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Tokyo 2017. The streets are overflowing with life and action. The newest trend, called Air Treck has captured the hearts of many young Teenagers, who use these electrical Inliners to do risky tricks and fight alone or in teams for higher ranks.
These so called Storm Riders try to get closer and closer to the sky, flying through the air like they were born with a pair of wings. For many of them, just this enough, for others it's their goal to reach the highest rank and become a so-called 'King', someone who's atop of most other riders.
A lot of young riders try to get there, but it's a long way until one reaches that level and even harder to achieve it at all.


Currently, the world of AT is on the brink of chaos.
An unknown person or Team has started to kill high ranking Storm Riders, mostly kings. The only sign they leave is their emblem on the dead body, a typical theater mask, half of the face smiling, half of it frowning. Their first victim was the Sky King, followed by the Fang Queen, the Thunder Queen and the Flame King.
From what were originally 9 kings only 5 are left and Riders all over Japan start to get concerned about their safety and what is about to happen next.
Then again, not all are like this, and there are several Teams who abuse this shift in power by trying to take the open spaces for themselves.
And this is where our journey to the sky starts. We are a new founded Team called 'Armageddon', most of us pretty new in the scene and met through an internet forum post or a flyer in the city:


Current Kings

  • [fieldbox="Sonia Road, goldenrod, dashed, 10"]
    Thorn King Flash
    Former Thunder King, Flash declared himself the current boss of the kings, due to recent events, gaining a lot of hate but equally as much of support. He gives himself usually calm on the outside and tries to find the ones who murdered his friends. His real name's unknown.
    His Team is called 'Thunderwave', their emblem is a yellow fox running on a wave which writes out the Teams name.[/fieldbox]
  • [fieldbox="Gaia Road, goldenrod, dashed, 10"]
    Stone King Aaron
    Aaron, more often called 'Forest' is known as the biggest asshole in Japan. He tends to say out exactly what he thinks in a way that makes a lot of people hate him. No one knows his actual face, since he's always hiding it under a black hood. Also, he has a thing for sweets, he got lots of them on him pretty much at all times. He's often seen with his best friend, 'Joker', who wears the same coat, just in white. Aaron helps out Volkner currently, and after the Fang Queen was murdered he joined his Team to pose a bigger threat.[/fieldbox]
  • [fieldbox="Ring Road, goldenrod, dashed, 10"]
    Pledge Queen Jamie
    Not much is known about Jamie, since she isn't actively riding anymore. She has a big shop selling AT's in Tokyo, even though it's pretty hidden and looks shady, most Riders know of its whereabouts. She doesn't tune for a single person anymore, but instead decided on doing it for everyone. Back in the days, people used to call her 'Flying Sea' due to her white and blue hair.[/fieldbox]
  • [fieldbox="Lather Road, goldenrod, dashed, 10"]
    Water King Deep Sea
    His real name unknown, Deep Sea has a mostly cold personality. He usually kills all of his challengers if they battle for his Regalia. The only person he ever left alive during such a battle was Jamie when he took the Regalia from her, reasons unknown. He's very infamous for his behaviour, but he doesn't really care. His Team's called 'Deep Sea' too, his Emblem's a Sea Devil, the name of the team is part of its body.[/fieldbox]
  • [fieldbox="Over Road, goldenrod, dashed, 10"]
    Rumble Queen Cynthia
    Mostly known as 'Mystic'. Since these accidents started to occur, Mystic left her Team, trying to find the culprit solo. She doesn't really care about Flash much less listens to him. She is very impulsive but kind at heart and always listens to others problems.[/fieldbox]

Deceased Kings/Open Roads
[tab Flame Road][fieldbox="Flame Road, goldenrod, dashed, 10"]Flame King/Queen

[tab Rising Road][fieldbox="Rising Road, goldenrod, dashed, 10"]Thunder King/Queen

[tab Bloody Road][fieldbox="Bloody Road, goldenrod, dashed, 10"]Fang King/Queen

[tab Wing Road][fieldbox="Wing Road, goldenrod, dashed, 10"]Sky King/Queen
-Open-[/fieldbox] [/tab][/tabs]

