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Apothecary Bruce

Shipwright with No Yards
Original poster
Posting Speed
  1. Multiple posts per week
  2. 1-3 posts per week
  3. Slow As Molasses
Writing Levels
  1. Adept
  2. Advanced
  3. Prestige
Preferred Character Gender
  1. Primarily Prefer Male
Science Fiction, Horror.
AI Space Station - [810-1-1297-18]
4km long (central structure) - 34km long/wide (widest ring)
38km tall

Research Station
Captured Population (Est.): 600
Defenses: Unknown.
Positioning - over the planet Caprica [ Tomb World, Radiation-Saturated, Biosphere Salvaged by Unknown Actors ]

Teleporter Lock-On: Achieved.
Boarding Team: Assembling...

The Pathfinder Station is the home of the aptly named Pathfinder Alliance, a loose coalition of heroes and warriors from across many universes, once imprisoned aboard their station by the robotic forces which constructed it.

Yet, despite its apparent uniqueness and usefulness, the Pathfinder is merely one station in an entire navy of starships and space stations, and with a war between the Pathfinder Alliance and the AI on the close horizon, the Alliance will need more manpower to help them in their cause, as well as more infrastructure.

With data sold to them by an anonymous member of Interdimensional Security Solutions, another of the four major dimension-hopping factions, the Pathfinder Alliance has the location of another AI space station, of the same model and likely the same function. Capturing another station could greatly bolster the Alliance in nearly every way, and thus this operation is of extreme importance.

However, the AI have been ramping up their own war machine as well, and with their army and navy on edge, as well as their powerful commanders, anything could happen…

In one of the Pathfinder Station's few teleporter rooms, waited a man in a flowing black cape and long-eared cowl. To many, this appearance was strange and gaudy, but to equally many people, it was the visage of terror. He was the dark knight, Batman. Though he was capable of working alone, the latter half of his career as the caped crusader had taught him much about not only leadership, but the vast expanse of the world around him. When he began his war on crime, he was fighting mob bosses, chasing down informants, cleaning up the Gotham City Police Department.

Now, this massive war against A.I. wishing death to the multiverse? This was Tuesday, even if he was smart enough to believe the stakes. Very rarely, however, could he think of a situation where he didn't have at least a few of his friends to help him. He'd have to get this 'Pathfinder Alliance' into shape, one way or another. Else they were all doomed.

Looming over the controls to the teleporter, Batman waited for a team to coalesce. He had sent out the call roughly an hour prior...these people were slow. He'd have to work on that too. To most, this would be an unworkable travesty, but to the dark knight, this was a challenge. Outnumbered, outgunned, working with scraps in the face of impossible odds? That was when he did his best work.
He wouldn't be going with this team. A small metal table was set beside him, loaded with various gadgets. He would be directing them from the station, waiting in case of emergency. He would build a team out of whoever stepped through that door.

Now all he had to do was wait.

@Otomos - Kaathe Oolacile
@Girania the Knightess - Anri
@The Wanderer - Ed
@ThePotatoGod - Michinaga Azuma/Buffa

Interaction: @Apothecary Bruce @Girania the Knightess @The Wanderer @Otomos

The first one to step through the door to the Teleporter Room was an asian man clad in some form of black and blue uniform. One that looks designed for a militant group, with a gold yellow colored logo patched onto the left arm. The uniform had a large collar paired with black leather straps that act as braces around the uniform's chest. His slacks were outfitted with kneecaps, which is paired with his boots, where the rest of the slacks fit in. Though his top was unbuttoned, revealing a purple shirt underneath.

His demeanor was that of a common thug, but one that has seen countless battles by the looks of it. Glancing around to no one but the man in the black horned cloak, Michinaga cricked his neck as he asked a simple question.

"So. What's the mission?" He asked, assuming that the Bat here has a reason for the call. To be perfectly honest, the bull's been craving some action ever since he's been found. Whatever he has in store, he'll gladly take. Even if it means sending him on a suicide mission. Well, the DGP's been giving nothing but that anyway with each and every passing season. Then Geats comes in and saves the day like usual.

