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Hello everyone, I should tell you interested folks a little about myself. I have been roleplaying for six years. I have done intermediate to advance literate roleplays and as college is finally out of the way I have more time to roleplay!

What you can expect from me:
Genders: My main character is usually female. I can play any gendered NPC.
Pairing Genders: All my pairings can be MxF or FxF. I'm not picky.
Doubling: If you want to double just say so. :)
Speed: Post every other day. Sometimes more often.

What I am looking for:
  • Someone who is friendly and enjoys collaboration.
  • Can post two times a week. The more the better, though.
  • Someone who can write two small paragraphs. Again, the more the better but no need to write a novel.

Here is a list of pairings that I am currently interested in doing along with a short synopsis of a sample plot idea. If there is an asterisk (*) beside the pairing that means I am most interested in doing. A bolded part of a pairing means I would prefer to play that role in the pairing.

If you like the pairing but you had another idea not specified in the synopsis do not be deterred. Just PM me your ideas. I love hearing ideas and the worst I can say is no.

Prison Guard x Prisoner
Forbidden romance or even a power struggle. Doing favours, snooping guards/ criminals or even making an escape plan could happen.

Prisoner x Prisoner
Two prisoners that have to work together to take down another criminal, guard or even create an escape plan.

Necromancer x Vampire
Different ways it could go. A power struggle with one of them as the superior or two friends running from the law.

Paladin x Cleric *
Two friends of the same or different religion go on the run after their religion(s) are outlawed.

Knight x Witch
A knight gets sent to rescue a princess from a Warlock's tower. When the knight arrives they find out the princess is dead but finds a captured witch instead.

Monster Hunters **
Victorian era hunting down monsters and solving mysteries. Would be a perfect plot to double upon.

If you found something you are interested in please let me know and we can begin planning it out. :) Just tell me which plot interests you and what ideas you want to see in the roleplay. Happy roleplay hunting to everyone interested or not! Thanks for reading!
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