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Rotten and Delicious
Original poster
Invitation Status
  1. Not accepting invites at this time
Posting Speed
  1. Multiple posts per day
  2. 1-3 posts per day
  3. One post per day
  4. 1-3 posts per week
  5. One post per week
Writing Levels
  1. Adept
  2. Advanced
  3. Prestige
Preferred Character Gender
  1. Female
  2. Nonbinary
  3. Primarily Prefer Female
Fantasy, Horror, Romance, Yaoi, Magical Girl, Supernatural, Victorian Goth, Steam Punk

The city of Harthwaite seemed busier than usual as the bell at Archmouth's Grand Cathedral rang out. Civilians would notice it was several hours early, but this wasn't unusual given the time of year. It signified the start of spring break as students burst through the doors, their enthusiasm written all over their face. They were all excited at the nearly three weeks off from organized prayer, which felt more like drills than anything, and the tough curriculum. The break was much needed, and students from the other schools would be feeling the same relief as their school day ended prematurely.

Like all the girls, Isla was rushing through the doors and out into the fragrant spring air. The sun was shining brightly and there wasn't a cloud in sight, but Harthwaite was always the perfect temperature in spring. It wasn't too hot or too cold, but Isla kept a cardigan on to shield her from the occasional breeze. She walked forward through groups of girls all chatting away happily about their plans and towards her designated meeting spot underneath the trees.

Every day after school, Isla, or Fiorana would wait underneath the trees and walk home together. They weren't overly close, and some days were spent in silence, but Isla enjoyed the company since they were both housemates. At home, they were friendly and Isla appreciated more than anything having another witch around. Being that Archmouth's curriculum was anti-magic, anti-supernatural anything, sitting through hours upon hours of that could wear down any young witch.

Of course if it had been up to Isla she would be attending Rochdale or Berxely. Unfortunately for Isla, her parents requested she only attend a religious institute, wanting her to keep in good graces with the gods, or whatever since her entire existence may have been enough to offend them.

Why am I even thinking about that...?

Isla poked her lips out and sighed deeply. She had a good life outside of school, something she had to remind herself of whenever she started to get angry about attending Archmouth. All of her housemates, and BellaDonna herself were all positive influences in her life. But, the sooner Fiorana arrived the better.

Isla clutched her briefcase and scanned the crowds briefly. It was difficult to tell anyone apart since they were all wearing the same blue uniform and hat, but not many girls had a head of beautiful silver hair like Fiorana. There was no sight of her friend yet, but it wasn't unusual for either of them to be running a little late on any given day. She relaxed her shoulders and leaned back against a tree.

"Hey, Isla!"

Two girls, one with blonde hair and another with curly red hair approached Isla cheerfully. Isla looked over with a smile, clearly glad to see them as she pushed off of the tree to greet them.

"Hey, Bonnibell. Elizabeth!" Isla said, then tilted her head to the side curiously after a moment of silence. She wasn't used to seeing the two of them after school, their parents usually picked them up around the front of the cathedral.

"Oh, silly! You must have forgotten." Bonnie laughed, wrapping an arm around Isla's shoulders. Elizabeth came around to do the same, giggling.

"Don't you remember? You invited us over to come hang out for spring break, since, you know... We've been bestfriends for three years and neither of us have even seen your room." Elizabeth reminded, grinning wide. "And you can't tell us no, because this is already set in stone. You promised, and daddy didn't come because I told him we'd spend the night with you."

Isla looked between the two, taking a moment to recall these specific events as the girls leaned all their weight on her. She snapped her fingers. "Oh, yeah! B-But I don't know if today is the right day, since..."

"Come on! You promised." The girls replied in unison, leaving Isla no choice but to give in to their pleas.

"Okay. Yeah, I'm sure the others would...love to meet you. We just need to wait for Fiorana, and then we can take the le-...lightrails home!" Isla said, then almost slipped up. She only hoped the rest of the 'family' would be okay with the unexpected guests. BellaDonna wouldn't be back until later that evening, and surely she would understand. It's not like guests were forbidden, or anything.

"Amazing! Do you think Fiorana would let us see her room, as well?"
Last edited:

Fiorana suddenly popped up from a small nap she had been taking as the bell to school tolled. She hopped up with laziness, then found herself receiving a burst of energy, realizing that she was now on spring break. As she was about to scuttle out the door, someone grabbed the back of her uniform. An older woman with a heart of gold had tugged on her uniform before leaving. "Have a good break Fiorana. Make sure to be a good child. May the Lord be with you and shower you with his blessings." Fiorana nodded to the older woman. Fiorana's facial expression remained practically unchanged as she said, "Thanks Sister Ichimiya. Have a good break yourself." As she walked out, she turned back toward the old woman, wearing a small smile. "Make sure to stay out of trouble though! Your back might give out any day now!" She held a small package in your hand. "Here's something I made for your back. I learned the recipe from a doctor I visited once when my Mammy went to the hospital. Apply it when you start feeling achy and it should take the pain right away. And make sure you don't do anything strenuous once you use it. You gotta rest, otherwise you're gonna break! And we kids love breaks, but I don't think anyone would like it if you took a break." The old woman chuckled a little bit and accepted the gift from the small girl. She smiled as she gestured toward the door. "Don't keep your break waiting Fiorana. You won't keep your youth forever." She let out a small squeakish laugh, which made Fiorana truly smile. Fiorana loved being near this old woman and she was practically the only faculty member who would advocate for her when it came to schooling. Fiorana had a bad streak with attending class on time or paying attention in class. Yet, she understood the content perfectly well because of her immense studying that took place outside of school.

However, now was not the time to be thinking about school. As Sister Ichimiya had said, her break shouldn't be put on halt for even a second. She suddenly remembered that Isla was probably waiting outside and under the tree. "Goodbye Sister Ichimiya, may the Lord be with you." Fiorana normally wouldn't say Lord in any sentence, but she felt like being extra special to this wonderful old woman. She quickly made her way outside after waving once more to Sister Ichimiya.

