[AU RP] [OOC and Signups] Avatar : A World Unfolding

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Coup de Gravy!
Original poster
Writing Levels
  1. Intermediate
  2. Adept
Preferred Character Gender
  1. Male
Fantasy, Scifi, Mystery

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Head GM

| |

Rule no. 1: Don't be rude or more plainly put, to destroy all loopholes, an asshole. IC, this is okay, obviously, but OOC rudeness, especially on the forums, is not acceptable.
Rule no. 2: Don't go overboard with your characters. Characters deemed overpowered by the GMs will be denied.
Rule no. 3: Follow the CS guidelines on the bottom. Please don't come with questions that are already answered there. Otherwise, ask away.
Rule no. 4: Try not to go back and forth in solo-posts. If you're going to do a conversation with someone, please do a collab as to not take up much space in the IC.
Rule no. 5: Although this RP is noted as 'advanced', I'm not expecting large posts, as a matter of fact, I'd rather avoid such enormous solo posts. Instead, that term refers more the the characters' developments.
Rule no. 6: No meta or power gaming. I know meta gaming is difficult to enforce meta gaming rules, but I'm trusting you guys on this.
Rule no. 7: Short posts are acceptable-don't feel obligated to write extremely long posts on your own- but try to have at least two good paragraphs.
Rule no. 8: All IC posts and CSs must be written in third person.
Rule no. 9: Romance is okay, but if things get too 'heated' then please fade out and take it to PM's. We all can guess what happens during a black-out.
Rule no. 10: No real pictures. For all character descriptions, drawings please. If you cannot find any drawings, message me.


Welcome to Avatar : A World Unfolding! This is an Alternate Universe RP that does not revolve around the Avatar (or in this case, two Avatars). I hope to make this into an Avatar RP where all characters who are active in the story are just as important as any other character without being some kind of "chosen one". Currently, we're at "Book I : Crimson Tree", so now is as good a time to join as any.

While not mandatory, I reccomend that every character in Book I have bending. This is mainly due to the nature of the antagonists that will be present. While in later Books, it will be much better to play with a non-bending character, since characters in the first book might not have the opportunity learn essential non-bending techniques to a degree at which they would be able to oppose these people. That might lead to you not enjoying this as much as you normally might have been able to, and I would hate to see that.

If you feel you must make a non-bender, try to make that a secondary character you can use alongside the bender. In Book II, Chi-Blocking will be available, and you will be able to start with a better skillset, so another option is waiting until then to make the non-bender a PC.

The Unfolding World

  • Earth Kingdom

    Head of State Queen Hahono
    Form of Government Absolute Monarchy
    Capital Ba Sing Se
    State of Economy Economic crisis
    Army Vast army

    Notable Recent Events
    Twelve years ago, the fifteen year war between the Fire Nation and the Earth Kingdom ended. Even though the Earth Kingdom was beginning to push the Fire Nation's territory back, because they could no longer afford an all out war with the Fire Nation, the Earth Kingdom had to surrender to the Fire Nation. As a result, the Earth Kingdom was punished severely economically and had a part of their territory taken away to form the United Republic of Nations.

    Fire Nation

    Head of State Fire Lord Langan
    Form of Government Constitutional Monarchy
    Capital Turtle's Shell
    State of Economy Strong, but declining economy
    Army Vast army

    Notable Recent Events
    Twelve years ago, the fifteen year war between the Fire Nation and the Earth Kingdom ended. Even though the Earth Kingdom was beginning to push the Fire Nation's territory back, because they could no longer afford an all out war with the Fire Nation, the Earth Kingdom had to surrender to the Fire Nation. As a result, the Fire Nation took territory and funds away from the Earth Kingdom as well as several resources they had used to make war machines. From most of the territory the Fire Nation took, after Langan took the mantle of Fire Lord, she formed the United Republic of Nations with the help of the leaders of the Air Nation, the Water Tribes, and even the Earth Kingdom.

    While their economy had grown stronger at the beginning, being unable to trade with the Earth Kingdom as much as they used to started to slowly but surely cripple the Fire Nation's economy.

    Northern Water Tribe

    Head of State Chief Fen
    Form of Government Tribal chiefdom
    Capital Gateway City
    State of Economy Stable economy
    Army Large army

    Notable Recent Events
    There was always tension between the Northern and Southern Water Tribes, even enmity. The Southern Water Tribe seceded from the Water Tribe during the fifteen year war after the North wanted to join the conflict. While the Northern Tribe had a greater army, they couldn't afford to join the war without the financial aid of the South. For one year, the North and South had a brief military conflict, which led to an armistice and the locking down of the gates to the Spirit World, even if they do remain open.

