LESSON Basic Character History

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HISTORY! Everybody has one. You. Me. And the characters we all play.

A character's history is what makes them the person they are. The things they experienced in their childhood up to present date, influence their personality. How the respond to situations. Things they love. Things they are afraid of. Whether or not they will be open and trusting, or totally paranoid. If they chose to take up fighting to defend themselves from bullies, or just because they saw something that inspired them.

In this exercise, we are going to work on the details of a BASIC character history! Chose a character, and flesh them out!

To construct a basic history, here are some periods to think about:

- What kind of parents do they have?
- Where and how did they grow up?
- What are the really LOW points? What are the high points?
- Did anything traumatize them as a kid and thus resulted in present date fears or hatred?
- Did any major events happen during this period that affect the way the handle things now?
- Did they go to school? What was their experience with it?
- Did they have some important people or enemies in their life?
- What are some things during this period that really influences their hobbies and talents?

- Have they had any relationships?
- What sort of job have they gotten in to?
- Where are they living and what is that like for them?
- What are some events that have happened to them as an adult that has changed their opinions/responses to things?
- Do they currently have any important people in their life, or enemies haunting them?
- Do they have any big regrets about certain events in their life?
- What are some moments they are really fond of?

- What are the immediate recent events that are currently happening to, or plaguing your character?
- Does your character have a certain goal for their life right now?

Lucas didn't have the best parents, at all. They abused him from the age of five until he moved out to go to a boarding school. He grew up in a small quiet farming community, where everyone knew everyone. He grew up with five other siblings he was the oldest and that was the reason he got abused, when one of them did something wrong it was his fault. The high point in his childhood was when his second personality came out. Jason, he liked the pain and didn't mind the abuse but he is snippy and mean. At school Lucas was rather popular, he had tons of friends before Jason came along and with Jason he had difficulties explaining why he said that so by the start of high school he didn't have to many friends. Lucas haven't had to many relationships and now he is to busy trying to lead a normal life with his Multiple Personalities Disorder. Being only 17 he still has tons of life before him.
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Lola Page- Nature Wizard

What kind of parents do they have?

"Well, my mother was a lovely woman, like all moms should be. She was so perfect to me. My father, well, he means well. But he still prefers if I were a boy. It's a generational thing I suppose."

- Where and how did they grow up?

"I've lived with my father all of my life. Well, both parents at first until my mother died. At first, things were pretty normal and calm. But when I got old enough, my dad started putting me in training camps to teach me how to fight... It never worked. I don't like fighting."

- What are the really LOW points? What are the high points?

"I don't have a really terrible life, but a few low points have been when my mother died and when my dad refused to stop sending me off to those awful camps... Most of my life is pretty well actually. I think my highest point is creating my garden. It's huge! And really beautiful."

- Did anything traumatize them as a kid and thus resulted in present date fears or hatred?

"Um...I'm not traumatized. It's just natural for me to fear fighting and battles. I give life, not take it away. My magic revolves around healing and life so fighting isn't my forte."

- Did any major events happen during this period that affect the way the handle things now?

"Well my dad is a politician in our realm. So with a high status and being a man of a 'fighting generation'...that probably affected why he put me in a camp."

- Did they go to school? What was their experience with it?

"Of course I went to school, like any normal child would. It was like any normal school to me. And then later, I've had a mentor. His name is Alexander, a nice gentleman. He taught me how to hone in on what I knew."

- Did they have some important people or enemies in their life?

"No enemies. My father is the only family I have and even if he's a bit broken, he is still important. My mentor Alexander is important too. He didn't try to force me to fight like the others, and I learned so much."

- What are some things during this period that really influences their hobbies and talents?

"I mostly garden and try to help people in need. There's no influence, just my personality I suppose. My mother said I was born 'a ray of happiness and sunshine'. So...yeah."

Have they had any relationships?

"Wh-What? Oh, um, n-no not at all."

- What sort of job have they gotten in to?

"I own a flower shop! Though, sometimes I just give them out for free. My father insists that he gives me money. And he also insists that I work by his side...Politics are like verbal fighting though. And some politicians are pretty corrupted. I-I would rather not."

- Where are they living and what is that like for them?

"Well I moved recently! It's a small home in a quiet little area. I love it there. Behind it, if I go far enough, there's a lake that I can go to where some of the animals go. It's so cute. Though, my father says I'm still welcomed in the mansion."

- What are some events that have happened to them as an adult that has changed their opinions/responses to things?

"Well, once someone broke into my father's house. He wasn't home, but I was. They threatened to kill him, and they were going to kill me too. I learned that fighting back is okay in certain situations. That, or let them burn down my house."

- Do they currently have any important people in their life, or enemies haunting them?

"Well, same as before. I'm kind of, um, shy. I'm not very good at meeting new people."

- Do they have any big regrets about certain events in their life?

"Not really? I don't think so..."

- What are some moments they are really fond of?

"Meeting my mentor Alexander. Besides the fact that he is a great teacher, he is a really good friend. And I know I can turn to him if I fall into trouble- which isn't often."

What are the immediate recent events that are currently happening to, or plaguing your character?

"A- Actually there is one... With most magic users, there's a certain time that their magic starts to corrupt them. No one ever knows how it'll corrupt- for example it makes Alexander sick from time to time and my father, well...He's a bit of a corrupted politician at times. But for me, I've noticed a change...I didn't believe it at first, but it's given be a dual personality. And a very bad one at that. I've hurt people and it's not good at all."

- Does your character have a certain goal for their life right now?

"Fix the corruption and continue with a normal life. And ma-maybe a 'special someone' to spend time with."
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