All the World's a Battlefield, and We are merely Players (Super Smash Bros/Video Game Crossover RP)

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The One True Pibbles
Original poster
Posting Speed
  1. 1-3 posts per day
  2. 1-3 posts per week
  3. One post per week
Writing Levels
  1. Intermediate
Preferred Character Gender
  1. Male

Hey all!

So, for a while now, I've wanted to do a Video Game Crossover RP and after recently getting back into the good ol' world of Super Smash Bros., I decided to launch this idea.

Now, unlike many previous Smash ideas that you've probably seen, this *gasp*; DOESN'T INVOLVE THE SUBSPACE EMISSARY IN ANY WAY!

That's right; this RP will focus on a new and original plot that doesn't connect to everyone's favorite part of Brawl, which I find basically every Smash RP focuses on. Not that it's a bad story, far from it (it's honestly the biggest reason I was excited for Brawl's release back in the day), but I feel like it's a bit overdone in the world of online storytelling/RP.

That being said, I'm still figuring out the finer details of the overarching plot, but what I've got so far is the following;

Thirty years ago, a cosmic entity known as "The Master" collapsed the entirety of the multiverse into a singular unit, uniting heroes and villains who had previously been separated by time and space. The purpose behind this act was that the Master was growing tired of the endless conflict of Good vs. Evil and had decided to spice things up with an absolution; each world would select up to four Champions (heroes or villains) to represent their dimension in a tournament which would come to be known as "Super Smash Brothers". In this tournament, each world would be fighting for the survival of their reality and the Champions who lost would be turned into trophies (remnants of a lost world) and stored in the Master's collection while he destroyed the reality they had come from.

The fighting continued until only eight Champions remained, but, in a twist of fate, the Master's associate, a robot known as "The Announcer" turned against the Master and revealed to the last of the Champions that the Master didn't care about the tournament and was only using it as a distraction while he planned to rebuild the universe in his image. After freeing the Trophy-ized Champions and uncovering a pocket dimension which the Announcer had been using to hide whatever fragments of the destroyed worlds survived the Master's powers, the Champions banded together to combat the Master and, together, they destroyed his core; effectively destroying the entity.

However, in order to prevent a dimensional black hole from devouring what little remained of reality, the eight Champions who survived Smash Bros. sacrificed themselves to contain it while the Announcer and the other Champions fled the Master's realm. In memory of the brave men and women who gave their lives to protect the combined universe and its people, statues of the eight Champions were erected in the major capitols of the world built from the remains of the multiverse (known now as "Arcadia").

In the aftermath of the Master's destruction, the people of Arcadia worked desperately to return to their lives as they were before Smash Bros., but since multiple worlds and realities had been merged into one, the people of Arcadia had their work cut out for them. But now, in the present time, things seem to have gotten back to normal. The people of Arcadia's seemingly infinite realms have had their differences, sure, and the occasional conflict has arisen between the people over differing ideologies/ways of life, but generally speaking, Arcadia has survived through a great era of peace ever since the end of Smash Bros.

However, recently, the villains of Arcadia have apparently banded together to form an organization known as "The Inter-Dimensional Collation of Ultimate Profligates" (ironically shortened to The "I.C.U.P.") and have invaded the lands of Hyrule (The Legend of Zelda), Mobius (Sonic the Hedgehog), and Midgar (FFVII), claiming them all as part of the growing "I.C.U.P. Empire". Although many attempts to dissuade the oncoming invasions have failed and diplomacy hasn't yielded any positive results, the free peoples of Arcadia must consider the terrible decision of initiating War with the invading empire.

In addition, strange and inexplicable events have been occurring across Arcadia at an alarming rate, prompting some to believe that a great calamity will soon be upon them and rather than fight against the I.C.U.P., the people of Arcadia must focus their attention towards the strange occurrences.

But only time will tell what may happen to Arcadia, whether it is invaded and conqured entirely by the I.C.U.P., or if something else may lead to the end of the world as they know it...


So there's quite a bit going on in Arcadia, isn't there? Would be a shame to ignore all that drama, action and intrigue, if do I say so myself :3

Anyways, the "tldr" version of the RP is that we'll be playing a group of characters who are operating against the I.C.U.P. in order to preserve the world of Arcadia from the oncoming invasion of the villains. Now that being said, not all villains decided to join up with the I.C.U.P., so if you want to play your favorite video game Bad Guy, feel free to! Some of us will be Heroes (Master Chief from Halo, Ratchet from Ratchet and Clank), some will be Villains (Bowser from Super Mario Brothers, Copy X from Mega Man Zero), but despite their alignments, all of our characters will be dead-set on stopping the I.C.U.P.'s invasion of Arcadia by any means necessary, all while uncovering a greater plot that will bring with it a mystery involving the eight Champions of Smash Bros who died to save the world.

