An Animal Experiment

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The Ball Python Queen
Original poster
Posting Speed
  1. Speed of Light
  2. Multiple posts per day
  3. 1-3 posts per day
  4. One post per day
  5. Multiple posts per week
  6. 1-3 posts per week
  7. One post per week
  8. Slow As Molasses
Online Availability
Depending on my schedule I am on at various times during the week. Usually most reliable after 5, though sometimes I nap. Weekends are a free for all schedule wise.
Writing Levels
  1. Intermediate
  2. Adept
  3. Advanced
  4. Adaptable
Preferred Character Gender
  1. Male
  2. Female
  3. Primarily Prefer Female
Fantasy, Romance, Modern, Modern Fantasy, Possibly Sci Fi
The plot of this roleplay is simple. The full details are based on personal details. The concept is this:

Experiments. They happen all the time but no one breathes a word about them till their successful. The latest experiment is far crueler than the last. A company known as Bio-Tech Corporation has been working on a secret genetic project in the middle of the Canadian forest. Most people don't know what it is, simply that it is called the Dome project, named after the large white dome and other facilitiesthat has been built in the middle of nowhere. Everyone assumes it's for the bettering of society.

The tenants in the dome tell a less enjoyable story.

Each creatures inside the facility were born there. Each child had been mutated, mutilated, and experimented on until they were perfected. Some people call them Shape shifters. Others call them pests. How each person became the way they are is unknown. All they do know is they've been trapped in a box, poked, prodded, as well as being taught how to speak and behave.

Each shifter takes on a few traits of their combined animal. The most basic example is hair color that resembles the natural color of the animal. Some get markings like their animal, others get body parts. It all depends on how the body reacted to the syrum.

What is known is that now these hybrids are being set free, in an idealistic world. The dome is largely forests, the outer skin of said dome reflecting back a fake sky that appears as real as it could ever be. Inside the forest there is a grassy hill where all the selected participants have been let out. On top of that hill is a cabin, cozy and wooden. It's nothing special, but contains more luxuries than they are used to. Clothes, beds, the ability to make their own food. There is a small lake in the heart of the forest.

Animals taken so far

White tiger-IceQueen
Panther- Boo Girlie BoomBoom
Red Fox and Snow Leopard- Tarieles
Bengal Tiger- Shiro Itsuki
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Ooooooohhh... shifters!

K Sooooooo first off do our charries actually shift into full animal or even hybrid forms?

And like is this more of a slice of life or more youre in this dome rp then bad things happen? Or is this more of a suprise!! youre on Hunger Games but with mutant shape changing people, now go on and KILL EACH OTHER!!!! Or is it like just a mystery and we go along with it and discover things along the way kinda like Lost?

AND! Regular rundown: what is posting level, post frequency, max. number of RPers, can we play multi charries, is there dice/stats use?

Thanks ya^^!!

(...and Boo would like to play a PANTHER rawwwwrrr!!)

Ooooooohhh... shifters!

K Sooooooo first off do our charries actually shift into full animal or even hybrid forms?

And like is this more of a slice of life or more youre in this dome rp then bad things happen? Or is this more of a suprise!! youre on Hunger Games but with mutant shape changing people, now go on and KILL EACH OTHER!!!! Or is it like just a mystery and we go along with it and discover things along the way kinda like Lost?

AND! Regular rundown: what is posting level, post frequency, max. number of RPers, can we play multi charries, is there dice/stats use?

Thanks ya^^!!

(...and Boo would like to play a PANTHER rawwwwrrr!!)
Shift into full animals,

The roleplay can go however it wants, but the primary focus isn't for them to kill each other, its to socialize them since they were made for the purpose of becoming work slaves or fighters. Its more of a lets try and escape kind of thing

And posting level is intermediate. No one liners. Frequency is once a week, max number of rpers is once I feel we have a good number, you can play multiples but only two or three so there's no overloading, and no dice/stats use
  • Bucket of Rainbows
Reactions: Boo Girlie BoomBoom
Shift into full animals,

The roleplay can go however it wants, but the primary focus isn't for them to kill each other, its to socialize them since they were made for the purpose of becoming work slaves or fighters. Its more of a lets try and escape kind of thing

And posting level is intermediate. No one liners. Frequency is once a week, max number of rpers is once I feel we have a good number, you can play multiples but only two or three so there's no overloading, and no dice/stats use

