Assassin's Creed: Golden Age // Sign-Ups

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Original poster
Invitation Status
Posting Speed
  1. Multiple posts per day
  2. 1-3 posts per day
  3. 1-3 posts per week
Writing Levels
  1. Intermediate
  2. Adept
  3. Advanced
Preferred Character Gender
  1. Male
  2. Female
  3. Primarily Prefer Male
Fantasy, Scifi, Modern, Action, Adventure.
IC Link
OOC Link
Character Sheets will be placed here.

Character Template
Age/DOB: (Current Date In-Play is 12 January, 2021)
Place of Birth:
Eye Color:
Hair Color:
Appearance: (Images encouraged)
Preferred Weaponry:
Personality: (Optional)
History: (Brief)
Ancestor(s):Optional, 3 Maximum.
Date/Place of Birth:
Date/Place of Death:
Image: OPT
History: Brief?
(Note: The GM has images of characters in modern Assassin attire if you require one.)

"May the Father of Understanding guide us."
Ranks (Descending Order)
Assassins // Templars
Keeper of the Order General of the Cross
Keeper of the Apple Guardian
Mentor Black Cross/Inquisitor
Master Assassin Grand Master
Assassin Master Templar
Veteran Templar
Warrior Disciple
Mercenary Neophyte
Disciple Seeker
Footpad Faithful
Novice Initiate
Apprentice Recruit
Initiate Prospect

Tools of the Trade

  • Collapsible Shortsword

    Modular Longsword

    Combat Tomahawk

    Collapsible Bo Staff

  • Throwing Knives

    Combat/Taser Knife

    Apprentice Hidden Blade

    Assassin Hidden Blade

    Variants such as the Hookblade, Shock Blade, Chain Blade, and Pivot Blade are available upon GM approval.

  • Arbalest Crossbow

    Compound Bow

  • Nagrant Revolver, capable of handling pistol ammo as well as shotgun shells.

    G38 Sniper Kit

    K-Series Modular Firearm System

  • Frag Genades (Black Casing)/Smoke Grenades (Grey Casing)

    EMP Grenade (White Casing)/Flash Grenade (Black-and-White Casing)

Name: Shaun Connolly
Age/DOB: 21 May,1995 (26 Years Old)
Place of Birth: Williamsburg, Virginia, USA
Height: 5' 11"
Eye Color: Grey-Blue
Hair Color: Dirty Blonde
Faction: Assassins Brotherhood
Rank: Master Assassin
Preferred Weaponry:
-Twin Hidden Blades
-Modular Longsword
-Collapsible Shortsword
-Sniper Rifle
Personality: Will be revealed in-play.
History: Will be revealed in-play.
Date/Place of Birth: ???, 216 BC, Beth-El, Israel
Date/Place of Death: ???, 173 BC, Jerusalem, Israel
Faction: Assassins Brotherhood
Joziah was an acolyte in the synagogue of Beth-El, but was soon inducted into the Assassins Brotherhood after the Roman Legion burned his village. He served as a loyal Assassin for years until he was executed by the Romans.
Date/Place of Birth: 22 September, 1410 AD, Essex County, England
Date/Place of Death: 17 October, 1462 AD, Cornwall, England
Faction: Assassins Brotherhood
Born into the English Assassins, Edward spent most of his tenure as an Assassin during the War of the Roses, acting as a Mentor for a brief period near the end of his life before he retired from the Brotherhood and moved with his family to Cornwall, where he died of old age.
Date/Place of Birth: 14 January,1802 AD, Raleigh, North Carolina, USA
Date/Place of Death: 6 March, 1836 AD, Alamo Mission, San Antonio, Texas
Faction: Assassins Brotherhood
Silas was raised as a member of the Assassins from a young age. When the Texas Revolution came about, Silas volunteered to join the fray. Unfortunately, Silas' path led him to the Alamo, where he met his fate at the bayonets of Santa Anna's soldiers.
Other: Shaun is ambidextrous.
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Name: Andrew la Croux
Codename: Crow
Age/DOB: 21 (July 18, 2000)
Place of Birth: New Orleans, Louisiana
Height: 6'3
Eye Color: Grey
Hair Color: Black
Faction: Templars
Rank: Templar
Preferred Weaponry:
  • Tomahawk
  • Throwing Knives
  • Combat Knife
  • Standard Pistol (+Silencer)
Personality: RP it out.

