Beatdown! Character Select Screen (OoC)

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Third Rate Duelist With a Fourth Rate Deck
Original poster
Invitation Status
  1. Look for groups
  2. Looking for partners
Posting Speed
  1. Multiple posts per day
  2. One post per day
Online Availability
What is time? How can time be real, if our eyes aren't real?
Writing Levels
  1. Intermediate
  2. Adept
  3. Advanced
  4. Adaptable
Preferred Character Gender
  1. Male
  2. Female
  3. Transgender
  4. Futanari
  5. Primarily Prefer Male
I can't say. It's like picking a favorite child.

Welcome warrior! You are one of the seven greatest fighters alive today, and as such, you have been selected to compete in THE 1989 BEATDOWN WORLD TOURNAMENT!

Every 100 years, the Champion's Gauntlet descends upon the world and chooses the seven most skilled fighters alive, pitting them against each other in what has become known as The Beatdown. Those who refuse are obliterated for their cowardice. Those who choose to participate are given seven days to defeat the other warriors in single combat. After the time limit expires, whichever warrior stands undefeated is gifted with a single useage of the Champion's Gauntlet. The phenomenal cosmic power of the gauntlet makes this prize well worth fighting over, as it allows the wielder to re-write reality itself.

While no historian can pinpoint exactly when the gauntlet first appeared, or exactly how many times it has been used, most experts seem to believe that it is far older than humanity, and has been used around three times. Up until this current tournament, technological limitations have made it nigh-impossible to travel the globe and slay the other warriors. However, in the totally bombastic year 1989, it is completely possible to fly around the globe, fighting people all over the world.

Now, enough chit-chat, it's time to CHOOSE YOUR CHARACTER!

The gauntlet determines the worth of warriors by five stats: Bulk, Brawn, Combo, Speed, and Special. Each character has 10 points they may distribute across these stats, though no star can be brought above 5, unless the character's gimmick dictates otherwise.
Bulk represents a character's defensive potential. Whether this means artfully blocking them or just muscling through attacks is up to each person to decide.

Brawn is a character's raw offensive potential, discounting any supernatural abilities they may have. Essentially, it's how much your character's punches hurt.

Combo represents how well your character's moves flow into one another. Because Beatdown is heavily inspired by fighting games, character's with high Combo stats would be able to string moves together in large chains of attacks by cancelling into new attacks.

Speed is pretty straightforward. It represents the mobility of a character. You know, their speed.

Special represents the power of your character's special moves. Shoryukens, Power Waves, and turning invisible are all considered special moves. Each fighter has no more than four special moves, unless their Gimmick states otherwise.

In addition, each of the seven greatest warriors has a Gimmick, something that elevates them beyond the realm of normal people. Each fighter has one Gimmick, no more, and no less. A Gimmick can raise a character's stats beyond 5. The Gimmicks are as follows:

-taken- King Vampire: The King Vampire has a nightmarish ability to strengthen themselves off the blood of their enemies. The king vampire has a "Blood Meter" worth six points that they may allocate on the fly. However, despite their dark and incredible power, fate conspires against them. When it comes down to just them and the other final contestant, their destiny manifests. The King Vampire cannot win the tournament.
-taken- Boss Monster: The Boss Monster is tough, almost impossibly so, but at a price. Raise this character's Bulk by four, and their Brawn by two. In exchange, lower their Special by three, and their Combo by two.
Two Kids in a Coat: While they may seem to be one, this character is actually two people. Make two characters with 10 points between them. Each character receives a +2 to Combo, but a -1 to Bulk and Brawn.
-taken- Ancient Master: The Ancient Master has attained phenomenal skill in their old age. Raise this character's Combo by three, and their Special by three. Lower their Bulk by four, and their Brawn by one.
-taken- Epic Hero: The Epic Hero has a fifth special move. This special move is incredibly powerful, but its use comes at a price. While using this incredible power, treat their Special stat as if it were 15. Afterwards, permanently reduce all their stats by 1, and they cannot use any further special moves for the duration of the battle.
-taken- Beautiful Star: The Beautiful Star is fantastically famous, with incredible wealth and fortune. Raise three stats by one.
-taken- Speed Demon: The Speed Demon has gotta' go fast. Their speed stat is doubled, but they receive a -4 to Bulk and Brawn. If they use the Green Hill Zone theme, or anything by Eurobeat as their character's theme song, then they also get a +3 to Combo.
Mysterious Gunman: The Mysterious Gunman isn't really much of a fighter. Just a particularly determined individual with a gun. All their stats are 0, excepting their Special stat, which is 12. The gunman also only has two special moves.
Deadly Rival: Each time the Deadly Rival defeats a foe, they gain a +1 in that foe's highest stat. They also get a +2 and a -2 to place in two stats of their choice.
Incredible Outsider: The Incredible Outsider is a stunningly magnificent being from a far off world, with innate powers beyond those of human beings. They are stranded on earth just in time for the Beatdown tournament, and receive a +2 to Brawn and Special, but a -4 to Combo.

