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"You can't fucking go off on your own without the police, that's so stupid! You have no real police training, you... you're not a detective, Franky. This is dumb, I... if it all goes to shit, just know I objected," the man grumbled, though didn't really make that big of a fuss. If he was in Franky's situation, getting sent severed fingers and notes taunting him, he would probably go off on his own to investigate too - especially if he had plenty of powerful friends to potentially help him, like Franky did. He didn't think that it would be easy though. He assumed that the gang were masterminds, to evade capture like they had whilst murdering high-profile people and having the confidence to hand deliver presents like this. Making assumptions probably wasn't wise, but he had his own thoughts about the gang and what they potentially looked like.

Which obviously worked in Leopold's favour. He was slim and, with his very youthful looks, unimposing. He was quite aware that he looked like he couldn't land a punch, let alone beat the shit out of someone like Kyle. It all helped him feel far more confident about evading capture, which meant he could quite happily sit in a small diner downtown, eating breakfast without any paranoia or fear. The place was small and far from the fancy restaurants he had dined at with his newfound wealth, but he hadn't really let his money change him that much. He enjoyed visiting the little cafes he would go to with his friends when they were human and they were all too broke to eat out anywhere fancier. Just because he couldn't taste the food these days didn't stop him visiting the little diner almost every morning, happy to tip them extortionately just for their friendly faces and company. The fact that the diner was downtown and far from Franky's neighbourhood also helped. It meant Leo could sit out and not worry too much about his ex-boyfriend stumbling upon him.

"...I didn't kill him Jess. I doubt he died, at least. I cut off a finger. He's not likely to bleed to death," the man remarked as he tapped his finger on the rim of the glass, sipping at his tea while smiling at his friends opposite. He was in a far better mood now, as they predicted. "Besides, you should be amazed that I had the self-restraint not to drink that man dry while he was bleeding in front of me. I get it. I shouldn't have done it without you all, but I was pissed and... you're not that mad, right?"

"Nah, I'm not. I think it's amazing," praised Keisuke as he wiped his mouth free of crumbs, before pushing his sunglasses up his nose a little. "Fucking disturbing, but amazing."
"Yeah, I think it's pretty amazing," admitted Sanghai as he sipped his coffee and went as far as to grab another three packets to pour in. Raising his mug proudly, he offered a smile before taking another large gulp. Pushing his admittedly childish plate of finished chocolate chip pancakes and hash browns away. Thanks to his vampirism, he could probably eat a dozen burgers and never gain an ounce of weight. That meant he went totally ham whenever they went out, even if he wasn't particularly hungry.

"If I was as pissed at you, I can say without a doubt that I would have murdered him," he admitted casually. "Like, youve got the patience of a fucking saint, Leo. It's one of things I love about you~" He cooed affectionately before turning his attention to Jess. After all, if anyone were to praise Leo it was her. "I mean, I would have slurped that guy dry."
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"...I suppose it's commendable that you didn't completely lose your shit," admitted the only girl of the group, managing to offer a smile. She was incredibly furious that her best friend had gone off without them and risked the whole plan being uncovered, but the fact Leopold kept his control did make her proud, especially when it concerned someone Leo assumed was his ex's new boyfriend.

Smiling quietly at the praise, the eldest vampire silently glanced out of the window. Being back in New York after so many decades obviously provided him a mix of emotions. On one hand, he hated being back because it reminded him of being with Franky, and obviously that had ruined his life completely. On the other, this was where he had grown up; where his parents had really blossomed and where they created a home. It was also where he first discovered who he was and what love was, even if Franky ended up being a complete asshole. It was difficult to hate the place, however much he wanted to.

"...I used to come down this street with Franky back in the 20s," he began, glancing momentarily back at his friends. "He didn't like coming this way because he had rival gangs after him a lot, even though he basically ran the city. We would make out in the alley and then we'd go to his speakeasy and there'd be jazz music and this gorgeous singer called Louisa who was so sweet... It sucks that I have all these memories and I can't even enjoy them because it involves Franky-- but I have better memories with you guys and the others back in California. That was... it was easily the best time of my life, I think. Meeting you all, I mean."
"The past is the past, Leopold," Sanghai reminded carefully as he took the final few sips of his coffee before he ordered another. "Seriously, it's... fine. We're here to make new memories, right? Like, I sure as hell don't have very happy memories from back in California but we stayed there for decades. We can have fun here, you know? Make out with new people behind alleyways. Plus, I mean, we rule the city now. It's not all that different, you just have better people around."

