his talents back...

Short Bio:
Once the home-owner of the lively Creepy Steeple, Doopliss spent his free-time doing the normal things ghosts did. Haunt the place, spread some curses, watch television, scare the occasional visitor. Life was simple and good, at the core of it being Doopliss thrill of tricking others with elaborate pranks and disguises. One night however, with moon cast high and a gory marathon, the tiny ghost snuggled into his green sofa and fell asleep.

He woke up to the sharp caw of a crow. Usually this was how he woke up every morning, or what was morning in his home, but this crow was not one of his. This wasn't Jeremy. Doopliss found himself now snuggled against a bench... and a bunch of other strangers doing the same. Well! Doopliss, not yet realizing the loss of his powers, wasn't about to pass up such a golden opportunity as this to scare the dickens out of some strangers!

Like any student, he looked around for anything he could write with...

Other Info:

Hi! This is my first time doing one of these. I am an experienced roleplayer, I'm just very rusty. Please let me know if I did anything wrong with the sheet. Thank you!

Also, Doopliss is a ghost but he can totally be hit by physical things and what not. He doesn't have that 'phase through objects' thing ghosts usually have. Beat the snot out of him as much as you want!​