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Your friendly neighborhood Swearengen
Original poster
Invitation Status
  1. Look for groups
  2. Looking for partners
Posting Speed
  1. 1-3 posts per week
Writing Levels
  1. Adept
  2. Advanced
Preferred Character Gender
  1. Female
Fantasy, SciFi, Swords and Sorcery, Apocalyptic, Steam Punk, Drama, Anime, Superhero, Medieval,
Arcadia Rising:

All images by PavellKiD.
Please visit his Deviantart page and support him any way you can.

The Year is 2036, and the apocalypse is now. Twenty years ago Korea unleashed its ace in the hole. This would later become known as "The Attack". In an attempt to eliminate the world powers in order to take over, they unleashed hell on earth. What was meant to be a super virus that would only kill turned into something more. Something unnatural. The dead rose, and they took the world with it. No one knows why the first missile was let loose, but the world was soon not only swamped with the dead, but aglow with the fires of a thousand cities, set aflame by the world's nuclear arsenals. After that day, the world population sat below 1,000,000,000, and continued to fall sharply from there. Twenty years later, Arcadia is one of the 11 survivor colonies risen from the ashes of what remains of the United states.

Built off the corpse of the old Royals Stadium, Arcadia was far enough from the major cities that it was mostly safe from the bigger herds, and boasted a generator powerful enough to make it the closest thing to life before The Attack for miles in all directions. Over time they made a city, and life in the apocalypse became normal. Most don't remember a time before the dead walked among us, and those who do are either dead or too old to care. With running water, fresh produce, a strong market with countless scavenged amenities, instructional texts, and even some of the world's most advanced pre-attack technology, the people of Arcadia live, by comparison, a life of luxury, security and leisure.

But things aren't as perfect as they seem. Arcadia is run by what is called The Counsel, a select group of survivors who's only job was to ensure the survival of the city. The counsel are the ones who decide what needs to be done. They are in charge of the city's guards, power grid, defenses, supply lines, and general needs. And they are the only one's who truly know the road Arcadia is traveling down. Only they know the seemingly impossible challenges the city faces, they alone holding the fate of Arcadia in their hands... until now.

You have volunteered, passed the initiation tests, and now stand as Arcadia's only hope of continued survival. The council was vague during recruitment, careful not to instigate a panic; all they said was they were looking for a diverse group of talented and/or skilled individuals to venture into the wastes to search for ways to better Arcadia and the quality of life of her people. Now that you've been selected, however, you have been called together with your fellow new recruits, and you have been told the truth.

Arcadia is dying, and you are the Council's last ditch effort to save her.

Rotting pipes, faltering fuses and crumbling plaster are the least of your communities problems, with pests and black mold having reached a crescendo as of late, and with much of the population sick and unable to work. Food production and storage has always been understandably lack luster in Arcadia, and the rats and roaches have only gotten worse over the years, no measure to date having shown anything but a minimal effect on their populations. The well pump is on its last legs, the merchants are feuding with one of the local religions, and distrust of The Council is at an all time high.

You are the last chance to save Arcadia.


1: Follow all site rules.
2: NO SEXUAL CONTENT. Fade to black only.
3: 18+ Only. This also applies to characters.
4: Do your best to not be rude OOC.
5: The GMs(Travelor & GonzoB.) have the final say.
#6 Player cap is six.
#7 Write in third person past tense.

Player Expectations, Game Themes and Difficulty, and Gameplay Mechanics:

POSTING EXPECTATIONS: The GMs will make a plot post every Saturday, and posting expectations for players are 1 post at least, and 3 posts at most, a week. Post length should be anywhere from 1 to 5 paragraphs, depending on what the particular post calls for.

"MISSION BASED RP": This is a mission based RP. This means that in many GM plot posts, you will be receiving a mission from The Council, your task then being to cooperate with your team to achieve the goal or goals laid out in said mission. All missions will have a general theme of venturing out from Arcadia to find things or meet people that are able to better the quality of life in your city. This could be anything from finding a better way to grow food, to raising and army to protect your people, and you will have much discretion in the solutions you decide to go for.

THIS IS A HARSH WORLD: Zombies, the extremes of nuclear winter, disease, wild animals, starvation, dehydration, marauders, even war; all these things plague the land outside Arcadia, and you WILL die if you are not prepared. Hell; you may even die if you are the most prepared person in the world. It's a very, very tough place out there, and even something as trivial as a splinter is a huge risk in a world of rampant disease and nearly nonexistent medial care. Things like avoiding exposure, staying well fed and hydrated, and maintaining good hygiene will be as much of a concern as not getting eaten by zombies, if not more.

