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    A site made for roleplay is way cooler we promise <3


Original poster
Invitation Status
  1. Look for groups
  2. Looking for partners
Posting Speed
  1. Speed of Light
  2. Multiple posts per day
  3. 1-3 posts per day
  4. One post per day
  5. Multiple posts per week
Writing Levels
  1. Give-No-Fucks
  2. Intermediate
  3. Adept
  4. Advanced
  5. Adaptable
Preferred Character Gender
  1. Male
  2. Female
  3. Nonbinary
  4. Primarily Prefer Female
Hello all! I am MarilynFae, if you can't tell. Recently I have taken a break and found that I need this for my sanity, so I am back. I stole this threat from one of my older ones, but I will change and add as I go along. But I am looking for a partner, so definitely message me if interested! This thread will always be open and I will add throughout as I come up with more ideas. So anyway, let's just jump right into it!

So, to start, I'll tell you about my roleplaying style and whatnot.
- I am a female, therefore I am instantly more advanced as a female. But I play as either male or female and I love them both-- as long as I don't have too much of one and it's not a plot where I specifically want to play that gender.
- I will do smut-- BUT you must be an adult. Smut is not something required and it isn't something I will do everytime. If my partner meets the age requirement and we talk about it, it will be something I consider.
- I follow all of Iwaku rules, including the one above. If you are wanting smut but are younger than 18, you will have to find a new partner! Sorry!
- I write as my partner allows. If my partner gives me a book, I give a book back. If my partner gives me a paragraph, I will give that back. I try to always stay to at least two paragraphs though.
- I prefer quality over quantity. I have had some partners who could write 10 paragraphs, but I didn't have anything to respond to because it was about how the leaves were turning colors.
- I only really play MxF. I may be convinced to play FxF or MxM but only as a side relation. My main I would prefer to be MxF, unless you are really good at convinving people.
- I can RP through PM or through Thread, but either way, I would like a separate PM between us so that we can chat or ask questions.
- Going along with above, I'd love to chat OOC with you, but I won't force it because I know it's not something everyone is comfortable with.
- I love romance. It will almost always have to be in my RPs. It's just my thing. But I won't force it within the first page. I want it to actually take time and be real. (Unless the RP calls otherwise.)
- Please, no one liners! Write as much as you can. If you can't get much out, just try to get a paragraph or so! If you are having trouble, let me know.
- Try to reply as often as you can, I will do the same.
- I will probably be on more towards the evening and sometimes on Friday or Saturday, but Sunday is my free day!
- Please write in 3rd person
- I don't care about grammar that much, but just don't talk like we are texting!
- If I don't reply within a few days, send me a PM. I probably got busy. I am still in school and hold a job and clubs

These are just a few pairings off the top of my head. I am open to more than just on this list so feel free to ask me about them. More than likely, I will say yes!
- Vampire x Werewold
- Vampire x Human
- Werewolf x Human
- Prince x Princess
- Princess x Knight
- Childhood Friends
- Arrianged Friends
- Best Friends
- Roommates
- Bad Boy x Good Girl
- Neighbors
- Adventerous Girl x Adventerous Guy

