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fandom, slice of life, modern, fantasy

a search by wxnderlust

about me

Hey there! I've been on this site for a while now and after finally learning how to code a bit, i decided to make a proper, more attractive looking search thread, so here it is! I am currently not in college due to me taking a gap year, but I am doing an internship in the mean time. I'm constantly on my computer so I have a lot of time on my hands, which means plenty of time to roleplay and better my writing skills!

To give you a brief idea about how I roleplay, I can say that I love romance, angst, action and drama all packed into the story because otherwise it isn't so exciting. I tend to write in third person, past tense. I can roleplay via PM, emails or threads, but no other medium will be accepted. I am a hetero female, and therefore prefer to play hetero females. I'm not stuck on playing just one gender or sexuality though, I am justing listing out a personal preference. If you are a fellow fangirl/fanboy, i will love you forever and our ooc chat will probably be very alive.

Not sure what else I can write, haha. If you want to know anything else, please feel free to ask!

what i expect

- I would love someone who can give me two or more paragraphs as a reply. I tend to get bored quickly if it is less than that.

- i need romance in the roleplay. That is a requirement. Smut isn't necessary but I am open to it.

- I prefer hererosexual pairings where I play the female however I am willing to double/triple or whatever you call it and have two main pairings. As long as one is always hetero with me as the female, we can make things work!

- my characters (my females mostly) are submissive, however they can make advancements too.

- if we include smut, you must be over 18

- I love fandoms and i will list out some at the end, though you should know that my preferred pairing is canon x oc and i usually double up because I like having two pairings in fandoms. All you have to do is ask which canon you want me to play for you and whether it's for a canon or an OC. I will place my love interests in brackets as well as other canon x canon pairings.

some plots

[dislcaimer: none of these ideas belong to me]

An alcoholic, drug addict, kicked out of your house, and now a father. You never thought at nineteen you'd be living in your best friend's garage with an infant gargling over your shoulder while you fight through the nicotine cravings. The mother of your child, who is some random from a blackout one-night-stand, wants to give them up for adoption as soon as possible (you've never seen anyone so stone cold) while you're actually starting to get attached to the damn kid that can't even talk. One of six kids in your best friend's house is his sister, who's a year younger than you, a photograoher, and a slight goody-two shoes with a vibrant exterior. She's been helping ut along with the other siblings to pay the bills while their father wrks over time to pay their mother's hospital bills. You two couldn't be any more different. She's dating some stupid jock but that doesn't stop you from hitting on her and you're pretty sure she's hitting on you back. So. You're trying to recover, be father (maybe just for the moment), and chase a girl with a jealous boyfriend? How bad could this go?

You've been in a relationship with the same guy for almost four years. Things were going great until about four months ago when he started ditching you for his friends about every time you made plans. So, you took comfort in his best friend's arms. You'd known him just as long as your boyfriend so it only seemed natural to go to someone who knew your boyfriend like you did. This guy isn't like anyone you'd ever think that you'd have an interest in. He's a complete drug junkie and has a rough exterior however the more you hang out with him, the more you realize that he's actually a great guy just with a really bad habit. Long story short, you two start hooking up behind your boyfriends back just so that the two of you can feel something. You both agree that it's only a hook-up thing. Friends-with-benefits at most. But what happens when he starts to get feelings?

{backstory} Ever since you were a child you've had a fascination with cars. Any car really, but especially the older ones and collectables. In 5th grade, you met your best friend and that was the one thing that you and him really had in common. You two went through middle and high school together but ended up separating for college. A few years later, you get a phone call from him explaining his new "business venture". He's starting to do car heists with a group and he's inviting you to tag along. The money you'd make is more than you'd make in five months and with your new girlfriend living with you, you decide that it might be worth it and accept.
{plot line} After almost two years of this new job, a few things go awry and your best friend and business partner ends up dead. You 'retire' from the job and you and your now fiance move into a house and decide to settle down. That is until you get a phone call from another friend who was in the 'business' with you and suggests a last 'Hoora!' in the name of your best friend. You agree, but this time when you come back, you trail a whole bunch of shit along with you. Now you've got a whole gang after you for stealing and they're out for blood and whatever else they can still. How are you going to protect your life?