As she arrived outside, Fiorana took in the smell of the fresh spring air. Well it looks like it'll be another lovely day today. She looked down toward the area where Isla was supposed to be and she found her... Although she was also accompanied by two other people. Bonnibell and Elizabeth, who were both good friends of Isla. Fiorana wondered what they might be talking about, so she wandered toward the tree. She caught a slip of the conversation, which made her stop for a moment. Daddy didn't come... Well, whatever Elizabeth is doing is her business I guess. She kept walking toward the group and eventually heard that they wanted to see Isla's room, as well as hers. Hmm... This was quite the predicament.

Fiorana popped out from behind the tree and put her arm around Isla. "Hmm... I do wonder if Fiorana will ever let you see her room." She looked up, looking pensive for a moment. "I don't think so. I think she said it was too messy for anyone to visit right now." She looked at Isla, who seemed to be nervous about this situation. "Ah, but Isla's room is always spotless, so you can definitely see her room. This'll also be a good way for you guys to get acquainted with the bunch of weirdos who live with us. Except for Keld. Keld is..." She looks around and leans in as if she is telling a very large secret. When Fiorana sees that they're enticed, she whispers, "She's my pillow."
Keld Ozryn
Keld was sitting in her last period. Well, she was actually sitting in the principal's office waiting to be seen. She had only played a harmless joke on her sixth period teacher. Obviously it wasn't anything that harmed the woman, just...spooked her a little bit. She was sitting in a very uncomfortable chair that was right outside of Principal Harrison's door, along with two other boys. One was pretty short and was sporting a busted lip. While the other, in the most cliche manner, was sitting next to him with a buzz cut and a sour frown on his face.

The rose haired girl, arms folded over her chest, leaned forward and quirked an eyebrow at the two boys. "You guys get in a fight?" The short blonde boy flinched as she spoke and turned, wide-eyed towards her. The bigger boy, sporting dark hair with matching eyes, merely glanced in her direction. "Doesn't seem like a fair one."

"What's it to you, Pinky?" Of course the bully would speak first, and insult her. Well, try to. "The shrimp had it comin'."

Keld just blinked before gently nudging the timid boy next to her. "Not very bright, that one." The blonde just swallowed, not making eye contact as the dark haired bully turned towards her with a look of rage. "I mean, he couldn't come up with a proper insult for me or you. Shrimp? Pinky? Really? That's all you could come up with?"

"Mind your own business." The bully snapped as he narrowed his eyes and glared at Keld, who just grinned and shrugged her shoulders.

"I'm just saying," Keld continued as she closed her eyes and sat back in her chair. "Maybe next time you should pick someone who could actually fight back."

The bully stood, abruptly, it really didn't take much with the macho types. To get under their skin, that is, and Keld loved to pester someone, especially when they deserved it. "How about you then, hm? I could give you a bloody lip that will match his." He stomped over so he was standing in front of the girl who just looked up and grinned. "What are you smiling about?!"

"Oh, nothing," She shook her head and unfolded her arms, pulling a very small flask of water from her pocket and dumping it on the floor. "I just needed to get you closer for this to work."

"For what to work?" The bully asked as his brow furrowed further in confusion.

"This." Keld snapped her fingers and immediately the puddle of water froze into a sheet of ice, causing the large boy to slip. He tried to right himself, but he fell flat on his back just as the principal opened his door. The bully was on the floor groaning, holding his backside and kicking his feet. The shorter blonde cracked a smile, but quickly covered it with his hands.

"Rob, I told you not to move from your seat." Mr. Harrison frowned as he scolded the fallen boy. "Get back in your chair and stay there until I'm ready to speak to you." His grey eyes then turned to Keld who was sitting innocently in her seat. "Miss Ozryn, what is this, the fourth time I've seen you in a week?"

"A week and a half, actually." Keld sighed as she stood and saw that the principal was holding her staff. "See? I was good for a bit longer than you expected, right?" Mr. Harrison was a middle aged man. Though he had deep wrinkles in his forehead that would try and tell you he was older. His dark brown hair was thinning just on the top and he had scruff growing on his face.

"You know the policy about pets on campus." Mr. Harrison spoke, not even bothering to take Keld into his office. "You nearly gave Mrs. Todd a heart attack."

"Sven is harmless." The pink haired girl shrugged her shoulders and shook her head. "And for the record, he wasn't going to hurt her. He hisses when he's woken up from a nap." Mr. Harrison just sighed before massaging his forehead. No doubt a headache building behind his eyes. "I promise, I won't bring him back to school, ever."

"Make sure you don't." The man groaned before handing her the staff and she quickly strapped it to her back. "If your grades weren't exceeding our expectations, you'd be getting suspended."

"Good thing it's Spring Break. I think you need a break from me, Mr. Harrison." Keld smiled as the principal frowned and handed her a large box. Inside was her faithful otter, Sven, curled up and snoozing. "Hey, buddy!" The otter peeked an eye open and squeaked before closing it again. "I'm not carrying you in this box." She bent down and opened her shoulder bag. "Come on." The otter popped awake before hopping into the bag and Keld flipped the leather flap over him. "See you in a few weeks, Mr. Harrison."

Keld didn't really stick around to hear the man protest that there was still twenty minutes left in the school day. I mean, he basically just told her that she was doing great in school and what was twenty minutes anyway? It would take her at least seven to get down to the main floor and out of the two story school, since the main office just had to be at the far end of the L shaped building. And now the walk would be a bit of a work out with a twenty pound otter in her bag.

As soon as the Keld reached the main entrance, she pushed the doors open and inhaled deeply. The crisp, spring air was invigorating and the sun gave her a little bit of energy. She adjusted the strap of her bag, resulting in an annoyed squeak from her companion, before walking the memorized route that led her home. For a moment, she thought that she could've waited for Thomas to get out, but by the time that thought came to her head, she was already half way to BellaDonna's.