    Southern Water Tribe

    Head of State Chief Raha
    Form of Government Tribal chiefdom
    Capital Harbor City
    State of Economy Thriving economy
    Army Small but well trained army

    Notable Recent Events
    There was always tension between the Northern and Southern Water Tribes, even enmity. The Southern Water Tribe seceded from the Water Tribe during the fifteen year war after the North wanted to join the conflict. While the Northern Tribe had a greater army, they couldn't afford to join the war without the financial aid of the South. For one year, the North and South had a brief military conflict, which led to an armistice and the locking down of the gates to the Spirit World, even if they do remain open.

    Air Nation

    Head of State Four Councils of Elders
    Form of Government Theocracy
    Capital N/A
    State of Economy N/A
    Army N/A

    Notable Recent Events
    Recently, the Avatar of Chaos disappeared. The Northern Air Temple has been completely destroyed in the wake of his disappearance, and none of the monks from that temple are anywhere to be found.

    United Republic of Nations

    Head of State President Tana
    Form of Government Presidential Republic
    Capital Republic City
    State of Economy Stable economy
    Army Well trained and strong army

    Notable Recent Events
    Despite being a young country, the United Republic has grown economically and technologically faster than any other nation. Today, it is considered as the cultural hub of the world as members of all nations are allowed to live there as citizens. This was expected to create an overflooding of population, but the United Republic's enormous cities were able to handle the large flow of people into the country. Currently in her last and third term, President Tana is leading the URN as the first president of her country.

  • Avatar-World-Map-avatar-the-last-airbender-1094196.jpg

  • "The Spirit World is a parallel plane of reality that coexists alongside the Mortal World, and is home to the spirits, immortal supernatural entities which often embody different aspects of life and nature.


    In certain places, the landscape of the Spirit World seems to conform closely to an area of the physical world, to the extent where a mortal making the transition might not immediately take notice of the difference. In other places, the geography of the Spirit World has no relation to the physical world and the two settings vary considerably."
    -Excerpt from Avatar wikia

    The Spirit World and Mortal World have always been connected to each other, the bridge never having been closed. It's been a long time since there has been any significant conflict between humans and spirits with the exception of that with small groups of or single spirits.

    One could pass between the two worlds through the Northern and Southern Water Tribes' portals some years ago, but as of recently, very few people are allowed to go to the Spirit World due to the conflict between the two tribes.

Skills and Talents

  • The talent system is something we're introducing so that no one can become great at everything, but everyone can focus on certain things. Every character can have certain talents and certain things that they have no aptitude in. If one has talent in a certain area, their growth in that particular area will be faster than those without it.

    The Skills and Talents are split up into different sections, being physical, non-combat and bending. As characters make progress, they can unlock more advanced forms of bending (earthbenders can unlock lavabending or metalbending, or airbenders can learn to create spiritual projections, or perhaps you can come up with something). Instead of using talents for bending, characters can train up in their bending area in general. Talents come in when they're ready to specialize. Every rank earned in bending levels up that bending by one stage as well, so as more skills are learned, the more powerful those skills become. Every character begins with "Rank 1" in areas they have talent in.

    The most important thing here is that this points system is not something absolutely definitive for a fight. There will be no dice rolls. This system is only in place to give a certain idea of what your character can do.

    You can pick three talents in the Physical Talents, two in Non-Combat Talents. The "Spiritual Connection" talent can be acquired through the use of both one Non-Combat Talent point and one Physical Talent point.

    Progress of skills in an area of talent is boosted, giving an extra rank for every two rank gained in that area with the exception of "Spiritual Connection", without which, "Spirituality" cannot be increased.

    At the beginning, you are given 10 skill points that you can distribute to increase the rank of any skill you would like, and 3 skill points that you can only use on areas of talent. Along with the beginning skills (Rank 1 for every talent area), you begin with eighteen skill points allocated.

    • Physical Skills and Talents
      Acrobatics is the performance of extraordinary feats of balance, and motor coordination with agility.
      Martial Arts is a lethal or non-lethal physical confrontation between two or more persons at very short range that does not involve the use of weapons.
      Strength is the ability to use greater physical force.
      Close Combat Weapon Use is the ability to use short ranged weapons with proficiency.
      Aim is the ability to use long ranged weapons with proficiency.
      Stealth is the ability to hide, move silently, control breathing and heart beat rate, and blend in to crowds.