History: From the moment he could walk, Andrew was destined to become a Templar. With an ex-Assassin for a mother, he was taught everything about the art of the kill and the ways of an Assassin. And, upon being sent to Abstergo Training Facilities, he was further trained until he was in prime condition, both physically and mentally. It wasn't long before the young man found himself as a fully-fledged Templar, intent on carrying out his duty as a member of the sect.
  • An Assassin during who lived during The American Civil War.
  • A Templar who lived during World War One.
  • An Assassin who lived during The Prohibition Era.
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Annaleigh Laura McCrossen
Age/DOB: (Current Date In-Play is 12 January, 2021)
23 June 17, 1997
Place of Birth:
Owasso, OK
Eye Color:
Hair Color:

Preferred Weaponry:
Collapsible Short Sword
Assassin Hidden Blade
Throwing Knives
K-Series Modular Firearm
Personality: (Optional)
Annaleigh was born to an ex-templar mother and an assassin father. The young woman knew she was destined for greatness within the sect. She learned and diligently trained under both her father and mother. She soon found herself rising through the ranks making a name for her self within the Assassins. Her father was delighted when she received her rank of assassin. As she developed her skills more fully she had to constantly checking over her shoulder. The templars wanted her mother back and also wanted Annaleigh withing their ranks because the merging of two sacred and distinct bloodlines was far to valuable to be lost. That however has not stopped her from being herself and excelling at everything she can.
Ancestor(s):Optional, 3 Maximum.
STRICTLY CLASSIFIED (will be revealed through out the rp.)

"May the Father of Understanding guide us."
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EDIT: as much as I hate to say it, I'm going to be dropping out from this. I've sort of hit a brick wall on a cs for this, and I don't want to hold it up in any way. Apologies.
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Name: Shawn Price
Codename: Bowman
Age/DOB: 22 Years Old/May 5th, 1999
Place of Birth: Warwick, Rhode Island, United States
Height: 5ft 11in
Eye Color: Green
Hair Color: Brown
More Modern Casual / Blending Attire

Full On Mission Attire

Faction: Templars
Rank: Disciple
Preferred Weaponry:
- K-Series Modular Firearm System
- Standard Pistol (+ Silencer)
- Combat Knife
- Frag & Flash Grenades
Personality: RP it out
Fairly confident and not a particularly uptight individual. A relaxed person by nature.

Born into the Templar Order from both a mother and father whom were Templars Shawn Price has lived and breathed such a live for his entire life. Although the modern times have certainly shifted his behavior from the more rigid old fashioned qualities his parents have always expressed to him. He himself being slightly more lay back than most of whom are within the order but this hasn't stopped him from rising the ranks rather steadily. This is usually chocked up the the natural marksman blood of his ancestors stretching as far back as Welsh bowman to the modern eras of firearms. He fully carries out his duties as commanded proving himself a competent sharpshooter and overall good shot though lacks quality close quarters combat skills which are perhaps a large hindrance as to why he hasn't become a full fledged Templar as of yet already being twenty-two years of age. To this day he always tries to sneak in his little moments of enjoyment here and there when he can.

Shawn's first assassination
(Involves "Princess Poisoned Rose" <Annaleigh Laura McCrossen>)

A few years back Shawn Price was given his first assassination mission as a Disciple of the order which was to eliminate a key supporter of a certain politician in Parliament of the UK. This act was meant to send a message to the politician to begin supporting the Templar Order the way he should be instead of supporting ideas that contrast the order's beliefs.

Briefed by his father and other higher ups, Shawn was rest assured that because he wasn't directly targeting the politician that the danger for this first assassination should be low which is why it was being given to Shawn as his first. If they only knew how wrong they were.

