Apostles of The Way (OOC/Info/Signups)

  • So many newbies lately! Here is a very important PSA about one of our most vital content policies! Read it even if you are an ancient member!

    A site made for roleplay is way cooler we promise <3


Original poster
Posting Speed
  1. One post per day
Online Availability
7pm-10pm est
Writing Levels
  1. Beginner
  2. Elementary
  3. Intermediate
  4. Adept
  5. Advanced
  6. Adaptable
Preferred Character Gender
  1. Male
Fantasy, Scifi, Magical

Contacts and Chats
Feel free to post here, direct message me, or join our discord server if you wish to chat with me and/or the rest of the gang. We are a pleasant bunch that enjoy new faces. To clarify: the rp will be on Iwaku and will not be on discord.
Discord Link: Discord Beasts and Preists

In Character Link: The Rp

Rp Information (feel free to ask questions)
The rp'ers will take on the roles of 'Apostles': warriors of might, magic, and cunning, in a world plagued by monsters, tyrants, and disaster. Tasked with various missions and assignments from the 'Abbot', the characters will go on adventures aiding those in need, learning more about the nature of their world, and discovering things about themselves and each other. In a quasi-medieval fantasy world, the times call for those with power to stand up for those who cannot. It is also dripping with wealth,mysteries, and treasure ripe for the taking.
Inspirational Media for Rp




This rp will focus on one particular group of Apostles and the quest given to them by the Abbot:
A powerful relic of old that was once safeguarded within the abbey has been taken. The suspected thief is an individual rumored to be in a nearby land. The Apostles must identify and locate the thief, subdue them, and retrieve the relic. Returning the relic to the Abbey is of the greatest importance, but subduing the thief should be done if possible, as well.

The nearby land is called Pinnacle, a very hilly and mountainous region. Heavily forested as well, it is said a people live hidden away and deep within. Such regions are prone to high concentrations of Chaos which results in catastrophe. How the Pinnacle people continue to live on, assuming they still live at all, is a mystery. However, the out of the way and dangerous nature of the place makes it ideal hiding place for criminals, and a place fit for few to enter besides Apostles. Equipped, supplied, and ready to head out, the Apostles would soon realize not everything was as it seems...
The rp will have a mixture of serious and light hearted elements. Romance, Drama, and Action will likely come up. While there will be a main storyline that i'll attempt to push, rp'ers are encouraged to explore their characters and interact with each other as the rp progresses. In addition to typical action, adventure fare, I'll try to sprinkle in other elements for a more well rounded story. Feel free to suggest content or story directions. My storyline does have an ending and the rp will conclude when the story reaches that end. If the rp goes well, the characters and world my be used in future rp's.
Rp Rules
  • Let Nova and/or your current rp partners know when you cannot post
  • I expect at least one good paragraph per post
  • Posts longer than a couple paragraphs must have a summary section that captures the main points of the post in a concise way
  • While this rp will not use a strict posting order, my posts will generally mark the passage of time and posting rounds
  • Characters are assumed to be working together towards common goals and should never come into a deadly conflict with each other. Those who wish to do so anyway must have agreement of all parties involved.
  • Attacks and actions against normal humans and low ranking enemies are assumed to succeed or fail at your discretion. I'll decide the outcome specifically for named npc's.
  • Powerplaying will not be allowed or supported. Characters that try to do something not supported by their character sheet or with the support of the party will fail and potentially have bad things happen as consequence.
  • Do not auto hit. Unless I give permission, I control whether or not a character's efforts to influence another character, substance, or entity in some way succeeds or not.
  • The more actions you perform in a post increases the chance of failure of one or more of those actions within that post.
  • Do not god mode with your character. If I say they are getting weak, tired, or injured, it is so. OOC or private message me if you would like to discuss how some ability, item, or effect I have forgotten makes it not so.
  • I control the time in the world. If it's night, then it is night until I say otherwise.
Character Creation Rules and Restrictions
  • Characters must be shorter than 10' and taller than 2'
  • Characters must be one single form, not a collaboration of multiple bodies (frankenstein monster: okay, swarm of nanobats controlled by AI: not okay)
  • Characters must have a physical form. (ghosts and elementals with purely insubstantial bodies will not be accepted)
  • All characters must possess a heart or core that acts as an integral part of their physical form and power
  • Characters will be strong but are limited in scope and power. Do not try to create one that can do everything or has no need for a team.
  • Characters that can split apart or make copies of themselves that can act independently from them are less likely to be accepted.
  • All Npc's created by the character (ex: pets, family members, companions, etc) fall under my control during play and may not be directly controlled by the roleplayer.
  • Your character must be different from other characters in the rp.
  • Characters must have a humanoid form or access to a humanoid form.
  • The magic in this world is called 'Chaos' and all characters utilize it in some way.
  • No one is a fantasy nerd as much as you are. Do not assume you have access to all racial abilities of a creature without listing them simply because "I'm playing an elf and everyone knows what powers elves have"
  • long lived characters may be no older than 100 years.
  • Character skeletons must be filled out and messaged directly to Novama for approval and adding to the official character list
Character Skeleton
The Rp'er
Rp'er Name:
Posting Time Frame:
(typical time to expect a post for this character. Please include timezone.)(ex: 6-9pm est, 12-5pm bst, 900-1800 evt. )
Post Frequency: (How often you can post: multiple times a day, daily, every other day, etc..)

The Body
Character Name:
(character name and its pronunciation. ex: John ((jon)) )
Aliases/Titles/Nicknames: (other names your character may go by or you use to reference them)
Character Theme: (optional: a characters background music whenever they enter a scene)
Appearence: (image and/or word description here. Keep in mind the theme of the rp when choosing character images)
Age: (actual age or apparent age if they look different than they actually are)
Sex: (Male or Female. It in the cases of special fantasy races)
(this describes their musculature: fat, toned, lean, lithe, muscular, etc..)
Race: (humans are most common. Other fantasy or made up races are allowed assuming it follows the rules. race should be described if they are not human. Any racial specific abilities or appearance they have should be connected to their Affinity)
Personality: (when people meet the character, what are their typical first impressions? ex: He's an angry man. She's a bitter, lonely woman. It's an annoying creature)
Peak: (choose one category your character excels in the most-
Influence- might, power, coercion, force
Resilience - sturdiness, fortitude, lifeforce, protection
Prescience - foresight, perception, knowledge, efficiency)
Valley: (choose one category your character least capable with-
Influence- might, power, coercion, force
Resilience - sturdiness, fortitude, lifeforce, protection
Prescience - foresight, perception, knowledge, efficiency)

The History
(list a specific connection you have with another character and who the character is. This may be filled in later if you are the first character created)
Link to Abbey: (describe what binds you to the party and/or the Abbey now.)
Background: (What you did and/or who you were before joining the Abbey and becoming an Apostle of The Way.)

The Exceptions
(Choose a type of Chaos utilization to specialize in:
Mage - You primarily utilize the chaos in your surroundings to create magical effects.
Warrior - You primarily utilize the chaos within your own body to create magical effects.
Channeler - You wield chaos granted to you by another entity to create magical effects.)
Affinity: (choose a single word that all of your abilities and powers will be related to. It is your central theme and what will differentiate the character from all others. Ex: Fire, Water, Eyes, Sky, Protection, etc...)
Powers: (define what abilities, skills, knowledge, etc.. you can manifest with your Affinity. Anything not listed here is less likely to succeed in play.)
Skills: (list skills, weapon/armor/tool proficiencies, and spoken languages here, by default, all know a common language)
  • Abbot - An older man and veteran Apostle, he oversees the Abbey and hands out the missions to the Apostles. He also instructs Apostles in training in various studies and disciplines including the tenants of The Way.
  • The Way - A singular belief that there is a right and wrong way to live. This singular tenant has sprouted forth all other tenants and guidelines for the faith and its practitioners and is held as an absolute truth.
  • Chaos - Chaos is an energy like substance said to come from another dimension. It is was turns people and beasts into monsters, corrupts or morphs the landscape, and brings otherworldly fiends to the material plane. Chaos is also used by Apostles to perform a variety of inhuman feats. While useful and seemingly endless, there is no denying its sudden absence from the world would be a blessing.
  • The Abbey - The home of all Apostles and the residence of the Abbot, it is also the birth place of the The Way. Sitting on land not belonging to any one country, it is self sustaining and self governed. Should any one kingdom possess the Abbey, it would result in a war that would threaten the entire world. It is a safe haven for all who are weary and in need. Many individuals that find themselves with supernatural talents or curses go there to be tested for the Mark of The Way
  • Apostle - Graduate champions of the Abbey, these chaos wielding knights are said to be set apart at birth for the purposes of confronting the enemies of The Way and the many forms of Chaos. It is said that before they are born, their hearts are signed in blood by one who loves them most. It is then they acquire an Affinity. As they grow older, their Affinity manifests itself and most go to the Abbey to be tested for the Mark of The Way. Those shown to have The Mark are taken in by the Abbey to begin their training as Apostles. After many years, they go through a trial to demonstrate their studies' achievements.
  • Affinity - All Apostles have a heart or core that is the source of their power. On their hearts is a symbol and script representing the Affinity they have. Affinities can be any number of things from physical, tangible subjects like the elements to more abstract concepts like feelings and ideals. The Affinity naturally gives shape to the chaos around the Apostle making the chaos possible for the Apostle to wield.
  • Type - Apostles come in 3 major types (mage, warrior, channeler). A mage apostle is going to excel at molding the chaos around them into magical effects like spells. Common examples are balls of fire, lightning bolts, and other elemental phenomena. A warrior apostle specializes in utelizing the chaos within their own bodies to strengthen and morph their bodies. It is said that many varieties of monsters that were once human were once warrior apostles that allowed the chaos to consume them. Many warrior apostles demonstrate combat monk or bestial abilities to enhance their combat style. The last and more rare type of Apostle is the Channeler type. These Apostles are hand picked by a higher or lower force and are given a supply of Chaos to fuel very specific, patron related abilities. One famous example would be the Apostle that led a king's army into battle against a hoard of monsters encroaching on the city. The Apostle was able to use an ability that shone like the sun and empowered the nation's army to fight as if they were Apostles, themselves. While arguably the strongest, they are a rare breed, Channelers.
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  • Creative
Reactions: Epiphany

Official Character List
Tomoe The Unforgettable Fire - Fire - Alive - Inactive - Female - Influence - Warrior

The Rp'er

Rp'er Name: Ariel

Posting Time Frame: 10-12 pm, EET. Sometimes 10am-3pm.

Post Frequency: Once every 2-3 days, may take longer breaks during holiday periods.

The Body

Character Name: Tomoe Shiranui

Aliases/Titles/Nicknames: The Unforgettable Fire

Character Theme: Theme

Appearance: Appearance

Age: 24

Sex: Female

Height: 5'10"

Weight: 150 lb

Build: Athletic, lots of lean muscle

Race: Human

Personality: Intense, confident, strong-willed woman.

Peak: Influence- might, power, coercion, force

Valley: Prescience - foresight, perception, knowledge, efficiency

The History

Connection: (list a specific connection you have with another character and who the character is. This may be filled in later if you are the first character created)

Link to Abbey: Far from home and kin, Tomoe's only family is the Apostles and other folk of the Abbey. In particular she seems to view the Abbot as some sort of patriarch, a combination of a feudal lord and a benevolent father-figure. She's sworn personal loyalty to him, above and beyond the vows of service of the Apostles.

Background: Tomoe hails from a fairly distant land - so much is obvious from her speech, mannerisms, even dress. She doesn't talk much about why she left and came to the Abbey, but she's hinted that it was about a marriage that she didn't want to happen - or, more precisely, "Some people should get married, and some people should not, and some people should not get married to each other."

The Exceptions

Type: Warrior - You primarily utilize the chaos within your own body to create magical effects.

Affinity: Fire

Powers: Enhancement - Tomoe imbues her body with chaos energy and directs it to increase her strength, agility and speed.

Eyes of Flame - This power enables Tomoe to see the inner structure of a living being, including the flows of chaos in its system, and thus strike to disrupt those flows. It is particularly effective against Apostles and other Chaos wielders as it interferes with their ability to use Chaos.

Imbue - Tomoe can charge her weapons or her limbs with the flames of Chaos, causing them to deal additional damage and possibly even set their targets aflame.


Sword, spear, dagger, halberd, bow

Light and heavy armour

Playing the koto

Ink painting/calligraphy
Zayne The Azure Phantom - Balance - Alive - Active - Male - Influence - Warrior

  • Rp'er Name: Happydeath
    Posting Time Frame: Between 5PM - 10PM EST during weekdays. Varies during weekends.
    Post Frequency: At least once a day as long as there is something to work with unless I am far too out of it after work.

  • Character Name: Zayne (zay-ne) Yoshimitsu (Yosh-imitsu)

    Aliases/Titles/Nicknames: Raven, Shadow, Blue/White Phantom

    Character Theme: [-x-] [-xx-] [-xxx-]

    Age: Apparently 30.

    Sex: Male

    Height: 6'2''



    Phoenix Demon Hybrid

    Quiet, Generous, Warm hearted. At first glance, Zayne can easily be mistaken for a cold type of person who would only respond with glares and simple worded answers before ignoring the person who speaks with him; because of this, he gains very little attention from those around him which he does not mind. Those who do speak with him however tend to end up finding him to be quite the opposite of their thoughts as he may not be very talkative, he is still kind-hearted in every other way he can find to be. He does have a slight history in his home village as well as a few particular places that when mentioned will put him in a rather guilty-like mood that he blames himself for many different things. He also has a soft side when it comes to gardening and cooking as well.

  • Peak:
    Influence - might, power, coercion, force

    Prescience - foresight, perception, knowledge, efficiency


    Link to Abbey:
    Ever since arriving, although it was difficult to adjust at first, Zayne now calls the Abbey his home and although there are some who may not speak to him, those he has befriended have become his new family and everyone seems to accept one another for their 'special' talent. From here, he can pursue what he actually wants to learn and do with his time when he is not studying or helping someone else with anything else it might be.

    At birth, rather than be kept in the care of either of his parents, Zayne was given away to a small family at a farming village due to concerns that neither his mother nor father wished for him to one day go off and fight after his heart was signed with a phrase as a way for them as well as him to never forget where he came from.
    Slowly growing in the small farming village, he came to know the elderly man and woman who took him in as his mother and father since he had been too young to know that these two were not his true parents. They had cared for him the same way they would've cared for their own flesh and blood as they taught him to farm, fish, harvest and cook all the while keeping the truth from him until he had ended up reaching near his teenage years where he ended up setting a large section of the farm ablaze one day from his own fingertips. The elderly couple attempted to convince him that it was simply an accident and that it wasn't actually him that caused it rather it must've just been some type of creature in the forest that set it ablaze.

    Even so, the other villagers had known what they saw and began to shun and show disgust in Zayne as he grew older every single day. Constantly, as he grew older still more and more strange things happened that was constantly blamed on one thing or another rather than it be his fault. Eventually around his late teenage years, he had become sick of the excuses and demanded the truth from those around him only to finally be told everything; being informed that he was abandoned by his family as well as making up lies out of disgust for him that his real family would never take him in because of his inability to control himself, he lost his temper and nearly burned the village to the crisp while still leaving the villagers alive.
    Fleeing the place he once called home, Zayne traversed the world where he began to learn more about his unknown power to the point that one day his hair had even turned into a snow white color, a mask forming upon his face, his arms turning pitch black and claw-like as well as black markings forming all over his body. Due to this, he was forced to wrap himself in a large cloth to keep his appearance completely hidden and travel that way.

    Everywhere he seemed to go he found himself only causing death one way or another when it was all by accident each time. It wasn't until one night, he found himself captured by the people of the town he was sleeping at only to be beaten and considered a monster from the rumors that were going around about who he was. This was only stopped by other Apostles arriving at the scene, learning about who and what Zayne had done; they had stopped the rampaging people of the town only to offer Zayne a safe haven of sorts back at The Abbey.



  • Powers:
    > Flame Mimicry - Being able to literally set his entire physical body on fire, as long as he keeps his focus Zayne can control the flames to make sure the ground beneath him as well as everything he touches doesn't catch on fire and burn everything. In this state, he can also control the heat levels between it being a cool heat to unimaginably hot.
    > Healing - A gift from his phoenix origins, he is capable of healing both his wounds overtime much quicker as well as healing others wounds with either flame or his own tears. Severe wounds such as large gashes take much longer to heal while losing a limb is nothing he can do to recover from that.
    > Alter Ego - This is not a form that Zayne has any control over whatsoever at the moment and is something he prefers to keep a secret from anyone and everyone if possible. Currently, the only one he believes knows about it is Abbot. In this form, a mask forms over the lower portion of his face, his skin turns into a pale white, he grows a pair of horns, his hair turns silvery white, his arms turn into a blackish blue color and become claw-like. In this state, he practically can no longer see the difference between friend or foe and only wishes death upon everything and everyone around him.
    > Chi Disruption - Zayne is capable of seeing the pressure points on any beast or humanoid with ease and can strike at them with quick precision as well as the chi points on the body. He is also able to control his own chi into his strikes to cause waves to flow through larger enemies so that they lose their balance.
    > Inhuman Strength - Zayne's own physical strength is much higher than that of any ordinary being. He is capable of easily tearing through steel or stone with ease as well as matching the blows of something much larger than him without too much trouble. When shifting into his separate ego, his already immense strength is tripled almost instantly.
    > Phoenix Shift - Not exactly something he has mastered fully, though this allows Zayne to turn himself into a massive flaming bird. In this state, his flame mimicry is much more difficult to control as he must focus immensely on not burning everything around him. If he is killed in this state however, he will turn into ash rather than completely die and be reborn as a child. In his child state, he will still retain all his memories however it will take several days for him to return to his original age.


    > Before heading out on any mission, he is either seen carrying a katana at his side or a large scythe; both which he has mastered the use of.
    > Expert Chef
    > Gardener
    > Tends to wear either light armor if not simple clothing.
    > He knows how to read and write many different languages ranging from old elven to dragonkin. He is also capable of speaking it though he is not the greatest at it.

Payne The Water Spirit - Water - Alive - Inactive - Male - Resilience - Warrior

The Rp'er
Rp'er Name: GhostofManchester (Call me Ghost).
Posting Time Frame: Mountain Standard Time, (9:30 AM, 10:00 PM)
Post Frequency: I probably check the board once or twice a day. I try generally not to over-post, so I'll usually wait for 2-3 other posts between each of mine.

The Body
Character Name: Payne Vilewater (Pronounced: Pain Vill-Water)
Aliases/Titles/Nicknames: Water Spirit (general-term), River Devil (derogatory), Forefather (respectful).
Character Theme:

Appearance: Payne comes in two forms. His frog-like, Vodyanoy form, and his man-like form.
As a Vodyanoy, his appearance is horrible to look upon. Brownish-green skin, and rolls of slimy fat cascade across his large body. His eyes are large and a sick shade of yellow. Large warts cover his flesh, and a thick tail trails across the ground behind him. In this form, he is naked aside from rags wrapped about his loins.
Appearance 1
Appearance 2
As a man, in comparison he is much less disgusting to look upon. In this form he rarely removes his helmet, as to avoid revealing his still frog-like face, though a perpetually-moist, gray beard peaks out through the bottom of the helmet. His figure is much thinner, with wide shoulders, and thick arms. His armor shines a bright yellow color. While at the Abbey, and around other intelligent life, he stays in the human-like form.