"Next time." Keld reassured herself as she continued the trek home. "Maybe." One thing she looked forward to since she left school early, was that no one should be home. Not even the Matron, BellaDonna. She was at some magical conference and wasn't due home until that evening. So when Keld opened the door to the house, she sighed happily, enjoying the silence and dropped her bag on the floor.

That caused Sven to growl and hiss before exiting the bag, running up the stair case towards Keld's room. "Sorry, buddy!" She called after him as she kicked her back out of the way of the door. "Hm, what to do first." She muttered before looking around at the empty house, her eyes eventually falling on the kitchen. "Sandwich."
Lucrezia Tomasz
[[ A W K W A R D • B L O N D E ]]

Thomas was wiling away the final period of the day. The teachers at Berxely were well aware that it was the holidays coming up and so all the lessons of the day had been even more lax than usual, but this final period was the epitome of disinterested. It was an art class, one of Thomas' most hated subjects and the teacher had told them to start their holiday early by expressing themselves on a canvas until it was time to call it a day.

Given that Thomas wasn't a fan of school, or art, at the best of times, she was even more perturbed by days like this, where she learned nothing and felt like she was just here to pass the time. It was how she imagined life as a prisoner, doing nothing of interest, trapped in a building and forced to wait for her release. The worst thing of all was that Thomas was situated near to the front of the room, close enough that she could hear the ticking of the wall clock, so that she could count every passing second. This was her own personal hell, for a crime she hadn't committed. Thoughts of trying to use her illusions to sneak out early bombarded Thomas' sensibilities, but other than the odd reminder to pay attention, she was one of the good kids at Berxely and she didn't want to let down BellaDonna by getting into trouble over something so pointless.

So instead, she idly dabbed her brush against the canvas for the agonising forty-one minutes until the period ended. By the end, she had created a lazy cityscape - notably the view from the art room window - and she made sure to pack up early enough to leave as soon as class was dismissed. She had no desire to hang around any longer than required on any day, especially not a day like this.

Thomas was soon one of many pushing their way to the exit doors in a desperate bid for freedom when she saw Mr. Harrison stood at the top of the school corridor, urging students not to push or shove. No-one listened to him normally and today was no exception, so there was much pushing and shoving as Thomas moved through the herd to the exit doors. As she managed to move closer, she saw Mr. Harrison sigh and give up, retreating to the side corridor that led to his office. Thomas had never been down there, she'd never been in that kind of trouble, but as her eyes followed Harrison back down the corridor, she saw him drag in the lumbering frame of Rob Jameson, the school bully. Behind that lumbering frame, however, Thomas saw something that really caught her eye - Michael Collings, her best friend.

With a gasp, she ducked out of the crushing crowd and slipped down the corridor, approaching Michael and speaking in a hushed tone. "Michael! What are you doing here? What on earth happened to you?" Cupping Michael's chin in her soft hand, Thomas lifted his head so that she could better see his bust lip in the light. She sucked in the air through her teeth and muttered, "Oh, that's going to leave a mark." Pouting, she looked Michael in the eyes and then touched two fingers to his lip, causing it to sting mildly at first, before it changed to a feeling of pleasant warmth that spread through the rest of the boy's body, putting him at ease.

The two then chatted quietly until the door to the principal's office swung open. Without looking back, Rob Jameson scuttled off as Principal Harrison turned to look at Michael with a sigh, touching his hand to his head as if he could feel a migraine coming on. "Mr. Collings, how many times have I seen you sat out here with a busted lip, or a broken nose, or any number of other injuries? I know you're invariably the victim and, by all accounts, you never raise a hand to your attackers, but you must learn to stop getting into these situations in the first place." He sighed and rubbed his temples again, motioning towards the girl, "If only you could be more like Miss... um..."

"Thomas, sir?" she ventured.

The principal looked blankly at her, as if trying to process what she had said. She was known to all, the teachers included, as "Thomas", to the point that most thought it was the girl's given name and so it took him a moment to gather himself. "Yes, quite. In any case, go, Mr. Collings. Enjoy the break and take good care of that lip. I'm sure that I will see you again all too soon."

Neither Thomas nor Michael needed to be told again and the two quickly ran off out of the doors as fast as their legs could carry them. Somehow, Thomas was now the last girl to leave school for the holidays, but she knew Michael needed her company. He was such a small, meek boy, he barely spoke and he certainly didn't look his age for, even though he was several months older than Thomas, he could easily be mistaken for a first year student instead.

So the pair walked home together, with Thomas doing most of the talking. They reached Michael's house first and Thomas hugged him tightly, touching her finger to his lip again and wishing him a speedy recovery, before setting off for BellaDonna's house and the start of her break.

Despite the extra time she'd hung around at the school for, and the slight detour she had taken via Michael's house, Berxely was still the closest school to the house by some measure, so she would probably still be home before most of the others. The magic used to lock the house's door was a simple spell, designed only to stop non-magical types from entering the house by accident and one that Thomas knew so well that she barely even realised she was disabling it on her approach and, once through the threshold, she slammed the door behind her and sat down on the stairs to remove her boots. Standing back up and removing her coat, she then stretched out her arms.

"Hello?" she called out, hanging the coat up on a rack and placing her boots beneath it. "Is anyone else home?" She sighed and, in a slightly quieter tone of voice, asked a question she didn't really want to know the answer to, "...Keld?"
Muro wouldn't deny that she was an extremely studious young woman. Any opportunity to grow her knowledge on a subject, magical or otherwise, would be followed through on her earliest opportunity. In particular, the girl lived and breathed to study through books, and she would have ransacked every bookshop in the city if she had the funds to do so. As it stood, she settled on just looting every library for all she was able to do so, and any books she could mooch off others. BellaDonna's collection of books in particular was frequently raided for its wondrous collection of rare and valuable tomes. To Muro, studying, learning, and living were all the same thing.

