Assassin's Creed: Shambhala

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    A site made for roleplay is way cooler we promise <3


Vi Veri Veniversum Vivus Vici
Original poster
Invitation Status
Posting Speed
  1. 1-3 posts per day
  2. One post per day
  3. 1-3 posts per week
  4. One post per week
Writing Levels
  1. Intermediate
  2. Adept
  3. Advanced
  4. Adaptable
Preferred Character Gender
  1. Male
  2. Primarily Prefer Male
"The Templars have grown more aggressive; they have begun to target Masters and Mentors, to the point that only apprentices are left. Masters are having to be appointed before their time to introduce new ones to the Creed, Executor."

"There is hope, Guardian. Even these young Masters would not be able to take up the mantle if they were not firm in the Creed. They will have to finish their training- a trial by faith and fire."

"There is word that these Templars have harnessed the blood from every Assassin they kill, first generation or otherwise. Whatever they're seeking they won't stop."

"I believe they're searching for it, one of the greatest of the Pieces of Eden."

"You don't mean..."

"I do."

"Then the Templars have become even more desperate. Who can we dispatch to search for it?"

"One of the young Masters, the Archivist- he is training some apprentices as well."

"Then we must hope he can stop them from harnessing the Koh-i-Noor."


I would like to propose the following modern roleplay based on the Assassin's Creed series.

The Templar Order, under the guise of Abstergo Industries, is seeking the Koh-i-Noor ( Koh-i-Noor ), a Piece of Eden that can locate the other Pieces and can even negate their powers for as long as the user wills. Supposedly usable only by God or women, if the Templars were to obtain this Piece of Eden they would no longer need the Animus to do their searching for them- the Koh-i-Noor would lead them to their objectives. The Koh-i-Noor also houses the consciousness of the Isu Durga, who very much thinks as the Templars do.

It falls to a young Assassin Master- codenamed the Archivist- and his few apprentices to stop the Templar Order from retrieving the Koh-i-Noor as they spend time in and out of the Animus (both 2.01 and Omega models), training in the ways of their ancestors and preparing to protect free will as some may struggle between differentiating their ancestors from themselves, all while seeking the lost city of Shambhala.

This roleplay is expected to be Intermediate/Advanced+ and will deal with a variety of topics as players join the Assassins and trek across Asia to find the lost city of Shambhala. Please comment or message if interested!
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Giving this another shot?
Giving this another shot?
Albeit after taking a defibrilator and scalpel to it, yes, I am. It was a good premise and it's always good to explore and develop a vague philosophy like that in Assassin's Creed. Main difference is that we'll only be playing the Assassins since (as I've learned by now) it is exceedingly difficult to play out both sides of a story on this site. Or in general.
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Albeit after taking a defibrilator and scalpel to it, yes, I am. It was a good premise and it's always good to explore and develop a vague philosophy like that in Assassin's Creed. Main difference is that we'll only be playing the Assassins since (as I've learned by now) it is exceedingly difficult to play out both sides of a story on this site. Or in general.

Indeed it does seem to be difficult to do that as I've bore witness and been apart of the ones that you know come to mind.
Might I be able to raise my hand here in interest to join?
xiè xie nǐ
I will have a few questions posted for this then shortly
Mildly interested, especially since I started rewatching playthroughs and playing Conner's story
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Mildly interested, especially since I started rewatching playthroughs and playing Conner's story
Glad to have you interested! I got the bug after replaying Brotherhood, myself.
Why are all your ideas so neat?! Gah.
I wish I had finished the games now, haha.
1. What year is this based in?
2. What Nation Area are we in?
3. The OC creation up?
  • Useful
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Yes I'm a student learning Madarin Chinese right now, so I like to pop Pinyin Chinese in here and there :p
Yes I'm a student learning Madarin Chinese right now, so I like to pop Pinyin Chinese in here and there :p
I attempted to teach myself some Chinese a long time ago, but I only remember a few phrases.
Well my whole mothers side of the family are pretty much Asian Fanatic's (I am no exception) me and my oldest little sister are learning Japanese, While I learn Chinese the same sister is learning Korean. I took 3 years of Spanish before this but found it dreadfully dull and easy. European Languages just don't have much appeal to me for reason.
Please post there to let me know you're still on board.