Appearance 3
Age: Human Form (apparant age, 38), Vodyanoy Form (true age, 72).
Sex: Male
Height: Human: 6 Feet. Vodyanoy: 6 Feet 9 inches
Weight: Human: 162 pounds. Vodyanoy: 368 pounds
Build: Human: Toned. Vodyanoy: Very fat.
Race: Vodyanoy, a race of fat, frog-like men. They live in homes built amidst the muck at the bottom lakes or rivers. With some exceptions, most Vodyanoy are mischievous, self-serving creatures. As travelers pass through rivers, Vodyanoy will pull them underwater and steal their food and money, sometimes drowning them in the process. Some Vodyanoy are known to steal the souls of men and keep them in jars in their homes, as a status-symbol among their kind. Trapped in the shelves, the Vodyanoy listen to the souls recount again and again the story of their life. Adventurer souls are particularly valuable among the Vodyanoy, as they often have the most interesting stories.

Though not especially sociable with their own kind, were anything to threaten their lake or river, they would band together to drown whomever is disturbing their peace. As a whole, their race has a deathly fear of the ocean and salt water, due to contact quickly eating its way through their mucus, and drying them to death. Omnivorous, they eat river algae, bugs, and fish alike. As a race of all males, they are known to take on the forms of humans and elves, and then search for wives in towns in close proximity to their lakes and rivers. As a means to cover up their still somewhat frog-like faces, they grow thick beards, and conceal whatever else they can with the hats and helmets of those they drown. Most are unable to conceal their true forms for longer than 24 hours, and need to take some time to recover in their Vodyanoy form, preferably somewhere moist.

Personality: Acts as though he feels guilty about something much of the time. Will strike up a conversation when he's alone with someone else, but fades into the background in larger groups. Has a weathered feel about him, seems almost ashamed of what he is.

Peak: Resilience - sturdiness, fortitude, lifeforce, protection

Valley: Influence- might, power, coercion, force

The History
Connection: (list a specific connection you have with another character and who the character is. This may be filled in later if you are the first character created)

Link to Abbey: A group of Apostles found Payne living in his formerly-luminescent swamp. Though they initially intended to slay him for his wretched actions, upon seeing his repentant attitude, and his unwillingness to even try and stop them from killing him, one of the apostles invited him to the Abbey. There he would train to try and make right some of the atrocities he had committed.

Background: In his youth Payne live in a small luminescent bog near a large inn. Travelers would frequently come near his bog to behold its beauty, only to be pulled under the water and drowned to death. The glow of the bog indeed came from the many souls his Father before him had left, and that Payne in turn continued to add to the collection. He had not a care in the world as he robbed many men and women of their lives.
As he got to be an older Vodyanoy, he began to have desires to reproduce, so he began leaving his bog and visiting the nearby inn. The longer he stayed there, the more stories he began to hear of all the women and children that flocked to this region, to search for their lost husbands and fathers. With each story he heard, and each distraught traveler he saw, he felt more and more the weight of his sins, until he could no longer bear it. He released every last one of the souls, and relented himself to a life of solitude and shame. It wasn't long after that he was found by the Abbey.

The Exceptions
Type: Warrior - You primarily utilize the chaos within your own body to create magical effects.
Affinity: Water
Human Imitation: Like the rest of his kind, Payne is able to assume the form of a human for as long as 24 hours. The transformation is not perfect however, so he keeps his helmet on and his beard grown out as a way to conceal his race from those around him. Takes about 2 hours in his true form to muster up the power needed to re-assume human form. If he's able to retreat into a watery environment, the cool-down time on Human Imitation can be as low as 45 minutes.

Vodyanoy Soul Theft: Another ability his entire race possess. As another being dies, if in close proximity, Payne is able to pluck their soul from their body, and hold it either in his hand or store it in a container of some sort.

Water Armor: Using Chaos to pull water from his own body, or surrounding water sources, Payne is able to form a layer of water across the surface of his body and armor, giving a higher resistance to chaos-based attacks.

Water's Stillness: Stills his mind and body, allowing an added focus and perception of the world around him. With the greater awareness this provides, he gains a strong sense of the flow of life in those around him. In a fight, this aids in predicting an enemies movements, allowing him more time to dodge, block, or brace himself for an enemies attack.

Chaos Croak: Only in his true form, gathers Chaos within himself and lets off a loud CROAK, that rattles the bones and sets the ears ringing. Useful to attract attention, disorient a group of opponents, and even harm sound sensitive creatures.

Adaptive Breathing: Can breathe both on land and in water.

Strong Swimmer: Can easily out-swim any land creature, and most fish.

Poison-proof: Decades of living in the foul muck of a bog have made his body quite resilient to toxic substances and spoiled food.

Sword Skills: Mild proficiency in sword fighting, far better at blocking than at actually hurting his enemy.

Club Skills: In his true form, typically wields a large tree branch or a small log as a club.

Cold-Blooded: Can survive freezing temperatures without dying. May get sleepy though.

Mucus-Film: He's a slippery fellow, with all that slime across his body.

Soul Speak: Can understand what a stolen soul says. Most stolen souls recount their life story, over and over again.

Water Speak: Can speak just as clearly underwater as he can out of the water.

Diana The Mother - Nature - Alive - Active - Female - Prescience - Mage

The Rp'er
Rp'er Name: CaptainLiterally
Posting Time Frame: 4-9 pm EST
Post Frequency: 5x per week

The Body
Character Name: Diana Rose
Aliases/Titles/Nicknames: Mama Rosie Character
Appearance: Appearance
Large grey eyes speckled with hazel flecks. Clear, pale complexion and pink lips permanently taking the form of a smile.
Age: 25
Sex: Female
Height: 5'4
Weight: 120 lbs
Build: Hourglass, rather weak and small
Race: Human
Personality: Diana Rose's nickname suits her well. She is a mature, motherly character with a heart as wide as the skies. Her mind has always been lead by her heart, creating a curious and loving woman who is quite eager to trust. Although Diana flinches at thought of not providing a homeless man with money or food, she would not hesitate to destroy anyone who threatens the Way or any of those she holds dear. Diana is also very wise despite her young age. She will offer level-headed advice to those who need it, but will tend to act upon her emotions.
Peak: Prescience - foresight, perception, knowledge, efficiency)
Valley: Influence- might, power, coercion, force

The History Connection: (list a specific connection you have with another character and who the character is. This may be filled in later if you are the first character created)
Link to Abbey: The Abbey is Diana Rose's first true home. She has received what she has longed for all her life: acceptance and trust. For even though she rarely uses her abilities for malintent, she has been scorned for such deeds in every "home" she has belonged to. Her powers make her normal here. She is free to be regular among the other gifted people among her.
Background: Diana was born the bastard daughter of a powerful lord and a young servant girl caught in the wrong place at the wrong time. Her mother, although it was forbidden by the lord, kept the child and raised her in secret for a portion of her infancy. It very quickly became apparent that the servant girl could not care for the baby. Diana was left at an orphanage where she remained for the next ten years of her life. She had always been regarded as odd to the older children and the caretakers who often ostracized her from their conversations and kept her from the smaller children. So, she took to befriending small animals that appeared in the garden and helping them escape before they were killed by the caretakers. She was removed from the orphanage at the age of twelve and took to making money by carrying out tasks such as doing laundry or shopping for rich women and even unknowingly completing small tasks for various crime groups such as smuggling goods or relaying notes. She survived on the scarce money she received from these small jobs for years before she finally found her way to the abbey. Despite her poverty, she was generous and loved by practically everyone she met; especially children. Hence the nickname "Mama Rosie".

The Exceptions
Type: Mage - Primarily utilizes the chaos in surroundings to create magical effects.
Affinity: Nature
Grow - the ability to grow any plant in the vicinity (flowers, trees, etc) from the very ground or its current state to her preferred age in a matter of moments no matter the circumstance. Ex. A sapling to an apple tree, a lily from a seed.
Shrivel - the ability to shrivel/ kill a local plant at will.
Tame - the power to change the shape or state of a plant (green thing that grows) in the vicinity. Ex. Fell a small tree, move aside brush.

-Knows several languages, having had to communicate with many different types of people
-Tends to dress in common dresses such as the one shown above. She always has a flower on her person; wether in her hair or in her pockets. She rarely engages in direct battle, therefore wearing armor is a rare occurrence.

Althea The Grinning Nurse - Healing - Dead - Inactive - Female - Prescience - Warrior

Posting Time Frame: whenever I have the time to do so | works on Eastern Standard time
Post Frequency: I generally post once every day or so, depending on how fast the posts are coming
The Body
Character Name:
Althea (Thea for short )
Aliases/Titles/Nicknames: the Grinning Nurse
Character Theme: Chill Buster (
Appearance: Appearance
Age: 18 (Magi physically age slower than humans)
Sex: appears female, but technically an it
Height: 3'1''
Weight: 35 lb
Build: short but slightly stocky
Race: Magi (pronounced with a hard 'g' sound)
Racial Lore/Abilities: Magi are created when an extreme source of magic is concentrated in a specific area. While smaller than humans, they're able to carry around the same amount, and have a natural affinity for the magic that was used to create them. Their animalistic features allow them to have slightly better hearing than humans, as well as Darkvision
Personality: Silent but wise at first glance, but playful and witty the more familiar she is with you
Peak: Prescience
Valley: Influence

The History
Connection: (list a specific connection you have with another character and who the character is. This may be filled in later if you are the first character created)
Link to Abbey: Althea was thought to be the Abbey's property and given to him, and she's been doing odd jobs for him ever since Background: Althea was created when a group of healers tried to cure a town of a disease. She tried her best to help those suffering while learning the art of healing and medicine, but became distraught the more people died under her care. She stayed in the village as their designated healer until a group of Apostles came and delivered her to the Abbot
Backstory: "Althea was born in the town of Beckton after a group of priests performed a healing spell big enough to cover the entire town. At that time a sickness was taking the lives of those not treated, so priests were sent from all over to address the issue. When she came into being Althea saw the poor position that the people were in, and immediately found a job as an assistant nurse. She was passed around from priest to priest, learning more and more about medicine and healing with each job. When the epidemic was cured, Althea stayed in Beckton as their chief healer. She enjoyed the quiet life until a group of bandits threatened the village, demanding that they pay them every month or else they would storm the town. At that moment something clicked in Althea: a sense of preservation that she felt towards her fellow townspeople that set her off into a fit of psychosis. Arming herself with bear traps and spare utensils, Althea hunted each bandit down and forced them to surrender or die. By the time adventurers from the Abby were sent to deal with the bandit problem, all they found was a cheery Magi with a backpack full of bear traps. Assuming that she belonged to the Abby, the adventurers escorted her to him, where she explained her situation to him. Seeing the potential in her, the Abby assigned her to the current adventuring group as an aid for their long journey ahead."

The Exceptions
Type: Warrior
Affinity: Healing
- Healing Wave - produce a close range wave of healing that can vary in power with concentration. generally cast as a touch or close wave
- Healing Orb - summon an orb of set healing that activates on whoever breaks it
- Healing Bolt - a mid-range bolt of healing energy that is difficult to curve at longer ranges
- Healing Dust - cast a mist of healing sparkles on a target or area. what it lacks in power it makes up for in duration
- Languages: Common
- proficient with fishing tackle, cooking utensisls, and hunting techniques
- extensive knowledge about medicine and healing remedies
- proficient with bear traps and chains to the point of using them for her main weapons
- able to strategize and keep calm under pressure
- proficient in keeping weapons and armor in prime condition, as well as laundry

Sorod The Guardian - Fortress - Alive - Inactive- Male - Resilience - Channeler

Rp'er Name: TheEccentric
Posting Time Frame: UST +8, me thinks. No particular time frame, my schedule ain't really static. Frequency: Should be able to reply once a day, if I ain't super tired.

The Body
Character Name: Sorod (Soh-Rod)
Aliases/Titles/Nicknames: Guardian / Gatekeeper / The First Bastion
Character Theme:
Appearence: Sorod stands above all mortal pursuits, as does his physique which is of metal and magic. He is an Iron Golem, a construct of Iron that got imbued with supernatural forces; his form appears to be that of an enlarged set of armor, one that is designed to be heavy, burly, and impregnable. Plated and conjoined, his body moves with coordination, showing the masterful craftsmanship from whoever made him. In the center of his chest though, is a large circle that shines brightly with a heatless flame, it sheds a soft light in the dark cool nights of his watch.


Age: Though his physical form can be described to be ancient, what little personality he has shown thus far can be said to be "Curious as a child." Sex: Prefers masculinity over femininity, thus chooses "He".
Height: 9' 11"
Weight:1468 lbs.
Build: Immense and Muscular
Race: Iron Golem
Personality: He a little confused, but he got the spirit.
Peak: Resilience - sturdiness, fortitude, lifeforce, protection
Valley: Prescience - foresight, perception, knowledge, efficiency

The History

Connection: He is a familiar face to all those that call The Abbey their home, he stands like an unmoving sentinel at the forefront of The Abbey's entrance. To those that do not possess the gifts of The Apostles, he is but a mere statue that has watched the horizon with a faceless gaze, but The Apostles know more than they. He is an Iron Golem, though none among the The Apostles have any knowledge of who or what made him. They only know, that he guards something within The Abbey, scaring away the darkness at The Abbey's doorstep with his burning core.

Link to Abbey: He is sworn to protect something within the walls of his guard, and although very little, he has exchanged words with prior Apostles and Abbots that attempted to learn more about his tale. He doesn't care for their safety, but he has grown to enjoy watching the coming and going of the people that pass under his watch.

Background: His past is of no major concern anymore, only that he is a Guardian. What he remembers are mere flashes of fire and light, likely from when he was still being made, but there is one key memory that he has always remembered. He must consume a soul. The hole in his chest opens up to a heatless flame, a flame that is all-consuming and shines with the sacrifice of a mortal soul. For reasons unknown, The Apostles have kept him "awake", by feeding him a sinful criminal that cannot repay their crimes, or those that are destined to die sooner rather than later. Regardless, he has stood in silence, with none of the events that have happened in his presence ever causing him to move, nor marking them significant enough to be remembered. Until recently, when what he guarded, was stolen. He woke. He walks. He serves. He is now an Apostle.

The Exceptions
Type Channeler - You wield chaos granted to you by another entity to create magical effects.
Affinity: Fortress


Wall's Dominance: He is impregnable. He believes it so, and so do those that dare face him. Like a stone wall with no ending in sight, the presence he exudes induces a sense of inferiority and insignificance against the weak and useless. When he desires, he will stand with the pride of a Fortress that has fought against the corroding power of Time.

Provoking Call: From his very core, he explodes like a rumbling horn, the trumpeting of a war horn thunders outwards in all direction. Although this does not cause any drastic effects to those that hear it, they will become aware of his location. If they feel the urge to fight him, or perhaps feel fear from just his announcement, it is up to the strength of their hearts. A Fortress is best challenged, to truly test its limits.

Stand Firm!: He slams his feet onto the ground, his weight immediately multiplies, as his center of gravity becomes focused at the center of his position. In this state, he is like an immovable object, with only the strongest of forces capable of even making him move an inch. Although his speed decreases heavily, what need does he to move forward, when his foes rush towards him willingly? A Fortress' foundations are strong and absolute; it cannot be shaken by meager foes.

Through Thick and Thin: Against all obstructions and opposition, he will be the unyielding stone in the river of destruction. His metal skin hardens further, increasing the defensive properties of his physique, and whatever equipment that he has affixed onto himself, they become an extension of his body, also obtaining the effects of this ability. In this state, he can do a rush attack that relies on his heavy physique; he will slam against the obstacle he faces. A Fortress, although made to defend against the outside, can respond with equal ferocity when those within decide to engage in combat.

Unbreakable: There is nothing in this world that can pierce him. Stimulating the energy inside him, his size increases in twice its dimensions, and his weight multiplies eightfold. His metal turns a nightly sable, dark and ominous, as his flame shifts from its crimson glow to a ghostly blue. At the price of his movement, his physical power surges without cease, in this form, he has truly manifested what a Fortress is. Unmoving, Unyielding, and Unstoppable. This consumes an extreme amount of energy, but the protection and destruction he can wrought now reach the pinnacle; God have mercy on whoever or whatever forced him to use every ounce of power he has.


Athletic - He is powerful, the strength he can express can be described to be inhuman, though he knows he is not the strongest. Against those mundane and pathetic, he is nigh impossible to fight against.

Defender - A Guardian he is from beginning to end, he exists to stand against the approaching danger, and he has chosen to try and perfect this skill of his.

Weapon/Armor/Tool Proficiencies:

One with the Shield - He carries with him an immense tower shield almost as tall as him, standing at 8 feet and 4 feet wide; in his hand, not only is it a defensive equipment, it is also a weapon he can wield against enemies.

Familiar with the Spear - Along with his titanic shield, he carries a spear that is almost 12 feet tall, extending above his head, which he uses alongside his other equipment. Though, he rarely uses it, because the best offense is the ultimate defense. That idea applies to him, at the very least.

Fancy a Round of Fisticuffs? - Not really as well-learned with this as the former skills, but he can keep a steady foot in a fight of fists. As for his foes, it's a different story if they can even accept his blows; dodging his attacks is one thing, trying to block it is something completely different.
I am Armor - He needs no armor, aside from the body he was born with, and will exist with.

Spoken Languages:


Seta The Doppleganger - Illusion - Dead - Inactive - Female - Influence - Channeler

The Rp'er
Rp'er Name:
Posting Time Frame: GMT 4-11PM
Post Frequency: A few days a week, but usually daily.

Character Name: Seta Damari
Aliases/Titles/Nicknames: The Puppeteers Daughter, Doppleganger
Character Theme:
Appearance: Appearance
Age: 26
Sex: Female
Height: 5'7
Weight: 128
Race: Human
A very curious creature that lives by her own rules, she displays confidence out of pure madness. Life is a play, a jesters trick to Seta Damari, she entertains the idea of death; and meeting the entity that would reap her soul. Only to play a game to live once again. But despite her unusual traits, she is by far the most loyal. She does not tell a lie, but instead plays with the words. The truth yet not the truth. Her situation has made her peculiar. But she will always enjoy new knowledge.

Peak: Influence- might, power, coercion, force
Valley:Resilience - sturdiness, fortitude, lifeforce, protection

The History
Connection: N/A

Link to Abbey:

What binds her to the Abbey is the curse of Hakesh, a heavy burden. As the entity will not relive her of its presence she takes on the burden of carrying the daggers so no one else will succumb to the entity. As she is slowly becoming the man that was touched by a curse, but turned to gold. In his attempt to reclaim mortal flesh he would possess a human. But those that have taken on the dagger come to gruesome ends, as they relieve his fantasies, memories as nightmares.

Seta took sanctuary in the Abbey where she shared her knowledge of Hakesh, and his secrets of transmutation. It was there she learned peace. In exchange she endeavors to use what has been given in an attempt to redeem herself. As she slowly remembered the horrific deeds that Hakesh had done whilst in her body when she did not have control.


The daughter of grand puppeteer and toy maker Hector Shan. He created creations that as though they were alive. In some cases they were. As he created each piece of art, they took on a life of their own. A story, a personality and new owner. He gifted noble daughters and sons exceptional toys, and sometimes create shows to entertain. His daughter when she was born became his prime inspiration. As he watched her grow into a young woman. He did so for both, his wife and himself. The birth had been too much for her body.

As her mother once did. Her love of the arts run in her blood, music in particular. This was the catalyst of his greatest creation. He created puppets that would move with the sound of music. The vibrations on the strings would create motion. As she played so did they. She was never without company, as they lived near the mountains, away from other children. Her family were her only company. Her father would travel and leave the child with her grandparents.