CROWBARS N' EXO-SUITS: State of the art tech from real world 2016 is available, but is extremely scarce, and nearly impossible to power and maintain. Even a crowbar will break if misused over a long period, not to mention blades, firearms and any other weapon less robust than a bar of steel. Your equipment will break if used roughly or over a long period of time without you explicitly mentioning how you have maintained said it. Remember; in this game, trouble will often come from simply not being careful, and not taking care of your equipment is a great way to get yourself killed.

HIGH RISK HIGH REWARD: While this game features a "High Risk, High Reward" system in the sense that, if you do nothing, you will get nothing, and if you go and pull something off against great odds, you will get something amazing, that is not to say that you can just throw yourself into the fray and expect to not only survive, but receive a reward on top of it. Use your head, be cautious, utilize your environment, hell, run away if you have to. The most important thing here is to survive. Yes, you need to save Arcadia, but you can't do it by running up to a group of five zombies and beating them to death. More often than not, this will get you killed, and it will almost always be waste of effort. While this is an adventure RP, and I want to give you plenty of opportunities to feel like a bad-ass, I find that if it's handed to you, it's not as enjoyable. Just think about what you would actually do if you were in this horrible world, not what would be cool to pull off as a writer.

Character Sheets:

Starting CS
(What you're like entering you enter the RP)

Appearance: No anime or real life pictures.

Name: What do you go by?

Age: How old are you? (18+ only)

Height: How tall are you?

Weight: How much do you weigh without any equipment?

Health: Describe the status of your health? How prone to illness and injury are you, and how sick or injured are you currently?

Defining Tidbit: What are one or two things you tell people about yourself? These can be true stories from your past, or fabrications meant to build a facade to hide behind. Either way, this is how you present yourself to people.

Combat Prowess: How good are you at fighting, and in what way do you fight? Do you have any special martial arts or marksmanship, or other type of combat training?

Physical Prowess: How physically capable are you, and in what ways? Do you have any special physical training? Do you have any physical impairments or ailments?

Mental Prowess: How smart, knowledgeable and educated are you? What do you know how to do? Also, how stable are you? Do you have any mental illness/disabilities?

Weapons: What do you use to kill stuff? This includes any ammunition(every bullet and arrow will be counted).

Gear & Equipment: What do you use to accomplish goals and survive in the wasteland?

Current CS
(Update after any change to your character made in the IC thread. List any loss or gain in equipment, any wound or healing of wounds, changes to your prowesses, and any new skills or training.)




Defining Tidbit:

Combat Prowess:

Physical Prowess:

Mental Prowess:


Gear & Equipment:
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I would love to join this, however I'm unsure where exactly to put my character sheet. Would it also be okay to give it to you via PM, so that we may discuss what characters may and may not have on their persons? I do not want to take too many liberties.
I would love to join this, however I'm unsure where exactly to put my character sheet. Would it also be okay to give it to you via PM, so that we may discuss what characters may and may not have on their persons? I do not want to take too many liberties.
You can just post it in here, and then I'll ask you to make any necessary changes.

In fact, this will serve as a good tutorial for the players that come after you. Just post what you think will be acceptable, and then, if I see anything that doesn't jell, then we can talk about why it doesn't, and you can do instead.
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Alrighty, here it is. I wasn't sure as to whether or not I needed to provide food rations in the start of the sheet, or if you'd tell me how much he'd naturally have at the start. I will be more then happy to engage in a conversation about why I believe he may have the things he does, and will concede should you disagree.

Name: Victor Bon Sinclair

Age: 30

Height: 6' 8''

Weight: 170

Appearance: You see a tall man with two glowing green eyes, a hood covering him. His dark brown sandy desert strider ladled with salvage. You can see the shotgun strapped around his chest, as well as a grappling hook hanging by his side. Dangling on each leg is a crowbar. You see the shells he has on his person tied at his waist by a belt. You can make out a large backpack on on him.

Defining Tidbit: A computer savant able to hack most electronics as well as computer programs. An accomplished engineer able to repair, or jury-rig most anything.

Combat Prowess: In close quarters he is able to knock a few skulls provided he has something to bash them with, as well as being an okay shot typically preferring a good shotgun to a rifle. His true talent lies in his ability to lay traps and prevent himself from taking injury.

Physical Prowess: Victor is unable to run due to having a bad leg, which gives him a slight limp. He is physically unable to bend his right knee, making stairs a challenge, and running impossible. His arm upper body strength makes up for this, as he's able to lift heavy objects with ease, as well as carry more supplies on his person then average.