Explanations for the ones new to this series
  • [fieldbox="Air Trecks, goldenrod, dashed, 10"]Air Trecks are a variation of Inliners, working with high end technology that is used all over the world. They have motors build in them so that far jumps and high speed are easily possible. Even driving up on buildings, jumping from one to another is possible. In later fights of the original manga, people could go so far as to jump from one jet to another. AT's have inbuilt cards that save the data of a rider, saving their progress for example for later analysis.
    AT's are made out ofvery different parts or rare so that it is possible to have very unique ones. ATs most commonly have 2 wheels, but there are also some built with 3 or 4 whels on each AT.[/fieldbox]
  • [fieldbox="Storm Riders/Kings/Roads/Regalias, goldenrod, dashed, 10"]Storm Riders are the people who use AT's in contests for different goals. They fight to get better, gain parts or even the so called Regalias. Most Riders develop a unique driving technique, their own 'Road' to drive on.
    Each Road usually has a king, a really skilled Rider equipped with a regalia.

    A Regalia is a piece of machinery built in an AT that lets its user do unique Tricks, sometimes even things close to supernatural stuff as producing flames, controlling parts of the earth or sea. The possibilities differ from each Regalia, but are always incredibly strong.
    If a Regalia is won in a Parts War, that doesn't automatically mean, that a member could just use it and become a king, because to activate a Regalia, special tricks are needed, which are usually learned by the Storm Riders of the same road.
    A road may also produce subroads or even an evolution of said road, there are no real 'rules' to it.[/fieldbox]
  • [fieldbox="Link Tuner, goldenrod, dashed, 10"]In high class riding, Storm Riders start to need a Link Tuner, someone who can repair their AT's and tune them to a level that surpasses even A-Class. A high ranking team may need such a Tuner to keep their AT's in good condition and even improve them personally for a member. Most kings have their very own Link Tuner for their Regalias.[/fieldbox]
  • [fieldbox="Classes, goldenrod, dashed, 10"]The class system helps riders to teach them the basic knowledges of driving Air Treck. To progress to a higher class, either you have to win 3 Parts Wars in the same class or one in a higher ranking.

    The basic classes are F-C, while the advanced are B and A. The usual disciplines for these classes are:

    The normal dash is this class' discipline. These sprints are usually done 1-on-1 on a flat ground

    Class E's challenge is called 'Hurdle'. It's a lot like class F, just with bigger structures like buildings and such in the way.

    Class C is called 'Cube'. This Parts War is a 1-on-1 fight in a closed room. The size of the room isn't set specifically, it can be small or as big as a school gym for example. The first person to be K.O. looses.

    The C-Class Parts War is 'Air'. This is a Teamfight on 10 platforms of unspecified size. The platforms are taken down one after another by time and the last team to stand atop wins.

    The B-Class fight is called 'Disc'. The goal of this Class' fight is to get a set amount of points in 3 different sets. The disc has to be transported to a specific ares to gain a point. If one holds the disc, they may attack any person of the enemy team, while the enemy team may only attack the holder of the disc. Of course one can pass it on to a team member. If anyone breaks the attacking rule, the enemy team gets a point.

    The hardest class, it's called 'Balloon'. This fight is usually a 5-on-5 in which each member tries to capture the balloon in which each teams emblem is stuck. Before the start of the battle, different roles are set for each member, though not all roles have to be set:

    -Panther--> Only the Panther of a team may touch the balloon, if anyone else does, said team will be disquallified. It's best to keep the role of the panther hidden from the enemy Team.

    -Decoy--> Pretending to be the panther to get the enemy teams' attention.

    -Ultimate--> The attacker, fighting the enemy teammembers

    -Middle--> Support for Panther, Decoy and Ultimate

    -Keeper--> Tanking the enemies attacks, or blocking them. The shield of the team.[/fieldbox]
  • [fieldbox="Parts War, goldenrod, dashed, 10"]A so called Parts War is a contest between single Storm Riders or Teams between each other. They fight for different prizes, mostly for AT Parts, but there are also fights over the different Emblems of a Team. Loosing your Emblem means being instantly disbanded.[/fieldbox]

Describe their looks or link a picture.

Whatever floats your boat.

Storm Rider Alias:
Your nickname, if you got one :D

Something between 13-18, if you'd like to be older or younger, please leave me a message why.

Tell me about what your character is like!

What are you good at? Are you the strategist of the group? Are just strong or fast or a quick learner? What would you like to be your position in the Team?