He clicks his tongue to himself. The thought of Geats coming in out of nowhere irritates Michinaga. Ever since he got into the DGP, that damn fox has been winning games left and right. It's infuriating. Well, as long he doesn't see anymore fox themed assholes, ally or otherwise, he should be fine.

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The next one to enter the room was a child with a rifle. Now, perhaps the Batman was used to the sight of young people fighting bad guys even to such a scale as this war demands, but for anyone else that had not met or known Anri long enough, the loud, overly cheerful girl might seem a bit much.

"Quest! Quest! Quest! New Quest! Templar Anri is present!"

For those who don't know, this little girl dressed in fur and now charting two rifles on her back is known as Anri. She is a veteran of a different interdimensional war, but that is a story to be told over food and drink. For now, she awaits the next mission for this conflict.
On the target AI Space Station…

As with other stations involved in this multiverse conflict, this place had its prisoners. A collection of summoned individuals for a variety of uses, stocked up and queued for whatever purpose the AI happened to need them for on any given moment. Until such a time where they are needed, these individuals are kept captive in holding cells, deprived of anything that could possibly allow them chances to resist or escape. Some are stripped down to their smallclothes, while others were not even allowed those. These poor unfortunate prisoners are left with little to no hope of escape, and are likely going to meet their end here, in this unfamiliar place.

Among these prisoners was a dark elf. A male as beautiful as a female, lying on the floor of his cell with an elegant calmness. This dark elf was left without his armor or his weapons. His name is Kaathe Oolacile. He is from a world with nowhere near the technological level of this space station, but given his current situation, he had already figured that he was a captive.

'Fate', he thought. 'Why do you still toy with me? Was one conflict between worlds not enough? How many times must I participate in these moments for your entertainment? How many times will you uproot my life on a whim? How many times do you wish for me to ask these same questions before I become boring to you?'

The truth behind his calmness is that he had accepted that he and everyone else were mere toys to Fate and Destiny. Kaathe had lived most of his life accepting every insane, improbable, annd impossible event that he found himself in. He cares not to deny what happens to himself, as the cruelty of reality is that everything is boiled down to whatever Fate finds entertaining. After all, a toy is only as fun as a child believes it to be, and when it is fun no longer, it either put away or thrown away.

Despite being held in this cell, Kaathe knew that Fate was still playing with him. Instead of allowing him to simply wait in silence, it saw fit to remind him of his former comrades. Those he fought alongside in the past. Those who lived to tell the stories of their battles, and those who did not. These memories did not instill a want to escape, but served only as an attempt to torment him. He had seen this scenario too many times. This sudden flow of memories would not be enough to have him cry out and beg for one last chance to see them again.

'O Fate. You've done this before. I can feel it now. There is a storm coming.'

Ed was doing the usual Ogryn thing when he had gotten the call.

Eating grub.

A large leg of a creature that had been grilled, seasoned and utterly juicy as Ed took large chunk after chunk with every bite. Chasing it with a swig of some juice and starting on the side of potatoes as he devoured his meal, the strange device on his hip that was given to him suddenly turning on and beeping. It was a simple device that someone had told him, that if it turned on, he was needed for a mission. The beeping would get rapid to indicate he was going the right way.

He liked the simple nature of it. Easy to understand than some of the more complicated devices. So standing up from his meal, the robots already gathering to clean up, Ed lumbered off with the device held in his hand, following it to the armory where the nice person handing out gear allowed Ed to grab his Stubber, the shield and mace that he knew and loved. Simple weapons for an Ogryn, and only really capable of being used by an Ogryn.

Filling his pack with ammo, Ed followed the rapid beeping until he got to the room with the trio gathered. The funny suit man, the little lil'un and some new person. Ed towered over them all, but he still saluted the funny suit man. "Ed, present! Sah!" He called out in that deep near Germanic-ish accented voice of his as he crouched to be at eye level.