      Non-Combat Skills and Talents
      Cooking is the ability to identify edible ingredients and prepare food.
      Music is the ability to write and produce music.
      Plastic Arts is the ability to draw and sculpt.
      Engineering is the ability to build structures and invent.
      Medicine is the ability to identify and use herbs, apply medicine and mend wounds.

      Special Skills and Talents
      Spiritual Connection is the innate connection one has with the spiritual world.

    • All benders start at Rank 1 in their respective areas. By the end of Book I, every character is expected to be around Rank 10.

    • All benders start at Rank 1 in their respective areas. By the end of Book I, every character is expected to be around Rank 10.

      At Rank 1 Earthbending, Enhanced Strength is unlocked.
      At Rank 10 Earthbending, Seismic Sense training can be unlocked.
      At Rank 15 Earthbending, either Metalbending or Lavabending training can be unlocked.
      At Rank 1 Airbending, Enhanced Agility is unlocked.
      At Rank 5 Airbending, Body Heat Regulation is unlocked.
      At Rank 10 Airbending and Rank 5 Spirituality, Spiritual Projection training can be unlocked.
      At Rank 20 Airbending and Rank 10 Spirituality, Levitation training can be unlocked.
      At Rank 1 Waterbending, Icebending is unlocked.
      At Rank 10 Waterbending and Medicine Rank 3, Healing training can be unlocked.
      At Rank 15 Waterbending and Rank 5 Spirituality, Spiritbending training can be unlocked.
      At Rank 20 Waterbending, Bloodbending training can be unlocked.
      At Rank 1 Firebending, Heat Control is unlocked.
      At Rank 10 Firebending and Rank 5 Spirituality, Energy Reading training can be unlocked.
      At Rank 15 Firebending, Lightningbending training can be unlocked.
      At Rank 20 Firebending and Rank 3 Spirituality, Combustionbending training can be unlocked.


  • Code:
    [CENTER][SIZE=5][I][B][FONT=book antiqua]INSERT NAME HERE[/FONT][/B][/I][/SIZE]
    [SIZE=5][B][I]Personal Information[/I][/B][/SIZE]
    [B][I]First Name[/I][/B] :
    [I][B]Middle name[/B][/I] :
    [B][I]Surname[/I][/B] :
    [B][I]Nickname(s)[/I][/B] :
    [b][i]Nationality[/i][/b] :
    [B][I]Gender[/I][/B] :
    [B][I]Sexuality[/I][/B] :
    [B][I]Age[/I][/B] :
    [B][I]Bending[/I][/B] :
    [B][I]Appearance[/I][/B] :
    [B][I]Height[/I][/B] :
    [B][I]Build[/I][/B] :
    [I][B]Weight[/B][/I] :
    [b][i]Affiliations[/i][/b] :
    [SIZE=5][B][I]Detailed Information[/I][/B][/SIZE]
    [B][I]Personality :[/I][/B]
    [B][I]Background :[/I][/B]
    [B][I]Theme song :[/I][/B] (optional)
    [SIZE=5][B][I]Combat Information[/I][/B][/SIZE]
    [b][i]Talents :[/i][/b]
    [B][I]Skill Points :[/I][/B]
    [B][I]Skill Ranks:[/I][/B]
    [i]Acrobatics :[/i]
    [i]Martial Arts :[/i]
    [i]Strength :[/i]
    [i]Close Combat Weapon Use :[/i]
    [i]Aim :[/i]
    [i]Stealth :[/i]
    [i]Cooking :[/i]
    [i]Music :[/i]
    [i]Plastic Arts :[/i]
    [i]Engineering :[/i]
    [i]Medicine :[/i]
    [i]Spirituality :[/i] (if applicable)
    [B][I]Passive Abilities :[/I][/B]
    [B][I]Bending Rank :[/I][/B]
    [B][I]Bending Skills:[/I][/B] 
    [B][I]Other traits :[/I][/B]
    [B][I]Appearance :[/I][/B]
    [B][I]Description :[/I][/B]
    [I][B]Appearance :[/B][/I]
    [I][B]Description :[/B][/I]
    [I][B]Appearance :[/B][/I]
     [I][B]Description :[/B][/I]

