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~Shall we?~
Original poster
Invitation Status
Preferred Character Gender
  1. Male
Sci-Fi, Anime, Magical, Action, Etc


Amberdale, a simple town, where everyone knows one another to some extent. A place where both fortune and misfortune is thrived upon. Rumors can become the truth. A lie, if repeated continuously, can become the truth. The story will follow a group of students, who will either find romance, or find the right path for their future. It is up to either one of them, to decide what they want in life. One cannot have it all.

There will be drama, twist and so much more in store for them all. Even death!


Rich Queen Bitch - @Mad King Jai
Female Transfer Student - @Pasi

Male Best Friend/A Popular Guy at School - @Akashi
Female Best Friend - @Luster
The Gay Best Friend - @Petrichor

A Bad Boy - OPEN
Female Childhood Friend - @Shayla

Male w/ Bad Reputation - @Rose305

Twin Brother - @Meng
A Young Female Music Teacher - @Mundane Monster


Rich Queen Bitch - Head of the cheerleading squad. Popular in school. Thinks highly of herself. Likes to create trouble for others, if she doesn't like them. Is protective of her younger twin brother, and too much at that. Has the tendency of ruining his relationships with others if she doesn't like them.

Female Transfer Student - Used to be popular and a bitch in her previous school, but is looking to turn around for the better. A fresh new start.

Male Best Friend/A Popular Guy at School - Is into creating music, and is a part of the football team. Doesn't really pay attention to his popular reputation at school. It does not matter to him. Is conflicted on what career he wants to pursue. Music or football.

Female Best Friend - Has had a crush on her close friend who's into music and is a part of the football team. Any day now, she would want to confess her feelings to him.

The Gay Best Friend - Cheerful, somewhat a dork. Knows about her friends feelings for the one who likes music and is a part of the football team. Encourages her repeatedly to confess her feelings.

A Bad Boy - Is part of the football team. Is somewhat popular amongst the girls. Doesn't really care. Is carefree, reckless and ends up in more than one fight. Has a good and a bad reputation at school.

Female Childhood Friend - Usually hangs out with the bad boy. Both their families know one another. Both are really good friends.

Male with a Bad Reputation/Loner? - Had a sister who was murdered a few weeks before school starts. Rumors say that the brother was behind it.

Twin Brother - Is the twin brother of the Queen Bitch in school. Doesn't really like how his sister is, and tends to ignore her and her friends at school. Nevertheless, they have strong bond with one another.

A young Female Music Teacher - Had a one night stand with the person who is part of the football team and apparently, her music class. Regrets her decision, and tries to ignore said student. Is still attracted to him.


FCs Banned: Shay Mitchell, Lucky Blue Smith

1. Only one character per person.
2. Minimum of two paragraphs per post. One liners are not accepted.
3. No drama in the OOC. If it persists, you will be warned, or removed from the roleplay. We do, however, encourage drama in IC.
4. Real Life Face Claims Only.
5. This is a roleplay thats set in a high school. So please, make sure your FCs at least look the like they could be 18-20 years old. If they look older, you will be notified. This needs to be as realistic as possible.
6. GM word is law.
7. All Iwaku Rules Apply
8. If you have something you want to share with the GM, then PM them.
9. A separate thread will be made once we have enough players.
10. This is invitation only roleplay. If you would like to participate. PM the GM.
11. Please do not pair yourself with others for end game. Relationships such as that will mostly happen through the IC. They are organic.

If you have any questions, do not hesitate to ask.
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Reactions: Justin
Rich Queen Bitch Right Here.
Taylor Hill Face Claim
Char Name: Eden Sophia Lake of The Lake Cosmetics Empire Family


And do you mean Rich or actually Ritch? XD
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Childhood Friend for me , Please.^^
Female best friend, pls. :)
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Reactions: Akashi
I might be interested in the loner or bad boy. :)
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Reactions: Justin
In that case the loner! ;)
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Reactions: Akashi and Justin
@Akashi look got new peeps even with my busted hand lol.
  • Thank You
Reactions: Akashi
@Rose305 @Viscera - Thank you both for expressing interest. I've added you guys to the roster :)

Only three more roles left.
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Reactions: Remmy Rose
Thanks for the tag, but I'm going to pass on this one. I'm already in quite a few RPs and struggling to keep up with them. I hope you all have fun though.
Ooh oohh! May I take the music teacher ? Fc would be Jenna Coleman
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Reactions: Akashi
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