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Sunshine & Whiskey



Interest Check Thread | In Character Thread

  • The Legend of Kassidy: Before Avatar Aang and his successor Korra, there were many more. Recorded history, however, has a trail that fades away whilst tracing back in time. Going backwards, before Avatars Roku, Kyoshi, Kuruk, Yangchen and the unnamed Magma Bender, the Avatar Spirit was within an Waterbending host. This is hundreds of years before Aang triggered the Avatar State that would freeze him in a glacier for Sokka and Katara to find. Hundreds of years before Korra was even conceived.

    Let us take a look back before recorded history in the world of Avatar faded away to the memories of the dead lurking the Spirit World. Dragons have not been hunted to near extinction, and the Air Nomads did not yet fall victim to the wrathful genocide the Fire Nation would inflict hundreds of years later. The world is at peace, or perhaps I have spoken too soon? The previous Avatar has passed away, and the new host has been chosen. Kassidy(the current Avatar) is the new host. At the time of her birth, to twentieth year later to when our RP will take place, the world has been threatened. An unknown villain has lead a force assumed to be chi blockers to destroy benders. They have gone to villages and towns to "purify" the gene pools. They, however, leave the leaders alive and, instead, removing their ability to bend. If you've nostalgia to the Legend of Korra, think again. It is said that a powerful chi blocker has mastered an ancient, forgotten art and is out to not destroy only the Avatar Spirit, but the notabilities and councils of the four nations so that the ancient art could again be dominant. And they are training more to fuel this unjust cause.

  • Hello, everyone! I'd just like to take this opportunity to thank everyone that showed interest in this roleplay and thanks to the people that will be joining alongside with me during this story. Of course, this is based off of the Avatar series but a little bit before the time of Aang and definitely before Korra. Loads of knowledge of the Avatar series isn't really required but I'd like it if you had a little bit of knowledge. I am thinking about starting the roleplay off where her young masters come to the Water Tribe and takes her to the Earth Kingdom and sort forth. By the way, I'd like to start the roleplay on Friday but Saturday, at the latest. I'd like for all characters to be turned in at least by Thursday.

    • Let's have fun with this story, guys. We're all here for the same exact reason so let's please have fun and not take anything serious.
    • Respect is very important here. So, let's please respect each other as we're all adults here and not babies. Let's act like it. Respect my rules, roleplay and decisions, too, please. Respect other people's characters, as well.
    • I, Sunshine & Whiskey, am the GM of the so my word law and I have final say so on all matters.
    • Make your character realistic. Benders have flaws! Let's remember that but if you think any different then this roleplay might not be for you. Do not overpower your character either.
    • Absolutely no one liners. Please be able to post at least two and half paragraphs of non-dialogue. More is preferred and encouraged, as well. I expect a post at least two times a week, please. If you're going to be gone for an extended period of time, please let us know so we can find a way to write your character out of the story. If you need to drop, please let us know that, as well.
    • Be committed and active! I cannot stress this enough. Yes, we all have lives and I get that but don't join if you're only going to post one or two times then just disappear. It isn't fair to me or the other writers.
    • Do not! I repeat, Do Not GodMod, Autohit, Powerplay or Metagame your own characters or someone else's character. You'll get two warnings but third time, you're kicked from the roleplay.

    I hope I covered enough rules there.

  • Note; Roles are not first come, first serve! Reservations will not be admitted. Although, to be fair, the people who expressed interest get first pick at roles.

    The Avatar: Taken by Sunshine & Whiskey.
    Waterbender: Taken by RecentlyInsaneRussian.
    Earthbender: Reserved by (1)
    Firebender: Taken by Daulnte.
    Airbender: Taken by Banana-senpai.

    Weapons Master: Taken by Sammael9216.
    Chi Blocker: Reserved by (1)

BBCoded Sheets does not guarantee acceptance! Although, I wouldn't mind seeing your creativity though! The Character Sheet below is just a simple outline of the information I want present within your sheets. You can dress and BBCode them anyway, you'd like.