  • Code:
    [b][i]Type of Skill[/i][/b]: (Physical, Non-Combat, Bending or other)
    [b][i]Requirements[/i][/b]: (if any [could be "Rank 10 Waterbending", for example])

  • Code:
    [b][i]Name[/i][/b]: (self explanatory)
    [b][i]Affiliation[/i][/b]: (If any)
    [b][i]Purpose[/i][/b]: (Function of organization)
    [b][i]Reputation[/i][/b]: (How well is it known?)
    [b][i]District[/i][/b]: (Where do they operate?)
    [b][i]Number of members[/i][/b]:

  • Code:
    [b][i]Name[/i][/b]: (If any)
    [b][i]Location[/i][/b]: (Its vicinity)
    [b][i]Classification[/i][/b]: (Is it a district, a building...?)
    [b][i]Inhabitants[/i][/b]: (If any)
    [b][i]History[/i][/b]: (Not necessary but would help give context)
    [b][i]Other[/i][/b]: (Anything else you want to add?)

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"Well? What are we waiting for!?"

Personal Information
First Name :

Middle name :

Surname :

Nationality :
Southern Water Tribe

Gender :

Sexuality :

Age :

Bending :

Appearance :

Height :
1.82 m

Build :
Well built but not muscular

Weight :
71 kg

Affiliations :
Southern Water Tribe
Southern Air Temple



Detailed Information
Personality :
Luca is a rather easy going young man who can strangely also be very serious from time to time. He can be very patient when waiting for something or trying to do something carefully, but has a pushy impatient aspect that he tries to push down when it comes to arguments. He gives great value to friendship and family, trying to be amicable at all times.

Background :
During the Fifteen Year War, conflict had arisen between the Northern and Southern Water Tribes and due to the aggression of the North, the South's military was made to mobilize. One of the council members working under the newly appointed Chief of the now-independent Southern Water Tribe, Buniq, was sent up north to ask the Air Nation's representatives at the Southern Air Temple to ask if they would grant the Southern Water Tribe to pass through Air Nation waters. As the Air Nation wished to stay neutral, their representative didn't look too fondly on the idea. The talks lasted for an entire month, as the wait for answers from the other Temples prolonged the process quite a bit. In that time, an irregular and expectedly brief romance was took place.

As a result of the talks, both the Northern and Southern tribes were permitted to pass through Air Nation territory so long as they did not come on land or fight one another in those areas. The councilwoman returned home and at the end of that year gave birth to a small, healthy boy.

Luca and Buniq lived in the center of the city near the chief and council's building. His life in the city was nothing beyond ordinary: going to school, having waterbending snowball fights... When he turned six, the war between the Earth Kingdom and the Fire Nation ended. With that, a change of tone came to his life. Buniq was made into an ambassador to the Northern Water Tribe. The position attracted some distastful reaction, so after half a year, she contacted the monk she'd met during the negotiations with the Air Nation. From then on, Luca lived at the Southern Air Temple with the monk Thokmay.

With that change of pace, Luca was introduced to a life of discipline and asceticism, even if it didn't quite agree with him. He spent most of his time travelling around the islands and temples of the Air Nation with his father, only maintaining contact with his mother through letters. For the first time, with Thokmay, Luca started training in bending, working on waterbending, but also the physical and spiritual aspects of it, even if he didn't have much liking for the latter.

At the end of ten years, he said his good-byes to the acolytes and monks at the Southern Air Temple to move back in with his mother, travelling north. He grew back into his old habits, starting to wear Tribe clothes and letting his hair out again.

Theme song :



Combat Information

Talents :
Martial Arts

Plastic Arts

Skill Points :

Skill Ranks :
Acrobatics : 1 + 2
Martial Arts : 1 + 4
Strength :
Close Combat Weapon Use : 2
Aim : 2
Stealth : 1 + 1
Cooking :
Music :
Plastic Arts : 1 + 2
Engineering :
Medicine : 1

Passive Abilities :

Bending Rank:

Bending Skills:

Other traits :



Appearance :

Description :
Leather pouch made mainly for the purpose of containing water that could be used for waterbending.


Appearance :

Description :
Six throwing knives, three hidden in each boot.


Pets :
Name : Raura
Species : Polarbeardog
Age : 17
Gender : Female

[spoili]Tongman on DeviantArt[/spoili]

"Passing By As a Breeze."