Character Sheets: Bonus points for being super-80s and fighting gamey. First person to wear a karate gi with the sleeves torn off gets an internet point.

Theme Song:
--Special Moves--
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Character Roster:

Player 1 (Eon) has selected: Baron Drake!
Name: Baron Alucard Drake
Age: 95
Appearance: Thin and gaunt, Alucard is a skeleton of a man. His hair is as black as night, and comes down to his shoulders. His skin is as white as snow, and stretched tightly over his bones. His sunken eyes gleam a bright crimson in contrast with the dark bags underneath them. His teeth are like a military cemetery: straight and white.
History: Born in a small European village, Alucard Drake started off as a nobody. When World War One inevitably broke out, Alucard achieved notoriety as a terror in the trenches, slaughtering dozens of people with no regard for his own safety. Eventually, he met his match at the hands of a young British soldier, who happened to be a vampire. This soldier would plant the disease within Alucard by accident, and from there he would grow. As the years ticked by, Alucard became ever greater in power. Eventually, he killed the entire royal family that governed his old village, and took control of the area for himself. Now, he rules a small nation from his Black Castle and intends to use the Champion's Gauntlet to rewrite the universe in his own, twisted image.
Gimmick: King Vampire
Theme Song:
Bulk: 2
Brawn: 3
Combo: 1
Speed: 2
Special: 2
--Special Moves--
1: Fatal Boost- Alucard shoots forward, drilling through the air and damaging all he touches. He can Fatal Boost in whatever direction he pleases up to three times in quick succession before needing to touch ground again.
2: Bite- Alucard chomps down on the neck of his target, dealing damage to his opponent and healing for the same amount of damage dealt. He can use this move mid-way through his Fatal Boost, cancelling the move and initiating Bite instead.
3: Reflector Cape- Alucard reflects a Special attack back at whoever used it, adding the power of his Special stat to the attack. He can deflect any Special move, with the exception of the Epic Hero's super move.
4: Bat Form- Until he takes damage, Alucard assumes the form of a human-sized vampire bat. He cannot use special moves in this form, but he can fly and spit acid. If he takes damage, he is immediately knocked out of Bat Form, and is briefly stunned. Alucard can also willingly exit this form, and is not stunned if he does so.

Player 2(Crono) has selected: The Guy!
Name: Refered to as "The Guy"
Age: Unknown
A giant titan of a man. Over 7 feet tall and 5 feet wide with arms the size of tree trunks. Wears a crimson overcoat with a collar that hides his mouth and darker red pants. Has black, heavy steel gauntlets and boots. His head is as pale as a corpse, bald, and adorned with black flame tattoos. He has little round goggles shaded to hide his eyes.
Little is known about the unspeaking Guy. He just appeared one day on the doorstep of eccentric malfia leader Diavolo Red and followed whatever he said to the letter. Half of Generic City has been wiped out by this man, as well as a third of its population. Because of him Diavolo has become the City's true ruler, and he is more than willing to send his walking murder machine to get the gauntlet and wish him up more power.

Gimmick: Boss Monster
Theme Song:

Bulk: 9
Brawn: 7
Combo: -2
Speed: 0
Special: -3

"Special" Moves:
Threatening Presence: If a opponent is looking at The Guy he or she is filled with a deep sense of fear relating to The Guy, how this manifests is up to the opposing Player. The fear cannot stop the opponent from fighting.

Call In A Favor: Diavolo, in being the excellent sport that he is, calls in his gang for a single, simple task. The task cannot be directly attacking the opponent.

Sneak Peek: Diavolo has a lot of connections. The Guy becomes aware of one of his opponents special moves and knows how to dodge it if possible.

Heavy Chain: The Guy throws a chain at his opponent, if the chain hits the opponent they are grabbed by The Guy.

I am ok with this.