Waterbender hexcode: #0055CC
Earthbender hexcode: #808000
Firebender hexcode: #FF4000
Airbender hexcode: #DED16A
Weapons Master hexcode: #505050
Chi Blocker hexcode: #C23023

[center][img]Anime IMG of Character here[/img]
[color=#hexcode]| Character Name | Age | Nation | #Hexcode[/color][/center]
If applicable.
Male? Female?
[color=#hexcode]Sexual Orientation;;[/color]
Hetero? Homo? Pan?
[color=#hexcode]Primary Element;;[/color]
Water? Earth? Fire? Air? Delete if non bender.
[color=#hexcode]Secondary Element;;[/color]
Metal? Lightening? I'll accept anything except Bloodbending. Delete if non bender.
Which role are you applying for?
[color=#hexcode]In Depth Appearance;;[/color]
At least one detailed paragraph of your character's appearance. Include their day to day attire, if any scars, tattoos or piercings, even.
Max of five.
Max of five.
Max of three.
[color=#hexcode]Personality Traits;;[/color]
List the good, bad and downright ugly!
At least one to two detailed paragraphs explaining the traits.
[color=#hexcode]Place of Origin;;[/color]
Where was your character born?
At least two to three good paragraphs explaining your character's background.
What will your character be carrying with them on the journey?
Anything else you'd like for us to know about your character? If not, delete this section.
Last edited:
AHAUAHUAHAUA I'll insert my airbender here when I finish analyzing and translating the coded sheet.
>is crap at coding
  • Like
Reactions: Sunshine & Whiskey
AHAUAHUAHAUA I'll insert my airbender here when I finish analyzing and translating the coded sheet.
>is crap at coding
Just highlight the wording inside of the box then copy and paste it onto the thread.

[color=#hexcode]| Character Name | Age | Nation | #Hexcode[/color]​

If applicable.

Male? Female?

[color=#hexcode]Sexual Orientation;;[/color]
Hetero? Homo? Pan?

[color=#hexcode]Primary Element;;[/color]
Water? Earth? Fire? Air? Delete if non bender.

[color=#hexcode]Secondary Element;;[/color]
Metal? Lightening? I'll accept anything except Bloodbending. Delete if non bender.

Which role are you applying for?

[color=#hexcode]In Depth Appearance;;[/color]
At least one detailed paragraph of your character's appearance. Include their day to day attire, if any scars, tattoos or piercings, even.

Max of five.

Max of five.

Max of three.

[color=#hexcode]Personality Traits;;[/color]
List the good, bad and downright ugly!

At least one to two detailed paragraphs explaining the traits.

[color=#hexcode]Place of Origin;;[/color]
Where was your character born?

At least two to three good paragraphs explaining your character's background.

What will your character be carrying with them on the journey?

Anything else you'd like for us to know about your character? If not, delete this section.​
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  • Love
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if I could copy your code I would but I can't get it to copy
Hm, I wonder why that is. I posted them above the character sheet, as well. Can't copy it from there neither?
Late on claiming dibs on a fire bender. :/
Is there room here for two?
I've never had two Firebender but perhaps, if it's okay with @Dualnte, I'll allow two. Maybe one is perfect at Lightening while the other one solely does Fire?

Will that work for you two?
I can copy the hex code I can't copy the character sheet it makes me sad.
No, no. Don't be sad! We will fix this injustice! Have you tried highlighting all of the text then press the CTRL+C for copy and then CTRL+V to paste? If I need to, I can take the code off, too.
What about those Indian looking dudes from the show that treated fire bending like a religion, and worshipped dragons and what not? One can create a character from that tribe, while the other can be from the fire nation.
I already am almost done with my fire character.... I'm honestly not keen on the idea of being another tbh.
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  • Like
Reactions: Sunshine & Whiskey
What about those Indian looking dudes from the show that treated fire bending like a religion, and worshipped dragons and what not? One can create a character from that tribe, while the other can be from the fire nation.
Sun Benders? Hm, not sure about adding them.