My best friend thought it would be a good idea to set me up on a blind date. I guessed that it wasn't too bad but i was still getting over a bad breakup so i wasn't too keen on it. I show up at the restaurant i was suppose to meet up and to my surprise, i'm greeted by one of the most handsome guys i've ever laid your eyes on. We seem to hit it off and go on a few more dates after that. I make it clear that i'm not really looking for anything serious and you doesn't seem to mind it. After a few weeks of knowing you, theres a knock on my door. Well, less of a knock and more of a bang. Three men dress in all black break into my apartment and kidnap me. Long story short, they're after my blind date and are using me as bait to get what they want. Now i'm banking on you becoming my night in shining armor. You do manage to get you free from them, but where am i going to go now that i'm being followed by a bunch of gang-bangers? What happens when i start to fall for the one who put me into the line of danger?

It's 11:00 at night, I'm alone and in a sparkly dress. It's not really what I had in mind for New Years Eve. I had big plans to go to a big party with my friends but that was a bust. I had to work and by the time i was ready, all my friends were already drunk and not answering my texts. Upset and a little pissed off, i head to the 24 hour Walmart to pick up some cheap alcohol and some snacks to prepare for my night alone. While scowering the wine aisle, i notice someone else there too. It was you, a guy about my age and looking strangely familiar. You notice me staring and cracks a joke about me checking you out and the two of us get to talking. The two of us are both alone with canceled plans so you invite me to go over to your place. Usually i'd deny an offer like that from a stranger but i agree. Wespend the night together and with a lot of alcohol. We share a midnight kiss, and whatever else we can remember in our drunken haze. The next morning, i wake up and get ready to leave. On my way out i notice a picture on your dresser.. It's me and you, but it has to be from ten or more years ago while I was in school. And then it hits you. You had been my best friend until one year you just suddenly disappeared.

You were the average tween boy when you met this girl in middle school. You two were both going through that awkward stage, but through the two years of junior high, you got to know each other pretty well. When high school hit, puberty both did you well. You weren't super popular, but you went to football games and parties and some year even participated on the baseball team. She seemed to stick her books and would rather stay at home and watch reality TV than go out. Even though you two were different, it didn't stop you from hanging out all the time and staying close friends. One day, she stops coming to school. You call, and she doesn't answer. You let it go, figuring she's just sick, but a whole week rolls by and she's still not there. There's talk around the school of the various causes of her disappearance. You want to know where the hell she is, so you go to her house and ask her parents, who aren't the nicest, and they tell you that she'd ran away and good riddance. There was obviously a reason why she always wanted to hang out at your house. The years ticked on and high school came and went. Most people went out of state for college, but you just moved a few hours away and continued on with your schooling there. You're fine with your life in your quaint apartment although sometimes you find yourself thinking of your lost friend. One day when you're at home, you hear a constant knocking on your door. Annoyed, you answer it and find that it's your once best friend. Well, you think it's her. She's thinned beyond belief and looks a mess. She's dressed in almost nothing and crying. You of course invite her in and she breaks down, telling you everything that happened to her over the past five years as if nothing had changed between you. She tells you that she ran away because her parents were abusing her and she took a cab as far as it would take her. Her funds for motels and food ran out quick and with no one to turn to, she turned to what she had to. She'd ended up being a prostitute because it made good enough money to keep her alive. She seemed to have been rather good at it, sadly, because she ranked in thousands of dollars a week. She hated herself for it but it was better than home. Things were fine until recently. Your friend found out that there were guys after her to kill her, knowing that she was a weak and easy target for money, and not only that, but that she was pregnant. She says your her last hope. So what do you do? House your distant best friend turned money target or give her some money and send her on her way?

You've been involved with a gang for years. It's not your typical rough side of town, little gangsters who deal drugs and shoot up things and steal. You're not exactly like that. You're 23 years old and you're living the high life. You make a lot of money and you own a really nice house that you've completely paid off and own a nice sports car. You deal drugs, but only at places like parties and such. Your 'clients' all come from money and are about the same as you. Your gang and you all share profit and circulate drugs and what-not. Some people, however, aren't as cool with you being so successful. There's a few rivals that live in your town, and basically everywhere in the country, who are out for your blood. They're aware that you dead means all your earnings to yourself. Being that keeping millions of dollars in a bank would be suspicious since you don't have a real job, you hide money around your house; in air vents, under loose boards, holes in mattresses.
This is where the whole 'gang' thing starts to come in. You've had shoot outs with guys, and as much as you hate to say it, you've killed guys for your own protection and had to find out ways to ditch bodies without getting caught. So everything is fine right? Wrong. There's this girl you've met. She's nothing like you. She's just a little girl from a small town in the middle of no where. She moved here for work and lives in a small apartment. You totally fell for her, and you guys started seeing each other. You tried to keep your 'job' on the down-low, although it's hard to keep it secretive without making it obvious. You just can't bring yourself to tell her because you're sure she'll leave you if she realized what you're actually involved in. Everything was going fine until one day while you're out, you get a phone call from your girlfriend, crying and telling you that someone is coming after her and she doesn't know what's happening. Then all the sudden you here the door getting kicked in and screaming, and then a guy comes on the phone and tells you where to find them. You of course rush over there and find yourself face to face with three members of guys who hate your guys and want your money, with a gun to your innocent girlfriend's head. What are you going to do? And are either of you ever going to recover if you make it out alive?