But as she aged, he trusted his daughter to remain alone in their home. But she was a curious child. As her father discovered. When she would venture into the nearby town. She met a man of adventure, Dellacri Ashri. He spoke of stories of danger and thrills unknown to her young heart. Seduced by this man, she offered to go with him on an expedition. She was to be his scribe, and to keep him company as he enjoyed her music.

Deep in water depths, the expedition had spanned the months where they located the lost gold of Hakesh. The riches were unbound, but the secrets were the most fascinating. Journal of Hakesh's life, but his body was not to be located. Only his belongings. And a box, dull, wooden. Uninteresting the the common eye. But Seta took the box, and found inside the daggers. As if they were waiting.

However the loot was to be divided and before she could touch the daggers. They were added to the pile of gold. As she waited in her tent, she began hearing whispers, a spine chill crawling across her back. But she pushed aside these oddities and pushed it down as exhaustion. Then in the morning she noticed the camp acting strangely. The men were on edge, Ashri in particular.

A madness had spread across the camp, as if the gold itself was possessed. She looked for Ashri after he disappeared in his tent, only to find the box open and the daggers sitting in red silk. Ashri was nowhere but she saw no harm in just one touch. The world disappeared before her, until months later she awoke from a nightmare. Rumors of madmen guarding treasures of the deep settle in her ears, only to confirm her doubts that she had lost months.

Her nightmare had only just begun. When she took to the Abbey, to find some peace.

She would share the knowledge that she had learned from her shared memories with Hakesh. A mage obsessed with gold, and power.

The Exceptions

Channeler - She wields the daggers of Hakesh. They grant her the ability of illusion.The daggers call to her. They are bound to her flesh, as the entity has trapped her in-between the dreamworld, and reality.

Affinity: Illusion


Doppelganger -
Seta may create a single copy of herself, that displays simple actions. The creation does not speak nor move past the point she commanded it. It merely wears her face. The doppelganger is created from a projection linked to the dagger. It is thrown and morphs into an image of herself, before lodging into the ground where it remains undetectable until the image is disturbed or she removes the dagger.

Split Reality - Seta may created several replicas of herself that perform various human actions as a distraction while she slips into the shadows and reappears in one of the locations of the replicas of herself. This will only be performed on a single individual at once, they become blind to her. Seeing several spawns of herself. It is only applied to those that have received the mark of Hakesh. A single cut, poisons the mind.


Martial Proficiency - short/longbow, she has no knowledge with crossbows or any variants of that weapon. Natural proficiency with daggers, and short swords.

Knowledge - Artifacts, and Poisons.

Armour Proficiency - Cloth or Leather, the lighter the better and the most fashionable. Anything that is to her taste.

Music - As a child she would learn two instruments, one similar to the violin and another the harp.

Lilirel The Brute - Evil - Alive - Active - Female - Influence - Mage

The Rp'er
Rp'er Name:
Posting Time Frame: My work schedule is a little all over the place, so I'm always on at different times, in Eastern Standard Time.

Post Frequency: Minimum, once a week.

The Body
Character Name:
Lilirel [l-IIL-UH-rel] Rivermore [RIV-err-MOHr]
  • Brute, Demon, Monster, Harbinger— none of which she likes being called.
  • Lilly— an acceptable short-form of her first name.
Character Theme: WIP
  • Apparent age: 30
  • Actual Age: 100
Sex: Female
Height: 6' 4"
Weight: 252lbs
Build: Muscular and toned
Race: Cursed Fallen Assimar

Description: Aasimars are humans with a significant amount of celestial or other good outsider blood in their ancestry. While not always benevolent, Aasimars are more inclined toward acts of kindness rather than evil, and they gravitate toward faiths or organizations associated with celestials.

Aasimar heritage can lie dormant for generations, only to appear suddenly in the child of two apparently human parents. Most societies interpret aasimar births as good omens, though it must be acknowledged that some aasimars take advantage of the reputation of their kind, brutally subverting the expectations of others with acts of terrifying cruelty or abject venality.

Aasimars look mostly human except for some minor physical traits that reveal their unusual heritage. Typical Aasimar features include hair that shines like metal, jewel-toned eyes, lustrous skin color, or even glowing, golden halos.

Aasimar are a wise and charismatic race, possessing strong insights and a powerful allure with which most races can not compare. Aasimar are also quite perceptive, noticing things that others do not.

Like many of their celestial forebears, Aasimar are resistant to the effects of acidic elements, extreme cold, or electrical charges.

Assimar Abilities:

  • Darkvision: Thanks to their infernal heritage, Aasimar have superior vision in dark and dim conditions. Aasimar can't discern color in darkness, only shades of gray.
  • Celestial Resistance: Aasimar have resistance to necrotic damage and radiant damage
  • Necrotic Shroud: Lilirel can unleash the divine energy within herself, causing her eyes to turn into pools of darkness and two skeletal, ghostly, flightless wings to sprout from her back. The instant Lilirel transforms, others become frightened even if just for a moment.

Personality: From a distance and typically on first impressions Lilirel doesn't seem like a very approachable woman. But on the contrary, should someone approach her and speak to her, they will find that she's surprisingly kind and intelligent and not just a big'ol mopey brute. Although she does an excellent job at keeping herself seemingly calm on the surface which leads her laid back attitude to almost seem frightening.
Peak: Influence- might, power, coercion, force
Valley: Resilience - sturdiness, fortitude, lifeforce, protection

The History
(Open to connections)
Link to Abbey: The hope of removing her curse.
Before joining the Apostles, Lilirel was a scholar and a woman of knowledge, not battle. She loved to learn, explore and document. She wrote books in hopes of helping others learn as well. Guides to the world and nature, tomes intended to teach others about magic, and how to use their own magic. She had always been a kind and understanding woman who took pride in her smarts and knowledge. But even the kindest souls can occasionally think evil things. For Lilirel it was more than just thoughts, it was destiny.

In her dreams was the first time she met the demon lord Berzhal. It was confusing and worrisome, a celestial-touched being, being infected by a sinister demon. There was a part of her that pushed to smite him in that instance, within her dream, somehow. Yet that did not happen as he simply mocked her and spoke about things that seemed confusing to her at the time. The mention of evil in her heart and how ironic it was for the angel-touched to be a part of this.

As time went on Lilirel was keen on forgetting her interaction with Berzhal and did her best to continue with her work. That is until she met a man by the name of Delaros, a half-elf scholar who had tracked her down because of one of her old books. He thought it necessary to thank her for the knowledge in person, the fair skinned Aasimar had been struck by love.

It was through this love that Lilirel would be tempted by Berzhal, and the Demon King would succeed in his plan of corrupting her. Berzhal knew that by forcing the Aasimar to complete a truly evil deed, it would ignite the darkness within her and cause momentary chaos. In that instance the Demon lord would be capable of placing her in a situation where his binding offer was her best option and Lilirel would take it; to fix what she had done. But, as with any deal with a devil, nothing was what it seemed and the Aasimar had been forced into a situation that felt far worse than the consequences she would've faced after her outburst. 'But Delaros was alive.' That thought was the only thing that allowed Lilirel to carry on with what she had now become.

Cursed by Berzhal, Lilirel was forced to walk the earth as a being of pure evil, just as it was marked by her heart. Her love was taken from her, and darkness filled that void. With mental fortitude never being her strong point Lilirel was quick to give in to what dwelled deep within. There was a number of years after her curse had been enacted that she can't seem to recall very well and in truth Lilirel was never sure she wanted to remember those years. The once small, slender, fair skinned and fair haired Aasimar had been turned into a vessel of evil; the demonic curse she had been touched with causing her once full-fledged auburn coloured wings to rot and contort into boney-flightless appendages as her body itself took on a permanent new shape to fit the evil she was meant to unleash upon the world, rune-scarred and demon marked.

It took time to adjust to everything, her new powers and abilities, even to adjust to her new form, and the form beyond that— which she did her best to avoid. In her time roaming the world, Lilirel would occasionally check up on Delaros. To him she did not exist, and every time the Aasimar would look upon him, she would hurt and be reminded that her heart had no room for love, only for evil.

She was bound to Berzhal, forced to do his bidding and obey his commands. His morals laid on the opposite end of Lilirel's, and whenever she was given an order, she could feel a part of who she once was break off and fade to dust. The Demon Lord knew of her weak mental strength and he took advantage of that, manipulating her and using her and her capabilities to their full extent.

Lilirel's first encounter with the Apostles had been on one of these mindless missions, where his influence controlled her form. The village had been decimated as Berzhal had been searching for a priest that was supposed to help him enter the realm. The Apostles were beyond successful at thwarting Lilirel, subduing her and forcing her back into her human form. The fear she showed had been genuine and that truth had been enough for a single Apostle to step forth and stop the others from delivering a killing blow.

Lilirel was taken to The Abbey, where she trained in the use of various weapons and armours and also in the use of her magical abilities. It didn't take long for others to realize that Lilirel's weakness was how easily she could lose herself, that aspect soon becoming the core of her training. She had to better control her mind and subdue any dangerous urges she felt in order to succeed. She never managed to win that battle. It was as if there was an innate part of her that reveled in the evil chaos imbued within her being, a part of her that was just waiting to be set free and that was something she couldn't allow, despite the spine chilling, satisfying sensations she felt during moments of full release. Lilirel's stubbornness told her that the demonic curse was to blame, she was an Aasimar, a celestial-touched being, one that brought forth good and light, one that fought against darkness and demons, therefore she couldn't genuinely be evil, it was against her blood. And it was this thought process that would send her forth on a mission to destroy Berzhal. She would take advantage of what she was given and use it against him.

Tracking the demon and entering his realm was the biggest challenge, facing him was much easier. It had been a small group of Apostles that had joined her in her personal mission to end this curse. A quest that ended in failure, as Lilirel was the only one to come out of the event. Her personal quest had been built on evil intentions, her revenge had been selfish, and she had murdered four others out of stubborn determination, reveling in the evil she held inside. What had she taken away from this quest? Nothing but scars and more marks to add to her story.

Lilirel had hoped that the death of Berzhal would lead to her freedom from his sinister corruption but it in fact led to the opposite. His evil had become a part of her, strengthening the darkness she held within and proving it by carving more demonic marks into her flesh. His influence over her dissipated upon his death but that small, tiny voice she was barely able to push back had grown louder. Lilirel wasn't sure if training her mental strength would help her situation anymore, but she carried on with trying to build that fortitude regardless.

The Aasimar is still hoping to free herself of this curse, if anything so she could simply have her love back. Being alone in the world is not something she would wish upon anyone. Slowly it seems like she's growing to accept her fate, realizing that just because she holds evil in her core does not necessarily mean that she is indeed evil.

The Exceptions
Mage - You primarily utilize the chaos in your surroundings to create magical effects.
Affinity: Evil

  • Demonic Curse – Due to her demonic curse, Lilirel has immensely enhanced base physical stats (strength, durability, regeneration, e.t.c). Her demonic curse also gives her an alternate form, which makes the already intimidating Aasimar twist and contort into a being of evidently hellish nature. Her curse can be triggered via strong emotions, as a survival mechanism, or if she isn't careful with how much evil she absorbs.

    Her demonic form is a much larger body than that of her own (20'), her necrotic wings fully flesh out, a small secondary set growing right beneath them. She has two large horns that curve backwards which protrude from her forehead, long slick claws and a fanged grin. She grows a tail and also seems to have rocky and seemingly boney protrusions cover the important parts of her nude form.

  • Evil Presence – Lilirel is capable of sensing evil around her and through objects. This ability makes it so she can track the sinister energy visually, painting the sources of evil in a glowing deep purple.

  • Absorb the Chaos – Lilirel can absorb any form of evil from a being, whether that be evil thoughts, energy, intentions, visions, dreams e.t.c. She takes it upon herself, and stores it within, corrupting her being but greatly strengthening her attacks.

  • What the World has Seen– War, famine, death, pestilence, hatred, murder…the entirety of their world has seen evil at some point. The ground that is walked upon, the trees they pass by; those are the silent witnesses to all the world's evil. Lilirel can manipulate that stored energy. She can use it and bend it to her will. Whether that's to recharge herself, or assist with a task, or even to bring forth attacks from the trees and the ground to ensnare, injure or even kill her enemies.
    • Blood Vines – Blood that has been spilled upon the ground feeds and nourishes the crimson tendrils that Lilirel can call upon. She can use these to ensnare opponents or to take in the evil energy buried deep within the earth from times passed. If she focuses enough and is willing to spare more energy and some of her own blood, Lilirel can make the vines puncture and slice through flesh.

  • Wrack with Madness – Lilirel sends forth penetrating sinister whispers, shrill screams of hellish nature and terrifying growls and roars that linger in the opponent's mind, stunning them and overwhelming them with fear. This ability can prove catastrophic against weak-minded enemies.

  • Corruption of Evil – Casting forth a gripping spell of sinister energy Lilirel imbues a target with pure evil, transforming the target into a corrupted minion comprised of their most evil of thoughts or actions. Lilirel can chose to remove the evil energy from her minion and kill them or she can leave the corruption within and stay in control for as long as the evil energy is fed via blood and death.

  • Rending Darkness – Lilirel can cast an attack that is comprised of the evil energy within her to cause physical damage to an enemy.

Lilirel has trained at the Abby with various weapon types, her preference remaining with Claymores and other large two-handed bladed weapons.

She is capable and proficient enough with:
  • Swords & Shields
  • Polearms
  • Whips
Armour: Having fought in and worn heavy armour in the past Lilirel finds it cumbersome and also restricting when it comes to using her necrotic shroud ability. The heavy plates and metal are also dangerous for others around her should she find herself shifting into her demonic form. This experience has brought her to prefer light and medium armours. At the cost of her protection, she finds it worth it to keep others safe.


  • Decoding
  • Hunting
  • Intimidation (unwillingly)
  • Well versed in most magical arts
  • Reading
  • Writing
  • Learning
  • Exploring
  • Elvish— Beginner
  • Common— Fluent
  • Celestial— Fluent
  • Infernal— Fluent

Giles The Mirage - Sand - Inactive- Active - Male - Influence - Mage

The Rp'er
Rp'er Name:
The Last Curse
Posting Time Frame: 2PM-8PM EDT
Posting Frequency: Once a week

The Body
Character's Name:
Giles Meyer (Guy-ills My-ur)
Aliases/Nickname/Titles: Rocky, Mirage
Character Theme: Theme
Age: 30
Sex: Male
Height: 5'9
Weight: 83kg
Race: Human
Personality: Despite his rugged exterior, he strikes up conversations often and doesn't hesitate to make a joke or goof around if necessary.
He often enjoys a nice sip of whiskey here and there, which further makes him an approachable lug. When around younger people, he feels obligated to treat them as if they were his children, seemingly to make up for his past grievances.
Peak: Influence
Valley: Resilience

The History
During one of his drunken nights on the town, Giles managed to find the Golem by The Abbey. Giles, in his state of drunken stupor thought the Automaton was a random person who definitely wanted to hear his stories. And so he laid by Sorod's feet, spouting random tales and rants about the most nonsensical of things. Even if the Golem wasn't listening, it was still nice having someone to talk to.
Link to Abbey:
Giles was sitting in his favorite saloon before some folk he never saw before walked in. Traditionally, he challenged them to a drinking game. If they could finish a whole mug of Giles' "special brew" without fainting, they'd get a tab on him. Long story short, both sides were completely wasted. If they drank anymore of Giles' moonshine their kidneys would surely implode on themselves. Giles called it a draw, and introduced himself. Amongst the conversation, several words like "Apostles" and "The Abbey" were brought up. Sooner or later, Giles found himself living in The Abbey. To this day he still has no clue how he even got there.
Giles' youth was mediocre for a young boy. He played with the local children, went hunting with his father, and practiced his shooting in his free time. Giles would often go outside and watch as ant lion's pulled in insects into their pits, sometimes he would drop a grasshopper in them to see if it could escape, it was a strange hobby of his. As a teenager, Giles spent most of his time tinkering with machinery, mostly guns. He would often modify revolvers to shoot things other than bullets, remove the contents of cartridges and fill them with minerals, or somehow manage to fit a firing mechanism within a glove. His inventions were bizarre but they helped pass the time, so no one gave it any mind. Soon Giles would grow into a young man with a burning passion for adventure. Without any hesitation, he grabbed his gear and left home to find the adventure he felt that was promised to him.

However, the Wastelands had other plans for him. It took his innocence, It showed him the most egregious of things, it put people in his life and immediately took them away. It shaped him. The young man couldn't keep himself from it's beguiling embrace and so he fell into a rabbit hole which would be his life for as long as he is able. It only took a few years in the Wasteland until he realized, He couldn't live like this. He had to escape, one way or another.

The Exceptions:
Affinity: Sand

The Rude Sandstorm:
Seemingly out of nowhere, Giles can generate an excessive amount of sand. He can blow it around to reduce visibility, or use it for his other abilities. When he's done with the sand, Giles can retrieve it. Though he prefers to leave it where it is.

Ant lion's trap: Giles can create a patch of quicksand that makes all who step in it sink. The depth of the sand leaves human sized
entities up to their neck, while larger opponents need much more sand to bury them.

Sand Tomb: Concentrating his sand on one target, Giles can bind an enemy in a solid sandstone structure. The more the person the struggles however, the more willpower needed to keep them trapped.

Dune guard: Using the sand in front of him, Giles can create a small barrier to hide behind. Though resilient to regular attacks, magical, heavy, or explosive attacks easily dispatch it

Desperado's Howl: By concentrating his sand in a small volume of area. Giles can create a medium sized explosions that does sizable damage. This spell takes time to cast, so it's usually used after restraining an enemy.


Through the use of his sly tongue and charismatic approaches. Giles can bargain with merchants to get reduced prices, or if he's lucky, free wares.

Marksmanship: Through years of practice, Giles has great accuracy with his weapons, allowing him to shoot even the most minute of things.

Roadborne: Every Cowboy needs to know how to survive outdoors, Giles is no exception. He knows how to setup a campfire, cook edible food, hunt and skin animals, and where to find water.

En Garde?: Though he carries a fearsome blade, Giles isn't too skilled with swordsmanship. Nonetheless, he can defend him self in close range if need be.


The Dusty Trail:
Giles' trusty revolver that shoots projectiles that lodge into surfaces and burst into sand. Short-ranged but deals good damage to flesh.