He knew he was sounding soppy - too soppy, to an extent. So, to be able to make up for it he rolled his eyes and offered Leopold a nudge. "Don't make me feel cheesy, okay? I mean, I want to go sightseeing. You know all the cool spots, right? I mean, no speakeasies or whatnot but I'm sure they're all cool clubs now. We could get pretty lit, as the kids say these days?"
"I haven't made out with anyone in decades, Sanghai. I'm hardly going to start now. I don't think I'm an attractive prospect for other guys," the vampire drawled, though wasn't searching for sympathy. It was hardly his style to be purposefully down in the dumps just to reap the benefit of having his friends feel sorry for him. If he was sounding down, the chances were that he was genuinely quite upset - and no amount of convincing and comforting could take him out of that.

The only thing that did perk his mood up was the news report. Like most people in the cosy diner, he became immediately transfixed when the breaking report outlined the recent murder and the attack on Kyle, which was at least where Leopold learned who he really was. Of course, just because Kyle was a bodyguard for Franky didn't mean they weren't dating, but Leo could hardly care to moan about that. His smile quietly grew with the realisation that this posed a perfect way to get close to Franky and get some insider information. It would help to formulate better plans to tear him down if he had knowledge of his whereabouts and businesses.

"...He'll probably need a new bodyguard," he began slowly, adding a sachet of sugar to his coffee, whilst smiling over at the other men. Admittedly, Jessica would make a great bodyguard, but he knew Franky. The man would be more inclined to hire somebody he was attracted to, and Jessica, however beautiful she was, didn't stand a chance. Keisuke or Sanghai, on the other hand...

"Think about it. You could be near him and get information. We could ruin his businesses and financially bankrupt him. That'd break him," he gushed, his eyes now lit in eagerness. "One of you needs to try and get that job. It's perfect."
"Well, I don't scream 'bodyguard," commented Sanghai as he sipped his coffee, his thin white brows raising curiously. "We need someone who looks tough, yes? I highly doubt he would see me and say, "yes, that's a conventional bodyguard!" Like, no. So... I suggest Kei. You've got a tough build, right? I mean, if I didn't know better I would be afraid of you, Kei. Granted, I'd let you beat me to a pulp any day~" He cooed with a smile and a wink.

"I think it's a good idea, yeah. You're full of them... most days," he teased. "Granted, how are we going to set this up? He isn't going to hire any old fucking bodyguard. You need a resume and credit, right?"
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"All you gotta do is ask, babe. I'd beat you up if you asked me sweetly. I'm really kind like that," the other man replied with his own playful wink. The idea of being near Franky wasn't tremendously exciting, so being employed as a bodyguard designed to protect him disgusted him. This was a man that had ruined his best friend's life. He wanted to snap his neck, not stop other people doing it. But, admittedly, he did think the plan was a good one, and he made it known with his accepting nod. "I could totally do that-- but I ain't got credentials and shit."

"As if you need any. This is Franky. He hired me back in the day because I was 'eye candy' for him. If you're cute, he'll overlook a lot. I doubt he's changed that much. Just turn up at that bar he goes to, bond with him and you'll get the job. I don't mind if you have to be flirtatious about it. I trust you enough not to... fuck him," smiled Leopold as he diverted his eyes from the television and back to his friend. "Or play on the fact you're a vampire. He'll notice, of course. He was abandoned by his parents and dumped on some old lady's doorstep. You could say your parents abandoned you and he'll easily connect with you on that alone. It's easy. Franky's... he's smart, but he's also a sucker for a cute guy. He's not overly complicated."

"...Are you sure you don't wanna do it?" Keisuke mumbled, giving Sanghai a nudge and a desperate frown. "I mean, I... it's a good plan and all, but I don't think I could be around that guy and not fuck him up for him being the asshole he is. You're a psycho, Sang, but you're also more controlled than I am."
"If you're really that desperate to have someone watch him, I'll do it. Like I said, though, I don't look like a bodyguard, Kei. Clearly you're too big of a pussy, and I understand, but I'm a little disappointed in you," tutted Sanghai as he smiled at the waitresss who filled his cup once again with coffee.

