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When it comes to Apologizes, whether we are giving one, accepting one, demanding one, or never receiving on - we all handle them differently. Often even based on the situation and the people involved.

In this exercise you are going to explain how your character handles APOLOGIES.

Some things to think about:
  • When they want an apology and aren't getting it, how do they feel? How do they treat the person who hasn't apologized?
  • When someone apologizes to them, how do they handle it then? Do they forgive and forget? Never forget? Do they hold the grudge forever even despite the apology?
  • When THEY, the character, makes a mistake, do they say they are sorry right away? Are they reluctant to apologize? Do they EVER apologize.
  • Are they an over apologizer that says they are sorry even when they don't need to?
  • Do they apologize for things even when they don't really mean it?
  • Do they have any mental blocks or complexes when it comes to apologizing?
  • When they want an apology and aren't getting it, how do they feel? How do they treat the person who hasn't apologized?
Lyth doesn't expect apologies from anyone, as he himself has likely done the person some sort of wrong that he hasn't apologized for. That being said, he will attempt to force people into apologizing to him, but it's more for the joy of asserting his dominance over the person than any real need for someone to admit their wrong-doing.
  • When someone apologizes to them, how do they handle it then? Do they forgive and forget? Never forget? Do they hold the grudge forever even despite the apology?
When someone is sincere in their apology to him, Lyth isn't quite sure how to handle it, as it is very rare for someone to be truly apologetic towards him. He'd be likely to become interested in the individual, which is never a good thing, and generally make their life miserable until they ceased to amuse him.
  • When THEY, the character, makes a mistake, do they say they are sorry right away? Are they reluctant to apologize? Do they EVER apologize.
If Lyth has wronged someone, there is a very good chance that it was intentional, and he won't apologize for the wrong. Even if the wrong was unintentional, he'd be more proud of the action than sorry. Or, if he does apologize, it is in a joking manner, stating clearly that he is not sorry in the slightest.
  • Are they an over apologizer that says they are sorry even when they don't need to?
Definitely not. If anything, Lyth doesn't apologize enough.
  • Do they apologize for things even when they don't really mean it?
Every apology out of Lyth's mouth is fake and void of any meaning.
  • Do they have any mental blocks or complexes when it comes to apologizing?
Maybe not a mental block, but Lyth has an alarming attitude towards others in that he simply doesn't care about them beyond how much they amuse him. He doesn't feel the need to apologize to things that he has no care for.
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  • When they want an apology and aren't getting it, how do they feel? How do they treat the person who hasn't apologized?
Paige is the sort of person who will either be very rude to you until you apologize (making threats to end the friendship, the silent treatment, low blows, etc) or she will act like she doesn't care. It really depends on the person and how well she knows them.
  • When someone apologizes to them, how do they handle it then? Do they forgive and forget? Never forget? Do they hold the grudge forever even despite the apology?
She will instantly forgive and forget as soon as words of apology have passed the other person's lips, despite the big talk she dishes out before the apology is delivered.
  • When THEY, the character, makes a mistake, do they say they are sorry right away? Are they reluctant to apologize? Do they EVER apologize.
She does apologize, but she takes a little while to sort through her thoughts on what she did wrong. She won't apologize until she knows she can do so in a graceful way.
  • Are they an over apologizer that says they are sorry even when they don't need to?
Again, this depends on the person. Most often, no.
  • Do they apologize for things even when they don't really mean it?
If she has something to gain from getting back on someone's good side, she'll apologize to the moon and back.
  • Do they have any mental blocks or complexes when it comes to apologizing?
I wouldn't say so.
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  • When they want an apology and aren't getting it, how do they feel? How do they treat the person who hasn't apologized?
Cara feels angry and frustrated if she expects someone to apologize, but they don't apologize to her. If someone hasn't apologized to her, she'll seek them out and give them a piece of her mind oops!
  • When someone apologizes to them, how do they handle it then? Do they forgive and forget? Never forget? Do they hold the grudge forever even despite the apology?
Cara pretends to forgive, but she never forgets. Depending on how wronged she felt, she may hold a grudge forever.
  • When THEY, the character, makes a mistake, do they say they are sorry right away? Are they reluctant to apologize? Do they EVER apologize?
Cara is bad at saying "sorry" to someone. She doesn't feel anything when she apologizes. When she does apologize, it's more than likely she's not genuine about it.
  • Are they an over apologizer that says they are sorry even when they don't need to?
Nope. She needs to apologize more, but it's not in her bones to be sympathetic.
  • Do they apologize for things even when they don't really mean it?
Only if it's needed to keep her reputation at a safe spot, though anybody with good observation skills can see that she's never genuine about her apologies.
  • Do they have any mental blocks or complexes when it comes to apologizing?
Yes, she has a mental block and an ego complex. Cara's always believed the world is out to get her/everyone is out to hurt her, as a result of her absent father figure and favoritism towards her younger sister, who she thinks killed her mother. She hides her insecurity/low self-esteem it under a mask of arrogance and false belief/feelings of superiority and is too stubborn to let down her walls, therefore becoming insensitive to those who apologize and believing that she doesn't have anything to do with those who've wronged her. Her sister and father never apologized, so why should she?
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  • When they want an apology and aren't getting it, how do they feel? How do they treat the person who hasn't apologized?
Amitis, my scorned failure of a ninja, doesn't expect people to apologize to her. In fact, if someone did, she'd be surprised and wonder whether something was wrong. She doesn't think much of herself, so if anyone did anything apology-worthy, it wouldn't even cross her mind.
  • When someone apologizes to them, how do they handle it then? Do they forgive and forget? Never forget? Do they hold the grudge forever even despite the apology?
She gets rather flustered and tongue-tied. Why is someone apologizing to her? She probably deserved whatever happened to her. She would be confused. Forgive and forget? There was nothing to forgive and forget to begin with.
  • When THEY, the character, makes a mistake, do they say they are sorry right away? Are they reluctant to apologize? Do they EVER apologize.
Amitis would apologize right away, in a very awkward and shy manner, but she wouldn't be reluctant too. It's just about finding the right words.
  • Are they an over apologizer that says they are sorry even when they don't need to?
She definitely over-apologizes for things. She's too hard on herself.
  • Do they apologize for things even when they don't really mean it?
No. Amitis isn't a liar unless she has been charged with lying. She'll say what she means and that is that... even if it takes a whole lot of effort for her to find the right words.
  • Do they have any mental blocks or complexes when it comes to apologizing?
No, not really. Not when it comes to apologizing. She's pretty Canadian about it.
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  • When they want an apology and aren't getting it, how do they feel? How do they treat the person who hasn't apologized?
Jinks Fairway - Gypsy & rogue on the run: The world is rough-edged and Jinks is used to that. If Jinks wants an apology it sure as hell isn't for hurt feelings and the apology must be rather important. Jinks will simply it take out of the other person's hide later, and not too much later at that. Not physically, but through payback - a deal gone wrong, the cops tipped off to that body in the attic, whatever.