Appearance: Appearance
Knell The Death Bell - Death - Alive - Active - Female- Prescience- Mage

The Rp'er
Rp'er Name:
Posting Time Frame: 5 pm - 10 pm EST
Post Frequency: About once every 4 days

The Body
Character Name:
Knell (nel) Eiragold (air-a-gold)
Aliases/Titles/Nicknames: Death's Tolling Bell
Character Theme: N/A
Appearance: https://www.drivethrurpg.com/images/11550/222365.jpg
Age: 22
Sex: Female
Height: 5'3"
Weight: 112 lbs.
Build: Skinny, frail
Race: Fallen Angel
Personality: Knell is a bit of a quiet and observant soul, preferring to watch people talk and note them down than talk herself. While she's rather open with the other Apostles, her heart had shut out the other people of this world, fearing their hatred and anger. She herself has turned a bit numb from her past, not knowing she can feel emotions anymore with only her body reacting. She is a kind soul now, helping those who are in the same situation as her as a street urchin and giving them a good meal and some hope, but before she shielded her heart and was seen as cold. Knell is quite pessimistic and prone to morbid thinking, but honestly her sarcasm isn't too scathing. What people should fear is her power, in her opinion, and she has taken it upon herself to take on this burden of hatred, if only so that others wouldn't suffer the same fate. Let them fear her, she deserves it, and yet her heart cries out all the same...
Peak: Prescience
Valley: Influence

The History
Knell has actually watched Althea and admires her healing abilities. She's a bit jealous too since she's someone who's focused on healing, yet she can only bring death. She's tried to bring herself to really talk to her...but she can only make awkward small talk before leaving in embarrassment.
Link to Abbey: The Abbey took her in despite being a "cursed child." She cherishes their kindness a great deal. Background: Knell never really had a name, it was just a name she took upon herself after her parents abandoned her on the streets at the age of five. She knew of her origins though, an angel and a fallen angel getting together, but the fallen angel genes stuck. Still, while she was sort of grateful for them raising her, she knew she had to make it on her own after a while and thus wandered the streets of a gigantic city. Truth be told, her magic manifested when she was around two, accidentally draining the life of a group of rats she found as her parents were talking to a tavern owner for lodging. Everyone freaked out and her father, the fallen angel, decided to teach her the basics of controlling her power. The times they did went out of control frightened everyone around her, so she figured that was why she was eventually abandoned. As she wandered, her magic grew in power and she took the time to learn how to control it, if only to make the people stop fearing her. The fear never did went away and she was labeled as a cursed child. While her magic protected her from attacks many a time, the hatred and ill will she received hardened her heart to a degree and she refused to open herself up to anyone, just watching the world go by while she grew numb. Eventually, she was taken in by the Apostles when trying to pick their pocket and she ran...but not before stumbling upon some orphans and throwing the bread she had been saving to them. This intrigued the Apostles and once they were able to come to an understanding, took her in.

The Exceptions
Affinity: Death

Drain: Draining living things like plants and animals of their life force to power their spells, the smaller the thing, the faster and more easily to take that life force;

Hexing and Cursing: Casting hexes of various sorts that will curse or "poison" a person Taint: Use the surrounding area of an object and create a magically induced poison on the surface that would slowly spread at her whim. She has to will the touching.

Human Disguise: Able to hide her black wings and maintain a human looking form

Dagger proficiency; bow proficiency; crossbow proficiency; knows elvish, orcish, and angelic, both fallen and non-fallen dialects; runic and arcane understanding; fast reader; fast learner; adept at cleaning such as sweeping, mopping, bussing tables, washing clothes, etc.

Llawr The Easygoing Feline - Territory - Dead - Inactive- Male - Prescience - Mage
  • Rp'er Name: Lore Magus
    Posting Time Frame: 11PM-4AM PST
    Post Frequency: Once every 2-3 days
  • Character Name: Llawr Silpad (pronounced L-oh-r Sill-pad)
    Aliases/Titles/Nicknames: Lo, Sil

    Age: 19 years
    Sex: Male
    Height: 4'11"
    Weight: 95 lbs
    Build: lean and slender
    Race: Cait Sith (pronounced Kay-t See-th)
    A race of subhumans with varying levels of feline features. Different tribes receive different traits, which in turn affects their physiques and capabilities differently. Llawr is from a tribe that developed traits similar to what is now a common domestic cat or bobcat. They are short and lightweight by nature, making them on the agile side, and they have keen senses toward their surroundings, but nothing else is typically extraordinary about them. There are some that call them mere cats derogatorily for being subhuman, but for the most part Llawr's tribe are typically on good terms with humans.

    Personality: People's initial impressions of him tend to differ based on the nature of their meeting. In a casual setting, Llawr is easygoing and cheerful, almost child-like; he is often smiling and trying to befriend anyone that doesn't seem mean to him. When he's in combat or a critical situation, however, his demeanor is completely different. Whenever he senses unavoidable danger he becomes sharp and serious, his warm smiles replaced with a calculating gaze as he scans his surroundings with all of his senses.

    Peak: Prescience - foresight, perception, knowledge, efficiency
    Valley: Resilience - sturdiness, fortitude, lifeforce, protection
  • Connections:
    • Tomoe Shiranui
      • He hasn't met her before, but he's seen her around the Abbey before and is aware of her deeds as much as any other resident of the Abbey. He idolizes her somewhat due to what he's heard.
    • Zayne Yoshimitsu
      • He met the man a few years back, and was one of the first to approach him. He thinks the man gets lonely easily, so he makes it a point to interact with him and make him feel included; he feels ecstatic yet content when the man treats him with affection in return. He has yet to see him in combat, but from the occasions where the man gave him advice during his training period he has no doubt that the man is very capable.
    • Payne Vilewater
      • He hasn't actually heard about him before personally, but he did hear the story of the bog-dwelling creature that had taken so many lives; a story that saddens him. Since he hasn't met the man, however, he has no reason to associate the story to him.
    • Diana Rose
      • Like many residents of the Abbey, he's growth fairly familiar with her. He always enjoys meeting her, and views her as an older sister figure since he never had one.
    • Althea
      • He's never met or even seen her, but he's heard rumors of the Abbot's tiny errand-runner and how she's not to be underestimated.
    • Sorod
      • Like everyone else living at the Abbey, he sees the towering guard on a very regular basis. Anytime he does, he always makes sure to greet him and make a little small talk before moving on.
    Link to Abbey: His tribe allowed him to stay at the Abbey after he was found to have talent in utilizing chaos. Although he would get restless on occasion early on, he has since become accustomed to his new home and upholds his personal take on The Way to the best of his abilities. He believes that the action of enforcing a lifestyle of just morals is an honorable and respectable thing to do, so he tends to think highly of Apostles and the Abbot. Even after proving his own skill and graduating to become an Apostle some time ago he still tends to glorify other Apostles a bit, even if they're barely older or more accomplished than himself.
    Llawr was born to a nomadic tribe of Cait Sith, where he learned many lessons on how to survive. His family always taught him to be kind to others, but they also warned him to be cautious. As he approached his teen years he exhibited unique abilities, and his tribe taught him that his power was to not be taken lightly and that he should learn to use it better and be familiar with it before relying on it heavily. It was around then that they were traveling near the Abbey, so while they stayed there he was tested to find out that he had the mark of the Apostles. After discussing it together, they agreed that Llawr could stay in the Abbey and learn The Way to become an Apostle, despite still being 12 at the time, and from then on he lived a domestic life on his own. It was tricky to adjust at first, but through his lessons and training, as well as making friends of the fellow residents, he eventually adapted. After he graduated from his learning period and became an Apostle he continued to idolize other Apostles and their righteous deeds while mostly accomplishing only smaller tasks himself during his first year or so.
  • Type: Mage - You primarily utilize the chaos in your surroundings to create magical effects.
    Affinity: Territory
    His Affinity grants him the ability to utilize various abilities based on his surrounding environment, typically with 2 different application styles. The efficiency of these effects is determined typically by the quantity of the environmental condition offering the ability that is present in his immediate surroundings, or by it's quality in rare cases. Presently he is only able to apply a single type of ability at a time, and although he can also share the effects with others he can only do so if he has a mutual bond of friendship or camaraderie with them.
    • Blessing of Flora
      • Scaling with the amount of living plant-life in the vicinity, this ability draws Chaos from plants to increase the passive healing capabilities of those affected.
    • Blessing of Terra
      • Scaling with the the amount and density of solid earth or stone in the vicinity, this ability draws Chaos from earth to bolster the physical defense and sturdiness of those affected. Can also affect dexterity of melee strikes for those who choose to use it for that.
    • Blessing of Aqua
      • Scaling with the amount of water and humidity in the vicinity and its purity, this ability draws Chaos from water to reduce water resistance such as wet clothing being weighed down or difficulty moving or swimming through larger bodies of water.
    • Blessing of Venta
      • Scaling with the freedom of wind and airflow in the vicinity, this ability draws Chaos from the air to improve lung capacity and reduce wind resistance for those affected.
    Keen Senses - due to his feline traits, his senses are typically more sensitive than the average human; he can see perfectly in near complete darkness, hear minute sounds within 100 meters of himself, pick up the individual scents each person has that he is familiar with within 50 meters of himself, and taste things more richly than humans. These are primarily when he's focusing however, and come with relative drawbacks; sensitivity towards sudden light from darkness, loud sounds such as explosions, foul odors, and foul tastes or overly hot foods or liquids.

    Intuition - his keen senses interact with his Affinity in a way that allows him to vaguely sense danger or ill-will. Although he can't pinpoint exact locations of people or creatures bearing evil, he can get an idea of a general direction being dangerous, and he can tell if a person in front of him bears negatively charged emotions.

    Agility & Acrobatics - due to his feline traits, he can be quick on his feet. He is also fairly flexible, and retains the ability to spin in the air mid-fall in order to land on his feet or on all fours.

    Communication - he only knows the common tongue when speaking to humans and the like, but he also inherently understands the word of animals due to his race as a Cait Sith.

    Survival - due to growing up in a nomadic tribe for two thirds of his life so far, he is familiar with skills such as hunting, fishing, and water gathering, although he is a bit rusty from lack of practice. Since living alone in the Abbey he has become proficient in everyday chores such as cooking, laundry, and mess management.

    Melee - he's moderately versed with short daggers, and alternates between standard grip and reverse grip. He usually wields two daggers together, and also wears leather armor underneath his combat attire.
Sorenthath The Frost Wolf - Ice - Alive - Inactive- Female - Influence - Channeler

The Rp'er
Rp'er Name:
Posting Time Frame: 12pm to 5pm Mountain Standard Time. However, it's more apt to say "whenever" some days.
Post Frequency: Once a day, maybe more depending on speed of RP.

The Body
Character Name:

Sorenthath (So Ren Thath)

Ren, Frost Wolf, Feral Child
Character Theme:

Short white hair and fangs. Red slitted eyes that glow when enraged.
When powers are active, thick, patterned frost creeps up right side of face. The mask opens and shuts, and glows when her eyes do, it seems to be something that can channel her Chaos.

Age: 26
Sex: Female
Height: 5'8"
Weight: 150 lbs
Build: Lithe, under her clothing is well built but easily hidden by her thick coats and cloaks.
Race: Human but raised as a Snow Woman
Once human, these creatures are what happens when Chaos mixes with snow. Some snow "women" are misshapen or look less than human, sometimes not even being humanoid at all. Most have a short lifespan in warm climates, and can live forever in somewhere permanently snowy.
Snow Women frequently kill those who come into their territory, and are sometimes just feral monsters. However, it is said when a Snowman and Chaos mix, the shape enables the monster to become sapient.

A child, cold and somewhat aloof. Ren never really grew up around real people, and always assumed that she was a monster. So she tries to keep her distance to not scare anyone. However, she frequently tries to carry bits of food for people to take. Ren doesn't know human customs well, and tries to get along with people. Her idioms are frequently wrong, and her grasp of human emotions are poor, but she still tries. She's also afraid of fire and warmth, thinking she might melt if she gets too close.

Influence- might, power, coercion, force
Prescience - foresight, perception, knowledge, efficiency
The History
(list a specific connection you have with another character and who the character is. This may be filled in later if you are the first character created)

Link to Abbey:
The Abbey found her alone in a tundra and took her in. They saw a small mound of snow next to where she had been sitting. Wolfe would have wanted her to survive, so she accepted the offer to stay at the Abbey.
At first she had been staying there out of duty and survival, but after seeing that she wasn't openly shunned from the group at large, she started to try and connect to more Apostles and soon grew connected to them, even if they don't feel the same way. Plus, she encounters plenty of unfortunate children like herself, and frequently brings them back to keep them safe, like the Apostle who saved her. Most people are afraid to harm the children Ren takes with her, as Ren can be extremely protective of them.

Ren had no name before. The village nearby left her to her own devices, and if she had a parent, Ren never knew them. At the age of three, strangers barely allowed her to scrape by. However, it was an unlucky day when a noble came by and she begged for food from him. He decided that she'd be allowed to ride in the carriage, until he was so deep in the nearby frozen forest that no one could find their way back out on foot before they froze to death. He threw her out into the snow and left her ragged form to die.
Of course, she did, in a way. A passing Snow Woman known as Wolfe found her half dead. Instead of killing the child, it saved it and tried to warm it up. Since it was made of snow, the child froze to death, but Ren was revived by the Chaos from Wolfe and survived with red eyes and control over ice.
Ren was named by Wolfe and the two of them became a terror to the village, stealing food or freezing wayward adventurers those days passed quickly by. Eventually, a warm season forced Ren to steal more food and without additional protection. As things drew out, Wolfe became weaker and Ren more desperate to save her ailing friend. A passing Apostle followed her home, where Wolfe had seemingly passed away and crumbled back into snow.
The Apostle saw Ren's potential and took her back to the Abbey. At first, Ren was antisocial and rarely talked to others, but over time she started to actually take an interest in the day to day activities of the various people at the Abbey. No one called her worthless or wanted to abandon her, like Wolfe. So she started taking unused food from the kitchen to give the scraps to people who 'looked hungry'.

The Exceptions

Channeler - She and Wolfe are now one being, though she only benefits from Wolfe's Chaos


Ice Claws- Ren forms ice around her fingers and sharpens them to a deadly point. She can freely manipulate them to become longer or shorter.

Ice Shield- Ren creates a small block of ice on her arm and used it as a shield.

Ice Spikes- Ren creates a small field of deadly Ice Spikes under her enemy. The spikes can be so cold that instant frostbite happens.

Ice Wolf- Ren covers herself in Ice Spikes and charges the enemy.

Cold Resistance - Ren rarely feels cold. While she wears bulky clothing, it's less out of necessity than for the sake of extra pockets.

Daggers- While she used them when she was younger, the Abbey taught her how to use them for things other than just skinning or waving at people.

Light Armor- Ren likes being able to move over armor. She wears ratty light armor under her coats, and has been known to drop her cost at a moment's notice.

Survival- Wolfe taught her the basics of surviving in her own. She tends to never shirk the chance to show off her skills. Doesn't get why people need a fire, though.

Common- fluent, but frequently makes no sense when using it.
Jeremiah The Siren - Siren - Alive - Inactive - Male - Influence - Warrior

The Rp'er
Rp'er Name: Slifer
Posting Time Frame: 9pm- 11pm est
Post Frequency: once a week/(2x a month if shit's happening because I'm in nursing school atm)

The Body
Character Name: Jeremiah Blake
: Nickname: Jer, Jeremy Alias: Siren
Character Theme: Theme
Appearence: Appearance 1
Appearance 2

Age: 20
Sex: Male
Height: 5'10
Weight: 140lbs
He has a muscular but thin build, as he looks like a swimmer, both in siren form and in human form.
Race: Merfolk- aka a siren
Personality: He's a polite and kind but reserved person. He's hiding a lot of feelings and thoughts, and can be just a hint of an airhead but that's usually when he converses with his predator.
Influence- might, power, coercion, force
Prescience - foresight, perception, knowledge, efficiency

The History
Connection: He has a connection to Payne, finding himself to be quite similar to the humanoid. Sometimes they swim together.
Link to Abbey:
He came to the Abbey and prayed for the first time in his life, hoping for any deity to take pity on him because he had nothing. The Abbot found him like this, and in a moment that would change his life, Jer admitted to the Abbot what he had done and asked for help. The Abbott cared for him and gave him his new name- Jeremiah Blake, a debt that Jeremiah could never hope to repay.
Background: Jer was born to his particular pod of sirens found in the waters close to the Abbey. He found joy with joining his brethren in killing and feasting on humans or whomever crossed their path. The sirens are a savage bunch- even to each other- and on a fateful day years ago, training went too far, resulting in his pride and joy being killed- his younger brother Lix was killed during training, and that was written off as a weakness. That was something he could not take, and though they tried to stop him- he left the waters and headed for land, not knowing much about the outside world. His voice attracted many people, and soon he found work as a singer for a seedy bar, but was fired due to people coming onto him and him reacting badly to that- especially since he was not attracted to them. It had also been difficult as he still had his predator to deal with- what he called the more siren part of himself that craved human flesh and loved to kill to eat- his more base Siren instincts.

The Exceptions
Type: Warrior
-His best ability is his Siren song- when he puts chaos into his voice, he can bend people to his will using his voice- making them come towards him and do his bidding. He can take over a roomful of people easily, but a whole army will knock his voice out for at the very least a day.
-As a defense mechanism, the merfolk developed water controlling powers : ie
~Breath of Ice- rapidly able to freeze water by blowing and extending power towards water.
~Phase Change- able to change between multiple states of water quickly during battle
~Ice Spear-Able to freeze water into spears that can be sent towards others
~Water Knife- able to use water to slice through metal, wood and stone
~Water Manipulation- general ability to move water around
~Water Whip- able to create a sort of whip out of water that can be used to attack others

~Wave- able to create a wave of water of various sizes

-He can shapeshift from his human form to his merfolk form and back, although this becomes incredibly difficult when he's submerged in water as he will desperately want to stay in siren form.

Skills: he's an excellent singer, and he knows how to fish even without his magic. He also knows how to cook and clean due to learning these skills from the Abbott. He can also swim extremely well in both human and siren forms. He can also read and write as well as do some hand-to hand combat and use of weapons like knives and spears.

Languages: Common, Merfolk
Estella The Star Child - Light - Alive - Inactive- Female- Prescience- Mage

The Rp'er
Rp'er Name: DangoYumi
Posting Time Frame and Post Frequency: Typically tries to post at least once a day, if not at least three times a week. Timezone is GMT+8

The Body
Character Name: Estella
: The star child, Stella
Character Theme: Theme]
Appearence: Appearance
Age: 20
Height: 4'8
Weight: 99lbs
Build: Toned
Race: Human
Personality: Stella is a very curious soul, always brightening up her surroundings with her warm personality. She is also very playful and can be often seen running around and playing pranks on unsuspecting victims.
Peak: (choose one category your character excels in the most-
Prescience - foresight, perception, knowledge, efficiency
Valley: (choose one category your character least capable with-
Resilience - sturdiness, fortitude, lifeforce, protection

The History
(list a specific connection you have with another character and who the character is. This may be filled in later if you are the first character created)
Link to Abbey: Stella had found out about the Abbey from her father and decided that she would join in on the fun. Now she calls the Abbey her second home and will sacrifice anything to protect them.
Background: Stella was born in a small village town, her father a paladin and her mother a mage. Her father would travel around the world on quests and every time he came back he would tell the stories to Stella. Her mother was the one who took care of her when her father was away and she taught Stella the basics of magic.

The Exceptions
Mage - You primarily utilize the chaos in your surroundings to create magical effects.
Affinity: Light
Light shield: Stella creates a shield made of light that she uses to block incoming projectiles
Light bow: Stella forms a bow that she uses for attacks, where she fires bolts of light.
Light dome: A bigger version of the light shield, Stella creates a protective dome around her, blocking any incoming projectiles even from above.
Blinding light: Stella forms a light orb in her hand that when tossed, explodes and blinds any enemies in the vicinity of it.
Skills: Basic cooking, basic healing, common language
Weapons: Stella doesn't have any weapons that she carries, other than a small pocket knife just in case. All other weapons that she uses are ones that she forms with her magic.

Helio The Mistress of Thunder - Lightning - Alive - Inactive - Female- Influence - Mage

The Rp'er
Rp'er Name: Miora
Posting Time Frame: UTC 1-9PM
Post Frequency: 4-8 times a week

Character Name: Helio Val'akna
Aliases/Titles/Nicknames: The Harbringer, Mistress of Thunder, Storm Chaser, The Lost Sailor, Captain Val'akna

Character Theme:

The Body
Sex: Female
Height: 5'9
Weight: 9st 6lb
Build: Athletic
Race: Human

Personality: As her memories were erased, her personality was taken with it. But as she became a new woman. Much of her old self returned. To many that meet her first will notice two things. Her confidence that is borderline a God complex, and her blunt words. Those that know her realise where they stand in her eyes. She is opinionated, and sometimes callous, to the point of cruelty but her charm stems from a wicked sense of humor. But sometimes an immature one. To some she is charming but those that have scorned her quickly realise her vindictive nature born from a wounded pride is easily tempted to the surface. She does not hold grudges for long, as that would require effort on her side to care enough for those that have demanded her attention.