Mental Prowess: Victor is a clever and crafty man, while he is not a true genius his natural talent for computers, and with machinery allow him to know whether or not what he finds can be used or salvaged in any way. He has varied knowledge on ballistics knowing that guns and suits could be the deference between life and death. He is able to maintain such things with ease, as well as repair them should they fall into disuse.

Health: While physically incapable of running, and walking normally his body boasts a robust and healthy immune system.

Weapons: Two crowbars of different sizes, one as long as a thigh, the other a forearm. A well maintained riot shotgun capable of holding ten 12 gauge shells, as well as specialized ammunition such as slugs. 60/60 12-gauge shells.

Gear & Equipment: 50 ft of metal wire. 20 feet of rope, with a grappling hook tied at the end. 100 ft of fishing line. A water purifier. A helmet capable of viewing the infrared, and ultraviolet spectrum. The helmet/mask also serves as a filter. A dark brown hooded desert strider suit, that keeps him cool during the day, and warm enough at night. A large back pack.
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I was unsure if you'd also had liked a different appearance should he take off his mask.
Alrighty, here it is. I wasn't sure as to whether or not I needed to provide food rations in the start of the sheet, or if you'd tell me how much he'd naturally have at the start. I will be more then happy to engage in a conversation about why I believe he may have the things he does, and will concede should you disagree.

Name: Victor Bon Sinclair

Age: 30

Height: 6' 8''

Weight: 170

Appearance: You see a tall man with two glowing green eyes, a hood covering him. His dark brown sandy desert strider ladled with salvage. You can see the shotgun strapped around his chest, as well as a grappling hook hanging by his side. Dangling on each leg is a crowbar. You see the shells he has on his person tied at his waist by a belt. You can make out a large backpack on on him.

Defining Tidbit: A computer savant able to hack most electronics as well as computer programs. An accomplished engineer able to repair, or jury-rig most anything.

Combat Prowess: In close quarters he is able to knock a few skulls provided he has something to bash them with, as well as being an okay shot typically preferring a good shotgun to a rifle. His true talent lies in his ability to lay traps and prevent himself from taking injury.

Physical Prowess: Victor is unable to run due to having a bad leg, which gives him a slight limp. He is physically unable to bend his right knee, making stairs a challenge, and running impossible. His arm upper body strength makes up for this, as he's able to lift heavy objects with ease, as well as carry more supplies on his person then average.

Mental Prowess: Victor is a clever and crafty man, while he is not a true genius his natural talent for computers, and with machinery allow him to know whether or not what he finds can be used or salvaged in any way. He has varied knowledge on ballistics knowing that guns and suits could be the deference between life and death. He is able to maintain such things with ease, as well as repair them should they fall into disuse.

Health: While physically incapable of running, and walking normally his body boasts a robust and healthy immune system.

Weapons: Two crowbars of different sizes, one as long as a thigh, the other a forearm. A well maintained riot shotgun capable of holding ten 12 gauge shells, as well as specialized ammunition such as slugs. 60/60 12-gauge shells.

Gear & Equipment: 50 ft of metal wire. 20 feet of rope, with a grappling hook tied at the end. 100 ft of fishing line. A water purifier. A helmet capable of viewing the infrared, and ultraviolet spectrum. The helmet/mask also serves as a filter. A dark brown hooded desert strider suit, that keeps him cool during the day, and warm enough at night. A large back pack.
Looks great, slayer. I don't have any complaints, at all. The desert strider is an exo-suit, right? That's a pretty cool name; you'll have to elaborate on that later in the RP, like maybe there's a snow strider or a swamp strider, for example.

Oh, and, as for describing how he looks without the mask; that's up to you. You can edit it into your CS, describe it later during the RP, or just leave him masked up the whole time.

But, yeah, the CS looks great. Welcome aboard.
Oh, one more thing, @slayerbat; go ahead and copy and paste that CS down below itself, so you'll have a second sheet to update when your stats change.
  • Thank You
Reactions: slayerbat
Cool beans, as for the exo-suit you are right. It's supposed to keep fallout and the like out since I believe you mentioned that being a big part of the RP. As for the copying and pasting I'm not sure I follow, however I do have it in a word Doc.
Cool beans, as for the exo-suit you are right. It's supposed to keep fallout and the like out since I believe you mentioned that being a big part of the RP. As for the copying and pasting I'm not sure I follow, however I do have it in a word Doc.
Like this:

Starting CS:

Alrighty, here it is. I wasn't sure as to whether or not I needed to provide food rations in the start of the sheet, or if you'd tell me how much he'd naturally have at the start. I will be more then happy to engage in a conversation about why I believe he may have the things he does, and will concede should you disagree.