Why and when did your character decide to become a Storm Rider? Were they in a Team before? Do they know about the things that are going on in the AT-world right now? Do they want to stop it? What's their goal as a Rider? What are they doing besides being a storm Rider? Build something with these questions in mind. :>

[fieldbox="Rules and other notes, goldenrod, dashed, 10"]
- First of all, this RP will probably contain a bit of fighting, but I won't stop you from writing anything as long as it sounds reasonable and you're not godmodding.

- The second thing is that I took out ALL of the canon characters, pretty much because I don't want to interefere with the original world.

- I'm looking for about 4-5 more players here.

- If we don't get the needed amount of players, you may also have a second character.

- I'd also love to have either a Co-GM or people willing to design Parts Wars with different Teams, because I will also play a character in this RPG myself and it would be easier for me this way. Of course I will still lead the story progression, for example important fights or events, but if you want to start a subplot, just leave me a message and you can have the lead until then!

- That said, I don't mind if you make up subplots or NPCs or whole Teams, as long as you guys don't start 3 different things at once, if you know what I mean.

- I don't expect perfect or huge posts, since I myself am pretty new to writing long texts in english, but I do expect more than 3 sentences per post. I am native German, so excuse me if I make mistakes, if I do some really bad errors please feel free to correct me, I want to get better at this. :>[/fieldbox]

If there are any questions, don't hesitate to ask or if I didn't explain something properly, just say so.
If there are questions about character creations, leave me a message too :>
I hope that, whoever read this far is still in this with me! If you are, feel free to post a character sheet and lets enjoy the skies together!

Ayato/Drop, by rechonq

Hiro/Spector, by Kurogane86

Jun/Dragon by Jun

Tilde/Dip, by Snowball

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I'll put my CS here.


Ayato Kuseno / He always goes by his alias. Most probably don't know his name.

Storm Rider Alias:


Drop is pretty laid back. Actually, he's very laid back. He's been bullied most of his life, but he doesn't really realize it as it seems like silly horseplay to him. If a bully ever did try to take his money, he'd just tell them no and walk away.

Drop likes rules too. He likes them whether they're the rules to a game or fight or even rules of society and life. He likes to find loopholes in them and exploit them. The rules of society say fighting is bad, so he can't just go around beating people, but if a bully ever got touchy and threatened him then he's just defending himself and he can beat the ever living crap out of said bully. As such, Drop isn't one to start things, but he does finish them.

Another reason why it's hard to bug Drop is that he's rather tough. Despite his thinner frame, he's never broken a bone in his body. It's not that he's careful. In fact, he got his nickname from the fact that he tends to just drop from trees or windows occasionally. He has a love of being high in the air, so it's not uncommon to see him climbing things. He never runs from a fight. He likes soccer too. He says it's just a good way to stay fit, but his competitive nature really pushes him.

Drop isn't the greatest strategist, but he's very quick to jump on golden opportunities. He's not afraid to take a hit, and will eagerly sacrifice himself for more points. For an A-Class match he would probably make a good Decoy or a decent Keeper. He's not the greatest rider right now, but his ability to take a hit and wreck terrain helps him interfere with a lot of riders.

His legs and core are very strong, but his upper body is mediocre at best. Some say he is tough only because he is like a limp noodle when he gets hit. He also has an affinity for earth. There have been times when he gets excited he'll stomp his foot and break tiles or rocks beneath it. Since he started AT, he hopes to find or create an earth regalia.

Drop became a Storm Rider when a friend invited him to try it. ATs didn't excite him all that much when he first started, but they were fun. The more he does it the more he loves it. He might love Storm Riders more than the riding itself. The more he does it the more fond he grows of riding and the AT- world. As a rider, he just wants to enjoy himself. Being a king would be pretty enjoyable though, and the rules to get there seem pretty fun to ride.

"Humans weren't meant to fly. It's against the rules. That doesn't mean we can't walk in the sky though."

Ok, I think it's done. This character actually came to me pretty quickly.
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@Jun *Clears throat* Would I be able to make a character who was, or is, either the Flame or Bloody King/Queen? I like the idea of them either losing their rank and regalia, or having been something along the lines of the Horn King, staying locked in at D-class in order to keep others from rising up the tower, but something having happened to their team and their position being argued anymore...