Peak: Influence- might, power, coercion, force
Valley: Resilience - sturdiness, fortitude, life force, protection

The History

Open to connections

Link to Abbey: At the age of 24 she was taken to the abbey in a short enchanted sleep as the memories slowly poured from her mind. The sister of Grendal, a hooded figure spoke with the Abbot in Helio's place. Explaining her situation. The former Captain was to remain at the Abbey to begin a new life. She knew only her name, and the knowledge of her powers. Her time spent in the abbey began slowly, advancing her abilities and soon to take on solo missions once confidence had returned to the ruthless Captain.

Val'akna Name Origins

The origins of Val'akna is from the first sailor that set up port, on the unmarked islands of the south. The brothel was called Val'akna, a term used for heavy storms and a sailors warning to other captains. All children born of prostitutes are given this name, marking them as property of the brothel.


Hand of Poverty

At her birth the child was only a peasant, one of eight children. Her family were marauders, they sailed the ocean and targeted merchants. They had only one boat but with a solid crew of 50 men. The children were left with the women at a fishing port. Many of the children were the offspring of prostitutes or fishwives. Helio was a prostitute's daughter, one of eight. The children would be expected to help clean the brothel but thrown out at night. As a new born she was given to a midwife of the brothel that cared for all infants. A total of 40 babies. As an infant she learned to remain quiet or she would be disciplined or ignored.

As she reached the age of eight, she like the other children were pickpockets and troublemakers. But they always returned home in the morning, eat and work. The matron would always take their wages and use it for food or herself. Any coin they stole was kept a secret from matron and used for their individual gains. Helio was not the best pickpocket but she enjoyed the thrill of the challenge and would always pick the hardest target. The sailors in particular were her main enjoyment. Her mother that she saw only twice a week, would catch her stealing from the patrons of the brothel as they left. She would be heavily disciplined, but it was the only time her mother showed interest.

But among her siblings she always protected the youngest. As her mother grew older, she worked less. The family became homeless. And with a new baby, Helio was forced to take care of the infant. But she was a child herself, and two weeks later the baby had died from starvation and sickness. Helio had tried to care for the baby but soon buried it in an unmarked grave. Her mother never named the infant, so no name was placed. The experience changed her. In the worst possible way.

Born of Blood, Risen from Ash

In her teenage years she befriended Captain Artois, she voyaged with him for sometime until she became his Quartermaster and gain the loyalty of the crew. The ship targeted merchants, and raided small fish villages. Her ability was underdeveloped as she never trained, it was merely to use when under attack or to escape as no one dared to follow through the storm. The Captain believed the gods were on his side. As many others came to believe. But besides her quartermaster duties. Helio had another job she was employed to find information on possible targets. Helio would investigate routes of merchant ships and detail traffic across the sea from various ports before sending a raven to the Captain of her information.

How she would acquire most information was through unsolicited means. The pleasures of the flesh. She had several lovers, men and women alike. But commitment was never an option. She had no interest in such things. She only used others for her desires, her needs.

It was much the same when she was 18 years old and in her 2 year term as Quartermaster. When they were routinely tracking a merchant ship, another vessel came from the side and began to attack. She conjured no storm and they were boarded. Most of the crew were killed, and she was taken hostage besides the Captain. A bounty was placed on his head, and that of his crew, but they were not looking for the Artois's reward. The Captain of the other vessel was once a merchant that they left to die in the ocean after they killed his son, and innocent men.

Traitors Among Us

Unknowing to the crew, Helio had made a deal with the merchant to take over as Captain and share in the profits. They would sail together, and she would offer protection across the sea but still remain a marauder. The storm that was to protect them, was adjusted allowing the other ships men to board. To honor their deal Helio picked out the loyal members of the crew and sent them to the depths with their Captain.

Their method of death was to send the men down to the water in a cage. The water would be red from the blood of two men to lure sharks. They waited several days and watched as the men would drown or be taken by the sharks. Captain Helio honored her deal, and recruited men from land that she knew and trusted. The other Captain gave her new information when they would meet on possible merchant ships. But they changed their routine to avoid suspicion. It was all part of the plan.

The Hag of Wailing Rocks

Helio had been sailing successfully for a number of years. Her partnership with the corrupt merchant bared much fruit, her profits raised and her crew enjoyed the luxuries of the land. But she held great responsibility. The merchant had told her of a sea witch. But her location was unknown. She attacked random sea vessels. But she was commanded to kill the sea witch and discover her location. The merchant told her that the sea witch held great chaos magic. Anyone else would have declined however Helio's confidence in her ability blinded her from the truth. Her pride was her undoing. As she searched for many months she came across a backwater village. One night In the tavern a young man whispered tales of the sea witch and spoke of the wailing rocks. A place greatly desired as it held a natural allure for evil.

He also whispered to her of the ultimate gift. Immortality. The sea witch was given immortality, but not what she expected. She would never die, but she never asked for eternal beauty. They say the gods themselves took pleasure in their gift. If it was the gods that gave the gift. But now she lived alone, protected by the wailing rocks. In the Captain's eyes it was a great opportunity. The crew of Helio set sail for the wailing rocks and were greeted by the hag once they had arrived. Sneaking inside like rats finding their meal. The Hag described them as such.

The crew had fought past the sea witches creatures, frenzied slaves under the hags control. But on their meeting she turned the remaining crew to swine, and forced their Captain to watch as she, and her pets consumed their flesh. Once men now simple pigs, warm and fat. Helio attempted to summon her magic but soon joined the men, as she was transformed. For many weeks she watched as the hag slowly consumed her crew. At one point she had been forced to join her. But the hag claimed her for the slaughter, when suddenly Helio morphed into an eagle and clawed the hags face. But in her escape she had been wounded, her back torn from the talon claws of the conjurer. Helio did then drift to the shore before she slipped into an unnatural warmth.

The Sister of Grendal

In the wake of the new morning Helio had awakened. She was saved by the sister of Grendal. The sea witch. The sister of Grendal, a hooded figure. Pitied the human and scorned her sisters cruelty. But In exchange for this gift of life. The sister offered a new beginning, to better understand how her ambition and greed had nearly cost her life. The sister saw goodness inside the Captain. And should the Captain return one day, she would give her back the memories she had taken, but only if she had become the person she was meant to be. Helio had no choice but to agree, once confronted by her past. The sister of Grendal removed her memories. She sent her to the Abbey to train, and seek a new life. To help others, and become the woman she was meant to be.

The Exceptions
Type: Mage
Affinity: Lightning

Powers: [Her powers are highly unpredictable when within her area of effect. She has a high level of friendly fire, it is advised for distance]

As to her name. She is able to conjure thunderstorms. The lightning would strike the ground every 3-6 times per minute in a random pattern within a designated area. The lightning strikes are controlled whilst she is within the storm cloud. As the area becomes distorted, with rain and flashes of lightning that does not hinder Helio it merely emboldens her actions.

Bolts of Lightning: The ability of form lighting is no simple task. To fully create a stable bolt of lighting, as if it were an arrow or javelin. The air must be charged by the thunderstorm. She must actively catch the strikes to the ground to form the bolts of lightning.The bolt of lightning will be limited to two forms of lethality. 1. to incapacitate. 2. Fatal but the second is harder to control and takes two lightning strikes to form fully.

Thunderstruck: The ability to travel between flashes of lighting that strike the ground. She may follow the current of the storm. Whilst she travels inside the clouds and strikes the ground in a lightning streak. In a small area around her, she ejects a concussive force, disorientating or stunning those susceptible to her ability. Without the storm she is limited in travel distance.

Storm Surfing: The ability to transport others across large distances of terrain. The storm carries the passengers within the cloud and transports them to the ground in lightning strikes. When transporting others, Helio remains in the center of the storm directing it to their location. But she is unable to defend herself or attack when in this state. Weight also played apart in those she transported. Besides it is costly to fly, she may only do so for a short duration depending on whom is being transported. It various on four factors: Weight, Passengers, Speed, Duration.

Lightning Rod: Helio absorbs the strikes of lightning, in this state the storm follows her path striking in an area around her as her body becomes charged; storing the electric current to prepare for close combat or to store for a later confrontation [She may hide the storage of energy, but she has yet to master that technique]. The sparks of clear blue flash across her body and set her eyes ablaze. A spark across a blade or to create additional force behind a blow to the body. It depletes quickly, but will remain as a slight crackle on her skin after the fight has ended. [Helio has yet to fully master this technique]

Superhuman Reflexes: Within the storm the air becomes charged as does her reflexes, her body reacts to the atmosphere. Increased speed, as if she, herself were one with the storm. Augmenting her reflexes temporarily to superhuman standards.

Weather Perception: Helio detects the change in weather patterns, when it is going to rain or a sudden storm is going to begin. It has a range of 10 miles.


Lightning Bolts:
Conjured during the storm as her main offensive. She is primarily ranged, but is capable of close combat.

Metal Staff: the staff folds into three pieces and fuses together when she uses her power. It acts as a powerful conduct to better control her powers as she is still mastering her abilities. [Secondary]

Swordsmanship: An alternative to her staff but she only used this during her time as a sailor. [Her body remembers the motions, the techniques but her mind does not. She is unaware of this skill hidden in lost memories]

Preferences: Leather [Primary]

Leatherwork[Prestige] Helio makes leather for herself and others, but she keeps the quality leather for her pieces of armour. Unless she is paid.

Tools: Lockpicking equipment, Tanning knife, Skinning Knife.

Languages: Common and Elvish.
Morwen The Dark Elf - Shadows - Alive - Inactive - Female- Prescience - Warrior

The Rp'er
Rp'er Name: CorrosiveBlood
Posting Time Frame: Evenings after 8pm and weekends after 10am. .
Post Frequency: Between 1 and 3 times a day.


The Body
Character Name: Morwen (More-when) Estel (Es - Tel)
Aliases/Titles/Nicknames: Butterfly.
Character Theme: Rust by Rimon.
Appearance: Morwen has long, flowing white hair that stops just below her buttox and a very dark purple skin color with long pointed ears. Her body is littered with scars of her past life, her most noticeable scar starting from a few centimeters above her eyebrow to midway down her cheek through the center of her right eye. She has a tall and lean athletic body type and is well defined in terms of muscles.
Age: Morwen is just reaching her 80th year of life. As a Dark Elf, she does not celebrate birthdays.
Sex: Female.
Height: 5'9"
Weight: 165lb
Build: Lean and athletic.
Race: Dark Elf/Drow/Dökkálfar
Personality: First impressions with Morwen can make her seem a little bit stand-offish. She doesn't entertain any kind of sarcasm or humor and can be a little bit rude with how straight-forward she can be.
Peak: Prescience.
Valley: Resilience

The History
Connection: Her main connection to the Abbey would be Lilirel who carried her there when she was little.
Link to Abbey: Morwen grew up in a small underground town inhabited by Dark Elves and many other shady creatures of the night. At the young age of 12, her parents who were in a position of power at the time were assassinated and she was left alone to die with over 100 cuts all over her body and one large gash over her right eye. This trauma activated the chaos within her and almost corrupted her, however, there was a will for her to survive and her powers activated and she spent days in a shadow-like form that protected the state of her outer body while she was in comatose. Much to her luck, a traveller came across her shadow-like body and out of the kindness of their heart picked up the young, beaten Dark Elf and brought her with them on their travels to the Abbey.
Background: Morwen's parents cared little for her, she could tell that much as a child growing up. They were harsh and strict and often times emotionally unavailable as are most Dark Elves. Despite that, she still found a safety net with them because they were well protected and Morwens mother was educating her on the Dark Elf politics so she could take over their place if they happened to be killed. Isolated from most of the world in the underground town, Morwen learned quickly that it was fend for yourself. She knew nothing else until her parents were brutally murdered and she was taken to the Abbey by a traveller.
Since she didn't know anything other than the darkness and cruelty surrounding her races cultures, she was never able to get used to the sense of community and love that the outside world brought. As a child she struggled with doing things in good faith and being kind to others, she was often caught stealing from people in the Abbey, causing mayhem during her training to be an apostle and much more. As she got older, her attitude changed and she became more sophisticated and put together.
As her training progressed, she found an interest in herbalism and the study of poisons. With her focuses on that and her training, she became a hard worker and a committed apostle.

The Exceptions
Type: Warrior.
Affinity: Shadows.
Darkness Infusion: Empower and energize anything touched or used (usually a weapon) with darkness/shadow.
Darkness Slash: Release darkness/shadow when slashing any type of blade. Goes hand in hand with Darkness Infusion.
Darkness Mimicry: User is made up of or can transform their body completely into darkness/shadows. Users' transformed form is anatomically identical to their normal form, aside of being made of darkness/shadows, in which case, it contains all organs and is somewhat vulnerable to attacks. The user can assume a two-dimensional form, extend outward to become a larger shadow, blend into the darkness/shadows completely, or even teleport through them.
Skills: Morwen has mastered the art of using a short, quick blade. She is quick-witted in battle and is an agile fighter. She is a master of poisons and herbs and often utilise them in battle and in health. Morwen can speak fluent in her native Dark Elf tongue.

Valeria The Abyssal Warrior - Spirit- Dead- Inactive - Female- Resilience- Channeler

The Rp'er
Rp'er Name: Agonite
Posting Time Frame: Anytime
Post Frequency: Weekly, Sat-Sun daily

The Body
Character Name:

Keeper of the Dead
Valeria The Abolished
The Unchained
The Abyssal Warrior
The Ebonblade

Character Theme:

Theme Music


[Human Form]

King of Castille [Amadeus Domitus] The Barbarian King of Castille

Age: 100 [Human years she appears 38]
Sex: Female
Height: 5'7
Weight: 127 lbs
Build: Toned

Race: Okra

The Okra, also known as the children of the creator. How they came to be is a long held secret of every Okra. It is forbidden to discuss their creation. To mortals they are spirits. Formless entities that guarded the realm of the creator. A being of celestial power. In his realm the Okra were his children. In death they served him. Some call them slaves. Others call them guardians. The war is a testament to the latter. In the creator's domain the flow of chaos was strong. At the gates his children fought. For centuries they pushed back the forces until the creator was betrayed by one of his children. The Betrayer has no name. In a final act to preserve not only his domain but the connected realms. He sacrificed his physical form. All that remains is the shadow of his throne and his children. The Okra scattered to other realms. Some entered the mortal, others disappeared. In the mortal realm. The Okra survive on the bodies of the dead. They inhabit the recently deceased. The younger the body, the higher the chance of success. They inhabit all forms of life. Human,dwarf, elf. Male or female. The Okra have no identity. They merely are. The characteristics of the Okra. Are as follows. In their true self. They are formless, they do not speak, they have no mouths, they are pure life-force. To see an Okra in their true form, is to see nothing but life-force in its purest essence. They are capable of taking on any form in the creators domain.

Personality: Righteous, Pious, Dutiful. She remains calm in in the face of overwhelming odds, unnervingly so. In the face of adversity she remained calculating. Her attitude towards death is a clear correlation of this. As an Okra death means nothing. But she is not without her quirks. As some may notice, she enjoys reading, and cooking. Sometimes a peaceful moment of fishing. She has a fondness for human things. Her fondness extends to all mortals. On the other hand, a malignant spirit takes control occasionally. Only one has witnessed her wrath, and that is the abbot. Retribution holds no feeling of kindness.

Peak: Resilience
Valley: Prescience

The History

In the Abbey many would know her for spending unnecessary amounts of time in the kitchen. She would sometimes train members of the Abbey in specialized techniques of the Okra, and weaponry. The older members of the way. And possibly those that once participated in the battle against a fellow brethren. When a member of the Okra attacked the Abbey, he had been corrupted by chaos and lost his mind. That was 70 years ago.

Link to Abbey: A severed connection to the Creator as the powers binding the remaining Okra to their masters realm faded. An Okra had lost his way, driven mad he perceived the Abbey as a threat. In his madness he summoned spirits to attack the Abbey. Valeria had sensed his fall and followed him. She contained her brethren and took him back to the realm of Okra. On her return she learned of the Abbot and his teachings. She remained thereafter, fiercely loyal to the Abbot. One master traded for another.

Background: At the end of the war the Okra became scattered. Some remain in the realm of their creator. Others faded into other planes. Valeria choose the mortal realm. Outside of her masters domain, the mortal realm held no interest. But as the time to leave her sanctuary, came to pass. She descended to a mortal form. Her first choice was not successful. Inexperience in possessing a body was problematic. She chose a recently deceased woman to be buried. As she awoke men were ransacking the graves. In that area many of the dead were buried with valuables to be taken with them to the afterlife. When they saw her; the grave-robbers thought her to be of the undead, and struck her with their tools. The body died, and she found another. Human life was abnormal, she began to adjust after wandering for ten years. Valeria sensed her Brethren. The chosen few that followed her to the mortal realm had begun to change. Without the ties to the creator. They had slowly gone mad. In her effort to return them back to their original state. She sought out the other Okra. One by one she sent them back to their masters domain.

Additional history: A journey south brought her to a battlefield. Creatures of Chaos had destroyed an army of men. And as she waded through the dead. One man remained standing. The King of Castille. He refused death. Soldiers of chaos surrounded the king. Only the dying can see her true form. On her approach he saw only the spirit. She intervened and slayed the remaining few. The horde had continued on. At the end little words were exchanged as his body failed, reducing him to his knee's. As she turned to leave. He commanded Valeria to take him with her. For In his hatred of chaos, he choose an eternity of war.

The Exceptions
Type: Channeler
Affinity: Spirit


Rune Mastery [Activated Support/Offensive Ability]

'The language of the creator. It is sacred to the Okra'

To the Okra runic mastery was their main source of power. It was used for communication in long distance. To perform various feats in battle. Enhancing one's protection and utilizing the creator's power optimally. It was developed from the Okra language. The language of their creator. Valeria tested many forms of rune mastery. Discovering what worked within the mortal realm. Not all rune's would activate due to the nature of their requirements and the power required that is no longer freely taken from the creator. Many rune's are new, she has worked on them for centuries perfecting the art of rune mastery.

Dhuthvir - Communication

A mark of a circle within an all seeing eye. The Dhuthvir was the first rune every Okra is taught. it is the most basic. The rune allows communication across vast distances. The mark is engraved on material and non-material areas. For it to remain stationary in the air requires greater usage of power reducing the message. On material such as stone, tree's, paper etc it retains all of its capabilities. The message can be in two forms. Visual or verbal. The visual Dhutvir records what the Okra see's but from third-person view. The verbal appears as words and sometimes will be spoken as if the voice of the Okra was recorded.

Lrepa - Push

A mark of a slanted wave. The Lrepa is a push ability. This is an advanced rune. One that requires focus, and inner strength. The rune allows for the Okra to concentrate the creator's power and violent throws a physical being five strides from the Okra. It can be used defensively or offensively. Defensively it deflects arrows, maintains a firm hold on a physical blow as the strength of the Lrepa pushes against the opposing force. Offensively a mark of slanted wave lifts in the air and enlarges. The concentration plants her feet deep in the ground, and takes a breath as her full body goes into motion. The act is known to break bone as the crushing force sends earth, rock, soil, tree's and physical vessels launched backwards in a violent push.

