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    A site made for roleplay is way cooler we promise <3


Original poster
Posting Speed
  1. 1-3 posts per day
Writing Levels
  1. Advanced
Preferred Character Gender
  1. Female
  2. Primarily Prefer Female
I'm interested in starting an Attack on Titan roleplay that more or less follows the same events of the anime-- as in, we'll start off right before the fall of Wall Maria and then skip to our characters' training days in the 104th Training Corps. Even though your characters are free to choose what faction to enlist in (the Scouts/Survey Corps, Garrison, or Military Police), the roleplay will ultimately focus on the Corpsmen.

The roleplay will be rather straightforward; early on, we'll be focusing on our characters' training/bonding. After the Battle of Trost, we'll shift our focus onto those who've enrolled in the Survey Corps, and move on from there. As anyone who might have watched the anime/read the manga, this story will focus on each and every of our characters in a way, and everyone will have a chance to have an arc and develop into amazing characters. That is, if they survive for long.

Below is more information.

Preliminary Notes

1.) Do not meta-game, powerplay, etc. Be a decent person.

2.) Do not ghost us. If you need to step away from the roleplay please let me know!

3.) Not everyone who applies will be accepted. This is not a first-come-first-serve roleplay. I will only be accepting people who create interesting characters who have the most potential to grow. I'll only be accepting ten people other than me.

4.) You must join our Discord AND remain active in the OOC. The discord will be not only for news and announcements, but also for general chit chat and banter and plotting and the like. I'm of the mindset where I feel like roleplayers should get to know and fun with each other in the OOC along with the IC.

5.) Keep drama out of the OOC. If I need to intervene, I will. If you have any issue with something I do, please let me know in DMs/PMs.

6.) Please be 18 or older! I'm not comfortable with roleplaying torture, death, and despair with kids, sorry.

Frequently Asked Questions

Do I have to be caught up on the anime/manga to join?
You don't necessarily have to be caught up with the anime, though it's preferred if you were as there will be references to later seasons. Anything from the manga won't be used, so no need to worry about that.

Do I really need my character to be part of the Survey Corps? I want them to be part of the Garrison/Military Police.
While I can't really force you to make a specific type of character, please be reminded that the roleplay will eventually focus on the Scouts. That means that characters in the Garrison or Military Police will be hardly focused on. If you really want to make a person in the Garrison/MP, you could always make more than one character to compensate for the lack of the other character's "screentime".

Wait, I'll be able to make more than one character?
Yes, as long as you'll give both characters an equal amount of love. Know that certain types of characters have a higher chance of dying, so new characters will be a must at some point. You can also make supporting characters for the roleplay as well.

My character has the chance to DIE?
*points to the title* Ma'am, this is an Attack on Titan roleplay. All joking aside, yes. Your character has the chance to die. If your character's smart enough to play safe and listen to orders from higher ups, they'll survive for a longer amount of time-- maybe even to the end! If your character's known for disobeying orders and getting into sticky or difficult situations, on the other hand... they may not last as long.

Okay, how about Titan Shifters? Will they be a thing?
Since Titan Shifters are so integral to the plot, they'll definitely make an appearance. The early parts of the roleplay will focus on four-- the Attack Titan, the Female/Crystal Titan, the Armored Titan, and the Colossal Titan. Whoever gets these powers will be carefully chosen by me, and their identities will be hidden from the main group of the roleplay for added suspense.

Awesome! Can I be one?
If you're interested in being one of the Titans, we'll have to talk about it in private. There are certain things that will impact your chance to be one; these things include how your character's like, your activity, and overall general personality/dedication to the roleplay. I'm not going to let a selfish jerk make the Attack Titan or allow a person be the Colossal Titan when they're known to ghost roleplays.
Casually dropping interest here
Interested indeed
Dropping interest
Ohi I'd be interested
super interested