Name: Victor Bon Sinclair

Age: 30

Height: 6' 8''

Weight: 170

Appearance: You see a tall man with two glowing green eyes, a hood covering him. His dark brown sandy desert strider ladled with salvage. You can see the shotgun strapped around his chest, as well as a grappling hook hanging by his side. Dangling on each leg is a crowbar. You see the shells he has on his person tied at his waist by a belt. You can make out a large backpack on on him.

Defining Tidbit: A computer savant able to hack most electronics as well as computer programs. An accomplished engineer able to repair, or jury-rig most anything.

Combat Prowess: In close quarters he is able to knock a few skulls provided he has something to bash them with, as well as being an okay shot typically preferring a good shotgun to a rifle. His true talent lies in his ability to lay traps and prevent himself from taking injury.

Physical Prowess: Victor is unable to run due to having a bad leg, which gives him a slight limp. He is physically unable to bend his right knee, making stairs a challenge, and running impossible. His arm upper body strength makes up for this, as he's able to lift heavy objects with ease, as well as carry more supplies on his person then average.

Mental Prowess: Victor is a clever and crafty man, while he is not a true genius his natural talent for computers, and with machinery allow him to know whether or not what he finds can be used or salvaged in any way. He has varied knowledge on ballistics knowing that guns and suits could be the deference between life and death. He is able to maintain such things with ease, as well as repair them should they fall into disuse.

Health: While physically incapable of running, and walking normally his body boasts a robust and healthy immune system.

Weapons: Two crowbars of different sizes, one as long as a thigh, the other a forearm. A well maintained riot shotgun capable of holding ten 12 gauge shells, as well as specialized ammunition such as slugs. 60/60 12-gauge shells.

Gear & Equipment: 50 ft of metal wire. 20 feet of rope, with a grappling hook tied at the end. 100 ft of fishing line. A water purifier. A helmet capable of viewing the infrared, and ultraviolet spectrum. The helmet/mask also serves as a filter. A dark brown hooded desert strider suit, that keeps him cool during the day, and warm enough at night. A large back pack.

Current CS:

Alrighty, here it is. I wasn't sure as to whether or not I needed to provide food rations in the start of the sheet, or if you'd tell me how much he'd naturally have at the start. I will be more then happy to engage in a conversation about why I believe he may have the things he does, and will concede should you disagree.

Name: Victor Bon Sinclair

Age: 30

Height: 6' 8''

Weight: 170

Appearance: You see a tall man with two glowing green eyes, a hood covering him. His dark brown sandy desert strider ladled with salvage. You can see the shotgun strapped around his chest, as well as a grappling hook hanging by his side. Dangling on each leg is a crowbar. You see the shells he has on his person tied at his waist by a belt. You can make out a large backpack on on him.

Defining Tidbit: A computer savant able to hack most electronics as well as computer programs. An accomplished engineer able to repair, or jury-rig most anything.

Combat Prowess: In close quarters he is able to knock a few skulls provided he has something to bash them with, as well as being an okay shot typically preferring a good shotgun to a rifle. His true talent lies in his ability to lay traps and prevent himself from taking injury.

Physical Prowess: Victor is unable to run due to having a bad leg, which gives him a slight limp. He is physically unable to bend his right knee, making stairs a challenge, and running impossible. His arm upper body strength makes up for this, as he's able to lift heavy objects with ease, as well as carry more supplies on his person then average.

Mental Prowess: Victor is a clever and crafty man, while he is not a true genius his natural talent for computers, and with machinery allow him to know whether or not what he finds can be used or salvaged in any way. He has varied knowledge on ballistics knowing that guns and suits could be the deference between life and death. He is able to maintain such things with ease, as well as repair them should they fall into disuse.

Health: While physically incapable of running, and walking normally his body boasts a robust and healthy immune system.

Weapons: Two crowbars of different sizes, one as long as a thigh, the other a forearm. A well maintained riot shotgun capable of holding ten 12 gauge shells, as well as specialized ammunition such as slugs. 60/60 12-gauge shells.

Gear & Equipment: 50 ft of metal wire. 20 feet of rope, with a grappling hook tied at the end. 100 ft of fishing line. A water purifier. A helmet capable of viewing the infrared, and ultraviolet spectrum. The helmet/mask also serves as a filter. A dark brown hooded desert strider suit, that keeps him cool during the day, and warm enough at night. A large back pack.
  • Thank You
Reactions: slayerbat
I understand now, I shall post it as such. I appreciate your patience.
Starting CS:

Name: Victor Bon Sinclair

Age: 30

Height: 6' 8''

Weight: 170

Appearance: You see a tall man with two glowing green eyes, a hood covering him. His dark brown sandy desert strider ladled with salvage. You can see the shotgun strapped around his chest, as well as a grappling hook hanging by his side. Dangling on each leg is a crowbar. You see the shells he has on his person tied at his waist by a belt. You can make out a large backpack on on him.