Personal Details

First Name : Tashina

Middle name : N/A

Surname : N/A

Nickname(s) : Tashi

Nationality : Air Nomad

Gender : Male

Sexuality : Straight

Age : 18

Bending : Air

Appearance : (As shown in pic)

Height : 5'9"

Build : Light

Weight : 137Lb

Affiliations : Tashi has minor affiliations with people on the black market where he sells the items he comes into possession of.



Detailed Information

Personality :
Tashi is a free spirited, generally neutral thinking person, though it will be stated that he can be swayed easily by money, this would consider him as chaotic neutral because he would never rat out true friends. Tashi is also know to be silent even out of jobs, he'll talk when needed but doesn't try to over do anything talking wise. He tends to keep his friends close and tries to leave any that would call him or his friends an enemy in the dust beneath his feet, though he will never kill someone as he believes taking someone's life is the only true crime.

Background :
Being born to two members of the Air Nation he was brought up in the traditional methods of air nomads, but he never understood the point of any of the teachings. He was never one to like to be trapped in one place as well wanted to see the world outside of the southern air temple, when he found out news about one of the elders going off to meet with people in the United Republic of Nations he leaped at the chance to escape managing to hide himself in some of the belongings of the elder going there.
Once they had arrived Tashi was easily able to sneak away unnoticed and finally found his new home, Republic City, here is where he's lived till now. Starting off quickly snatching some clothes so he wasn't completely obvious to be an air nomad, growing out his hair, and covering himself up to hide his tattoos finding them quite embarrassing. Over the years he's honed his skills as both an airbender and a thief, getting better at using them both in tangent.

Theme song : (optional)



Combat Information


Talents :
Martial Arts


Skill Points :
13/13 used

Skill Ranks:
Acrobatics : 1+4
Martial Arts : 1+4
Strength :
Close Combat Weapon Use :
Aim :
Stealth : 1+5
Cooking : 1
Music : 1
Plastic Arts :
Engineering :
Medicine :

Passive Abilities :

Bending Rank :
Bending Skills:
Other traits :



Appearance :


Description :
A small explosive that causes smoke to surround a 15ft radius from point of contact.

Appearance :


Description :
A bag filled with lots of ball bearings which can be used to trip up enemies.

Appearance :


Description :
A grappling hook and rope to make climbing to higher places easier.

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  • Love
Reactions: Sketching101
Ah, it's so difficult deciding which idea to go with! I have about three characters floating around in my head (as well as one Non-Bender I'll employ later) and I can't decide who to use. I'll probably end up waiting until a few more characters are up and then decide based on who would be the most interesting.
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"Check it! Turtlebunny ears!"

Artist Credit:[spoili] Ctchrysler's Miki on Tumblr[/spoili]

Personal Information
First Name :

Middle name :

Surname :

Nicknames :
Mitsu, Spark

Nationality :
United Republic of Nations

Gender :

Sexuality :

Age :

Bending :

Appearance :

Height :
5' 5"

Build :
Lean and Angular

Weight :
120 lbs

Affiliations :


Detailed Information

Personality :
Quick with a joke and a goofy face, most people consider Mitsuko as someone who doesn't take anything seriously. And she doesn't. She's more out to have fun than deal with personal drama or 'downer' topics. She's quick on her feet and quick with her words to interrupt anything that she doesn't like. In rare moments, she'll stop moving and doing so much and just stare at the sky, wondering. However, because of her personality, she has many friends in many places, even if she she takes some time to actually consider them friends.

Background :
Destined to be born to a fire nation home, in the Fire Nation no less, Mitsuko was originally going to live out her life as Fire Nation nobility; a few generations from royalty no less. Though this connection only ensured wealth, unless every member of the main Fire Lord line -and a few other branch familes- died all at once, she and her family would never be considered. That all changed when suddenly her Father made a poor investment in his new gambling addiction. He managed to make enough to get by for a few months, then decided that in order to hide the shame and to hopefully kick the addiction that they would move to Republic City.

Mitsuko was born in an run down apartment that they barely managed to afford. Her parents hid their ties to nobility well, but they were found out to be paupers by other Fire Nation nobility when Mitsuko was five. After a long night, Mitsuko decided that she'd try to lighten their spirits. When things looked bleak, she'd make a joke. When her father fell ill, she was there with soup and a joke. When he died, she went to the funeral and made a joke about how he should be buried with his money, the entire handful of it. When her mom vanished shortly after with only a note left behind, Mitsuko decided to make a joke about it to her coworkers at the factory.