That all being said, she was still human. As such, her heart swelled with relief and joy as the bell marking the beginning of spring break rang just as much as everyone else.

Muro sighed as the tension of anticipation finally left the room, an action that most of the class collectively shared, and stood up from her desk. Muro winced slightly as she stretched her arms above her head, letting out a relieved breath when the joints popped. Sitting hunched over your desk trying to write poetry took a surprising amount out of you.

By the time Muro had finished stretching out her joints, students were already filing out of the classroom, though some made at least some token effort to wish their teacher a good spring break. Muro wasn't one of the types to stick around, though: she gathered her things into her bag, and was soon joining the wave of students all heading for the exit. Muro let herself get pulled into the tide, adjusting her already steady pace to match the group of students she found herself walking behind. She hadn't gotten much further down the corridor, however, before she felt an arm slap against her shoulder, the force of which nearly sent the flat cap on her head flying.

"Hey! You don't think you can just sneak off without me do you, Muro-meister?"

"Perhaps in vain, yes…" Muro muttered, before she turned her gaze to meet the grinning face of the girl next to her. The red-headed girl who had pushed through the crowd was unusually tall and slightly gangly for her age, but any awkwardness this had been avoided fairly handily by the completely earnest smile on her face. The girl's name was Sophia and she was, for better or for worse, the only girl who actively sought out Muro. In response to Muro's rather barbed reply, Sophia threw a hand to cover her eyes in a suitably 'dramatic' manner.

"Has my efforts to warm the icy cockles of your heart really been so ineffectual!?"

"They might have been more successful if you didn't use words like 'cockles.'" Muro shook her head, giving the other girl a flat look. "Ever since we started this poetry subject, you've been using more and more strange words."

"Bah, you're just no fun, Muro." Sophia shrugged, easily shifting from her dramatic stance into a more natural one. The red-headed girl idly fiddled with the colossal mop of hair that flowed behind her, looking contemplative as the two continued to make their way towards the building's exit with the rest of the student body. "Hell, I sometimes wonder what someone so anti-fun was doing at a school dedicated to the arts. It's an odd fit, ya know?"

Muro shot the girl an annoyed look at the 'anti-fun 'part, though she had to admit that she often wondered the same thing herself. Why had BellaDonna insisted that Muro attend Rochdale Academy in particular? Make no mistake, it was a great school: being a private institution had the advantage of keeping a fairly small but well behaved body of students, and the school was clearly well supplied and maintained. The lessons were delivered by teachers who actually felt some passion for whatever subject was being talked about, and students were given leave to let loose with their creative energy.

That being said, Muro had the 'creative energy' of a particularly jerkish brick. The girl could nail all of the technical side of painting, writing, and whatever else was needed (more out of necessity, because she sure as hell wasn't going to suffer poor grades), but struggled with the actual artistic part.

What scheme did BellaDonna have, sending her to a school that focused extremely heavily on the benefits of the more creative pursuits? Muro was going to have to get the woman to give her a straight answer, one of these days.

"Anyway, let's not worry about that." Sophia's voice cut through the noise in Muro's head. "Come on, it's spring break! What are you going to get up to?"

By this point, the twosome had finally managed to push through the doors of the school's main building, the fresh air of spring flowing over them like a wave. The students who were still gathered in the school were splitting off into small groups, either heading towards the school's gates or loitering around while they discussed their own plans for summer. Muro herself kept walking along the path that would take them to the exit to the academy, Sophia keeping pace as they wandered between the towering brick buildings. Muro gave the other girl's question some thought, running several options through her head before finally settling on making an uncommitted grunt.

"I'm not sure." Muro eventually admitted, one finger idly reaching up scratch under the flat cap on her head. "I was thinking about attending some of those extra classes that Miss Willow going to be holding over the spring break."

"Jeez, the first big holiday we're going to get for a while, and you want to spend it back in school?" Sophia shook her head, giving Muro a pitying look.

"It's not like I want to!" Muro protested, grinding her teeth. "Ever since we started on that abstract painting subject my grades have been slipping! If sacrificing some of my free time is what it takes to avoid falling behind, so be it."

"If you say so, Mega-Muro." Sophia shrugged, before a devilish grin over took her features. "Although, I hope you've got some mandatory 'getting bothered by Sophia' scheduled in during the spring break, 'cause I've already booked you in."

"Pfft, don't remind me." Muro shook her head. Despite her cold choice of words, she couldn't quite stamp down the wry grin that was fighting for dominance on her face. "I've come to terms with the fact that I'm not going to get a minute free from you this break."

Sophia just chuckled in response.

The two girls' wandering path eventually took them through the school's main gates, the rest of the city of Harthwaite stretching out before them. They travelled on their usual route together for a time, most of the walk spent trying to organise when they'd meet up in the break, before their paths shot off in different directions. Sophia waved jovially and energetically as she made her way down the road that would eventually lead her back home. Muro worked up a smile and stood on the street corner, waving as the other girl made her way down the street. Muro kept smiling and waving right up until Sophia finally turned the corner.

Muro's hand halted mid wave. The bespectacled girl hesitated for a few moments longer, waiting to see if Sophia would come back around the corner just to rile Muro up, something that wasn't wholly unusual. When she was certain the other girl had actually left, Muro's smile dropped, and she immediately started scanning around her. Spying the usual unoccupied alley, Muro ducked into its thankfully deep shadows, practically ripping the hat off her head when she was totally emerged in its depths. Letting her hat fall unceremoniously to the ground, the girl reached up with both hands and began furiously scratching and rubbing at two unusual furry tuffs on the crown of her head.