You sure you don't want to take the Weapons Master? :/ You can have him from the Fire Nation. :)

I already am almost done with my fire character.... I'm not honestly keen on the idea of being another tbh.
Okay. :) Thanks for your input.
| Shing Whu| 17 | Firenation | #FF4000

Wu wu (hates that)
Flame brain (isn't much of a fan of this either)
Fire Rider (he calls himself this because he thinks it sounds cool)


Sexual Orientation

Primary Element
Fire (later may have the ability to make blue fire or even bend dragon fire depending on the RP)

Secondary Element
So far nothing, but in the future he will likely learning about lightning and/or heat sensing.


In Depth Appearance
He comes to a height of 5"0 and has a slightly muscular build, though it's not very obvious. He isn't a wall of muscles and honestly looks a bit on the lanky side. Even though he is kind of lanky rather than his arms being fat, it is muscle something he gains from a daily decent work out. He has white hair that is often dusty, his natural hair color is black but he didn't like it so he dyed it white. The dye comes out from time to time so he could have a white/black look in his hair if he hasn't dyed it for awhile.

On his head he wears a red bandana almost all the time as he feels it has/can be useful to him. His eyes almost look gold, but really they are a very light brown that in the right light look slightly different then what they actually are. His skin isn't covered in scars and his body is bit rough yet mainly soft. Due to how he looks it is hard to believe that he is much of a fighter, he is but he takes very good care of his body.

Along with the dye he also wears earrings on his ear at times and has a streak of red face pain right over his nose. On his right arm he has a tattoo that goes from his wrist to a bit below the elbow, the design is fire swirling around and two eastern dragons, the style is Japanese and is in black and white. This is the only tattoo he has on his body every where else is either bare or it can simply be washed off.

Risk and reward

No reward after helping
Being bored out of his mind
Being nagged
Being called Wu Wu

  • Sailing (great with navigation, knows his boats, how to sail them and even how to build a decent one)
  • Thieving (He has learned how to lift peoples wallets, weapons, jewelry, great at picking locks, and lying to get things that are not his)
  • Taming animals (he seems to have a sixth sense when it comes to animals. As he is very good with them, that and the fact he has study many animals over the course of his life makes him amazing at not only taming but caring for animals. Wild or domestic (not all animals however can be tamed by him he is still learning about them))

Personality Traits
Pretty friendly
Hard Worker (when he feels like it)
Good at masking how he truly feels

He's not exteremly hyper active that you would think he has ADHD, however he isn't one that cares to sit down for extended periods of time. He likes to always being doing something to entertain or keep his body awake and on the move. When he needs to he can sit still without moving anything, but if given the choice he will be doing something that keeps his body alert.

Sadly with all this energy he does have the habit of being careless, normally with his movements and hast the tendency to knock things down, run into people, tripping over things or just run into walls. He also can get a bit messy when it comes to his firebending, being someone that is just learning and is far from a master he has trouble making sure his flames don't go out of control and burn things he doesn't want to burn. It comes off as careless when he bends (especially in fights) due to his struggle to hold back his flames.

Shing is the kind of a guy that can befriend a stranger in no time, he's friendly, out going and has a great sense of humor. A casual person that seems to fit with ease at a party or any social event. Even though he is friendly he does also have the tendency to be very sarcastic, either in his head or out loud. Normally he keeps his sarcastic comments to himself unless he just wants to mess with someone. He has found it's impossible to befriend everyone (though he does try from time to time), however it is so much fun to annoy and be sarcastic to people. Another thing about him is his ability to hid his truly feelings, he may be friendly to strangers, outgoing, sarcastic heck even a tad rude if he's in a bad mood. But never to very rarely does he let it slip how he really feels. Which is intense depression (though he has yet to lose his drive to firebend, but due to this his flames are far less powerful than they could be)

He sometimes gives off the vibe of being lazy, or self centered, and he is. However if something catches his interest he will work at it tirelessly till he is satisfied. Meaning if he is truly interested in something he will skip sleep, food, and training to complete the objective at hand. The things that catch his attention vary, but averagely learning new skills when it comes to fire bending, being given a job he is expected to complete (assuming the reward is worth it) or learning new things about an animal he has met.