Prepa - Pull

A mark of interlocking iron. The Prepa is a pull ability. A basic rune taught to all Okra. This requires little focus. And power. From the mark of the rune placed upon a surface it pulls any that come within its boundary towards the center holding them in place. Once they reach the center it would slowly crush them. The mark can be fought against by the strongest of beings. Instead of pulling them they would be slowed in their actions; if they were on the edge or near the center it would determine the full effect of the ability. Defensively it can be used to propel the Okra towards a point if they cannot reach it. They have little control of the landing as their body becomes weightless and they are thrown to the center.

Dothvir - Body Possession

A mark of a misshapen hand. The Possession ability. The rune created after the war. The Okra use this as they mark the body they have possessed. After they exit the vessel the mark remains. On this mark no other spirit or entity can enter their body or attempt to possess it. It is a mark of ownership as if one were to own land. It is a defense against mind control abilities and possession. In terms of allies the mark may be placed on their body to grant the same immunity. But only for a short time as it is a taxing ability to gift to others. It is a risky gift. The Dothvir rune connects the individual to the creator's life-force. Some cannot withstand the sheer power behind it. Immunity becomes a greater weakness. Only the mentally strong may hold Dothvir.

Hoethvir - Protection

A mark of a three strike edge. The Protection ability. An advanced rune designed to enhance natural resistances. The Okra used many protection rune's but none worked in the mortal realm. Hoethvir was designed to strengthen the physical body at the same time weakened it. Several runes appear across the soft flesh of the human vessel. Veins become hollow, nerves cease to exist, blood loss is slowed. All pain, injuries and damage to the body does not weaken the vessel. Instead the Okra stands tall, moving forward with clarity. The pain is suppressed for a time. Allowing her to continue the fight. At the end of the rune's life cycle. All injuries return.

Blotvir - Sacrifice

A mark of a reversed U. The Sacrifice ability. The greatest of her runes. Its designed embodies the principles of the Okra. In the creator's domain. This rune was used during battle to invigorate the Okra. One would sacrifice their being to allow others to continue on in the fight. The rune would appear on the body or beneath the feet of the individual where they would be granted a brief immunity to wounds, and increased energy as they would be capable of drawing a minimal amount of life-force of the creator. In return the tether that binds Valeria to the chosen few; transfers any, and all wounds that are afflicted during the time the rune is activated. At this time she would rely on the champion of the Okra to defend her as she sustains injury. This rune would cost most of her energy.

Champion of the Okra [Summoning Ability]

'I will fight for you spirit'

King Castille, a fierce warrior and loyal champion of the Okra. For nearly 50 years he has served Valeria. The pair grew to be as close as family. Like a father cares for a daughter. In his service Valeria will only be able to summon him in two circumstances. To fight against chaos. Or to defend Valeria against certain death. He is a man of unyielding will. If he is summoned he may reject it if he deems the situation does not require his interference. He is capable of summoning himself by sheer will. Once a king, he will always remain so.

His proficiency is the 2h Axe and the short sword/round shield. His abilities are connected to his heritage. A barbarian wields immense strength, and durability.

  • Barbarian strength. As a human he was considered the great in strength. Now as a servant of the Okra his strength is increased. For a time he can wield the 2h Axe as if it were light as a feather.
  • Protection of the King. His spectral cloak may be removed and placed around the shoulders of a mortal. It briefly creates a protective barrier against the elements and harm.
  • Hatred of chaos. In the presence of chaos he will project an aura of hatred. Increasing his presence on the battlefield and turning the attention of creatures of chaos towards him and the Okra.
  • Champion of the Okra. To sustain his presence for longer he is able to take energy from his master at will. In return he shares some of his strength. Empowering both master and champion.
  • The Barbarian King. In the presence of allies he may draw strength from Valeria and empowers those closest to him with increased toughness. Their skin becomes toughened and their will to fight boosted.

Falhofnir [Movement/Summoning Ability]

'A loyal companion. In battle he becomes my brother.'

Falhofnir the steed of the Okra. In the creators domain all Okra were given loyal companions to ride into battle. Falhofnir is one such war-horse. In his entrance to the mortal realm. Valeria released him from her service. In the moors he roamed. But his loyalty to the Okra drew him back. In times of great need he appears once again. Falhofnir can be mounted by other companions but only at his masters command. His mane is ghostly white, his skeleton is transparent through the pure white spectral flesh of his body. His stride is faster than that of any mortal horse. He like any spirit will glide over water.

Voices of the Dead [Passive Ability]

In the fields of battle or the tombs of kings. Valeria will hear the voices of the fallen. In this hearing she may converse with the dead. In her ability she has used it to sooth those that have regrets. In others she speaks to the dead for information. A murder victim. A fallen soldier. All of which she speaks to but only if they have recently died. The long since deceased are difficult to hear as if their voices were a distant whisper.


The Okra - Mortal Realm

The mortal realm weakens the Okra. Their connection to the creator is not as strong. What feats they, the Okra achieve is subject to how quickly their physical form decay's. For Valeria she retained enough power to perform feats of great strength allowing her capable in battle. Great feats of speed, her reaction time is x2 higher than a human's and her running speed is akin to a lioness in full stride. Once every 15 years she must change her physical form or she would die.

Weapon proficiency: Longsword/Axe/Spear
Armour proficiency: Padded Leather/Plate
Spoken languages: Okra/Common
Additional Proficiency: Blacksmith/Cooking

Labra The Sleeper - Moon - Alive - Active - Female - Prescience - Mage

The Rp'er
Rp'er Name: DrabiaTheKiller
Posting Time Frame: Whenever I can (eastern time frame)
Post Frequency: Usually at least every other day or whenever I can.

The Body
Character Name: Labra (Lah-bruh)
Aliases/Titles/Nicknames: Day Sleeper, The One Left Behind, Small One, Lone Imp
Appearance: Appearance Labra also has pointed ears that are hidden in the hood that you can't see.
Age: 27
Sex: Female
Height: 2'6''
Weight: Between 5 and 6 pounds. (Varies with whatever she eats or drinks)
Build: Lean
Race: Moon Imp. This race are usually small creatures that roam in groups called Swarms. Other races usually mistake these small creatures for birds. A Moon Imps core is a small bundle of energy that forms on their throat, making that their weak point. They protect that spot by covering it with a protective layering of the strongest material they find(usually in the form of a scarf). These creatures are rarely seen in the day, since the direct sunlight weakens them until they leave it. Being in the shadows of something or someone is fine for them. Young ones and females wear hoods that covers their hair and lets their horns out. Females wear short cloak-like dresses with shorts underneath and long sleeves to cover their sensitive skin. Their legs are covered in tights that vary in color. Males wear long cloak like shirts with long pants underneath. They only wear the smallest of accessories and their colors never stand out, with small pouches around their waist that hold mushrooms and other herbs they find. Their skin is a pale white. The horns on a Moon Imp are a fading red and the size of the horns are an indication of how old they are and help them collect the power of the moon. The tallest a Moon Imp is known to grow to is about 5 feet on average. Moon Imps grow fast in their child-hood, then slowly grow until they die.
Personality: She's a lonely creature that just wants someone to hang onto and fears being left alone again. She is really just a young imp, barely out of baby-hood, so she wants to play tricks on people sometimes. She is quite childish sometimes but knows when to be serious. She sleeps a lot and only comes out at night.
Peak: Prescience - foresight, perception, knowledge, efficiency
Valley: Influence- might, power, coercion, force

The History
Connection: The Party that was travelling down the roads was making a ruckus and she was awoken by it. She didn't like being woken up in daylight and curled up further under the bush by the fork in the road, deciding to watch them. She saw how everyone interacted with each other and felt an ache for family, so she decided to ask if she could join the party. Safely staying under the shadow of the bush, of course.
Link to Abbey: Labra considers the Abbey to be her 'Swarm.' So as such, she sticks with them, in fear of being left alone again. She does her best in trying not to attract trouble and help when she can.
Background: When Labra was born, her mother gave her away to her friend before she could imprint on her. Labra grew up, not knowing her real mother or father and as a cause of all of that, grew sad whenever she saw a happy family of Moon Imps. As she slowly grew out of Babyhood and was reaching her Child Years, she began to pull pranks on other children, all slightly in hope that her real mother or father would notice her and claim her. Nothing happened each time she pulled a prank and the elders of the Swarm started to get irritated at Labra. They knew it wasn't her fault, yet they still blamed her, for who else to blame then the Lone Imp? She struggled to learn the spells they were teaching the other Imps and only managed to catch onto a few basic ones before it happened. Other young Imps decided to play a mean trick on her on night, right before the Swarm was supposed to take off for better nesting grounds. Labra didn't know that they were leaving, and so agreed to the game of hide-and-find. She hid for a couple of hours before finally coming out, for she was never hiding that long. When she flew to the the nesting tree, she found that they had abandoned her. She was sad, but understood, what other Imps her age didn't. She understood that she had been abandoned by her Swarm and that it was either find another Swarm or live on her own. Labra knew that other Swarms didn't take to outsiders very well, even ones of their own race, so she chose to live on her own. Her core screamed for her to find a group to stay with, such was the nature of the social creatures, but she knew it would only hurt more. She was doing well, collecting her own food and water, and steering clear of creatures that loved to eat Moon Imps. Then something decided to wake her from her sleep one morning and old feelings of her Swarm started to re-kindle in her core.

The Exceptions
Type: Mage
Affinity: Moon
Powers: She draws on the power of the moon and uses that power to cast spells.
Moon's Slumber- A spell that puts the person or creature it is cast upon asleep until the sun rises the next day. Requires little recovery time. Offensive Spell. Most Commonly Used.
Hidden Moon-This spell conceals Labra from her enemies for a full minute, requires little recovery time. Defensive Spell. Second Most commonly used.
Full Moon's Eye- This spell lets Labra track down one creature or person and see their location. Requires a bigger recovery time, in which the caster is vulnerable. Neutral Spell. Rare cases of this spell being able to link the minds of the caster and the creature being found briefly.
Moon's Wrath- This spell causes the creature it is cast upon to be hurt by the moon's rays. Only spell to cause direct damage. Requires some recovery time, not much though. Caster isn't fully vulnerable. Only lasts 30 minutes.
Path In The Light- First spell ever taught to a Moon Imp. It allows Labra to travel anywhere there is a moon's ray, but this is not used often, as it draws out a lot of power and renders the caster vulnerable for a period of time, depending on the distance of travel.
Potion Making- The only potions she knows how to make are sleeping draughts, invisibility draughts, and mild or severe poisons. She always wants to learn more recipes though.
Herb Collecting- Helps her increase her chance of harvesting herbs faster and more efficiently and also find more rare herbs.
Wingless Flight- This is a racial skill. Every Moon Imp is able to float through the air at will. Some races call it 'flying.' It allows for quick travel-excluding spells- and helps them reach tall height that they will never grow to.
Dragon-Scale Scarf- This scarf helps protect her core-her very heart. If Labra's core is damaged, then it is difficult to heal her. The scarf blocks most-if not all hits and is very durable. Every Moon Imp receives one at birth from the Elders.
Moon Wand-Labra carries a small wand that is made out of a horn that was her great-grandmothers, and a small crystal that holds a small part of her core. It allows her to channel her power through the wand.
Moon Imp
Shurik The Berserker - Rage - Alive - Active - Male - Influence - Warrior

The Rp'er
Rp'er Name: TheCrimsonFker
Posting Time Frame:
Weekdays after 5 p.m. EST, Weekends Any Time
Post Frequency: High: Every Other Day, Low: Once/Twice a Week

The Body

Character Name:
Shurik Siderov (Shure-ick Cid-er-ov)
Aliases/Titles/Nicknames: Anger Incarnate, Black Berserker, Apostle of Rage, Shur, Sid.
Character Theme: [o] [oo] [ooo]


Actual: 64
Apparent: 31

Sex: Male
Height: 6' 10"
Weight: 320 lbs
Muscular and Heavy.

Race: Variant Human – Cursed, Abyss

A human subcategory. The Cursed are humans who have had an unfortunate run in with an avatar, a high ranked being, or one of the aligned gods and been bestowed a mark for that god or being's purpose. The Cursed are locked at the age they were marked and must complete the task they have been given by their marker. If they die while marked, they are considered a sacrifice to that being and they will forever be locked in servitude to that being in the afterlife. These marks, when unshielded, attract the creatures of that being's affinity to the bearer in an attempt to fulfill the sacrifice.

Personality: Dismissive, Cold, and angry on the outside, fiercely loyal, protective, good natured, and angry once you get to know him. Shurik doesn't beat around the bush and speaks his mind outright.

Peak: Influence- might, power, coercion, force

Valley: Prescience - foresight, perception, knowledge, efficiency)

The History

Link to Abbey: The Abbey is a means to an end. Through The Abbey and The Way, Shurik can complete his obligation and live the rest of his days in service of The Way. The Abbot placed him in this party, and his undying loyalty to the Abbot keeps him connected.

Background: Shurik was a wandering mercenary before he came into contact with the entity that changed his life. He linked up with various military units and took odd bounty hunting jobs. One job was for an entity haunting a near-by town. The quarry was taking children in the night, never to be found. Shurik and four others set out into the woods surrounding the town that night and only he returned. Shurik himself is unsure what happened in the woods, all he could remember was the mark of the Abyss on his left pectoral and a throbbing command in his head of "Return and Defeat me, if you can."

After fighting the creatures attracted to his mark for years, Shurik's anger grew to a boiling point until he finally gave in to his darker inhibitions. Shurik was captured by the Apostles and brought before the Abbot for justice for his various crimes against other humans. A decade fighting the dark forces and another decade spent in a blind rage against the world and what would be the way. The Abbot saw fit to find pity on the cursed one. Recognizing his potential the Abbot sentence Shurik to become an Apostle himself. Shurik was sheltered from the onslaught of things trying to kill him and trained in The Way. Once he took his oath, Shurik set forth as an Apostle and has not turned back, despite the command of the abyss continuing to plague him.

The Exceptions

Warrior - You primarily utilize the chaos within your own body to create magical effects.

Affinity: Rage


Fugue State:
Shurik enters a mindless state, taken over by pure anger and animal-like instinct. His strength and speed increase moderately and his pain receptors are dimmed, but the wild nature of his attacks leaves him susceptible to more damage. He acts on the last simple, usually 3-4 word, command given to him by an ally or stated to himself (Destroy that wall, Take out that monster, protect the healer). He will remain in that state until the command is completed, the target of the command escapes, or the "code word" is spoken by a designated ally.

Compel Duel/Taunt: Shurik imbues his voice with chaos magics and taunts a target to goads them into a one on one challenge. If the magic takes effect, the creature becomes blind with rage and fixates that rage on Shurik, ignoring all others unless attacked by them. If another person interrupts or strikes the creature, the magic breaks.

Mark Quarry: Shurik marks a single creature he has seen or is within 30 feet of him. This target becomes Shurik's sole focal point of his rage.
  • While in a rage based active power, Shurik is unable to be charmed by his target, gains a slight-moderate resistance to any damage dealt by the target. The target remains marked until destroyed or Shurik marks another target.
  • While outside of combat, Shurik can vaguely sense the direction of his marked target. The closer he is, the stronger this feeling becomes.
  • If within 25ft of his quarry, Shurik has a chance to instantly enter Fugue state with "Destroy Quarry" as the command. The code word does not end the state.
Abyss Armor: On command, black plate armor engulfs Shurik from head to toe and unlocks his body's unhindered potential and full rage.
  • The cursed armor turns off Shurik's pain receptors and allows him to fight even when heavily damaged at a strength much higher than his normal.
  • The armor simply keeps things in place, it does not in any way heal any damage sustained before or while worn.
  • Shurik becomes a chaos entity of pure rage while encased.
  • The armor draws blood in order to work and increases in strength the more it draws or absorbs until the host's heart stops beating or there is no more blood to pull.
  • Even using the armor while uninjured can cause damage to the host, usually through torn muscles or shattered bones due to the unchecked potential of the human body.
Trivium - The Sin And The Sentence [OFFICIAL VIDEO]
Abyss Resistance/Knowledge:
Having been hunted for most his adult life by the creatures, Shurik has built a resistance to their powers and also holds innate knowledge on how best to destroy them.

Aura of Terror: The anger held within Shurik can be felt by those around him. Shurik emits a frightening aura that terrifies creatures of low intelligence when not actively in a rage. Higher intelligence creatures can feel its presence, but are typically unaffected or can become uncomfortable. The aura increases in intensity if Shurik is in a rage based activated power and may cause foes to fall prone or stumble in fear.

Abbot's Shield: The Abbot and high ranking Apostles placed a magic seal on the mark, shielding Shurik and the party from the more deadly creatures it could attract. It does not mask it completely and those who can sense alignment would notice it, if they cared to.

What The F*ck Did You Say to Me?
Shurik's size, stature, and presence simply terrifies the mundane. His intimidation factor is as large as he is. When focused in, this presence could possibly make a nightmare squeal in terror or make the strongest willed opponent shirk from the challenge.

Oh! That's Not What You Said? While less effective, Shurik's good nature gives him some powers of persuasion. While mainly used to backtrack on breaking proper etiquette, Shurik can foster some friendships with NPCs. They just feel he's a good, loyal fellow.

Great Weapon Proficiency, Exotic Great Sword Specialty:
Ragespike/Oathkeeper, Two Handed Greatsword [x]:
Shurik's specialty. A greatsword near as tall as he is from hilt to point (6' 3"). Crafted of dark steel. The sword weighs near 220lbs and while wielded well by Shurik, others may find the sword unwieldy if not entirely unwieldable. Having bathed in the blood of the Abyss for decades, this sword deals minor extra damage to Abyss targets.

Throwing Weapons: Shurik is armed with some homemade throwing knives, a dagger, and some smoke bombs or flash fireworks. But the low quality of his trap making makes the smoke-bombs and flash fireworks unreliable at best and a detriment to himself at worst.

Metal Arm: Shurik's left forearm was replaced with a metal one. The arm, while being able to act like a very small shield, also houses two hidden weapons
  • Hand Crossbow Proficiency: A small hand crossbow that attaches to the metal arm plate is holstered on his belt on his back right side. The hand crossbow is 'fed' from a small magazine that is underneath it. The effective range of the crossbow is 15 – 40 ft. beyond 40ft it is less effective.
  • Spell Cannon Proficiency: Behind the hand of the metal forearm there is a single-use enchanted cannon. It can hold one spell of any type that can be cast by a mage-type. The cannon must be "reloaded" with a new spell and must be re-enchanted to accept spells after 6 uses. If a spell is fired after the 6th, there is a chance for it to backfire.
Heavy and Medium Armor Proficiency: Typically wears Plate to battle, may switch to a lighter scale mail while traveling. Heavy armor also allows him to weird the abyss armor.

Blacksmith Tools Proficiency: Shurik is able to repair and forge metal arms and armor for the party. Must have a forge to create, but can make minor repairs on the road.

First Aid: Shurik knows the basics of patching himself or someone up. He can stop bleeding and treat minor wounds but struggles to stabilize the dying or treat anything more life threatening than a six inch gash.