"Hnng, thank the gods…" Muro sighed with relief as her fingers stretched and fiddled with the set of rat ears on the top of her head. As her fingers continued to work, a rat's tail flopped listlessly to the ground under her skirt, finally free from needing to coil around her leg. All at once, it felt like the tension that had been collecting at the back of her skull, making itself known via a pounding headache, finally cleared. Every part of her body felt as light and as a feather, and Muro was fairly certain her very soul had been eased.

Muro, after a few minutes that felt like a few hours, finally let her ministrations cease, though she stayed where she was for a few moments longer, trying to savour the feeling of her letting her extra appendages stretch and breath. The girl allowed herself a frustrated growl: what the hell had she done to deserve this? Attending that school already required her full attention, and she had to put with the constant uncomfortable feeling of parts of her body being squashed? Parts of her body that she didn't even want? The only silver lining in this situation was that BellaDonna had, by some miracle, managed to convince the academy to allow Muro to wear a hat even in classes. She may have been uncomfortable and frustrated beyond words, but at least she could keep 'condition' a secret, admittedly at the cost a few suspicious whispers from her peers. While the only person who had directly asked about it had been Sophia, who in turn had politely let the matter drop when it became clear Muro wasn't going to answer, Muro was getting tired of the rumours that she actually bald under the damn hat.

Muro heaved a sigh as she finally gathered up her discarded headwear, pressing her extra set of ears flat against her hair as she pulled the cap close over her skull, while her tail pulled up and out of sight. She could only pray BellaDonna had been telling the truth when she said a cure for these things was close to being finished, because Muro wasn't sure how much more of this she could take.

Stepping out of the alley and back into the light of day, Muro ran through her mental to-do list. She had a few books she should really return to Archmouth Library, but she could easily do that first thing tomorrow, and right now she just wanted to get back to BellaDonna's and celebrate the fact that spring break had arrived.

…Then again, if she headed back to BellaDonna's home now, she would invariably run into everyone else returning home at the same time.

Muro grumbled under her breath. She may have appreciated the rest of the girls like any witch should to the rest of her coven (even if they weren't actually technically a coven), but that didn't mean she had to appreciate their company. It did depend on if she accidentally ran into any of the few who actually knew of her 'extra features,' but it wasn't worth the risk either way. No, she should just return her books, then head back home, hopefully without drawing attention to herself.

Readjusting her hat, Muro set off, soon losing herself in the myriad of streets and crowds that Harthwaite had to offer.
Sukina Miyemoto

As the thick drops of rain hit the mud, the leaves and the roofs of the small huts, thunder cracks in the sky with loud bangs. Through all these sounds footsteps in the mud can be heard as if multiple people are running to shelter from the storm. Soon though, it is revealed that between the thick forestation, it's a single person being chased by a large group of other people.

Sukina's cheeks are burning red and her hair hangs over her face, completely wet from the rain. Her white hair has rain drizzling of it as her feet are becoming dirtier with ever step in the thick mud which almost made her slip multiple times in combination with the large tree roots entangled in the ground. Swearing is heard in the distance behind Sukina as it slowly become clear that she is the person being chased.

It would take multiple hours for her to lose the angry mob behind her as she wanders the woods. She is in search of the hut of her friend William, an Englishman who came here to make career as a samurai. She manages to sneak around the guards still looking for her and knocks on William's door. He would open the door for her and pull her inside. She explained what happened. She explained that the other members in the clan she was part of got angry at her for becoming a samurai despite already being a shaman. They saw her as a demon, a monster. But right as William and her would be leaving for the hardbor and take a boat to his homeland, she would be stabbed by William. She would hear the word 'demon' coming from him repeatedly as she screamed.

Sukina would shoot up in her bed and begin panting. In the end, it was all a bad dream. She let out a sigh and would stand up from her bad. She walked over to the dresser standing across from her bed and take out a kimono. It was made from a fine silk with a blue color with detailed decorations all over. She put on white socks and some high soled wooden sandals before walking out of her room.

She went downstairs to make herself some breakfast in the form of some eggs and steamed fish. She knew none of the other girls would be around due to them having their last day of school. Sukina decided not to go to school as it would be hard for her to adapt to the schools here but also because she had had a high level education back in Japan.

After eating her breakfast she would tend to the garden of BellaDonna and make sure all the plants were doing well. She was in love with gardening so she decided to look around in there every six hours to make sure all of them would be growing well but also to make sure there were no bugs causing trouble to the plants.

It took her about two hours to check all of the garden thoroughly along with the greenhouse where they mainly grew plants used for brewing purposes. She went back inside and would notice a girl named Keld walk into the kitchen. She laughed quietly to herself knowing she had left school early and walked after her into the kitchen.
"Hello Keld. Hope your day at school was nice. But aren't you supposed to still be there or am I mistaken?"

Sukina would only be there momentarily to grab a small pair of scissors before going over to the main room. She had placed a bonzai tree on a small table here and she would cut it every so often to make sure it would be in good shape. Right as shef inished another girl came in. This time it was the girl named Thomas. Hearing her call out she would appear in front of her and give a friendly smile.
"Good day Thomas. I hope your day was nice so far."
The girls would probably have heard the accent in Sukina's voice while she spoke indicating she was clearly not from this country.​
Stephette Paprika
[glow=#ff6554]『Black Jack Conjurer』[/glow]
[glow=#ff6554]"I have way better things to do on the last day of school than attend!"[/glow]

A crash snapped through the air like the crack of a whip, audible down most of the street that a certain home for girls was located on.
A window was swung open, black-white smoke billowing out as a red-haired girl draped herself over the windowsill, coughing and mumbling.
That thing that had just happened was not what she had been trying to do.
"[glow=#FF0000]B[/glow][glow=#FFDA00]l[/glow][glow=#48FF00]e[/glow][glow=#00FF91]h[/glow][glow=#0091FF].[/glow][glow=#4800FF].[/glow][glow=#FF00DA].[/glow]" she mumbled, sticking her tongue out as if begging the faint spring breeze to blow the bitter taste of smoke away.

