Akashic Arcana

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Juliette Augustine

Original poster
In 2001, the foundation of the world was forever changed when humanity rediscovered the ancient means of harnessing magic. Thought to be a mere fairy tale, it soon became a reality that men could manipulate the world around them. By introducing certain tools called Amplifiers (AMP), a mere implant installed into humans, they could access the hidden mana channels within their bodies. With the AMPs, humans could achieve things never thought before. Control of the elements, material, spirit and much more. Its potential unlimited. With the prosperity in the civil-life, it was but a question of time before its usage in the military became a subject.

In 2012, an unexplainable phenomenon, most likely related to magic caused a vast devastation to the world. Drought, flood, long winters. The world was struck by a natural catastrophe in every continent. Nations with advanced magic could sustain themselves and spare them from extinction, however, a war broke out as countries began to invade one another for resources. The war between modern arms and magic reduced the population of the world to 3 billion lives, and thus, divided the globe. The war raged on for 100 years.

From the ashes, eight nations emerged.

The Holy Kingdom of Britannia
With a new royal family leading them who possesses great magical powers. The nation excels in magic concerning the Divine Arts. The Order of Pendragon serves as the country's elite magical battalion, a specially trained Mage-Knight organization that became world renown as invincible during the Hundred Years' War. In addition, the Kingdom reclaimed the former colony of Australia, adding only to their economy.

Chinese Federation
When resources became scarce and the great nation suffered greatly, its leaders re-instated the ancient imperial decree. Heaven's Mandate, all that was once China, shall become China. By uniting the old Chinese territories, the Federation became a powerful nation with the highest population count to date. With its impressive military and body enhancement techniques, it is a powerful force. The Federation's secret magic is the Heaven's Arts. A compendium that mixes martial arts together with magic.

South East Asian Pact
More commonly referred to as PACT, this alliance was primarily established to guard the remaining Asian countries against the threat of China and the Confederacy. Japan is the leading country within this alliance and is ruled by the 10 Imperial Families. The First Family, the Akishino, possess the strongest secret magic among the families. PACTs form of Government is through an election of all the member countries' candidates and chosen by the people in form of democracy. The current leader is Takashi Katsura, a former general in the PACT Armed Forces.

The Confederacy
Due to the stigma of the former USSR during the cold war, the name of the former Eastern European Union is now the Confederacy. When the climate change arose and the collapse of the old European Union, the Russians annexed the surrounding former East Europe with little resistance. The Confederacy uses a new form of magic called Magitech, a fusion of machine and arcane arts. Through countless experimentation and loss of human life, the research of Magitech became a reality. Their military was feared throughout the entire world.

North American Alliance
As the Hundred Years' War drew on, and the usage of the nuclear weapon and most modern armament paled to the mages and their magic, the US lost their foothold in Europe and other countries. Forced to re-adopt the ideology of isolationism, they had to deal with the climate changes and damages on their own soil. At the same time, the US was at war with primarily the Confederacy and their Magitek troopers. This forced the US, Canada, and Mexico to form the Alliance. The Alliance possess powerful military level magic arts, with focus on long-range artillery. But the most notable is their ability to transcend their magic into Flight. The Full-Body Flight spell was developed within the Alliance, giving them superior air superiority paired with the long-range artillery magic. The Flight magic ability is a closely guarded secret, and while other nations have their own variations, the Alliance's version is far steadier and faster.

The United European Union
Formally addressed as the Union, an alliance of necessity than want. In the old world, such an assimilation was impossible due to all the difference of culture within Europe. After England exited the EU, it was certain that the EU was on the brink of collapse. With the climate change and winds of war, the remaining member states entered a Union and began to arm themselves for war. The Elemental Arts were extremely potent in Europe, and it was the sole reason why they could withstand the aggressive expansion of the Confederacy and their Magitech. The Union became renown for the Ancient Magical Arts.

Formerly considered as the 3rd world due to the poor countries on the African continent. However, with the application of magic during the start of the golden age, the condition and prosperity of Africa flourished. It was said back in 2004 that in just a decade, Africa would proudly join the world as a First world continent. However, when the climate change came and the war, Africa's continent was changed for the better. Former desserts started to grow wildlife and became an abundant oasis. At the same time, the African people designed their own magical arts called Voodoo, which is still a magical form that many of the countries do not understand. It is viewed as dark magic, due to the fact that Voodoo has a branch that specializes in necromancy. Haven became the new name of a united Africa, and thus, they withstood all attempts of invasion.

South American Cooperation
Formally addressed as SAC. The once shattered South America due to the climate changes were almost left to fend for themselves as nearly all of the continent's unstable governments collapsed. It is, however, mere speculations, but it is rumored that the salvation of South America came from powerful underground crime organizations that seized the opportunity. Through underhanded trades, connections, blackmail, and dark magic - the realization of SAC came to be. How this nation survived the climate catastrophe is still a mystery. And so far, it has rejected all offers of help from the NA Alliance.

No Man's Land
A black mark on human history, and the reason why truce was brokered between the nations. The entire Middle-East became a realm of warfare. All of the eight nations ended up waging a large-scale war across the entire east. The aftermath was a desolate continent where no life could be sustained. In the end, the war for oil and resources marked the end of this once culturally rich part of the world. The secret magical arts of the Middle-East became lost to the world, as its mages were butchered during the conflict.