@ThePotatoGod @Girania the Knightess @Apothecary Bruce
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Don Quixote

The last person to enter the room was a blond young woman, carrying a giant lance in one hand and an... ipad in the other? An odd choice for something to bring,

"Verily, I, Don Quixote, am here!" She grandiosely declare, her eyes carrying an odd sparkle within. A couple of those present might remember her as the one who had barged in alongside Deadpool, yelled out some nonsense about being heros, and then promptly left. "So, what will be our valiant quest?"

Well, that made two that were eager to hear of this mission.

@ThePotatoGod @Girania the Knightess @Apothecary Bruce @The Wanderer
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Harem woke up on a narrow bench in a metal cell. No windows just dim artificial light. She mentally kicked herself for getting captured and checked for her comms choker and gear. Gone, whoever had captured her had decided the Ripley look suited her. Granted it did suit her but it annoyed her she hadn't gotten the chance to choose it herself. At least it wasn't cold. The blond woman sat up and swung here legs over the edge of her bunk searching the spartan for any potential route of escape. Nothing obvious thought she does notice a camera, which she gestures at rudely, and an electronic door.

"Hey! Can anyone hear me? Where am I!" Harem shouts out and starts pounding on the door "What do you want with me!"

@Apothecary Bruce @Otomos
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A new voice shouts out. Female, confused, and a hint of frustration. A new prisoner, perhaps? Or an individual that dislikes the situation fate had put her in? Either way, she was shouting and yelling in vain. Such a waste of energy. She'd be better off waiting her turn. After all, that's all they can do without any equipment. He couldn't blame her for shouting out questions. To wake up imprisoned tends to sour one's mood.

Still, Kaathe believed that if no one else responded to her, she'd continue causing a racket. So with a tone loud enough for her to hear, he said,

"It seems you are a new arrival. I prithee spare yourself the energy trying to find answers. No one that can respond will know the answer, and our captors have elected to keep their silence."

Kaathe sat up and stretched a moment. He was thinking of reasons why they were there, but there was nothing conclusive. Just observations.

"Given that they went through the trouble of providing clothing, it would be safe to assume that they have a reason for capturing us, and aren't going to simply let us rot for fertilizer."

@Gawwyt @Apothecary Bruce

A new voice shouts out. Female, confused, and a hint of frustration. A new prisoner, perhaps? Or an individual that dislikes the situation fate had put her in? Either way, she was shouting and yelling in vain. Such a waste of energy. She'd be better off waiting her turn. After all, that's all they can do without any equipment. He couldn't blame her for shouting out questions. To wake up imprisoned tends to sour one's mood.

Still, Kaathe believed that if no one else responded to her, she'd continue causing a racket. So with a tone loud enough for her to hear, he said,

"It seems you are a new arrival. I prithee spare yourself the energy trying to find answers. No one that can respond will know the answer, and our captors have elected to keep their silence."

Kaathe sat up and stretched a moment. He was thinking of reasons why they were there, but there was nothing conclusive. Just observations.

"Given that they went through the trouble of providing clothing, it would be safe to assume that they have a reason for capturing us, and aren't going to simply let us rot for fertilizer."

@Gawwyt @Apothecary Bruce

"Oh thank god, I'm not alone. Whats your name stranger? And do you have any idea how we got here?" Harem asks as she calms down.

She starts running her hands over the walls, looking for a seam, for anything that could be a potential route to escape. She considered splitting up to look faster, but was sure they were being watched and didn't want to give information about her powers to their captors.

@Otomos @Apothecary Bruce
Don and Azuma were quickly met with a familiar face teleporting into the room from a black and red flash, wrapping his arms around both their necks to bring them in for a big group hug. "The Multi-Mercs, back at it again!" It was the ever reliable*, ever trustworthy*, and ever dependable* Deadpool!

And since I haven't used him in what feels like years, I'm bringing him into this madness with AIs and robots and apparently a woman whose name is 'Harem.'