Versander Veen - Educated troll and one of the leaders of an anti-discrimination group: Sander would only expect/want an apology from his own kind (weres, dark elves, goblins, trolls). Forget the god-blessed humans. And if the apology weren't forthcoming as a matter of protocol, Sander might administer some rough justice or challenge the other person to a fight.
  • When someone apologizes to them, how do they handle it then? Do they forgive and forget? Never forget? Do they hold the grudge forever even despite the apology?
Jinks - Accepts it if it is sincere and doesn't play it out. Jinks never forgets anything. She has too much on her agenda to hold grudges, though.

Versander - Usually accepts apologies graciously. He doesn't deal with grudges. Either a person is an ally or not. That's all he needs to know.
  • When THEY, the character, makes a mistake, do they say they are sorry right away? Are they reluctant to apologize? Do they EVER apologize.
Jinks - will apologize if the situation warrants it, usually without any particular sign of grief or contrition. It takes a lot to affect her emotionally, she may not be all broken up about it or anything, but she realizes the social necessity for it. No, she's not reluctant, but she's not going to overdo it.

Versander - will apologize sincerely and on the spot and is not reluctant. His parents raised him to do right by others and take responsibility for his mistakes.
  • Are they an over apologizer that says they are sorry even when they don't need to?
No for both.
  • Do they apologize for things even when they don't really mean it?
Only if it is crucially important - such as they are playing a role (faking someone out) or scamming someone or if it's a life-threatening situation (usually for a companion) and they have to placate someone.
  • Do they have any mental blocks or complexes when it comes to apologizing?
No, though Jinks doesn't like doing it, particularly.
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