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Ash Mortis

the best pygmy rattler
Original poster
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  1. Multiple posts per day
  2. 1-3 posts per day
  3. 1-3 posts per week
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  1. Beginner
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  1. No Preferences
Fandom, Fantasy, Sci-fi, Horror, I'm a sucker for romance, and YAOI!!! Yuri is okay.
Hi it's your number one Falcon Lover back (it's a Pewdiepie joke).

Welcome to a very quickly thrown together ATLA based roleplay.

*clears throat*

Water. Earth. Fire. Air. Not so long ago, the four nations lived together in harmony. Then everything changed when a rogue Avatar attacked.

What seemed like a lifetime ago, an Avatar came to power with intentions other than sustaining the peace in the world. They quickly realized their abilities and the darker possibilities that came with them. From young adulthood 'til death, this Avatar took hold of all nations, ruling with an iron fist. After the Avatar's timely death, a new image of a corrupted, malicious, and greedy Avatar emerged in society. To prevent another "reign of terror", any child showing signs of possibly being the next Avatar was eliminated immediately. Birth rates dropped. Laws became more strict. People were constantly afraid, paranoid even. Adding onto the societal panic was the constant presence of the past Avatar's spirit, ruining things whenever it could.

Now, a new Avatar has made it through the impossible: childhood. Now they must continue to grow and nurture their abilities to not only gain back society's trust and keep themselves safe, but they must once and for all defeat the vengeful spirit of the past Avatar.



[hey buddies, it's a character sheet]

Appearance (pictures are fine):
Brief Backstory:

(Okay well, since I'm not sure how to invite people, I'll just tag you all.)

@Jessica2477 @AllThePasta @The Dapper Mog @Blitzfang43 @timv999 @Yaoi Master Gavin

If you are unsure of your abilities or which ones you would like your character to have, please refer to these links:




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Name: Takala

Age: 14

Element: Water

Appearance (pictures are fine): Caitrecolor.png

Family: Ignat [father/might as well be dead], Sabra [mother/alive], Kallik [half-brother/alive], Selu [adoptive sister/alive]

Brief Backstory: Takala grew up with her mom, the tribe healer, after her father abandoned the tribe when she was 8. With her mom now her primary caretaker, she grew close with her half-brother Kallik and their new adopted sibling, Selu, from the Northern Water Tribe. Now, she struggles with some confidence issues as she tries to make herself useful at home.

Personality: More often than not, Takala is cheerful and the wisdom she gains from a healer mother is evident. There are times, however, where something will set her off. Her mother always says she has the temper of a fire bender (jokingly, of course). Takala can also be described as loyal, determined, and sincere.

Abilities: Ice shield, Ice claws, and Ice hook

Other: a member of the Southern Water Tribe.
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Name: Zhang Liang
Age: 22
Element: Earth
Height: 6'2
Appearance (pictures are fine):

Tao Liang (Father/52/Alive)
Li Quen Liang (Mother/49/Alive)
Lee Liang (Brother/16/Alive)
Jin Zhi Liang (Sister/18/Alive)
Bao Liang (Brother/22/Deceased)

Brief Backstory:
The great city of Ba Sing Se, the mighty capital of the earth kingdom is where Zhang was born. His family rose to the middle class recently under his grandfather's acts within the guards of the city. His father broke the long line of tradition and turned towards the merchent life to gain coin and keep the position his father worked hard to present him with. His ambitions are currently set on becoming upper class, but that is still a dream a bit far off.

Zhang on the other hand likes the modest lifestyle going for him. At the ages of 6 he and his twin, Bao Liang, became the two benders to born within the family for 3 generations. They worked hard to become better, and formed quite the sibling rivalry to out match the other and reach master status first. Zhang left home for a time to perfect his studies under other tutors while Bao stayed to join the guards. He left at the age of 15 and was out in the world for 7 years. Now standing at an adept level he decided to go home and match up with his brother.