Player 3(Beowulf) has chosen Connor McKinley!
Name: Connor McKinley
Age: 58
Appearance: Connor has aged rather well. Standing at a confident 6' tall, his body is hardened from training. That doesn't mean he's tough, that just means he's got a six pack at his age. He has brown hair, that are white on the sides. He is all angles, sharp and pointed. He has a distinct air of Scittishness about him.
History: Connor is by far the youngest "Ancient" Master in existence, all those previous being nearly a century old and all Asian to boot. Well he's gone and proved that you don't have to be a century old and Asian to be an "Ancient" Master. All you have to be is somewhat old and know how to use the knowledge you were given on fighting. Which is actually easier said then done, instincts tend to over ride some things and when instincts are needed students ignore them and try to be rational. In the off chance that he does get the gauntlet, he'll do something with it. He doesn't know what, but it'll be something.
Gimmick: "Ancient" Master
Theme Song:
Bulk: 2 (-4)
Brawn: 2 (-3)
Combo: 2 (+3)
Speed: 2
Special: 2 (+3)
--Special Moves--
1: Iron Will: Connor hardens his resolve and manifests it as a shell as strong as iron. Halves incoming damage. Strong enough attacks can break this shell and stagger him, those attacks usually being Special Moves. Usually
2: Steel Lotus: Prevents his attacks from being interrupted by staggers. Often used in conjunction with Iron Will.
3: Lion's Maw: Channels his inner rage to empower his attacks for the next few seconds. Used with Steel Lotus to maximize damage output, though giving up the defensive bonus of Iron Will.
4: Meditation: Used to recover an amount of hp. Leaves him immobilized but with an increased defense. Used with Iron Will to maximize health regained.

Player 4(Mahou-Shoujo) has chosen Hime Ojo!
Name: Hime Ojo
Age: 24
View attachment 123781
History: Hime Ojo, a name known around the world by everyone from high ranking politicians to the poorest of paupers, nearly every woman wants to be her and nearly every man wants her.

She made her vast fortune through several means, at first using her looks to become a model and actress, she soon expanded by purchasing several businesses and within a few years her investments had made her a major player in the world of business.

Though her life seems perfect and her wealth is near unlimited, there are some things it cannot acquire... Such as cures for the incurable, though obviously curing the incurable would bring a hefty profit, she has rather more personal use in mind...
Gimmick: Beautiful Star
Theme Song:
Bulk: 1
Brawn: 2
Combo: 3
Speed: 4
Special: 3
--Special Moves--
1: Weight of Wealth: Hime leaps into the air before increasing her own weight massively and striking the ground or her opponent, causing either a shockwave or direct damage.
2: Economy Uppercut: Hime delivers an uppercut to knock her opponent into the air before leaping up and knocking them back down, she then attempts to repeat this.
3: Dazzle: Hime attempts to grab an opponent and upon succeeding shows a picture of her enormous treasure vaukts, stunning the enemy for several moments as they try to comprehend her wealth.
4: Interest: Hime flicks a coin at her opponent, while not very powerful in itself, each coin is marginally more powerful than the last.

Player 5(Ginutusu) has chosen Aster Yorick!
Name: Aster Yorick
Age: 22
Appearance: IMG_0477.JPG
History: Aster is a mystic man that dabbles in the dark arts to use magic to help him combat the unknown. He was taken in as a apprentice from his family at a young age by his master, Dormin, to help him gain back the powerful weapon know was the Champion's Gauntlet. A weapon that powerful in the wrong hands could cause chaos across the universe and possible bring the destruction to everything. For years under Dormin teachings, Aster grew into a power mystic and now is ready to win back the Champion's Gauntlet for the safety of everyone.
Gimmick: Epic Hero
Theme Song:
Bulk: 2
Brawn: 3
Combo: 1
Speed: 1
Special: 3
--Special Moves--
1. Mystic Shot: Aster conjures a ball of energy then fires at it at his opponent. Aster can cancel the shot at will to fake out his opponents.
2. Binding Chains: Aster creates magically chains and throws then at his enemies and it hit temporarily renders their movement.
3. Protective Barrier: A wall of divine energy is called forth in front of Aster to defend him from on coming attacks, however; enough damage can destroy the spell.
4. Realm Warp: Aster teleports either closer or away from his target. This spell can be used only a certain amount of times in a battle. While teleporting Aster can fire off a Mystic Shot.
5. Overdrive: Aster lets the overloud of magic run though his body and mind causing a increase in power. Spells cast in this form are evolved into greater spells. Once over Aster loses his spell and drops in strength.