Soon enough, she wasn't happy with her life. She started to make changes, and started to make some money as a courier by starting her own business and seeing all the city had to offer. She went all over Republic City, delivering everything and anything without regret. Over the years, she's learned that roofs are the easiest to run on -and the most fun.

Theme song :



Combat Information

Talents :
Physical :
Martial Arts

Non-combat :

Skill Points :

Skill Ranks:
Acrobatics : 1+5= 6
Martial Arts : 1+2= 3
Strength : 1+1= 2
Close Combat Weapon Use :
Aim :
Stealth :
Cooking :
1+2= 3
Music :
Plastic Arts :
Engineering :
1+2= 3
Medicine :

Spirituality :

Passive Abilities :

Bending Rank :


Bending Skills:
Heat Control: Certain advanced firebenders appear to have the ability to control heat. Using this technique, firebenders can heat a wide range of liquids, like water or tea, heat metal to scalding temperatures, or melt ice. Mitsuko usually just heats or cools her glass of tea with it, depending on the situation.

Other traits :



Appearance :
Description :
Goggles that are usually kept on her head as a substitute for a hairband. They prevent things from getting in her eyes when they need to be worn.


Appearance :

Description :
A bag, the clip on top was jury rigged in by Mitsuko, and can actually unclip so that she can wear it at her side and not just on her back. Usually holds packages.

Appearance :
Description :
To climb, while not always necessary, it's a tool she never leaves at home, it's sometimes found in the bag, sometimes at Mitsuko's side. It's actually only ten feet of rope, as fire escapes in the city never seem to be terribly out of reach.
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  • Love
Reactions: Sketching101

You going to eat that?


What do you mean I have to like green?

Personal Information

First Name : Karan

Middle name : Uh.....Hyphan?

Surname : Giri

Nickname(s) : None yet

Nationality : Earth Kingdom

Gender : Male

Sexuality : Straight-ish?

Age : 23

Bending : Earth

Appearance :


Height : 5'9

Build : Burly/A little fluffy

Weight : 262lbs

Affiliations : None


Detailed Information
Personality : He is an emotional (for better or worse) people person. Karan has a good heart but a bull head. Making jokes and earthbending are his favorite pastimes. Eating is right up there too. He is a "first man in, last man out" kind of person and always seeks to help his friends. He loves to fight. Whether it is a person, tyranny, or for love, he will be there, if he can.

Background : Karan-Giri is a buff bard from a tiny village in South East Earth Kingdom. He was born just Karan, to an Earth Kingdom family. Giri didn't come until much later. The middle of three sons and ended up being the one with the shortest frame. His family genes would put in somewhere in the 6 foot mark but he drew a total of 5'9'' when he was done growing. Both of his brothers? Lahram is 6'4'' and Hisne is 6'2''. "Bastards." Karan would often say.

His parents were a cross-town love story. Both Earth Kingdom and knew each other a long time. Vichine was a frequent performer in the village square and traveled out to other parts of the kingdom. She was very worldly and made coin off of her musical talent. His father was often a fighter in tournaments that was often overseen by the Phoenix Kingdom Police Force and allows illegal betting, gambling, etc. to go on through it. There were two divisions: Bender or Conventional. Conventional just referring to fighting with weapons such as swords and clubs. And either he was good or the competition sucks as he was always a favorite to win it all every time they were held. It was how they met. She performed after one of the tournaments and just took Bahadah by surprize.

They played cat and mouse for months until anything worth noting came about. When they finally married, and she became pregnant with Hisne, they began to argue about his current job. While able to keep them afloat, was not safe for a future father. They argued for weeks, until he gave it up. While they were let go, they always felt the need to look over their shoulders. From there, he become a landscaper, primarily useing his earth bending to give rich, snooty nobles the yard of their dreams. Of course, the upside being that most night could be spent with the pregnant wife.

By the time Karan came into the picture, his father had become a prominent supervisor and saved up large amount of money that half went towards running a music shop Vichine had set up. The other half was stored away from a rainy day. They stayed in their minimal lifestyle. It is how they preferred it.

Much of his early life involved 3 things: Eating, Music, Earthbending.

Both his mother and father took pride in their work and so passed it onto their boys. When they weren't at school, his father encouraged him to come play Earthbending with his brother. When he didn't feel like doing that, there was always Mom who could use help in the shop or taught him a thing or two about music. He was very determined to be the best at both, or at least music since Big Brother had a few years head start in training which was bad when their father let them use actual weapons.