Either way, they'd probably be a bit hot-headed, vicious... and having a vendetta against someone who either stole their title/regalia or is competing against them for it. o.o

Leaning more to Bloody Road, though, with a sub-road of being a "Wingbreaker"

Current image I'm looking at: [spoili]
I wouldn't mind if you HAD the title of a king. That being said I'd like your characters riding ability not much higher than D class right now. Maybe he got injured or something? Maybe your character got their regalia stolen by said culprit who's murdering the kings left and right, just let your creativity flow!
If you can come up with a decent reason, I'm in it, sounds like a cool idea! :>
Ah, I edited one more thing into the Character sheet I forgot! Your name as a stormrider, the nickname I mean, since most people seem to have one :> You don't have to have one necessarily, btu if you want one, I#d like to know it too :'D Glad to have you two in though!
@Snowball @rechonq
@Jun I can work with it... Heh, I think I have a concept in mind, actually that could be quite interesting/fun.... Will work on it more in-depth later, but a quick drop of the concept:

The person who stole the title and regalia from the Fang Queen... ended up trashing her a bit hard. Her legs were both broken from the strain and onslaught of the two beasts clashing. In the end, she now has permanent rod fixtures in her legs, reinforcing them and making them stronger at their core, but she's still in recovery from the injury and downtime. She's had to effectively relearn how to ride from the ground-up, still needs to rebuild muscles and retrain to perform finer movements, has had to adapt her style... That long off the scene, her reputation has faded, most people think she'd never ride again, leave alone try and compete. In having to adjust to her injury, she's swapped out sheer speed for increased brute strength and her adjustments for her injuries has resulted in a new, unique style that 'cheats' on how one would normally ride.
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I think I'm done with my character. I was wondering if it looks good or if there's more I should add. I feel like our characters will really get fleshed out IC though.
Apologies. I will be unable to rp this now. =[
Can I reserve a spot?
I should have a character sheet done by the end of today, hopefully.

I'm thinking either a low C or high D class rider. My guy is an American studying abroad in Japan, and is totally your stereotypical otaku who everybody hates, because he refuses to believe Japanese culture is more than just anime (and Air Treks)! =]

We will say part of the reason he wanted to go to Japan (aside from being an otaku) was to go to where the "real" ATing is. Because I imagine air treks are a worldwide thing at this point? So he started in the USA but was like "Japan's better, bye guys!" xP

If that doesn't work, I will think of something else.

OK, so I PMed Jun for some clarification on some stuff, but otherwise here's my mostly completed character sheet:

Messy short brown hair, green eyes, long blue tribal tattoo going down his left arm, baggy clothes, and usually something with a hood on it, although he rarely ever puts the hood up.

Van ("Vahn" ) White

Storm Rider Alias:
(None yet)


Van found anime in middle school and has been obsessed ever since. He's watched most, if not all, anime he knows of. Anime is the best media there is, and no other media can compare! Almost everything anime-related consumes his life, except his single other hobby: Air treks. If he's not talking about anime, he's talking about ATs, but he's probably also comparing the ATs to anime. Now that he's in Japan, he's living the dream! And also gets to try all those cool foods that have been shown in anime! Also, KitKats. He is on a mission to try every flavor there is! Close second? ALL THE ICE CREAMS. Japan's gonna make him fat, but this is a once in a lifetime opportunity to indulge on the stuff he can't find back home in the USA.

He can speak okay Japanese, with a heavy English-accent, but his reading is abysmal, and he frequently defaults to several different translation apps on his smartphone to make sense of things.

Van is mostly self-taught and such can also tune his own ATs.
He's a quick learner, and even quicker to improvise. He's extremely good at picking up speed and very long lunges and/or jumps. Low hurdles, even when moving, are easily dodged or used to propel him forward or upward. These are all things that aided him in his suburban home in the USA.

However, in Japan, this puts him at a huge disadvantage, as he has no experience with tight spaces, climbing buildings, or going straight up. Unless he's in the road- cars are almost as easy as low hurdles to work around.

If Van's hit, he goes down pretty hard and it takes him a while to recover. However, he is usually good enough at dodging that being hit is rare. He is not used to any sort of physical fighting, having only focused on speed and distance.

After living and breathing anime for close to six years, he graduated highschool and got the opportunity to go to college in Japan. You better believe he took it! Now he gets to live in his fantasyworld, where everything is always good and anime-like.

He found out about anime through, ironically enough, an anime about air treks. ATs were popular in the USA for some time, but since then the fad has mostly died out and become illegal in many areas. Van's kept practicing on his own anyway.