Hopeful to Forget
M / F
Werewolf / Human
19-22 YRS
Character A and Character B were the best of friends. The kind of friends that grew up and fell in love. They made it through everything, that was, until Character B began to distance himself. He would start drinking at parties, skipping class, abusing Character A, cheating on her, and everything else. Then one night after the two had a fight, Character B disappeared and was no one heard where he had gone. It happens about that Character B was bitten by a werewolf, changing him into one himself. This caused the extreme behavor, because he couldn't control what his body did at some points. He loved Character A, which is why he ran away. He couldn't stand seeing the pain in her eyes everytime she was around him. A few years later, Character A meets her new roommate, instantly loving the house. When she met her third roommate, she was a little less sure, seeing Character B.
A Summer in Italy
M / F
Human / Human
18-19 YRS
Character A and Character B are best friends, even though over their constant arguments it may be hard to tell. They met when they were in day care at only age 3, fighting over a stuffed monkey that Character B tried to take from Character A. Turns out, the stuffed monkey started their friendship. They stuck together through all of grade school and even high school. They were always there for each other and wouldn't let anyone push their friends around unless it was them. They were complete opposites, which explains why they always argued over the smallest thing. Character A was shy and quiet, very smart, nerdy, and kept to herself, but was the kindest person in school. Character B was loud and crazy, a bad boy, a player, and he didn't care what anyone thought because he did what he wanted. But somehow, they couldn't spend a day apart. As the end of their senior year comes together, they have one last summer together before they have to split for their futures, though they don't dare talk about it. Character A's aunt and uncle decide as a present to them, they would fly them to Italy with them and let them stay at their house for the summer so they could have one last adventure together. But what will happen when secrets explode between these two best friends, and they become lovers in the city of love?
A New Beginning
M / F
Human / Human
19-23 YRS
Character A has been battling cancer, and knowing that her time is coming to an end, decides to give up treatment and live the rest of her life as happy as she can. So she does what she has always dreamed of: moving to the big city! She is just in her new apartment and new life for a week, slowly adjusting to work, social life, and school when she wakes up late one morning and tries to hurry to her first day of a new class. As she is squeezing through crowds, she accidentally runs right into Character B, who is just an average guy, holding a steaming hot cup of coffee that he pours on both of them. They both apologize and get towels from the inside café to clean up, feeling a weird connection between each other. Character A, knowing it would only end badly, apologizes again before leaving without catching his name. Somehow they end up finding each other again. Maybe they are going to the same class or she dropped a book with her number and address on the inside or they see each other at a party that night, neighbors? That is up for us to decide. But then they could get to know each other and she would just tell him not to get attached, and wouldn't tell him about cancer until she had a problem and went back to the hospital for a day or so and he found out.
Bad Boy Next Door
M / F
Bad Boy / Good Girl
16-18 YRS
Character A is your average good girl. Perfect grades in school, never miss a day, never done anything bad or crazy in her life, barely even kissed a guy. Character b is your average bad boy. Skips school, drinks, drugs, gotten arrested or been involved with cops, done all the nasties. They are complete opposites who live right beside each other. She has gotten use to his booty calls and trying to kiss her or peak inside her window, but when they make a bet with each other, she is determined to win, but so is he. The bet is: They can go on dates, they can kiss, they can have sex, they can call each other those dumb little names, they can do whatever they want together. Whoever falls first has to announce it in front of the entire school at the Winter Formal at the end of the semester. They have three months. Who will win?
A Day Through My Eyes
M / F
Rich Girl / Poor Boy
17-19 YRS
Character A was a girl who basically lived the American Dream. Everyday was the same thing for her. She had the same routine and she barely ever was caught off guard. That was until one night when she got lost on her way home and met Character B. He is the opposite of Character A. He doesn't live in the fancy or rich part of the city, instead he lives in the suburbs and doesn't know what he's having for lunch that day unlike Character A who knows what she will wear to bed next Monday night. When one of Character B's buddies accidentally hit Character A with a football, Character B apologizes and finds Character A to be interesting. While the two begin to hang out and figure out how they live the way they do, they fall in love, but during this time it is uncommon for a rich girl like Character A to be with a poor boy like Character B. Will they survive the stares and laughter to be together or will they give up and go their separate ways?
Babysitting the President's Daughter
M / F
Human / Human
21-26 YRS
Character A is the President's daughter, but it's no fun for a girl who wants to go on adventures and have fun and see the world and fall in love and experience things when her father hires a body guard that is there to babysit her so that she won't do anything crazy. But when her father makes them share a condo together while he is away to another country, she convinces him to take her on adventures to amusement parks, to malls, or parks, to anywhere he would go and she gets to know him as a friend rather than a babysitter. That is until he lets her try alcohol for the first time and the two share more than just a few kisses, things get complicated when the babysitter falls in love with the president's daughter.
Check Yes, Juliet
M / F
Human / Human
16-18 YRS
If you have ever heard this song, this is what I based it off of. Basically character A hates school dances. She was planning to stay home, but when she gets an offer to take pictures for extra credit, she jumps at the chance. Character B also hates school dances. He only goes because his friends force him to basically. But while at the dance, the two bump into each other, literally, and dump juice all over each other. But they instantly are drawn to each other. Character A plays it off and apologizes, walking off, but Character B doesn't do the same. Instead he makes it his goal for the sweet, innocent girl to give him a chance and live a modern fairy tale with him.
Married in High School
M / F
Human / Human
18-19 YRS
This can either go one of two ways.
1. Character A and Character B have been arranged to marry each other since before they were born, but when their parents decide they would marry before high school so that they didn't have to worry about them straying off with another man or woman, they are forced to get married and move in together while still in high school. One being the popular jock and the other being someone who no one knows. They don't even really like each other, but can they learn to love each other?