"Fine, I'll do it. I'll be as believable as I can be but let's be honest, my strength is supposed to be more of a secret than anything," he drawled sarcastically before offering a smile. "What am I even supposed to do? Take notes?"
"Don't be fucking rude. I've saved your ass more times than I've had hot dinners, Sanghai-- and use your brain, yeah? You get some dirt on him, get information, try not to rip his throat out in anger. It's all real easy," the other man muttered, trying to fake annoyance at him, but it was always difficult to stay mad at Sanghai for longer than two seconds. He'd known him since they were 12, clinging to the only other boy in the neighbourhood who had Japanese parents. That long friendship that had spanned literally decades at this point was difficult to dismiss, like it was with Jessica and Leopold too.

"...You'll be alright, dude," he finally sighed, turning more sincere as he turned back to his friend, going as far as to offer a pat on the shoulder. "Like Leo said, that guy has an eye for cute people, and you're real cute, so don't sweat it. He'll hire you, you'll get into his world and get some information, and then we can fuck him up. Simple."

"Just don't lose your temper with him. Don't fall for him, either. I imagine he's charming," continued Jessica, the mature one in the group finally offering her opinion into the matter. "I... don't want you to get hurt, Sanghai. Nor do I want you to be an idiot and fall for his charm. Ignore it and you'll be alright."
"For starters, that is a flat-out lie. Sure, you beat up some creeps for me a handful of times but I'm not completely defenseless. Secondly, if anyone falls for charm it'll be him falling for me. I mean, I'm suave, I dress nice and I'm certainly handsome," he boasted, though with clear sarcasm as he struck a pose. Sanghai was a bit of an emotional mystery, switching from complete deadpan expression and flat tone to a grinning, teasing and a rather manic person in a second. It was one of the reasons he had so little friends growing up and relied heavily on the other for emotional and physical support. He was, after all, a pretty slim looking person despite being incredible now that he had his vampiric powers.

"Look, I'll be fine. I'm not going to go all gooey-eyed over him, Leopold. Granted, if he's so handsome that you'd fall for him, it might be a bit harder than I thought~" He cooed with a roll of his eyes. "I'll be fine. You just owe me a lot, yeah? You'll have to pay for new clothes if I vomit on them looking at him. "
"...I thought he was handsome back in the 20s. We had style back then. Not like today. I don't understand modern fashion," the oldest vampire mumbled with a scathing glance at Keisuke's ripped jeans. Having seen countless articles on Franky over the weeks, the evolution in his fashion sense had definitely caught Leopold by surprise... though that wasn't to say he didn't still find him attractive in the modern items he tended to wear these days. Franky was almost objectively handsome, and while he hated him, he couldn't pretend to himself that the man wasn't still perfect.

Meanwhile, Leo had stuck with the clothes he found comfortable back in the 60s. He went out of his way to purchase the same jumpers and the same trousers he used to buy back then, even if he detested the 'vintage' label assigned to them. His style wasn't modern, and he was fine with living in the past. His clothes belonged to an era where he was the happiest he had ever been, and while it might not be 'fashion forward', he really didn't care. Why Keisuke tried to hard to get him in a pair of ripped jeans was as amusing as it was annoying.

"He is charming, but if you find yourself falling for his pathetic tales, just remember that he's the man that dumped my body in a shallow ditch and caused my parents to kill themselves, Sanghai. That should stop you falling for him," he tutted, licking his lips a little free of sugar. "...Go to that bar he likes and just... work your charm. You are particularly handsome, I think. He'll like that."
"I'm not that fucking dense, I hope you know that. I know how to say no to cute guys, I've done it before~• He cooed with a roll of his eyes. He had a few flings with people throughout the decades and he always seemed to have them desperately wanting to have permanent relationships. He felt obligated to say no every time just to spare Leopold from feeling awkward.

"He's not even my type, guys. I like 'em rough with long hair and a beard. This guy is way too smooth skinned. Too baby-faced, yeah? He isn't, like, a tough and rough guy on the outside. To each is own, though, yeah?"
"I'm baby-faced and you still like me. Need I remind you of that wild kiss we had back in '78?" Keisuke grinned, nudging his friend for emphasis. Recalling the brief kiss he had shared with him hadn't been at the top of his agenda for the day. He still regretted not admitting how much he wanted to go further than a measly kiss, having come to the conclusion that nothing would ever develop between him and his friend. Thus, recalling a kiss that was more than likely forgotten about (but which he still held dear) was painful. "...Maybe I'll grow a beard and leave my hair grow out. I could pull that look off. I pull off any look-- I'm a chameleon or whatever. I can change into any style and look fucking fabulous."