Languages: Common, Dwarven, Abyssal
Amira The Hadi - Mutation - Alive - Active - Female - Resilience - Channeler

The Rp'er
Rp'er Name: Luxuria
Posting Time Frame: Anytime
Post Frequency: Once a week, Sat-Sun

The Body
Character Name: Amira Al-Quisi

The Left Hand of the Hadi
The Dark Scion
The Hidden One
The Third Eye
The Mistwalker
The Inquisitor

Character Theme:

Original Version

Fun Version 1

Fun Version 2

Fun Version 3

Fun Version 4


FC Attire - Front Back

Dagger Bow Fan - Wep/Accessory [Needles hidden]


Back tattoo

Silk Spider - Mini Companion

[Name - Chen. Relationship. Dysfunctional companions. Personality. Volatile, inconsiderate, Playful, Disobedient, A complete bastard to Mei]

Age: 47
Sex: Female
Height: 5'8
Weight: 133lbs
Race: Hadi

"She is not the wolf among sheep. She is the parasite that festers in the intestine. Crawling, Clawing her way to the heart of the wolf where she devours it whole." 6 years ago, eastern kingdom. Lord A'gal of Writwood before his untimely death at the hands of Amira.

Seven thousand masks, and those are the ones counted. Of Amira. The one that is shown to all. Is a woman that is renegade, playful, bold and even to a point she has displayed sadism. A woman that knows what she wants, and how to get it. If its a challenge, she enjoys the game all the same. Make no mistake, she'll win at any cost. But the woman behind it all. Is the devil child. A heart pure, and hard as charcoal beats inside her chest. She has no conscious, no compassion for others but her family. Whom she loves above all else. Not even they know she delights in violence, the thrill of the hunt. Her charm is genuine, it is not overconfidence. But charisma. Her perceptive insight into the emotions, and body language of others. Allows her to control situations in her favor. She is highly persuasive, One example of how her charm, is the devil's work at hand.

Peak: Resilience
Valley: Prescience

The History

Link to Abbey:
Amira entered the Abbey at the command of the grand master's. Amira has remained at the Abbey for the past 5 years. She remains to gather information on the Abbey, and the apostles. As she awaits for the day the Hadi contract her to kill the Abbot.

The Shivi


We "serve the living and true God" (1 Thessalonians 1:9), "the living God, who made the heaven, the earth, the sea, and all things that are in them" (Acts 14:15).

Once priestesses of an ancient tribe long extinct. Their land, their people were taken from them. Not by chaos, but mankind. King's picking at their lands like locusts in a corn field. So they fought back. The divine entity that the Shivi once worshiped, became disappointed with the direction they had taken. In his dormant state, he could not protect the people of the Shivi. The entity was worshiped as a flying serpent. The most powerful of divines they worshiped. To contain the Shivi he attempted to trap them inside a deep well besides his temple. But he was deceived. A handful of Shivi had returned seeking redemption for their actions. In their hearts they had come for another reason. His love for the human's he once protected was his doom. The Shivi bound him in flesh, and ate his body. His power was absorbed. His temple became corrupt grounds, a haven for chaos.

In return for their service they were given a great bounty.

They became a creature of destruction.

In their time of worship

They were set free

In their human image, the women were changed into shape shifting spiders. They would appear human to men they would seduce. Using the men to create their spawn. The children would live inside the carcass until infancy. Many cannibalized their siblings for food, when the rotten corpse disappeared. The children would then leave the nest and travel until they blended into human settlements where they would present themselves as priestesses. Gaining the trust of kings, lords and men of the court. The Shivi longed for chaos and discordance. They were destructive creatures, they thrived on such events as it nourished their eternal hunger. The original Shivi were created through eating the flesh of chaos, and absorbing the power of a deity. But they could not keep their spawn alive. Until they discovered that if the spawn are kept inside a living body until they mature to adolescents they would survive. It was why the Hadi were created. Human's are the only compatible race. Dwarves are too hardy. Elves are too weak, they die at the first mutation. Other is dependent on resistance to their powers. Demons, and other creatures of chaos. Are impossible to mutate. It is why Shivi find all those that cannot be mutated to be abominations.

To note the Shivi are vulnerable whilst spawning. At the end of the Shivi's adolescents. The Shivi become matured and naturally enter a state where they spawn. Hence requiring protection, they naturally align themselves with powerful allies. By granting them power they in exchange receive worship that increases their powers, also to ensure the success of their spawn's survival. As they are brood mothers bound to one place were they create their children. A chosen few would become Hadi. Only the strong would survive. It was like accepting a foreign organ into the body. The first ritual is normally performed on an infant. No older than 3 days of age. Then as the chosen grew older, and fed on the flesh of chaos and carried the spawn of the brood mother. But as time grew on; the glory of the Shivi waned. Most of their power disappeared they were weaker. In time they became more creature than human. Parasites hiding in the dark.

How the Shivi came to be connected to the many clan's of the Song Dynasty. The grand master's tricked the Shivi. A grand master had the pleasure of being seduced. He was followed back to their nest. They had no interest in saving him. The Shivi could keep him, he was old and could be replaced. In an offer of shared interest. The grand master was the first of many things they wished to share. But they wanted power. The Shivi had lost most of their numbers. And they believed it was in their favor. The Song clan gained their trust over many months. Learning of the ritual to create Hadi. Once they had what was needed. The Shivi were betrayed. In one night. Many were slain. The rest were caged, and taken back to the clans catacombs and forced to spawn. The children of the Shivi were neutralized in a special tonic. All connection to the Shivi was severed but they retained their power. In doing so the Hadi were reborn in the Song Dynasty. Only the most honored, loyal and devoted of warriors took the ritual to become a Hadi. The Shivi became slaves. Breeding at the command of the grand master's. The Song Dynasty grew to be feared by the other clan's.

The Appearance of Hadi

The lore behind why the Hadi have a different appearance to the Shivi is based around their hatred for the divine. The god they worshiped, failed in his protection of the land. Hence their theft of his totem. One of the Shivi, ate the totem and absorbed its power to spawn flying serpents in the image of the god. It is also a symbol of hatred, anger and sadness. They showed the world what the Hadi were, in return the divine serpent became hated instead of loved. No one worshiped the serpent after the atrocities committed by the Hadi, as they appeared in his image and killed innocents.

The Mutation

The Hadi are created through a series of ingesting the flesh of a creature born from chaos, and implanting a spawn at the base of the spine. Inside the body bone, blood, flesh, the very DNA of the human is changed. It is only sustained by the life-force of the Shivi, and the spawn that lives inside their body. The powers of the Hadi come from the jade serpent inside the body of the Hadi. A unique bastardized image of the Shivi's divine god. A flying serpent. But to compete the mutation the Hadi must spend months performing rituals. When an infant is taken they remain in phase 1 of the mutation. However the spawn inside the body are neutral. They have no feelings, nor mind of their own.

The Spawn [Known as Jukan - the serpent with human eyes]

The Xia clan had learned to harness the power of the spawn. How, was from their master alchemist. A man of ambition. He created a serum that could neutralize the spawn's toxic waste and the telepathic link to the Shivi. Inside the human body it forces mutation. In exchange the host is given the abilities of the spawn, a defense mechanism. A bear uses its strength to protect the young. The spawn enables the same. The Shivi created the Hadi to protect them. The spawn are a unique species. Part parasite, part serpent. But the serum destroys the mind of the spawn. Leaving behind the connection to the body and the powers that come with it. It still retains many of its properties allowing full control over the mutation. The serum acts as a catalyst and a neutralizer.

The spawn is naturally a parasite. But it's main defense was the ability of psionic powers. One spawn could be taken from the body of a Hadi for a temporary amount of time. To hide the Hadi from discovery. But outside of the body it would not last long. However the connection of the Had to the spawn, even to those in the Xia clan is special. The spawn naturally worked well in pairs. The powers would change when the bonded spawn was besides a bonded Hadi. Like swans it was for life. If one of the bonded Hadi were to die, the other would soon follow. Out of heartbreak. They loose the will to live. It is speculated the life span of the Hadi is an expectancy of 200+ years when bonded. Half that when without a bonded Hadi. Older Hadi would die shortly after the spawn had passed.

A unique aspect of the spawn. The alchemist Zhou Shu experimented on the spawn to developed different properties hidden away in the spawn's natural gestation period. He came to believe the spawn were created individually. Enhancing elements of the Hosts body, creating a diverse power-set of the Hadi. All of which remained similar, they could all become flying serpents but how they utilized the psionic powers developed different per peer. He developed a way to enhance the natural abilities of each Host using the serum. It would affect the spawns maturation, unlocking powers hidden inside the DNA. A toxic substance to normal humanoids, but an essential tool of enhancement to the Hadi.

The Serum

Zhou Shu - Grand Alchemist

When the Hadi were first experimented on, all could uncharacteristically attack one of the clan. Zhou Shu a father of four, and loyal friend of Grand Master Wei; was given full reign over creating the rebirth of the Hadi. The spawn would be taken and bathed in fluids. Many died the first time, a few hundred screaming in the dark. Until he learned the recipe to success was to use the toxins produced by the spawn. During a mutation the body would undergo a unique transformation at a cellular level. Combining the properties of the spawn with the human body. He determined Phase 1 would always be present. It must be for the spawn to survive. But to successfully reach Phase 2,3,4 a unique serum for each phase had to be used. Many Hadi died to create the serum. As he extracted fluids from their body during each phase. The serum for phase 2 was named Orim [Body] phase 3 serum Cree [Mind] phase 4 Shu [Soul] the final phase is 4. The final mutation of Hadi was historically recorded to grant the last gift. The powers of the mind. Only grand master's are capable, and have been trained to enter phase 4 and return to phase 1 without death. The reversion serum was called Zhou [Returned]. The alchemist was a narcissist he named much of his work after himself.

The Hadi were given the knowledge to create the serum tailored to their spawn. Not all serum's are the same, but they hold similar properties. To create the Serum the spawn is removed from the body. And bathed in a solution that simulates the hosts mutation period. The toxins are extracted from the fluid and serum's are created from the solution. The spawn is placed back inside the body. it takes a full two days for the spawn to function correctly leaving the Hadi weakened temporarily. The serum created by the Hadi and not by the grand alchemist is less refined. It comes with many complications. Ranging from minor pain to sudden death. To create the serum without the aid of the alchemist is dangerous. Only the oldest of the clan are able to create the serum without complications. Each phase can be sustained but the process between mutating to another phase requires time. The body cannot handle a mutation within quick succession. If a Hadi skips to Phase 3 the body may reject the change. And kill the spawn or the host. As an extreme example. A minor example would be temporary lose of sight, limbs or paralysis. Even missing organs. It is a dangerous game.


The Hadi appear human. Until they enter phase 3 of their mutation. They can take on the form of a flying serpent. At other times. They appear human. The most unique of their physical appearance. Is all Hadi have dark blue blood. At the base of the spine it is more clearly seen. But when they bleed it is thick, and does not flow as easily. The Hadi use this in their tattoo's. In a twilight rich light the images appear to move at their own volition. It is believed the images are connected to their powers. And spawn that lives inside their body. But the spawn cannot be seen so easily. The Hadi must be split open to see the serpent wrapped around the organs, and spine. When it is threatened or injured the spawn encases itself in a hardened jade cocoon. If the Hadi dies, the spawn will follow.


A child of hours old, had been assigned to die. The birth of Mei and her twin sister was an event in the Empire's history. After years of drought, a rebellion in the east, and corrupt attendants that were being executed for treason. And constant threat of chaos attacking the land. The people had started to loose hope. But with the birth of two healthy new born. It was a sign of good omens. But it was not to last. One new born had a deformity, she had no eyes. And remained sickly after birth.

The apothecary condemned the child. She would not survive the night. But despite all of the efforts of the apothecary. A member of the Hadi dedicated to the Song dynasty, long allies of the royal bloodline. They were the reason the Emperor's forefathers became who they were meant to be. The Emperor turned a cheek to their activities outside. He knew little of the Hadi. He listened to the one that stepped forward with a cure. It would be slow and require continued treatment throughout the girls life. But she would be as well as any other. With a heavy heart the Emperor agreed, with the state of his wife he was blessed she would not recover and learn of the knowledge that the infant was so sickly. She was a delicate woman, affectionate and bold. it was why he fell in love.

The infant was passed over to the Hadi, and taken to the clan's sacred grounds. The stronghold that was some miles from the Palace, would be the home of the Hadi. To outsiders it looked like a temple but beneath it were catacombs. The location of the enslaved Shivi was only known to the master's. During the ritual the Emperor's daughter was then taken by the spawn. Her eyes regenerated, and she regained health. The first phase of the mutation had begun. Over the course of three days the ritual underwent. The Infant was returned in perfect health. A miracle.

The Emperor appointed a high rank Hadi to watch over both children until they married. Over the course of Amira's childhood she remained as a shadow. Training her in the temple, and molding Amira to serve the Song dynasty. At her adolescents she masked her true personality behind a veiled smile, and playful eyes. But her sister saw moments of cruelty. She knew Amira had many masks that she would hid behind. And how she behaved around the High Priestess. They would disappear for days, for treatment of her on-going illness. She did not investigate out of fear, nor mention her concerns. Her opinion would not faze the Emperor, as he trusted the woman. And she was only a child.

Over the course of the years the royal court had changed. The daughters of the Emperor were allowed to enter, and listen to royal decrees. As one day the oldest child would rule. Despite her birth being a full hour behind Ruo, she was considered the heir. At the age of nineteen Ruo was forced to take her father's position. Their father died in battle, protecting the east from chaos. But there were others that wanted the throne. Their Uncle had secretly spoken to lords of the south. That he intended on overthrowing the newly crowned Empress as she was a puppet of the Hadi. As all the family had been. Bowing underneath their boot because of their history. A rebellion had begun, and with it the execution of officials under the loyalty of their Uncle.

But they were deceived. Within the halls of the Song Dynasty. The Hadi had a rival. A man named Talik of the Vos clan wanted to remove all other grand masters, and become the sole leader of the clans. He made a deal with their uncle. In exchange for their contract, and his troops to help overthrow the other grand masters. The clans would leave the territory. Amira was with her sister on that fateful day. She and Ruo were lured to the throne room, and surrounded by a dozen Hadi under the command of Talik. Amira was still in her youth and much later in maturity of the spawn due to being a Dominari Hadi. They were known for being weak during the adolescent stage of growth. Amira fought against their attackers but she was quickly overwhelmed and taken captive. The Empress Ruo was killed and raped in front of Amira forced to watch Talik defile her sisters body. Their mother was safe, with her 2 year old son at Briarhearth Keep, commanded by Lord Hamal. The Emperor was imprisoned beside Amira, under heavy guard below the palace.

Events happened quickly after Amira and the Emperor were imprisoned soon to be executed. Division in the Hadi became apparent. Those that had no interest in the royal family became louder voices, and the rest that believed there was no reason to risk exposing themselves to ensure the Emperor whom was one of their own remained on the throne. The politics of the shadow court became apparent, Talik had fanned the flame his ideas were that the shadow court was outdated. A council of so many merely divided the clans. When they should join together as one, and try to take back the homeland of the Shivi, reclaim lost power. But amidst the outrage of his idea. Only one loyal clan remained the Huorani, the grand master's son and grand child were at risk. They soon disappeared plotting in the background to remove the royal members from the palace once they heard of the execution.

The remaining loyal Hadi heard of the date of the exeuction of both the Emperor and Amira. a plan was put in place to resuce them both during the public execution in front of thousands. But Talik knew they could not enter the palace as to many Hadi were guarding the palace until Lucius took the crown. Their only chance would to during the execution. It was a chance to worm out any loyal members. Two weeks passed when the execution was held in the morning. A group of 24 Hadi of the Huorani clan had hidden in the crowd. When the Emperor was presented on the execution block, they disrobed and swarmed the platform. At the expensive of saving both the Emperor and Amira. They lost 18 good men. The Huorani were severally crippled. but there troubles had yet to be realized.

Talik had ceased the shadow court, over half agreed with his vision. To break away from the Emperor. But little did they know the serum they took was tampered with. A slow insidious control of the Shivi had taken over Talik, and soon spread like a disease among the other grand masters. The Huorani clan could do little to prevent it. As they had to deal with Lucius before Talik could be dealt with. But some remained to try and temper the madness in the court all the while spying on Talik and Lucius. 2 years passed and the clans had become divided, killing each other in the streets and barely remaining civilized in the shadow court. An internal war had begun, lasting for 7 years. The Huorani battled Talik, while the Emperor retook his crown.

Amira returned to her duties. She disappeared from the palace. Her duty to the Shivi took her to many corners of the world. Amira was requested by one of the family to kill the son of Lord Hamal. She found his son, and placed a seal of the opposing families house in the son's hand. Sending a message of declared war. The first casualty his own flesh and blood. The Lord Hamal had betrayed the trust between the Huorani clan and himself. After he reinforced the false emperor. Hence his punishment. The son would be the first of many to die, unless he begged for forgiveness. That was in the note left besides the decapitated head of his son impaled on the ceremonial sword of the father. Officials and Lords were executed by the day for their treason. Talik was not defeated, he had disappeared with the Grand Alchemist and fled to the Shivi lands, with a member of the Shivi.

Upon her return one of the Hadi had been killed by an apostle. They stated the apostle disappeared shortly after they found the body of the young man. The shadow court did not disclose the information as to why one of the Hadi were involved with an apostle. But Amira was sent to join the way nonetheless. She had her objections due to Talik still being alive, but they could not ignore another threat. He was beyond their reach for now. In the past they had no interest in the way. The Emperor was neutral towards the apostles. The apostles were of no concern to them until now. If one of the Hadi could be killed by one. The other's were considered a threat. Amira went to gather information on their strengths, weaknesses and the number of apostles. She was expected to blend in and become one of them.

Mei did not unveil her past. Instead she made up a fake history. Coming from a poor family, she was taken by the Shivi at a young age. But with the recent development of one dying. The mother that took her. She persuaded the Abbot that her connection was severed. Allowing her to be free. It was unheard of. But not impossible. For the many years she has been apart of the Abbey all information has been sent back to the leaders of the clans that act as speakers for all. Until the time came she would remain dormant in her actions.

The Exceptions
Affinity: Mutation

[The Affinity is one of complexity. It does not purely build on organic matter. In the terms of the Jade Serpent of Divine origin. The human body replicates the image, and the properties of crystals [The spawn looks similar to a Jade serpent, green, smooth scales, malleable]. As if the crystals are living, breathing creatures that live inside the body. Multiplying rapidly in the billions. If her blood were to be examined. It would be teeming with new life, communicating with the rest of the body. A constant flow of life. Desperate to thrive. Another key to note. Amira is considered a Dominari Hadi - a rare type of spawn. Phasing is harder, and the spawn matures slower. They are the only spawn that may use Psionic powers. It is believed this type was created to control other Hadi. A commander type. It also means her serum is stronger. And her serpent form is naturally larger requiring more power consumption. Toxicity is also higher in this rare type. Preventing phase mutation if an excessive level of powers are used. The symptoms of high toxicity range from: Vomiting blood, blindness, Body tremors, numbness, unconsciousness, increased aggression, extreme pain, excessive sweating, muscle contraction, death]


[Phase 3 High power]

Psionic Cloud [Offensive Ability/Crowd Control]

The psionic cloud is a complex power to use. It can only be used when in the Jade Serpent form. As it is a difficult power to use in phase 3. Phase 4 of the mutation can be used in human form, but requires years of training. It is highly expensive, similar to the shape-shifting ability. Its primary purpose is offensive. As it creates a dangerous area for biological matter to enter. It is a lethal form of the Environment of the Jade Serpent. Humanoids are susceptible to the cloud. When any humanoid enters, the psionic cloud affects their ability to function correctly. Powers are momentarily disabled, and higher brain function becomes disorientated. Those with strong will [Presience], have the ability to reduce the effect. But if they remain it will reduce their resistance. If they remain in the cloud a slow, insidious death awaits as it renders their flesh from bone. If they manage to exit, slowly over time their normal functionality will return. If any Hadi enters the cloud they are unaffected. As it is connected to their power. Anything that die's inside the cloud becomes a siphon of temporary energy. Those mutated inside the cloud become nodes of energy that can be used to restore a portion of the abilities usage. The nodes have a natural rate of decay.