2. Character A and Character B knew they were meant to be together as soon as they saw each other. Because one is so popular and the other is not in school, they decide to keep their relationship a secret, especially because their familiar despise each other. When Character A finds out she is pregnant, her parents force the two to get married, not they really minded much. Still attending high school and keeping their relationship from everyone at school so that their reputation would be saved, they try to go through marriage, living together alone, a baby, and paying for everything. The only thing keeping them together every day is how much they truly love each other.
A Lie for the Better
M / F
22-28 YRS
When FC tells her mother that she will bring a date to her sisters wedding to get out of blind dates, she runs into a gorgeous male at the cafe she works at. Befriending her, the male decides to ask her for a favor. A favor for a favor right? Wrong. When he agrees to be her fake boyfriend, they get a little over their head... for each other.
Seeing You Again
M / F
Best Friends
19-24 YRS
Not everyone gets to experience having a true best friend. One where it doesn't matter where in the world you're at, you're always in each others heart. For these two, this is what they have. They met when they grew up across from each other in a small town, but it wasn't long before she was pulled away and moved half way across the country. They lost touch as the years flew by, but somewhere inside of them, they never forgot about their best friend. She hadn't seen him in nearly four years. Now she was almost twenty, and moving back to he small town to raise her baby. What happens when she runs into her old best friend again, but this time she has a child of her own?
For All Eternity
M / F
Immortal / Human
19-23 YRS
So I have kind of had this idea for awhile but I haven't put it to use. I'm just going to explain this one. Basically Character A and Character B are together, or working on getting together, then Character A finds a picture of someone who looks like her in Character B's room, though it isn't her. Then she finds more and more and they are dated in different years, years that she wasn't even alive for. When she confronts Character B, he tells her that he is immortal, however we can decided, and when she dies and is reincarnated, he finds her over and over again to be with her.
Forever Loved
M / F
Famous / Normal
19-21 YRS
You and your best friend have been inseparable. That is until he became famous. Even through this you all were close and he refused to let go of your friendship. You became part of his band and it became common for you to be there for everything. You thought that your best friend becoming a famous boy band would ruin your friendship, but it only made it stronger. But when the cameras start taking pictures of you and you end up in the newspaper, will you take a step back, or put up with it to save your friendship with your best friend, though he doesn't see the way that you really think of him.

Feel free to PM me or reply here! These are not the only things I am interested in. If you have other interests, PM me. I am always open to new things. The worst thing I could say is no, and I probably won'
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Reactions: AmethystWallflower
Hi! So I honestly love most of your ideas and am having trouble picking one. I really love your neighbors, prince & princess, vampire & human and the two of the plots: the one where they make the bet for three months and the one where they were forced to marry before high school. So yeah, if anything kinda grabs your attention and you want to possibly RP with me, let me know, I'm wide awake and waiting for another possible roleplay.
Hi! So I honestly love most of your ideas and am having trouble picking one. I really love your neighbors, prince & princess, vampire & human and the two of the plots: the one where they make the bet for three months and the one where they were forced to marry before high school. So yeah, if anything kinda grabs your attention and you want to possibly RP with me, let me know, I'm wide awake and waiting for another possible roleplay.
I would love to do the Bad Boy Next Door with you! Just shoot me a PM! ;)
Still looking!
Hey I really enjoy the idea for eh For All Eternity plot and would love to do that with you
Asking after Hopeful to Forget.
I'm new here, but not to role play --- I'd be interested in creating Bad Boy/Good Girl with you. Additionally, I'd like to portray the male.

Thanks in advance!!! Of course, if it isn't available, maybe something else?
I'm new here, but not to role play --- I'd be interested in creating Bad Boy/Good Girl with you. Additionally, I'd like to portray the male.

Thanks in advance!!! Of course, if it isn't available, maybe something else?
Sure! Just message me!