When Lahram was born, Karan felt relieved. He wasn't the baby anymore. Of course, when he outgrew him in height, he became the Little One again. He was often teased for it in school. Instead, he decided that if he couldn't be the tallest, he would be the stoutest. Which is when people started attaching the Giri to his name.

Many nights he would be out lifting large rocks, working himself to the point of exhaustion. And when it wasn't heavy anymore, he moved something heavier. It is what he did. By the time he was 18, he was starting to look like a gladiator. Let us just there were few people who said anything that wasn't nice by that point. Life was simple, but good. Even with all of the tyranny (which his parent stayed out of the best they could), they managed to build a good home. Of course, this was about the time Hisne was getting into some trouble.

Karan's older brother had made his way up the ranks in "The Ring" and was now a regular. It was how he paid for his shack two towns over. He wanted out, but he knew what would happen if he did. They knew his father and where his family slept. The last who even got off scot-free was his father himself. Anyone else were encouraged to come back mysteriously after their house burnt down or they ended up missing for a month. So he ran. Hisne went home.

It wasn't even a week before the shop was smashed. Their father assumed it was them coming back to get him. Mother cried. They tried to fight and it was unfortunate Karan was not there at the time. Fortunately, he only got to see the aftermath. Momma cried. Lahram had his head smashed in. Father's arms were too broken to hold his wife and it was raining. Hard. Windows smashed, earth was broken apart and there was a trail of slight red coming away from the whole scene.

And they way Lahram was going, the shop was going to have a successor. But with the head injury, there wasn't much he could do other than whine and moan at Momma. Karan was at a loss on where his road took him, because he wanted to blaze his own path but didn't know how to. Taking a giant leap of faith, he packed his things and went out to see the world to try and find something else other than hardship.

Years of travel brought him much joy and friendship. However, time and time again he always seemed to Fire or Phoenix or whatever they call themselves doing something that just pissed him the hell off. It inspired him to find his path. That path...lead him to The Rising. Karan-Giri had reached out to them and was given a location to go to, if he was serious. Everything fell into place from there. The Rising has plenty of Earthbenders that go out and create secret huts or bases using their Earthbending to create a secret network for travel. If he learned anything from his father, this would make him perfect for this particular role.

Theme song :



Combat Information

Talents :
Martial Arts
Close Combat Weapon Use


Skill Points : 18

Skill Ranks:

Acrobatics :
Martial Arts : 1 + 1
Strength : 1 + 5
Close Combat Weapon Use : 1 + 1
Aim :
Stealth :
Cooking : 1 + 1
Music : 1 + 2 + 3
Plastic Arts :
Engineering :
Medicine :

Spirituality :
(if applicable) Hm?

Passive Abilities : Double Hm?

Bending Rank : 1

Bending Skills:
Enhanced Strength

Other traits : ?



Appearance :


Description : A traditional guitar that Karan always has with him.


Appearance :



Description : Scroll and charcoal writing utensil for writing his music and poetry


Appearance :


Description : Bottles he keeps on him. One for Water, one for tea, and one for alcohol.

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"You, my friends, are in the presence of the greatest inventor ever known! Well, the greatest inventor you've ever known, anyway. Slight addendum there."

Personal Information
First Name : Gin

Middle name : Jen

Surname : Kite

Nickname(s) : GG

Nationality : United Republic of Nations

Gender : Female

Sexuality : Heterosexual

Age : Twenty-Three

Bending : Earthbender

Appearance : See Above

Height : 5'2"

Build : Muscular but Curvy in the Right Places

Weight : 120lbs

Affiliations : Upper Eschelon[/spoili]


Detailed Information
Personality :
A self-acclaimed bastion of importance, GG is a little full of herself. She's also stubborn, brash, and prone to getting huffy about something at a moment's notice. This is not to say she doesn't have her positive quirks. With that bubbling intelligence comes a need to help people--because they're wrong... very wrong. Of course, this form of helping may come about unwarranted and not really needed. Have a hard time tying that knot? She'll get it for you, even if you very well know how to tie a knot, you were just having a slow day. This uppity nature is somewhat offset by her tomboyish dress. She found that creating something was hard to do in a dress. Also, it did her hips no favors. Shorts were easier for her to hide her ripe pear shape. Still, she states she does it to break against the norm. GG views "outliers" as a form of great independance and self-reliance. But yes, she mostly does it for vanity.

GG is the last to enter a battle, but the first to enter an argument and draw you a wonderful diagram about how you're wrong.