Place of Origin;;
Near the firenation... To be exact he was born on a pirate vessel that wasn't able to get to shore in time before his mother went into labor.

His mother Lieu Whu was a young firebender who had been married off to a noble to raise her family up in status. She was married to Azato Lang for only a year before having enough of his constant abuse and lack of caring for her well being. She ran away from him despite the constant threats on her life, and how her family insisted she remain by his side. Not wanting to stay and risk her life to a death like that she ran with not even a single glance back. After a week on the run, trying her best to avoid guards and trackers that were sent to capture her, she was almost cornered. She barely escaped, and the only reason for that is because she was able to sneak aboard a ship, a ship that turned out to be a pirate ship.

She remained on it for a few days before she was found by one of the crew and the moment she was found a good portion of the crew wanted to throw her overboard to drown. However she pleaded for her life and explained the situation, the pirate captain took pity on her and allowed her to stay on the ship till the reached the next island. Agreeing to this she stayed on and did minimal chores for the crew, and as time went on not only did the captain but the rest of the crew started to really enjoy her company. Only there for two weeks and she became an official member of the pirate crew.

Time went on and about a month later, she learned she was pregnant. This fact sickened her as she knew full well the child that was in her wasn't the child of any man she loved. Unsure what to do for a long time she kept it a secret, it wasn't till she was incapable of eating or really doing much did the crew learn. Normally when this happens the pirate crew would leave the woman as she would easily be dead weight. However, the let her remain and in fact helped her out. She had thoughts of getting rid of the child, but the captain didn't want to hear it. He loved the woman and knew that losing the child would break her, even if it didn't belong to any man she loved. After 9 months passed she went into labor a bit too soon and the doctor of the ship had to help her give birth there rather than on land where it may have been better.

There were no complications with the birth and the mother survived it as well. And so Shing was born on the ship and that's where he grew up. Surrounded by a merry crew that was very fearsome to those who didn't know them he had a pretty happy life. They took care of him like he was one of their own and he never learned who is real father was. As he still believed his dad was the captain of the ship. When he got old enough he started to go on the more adventurous trips with the rest. He learned many skills namely things that came to the ship as he was just enthralled by it all. He was also taught by a few of the crewmates how to be a thief as that was far safer for Shing rather than being an all out pirate right away.

By the age of 15 he had gone on many adventures with the crew and seen many things in his life. On one journey he took the crew got shipwrecked, and sadly lost several people. They were lucky that the island wasn't abandoned and there were plenty of things there needed to survive, not to mention with everyone working together they were able to start building a ship. But what was amazing, or terrifying about this island, was the fact it was a dragon nest, and not the most friendly of things lived there. This proved to be very dangerous and several crew mates fell to dragon that resided there.

It became so dangerous to them that the remaining crew had decided to go and attack the dragon at the cave. It wasn't the best of plans but truly they had no other choice as it was hampering their plans to escape. Of course Shing wasn't allowed to go to the fight being too young....and his mother tied him to a tree so he couldn't go with. This didn't stop him however and when he heard the fighting he escaped from the bounds and raced to the den. When he got there the fight was intense, some of his crew mates were injured one dead and the dragon, the furious creature was still fighting despite its wounds. Unable to move as he watched on the crew eventually killed the dragon.

They suffered heavy losses, the huge crew now dwindled to in the single digits with his mother and step father being two of the survivors. While everyone went to regroup and check the injured Shing had ventured into the cave. When he did he found something that caught his attention. A dragon egg. He wasn't sure what to do with it at first but soon after considering it he took the egg under his care. He had a hell of a time convincing his parents and the rest of the crew to let him keep it. Especially after what just happened. However in the end he was able to. The egg didn't show any signs in hatching any time soon but that didn't worry Shing as he kept it under his care.