Player 6(Kazuki Yoshoika) has chosen Viscious!
Victor Ishikawa AKA


Vicious is a tall, muscled man with tanned skin. He has spiked dark hair that he likes to slick back , and a stubble across his jawline.He is commonly seen shirtless and wearing white karate pants with gold trims and a white tiger fur that raps around his waist. His feet and and hands are wrapped in bandages. His body is covered in scars and a chain tatted around his neck with a large scar ripping through it on the right side of his neck.

An orphan that was raised by the head of an Underground syndicate , who grew up to become one of the worlds most dangerous man , and manged to make it on almost every goverments most wanted list. Starting off as an attack dog for the Zai syndicate , Victor Ishikawa aka VICIOUS was the one they sent to when they needed someone to die a painfull death . A few yeats ago during a secret meeting between the leaders of the Zai syndicate, Victor committed mutiny and ended up killing everyone inorder to take complete control . Since then The Zai Syndicate was known as the white Fang Syndicate with Victor as there leader.


[Theme Song]
Green Hill Zone theme


Bulk: 0 -4
Brawn: 0 -4
Combo: 0 +3
Speed: 5 ×2
Special: 5

[Special moves]

Vicious's Adrenaline reaches its peek allowing Him to move at a extremely high speed.


Viscous releases a high speed combo that matches the firing pattern of a gatling gun.


*.22 SWIFT*
A punch that travels at a high speed that creates a sonic boom effect that can damage anything infront of its path .

*.122 SWIFT *
Only when Vicious enters Sonic Chaos? He doubles the speed of his .22 Swift creating an even stronger Sonic boom that can even break through the strongest of metals​

Player 7(CoffeeCake) has chosen Kath Harada!
Name: Kasuriin "Kath" Harada
Age: Late twenties
Appearance: A pale young woman of Eurasian ancestry. Dark brown eyes, big black improbably long eyebrows(a la Dorothy Catalonia) with straight bleach blonde hair cut to just past neck length that somehow almost always covers at least one of her eyes without compromising her fighting ability(and switches sides depending on which side of the screen she's on). Her nose is slender and might be otherwise unremarkable save for the slight crease of contempt that frequently appears at the slightest provocation. She appears slender, though the cut of her impractical skirted business suits tends to downplay her muscular figure. Fanart on deviant art tends to particularly focus on her calves. One might assume she's come to spectate if not for her fearless demeanor and possibly the metal studded fingerless gloves. She seems capable of performing complex martial arts and acrobatics in heels without obvious difficulty. The English version of Beatdown has censored away all upskirts to the dismay of some.

History: Harada Kasuriin was born into a martial artist family. She and her siblings were fiercely competitive, and she was among the most dangerous. However when her father announced who would be heir to the dojo, to Kasuriin-chan and her sisters' dismay, they were disqualified for the gender alone. The others dealt with it in their ways, but Kasuriin was bitter. "If father wants me to stay in the kitchen, then let me make the world a kitchen and then see what he does!"

She moved to America, adopted the name "Kath" and became the head of a global food processing and manufacturing conglomerate (Kath Foods) and owner of several restaurant chains by channeling all the aggression and focus she'd learned to tap into from an early age. Okay, maybe not all of it. She still kept up her martial arts practice, fighting incognito for the thrill of challenge. Eventually this would lead her to rumors of the battle for the gauntlet. Whether the rumors are true or not, the opportunity could be an appealing diversion.

Gimmick:Deadly Rival: Each time the Deadly Rival defeats a foe, they gain a +1 in that foe's highest stat. They also get a +2 and a -2 to place in two stats of their choice.
Theme Song:
--Special Moves--
1:The Grip of Hysterics : A short-range take-down tackle to quick (2 hit) ground-and-pound.
2:Histrionics: Basically an illusion-parry type move. She can perform a last-second retreating dodge of a single consecutive strike while appearing completely open to attack.
3:Suffocating Clingyness: A grapple that places the opponent in a brief powerful chokehold should they fail to escape Kath's initial reach.
4:Shoe Crazed: An intricate loop of powerful swift kicks OR, basically, Hyakuretsukyaku with the serial numbers filed off. :P
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Name: Refered to as "The Guy"
Age: Unknown
A giant titan of a man. Over 7 feet tall and 5 feet wide with arms the size of tree trunks. Wears a crimson overcoat with a collar that hides his mouth and darker red pants. Has black, heavy steel gauntlets and boots. His head is as pale as a corpse, bald, and adorned with black flame tattoos. He has little round goggles shaded to hide his eyes.
Little is known about the unspeaking Guy. He just appeared one day on the doorstep of eccentric malfia leader Diavolo Red and followed whatever he said to the letter. Half of Generic City has been wiped out by this man, as well as a third of its population. Because of him Diavolo has become the City's true ruler, and he is more than willing to send his walking murder machine to get the gauntlet and wish him up more power.