Conclusion of the Hundred Years' War

After the devastation of the Middle-East and loss of life for all nations, it became a cruel realization that if this continued, it would mark the end of humanity. After the race for creating the most devastating magical spells, a by-product came out of all this death. The advancement of magic had accelerated by many generations. It was now possible to sustain humanity and create new forms of energy to save the Earth, despite the climate changes. There was no United Nations Council, but the truce was bound by treaties between the nations.

But it is no secret that each nation tries to advance themselves through magic, for an uneasy peace like this will not last forever.

Arcadia Academy
Mage academies began to flourish in every nation, but the most notable academy was Arcadia. Located on the manmade island of Tokyo Bay, this massive academy houses the world's most gifted mages. By the end of the war, it was opened for application for all students across the world. Fierce competition between students and mixed national interest. The Academy itself is also a target from foreign countries outside PACT that tries to steal the secrets of the academy to improve their own nations, as well as the potential assassination of future leaders.

In a way, Arcadia is also the symbol of peace. A place of higher learning that unite all nations.

Roleplay Setting

Year 2134
The roleplay is going to be concentrated at Arcadia Academy. You can either be a 1st, 2nd or 3rd year student enrolled at the academy. You can choose a student from any of the nations mentioned above and add their special flairs.

Magic Encyclopedia

This section will contain the information of several magical arts, as well as the laws and ruleset under each discipline.

This section will cover Arcadia to help immerse ourselves in the roleplay. The following will be covered in due time, based on interest.

  • Student Council

  • Disciplinary Council

  • Clubs

  • Annual Magic Tournament

  • More subjects may be added in the future

What I am looking for
The Akashic Arcana Project is a roleplaying universe I started on my own. Given the massive amount of work and world-building, I am just going to submit this draft and hopefully, I can find people who are interested in realizing this project. Write to me in a PM or below if you want to contribute or merely interested in roleplaying in this world once it is ready for launch.

Thank you for time.

- Juliette
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Currently working with a close friend who is developing the Magic Encyclopedia. We will also add certain conflicting elements to make the Academy more interesting and diverse.

Student Council positions will also need to be filled eventually
Vice President
Class Representatives

The students will also be placed in certain classes based on their magic levels. The exact system will be written out and explained, however, this will give birth to elitism and bullying of the less "talented" students. However, the system is flawed, in the way that it doesn't demonstrate unique traits. It is very general and expects you to be good in many general subjects. For instance, if you are very talented and gifted kendo practitioner with body enhancement abilities, you won't be able to demonstrate those traits and might be relocated to the lower classes.

This means that the so-called "Elite", highly underestimate their lower classmates.
I'm a world-builder currently building a somewhat similar premise, but set in a fantasy world with a simplified magic physics.
This piqued my interest, but I'm only able to commit to a weekly post schedule due to work and other RP.

All the best in your world building endeavor.
Thanks for the vote of confidence ^.^
Taken a bit from Code Geass?
Is it the Holy Kingdom of Britannia you are thinking about? It is just a name, but we have nothing to do with huge mechs ^^'
Is it the Holy Kingdom of Britannia you are thinking about? It is just a name, but we have nothing to do with huge mechs ^^'
No just wondering if some came from it slightly. slightly reminded me of it is all
No just wondering if some came from it slightly. slightly reminded me of it is all

If it did, it wasn't intentional, it is difficult to create an RP verse that hasn't already been done so to say! In any case, I can see what you mean when you look at the premises of the roleplay.
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No worries just curious :)
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I like the premise. Quick question. Does the uneasy peace carry over to the academy such as students from different alliances being wary of each other?
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I like the premise. Quick question. Does the uneasy peace carry over to the academy such as students from different alliances being wary of each other?

Of-course it does! And the academy would also house certain future leaders of their respective nations if we so desire. The ideal of the Academy is to give our characters some background and ties. Imagine a scenario when let's say, in the future when we move beyond the academy and everyone graduates. If a former student from PACT and a student from the Federation meets in a war initiated by their nations, how would they react?

Perhaps they were best friends during their academy days and yet still have their obligations to their countries ^-^
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Of-course it does! And the academy would also house certain future leaders of their respective nations if we so desire. The ideal of the Academy is to give our characters some background and ties. Imagine a scenario when let's say, in the future when we move beyond the academy and everyone graduates. If a former student from PACT and a student from the Federation meets in a war initiated by their nations, how would they react?

Perhaps they were best friends during their academy days and yet still have their obligations to their countries ^-^
I like that. Whenever you get it up and running consider me in!
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i'll give it a go as long it's not a 3 par plus i write as the mood or and conditions are met
i'll give it a go as long it's not a 3 par plus i write as the mood or and conditions are met

I'll finish the writing soon and post character sign-up when we are ready to go, hopefully, you will still be interested by then ^^
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I'd probably need to know what we'd be doing with it, but this could be fun.

I do tend to do best in small groups, though. For what it's worth.
This seems like interesting, you can count me in
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