On the dark night of a Saturday evening in London England Shawn Price took up his sniper position upon the second highest floor of a parking garage. It overlooked a park that he know his target jogged within after nightfall; finding this out of course by staking out his target for over a week now to find the best place and time to carry out the single shot he would need. After an hour of waiting he caught sight of his target through the scope lens of his firearm system, the rifle being steadied atop the side slab of concrete. Few people understood how personal killing with a rifle and scope truly is. It is nearly as personal as walking up to someone and stabbing them in the throat. Through the scope despite being nearly two blocks away he could clearly see his target's sweating figure and heavy breath as he jogged. He easily sees every freckle and every bump. He watched him wipe his and scratch his brow.

It was time now; as Shawn steadied his breathing and took aim. He counted his heartbeat as it slowed; one two. Just as his finger curls around the trigger of his weapon a sudden sliding sound of metal causes him to sharply only for the sting of a steel blade to slide upwards across one side of his face directly wounding his right eye through his mask in squirt of blood in unison with the sharp yell of pain from an injured Shawn. He rashly pulls out his pistol before the assailant could finish him and pops off a few loud shots at point blank; POP POP POP. One of the rounds seemed to catch the side of his attacks face, cutting the cheek slightly but it was enough to give Shawn his opportunity to flee. Releasing a flash bang grenade between himself and the stunned assassin before rushing to the stairwell door and shoulder rushing it open before hastily make his way down the stairs and away from the scene holding his bleeding face with his right hand.

Something felt odd however as he stopped running down the dark sidewalk and turned around to see the figure standing atop a roof half a block away. They stared at each other silently, the breeze swaying the assassins attire to one side along with some strands of blonde hair that made their way out from beneath the hood like some kind of phantom gleaming in the night. vague female features being visible beneath the shadow of the hood. After a few more seconds he watched as the assassin clearly began moving away in the opposite direction and disappeared beyond the roof.

To this day Shawn Price does not understand the reason why the woman didn't give chase. He speculates that she maybe could have been called away on an ear piece or simply did it as an act of superiority. The latter memory of course always seems to make the man's disabled right eye (which now always remains closed with a long vertical scar going up the face and through the eye socket) sting. But one thing is for sure, he will never forget the vague appearance of assassin that almost did him in.


Name: Trevor Yale
Date/Place of Birth: March 8th, 1390/Wales British Isles
Date/Place of Death: 25th October 1415/Battle of Agincourt [France]
Faction: Templars

A common man who served the Templar Order after being recruited at the age of nineteen during the period for his skills with a bow even among fellow welsh bowman. His primary task was to train new recruits in the way of the longbow for quite some time in addition to serving as a personal archery for tasks requiring of an accurate death from afar. Though meeting his end on the battlefield of Agincourt fighting on the side of the English.

Name: Frankie Hunter
Date/Place of Birth: January 4th, 1890/London, England
Date/Place of Death: 1917/Western Trenches
Faction: Templars

An English lad from London, England who served as a keen experimental weapons tester for both England and the Templar Order itself. Primarily field testing heavy anti tank snipers and other various heavy weaponry on the battlefield. Killed by extensive artillery bombardment.

Name: Zimin Mstislav Antonovich
Date/Place of Birth: December 13th, 1920/Moscow
Date/Place of Death: December 13th, 1942/Stalingrad
Faction: Templars

Zimin Mstislav Antonovich served as an informant and sniper for the Templar Order during World War 2 on the side of the Russians. Continuously updating them on the situations regarding the eastern front during this pinnacle war in more recent modern history. However, Zimin become trapped within Stalingrad in 1942 and was killed by German soldiers by bombing the building he resided in after weeks of attempted counter sniper actions had failed. He was killed on the day of his birth in the snow of his homeland.

Templar Oath/Tenants
Overall Initiation:
Do you swear to uphold the principles of our order
and all that for which we stand?

And to never share our secrets
nor divulge the true nature of our work?

And to do so from now until death---- whatever the cost?