The red-headed witch had been trying very hard to make something cool, but it seemed that she had been just imprecise enough to blow it up.
"[glow=#FF0000]E[/glow][glow=#7FFF00]c[/glow][glow=#00FEFF]h[/glow][glow=#7F00FF].[/glow] [glow=#FF0000]W[/glow][glow=#7FFF00]h[/glow][glow=#00FEFF]y[/glow][glow=#7F00FF]?[/glow] [glow=#FF0000]I[/glow][glow=#FF3800]t[/glow] [glow=#FFAA00]s[/glow][glow=#FFE200]h[/glow][glow=#E2FF00]o[/glow][glow=#AAFF00]u[/glow][glow=#71FF00]l[/glow][glow=#38FF00]d[/glow] [glow=#00FF38]h[/glow][glow=#00FF71]a[/glow][glow=#00FFAA]v[/glow][glow=#00FFE2]e[/glow] [glow=#00A9FF]b[/glow][glow=#0071FF]e[/glow][glow=#0038FF]e[/glow][glow=#0000FF]n[/glow] [glow=#7100FF]e[/glow][glow=#AA00FF]a[/glow][glow=#E200FF]s[/glow][glow=#FF00E2]y[/glow][glow=#FF00AA].[/glow][glow=#FF0071].[/glow][glow=#FF0038].[/glow]"
Well, that was kind of a lie. It definitely wasn't easy, but she still felt bitter about failing when she had felt so confident, or else she wouldn't have been doing it in her own room.
"[glow=#FF0000]I[/glow][glow=#FF2200]t[/glow][glow=#FF4500]'[/glow][glow=#FF6800]s[/glow] [glow=#FFAD00]f[/glow][glow=#FFD000]i[/glow][glow=#FFF300]n[/glow][glow=#E7FF00]e[/glow][glow=#C5FF00].[/glow] [glow=#7FFF00]T[/glow][glow=#5CFF00]o[/glow][glow=#39FF00]t[/glow][glow=#17FF00]a[/glow][glow=#00FF0B]l[/glow][glow=#00FF2E]l[/glow][glow=#00FF51]y[/glow] [glow=#00FF96]f[/glow][glow=#00FFB9]i[/glow][glow=#00FFDC]n[/glow][glow=#00FEFF]e[/glow][glow=#00DCFF].[/glow] [glow=#0096FF]W[/glow][glow=#0073FF]h[/glow][glow=#0051FF]o[/glow] [glow=#000BFF]c[/glow][glow=#1700FF]a[/glow][glow=#3900FF]r[/glow][glow=#5C00FF]e[/glow][glow=#7F00FF]s[/glow][glow=#A200FF]?[/glow]" she decided. "[glow=#E700FF]I[/glow] [glow=#FF00D0]d[/glow][glow=#FF00AD]o[/glow][glow=#FF008B]n[/glow][glow=#FF0068]'[/glow][glow=#FF0045]t[/glow][glow=#FF0022].[/glow] [glow=#FF0000]I[/glow] [glow=#FF3A00]d[/glow][glow=#FF5800]o[/glow][glow=#FF7500]n[/glow][glow=#FF9300]'[/glow][glow=#FFB000]t[/glow] [glow=#FFEB00]n[/glow][glow=#F5FF00]e[/glow][glow=#D7FF00]e[/glow][glow=#BAFF00]d[/glow] [glow=#7FFF00]l[/glow][glow=#62FF00]a[/glow][glow=#44FF00]s[/glow][glow=#27FF00]e[/glow][glow=#09FF00]r[/glow] [glow=#00FF31]b[/glow][glow=#00FF4E]u[/glow][glow=#00FF6B]l[/glow][glow=#00FF89]l[/glow][glow=#00FFA6]e[/glow][glow=#00FFC4]t[/glow][glow=#00FFE1]s[/glow] [glow=#00E1FF]a[/glow][glow=#00C4FF]n[/glow][glow=#00A6FF]y[/glow][glow=#0089FF]w[/glow][glow=#006BFF]a[/glow][glow=#004EFF]y[/glow][glow=#0031FF],[/glow] [glow=#0900FF]I[/glow] [glow=#4400FF]h[/glow][glow=#6200FF]a[/glow][glow=#7F00FF]v[/glow][glow=#9C00FF]e[/glow] [glow=#D700FF]f[/glow][glow=#F500FF]i[/glow][glow=#FF00EB]r[/glow][glow=#FF00CD]e[/glow][glow=#FF00B0]w[/glow][glow=#FF0093]o[/glow][glow=#FF0075]r[/glow][glow=#FF0058]k[/glow][glow=#FF003A]s[/glow][glow=#FF001D].[/glow] [glow=#FF0000]Y[/glow][glow=#FF5F00]e[/glow][glow=#FFBF00]a[/glow][glow=#DFFF00]h[/glow][glow=#7FFF00],[/glow] [glow=#00FF3F]i[/glow][glow=#00FF9F]t[/glow][glow=#00FEFF]'[/glow][glow=#009FFF]s[/glow] [glow=#1F00FF]f[/glow][glow=#7F00FF]i[/glow][glow=#DF00FF]n[/glow][glow=#FF00BF]e[/glow][glow=#FF005F]![/glow]"

The smoke had pretty much cleared now, and it was reasonably evident that the room was more or less unharmed, if a bit of a mess. Well, it was only a little more messy that it was. She could clean it whenever.
The important thing was not getting yelled at.
But first she stuck her head out the window again to get some fresh, unexploded air.
Dangling there for a little while as if she were about to throw up, she mused over several things.