"And here I thought this was a Blue Star roleplay~"
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"Unfortunately for you, I have no information that could even begin to explain how or why we are detained. Likely, we were abducted by some unknown party that requires people foreign to them. Given that I do not recognize the design of my surroundings, I would assume these people are either much more advanced than where I am from, or otherwise completely alien."

Instead of trying to find a weak point or some flaw in the walls to exploit in his cell, he spent his energy listening to where the person speaking to him was outside of it. It was less a precaution and more a way to maintain his hunting senses in this environment.

"My name is Kaathe Oolacile. May I ask what your name is?"

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Interaction: @Apothecary Bruce @Girania the Knightess @The Wanderer @Otomos

The first one to step through the door to the Teleporter Room was an asian man clad in some form of black and blue uniform. One that looks designed for a militant group, with a gold yellow colored logo patched onto the left arm. The uniform had a large collar paired with black leather straps that act as braces around the uniform's chest. His slacks were outfitted with kneecaps, which is paired with his boots, where the rest of the slacks fit in. Though his top was unbuttoned, revealing a purple shirt underneath.

His demeanor was that of a common thug, but one that has seen countless battles by the looks of it. Glancing around to no one but the man in the black horned cloak, Michinaga cricked his neck as he asked a simple question.

"So. What's the mission?" He asked, assuming that the Bat here has a reason for the call. To be perfectly honest, the bull's been craving some action ever since he's been found. Whatever he has in store, he'll gladly take. Even if it means sending him on a suicide mission. Well, the DGP's been giving nothing but that anyway with each and every passing season. Then Geats comes in and saves the day like usual.

He clicks his tongue to himself. The thought of Geats coming in out of nowhere irritates Michinaga. Ever since he got into the DGP, that damn fox has been winning games left and right. It's infuriating. Well, as long he doesn't see anymore fox themed assholes, ally or otherwise, he should be fine.



The next one to enter the room was a child with a rifle. Now, perhaps the Batman was used to the sight of young people fighting bad guys even to such a scale as this war demands, but for anyone else that had not met or known Anri long enough, the loud, overly cheerful girl might seem a bit much.

"Quest! Quest! Quest! New Quest! Templar Anri is present!"

For those who don't know, this little girl dressed in fur and now charting two rifles on her back is known as Anri. She is a veteran of a different interdimensional war, but that is a story to be told over food and drink. For now, she awaits the next mission for this conflict.


Ed was doing the usual Ogryn thing when he had gotten the call.

Eating grub.

A large leg of a creature that had been grilled, seasoned and utterly juicy as Ed took large chunk after chunk with every bite. Chasing it with a swig of some juice and starting on the side of potatoes as he devoured his meal, the strange device on his hip that was given to him suddenly turning on and beeping. It was a simple device that someone had told him, that if it turned on, he was needed for a mission. The beeping would get rapid to indicate he was going the right way.

He liked the simple nature of it. Easy to understand than some of the more complicated devices. So standing up from his meal, the robots already gathering to clean up, Ed lumbered off with the device held in his hand, following it to the armory where the nice person handing out gear allowed Ed to grab his Stubber, the shield and mace that he knew and loved. Simple weapons for an Ogryn, and only really capable of being used by an Ogryn.

Filling his pack with ammo, Ed followed the rapid beeping until he got to the room with the trio gathered. The funny suit man, the little lil'un and some new person. Ed towered over them all, but he still saluted the funny suit man. "Ed, present! Sah!" He called out in that deep near Germanic-ish accented voice of his as he crouched to be at eye level.

@ThePotatoGod @Girania the Knightess @Apothecary Bruce

Don Quixote

The last person to enter the room was a blond young woman, carrying a giant lance in one hand and an... ipad in the other? An odd choice for something to bring,

"Verily, I, Don Quixote, am here!" She grandiosely declare, her eyes carrying an odd sparkle within. A couple of those present might remember her as the one who had barged in alongside Deadpool, yelled out some nonsense about being heros, and then promptly left. "So, what will be our valiant quest?"

Well, that made two that were eager to hear of this mission.