"...Just get information and get him to... maybe talk about me. I'm interested in how he reacts, if he does mention me as an ex. I'd love him to get teary-eyed, but I suppose that's a long shot," sighed Leo, changing the subject quickly to spare Keisuke from making a fool of himself. He and Jessica knew all about his crush, and saving him from blabbing on and embarrassing himself was the least he could do to help him out. "...I trust you, I do. But Franky's... he gets what he wants, usually."
"You would look amazing with a beard," Sanghai replied with a small smile and just a hint of a blush at the memory. After all, things were far wilder back in the days. Back in the day, the simple motion of kissing someone could end in having your head bashed in or curb-stomped. To do something so simple, yet so dangerous was exciting. He would still get taunted today but nothing like then. Alas, it seemed that he had to put romantic energy into convincing a multimillionaire to fall for him.

"Okay, do you know a bar he frequents?" He questioned with a raised brow. "What if he doesn't even go out tonight? Then what? I'd be left in a skeezy bar alone in New York and I don't want that. Like... he doesn't seem like the bar type anyway, more like a fancy restaurant."
"He likes Italian restaurants-- obviously. He owned a few back when we were together. I think he goes to that one with all those flowers outside it-- La piccola farfalla, I think. Try there. I'm sure he'll be there at some point in the evening. Hang out at the bar, wear something cute and convince him to take you on. It won't be difficult--"

"Nah, it'll be easy-peasy. You're fucking adorable," praised Keisuke, if only to offer up some confidence to help his friend. He was sure that Sanghai didn't need reminding of that, but he felt obliged to reiterate it nevertheless. He had to admit that the plan was a good one and he wanted his friend to succeed, for Leopold's sake at the very least. Thus, with Jessica on hand, he spent the next few hours prepping Sanghai as best he could, picking out some clothes he thought would be cute on him. Leo, after all, had made it clear that he had no idea about modern fashion. Eventually, there was nothing else the others could do, other than send Sanghai out and hope for the best.

As predicted, the Italian restaurant was where Sanghai would find Franky, with Kyle quietly sat at his side peering through the menu. Despite his attack, he wasn't against being taken out to dine on some fancy food. He was sure that he was showing his friend up. In contrast to the rich people, all polished and perfect, he was bruised, cut-up and his left hand unsubtly bandaged. Not that he really cared what people thought. He knew Franky sure as hell didn't.

"I can't understand any of this, Franky. I don't speak Italian. I know a bit of Japanese and that's it," the guard groaned, pushing his menu down and reached instantly for the beer he'd ordered. He'd never normally drink around Franky, but the other had made it clear that he needed to take a break from his guard duties. If he was on a break, he felt he could at least have a beer or two over dinner. "I'll just have what you're having-- some pasta with prawns in some spicy sauce, that'd be great."
"You need to expand your flavor profile," replied Franky simply as he scanned the menu that sat in one hand while a glass of wine sat in the other. He had been to the restaurant plenty of times, boasting that it was the closest you'd get to classic and authentic Italian food, but that didn't mean he had a favorite. In fact, while nothing quite had taste to him, something about the food still triggered his tastebuds.

"I'm going to change it up," he declared to his friend with his infamously charming smile. "I would normally get the saltimbocca but I'm going to get the osso buco alla Milanese instead," he explained as said smile turned cheeky. After all, to see Kyle grow confused and flustered was adorable.

Once the waitress returned, it was no surprise that Franky switched to his first language effortlessly upon realizing the waitress spoke the tongue as well. It was rare to find Italian speakers these days so finding one was always a pleasant treat. So, after ordering their meals with an added appetizer of arancini, he turned to bring attention back to his friend, taking a sip of the wine coolly.

"If it makes you feel better, you can take me to a Japanese restaurant next time, hm?" He offered with a coo before scanning the restaurant curiously. While he didn't say anything, it was hard not to point out Sanghai in a crowd. Some pale, pure white haired young man in a designer suit just casually waiting by the bar. Admittedly, the restaurant was known for more of its older customers, many who - like him - were from another time trying to adapt to the new culture. He heard them all rant about 'how different everything is' and how much they hated Franky solely from his young face, all the while unknowing of the fact that the businessman could understand every word. He kept his mouth shut more often than not, though, mostly because he found the blood of the elderly to be too sweet.
"You know full well I don't go to restaurants, Franky. My idea of a restaurant is that cheap Chinese buffet downtown. Literally, all-you-can-eat for under $10 is a bargain. You probably can't even buy garlic bread in here for $10-- do they even do garlic bread? Is that authentic Italian? I can't understand this menu," the guard groaned, his head rested on his good hand as he tried to decipher the menu for himself, though, of course, he failed in the endeavour. Hearing Franky speak Italian did at least distract him, a small smile forming on his lips. He was always a fan of the other's native language, and was always impressed by people who were bilingual. Hell, he boasted he could speak Japanese, but in reality, he had forgotten a lot of it. He'd been fluent as a child from his frequent visits to Japan to see his grandmother, but as he grew older and those visits become few and far between, his fluency had deteriorated into a few phrases and words.