Defining Tidbit: A computer savant able to hack most electronics as well as computer programs. An accomplished engineer able to repair, or jury-rig most anything.

Combat Prowess: In close quarters he is able to knock a few skulls provided he has something to bash them with, as well as being an okay shot typically preferring a good shotgun to a rifle. His true talent lies in his ability to lay traps and prevent himself from taking injury.

Physical Prowess: Victor is unable to run due to having a bad leg, which gives him a slight limp. He is physically unable to bend his right knee, making stairs a challenge, and running impossible. His arm upper body strength makes up for this, as he's able to lift heavy objects with ease, as well as carry more supplies on his person then average.

Mental Prowess: Victor is a clever and crafty man, while he is not a true genius his natural talent for computers, and with machinery allow him to know whether or not what he finds can be used or salvaged in any way. He has varied knowledge on ballistics knowing that guns and suits could be the deference between life and death. He is able to maintain such things with ease, as well as repair them should they fall into disuse.

Health: While physically incapable of running, and walking normally his body boasts a robust and healthy immune system.

Weapons: Two crowbars of different sizes, one as long as a thigh, the other a forearm. A well maintained riot shotgun capable of holding ten 12 gauge shells, as well as specialized ammunition such as slugs. 60/60 12-gauge shells.

Gear & Equipment: 50 ft of metal wire. 20 feet of rope, with a grappling hook tied at the end. 100 ft of fishing line. A water purifier. A helmet capable of viewing the infrared, and ultraviolet spectrum. The helmet/mask also serves as a filter. A dark brown hooded desert strider suit, that keeps him cool during the day, and warm enough at night. A large back pack.

Current CS:

Name: Victor Bon Sinclair

Age: 30

Height: 6' 8''

Weight: 170

Appearance: You see a tall man with two glowing green eyes, a hood covering him. His dark brown sandy desert strider ladled with salvage. You can see the shotgun strapped around his chest, as well as a grappling hook hanging by his side. Dangling on each leg is a crowbar. You see the shells he has on his person tied at his waist by a belt. You can make out a large backpack on on him.

Defining Tidbit: A computer savant able to hack most electronics as well as computer programs. An accomplished engineer able to repair, or jury-rig most anything.

Combat Prowess: In close quarters he is able to knock a few skulls provided he has something to bash them with, as well as being an okay shot typically preferring a good shotgun to a rifle. His true talent lies in his ability to lay traps and prevent himself from taking injury.

Physical Prowess: Victor is unable to run due to having a bad leg, which gives him a slight limp. He is physically unable to bend his right knee, making stairs a challenge, and running impossible. His arm upper body strength makes up for this, as he's able to lift heavy objects with ease, as well as carry more supplies on his person then average.

Mental Prowess: Victor is a clever and crafty man, while he is not a true genius his natural talent for computers, and with machinery allow him to know whether or not what he finds can be used or salvaged in any way. He has varied knowledge on ballistics knowing that guns and suits could be the deference between life and death. He is able to maintain such things with ease, as well as repair them should they fall into disuse.

Health: While physically incapable of running, and walking normally his body boasts a robust and healthy immune system.

Weapons: Two crowbars of different sizes, one as long as a thigh, the other a forearm. A well maintained riot shotgun capable of holding ten 12 gauge shells, as well as specialized ammunition such as slugs. 60/60 12-gauge shells.

Gear & Equipment: 50 ft of metal wire. 20 feet of rope, with a grappling hook tied at the end. 100 ft of fishing line. A water purifier. A helmet capable of viewing the infrared, and ultraviolet spectrum. The helmet/mask also serves as a filter. A dark brown hooded desert strider suit, that keeps him cool during the day, and warm enough at night. A large back pack.
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How is progress on other members my good man?
How is progress on other members my good man?
None so far, unfortunately. The fellas from the interest check haven't made any CSs yet.

I'll try to drum up some players this week.
Ah, take your time and such. I was just curious as a lack of activity made me wonder what was going on.
Yea just kinda busy plus I don't have a computer at home anymore so its kind of hard.
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Hello All. I will be working on a character sheet right now but It will probably take me a day or two to get it posted just bare with me.
C'mon guys...

Please work on your CS's this week. If I don't get any by next Saturday, I'll have to close the RP.
That would be unfortunate.
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