ATs are the only thing that have held his attention for as long as anime has. He doesn't really want to be a king or anything; he just considers himself along for the ride. He wants to participate with "real" storm riders. ATs were born in Japan, and as such, it's only natural that the best storm riders would be there, right?

Everything he knows about Japan is from anime, and as such, Van has made a ton of assumptions that he probably doesn't realize are completely wrong. Perhaps he's in for a rude awakening with his new team or... Maybe they won't say anything, and Van will remain a clueless gaijin.

EDIT: It's 100% complete now.
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@Vardoger I responded to your message, all the options seem fine to me, pick one and you're good to go! Also would've reserved a spot for you, I just wasn't home yet.

@rechonq Lookin' good! Also, yes I agree, fleshing out the Character IC is more important for me, I don't need walls of text of description if it's believablein the rp. You probably wrote more than I will too, haha :D

I'll probably put my sheet up either tomorrow or sunday, depends. I won't be able to start this whole thing before monday though, even if we find enough people before then :>
No worries, nobody's online 100% of the time. I finished up my character bio =]
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Hiro Tagami

Storm Rider Alias: Spector


Personality: Hiro is a a serious student. He is a dependable student body president, and an inspiration for his fellow students on and off the race track. When he's riding he is an energetic trill chasing rider. He hungers for the next big trick that'll let him fly that much higher.

Analytic thinker - allows Hiro to see shortcuts, roads, tricks that others may miss.
High IQ - using mathamatics and Physics Hiro is able to pull off tricks others can't complete. This makes him an excellent chaser as well as a great person to run point.
Physically fit - Hiro's parents believed in having a strong mind and body. He has an especially strong lower body which gives him the high jump, speed and stamina he needs to pull off tricks.


Hiro is actually an honor student at school. His parents, teachers and classmates expect everything from him. One day he couldn't take the pressure of studying for a national exam and he left school. He ended up at the shopping district where he saw what looked like people flying. He wondered what it felt like and decided to buy a pair of AT's himself. He fell in love with the freedom and the feeling of flight. He doesnt really compete in any battles but considers himself at least a c class rider.

He has been riding for around a year and feels now would be a good time to take the next step and join a team. He saw a flyer and decided to respond to it. He loves his Air Treks and the feeling of freedom. He wants to take it to the next level to be truly free of his responsibilities. He hopes joining this team will allow him to meet others that could show him how to get to the next level and find the "air roads" he heard other air Trekers talk about.

He earned the name Spector while doing a free run with other riders. He used his Analytical mind and observational skills to find a road that took him off the beaten path. He popped out from the shadows surprising the other riders who later said he surprised them like a ghost, a spirit, a Spector.
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@Kurogane86 Lookin' good to me!
And my sheet is ready as well.

Jun Minami​

Storm Rider Alias:


Jun is a very hotheaded lady and easy to anger. She tends to yell a lot, which is why she's been called 'Dragon' by other Riders. She is quite determined and when she set herself a goal, then it's do or die.
She cares a lot for her friends, though she doesn't always show and can be a bit clumsy at times. She's bad at showing her true emotions, though she isn't really shy, she just thinks of it as being weak. Jun rather tells people to shut up when they annoy her than apologizing when she made a mistake. She also likes doing other activities than AT, though it is what consumes most of her time at the moment.

Jun learns tricks pretty fast and it's what she loves to do. She isn't the fastest driver but makes up for it with risky maneuvers. She learned from her friends, who themselves were in D-Class, but looking at videos online she has theoretically understood a lot of C and B-Class tricks, even though trying to imitate them doesn't really work yet.
Jun tends dodge attacks a lot because she is pretty fragile, but she hits way harder than she looks. Even though she isn't the biggest strategist, she rather thinks about fights instead of jumping in head on.
Jun trains a lot, because she's fierce on progressing, but that stubbornness also makes her slow down. She doesn't know when to stop so she's often overdoing things.

She stared blankly at them for a long while. His lips touching hers, softly embracing her. Jun felt like vomiting. This was the most digusting thing she had seen in a while and it pierced her heart like a well aimed arrow. She stood there, silently, just second ago she yelled at the girl, angry, but now she had lost all her power.
She became a Storm Rider because of him, just three months ago and she even joned their Team. But now this woman, Raye, joined and turned everything upside down. She didn't like Jun because she had been with Takahashi and because of her attitude. She didn't like her goal, to become Sky King, she thought that Jun didn't have enough talent. So she started making friends with the others, telling lies and this ended in them throwing Jun out. And now she stood there, seeing her Ex- Boyfriend kissing that disgusting woman. Jun wanted to say a lot, like she always did, but she felt crushed under the weight. So she just silently turned around, grabbing her chest to hold back her tears.