@ThePotatoGod @Girania the Knightess @Apothecary Bruce @The Wanderer

Don and Azuma were quickly met with a familiar face teleporting into the room from a black and red flash, wrapping his arms around both their necks to bring them in for a big group hug. "The Multi-Mercs, back at it again!" It was the ever reliable*, ever trustworthy*, and ever dependable* Deadpool!

And since I haven't used him in what feels like years, I'm bringing him into this madness with AIs and robots and apparently a woman whose name is 'Harem.'

"And here I thought this was a Blue Star roleplay~"

The dark knight spun around with a practiced grace, cape fluttering. Batman took stock of the assembled team, holographic white eyes grazing over everyone as he tried to figure out what sort of team he was working with. A child, someone who looked more at home in one of Gotham's gangs than the Justice League, Ed the Ogryn, a madwoman and Deadpool.
It was an eclectic mix, but he could make it work.

"Alright everyone, listen up," Batman started, signature baritone captured all of his teammates' attention. "I've managed to find the location of another AI space station, like this one. I've already prepared a secure teleporter uplink between the Pathfinder and the new station. Your task will be capturing this station. I've prepared you a few tools to make that possible."

He picked up one of the gadgets on the table beside him. It look like the handle of a knife, except the blade was missing. There was a dial at its top, which Batman twisted in demonstration. From the previously hidden emitter emerged a holographic dagger, strings of data-code orbiting the 'blade.' "This is a data-knife. Like a computer syringe, it injects pre-loaded code into any computer the holo-blade passes over. The code in this being a virtual intelligence program I and a few of the Support branch crafted, to shut down a station like the Pathfinder, remove it from the AI network, and reboot it under our control.
"You'll need to find the central computer nexus in order for it to work. There's one at the heart of each station. We've already mapped out a course for stations that are the same class as the Pathfinder, but this one isn't, so you'll have to find it on your own."

He picked up another piece of equipment. It was a circular camera, with four brick-like attachments on its sides. "This is an omni-sensor. It will scan the nearby area so we can map out the new station as we go, as well as alert me of any incoming threats so I can warn you. You'll want to put these to your chests, or back, and then press the red button on the side. It'll form a harness around your body, automatically adapting to all sizes, from Anri to Ed. Wade, help those two with their harnesses, please."

He grabbed his cart and rolled it down to his team, for them to take their equipment. "Everyone gets a data-knife and a sensor harness. I'll be staying behind as mission operator, to control the teleporter as well as watch the map and guide you through the station. If you're in a bad situation, I can pull you back onboard the Pathfinder, and hopefully send in reinforcements. If all else fails, I'll enter the station personally, with a pre-set five minute timer on the teleporter. Is all that clear?"
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A new voice shouts out. Female, confused, and a hint of frustration. A new prisoner, perhaps? Or an individual that dislikes the situation fate had put her in? Either way, she was shouting and yelling in vain. Such a waste of energy. She'd be better off waiting her turn. After all, that's all they can do without any equipment. He couldn't blame her for shouting out questions. To wake up imprisoned tends to sour one's mood.

Still, Kaathe believed that if no one else responded to her, she'd continue causing a racket. So with a tone loud enough for her to hear, he said,

"It seems you are a new arrival. I prithee spare yourself the energy trying to find answers. No one that can respond will know the answer, and our captors have elected to keep their silence."

Kaathe sat up and stretched a moment. He was thinking of reasons why they were there, but there was nothing conclusive. Just observations.

"Given that they went through the trouble of providing clothing, it would be safe to assume that they have a reason for capturing us, and aren't going to simply let us rot for fertilizer."

@Gawwyt @Apothecary Bruce

"Oh thank god, I'm not alone. Whats your name stranger? And do you have any idea how we got here?" Harem asks as she calms down.

She starts running her hands over the walls, looking for a seam, for anything that could be a potential route to escape. She considered splitting up to look faster, but was sure they were being watched and didn't want to give information about her powers to their captors.

@Otomos @Apothecary Bruce

"Unfortunately for you, I have no information that could even begin to explain how or why we are detained. Likely, we were abducted by some unknown party that requires people foreign to them. Given that I do not recognize the design of my surroundings, I would assume these people are either much more advanced than where I am from, or otherwise completely alien."