If you're interested by anything I've mentioned here then feel free to post below showing your interest, or even ask me a question for clarification! I'm hoping to get a lot of ground work done for this idea and build up the world as we go through the plot, but I'm also open to suggestions so feel free to throw stuff at me (not literately but you get the idea).

As for a player cap, I'll get started on the OoC and Character Sheet threads after we get about 4 players interested in this (excluding myself), but the roster for sign ups will officially close after we get about 9 players (excluding myself, making for an even 10). Each player can pick up to two characters, but if you want to play a third please ask me and we'll talk about it.

Anyways, if you're interested than as I said before, post below! Also, include the name and game of origin for any characters you may want to claim ahead of time! That being said, I've got a list going for characters who are "Off Limits" right now due to their importance to the plot (as in they'll be NPCs), but I'll add them in an additional post since this one's pretty crowded. ^^

For the record, I'll be taking the role of
Corrin, Prince of Nohr (Fire Emblem: Fates).

Looking forwards to getting this started! ^^
Consider me interested.
Was going to wait til the list of non playable characters comes out before settling on any characters. @mr_pibbs

But, I do plan on trying my hand with any combination of these characters: Jacket [Hotline Miami/Payday 2], The Drifter [Hyper light Drifter], Anon [Tron Evolution] Agent 47 [Hitman series] Zer0 [Borderlands 2]
Was going to wait til the list of non playable characters comes out before settling on any characters. @mr_pibbs

But, I do plan on trying my hand with any combination of these characters: Jacket [Hotline Miami/Payday 2], The Drifter [Hyper light Drifter], Anon [Tron Evolution] Agent 47 [Hitman series] Zer0 [Borderlands 2]

All those are pretty good to me, none of them were on the 'no play list', but maybe Anon might be a bit of stretch since they're from a non-video game property liscence (only case where I'd allow something like that is the original characters made by Square Enix for Kingdom Hearts).
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Would any of the characters from Megaman ZX be off limits? Specifically the main character(s)?
Would any of the characters from Megaman ZX be off limits? Specifically the main character(s)?

Not to my knowledge, go for it!
Went with the older version from Advent, but I hope he's good.
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Name (& pronunciation): Vent

Gender: Male

Race: Human

Height: 6' 0" estimated

Weight: 195 lbs estimated


Personality: A stoic but cheerful young man, Vent is always willing to lend a hand and is quick to anger when someone decides to cause trouble for others.

Armaments: Biometals X, Z, H, F, L, and P. He taps into their powers by double Megamerging with X and another Model, for example X and P for PX.

History: Vent was an orphan when the courier Girourette took him in and raised him, eventually hiring him to his company as a courier as well. However, in a twist of fate, he also found out he was the Chosen One for the Biometal Model X, who's personality was that of the late X, the legendary Maverick Hunter. A short time after that, he found out his mentor was the Chosen One for Model Z, but almost as quickly lost him due to the machinations of an evil man. Having stopped the man's plans, he now works to protect those who can't protect themselves, while also offering Courier services when applicable.

Went with the older version from Advent, but I hope he's good.

For the time being I'm gonna have to ask that we refrain from posting character sheets since I've got an official one in the works ^^

But aside from that I don't see a reason why Vent wouldn't work. Only thing I'd say is maybe limit the number of Biometals he can access (ex. Pick three transformations of your choosing or something like that)
Are mobile game-introduced characters permitted?

Something along the lines of Million Arthur or Granblue Fantasy, or even Shadowverse.
So long as they aren't too overpowered then I would be accepting of mobile game characters
mr_pibbs said:
For the time being I'm gonna have to ask that we refrain from posting character sheets since I've got an official one in the works ^^

But aside from that I don't see a reason why Vent wouldn't work. Only thing I'd say is maybe limit the number of Biometals he can access (ex. Pick three transformations of your choosing or something like that)

Might I request the ability to acquire the others then? Those Biometal transformations are kinda his thing.
Might I request the ability to acquire the others then? Those Biometal transformations are kinda his thing.

I know, I've played the games xD

So long as you're keeping it non-OP (ex. Giving him the Omega Z Biometal at the start or having him using every Biometal to singlehandedly take down every threat the group encounters) then I'm fine with him gaining more Biometals as the story goes on. Just want to make sure that one character doesn't outshine the rest, right? ^^
RIght, right, I get that. So then the three I need to pick don't include ZX, since that's kinda the default transformation?
Yep that's fine! It's kind of the default anyways so you don't have to count it
Hey, I'm pretty interested in this. I don't suppose Falco from Starfox or Reinhardt from Overwatch are main NPCs.
Hey, this sounds interesting.
I don't suppose Sega characters are out of the question, like Kiryu from the Yakuza series?
Would Olympia Vale of Fireteam Osiris be able to be played?
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