Stephette Paprika had not gone to school today.
It was not that Rochdale's term had finished early. Rather, Rochdale's term was supposed to end today just like every other school. Term times were legally mandated, as was attending during school hours.
Stephette didn't really care.
After all, all that was being done today was the assignment of homework for spring break. She reasoned that if she feigned illness, she wouldn't need to attend, which gave her a free pass for the next few weeks to do whatever she wanted.
Even if what she wanted to do was fail to put together mana bullets. In the first place, this abject and horrendous screw-up proved that these things were going to need time and effort to finish...
Better to have no homework, in that case, so she had decided. Everything had been carefully planned.
At least, that's what she wanted to boast. In reality, all these things were out of order, so the only thing she could call it was "convenient".
She felt a little bad for poor, sweet Muro, leaving her all alone, but then again, if it were up to Muro, she'd probably be alone a lot. Muro was a good girl, and she was astoundingly cute, but she was also prickly and a little anxious, so it was kind of a shame, but...
[glow=#FF0000]S[/glow][glow=#FF0800]o[/glow][glow=#FF1100]r[/glow][glow=#FF1900]r[/glow][glow=#FF2200]y[/glow] [glow=#FF3300]M[/glow][glow=#FF3C00]u[/glow][glow=#FF4400]r[/glow][glow=#FF4D00]o[/glow][glow=#FF5500],[/glow] [glow=#FF6700]b[/glow][glow=#FF6F00]u[/glow][glow=#FF7800]t[/glow] [glow=#FF8900]i[/glow][glow=#FF9200]t[/glow] [glow=#FFA300]t[/glow][glow=#FFAB00]a[/glow][glow=#FFB400]k[/glow][glow=#FFBD00]e[/glow][glow=#FFC500]s[/glow] [glow=#FFD600]e[/glow][glow=#FFDF00]n[/glow][glow=#FFE800]e[/glow][glow=#FFF000]r[/glow][glow=#FFF900]g[/glow][glow=#FCFF00]y[/glow] [glow=#EAFF00]s[/glow][glow=#E2FF00]o[/glow][glow=#D9FF00]f[/glow][glow=#D1FF00]t[/glow][glow=#C8FF00]e[/glow][glow=#BFFF00]n[/glow][glow=#B7FF00]i[/glow][glow=#AEFF00]n[/glow][glow=#A6FF00]g[/glow] [glow=#94FF00]y[/glow][glow=#8CFF00]o[/glow][glow=#83FF00]u[/glow] [glow=#72FF00]u[/glow][glow=#6AFF00]p[/glow] [glow=#58FF00]i[/glow][glow=#50FF00]n[/glow][glow=#47FF00]s[/glow][glow=#3FFF00]t[/glow][glow=#36FF00]e[/glow][glow=#2DFF00]a[/glow][glow=#25FF00]d[/glow] [glow=#14FF00]o[/glow][glow=#0BFF00]f[/glow] [glow=#00FF05]r[/glow][glow=#00FF0E]e[/glow][glow=#00FF16]f[/glow][glow=#00FF1F]r[/glow][glow=#00FF28]e[/glow][glow=#00FF30]s[/glow][glow=#00FF39]h[/glow][glow=#00FF41]i[/glow][glow=#00FF4A]n[/glow][glow=#00FF53]g[/glow] [glow=#00FF64]i[/glow][glow=#00FF6C]t[/glow][glow=#00FF75],[/glow] [glow=#00FF86]s[/glow][glow=#00FF8F]o[/glow] [glow=#00FFA0]I[/glow] [glow=#00FFB1]a[/glow][glow=#00FFBA]b[/glow][glow=#00FFC2]s[/glow][glow=#00FFCB]o[/glow][glow=#00FFD4]l[/glow][glow=#00FFDC]u[/glow][glow=#00FFE5]t[/glow][glow=#00FFED]e[/glow][glow=#00FFF6]l[/glow][glow=#00FEFF]y[/glow] [glow=#00EDFF]c[/glow][glow=#00E5FF]o[/glow][glow=#00DCFF]u[/glow][glow=#00D4FF]l[/glow][glow=#00CBFF]d[/glow][glow=#00C2FF]n[/glow][glow=#00BAFF]'[/glow][glow=#00B1FF]t[/glow] [glow=#00A0FF]a[/glow][glow=#0097FF]f[/glow][glow=#008FFF]f[/glow][glow=#0086FF]o[/glow][glow=#007EFF]r[/glow][glow=#0075FF]d[/glow] [glow=#0064FF]t[/glow][glow=#005BFF]o[/glow] [glow=#004AFF]h[/glow][glow=#0041FF]a[/glow][glow=#0039FF]n[/glow][glow=#0030FF]g[/glow] [glow=#001FFF]o[/glow][glow=#0016FF]u[/glow][glow=#000EFF]t[/glow] [glow=#0200FF]w[/glow][glow=#0B00FF]i[/glow][glow=#1400FF]t[/glow][glow=#1C00FF]h[/glow] [glow=#2D00FF]y[/glow][glow=#3600FF]o[/glow][glow=#3F00FF]u[/glow] [glow=#5000FF]t[/glow][glow=#5800FF]o[/glow][glow=#6100FF]d[/glow][glow=#6A00FF]a[/glow][glow=#7200FF]y[/glow] [glow=#8300FF]w[/glow][glow=#8C00FF]i[/glow][glow=#9400FF]t[/glow][glow=#9D00FF]h[/glow] [glow=#AE00FF]m[/glow][glow=#B700FF]y[/glow] [glow=#C800FF]l[/glow][glow=#D100FF]i[/glow][glow=#D900FF]v[/glow][glow=#E200FF]e[/glow][glow=#EA00FF]l[/glow][glow=#F300FF]i[/glow][glow=#FC00FF]h[/glow][glow=#FF00F9]o[/glow][glow=#FF00F0]o[/glow][glow=#FF00E8]d[/glow] [glow=#FF00D6]o[/glow][glow=#FF00CE]n[/glow] [glow=#FF00BD]t[/glow][glow=#FF00B4]h[/glow][glow=#FF00AB]e[/glow] [glow=#FF009A]l[/glow][glow=#FF0092]i[/glow][glow=#FF0089]n[/glow][glow=#FF0080]e[/glow] [glow=#FF006F]l[/glow][glow=#FF0067]i[/glow][glow=#FF005E]k[/glow][glow=#FF0055]e[/glow] [glow=#FF0044]t[/glow][glow=#FF003C]h[/glow][glow=#FF0033]i[/glow][glow=#FF002A]s[/glow][glow=#FF0022].[/glow][glow=#FF0019].[/glow][glow=#FF0011].[/glow][glow=#FF0008]![/glow]