Instead of trying to find a weak point or some flaw in the walls to exploit in his cell, he spent his energy listening to where the person speaking to him was outside of it. It was less a precaution and more a way to maintain his hunting senses in this environment.

"My name is Kaathe Oolacile. May I ask what your name is?"


Before Harem had the chance to share their name, both her and Kaathe felt a miserable chill, one which crept throughout them in ways so deep it ignited memories of suffering they couldn't quite place if it was theirs. The room was already cold, but this was beyond anything they had felt before. It felt like death, like the reaper itself had grazed its hand over their shoulder and neck, the bonfire of their life and soul flickering and retreating in fear.

Something loathful lurked beyond the sterile, white walls in which they were trapped. Doom itself seemed to scratch behind the metal encasing them, not in just the material world, but barriers only visible in the edge of the mind's eye. The desire to run plucked at them, but there was nowhere to go.

Greetings, a voice began, with a self-pleased, self-indulging confidence. Its origin could not be found, it seemed to merely emanate from the walls evenly. You have both woken up, just in time. You've been asleep for two whole weeks, minus the parts we scrubbed from your brain. No need to worry your heads about that though, we put everything back how it should be - per your new owner's request. Typically we place you in preserving pods, but clearly, you two have both been chosen for something more special!
You both have the honor of being the key, or rather, bargaining chips, to a very illustrious deal between my friends and I, and the people we've sold you off to. I cannot guarantee your safety under their care, but know that your sacrifice will help aid all of creation! I can think of no greater way to spend one's life.

There will be no escape or haggling, so I recommend you both just 'go with the flow'. Your new masters will be coming here to collect...shortly.

"Brrrr...." Harem shivered "Su-ure thin-ng creepy d-disembodied voice.... we'll j-just go along with being kidnapped... Then knocked out... Then you-u just doing gods knows what to us while we were out cold. And then well definitely go right along with that damn flow as you sell us into slavery."

"Really!" Harem shouts having moderately thawed out "What the hell is wrong with you? And don't start on the 'Good of the universe' bull. If you were at all benevolent you would at least have attempted to explain the situation and get our cooperation...."

"And would it kill you to give us some pants? Its freezing in here! Brrr!" She finishes up.

@Apothecary Bruce @Otomos
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Interaction: @SorryTM @Wade Von Doom @Apothecary Bruce

"You again." Michinaga raised a brow as he saw ever so familiar blonde lancer walk into the room. Ever since they woke up in the same cell together, they're practically inseparable. Apart from times when she'd wander off on her own. He used one of those moments to head here alone. Wait, if she's here, then…

As if on cue, Deadpool appeared to bring the trio together in a group hug, much to the Rider's dismay.

"How do you guys keep following me…?" Michinaga's audible sigh as Deadpool practically manifested between him and the Lancer, pulling them close. It's not like him to end up in a clique like this, but if this diverts suspicion and not make him a target of any faction v faction bullshit, then he'd endure it.

It was around this time when the ringleader who gathered the team spoke up to debrief them of the Mission; Capture the Flag–the Flag in this case being a Central Computer Nexus of another Pathfinder–another dimension ripping space station. According to the Bat, this second Space Station can only be captured using a data-knife; what's essentially a USB on holo-steroids. Not really an effective sidearm, as it's just a handle with a twist-up hilt, so Michinaga immediately assumed it's a special one-time use item that shouldn't be wasted on small fry. It's practically just another paperweight until they reach the right room.

Grabbing his set of equipment, Michinaga stashed both of them on his uniform's pockets, taking out what seems to be a round core of sorts. Suiting up now would probably save time for the harness-camera thing, which is unorthodox for a DGP player, but nothing special. Though what is special is the conditions for the mission. Judging by the Bat's tone, it sounds like this mission's gonna be one of those slugfests. Which means going gung-ho isn't advisable. He'll just ease into a rampage then. Still, that failsafe of his doesn't sit right with him, too. The hell does he mean that he'd only need 5 minutes? Is he just that good?