"Look, I'm just... I'm going to get a drink at the bar because I don't look like a fool ordering a beer there. That waitress will only scoff if I asked her to get me a beer, right? I'll be right back," he decided, having scoured the bar for himself and decided it was a more friendly environment to get a drink, rather than the waitress he already assumed looked down her nose at him. He was in considerable pain that hadn't been numbed by the painkillers (yet, at least) but he'd gladly sacrifice a little pain to get his hands on an ice cold beer to accompany his meal - whatever that meal was, he didn't have a clue, but he assumed Franky had good enough taste to order something nice.

Once there, and comfortably seated on the stool, he grimaced in annoyance at the bartender's ignorance of him. He knew he stood out in comparison to the usual customer, but to be sneered at and ignored didn't sit well at all.

"...They're kinda rude here, huh?" He began with a glance over at Sanghai, attempting to make conversation while he waited to be noticed by the bartender. "I just want a beer, it's not like I'm asking for them to make it by hand."
"That's what comes with old guys in suits around here," Sanghai replied quietly as he took a sip of his own beer. Side-eyeing the cop curiously, he couldn't help but let a slow smile grow on his lips as he set the bottle down after a small chug. He'd be lying if he said Kyle wasn't stunningly handsome, so taking the opportunity to flirt with the man could easily be filed under trying to butter up the other for information... even if it was solely for his own curiosity and interest.

"Ah, you don't really match the typical scene," he commented as he leaned back a tad to earn a soft crack from his back. Letting his eyes drift to Franky, he also made a mental note on the former gangster's appearance as well. How Leo found such a smooth-looking guy who just so happened to surround himself with smooth-looking guys was a mystery to him. Running his free hand through his white hair, he locked his eyes back on Kyle.

"So... I don't mean to sound cliche but what brings you around here?" He curiously purred. "You're pretty rugged, look like you've seen some action. Actually - haven't I seen you on the news?" He questioned, his head tilting innocently. His objective may to get Franky's Attention but why not get to the center of said man's current affection?
"God, you saw me on the news? I mean, I don't mind being famous, but getting attacked isn't the greatest claim to fame in the world. You know that gang that's going around the city? One of 'em got me last night, chopped my finger off. Pretty gory, actually. I suppose it's a good little anecdote for a future dinner party," the other responded, at least happy to have someone to talk to who wasn't visibly disapproving of him. He was friendly enough to start conversations with strangers, often when he was waiting in queues or waiting for a cab, but not everyone was as inclined to respond. Finding someone who was, especially in a place like this, was great, and it at least made the wait for alcohol more bearable.

"I'm just with a friend right now, for dinner. He likes Italian food so he dragged me here. I'm much happier with a burger and some greasy fries, though. I'm that kinda guy. This whole... scene. Not my style, really, but I'm not complaining. It's a free meal, I ain't passing that up," he continued with a growing grin, resting his head on his good hand while the other bandaged one rested on the counter. Moving it hurt more than he cared to admit, though keeping it completely still was obviously unrealistic.

"But hey," he added quickly, "just because I was attacked doesn't mean I'm not strong or anything. I'm a cop, I'm pretty tough-- last night was a one-off."
"I can tell you're pretty tough," he replied with raised brows as he, too, set his head in his hand. Of course, he knew he had a mission to accomplish so he - reluctantly - decided to cut (most of) the flirting short. Slowly, he let his smile faded to that of feigned concern when the man winced.

"... you know, it looks like you need to heal up. That means your boss needs a bodyguard, right? I know I may not look like much but I would love to help. I've been looking for a stable job for awhile since I've moved to New York, I've been sort of living with my friends for now. I only went to this bar because it was pretty close and they sell good wine. Treat yourself, y'know?" He explained, his tone and expression matching the desperation perfectly. "I don't mean to be so... pushing, I know you just met me."