He returned home to a funeral sadly as hid brother had passed on due to sickness about 6 months back. This fueled Zhang's drive to become a master ever more to honor the dream shared between the two. Against the hospitality of his parents, he bought his own home in Ba Sing Se and joined the guards to help pay for his rent.

Zhang likes to keep his personal feelings a bit reserved, but isn't introverted to not know when to have a good time. Values not being a prideful person like his father and uses it to his advantage. He does carry the problem of not being able to watch others be bullied. Generally an outgoing kind of guy who prefers to listen and react than act without cause. With a spiritualistic nature, streetwise senses, and bending ability Zhang is an ally to definetly come to in case life has questions you can't answer on your own.

Likes: Reading, Deep Conversations, and Day Dreaming
Dislikes: Pompous individuals, Oranges, and Smoking
Theme Song:

Voice Clip:
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Name: Selu
Age: 17
Element: Water
Appearance (pictures are fine):


Takala: Adoptive sister

Kallik: Adoptive brother

Sabra: Adoptive mother

Ahnah: Birth mother (Dead)

Tuaq: Birth father (Dead)

Brief Backstory:

Selu as a young child lived within the Northern Tribe for four years before she and her parents set to travel for the Southern Tribe by ship. Though as soon as they were arriving, an accident occurred that cost her parents their lives, and leaving her to have an emotional scar and a deathly fear of being aboard ships. Thankfully, she was taken in by kind souls and has loved her adoptive family ever since.


Selu is a kind, soft spoken individual who plays the doting older sister towards her youngest sibling. After the events that played in her childhood, she aspired to be like her adoptive mother. Wise, caring, and a great healer. She is a diligent student and quite compassionate, though she can be quite stubborn when it involves herself needing treatment. Selu will keep quiet about injuries and things that bother her unless confronted about it.


Ice blade, Healing, Ice shield

Other: She has taken to learn how to heal by her adoptive mother.
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Name: Kallik

Age: 18

Element: Water

Appearance (pictures are fine):



Takala: Half sister

Selu: Adopted sister

Sabra: Mother

Irniq: Father (Deceased)

Brief Backstory:

Kallik was only a baby when his father passed away of illness. His mother, Sabra, did the best that she could while caring for him. Though she did have some help from friends so the mourning widow didn't have to go through the hardship all by herself. Though at the age of two, his mother met another man and married him when Kallik just turned three. And soon after, his mother was pregnant and gave birth to Takala. He was more than happy to care and play with his baby sister as she grew older, though at 5, his mother introduced yet another member to the family. A distraught little girl named Selu, about 4 years old. He was happy to accept her too, and so far, the family had been getting along well despite his stepfather's sudden abandonment.


Kallik is a sweet man who, as his mother noted, acts a lot like his father. Has a stern look to him but is actually quite kind. He is also a perfectionist, trying to master his waterbending purposes as best as he can. Mistakes on his part upsets him, which brings him into a silent, seething rage for that moment. It bothers him until he can better himself.


Water knife, water cloak, Breath of ice, Water pressure manipulation, Water bullet, Ice blade

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Appearance (pictures are fine):



Xiu - Mother - 32 - Alive
??? - Father - 35 - Deceased

Brief Backstory:

Hua was born in the Northern Air Temple, her mother an inhabitant and air bender of no small renown. Xiu was a beautiful woman that was the envy of anyone, a gifted airbender and wise beyond her years. She took the heart of a young man and the two were in love. Unfortunately, it didn't last, and when he was gone, it was up to her to raise their daughter. Thankfully, the monks of the temple were happy to help raise the child, whom grew into a talented young women herself.

When the former avatar betrayed his people, forsaking his title, None took it harder than the Air Nomads. After the newest avatar was born, it was decided that they would do their best to ensure that the Avatar would return to his roots, and become a symbol of hope again. In order to recover the symbol of the avatar, they would become protectors and guides for the avatars of the present and future.