After this, she decided to get back at them. Not by getting revenge, but by showing them that she could go so far. She wanted to found another Team in which everyones' optinion mattered and everyone was equal. Her friends had betrayed her, but that didn't mean this was the end of the line. No, this was a new beginning, she could just hold her anger for later, crushing everything in her way if necessary.
She spent nights coming up with an idea for an Emblem and team name, if there was team clothing, they could decide for that together later. Then she printed a flyer, posting it on the official Forums for Storm Riders and throwing them around everywhere in Tokyo. She hoped to find enough members, but even if no one answered that wouldn't mean that she gave up.
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Reactions: Kurogane86
@Kurogane86 Lookin' good to me!
And my sheet is ready as well.

Jun Minami​

Storm Rider Alias:


Jun is a very hotheaded lady and easy to anger. She tends to yell a lot, which is why she's been called 'Dragon' by other Riders. She is quite determined and when she set herself a goal, then it's do or die.
She cares a lot for her friends, though she doesn't always show and can be a bit clumsy at times. She's bad at showing her true emotions, though she isn't really shy, she just thinks of it as being weak. Jun rather tells people to shut up when they annoy her than apologizing when she made a mistake. She also likes doing other activities than AT, though it is what consumes most of her time at the moment.

Jun learns tricks pretty fast and it's what she loves to do. She isn't the fastest driver but makes up for it with risky maneuvers. She learned from her friends, who themselves were in D-Class, but looking at videos online she has theoretically understood a lot of C and B-Class tricks, even though trying to imitate them doesn't really work yet.
Jun tends dodge attacks a lot because she is pretty fragile, but she hits way harder than she looks. Even though she isn't the biggest strategist, she rather thinks about fights instead of jumping in head on.
Jun trains a lot, because she's fierce on progressing, but that stubbornness also makes her slow down. She doesn't know when to stop so she's often overdoing things.

She stared blankly at them for a long while. His lips touching hers, softly embracing her. Jun felt like vomiting. This was the most digusting thing she had seen in a while and it pierced her heart like a well aimed arrow. She stood there, silently, just second ago she yelled at the girl, angry, but now she had lost all her power.
She became a Storm Rider because of him, just three months ago and she even joned their Team. But now this woman, Raye, joined and turned everything upside down. She didn't like Jun because she had been with Takahashi and because of her attitude. She didn't like her goal, to become Sky King, she thought that Jun didn't have enough talent. So she started making friends with the others, telling lies and this ended in them throwing Jun out. And now she stood there, seeing her Ex- Boyfriend kissing that disgusting woman. Jun wanted to say a lot, like she always did, but she felt crushed under the weight. So she just silently turned around, grabbing her chest to hold back her tears.

After this, she decided to get back at them. Not by getting revenge, but by showing them that she could go so far. She wanted to found another Team in which everyones' optinion mattered and everyone was equal. Her friends had betrayed her, but that didn't mean this was the end of the line. No, this was a new beginning, she could just hold her anger for later, crushing everything in her way if necessary.
She spent nights coming up with an idea for an Emblem and team name, if there was team clothing, they could decide for that together later. Then she printed a flyer, posting it on the official Forums for Storm Riders and throwing them around everywhere in Tokyo. She hoped to find enough members, but even if no one answered that wouldn't mean that she gave up.

Thank you although I think I'm gonna tweak it a bit after reading everyone else's cs's. Especially the nickname now that I slept on it Hoody seems like a lame nickname.

  • Ametsuchi Tilde
    - 18 [spoili]
    A.K.A. Dip (a reference to a devil dog with a lame leg); Broken Fang; Wingbreaker

    Talents: Tilde is a veteran stormrider, ingrained in the community and knowledgeable of other teams, notable riders and such... Or atleast she was. She has a reputation from being a high-class stormrider and having a reign as the Fang Queen, and those that recall it might regard her respectfully for that stint, while simultaneously pitying her. She is used to pain and can push her legs further than most in her aggression -- she is a battler through-and-through in spite of her trick style, meaning she thrives as an A-Class Ultimate. While her legs are a lot weaker than they once were, she's compensated by acquiring upperbody strength, which she utilizes to interact differently in the environment and combat. While in the past her style was heavily influenced by carving her road in blood, since coming back into the game, its become even more vicious, having some stylizations of the Over Road, taking some role as a disabler by destroying others' ability to ride their road.