K awesomes. Thanks for answers ;D. Might do u p a 2nd charrie only if need be then^^
  • Love
Reactions: IceQueen
lol i saw you post asking about animals in the other thread and so i found this one and it's interesting too. As stated before if possible would i be able to do a red-eyed vireo or Brown Thrasher hybrid? I was thinking they'd inherit hollow bones and stronger vocal chords, making them fairly weak physically but able to have a much more dynamic vocal range in return.
lol i saw you post asking about animals in the other thread and so i found this one and it's interesting too. As stated before if possible would i be able to do a red-eyed vireo or Brown Thrasher hybrid? I was thinking they'd inherit hollow bones and stronger vocal chords, making them fairly weak physically but able to have a much more dynamic vocal range in return.
Either one sounds fine to me~ I'll put you down for that~
*gasps* OMG I forgot you were planning on doing this as a group.

Can I have a Red Fox and a Snow Leopard please if we're allowed two chars
  • Love
Reactions: IceQueen
*gasps* OMG I forgot you were planning on doing this as a group.

Can I have a Red Fox and a Snow Leopard please if we're allowed two chars
You got it~
My this looks like it'll turn out fun. Can't wait for it to become a more fleshed out concept.
  • Love
Reactions: IceQueen
A few questions:

1) Are there any limitations on what animal species we can choose? For example, I was considering doing a dragonfly character. Would that be acceptable, or are insects just too outlandish of a choice?

2) For our characters' normal/default forms, how far are we allowed to go with their animal traits? For example, if I was able to do a dragonfly character, would they be able to always have dragonfly wings? Or what about large, bug-like eyes?

3) You mentioned that our characters have some animal traits to begin with, but also that they can shift fully into their respective animal species. Are there only those two forms to choose from? Or is it more like a spectrum, with our characters being able to change into anything between fully-animal and (almost) fully-human?
A few questions:

1) Are there any limitations on what animal species we can choose? For example, I was considering doing a dragonfly character. Would that be acceptable, or are insects just too outlandish of a choice?

2) For our characters' normal/default forms, how far are we allowed to go with their animal traits? For example, if I was able to do a dragonfly character, would they be able to always have dragonfly wings? Or what about large, bug-like eyes?

3) You mentioned that our characters have some animal traits to begin with, but also that they can shift fully into their respective animal species. Are there only those two forms to choose from? Or is it more like a spectrum, with our characters being able to change into anything between fully-animal and (almost) fully-human?
1. You can choose dragonfly if you wish but generally sticking to mammals is easier. Any insects would have to be run by me first but it's ok

2. You are allowed to go as far as you wish as long as they still remain looking semi human.

3. You can have inbetween states that are up to you to determine
  • Thank You
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Once we get a few more I'll post up the IC
I so want in on this. Lucky for me all my questions have already been answered by others haha
With the characters in humanish form does the age matter? Also, is it realistic or anime pic okay? I have a normal tiger like Bengal I think if it okay. Figured the experiment could make him appear more grown up possibly or can find a different pic.w_zx_5.jpg
With the characters in humanish form does the age matter? Also, is it realistic or anime pic okay? I have a normal tiger like Bengal I think if it okay. Figured the experiment could make him appear more grown up possibly or can find a different pic.View attachment 138534
I would say that's a good mid range transformation. Possibly when he's enraged or such. But yes, I'll put you down for that and begin preperations
I would say that's a good mid range transformation. Possibly when he's enraged or such. But yes, I'll put you down for that and begin preperations
Okay, thank you.
With the characters in humanish form does the age matter? Also, is it realistic or anime pic okay? I have a normal tiger like Bengal I think if it okay. Figured the experiment could make him appear more grown up possibly or can find a different pic.View attachment 138534
And I forgot to answer all the questions. RIP MY BRAIN

Age doesn't matter but they should be around late twenties appearing or younger, though their actual age will be difficult to pinpoint. Based on DNA aging can be sped up or decreased. Anime or realistic are fine
I need to find pics for my peeps. Realisticy anime is fine?
  • Love
Reactions: IceQueen
And I forgot to answer all the questions. RIP MY BRAIN

Age doesn't matter but they should be around late twenties appearing or younger, though their actual age will be difficult to pinpoint. Based on DNA aging can be sped up or decreased. Anime or realistic are fine

Alright, thank you for telling me.
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