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    A site made for roleplay is way cooler we promise <3
Ocean had spent months dreaming about this moment and what he would do once he had one of the men responsible for his predicament cowering in front of him. He had had dreams about making them pay the price for their twisted desire to 'change the world of science'. Ocean's life as he knew it had ended that day they changed him and he had every right to want blood for such a horrid betrayal - but once he had Gregory in front of him, helpless, he didn't really feel any of that burning rage that would lead him to kill.

Ocean, after all, wasn't a bad person. He couldn't hurt anyone even if he tried, and even though Gregory was one of those men that ruined his life, murder still wasn't something he felt he could commit. It was a huge thing to do, and whilst he knew it was necessary, he really didn't want blood on his hands, both metaphorically and literally.

"I can't. I mean, look at him, he's the f-fucking worst, but I can't kill him," the mutant groaned, irritated with himself. He didn't feel at all sympathetic for Gregory; he knew he had to die. He just wasn't convinced he could really be the one to end his life.

"You do it, Storm," he encouraged with a tired sigh, resting back against his pillows with a hopeful smile at his friend. "I mean... you're so much stronger than I am anyway."
The minute those words were uttered from the other's lips, Storm broke the man's neck swiftly and quickly. He, on the other hand, wanted the blood on his hands. He wanted all the men dead for what they've done to him. He glared down at the body as it fell limp on the ground. He didn't even feel guilt or shame for killing the man.

Staring down at him, he kept breathing until the heavy angry breathing calmed down. Once he was calmed, he looked at OCean, a smirk on his face. "One down. This will be a piece of cake." He scoffed before dragging the body off the floor. "...I'll go get rid of the body."