Background :
GG grew up in an affluent household within the United Republic of Nations. She should have wanted for nothing, but she craved one thing above all: knowledge. She zipped through her father's library, devouring every book she could find (except for her mother's more bawdry fiction--that came later.) But her interest keened in on three topics, mechanics, automation, and birds. The latter just led to her own a catowl named Jasper. But the first two led her to beg her father for a workshop. He obliged--lovingly--not knowing what sort of monster he created. The workshop started as a singular room, moved to two rooms, ate an entire floor, and then inevitably became it's own building.

Much to her parent's chagrin, that's where she spent most of her time. Well, she excelled at her studies, in other subject matters, but failed in proper manners and etiquette of being a lady. She scorned and shunned dresses. This went on until she was more or less forced to become a part of the society she was born into. Things became more dire when she learned of an intended marriage between her and a man in another, even more, wealthy family. This was greeted with a whole lot of yelling and throwing of wrenches and pieces of earth.

Eventually, GG calmed down. She was informed it wouldn't happen until she was ready. She was also encouraged to be ready... soon. So, GG spent her time toiling away on a special project. It was a weapon that would hopefully slate her as a grand inventor, and so she'd be much more of asset to her parents than a way to make more money. Well, they would be making more money by selling the patent to the weapon, but that's not what she meant.

Currently, she's finished with the project, and her impending marriage in on the horizon. Time's short.

Theme song : (optional)



Combat Information

Talents :

Plastic Arts

Skill Points : 0

Skill Ranks:
Acrobatics :
Martial Arts :
Strength :
Close Combat Weapon Use :
Aim :
1+4= 5
Stealth :
Cooking :
Music :
Plastic Arts :
Engineering : 1+5=6
Medicine :

Spirituality : N/A

Passive Abilities :
Scholarly Intellect

Bending Rank : 1

Bending Skills:
Enhanced Strength

Other traits :



Appearance : [spoili]

Description : This is a high-powered, automatically reloading, heavy-weight crossbow. It can fire 6 bolts a clip before the clip has to be refilled. It has a targeting mark on it, that with a couple of toggles can become a scope.


Appearance :[spoili]

Description : Her handy-dandy leg strap carrying case. Her extra clips hang off of her belt, and her pouch holds her tool kit--her beloved tool kit.


Appearance : [spoili]

Description : A set of goggles that have daytime lenses that can click out, and retractable magnifiers. GG can't lose her sight, she's only twenty-three.


Pets :
Name : Jasper
Species : Cat Owl
Age : 6
Gender : Male
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@Don @Cerulean

Everything looks good! Accepted! I'll add a CS Dump soon enough for you to add them to ^_^


Everything looks good here too, but I noticed just one little thing: You are allowed a total of 13 points you can allocate anyway you want, 3 of which have to go to the any of the talent skills. You seem to be missing the three :)
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Reactions: Cerulean
Character index thread is up! Put accepted characters there and I'll add them to the roster.
Everything looks good here too, but I noticed just one little thing: You are allowed a total of 13 points you can allocate anyway you want, 3 of which have to go to the any of the talent skills. You seem to be missing the three :)
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Exactly how combat focused is this RP going to be? I ask because you suggest we do not make non-benders yet, and that kind of implies a heavy focus. I usually prefer to make less combat oriented characters that wouldn't be involved in combat, or maybe non-benders, so I just want to know so I can make my character around that.
Go ahead and put it in the Character Index :)

Exactly how combat focused is this RP going to be? I ask because you suggest we do not make non-benders yet, and that kind of implies a heavy focus. I usually prefer to make less combat oriented characters that wouldn't be involved in combat, or maybe non-benders, so I just want to know so I can make my character around that.
While combat will be an important part during certain events, you won't have to have a character specifically tailored around beating people up. Skills that won't help combat much will be just as important in different events where you can't punch your way out of things. Does that help? ^_^'
Go ahead and put it in the Character Index :)

While combat will be an important part during certain events, you won't have to have a character specifically tailored around beating people up. Skills that won't help combat much will be just as important in different events where you can't punch your way out of things. Does that help? ^_^'
Maybe you just aren't punching hard enough.
  • Nice Execution!
Reactions: Sketching101
I'm new to rping, but I'm really interested in seeing what this has to offer. What's the sign-up proccess? Do u give the 'ok' and then add the OC to the CI?
I am interested and will make an app soon.
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