A month passed and finally they had made a boat big as well as sturdy enough to hold all of them. And with that they set sail to the nearest island. Sadly lady luck detested the pirates for some reason, as a firenation naval vessel confronted the ship just as the island was in sight. When it was learned that the people on board were pirates (ones that had a good bounty on their heads) a battle began.

Again Shing was unable to move as the horrifying enemy attack his weakened family, mercilessly they destroyed parts of the boat before boarding the ship itself. Everyone fought hard but, in the end they were beaten, his step father killed protecting his mother, and his mother was captured. The rest of the crew was either killed or captured as well. He hid the best he could, as there was no way he could win against the men.

He however was found, when the men tried to take him into custody his mother suddenly attacked them getting seriously hurt in doing so. However before she was subdued again she managed to kick him overboard. Normally this wouldn't be enough to help him get away, however there was a storm brewing and thanks to the waves and winds, the ship wasn't able to catch the small boy who struggled to stay above water. It took all of his will power to not only get himself to shore but the egg as well.

When he finally arrived at the beach, he couldn't even make it two steps before he ended up passing out right there. After sleeping through the entire storm he woke up and lugged himself deeper into the island, till he found a village. At this village he used his skills and got coin to rest.

He was utterly heartbroken over the loss of his crew, of his family. And for a long while he had no clue what to do with his life. He stayed in the village for five months before he decided that sitting around doing nothing would get him no where. So him and the now hatched dragon (which he called Uli) left the village and jumped from boat to boat just trying to have fun. He has searched for his mother from time to time but he is mainly searching for a reason to keep going.

His dragon Uli
A over the shoulder bag that hold his money and extra set of clothes.
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View attachment 117833
| Shing Whu| 17 | Firenation | #FF4000

[color=[SIZE=4]#FF4000[/SIZE] Nicknames;; [/color]
Wu wu (hates that)
Flame brain (isn't much of a fan of this either)
Fire Rider (he calls himself this because he thinks it sounds cool)

[color=[SIZE=4]#FF4000[/SIZE] Gender;; [/color]

[color=[SIZE=4]#FF4000[/SIZE] Sexual Orientation;; [/color]

[color=[SIZE=4]#FF4000[/SIZE] Primary Element;; [/color]
Fire (later may have the ability to make blue fire or even bend dragon fire depending on the RP)

[color=[SIZE=4]#FF4000[/SIZE] Secondary Element; [/color]
So far nothing, but in the future he will likely learning about lightning and/or heat sensing.

[color=[SIZE=4]#FF4000[/SIZE] Role;; [/color]

[color=[SIZE=4]#FF4000[/SIZE] In Depth Appearance;; [/color]
He comes to a height of 5"0 and has a slightly muscular build, though it's not very obvious. He isn't a wall of muscles and honestly looks a bit on the lanky side. Even though he is kind of lanky rather than his arms being fat, it is muscle something he gains from a daily decent work out. He has white hair that is often dusty, his natural hair color is black but he didn't like it so he dyed it white. The dye comes out from time to time so he could have a white/black look in his hair if he hasn't dyed it for awhile.

On his head he wears a red bandana almost all the time as he feels it has/can be useful to him. His eyes almost look gold, but really they are a very light brown that in the right light look slightly different then what they actually are. His skin isn't covered in scars and his body is bit rough yet mainly soft. Due to how he looks it is hard to believe that he is much of a fighter, he is but he takes very good care of his body.

Along with the dye he also wears earrings on his ear at times and has a streak of red face pain right over his nose. On his right arm he has a tattoo that goes from his wrist to a bit below the elbow, the design is fire swirling around and two eastern dragons, the style is Japanese and is in black and white. This is the only tattoo he has on his body every where else is either bare or it can simply be washed off.