Then we welcome you into our fold brother/sister.

Together we will usher in the dawn of a New World.
One defined by purpose and order.

You are a Templar.

May the Father of Understanding guide us.
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Langley Hikoboshi


31/July 7, 1990

~Place of Birth~
Kyoto, Japan

Five Eight

~Eye Color~

~Hair Color~

Light blue overcoat that seems to oddly disappear into the background in low lighting environments. Simple dark slacks.



~Preferred Weaponry~
Compound Bow
Assassin Hidden Blade
Collapseable Bow Staff

Reveal IC

Reveal IC

Tengu typically goes by his code name since many foreigners have trouble saying Hikoboshi, though he is not adverse to calling him Langley. Additionally, after living in the states for so many years, he has completely dropped the use of honorifics except in the rare case of meeting another Japanese person.

He possesses the skills and abilities to be ranked as a Master Assassin, but due to his moral aversion to killing as anything more than a last step that the Order is constantly pushed to by it's very nature, he sets off the uneasy nature of the Mentors, who refuse him Mastery until he embraces the Creed.

Note: I plan to add his ancestors at a later date as I have them planned out, but need quite a bit of time for fact checking and mythology reading.
Name: Gabriel Clark ( Goes by Gabe)
Codename: Hawk
Age/DOB:18, 09/11/2002
Place of Birth: Staten Island, New York
Eye Color: Green
Hair Color:Brown
Faction: Assassins
Rank: Apprentice
Preferred Weaponry: - Apprentice Hidden Blade ( Twin Blades when he gets older
-Combat/ Taser Knife
-G38 Sniper ( Yet to use)
Personality: Gabriel is a shy individual when you first meet him, barely talking and often choosing to remain silent. He is a recalcitrant individual towards society, tending to break the rules for fun rather than sport. He also is quite flirty and always interested in women, but has a hard time talking to them due to his shy nature
History: From a family where his mother and grandfather were both Assassins, Gabriel was trained to be one from the second he could hold a knife. However, unlike most proteges he had a hard time being secretive and often found trouble, not unlike his brother Richard Clark. This made even more difficult to raise in the ranks as he often failed missions. Now just getting his GED, he is ready to get out of his apprentice status and try to be a proper assassin ( especially since his mother has retired to live her married life)


Name: Richard Clark ( Goes mostly by Ricky)
Codename: Crypt
Age/DOB: 24, ( 01/12/ 97)
Place of Birth: Brooklyn, NY
Height: 6'9
Eye Color: Grayish Blue
Hair Color: Dark Brown
Faction: Templars
Rank: Seeker
Preferred Weaponry: -Collaspible Bo Staff
-Throwing Knives
-Flash Grenade
Personality: Ricky is a horrible human being. He tends to do whatever gets him the most cash. He has virtually no conscience when it comes to dealing with anything that he dislikes and can be quite cruel and harsh but does so in such a way that you still like him somehow.He is also a charmer and can hide this all with smooth talk.
History: From a young age, Richard has been known to cause trouble. He killed animals just for the thrill of it, he enjoyed getting into fights and finding trouble. When he was 15, he shot a man for wronging him and got away with it. That particular incident grew the interest of the Templars, much to his father ( an ex-Templar) chagrin. He was a recruit before he knew it and slowly worked his way up the ladder. He is currently looking towards becoming a Neophyte.
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Langley Hikoboshi


31/July 7, 1990

~Place of Birth~
Kyoto, Japan

Five Eight

~Eye Color~

~Hair Color~

Dark blue overcoat that seems to oddly disappear into the background in low lighting environments. Simple dark slacks.



Master Templar

~Preferred Weaponry~
Hidden Vial of Poisons and Antidotes
Compound Bow
Collapseable Bow Staff

Hikoboshi is not a clear cut fanatic for either cause, but he stands heavily on the Templar side of the line due to a distaste for the way of Bushido, always choosing death when there is a choice between life and death. He is more than aware of Templar excesses; as the grandson of the woman that killed Hitler, he has no choice but to be, but still sees them as preferable to an Assassin system that encourages social entropy.

