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Original poster
disclaimer; this is my first partner search hah

so, i've never had very good luck with group roleplays before and after a period of inactivity, I came back and introduced myself to the delight of one-on-one roleplays that this site has to offer! that seems to be working in my favour, so after meeting another roleplayer i can vibe with, i'll give my own little search a go.

about me:
i'm pretty chill, become real passionate over characters, and fall in love with concepts easily.
i chat a lot, and i'm looking for somebody who doesn't mind talking a bunch about the roleplay and stuff.
i'm flexible and love new ideas!
i'm a libra
because yes i kind of like astrology.
posting speed? definitely varies, but the longest i'll be is weekly and can be daily. looking for someone that's about that speed, but i'm flexible.
usually roleplay male characters, but i can and might roleplay female
a lot of my stuff is inspired by the song artist atlas; would recommend!
i hope you won't mind that i can be a dork haha
i'd like to mention that anime is kind of a turn off for me.

roleplay example:
Nikita took in a breath, filling his lungs with the crisp, rainy air. He strolled through the city as heavy grey clouds smothered the sky and rain splashed against the face of the buildings that soared skyward. People walked by with their red noses buried in scarves, some with umbrellas over their heads, and making splashes with their work boots and casual Vans. The wind whisked about, and Nikita could only think to himself; What a perfect day.
He was wearing a white hoodie that was freckled from his shoulders down by rain spits, red-brown joggers and Timbs with grey socks, with a massive knitted scarf that lay loosely on his shoulders and was large enough that he could hide his cold nose in it. The frayed scarf was coloured of delightful and warm pinks, purples, light browns and blues. He knew that no rainy day was complete without that scarf, and especially not if he was going to spend it in a cafe.
Rainy Day Culture. That's what the vintage-styled wooden sign suspended from the building's side said. He had heard about this cafe a few days after getting settled into his new place. Maybe he should have been working out on an off day, but the day had just been calling him. The cafe was on a corner of a busy street, with an exterior that was welcoming and architecturally pleasing. Nikita pushed open the dripping glass door, the "come in, we're open!" sign swaying. He took a glance around, and the warm cafe couldn't stop a grin from inspiring his lips. Fairy lights were strung from the ceiling, plants and succulents here and there, with a rich coffee smell greeting his senses. Nikita wiped his wet nose with his hand, his cheeks rosy red and his clothing sprayed with rainwater as he walked forward. He took a glance at the chalk board menu and knew what he was feeling for. There was no lineup, so Nikita stepped closer to the counter, and caught his first glance at the girl in front of him. She was a cute little Asian girl, her face frosted by freckles and her soft features dimly lit by the quiet light. Nikita felt taken aback for a moment, giving her a glance with round pale eyes and his roseate cheeks- clearly a victim of the rumbling storm outside compared to the delicate girl who was going to take his order.

so this includes genres i generally participate in and little things that my personal aesthetic feeds off of that i plop into my writing :)

-fantasy, from high fantasy to modern
-spring, winter, and autumn
-rain, storms, etc

some ideas:

witch x normie
i'm not saying the classic old hag that generally comes to mind when you see the word witch. for some reason i really love the whole witch aesthetic, which would cause me to make a young and strange character. i would play the female witch in either plot, and to sum it up briefly, it would be set in modern day times with the said outlandish witch shack.

rooftop dweller x normie
this idea isn't set in stone, like "normie" could be anything haha. okay well i got inspired by this and thought hey how about a weird chick who runs around on rooftops with various animals?? so this would be set in modern day paris or somewhere in europe, i would roleplay the rooftop dweller and of course, if you wanted to invest in this, the other character could be anything of your fancy.

normie x "mermaid"


i would roleplay the male "normie" and you the female mermaid. if you're interested and end up wanting otherwise, i'm flexible! so my idea was that they would meet in the city, in a cafe or something, and the mermaid would look like a human. the male would fall for her first and become very interested, but when he confronts her, she can't speak. so, "the little mermaid" ripoff. she would get a little interested and, maybe violating some mermaid rule or something, take him out to a beach into the ocean, pull him into the water and BAM she's a goddamn mermaid. her mermaid appearance would be her "true form" (kind of sounds cliche lmao), and she'd be able to speak and everything and also show him her weird mermaid home. and i wasn't thinking just some normal mermaid; she'd look real funky and exotic haha.

more will probably be added soon :)
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I do have a lot of high fantasy plots if you'd like to see them.
I'd love to do moderate to high fantasy, especially when it has adventures too.
I'm an Aries. But a rly rly laid back one. Like, ya know how Aries are supposed to be go getters and driven? Nah that's not me. I've been writing when I should be focused on graduating for the last year, lol.

Anyway, I like high fantasy. Elves are so important to me, and necromancer elves that are still nice people despite being possessed by demons are also very important to me.
I like romance although your "quotation marks" around romance scares me a wee bit.
I love winter! It's the only time I can exist without dying of heat exhaustion!
I'll shoot you a PM once I steal my laptop back.
I would be interested in doing the witch x normie with you :)
*claps happily* astrology yesss (I'm a Virgo.)

anyways, a lot of our interests line up? i like most fantasy too, or just subtle supernatural elements :) writing a witch character would be really fun and i get so caught up in characters too ^~^ not sure if the witch x normie is taken already but regardless maybe we can come up with some other ideas? pm me if you're interested?
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