Gimmick: Boss Monster
Theme Song:

Bulk: 9
Brawn: 7
Combo: -2
Speed: 0
Special: -3

"Special" Moves:
Threatening Presence: If a opponent is looking at The Guy he or she is filled with a deep sense of fear relating to The Guy, how this manifests is up to the opposing Player. The fear cannot stop the opponent from fighting.

Call In A Favor: Diavolo, in being the excellent sport that he is, calls in his gang for a single, simple task. The task cannot be directly attacking the opponent.

Sneak Peek: Diavolo has a lot of connections. The Guy becomes aware of one of his opponents special moves and knows how to dodge it if possible.

Heavy Chain: The Guy throws a chain at his opponent, if the chain hits the opponent they are grabbed by The Guy.

I am ok with this.
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I just realized I failed to include an area for special moves in the bio. I'll fix this now.
I just wanted to make sure everybody knew it was here.

Yes I saw it. I just sort of musing over some ideas right now
Go for it.

I want the gimmick Restraint. Well I am making it up. But dumb idea almost feels like it would fit into the fighting genre
WIP - At Current

Age: 24


Gimmick: Restrained - Uzunoh is so powerful, that those who brought him to the tournament have to keep him restrained till his next battle. @Eon Was hoping we could work something together with this?


Bulk- 0

Brawn- 0

Combo- 3

Speed- 3

Special- 4

Special Moves:


Theme Song:

Yeah, uhm about that. I probably should have made this clearer, but the listed Gimmicks are the only available ones. It's mainly to insure any errors in balance or judgement are mine alone, because I'm a control freak with trust issues. Sue me.


Okay, don't actually sue me. My mob connections are gonna' be pissed if I ask them to bribe another judge.

If you want to go for that 'incredible power being held back' vibe, then you could take Deadly Rival, and flavor the stat growth as the seal wearing off.
Yeah, uhm about that. I probably should have made this clearer, but the listed Gimmicks are the only available ones. It's mainly to insure any errors in balance or judgement are mine alone, because I'm a control freak with trust issues. Sue me.


Okay, don't actually sue me. My mob connections are gonna' be pissed if I ask them to bribe another judge.

If you want to go for that 'incredible power being held back' vibe, then you could take Deadly Rival, and flavor the stat growth as the seal wearing off.

NO thank you.

When we spoke in the interest check you made it sound like I was allowed my own Gimmicks. Mate, I know how to make a power that's not grossly overpowered.

And I did ask you for your help. DID I not.

Thus if you're helping me, build it, then it means its not grossly overpowered. Now does it?
NO thank you.

When we spoke in the interest check you made it sound like I was allowed my own Gimmicks. Mate, I know how to make a power that's not grossly overpowered.

And I did ask you for your help. DID I not.

Thus if you're helping me, build it, then it means its not grossly overpowered. Now does it?

Hey man, I'm not looking for a fight.

With that said, I'm also not looking to move on this. I understand why you'd be upset, and I'm willing to take the blame for any miscommunication that occurred. Regardless, what you see is what you get. This applies to everyone, I'm not singling you out here.

What you do or don't know isn't under fire here. I'm sure you've got good intentions and all that. Alas, rules are rules, and I ask you to trust me that they are there for a reason.
Hey man, I'm not looking for a fight.

With that said, I'm also not looking to move on this. I understand why you'd be upset, and I'm willing to take the blame for any miscommunication that occurred. Regardless, what you see is what you get. This applies to everyone, I'm not singling you out here.

What you do or don't know isn't under fire here. I'm sure you've got good intentions and all that. Alas, rules are rules, and I ask you to trust me that they are there for a reason.

Nah man. It seems highly hypocritical of you to give us 10 Points to Put into Brawn, Brawl, and whatever. But you cannot trust us to make our own powers.

Mate I have been RPing for a very very long time. I do not want to choose from a pool of powers someone else created, because they are not mine.

Either you trust your members or you don't.

If you don't trust them, then maybe you should have also made us choose from a bunch of stats you created. I am not looking for a fight, but I am very direct, and very clear with what I think.

That's all I had to say. So Ciao. Goodluck with the RP.
Well, that escalated quickly.

I suppose it's for the best.
so do we take out the debuffs points from the gimmiks before hand ?
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