Thanks to the Nomad's strong connection to the line of avatars, they were able to discover a rough location of the avatar, and sent Hua to be a guide and protector for him. It took months, but she believes she finally found him...


Hua is kind and polite, boasting reserves of calm understanding. However, when angry, Hua can shift from a gentle breeze to a fierce hurricane in mere moments. That said, she prefers being peaceful, but, won't stand by and let innocents suffer. She values honesty, clarity, Discipline, and kindness.


Adept Airbending, Air Cushion, Wind Sphere, Air Shield, Air Bomb, Breath of Wind


Plays the Pipa (Chinese lute)
Loves to Fly​
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Ryuu Keiji
Appearance (pictures are fine):
Hideki Keiji - Father- 45 - Alive
Kimiko Keiji - Mother- 40 - Alive
Reizo Keiji - Older Brother - 18 - Alive

Brief Backstory:
Ryuu was born into prestigious family of the Fire Nation's Emperor. Ryuu was very talented at fire bending since he was young. Much like his older brother Reizo, Ryuu took up fire bending at an early age and early on showed a natural gift with it. He was called a prodigy since he was a little kid and has always tried to live up to that. His father being the Emperor of the Fire Nation has always been very serious and strict, and though he does show loving and tender moments those are far and few between. Though he does love his family he is strict on them especially his two sons. His mother while being a skilled fire bender herself is definitely the gentler one between his parents. She shows a lot of love and compassion and tries to lighten the mood for her sons as much as she can. Ryuu takes more after their father while his older brother Reizo takes more after his mother as he has a much more laid back attitude. Ryuu looks up to his older brother, but is annoyed at times with his laid back attitude as Ryuu tries to push and become the strongest that he can.
Ryuu is a strong, serious, loyal kid. He is loyal to his family and country. He is also on the more serious side especially when it comes to training and being apart of the emperors family. Though he does have a laid back side but only rarely.
Name: Reizo Keiji
Age: 18
Element: Fire
Height: 6'0
Appearance (pictures are fine):

Hideki Keiji (Father/45/Alive)
Kimiko Keiji (Mother/40/Alive)
Ryuu Keiji (Brothet/14/Alive)

Brief Backstory:
The Fire Nation Capital, a bit generic of a name, but summeries the sharp and to the point nature of its citizens. Standing at the top of it all is the current emperor, Hideki Keiji, who guides the land with firm but just hand. Though if one seeks compassion then their kind empress, Kimiko, is sure to remind the populace that structure and order is not all there is to being fire nation citizen. This is the side that the oldest prince stands upon and is the topic of discussion on everyone's lips on who would be the better ruler between the two siblings.

Reizo however, could care less for such talk and in fact cares little for most talk within the upper nobles. His main interest is the true heart of any nation that allows its heart to keep beating, the people. His father is always constantly on him about being more positive of a role module for his younger brother but that backfired as a plan for Hideki. Its often said that Reizo was born with his father's looks, but his mother's soul and it shows quite well the moment he opens his mouth.

This doesn't subtract anything from his natural skill though. Reizo is a skilled firebender in his own right especially because he is one of the few in the royal line to have blue flame. Most people say its a family trait that only shows up, but Reizo disagress saying its linked to his emotions like all bending at their base level. It is a great source of fun to lord over his brother, as he knows the greatest way to make him grow is through competition. The talks of the Avatar is quite the popular topic lately...and that has sparked quite the idea in the young prince that he plans to act upon soon.

Reizo is a man who stands upon solid convictions despite his usual persona. He believes in his own forms of justice, compassion, and mercy to those that may not even deserve it. Mainly he is quite the lazy individual who does things that relate to his versions of "fun", yet blows off anything relating to his princely duties. He cannot tolerate injustice especially when he knows that it can be stopped, and dives headfirst into danger constantly to protect others.

Likes: Drawing, creating new techniques, and messing/ playing with his brother
Dislikes: Injustice, being too weak to help, following tradtions
Theme Song:

Voice Clips:
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Waiting on whoever is next
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