    Personality: Tilde is the definition of fire and ice. Her standard affect is detached and distant, but those who stoke the fires find themselves in the presence of a passionate women who burns everything in her path. She is bitter and vindictive and has a one-track mind. This leads to her being outstandingly tenacious and dogged in her pursuits. While she has the potential to form tight-knit bonds and become violently protective of those she holds dear, she has demonstrated her capability to lash out without warrant against these same people, pushing them away.

    Background: Tilde is born from a French father and a Japanese mother. Her father is involved in international business that, while putting their family into a rich and well-to-do position, also resulted in them having to pick up and move often as business took them. Due to this, Tilde struggled to form attachments. For awhile, the one thing she found consistent in her life was being able to play soccer at whichever school she inevitably could attend. However, after one too many 'accidents' due to her playing rough, she was inevitably kicked out. She was aimless for a bit before one of the brief friendships she made introduced her to AT. It became her new thing to channel her energy and aggression and she took off soaring. She enjoyed that wherever she went, she was able to ride -- a bit of consistency for her otherwise unwieldy life.

    She acquired a bit of infamy on an international scale as a young prodigy. For awhile, she would ride solo, but upon finally making it back to Japan, a consequence of her maternal grandmother falling gravely ill, she was able to settle down enough to form a team and gain rank as an official stormrider. After a period of time, she made a few friends and they banded into a team -- though, for the most part, they had little interest in ranking up. Upon acquiring D-class, her and her friends found a thrill in the cube-battles and resolved to maintain the rank. After a time, they became known as Wingbreakers, and she rose to being the widely regarded Fang Queen.

    However, the reign was brief. A challenger came, intent to prove themselves the real King of the Bloody Road. In the battle that ensued, they did not just defeat Tilde -- they resolved to break her wings, too. Both her legs were broken in numerous places, and her ATs were destroyed. With the damage to her legs, after her grandmother passed, her and her mother were forced to settle in Japan for her recovery. Initially, it was a series of surgeries to repair the damage... Then months upon months for the bones to heal followed by ages of physical therapy to relearn to walk. In that time, she was given a personal tudor and she drove her teammates away, disbanding the team bitterly when her doctor told her she would never ride again.

    Despite these assurances of the doctor, she pushed herself to try and ride again and again. Sometimes, it resulted in more injury. While her father is rarely around to find out, her mother angrily scolds her and it has become a tense relationship. Her mother has forbidden her to ride ATs, but Tilde has not relented. Slowly, she's taught herself to ride again, but her legs are stiff and unwieldy and she has lost some range of motion, meaning she has had to reimagine how she rides. Starting from the bottom up, she has little concern for what her parents want of her, she is focused solely on raising again to destroy the asshole who did this to her.
@Snowball seems good to me, i really like tilde c: did you plan on making the culprits upyourself though or did you mean that it was the same group as the ones who kill high ranking rider?
@Kurogane86 sure, feel free to edit your sheet if you want to just leave me a message when ur finished!
@Jun It could be either or... but the group that kill high ranking riders would probably be better for a longer-term RP, I imagine
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@Kurogane86 still looking good! his new nickname is pretty cool! :>

ok guys, we`ve got 5 people now! I`ll open the IC Topic tomorrow evening when I`m home from school! :D I hope this will work out as I think and I hope this`ll be really fun :D
@rechonq @Snowball @Kurogane86 Seems like Vardoger sadly had to drop out! So since I do want to start this and IDK when and if another person will join, here's my question: Should we start with only 4 people in this case? I think if we bend the rules a bit it wouldn't pose a problem but I want to hear you opinions.
Uhm. I'm fine starting with just us 4, if everyone else is. *shrugs* Get going, and if anyone wants to hop in later or we get to a point where someone feels comfortable enough with the core group to run a secondary, that can happen. IIRC, F and E can be done easily with a 4-man team. It wasn't until D that potential 5-man battles could start up (and that was for more large-scale ones, iirc?) So we should be good. Could possibly even incorporate trying to find a 5th into the story at some point :D
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