Additionally, he sees himself as a safeguard against Templar war atrocities, perhaps if there had been someone to deter Winston Churchill, Adolf Hitler and Joseph Stalin, World War II could have been averted.

He is somewhat famed for being an apologetic killer, often attempting to subvert his Assassin targets, convert them to the Templar cause by calmly explaining how an Assassin's approach to social structure leads to instability and chaos. He then explains that the Assassins have just as many war crimes on their collective conscious as the Templars, but that the presence of levelheaded men in the Templars stymies personal agendas. Cut off one head of the Templar Hydra, and two worse heads take it's place. Replace that head, and you control the beast.

In the aftermath of World War II his grandfather was one of five hundred Japanese generals that commited suicide to preserve his honor, and that specter of death hung over Hikoboshi as he was born to Langley Ieusagi and Pieter Langley. His grandfather's death was respected and removed the shame of defeat and indeed, would have been been respected if Pieter had raised his son in a household with a strictly Japanese code of honor.

When he was sixteen, his father told him of his heritage. His grandmother; Pieter's mother, killed Adolf Hier, hastening the end of World War II and ending a Templar plan.

His father; retired now and living in hiding with a different last name, attempted to induct Hikoboshi into the next generation of Assassins, but Pieter's earlier remarks and beliefs towards the Japanese honor system left Hikoboshi with a deep aversion towards the similarly absolute Assassin Creed, believing it to be too unflinching, dogmatic and ironclad.

Instead he remained a neutral party and went to an American college and studied medicine, with a minor in social studies and history. Before he graduated, he was approached by a Templar representative and offered to join their group as a Prospect. Surprising the recruiter, he revealed he knew much more about the organization than he should, and made an offer that intrigued the recruiter to the point where he couldn't resist.

"Give me access to your history books for a day, and if I don't join, you cab kill me."

Scrubbing the books of any information related to the Pieces of Eden, Hikoboshi got a full look at the history of the world. He saw the heights of villainy in the Borgia, the descended nobility of Haytham Kenway. He saw Assassin's with the ability to think and help society grow stable, to Assassins that destroyed cities with foolish haste. Seeing the Templars and Assassins as two sides of the same coin, he made a decision. Better a free thinking Templar with the resources to guide people to how to think than a Assassin which causes social entropy.

The rest is truly irrelevant. He finished his doctorate, and has disregarded the Hippocratic Oath many times when an Assassin refused to turn.

However, one major betrayal of the Templar Order has been in regards to his father. His father is still alive, but retired, and Hikoboshi has made no moves to reveal his existence in over a decade with the Order.

Tengu typically goes by his code name since many foreigners have trouble saying Hikoboshi, though he is not adverse to calling him Langley. Additionally, after living in the states for so many years, he has completely dropped the use of honorifics except in the rare case of meeting another Japanese person.​
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Name: Jason DenThorne
Codename: Doc'
Age/DOB: 51 29 December 1970
Place of Birth: Chicago, Il
Height: 5'11"
Eye Color: Hazel
Hair Color: Brown

Assassin Jacket:

Faction: Assassin's Creed
Rank: assassin
Preferred Weaponry:
Two collapsible shortswords
Dual Assassin Hidden Blades
Three throwing knives
K-Series Modular Firearm System
Personality: RP it out
History: Doc' grew up in rural Chicago, in a very bad neighborhood. It was so bad that when he was 12, he ended up joining a gang.He did small stuff first like run drugs and tag buildings. When he got older was when it got worse for him. Some nights he didn't even come home. A gang war started and Doc' was in the middle of it. It was then when he killed a low-level templar. They were in the way and just happened to get killed. That was when the cops rolled up. Doc' high-tailed it out of there. He wasn't going to jail. He ran down a back alley when a man in rags offered him a cloak. Doc' took the cloak and put it on. The man leads him to a safe place and told him that he saw the man that he had killed. Afraid Doc' raised his gun and pointed it at the man. The man disarmed him and put a blade to his throat. He told him that he wasn't going to turn him. He informed him that he was an assassin and the man that he killed was a templar. The man let Doc' go but gave him an offer. "Join the creed and protect the world, or go to jail and die."
Ancestor(s): N/A
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Miakoda King
Mia, Koda
25 - November 8, 1996
Place of Birth:
McAllen, Texas, USA
Eye Color:
Emerald Green
Hair Color:
Dark Brown