[High power consumption]
[Toxicity level High]

The Jade Serpent [Activated Defense/Movement]

The Iconic power of all Hadi. In Phase 3 they can take on the form of the divine beings image. The Hadi becomes a flying serpent. The size of the serpent depends on the level of power available, and how much strength the serpent will have. If the Psionic Cloud is active and humanoids have been turned into sources of power, the serpent may reach a length of 15ft, and increase her strength by x5 of her base. The head would be large enough to swallow an average sized man whole. Her durability is increased but she is not immune. The scales on her body are difficult to pierce by most normal weapons. If there is enough power remaining she may activated the mutated flesh ability granting her immunity from certain attacks of chaos and physical. In the Jade Serpent form she is immune to blunt and slashing weapons. Piercing works well against this form. When she exits this form, she halves the damage to her body. And will be unable to use any powers for a short period of time.

[High/Extreme power consumption]
[Toxicity level High]

Phase 2 [Moderate power]

Serpents Gaze [Offensive Ability]

Inside the environment of the serpent, once the particles have entered the body. The gaze of the serpent can immobilize even the the strongest of enemies. If they are humanoid. Her eyes must connect to their in order for her to issue the change. The particles begin to mutate inside the body. It takes a few minutes before the humanoid is immobilized completely. They turn into jade statues. Their blood hardens, their flesh turns to jade and their organs slowly begin to stop working. Only the strongest can resist by loosing her line of sight. The mutation stops once her gaze has been blocked. This ability is to be used against powerful enemies. A concentrated focus on destroying one body. It is a channeling power. Until the mutation is complete.

[Moderate power consumption]
[Toxicity level Moderate]

Mutated Flesh [Activated Defense]

Mutated flesh is a typical power seen by most Hadi. In the event of war, the spawn extended its natural defense mechanism to the host. The Serum acts as an enhancer for this ability. But the Hadi has control over it. Instead of fully covering the body, the Hadi can partially cover their body as if it were living armour seeking out areas that may come under damage. But in the event that requires a full coverage it will take more power than a partial armour. The mutated flesh turns her body into Jade. The hardened Jade protects the organs and precious spawn from damage. Pierce weapons are most effective against this. But the longer it remains active the higher the toxicity level rises in her body.

[Moderate power consumption]
[Toxicity level Moderate]

Phase 1 [Low/Moderate power]

Jade Eye's [Taunt]

The function of this ability is to generate the attention of humanoid and non-humanoid targets. [Humanoids] With the aura of the jade serpent active, a small particle enters the cornia and into the blood stream. The particle grows inside the brain and affects the behavior of the individual. A sudden frenzy enters their mind, and forces their attention to focus solely on Amira [Non-humanoid] The particles grow on the body of the non-humanoid creating red shards that act as an allure.

[Minimal power consumption]
[Toxicity level Low]

Environment of the Jade Serpent [Area of Effect Defensive/Offensive]

In the surrounding area of the Hadi particles exude from her body they cannot be seen by the naked eye. The particles have a formation of crystals that are used as the catalyst for other abilities to form correctly. But it also has other functions. When inhaled or it touches the surface of any living or none living thing crystals begin to form. The offensive purpose is it slows down anything it touches, from the inside of the body of the biological individual the pain emitted from the forming crystals incapacitates the humanoid. It mutates the blood, flesh until they become a catalyst for further mutation. The body then if touched by another will be infected by the mutation and pass on to other individuals. The defensive is when it connects to objects or surface areas. The particle settles on the ground or area, forming crystal like walls and near indestructible crystal formations. At all times the initial expulsion of the particles remain in the air for close to 1 hour. As a floating effect. But depending on the length of the area of effect will determine the level of power consumption. [Allies are immune to this power. If she chooses to activate the mutation. If it is a passive mutation they will not be immune.]

[Minimal/Moderate power consumption]
[Toxicity level Low]

Strength Transference

In line with phase 1 of her mutation. All Hadi are granted a base line level of strength, speed and reflexes. A Hadi is able to lift x5 their weight, they may reach speeds of a horse in full canter, and their reflexes are similar to peak performance of masters trained for years in close combat. But all of this can be transferred from one part of the body to the other. Strength transference occurs when a particular need is required. If strength is less valued then speed is increased. One decreases whilst the other increases [Quadrupled strength or speed/reflexes]. The body goes through a minor adaptation to accommodate the change.

[Minimal power consumption]
[Toxicity level Low]


Deadly Arts:
The Hadi are taught different variations of the hidden arts. Amira specializes in assassination, and seconds in espionage. Other's may prefer espionage or sabotage as their primary specialization. Amira's preferred weaponry is the longbow and daggers. Silent and easy to conceal. With any of the above, all Hadi are naturally silent in their footsteps. Only the most acute of hearing would be able to hear the muzzled footsteps of the Hadi.

Alchemy: All Hadi are taught the secrets of the serum. Amira's serum looks similar to a pale white, murky with hints of light blue swimming in a spiral. It is highly toxic to humanoids. If a normal human were to drink the serum they would die instantly.

Cellular Control: All Hadi are immune to poisons, disease and ailments of sickness.

Ring of Hadi: The ring allows the bearer to re-cloth after a shape-shift without the hassle of finding their previous clothes or being rendered naked. The ring was created by Tolrik Shay.

Weapon Knowledge: Longbow, short bow, composite, crossbow, long-sword [Jian design - Chinese long-sword], Daggers, short swords, Throwing Knives

Hand-to-Hand combat: Expert - Style of the Hadi. Its focus precision, optimization of movement. The style focuses on incapacitating or killing the opponent. The knee's, elbow, and all hard points of the body are used primarily as a form of attack. The legs are an important weapon. The hands and forearm are used to block attacks, and defend the body. In some cases, they are used to counterattack swift assaults. The style is considered lethal.

Preferred Armour: None - The Hadi do not require armour of any kind. They wear what pleases them. As they use their mutated flesh that guards against all forms of weaponry. But to a lesser degree blunt weapons. It will only reduce the impact but will eventually damage the body overtime.

Languages: Common, Divine, Elvish

General: Horse riding, Horseback archery, Basic survival, Musical Intrustment [Guqin, Harp]

Euthalia the Sylvan - Scent - Alive - Active - Female - Prescience - Warrior

The Rp'er
Rp'er Name:
Posting Time Frame: Irregular, but most likely between 09:30 and 22:30
Time zone: CE(S)T (UTC+1/+2 depending on DST)
Post Frequency: Daily, with some busy days as exceptions.

The Body
Character Name:
Euthalia Apricot
Aliases/Titles/Nicknames: Queen of Fragrance
Age: 31
Sex: Hermaphroditic, goes by female pronouns.
Height: 2.05 meter (+- 6 feet 9 inches)
Weight: 79 kg (+- 154 lbs)
Build: Lithe and leafy
Race: Sylvari
Personality: Calm
Peak: Prescience - foresight, perception, knowledge, efficiency
Valley: Resilience - sturdiness, fortitude, life-force, protection

The History
Link to Abbey: [TBD]
Euthalia grew up on a desolate group of islands called Pualani, among the rest of her species, the Sylvari. Their species was discovered by the rest of the world at a relatively late stage in the age of exploration, and due to their extremely xenophobic nature, the Sylvari do not have a lot of contact with the outside world.

The Sylvari live within a clear hierarchical society, where birth decides much of the future. Those born as hermaphrodites, whom are capable of creating flowers with both pistil and stamen, are considered to be the highest in rank. Among those, the ones born in the Central Groove on the main island, in turn, are considered the highest ranking. Euthalia had both things going for her.

As a result of her 'lucky' birth, she quickly gained a lot of influence as she grew up. Combine that with the fact that she was diplomatically gifted from birth, she soon made her way into the ranks of the leaders of the Sylvari community. She was one of the youngest Sylvari ever to be allowed to lead the pollination rites, where the Sylvari praised the 'sun' and 'earth' as their father and mother respectively, all while making sure that a new generation of Sylvari would soon be grown.

Euthalia's first real challenge arrived in the form of a plague of locust plague. The creatures relentlessly ate many of her species alive, giving them little options to defend themselves. It was then that she learned that she could use her sap flow to spread a bug-repelling fragrance through the air. Sadly enough, she only discovered this when a considerable part of the Sylvari population had already perished to the bugs. In order to never let this happen again, she spent the next few years of her life studying exactly which scents attracted or repelled which insects, sharing this knowledge among her fellow Sylvari and trying to find ways to implement it for their protection.

By the time her efforts started to pay off, she was tasked with the next challenge. Multiple other species had managed to find their way to the remote islands of the Sylvari, confronting the species with the existence of a world outside of their own archipelago. At first, the Sylvari wanted little to do with them, but the foreigners steadily managed to 'buy' the favour of more gullible Sylvari.

Unaware of this danger, Euthalia had isolated herself so she could focus entirely on working on her scents and fragrances, not realizing the far more imminent danger. This danger revealed itself in a single night, when the outsiders had managed to trick someone into leading them to the Central Groove. They were quick to rob everything of value, to enslave all the Saplings (underage Sylvari) for them to be sold as exotic pets, and to burn everything else to the ground.

The event was so devastating that it made Euthalia give up in her faith in the father sun and mother earth, for how could they allow such cruelty to exist to them? Instead, she became obsessed with using fragrances to deal with this new danger to their species, just as she had done before against the pests. The few remaining Sylvari in the Central Groove hopelessly looked for her guidance, so she needed something to give them hope. In time, she learned how certain scents could affect certain moods, or even physical abilities.

In the next few years, she continued to grow in her ability to utilize scents and their influential effects to the benefit or her and her species. Combine this with her diplomatically gifted abilities, and she was soon crowned the unofficial 'Queen' of the Sylvari. This quickly give rise to her title as the 'Queen of Fragrance' among both her fellow Sylvari as well as among the foreigners they had to deal with.

She held this position of unofficial Queen until she was 25 years of age, after which she suddenly decided to leave the island. It was a huge shock to those around her, as they couldn't comprehend why she'd leave the island and her position on it. Euthalia, however, had already set her mind on leaving. After all, there were things she wished to know. If the father-sun and mother-earth did not care for them, who did? And if it turned out that nobody did, how were they supposed to live? Was all the suffering she had gone through just a play of fate? Questions like this had been nagging at her constantly, until she finally decided to go look for answers.

During her journey, she met various people of a wide variety of species. She was always quick to learn their language, in order to learn from them further. She even became fascinated with deciphering old and ancient languages, as her own native language (Sylvan) didn't even have a script to write in. Eventually, her travelling lead her to what was known as the 'The Way', which seemed like it might lead her to the answers she was looking for. This journey is what would link her to the abbey and what would hopefully give her connections.

The Exceptions
Warrior - You primarily utilize the chaos within your own body to create magical effects.
Affinity: Scents
  • The following are parts specific to her species, rather than unique to herself.
  • Plant physique
    As a Sylvari, she does not posses the same kind of body structure as a mammal. Instead, she possesses a much more plant-like built. The closest thing she has to a 'heart' or 'core' is the central vein of her sap-flow, which is located where a Human would have their spine. It is the most integral part of her physical form and power. All the other veins extend from it throughout her body, similar to how blood-vessels exist throughout the average Human body.

    Another effect of her plant-like build is a lack of organs, which means that she has no particularly vulnerable spots, other than the central vein. The downside of this is that 'bleeding' (a disruption of the sap flow) is more harmful than it would be to a mammal. She won't be affect much by any blunt damage, is slightly more resistant to piercing damage, but is a fair bit weaker to slashing damage.

  • Immunities, resistances and weakness
    Due to being a plant-based being, she is even more susceptible to fire than most mammals. She also needs to protect herself from many of the insects that prey on plants, as well as from diseases or ailments that could befall plants.

    In turn, however, she is far less susceptible to diseases that harm mammals. Any disease that requires the flow of blood or the presence of flesh will not harm her at all, due to the lack of blood and flesh.

    She is capable of withstanding heat far better than mammals, for as long as she is capable of drinking enough to counter the faster evaporation of water. In turn, she does not deal well with temperatures below freezing, as her body cannot warm itself. In a worst case scenario, she will end up frozen solid.

  • Breathing and rooting
    She cannot break down organic material in the same way as mammals, to the point where she is incapable of eating 'normally' altogether. Much like a plant, she breaths in CO2 and breaths out O2. As a result, she needs sunlight (photosynthesis) to avoid starvation. She can drink normally, in order to take in water more quickly than through rooting. She is even capable of consuming other types of drinks, although some might be harmful to her sap-flow.

    In order to supplement herself with additional nutritional resources, she is able to take 'root'. This is a process that is normally done during the night, instead of sleeping. Taking root takes time, but allows a Sylvari to take in nutrition from the soil. This, in turn, allows them to 'eat' in order to grow or heal.

    Being forced out of a 'rooted' position is both painful and dangerous to a Sylvari, as it is the equivalent of having your blood-vessels tear. Instead, she needs to 'de-root' at a slow and steady pace. This means that taking root leaves the average Sylvari in a vulnerable spot.

    The quality of the soil in which they take root affects how much nutrition they get from it. Soil that is polluted might even harm them, which gives the Sylvari yet another reason to be careful in choosing their place to root.

  • Ageing
    Sylvari grow up quickly, to the point where they can be considered an adult at five years of age. They are biologically capable of reaching extremely high ages, the oldest known Sylvari lived well past 300 years. However, a wide array of factors may considerably decrease their expected lifespan, such as shortage of sunlight, bad soil to root in, diseases and harmful insects.

  • Reproduction
    Sylvari reproduce through creating seeds within their body, which they plant in a designated area called a 'Groove'. These seeds soon grow into flowers, which are pollinated by other Sylvari during their pollination rites. These flowers then grow into large pods, which will eventually break open like an egg, containing a 'newborn' Sylvari.

  • The following are parts unique to herself, as part of the Chaos within her, rather than to her species in general.

  • Repellent
    Euthalia can spread a scent that repels certain bugs (such as locusts, aphids and caterpillars).

  • Attractor
    Euthalia can spread a scent that attracts certain bugs (such as bumblebees, butterflies and lady beetles).

  • Emotion influence
    Euthalia can spread scents to influence emotions. Varied as this ability is, it is fairly limited. Those with strong emotions will, at best, only have these emotions slightly calmed by these scents. Those with a strong willpower, or those with clear goals in mind, will not be swayed from their goals or ideals by just a scent either. Of course, the success of this influence relies on whether the receptor has both the ability to perceive scent as well as the ability to feel emotions.

    The true power of this ability lies in its subtle usages. The right scent can eventually enrage a crowd that is mildly discontent at first, while it may make a crowd that was merely happy at first ecstatic. Another example is how it can help someone calm down, in combination with comforting words, or how it can sway someone into trusting you just a little easier than words alone could.

  • Physical effects
    Certain fragrances can increase or decrease someone's focus, can make them feel more energized or more tired, and they can even have minor healing effects. Those with a stronger sense of smell are especially affected by it.

  • Repugnant
    Euthalia can create an utterly repugnant smell that will make those affected by it loose their focus and (more often than not) force the insides of stomach out.

  • Poison
    Euthalia can spread poisonous fragrances with a surprisingly nice scent to them.

  • Scent-marking.
    Euthalia can mark things by putting a few drops of heavily scented liquid on them, obtained from 'bleeding' it out of a small cut in her body. These scent-marks last up to 24 hours. This ability is particularly strong when paired with someone (or something) with a great sense of smell (like a dog).

General: Polyglot, cryptology, gardening, herbalism

Weapons, armours, tools: Daggers, vine and/or leather armour

Languages: Sylvan (only speaking, as it doesn't have a script), Common (speaking, reading and writing), Elvish (speaking, some reading and writing), Dwarven/Runes (speaking, reading, writing), ...
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Official Character List 2
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(one more for the road)
I don't do Discord, but am happy to chat here or in DMs. Working on a sheet!
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Reactions: Novama
Sounds good. Looking forward to the character.
Is there a specific aesthetic style you have in mind? Any types of faceclaims that are preferred or off-limits?
your face can be any style of art you wish. I believe that will enable the greatest variety of characters. Obviously safe for work is the standard in this thread
We have our first submitted character claiming the fire affinity. Hopefully, you guys weren't all gunning for that.
I might do discord,but i would prefer if it were in pms here.
I am currently working on the character sheet,btw!
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Reactions: Novama
oh yeah!almost forgot to ask!
where do we post the character sheet?
oh yeah!almost forgot to ask!
where do we post the character sheet?

Give them to me in direct message please. Also, the rp will take place in the group rp forum. I will post it up after a couple more finished sheets come in.
First accepted character is in the list. More to come as they are completed.
-ignore this-
-ignore this-
2nd character is list official. We'll be ready to start soon, but there's always room for more if you guys have friends you'd like to invite.
Got a message from Nova linking to this; figured I'd check it out. The concept is really well thought out so I gotta give props to you on that Nova, I just had a few things I wanted to discuss;
  • Firstly, and this is less of a discussion topic and more just that I wanted to point it out, I find it funny that the setting is medieval fantasy and immediately both of the first listed characters are JP influenced XD definitely shows that all of us are just weebs lol no harm no foul though
  • Secondly, I was wondering if Nova was going to also have a PC or if you were strictly holding a GM position with no personal active role in the story
  • Thirdly, I was wondering if there were specific limitations on Affinity or the character's combat style
  • Finally, is there a specific limit to how many RPers that can participate (like, are only 3 allowed or...?) and are we allowed to have, say, 2 PCs if we have solid ideas for them?
Got a message from Nova linking to this; figured I'd check it out. The concept is really well thought out so I gotta give props to you on that Nova, I just had a few things I wanted to discuss;
  • Firstly, and this is less of a discussion topic and more just that I wanted to point it out, I find it funny that the setting is medieval fantasy and immediately both of the first listed characters are JP influenced XD definitely shows that all of us are just weebs lol no harm no foul though
  • Secondly, I was wondering if Nova was going to also have a PC or if you were strictly holding a GM position with no personal active role in the story
  • Thirdly, I was wondering if there were specific limitations on Affinity or the character's combat style
  • Finally, is there a specific limit to how many RPers that can participate (like, are only 3 allowed or...?) and are we allowed to have, say, 2 PCs if we have solid ideas for them?

Welcome to the discussion.
1. I like my rps to allow for a multitude of characters so i try not to limit folk based on aesthetics alone. XD

2. Ill be exclusively playing the world and npcs to keep the world alive and story moving.

3.while the rp will support multiple rpers beyond 3, i encourage rpers to not rp for more than one character at a time in the rp. This means if you want to rp a different character after the first, the first must be dead or retired off somewhere before the bew one comes in.
  • Useful
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Excuse me, would I either of you that has finished their character be fine with having a connection of some sort with mine I just submitted?

His name is Payne Vilewater, and is a repentant frog-man who formerly made a habit of drowning people and stealing their souls, in a bog near a large and famous inn.

Taking on a human form, he now trains to be an apostle.
The character connection is not as important but it does make the start of the RP more interesting as characters immediately start with a bond between each other. It is not required for play but I do find it and a hanse is it. It also shouldn't be so Core 2 character that the character doesn't make sense without the other person around though. For example, Mario can still go adventuring even if Luigi falls down a pit