Michinaga planned on wearing the camera once they've been teleported in, just to make sure it doesn't mess with the suit while the Desire Driver does its thing. For all he knows, this thing is very brittle and could snap when the suit materializes.

"Just one thing." Michinaga turned to Batman, "Anything we should watch out for? Just so we can steer any dumbasses away from it." He asked, fiddling with his purple ID-Core as he waited for an Answer. Batman would likely notice that Michinaga's tone was not that of concern, but rather, one that's eager for said challenge. It's likely that if Batman did divulge a subject of interest, he'd go after it to prove a point. Whether or not he actually does is up to chance and his temper.

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Interaction: @SorryTM @Wade Von Doom @Apothecary Bruce

"You again." Michinaga raised a brow as he saw ever so familiar blonde lancer walk into the room. Ever since they woke up in the same cell together, they're practically inseparable. Apart from times when she'd wander off on her own. He used one of those moments to head here alone. Wait, if she's here, then…

As if on cue, Deadpool appeared to bring the trio together in a group hug, much to the Rider's dismay.

"How do you guys keep following me…?" Michinaga's audible sigh as Deadpool practically manifested between him and the Lancer, pulling them close. It's not like him to end up in a clique like this, but if this diverts suspicion and not make him a target of any faction v faction bullshit, then he'd endure it.

It was around this time when the ringleader who gathered the team spoke up to debrief them of the Mission; Capture the Flag–the Flag in this case being a Central Computer Nexus of another Pathfinder–another dimension ripping space station. According to the Bat, this second Space Station can only be captured using a data-knife; what's essentially a USB on holo-steroids. Not really an effective sidearm, as it's just a handle with a twist-up hilt, so Michinaga immediately assumed it's a special one-time use item that shouldn't be wasted on small fry. It's practically just another paperweight until they reach the right room.

Grabbing his set of equipment, Michinaga stashed both of them on his uniform's pockets, taking out what seems to be a round core of sorts. Suiting up now would probably save time for the harness-camera thing, which is unorthodox for a DGP player, but nothing special. Though what is special is the conditions for the mission. Judging by the Bat's tone, it sounds like this mission's gonna be one of those slugfests. Which means going gung-ho isn't advisable. He'll just ease into a rampage then. Still, that failsafe of his doesn't sit right with him, too. The hell does he mean that he'd only need 5 minutes? Is he just that good?

Michinaga planned on wearing the camera once they've been teleported in, just to make sure it doesn't mess with the suit while the Desire Driver does its thing. For all he knows, this thing is very brittle and could snap when the suit materializes.

"Just one thing." Michinaga turned to Batman, "Anything we should watch out for? Just so we can steer any dumbasses away from it." He asked, fiddling with his purple ID-Core as he waited for an Answer. Batman would likely notice that Michinaga's tone was not that of concern, but rather, one that's eager for said challenge. It's likely that if Batman did divulge a subject of interest, he'd go after it to prove a point. Whether or not he actually does is up to chance and his temper.

Batman considered Michinaga's question for a moment. He picked up on what Michinaga was really searching for, a fight for him to prove himself with to the others. Either his ego was that powerful, or he was that hungry for a promotion. Likely the former, but it remained to be seen. "There's no telling with the AI. It could be relatively minimal security. Or, you could find yourself staring down one of their larger, primary bosses. Plan for that circumstance, don't take any 'free victories' without an equal amount of caution."

Batman paused for a moment. "If we do come across a member of Malware Company, depending on the status of this team, I may pull you all back. If you engage a member of Malware Company without a plan or with abandon, I will pull you all back. Whatever villains, thugs or masterminds you've fought before, don't let it make you cocky. They know us better than we know each other, and I'm confident they know we're going to strike at a piece of their network soon. This operation can very easily go wrong, so I don't want to see any lone wolf tactics or in-mission bickering. Ensuring the survival of your team is first priority, even to a degree over the mission itself."