Assassin Order
Preferred Weaponry:
Bo Staff with Blade
Throwing Blades
Compound Bow and Special Arrows

Quiet | Reliable | Honest | Intellectual | Caring | Levelheaded | Graceful | Mature
Born on the Apache Reservation in McAllen, Texas, Miakoda was raised by her parents and grandparents under the traditional teachings of their Native American tribe. Although they lived in a modern time, she rarely traveled outside of the reservation aside from school. Being her parents only child, Miakoda learned both roles of the traditional teachings. As a woman, she was taught to cook, sew her own clothing, how to clean, care for children and even planting of vegetables. What her mother had taught her was enjoyable, yet it seemed as though Miakoda had a natural talent for the lessons her father taught.
Killing seemed to be almost too natural for her and in a way, it scared her father. Not matter what weapon he placed in her hands, she quickly adapted to it when teaching her to hunt for prey. Whenever they hunted, the men of the tribe would show her the types of plant life she could use for medical purposes if ever hurt. Over the years, Miakoda continued to learn about more lessons until it was finally time for her to decide what she wanted to do for the rest of her life at the age of 18. Leaving the reservation, she had set out to explore the world but along the way, she had gotten into a scuffle with a couple of guys resulting in her going to jail for two days due to the charges against her were dropped when she was only 20.
Exiting the police station, she ran into a man and ready to apologize to him, when he offered her an interesting propisiton. The man had been aware of Miakoda's natural ability for killing as well as her agility and feline-like grace. She had traits of a modern day femme fatale. The offer piqued her interest very much, so much so she agreed to join this Assassin Order without a second thought.
Unknown to her if any exist​
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(Oh man I hope I'm doing this right. Tell me if I've done something wrong, and I'll fix it or apologize profusely.)
Lupa Blackthrone


Nineteen, born on January 21st of 2002

Place of Birth:
Brooklyn, New York


Eye Color:
Dark blue

Hair Color:
Black, short cut




Preferred Weaponry:
-- Throwing Knives
-- Combat Knife
-- Apprentice Hidden Blade
-- Collapsible Longsword
-- Sniper Rifle (only if absolutely required)

Lupa is an overly proud woman, with a vicious tendency to enact righteous revenge against anyone who dares offend her. She's a bit of a prankster, and finds humor in most situations, even if they seem fairly bleak to everyone else. Like her codename suggests, she can be incredibly charming and persuasive when she needs to be, but that's mostly just a facade. Outside of work, she's a hyper, obnoxious young person who loves harassing her peers.

Lupa's family was large, consisting of four brothers. She was the only girl, and without parents to support them, her eldest brother (senior by eleven years) was forced to take a job early on. Her and her twin were out on the streets frequently, running scams and playing at pickpockets to make a couple extra dollars at the end of the day.
At seventeen, she joined the Assassin Brotherhood after the Templars recruited her twin brother in what she came to believe was a kidnapping.
Because of this, she's got a bit of a bone to pick with them, and can be a bit hot headed when it comes to anything pertaining to the Templars.


Name: Peter Earl.
Age/DOB: 14th of July 1998. Twenty-two years old.
Place of Birth: Nottingham, United Kingdom.
Height: 5'8"
Weight: 130 lbs.
Eye Color: Dark brow.
Hair Color: Black.

Faction: Assassin.
Rank: Initiate.
Preferred Weaponry: Collapsible Bo Staff. Usesa pair with each only having half unfolded, like a set of expandable batons.
Personality: (Optional)
History: (Brief)​

Note: In need to assassins in modern attire.
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