[color=[SIZE=4]#FF4000[/SIZE] Likes;; [/color]
Risk and reward

No reward after helping
Being bored out of his mind
Being nagged
Being called Wu Wu

[color=[SIZE=4]#FF4000[/SIZE] Skills;;[/color]
  • Sailing (great with navigation, knows his boats, how to sail them and even how to build a decent one)
  • Thieving (He has learned how to lift peoples wallets, weapons, jewelry, great at picking locks, and lying to get things that are not his)
  • Taming animals (he seems to have a sixth sense when it comes to animals. As he is very good with them, that and the fact he has study many animals over the course of his life makes him amazing at not only taming but caring for animals. Wild or domestic (not all animals however can be tamed by him he is still learning about them))

[color=[SIZE=4]#FF4000[/SIZE] Personality Traits;; [/color]
Pretty friendly
Hard Worker (when he feels like it)
Good at masking how he truly feels

He's not exteremly hyper active that you would think he has ADHD, however he isn't one that cares to sit down for extended periods of time. He likes to always being doing something to entertain or keep his body awake and on the move. When he needs to he can sit still without moving anything, but if given the choice he will be doing something that keeps his body alert.

Sadly with all this energy he does have the habit of being careless, normally with his movements and hast the tendency to knock things down, run into people, tripping over things or just run into walls. He also can get a bit messy when it comes to his firebending, being someone that is just learning and is far from a master he has trouble making sure his flames don't go out of control and burn things he doesn't want to burn. It comes off as careless when he bends (especially in fights) due to his struggle to hold back his flames.

Shing is the kind of a guy that can befriend a stranger in no time, he's friendly, out going and has a great sense of humor. A casual person that seems to fit with ease at a party or any social event. Even though he is friendly he does also have the tendency to be very sarcastic, either in his head or out loud. Normally he keeps his sarcastic comments to himself unless he just wants to mess with someone. He has found it's impossible to befriend everyone (though he does try from time to time), however it is so much fun to annoy and be sarcastic to people. Another thing about him is his ability to hid his truly feelings, he may be friendly to strangers, outgoing, sarcastic heck even a tad rude if he's in a bad mood. But never to very rarely does he let it slip how he really feels. Which is intense depression (though he has yet to lose his drive to firebend, but due to this his flames are far less powerful than they could be)

He sometimes gives off the vibe of being lazy, or self centered, and he is. However if something catches his interest he will work at it tirelessly till he is satisfied. Meaning if he is truly interested in something he will skip sleep, food, and training to complete the objective at hand. The things that catch his attention vary, but averagely learning new skills when it comes to fire bending, being given a job he is expected to complete (assuming the reward is worth it) or learning new things about an animal he has met.

Place of Origin;;
Near the firenation... To be exact he was born on a pirate vessel that wasn't able to get to shore in time before his mother went into labor.

His mother Lieu Whu was a young firebender who had been married off to a noble to raise her family up in status. She was married to Azato Lang for only a year before having enough of his constant abuse and lack of caring for her well being. She ran away from him despite the constant threats on her life, and how her family insisted she remain by his side. Not wanting to stay and risk her life to a death like that she ran with not even a single glance back. After a week on the run, trying her best to avoid guards and trackers that were sent to capture her, she was almost cornered. She barely escaped, and the only reason for that is because she was able to sneak aboard a ship, a ship that turned out to be a pirate ship.

She remained on it for a few days before she was found by one of the crew and the moment she was found a good portion of the crew wanted to throw her overboard to drown. However she pleaded for her life and explained the situation, the pirate captain took pity on her and allowed her to stay on the ship till the reached the next island. Agreeing to this she stayed on and did minimal chores for the crew, and as time went on not only did the captain but the rest of the crew started to really enjoy her company. Only there for two weeks and she became an official member of the pirate crew.

Time went on and about a month later, she learned she was pregnant. This fact sickened her as she knew full well the child that was in her wasn't the child of any man she loved. Unsure what to do for a long time she kept it a secret, it wasn't till she was incapable of eating or really doing much did the crew learn. Normally when this happens the pirate crew would leave the woman as she would easily be dead weight. However, the let her remain and in fact helped her out. She had thoughts of getting rid of the child, but the captain didn't want to hear it. He loved the woman and knew that losing the child would break her, even if it didn't belong to any man she loved. After 9 months passed she went into labor a bit too soon and the doctor of the ship had to help her give birth there rather than on land where it may have been better.