You're a drug dealer. You're 21, live in a really nice area, drive a BMW, grow and make your own paraphernalia. You bring in thousands of dollars a day and you hide it all around your house, stacks and stacks of hundreds. You own a few guns, one that you always carry, and you can fight like they do in the octagon. You're pretty much a millionaire, but you're good at flying under the radar and haven't gotten caught. You're living the life. Soon enough though, things take a turn for the worse and you get the shit kicked out of you during a deal.. Literally. You get beat until you're coughing up blood and barely breathing. Lucky for you though, your buddy that tagged along called an ambulance for you, but bailed so that neither of you got caught for dealing. Next thing you know, you wake up to white walls and hyped up on all the drugs that they could give you to keep you alive. You're in there with two broken ribs and a fractured arm, with cuts everywhere. You're lucky you're not dead. You're completely out it already, and then out of no where walks in your ex girlfriend. She was the best thing to happen to you. A total princess that you were completely in love with, but she walked because she couldn't deal with your lifestyle. They called her because she was the only person with a number on file. She takes you home when you're some-what stable and sticks around for a while just to make sure you get what you need and don't die. It's obvious she still cares about you, but she doesn't really want anything to do with you for the sake of not putting her own life in danger like you do. You realize while she's there how much you still love her and want her back. Can you convince her to stay? And if so, are you willing to give up your life style?

He was your typical bad boy. He wore a leather jacket, always had a pack of cigarettes on him, drove some old 1930's hot rod, and fought like he was a professional boxer. He was the best friend, as weird as it sounded. Muse A wasn't a complete goody-too shoes, but she didn't like fights and she never smoked a day in your life. She's in a relationship with the school's hot-shot star football player and her best friend hates his guts and it's all the two of them can do to keep their hands off of each other's necks. Not only is he her best friend, but he's in love with her and hates her boyfriend. She's stuck in the middle, torn between a boy that she's grown up with but were exactly opposite or the one guy who every girl wants to be with and who treats her like a queen. Good luck, sweetheart.

some fandoms

- Twilight (Edward Cullen)

- The Hunger Games (Finnick, Gale, finnick x johanna, katniss x gale, prim x gale)

- Harry Potter (Draco, Harry, Ron, dramione, romione, fremione (fred x hermione))

- The Mortal Instruments (Jace, Simon, Simon x Izzy, Jace x Clary, Izzy x Clary, Magnus x Alec)

- Riverdale (Jughead, Betty x Jughead)

- Disney in the real world (sort of like a modern twist in fairytales. Ex: If ee take tangled, it could be a gang runaway and a teen running away froman abusive home that decide to help each other out).

thanks for stopping by

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Oh goodness, my heart almost stopped when you brought up Riverdale, ESPECIALLY Betty x Jughead. I'd be lying if I said I wasn't interested. But, I'm curious to know if you had any plots that would involve the two of them?
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Reactions: wxnderlust
Oh goodness, my heart almost stopped when you brought up Riverdale, ESPECIALLY Betty x Jughead. I'd be lying if I said I wasn't interested. But, I'm curious to know if you had any plots that would involve the two of them?
I don't have any specific plots at the time but I'd be happy to brainstorm something with you!
Still could use some partners!
I'd love to do the "just my luck", "new years", or "years later", if you're still looking! ^-^​
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Reactions: wxnderlust
I'd love to do the "just my luck", "new years", or "years later", if you're still looking! ^-^
Absolutely! Shoot me a pm please :3
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Reactions: DeerPrince
Still searching!
New years eve, Blind Date and Friends with Benefits caught my eye. Out of those three, which do you prefer?
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Reactions: wxnderlust
New years eve, Blind Date and Friends with Benefits caught my eye. Out of those three, which do you prefer?
I haven't done Friends with benefits with anyone yet so how about that? PM me if you're up to it!
Looking for some more roleplays!
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