There were no complications with the birth and the mother survived it as well. And so Shing was born on the ship and that's where he grew up. Surrounded by a merry crew that was very fearsome to those who didn't know them he had a pretty happy life. They took care of him like he was one of their own and he never learned who is real father was. As he still believed his dad was the captain of the ship. When he got old enough he started to go on the more adventurous trips with the rest. He learned many skills namely things that came to the ship as he was just enthralled by it all. He was also taught by a few of the crewmates how to be a thief as that was far safer for Shing rather than being an all out pirate right away.

By the age of 15 he had gone on many adventures with the crew and seen many things in his life. On one journey he took the crew got shipwrecked, and sadly lost several people. They were lucky that the island wasn't abandoned and there were plenty of things there needed to survive, not to mention with everyone working together they were able to start building a ship. But what was amazing, or terrifying about this island, was the fact it was a dragon nest, and not the most friendly of things lived there. This proved to be very dangerous and several crew mates fell to dragon that resided there.

It became so dangerous to them that the remaining crew had decided to go and attack the dragon at the cave. It wasn't the best of plans but truly they had no other choice as it was hampering their plans to escape. Of course Shing wasn't allowed to go to the fight being too young....and his mother tied him to a tree so he couldn't go with. This didn't stop him however and when he heard the fighting he escaped from the bounds and raced to the den. When he got there the fight was intense, some of his crew mates were injured one dead and the dragon, the furious creature was still fighting despite its wounds. Unable to move as he watched on the crew eventually killed the dragon.

They suffered heavy losses, the huge crew now dwindled to in the single digits with his mother and step father being two of the survivors. While everyone went to regroup and check the injured Shing had ventured into the cave. When he did he found something that caught his attention. A dragon egg. He wasn't sure what to do with it at first but soon after considering it he took the egg under his care. He had a hell of a time convincing his parents and the rest of the crew to let him keep it. Especially after what just happened. However in the end he was able to. The egg didn't show any signs in hatching any time soon but that didn't worry Shing as he kept it under his care.

A month passed and finally they had made a boat big as well as sturdy enough to hold all of them. And with that they set sail to the nearest island. Sadly lady luck detested the pirates for some reason, as a firenation naval vessel confronted the ship just as the island was in sight. When it was learned that the people on board were pirates (ones that had a good bounty on their heads) a battle began.

Again Shing was unable to move as the horrifying enemy attack his weakened family, mercilessly they destroyed parts of the boat before boarding the ship itself. Everyone fought hard but, in the end they were beaten, his step father killed protecting his mother, and his mother was captured. The rest of the crew was either killed or captured as well. He hid the best he could, as there was no way he could win against the men.

He however was found, when the men tried to take him into custody his mother suddenly attacked them getting seriously hurt in doing so. However before she was subdued again she managed to kick him overboard. Normally this wouldn't be enough to help him get away, however there was a storm brewing and thanks to the waves and winds, the ship wasn't able to catch the small boy who struggled to stay above water. It took all of his will power to not only get himself to shore but the egg as well.

When he finally arrived at the beach, he couldn't even make it two steps before he ended up passing out right there. After sleeping through the entire storm he woke up and lugged himself deeper into the island, till he found a village. At this village he used his skills and got coin to rest.

He was utterly heartbroken over the loss of his crew, of his family. And for a long while he had no clue what to do with his life. He stayed in the village for five months before he decided that sitting around doing nothing would get him no where. So him and the now hatched dragon (which he called Uli) left the village and jumped from boat to boat just trying to have fun. He has searched for his mother from time to time but he is mainly searching for a reason to keep going.

His dragon Uli
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A over the shoulder bag that hold his money and extra set of clothes.
Lovely character but just clean up the sheet then I'll accept him. Your coding is off a bit. :)
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