Silently begging for forgiveness, Stephette sighed, dangling her arms back and forth as if she were laundry in the wind.
She was kind of disheartened by something she was so confident in going so disastrously wrong, so she wasn't really in the mood to keep going with her spell development. It wasn't getting finished any time soon.
"[glow=#FF0000]I[/glow] [glow=#FF3C00]s[/glow][glow=#FF5A00]h[/glow][glow=#FF7800]o[/glow][glow=#FF9600]u[/glow][glow=#FFB400]l[/glow][glow=#FFD200]d[/glow] [glow=#EFFF00]g[/glow][glow=#D2FF00]o[/glow] [glow=#95FF00]d[/glow][glow=#78FF00]o[/glow][glow=#59FF00]w[/glow][glow=#3BFF00]n[/glow][glow=#1DFF00]s[/glow][glow=#00FF00]t[/glow][glow=#00FF1E]a[/glow][glow=#00FF3C]i[/glow][glow=#00FF5A]r[/glow][glow=#00FF78]s[/glow] [glow=#00FFB4]a[/glow][glow=#00FFD2]n[/glow][glow=#00FFF0]d[/glow] [glow=#00D1FF]s[/glow][glow=#00B3FF]e[/glow][glow=#0095FF]e[/glow] [glow=#005AFF]i[/glow][glow=#003BFF]f[/glow] [glow=#0000FF]a[/glow][glow=#1E00FF]n[/glow][glow=#3C00FF]y[/glow][glow=#5A00FF]b[/glow][glow=#7800FF]o[/glow][glow=#9500FF]d[/glow][glow=#B400FF]y[/glow][glow=#D200FF]'[/glow][glow=#F000FF]s[/glow] [glow=#FF00D1]b[/glow][glow=#FF00B3]a[/glow][glow=#FF0095]c[/glow][glow=#FF0078]k[/glow][glow=#FF0059].[/glow][glow=#FF003B].[/glow][glow=#FF001D].[/glow]" she mumbled.
She didn't really want to get up though. Actually, she seemed to have lost all motivation.
"[glow=#FF0000]O[/glow][glow=#FF1400]h[/glow][glow=#FF2800],[/glow] [glow=#FF5100]w[/glow][glow=#FF6600]a[/glow][glow=#FF7A00]i[/glow][glow=#FF8E00]t[/glow][glow=#FFA300].[/glow] [glow=#FFCC00]M[/glow][glow=#FFE000]a[/glow][glow=#FFF400]y[/glow][glow=#F4FF00]b[/glow][glow=#E0FF00]e[/glow] [glow=#B7FF00]t[/glow][glow=#A3FF00]h[/glow][glow=#8EFF00]e[/glow][glow=#7AFF00]y[/glow] [glow=#51FF00]h[/glow][glow=#3DFF00]e[/glow][glow=#28FF00]a[/glow][glow=#14FF00]r[/glow][glow=#00FF00]d[/glow] [glow=#00FF28]m[/glow][glow=#00FF3D]e[/glow] [glow=#00FF66]b[/glow][glow=#00FF7A]l[/glow][glow=#00FF8E]o[/glow][glow=#00FFA3]w[/glow][glow=#00FFB7]i[/glow][glow=#00FFCC]n[/glow][glow=#00FFE0]g[/glow] [glow=#00F4FF]m[/glow][glow=#00E0FF]y[/glow][glow=#00CBFF]s[/glow][glow=#00B7FF]e[/glow][glow=#00A3FF]l[/glow][glow=#008EFF]f[/glow] [glow=#0065FF]u[/glow][glow=#0051FF]p[/glow][glow=#003DFF].[/glow] [glow=#0014FF]T[/glow][glow=#0000FF]h[/glow][glow=#1400FF]a[/glow][glow=#2800FF]t[/glow] [glow=#5100FF]m[/glow][glow=#6500FF]i[/glow][glow=#7A00FF]g[/glow][glow=#8E00FF]h[/glow][glow=#A300FF]t[/glow] [glow=#CC00FF]s[/glow][glow=#E000FF]u[/glow][glow=#F400FF]m[/glow][glow=#FF00F4]m[/glow][glow=#FF00E0]o[/glow][glow=#FF00CB]n[/glow] [glow=#FF00A3]s[/glow][glow=#FF008E]o[/glow][glow=#FF007A]m[/glow][glow=#FF0065]e[/glow][glow=#FF0051]o[/glow][glow=#FF003D]n[/glow][glow=#FF0028]e[/glow][glow=#FF0014],[/glow]" she speculated. "[glow=#FF0000]O[/glow][glow=#FF1700]n[/glow][glow=#FF2F00]c[/glow][glow=#FF4600]e[/glow] [glow=#FF7500]a[/glow][glow=#FF8D00]g[/glow][glow=#FFA400]a[/glow][glow=#FFBC00]i[/glow][glow=#FFD300]n[/glow][glow=#FFEB00],[/glow] [glow=#E3FF00]S[/glow][glow=#CBFF00]t[/glow][glow=#B4FF00]e[/glow][glow=#9CFF00]p[/glow][glow=#85FF00]h[/glow] [glow=#56FF00]t[/glow][glow=#3EFF00]h[/glow][glow=#27FF00]e[/glow] [glow=#00FF07]s[/glow][glow=#00FF1F]u[/glow][glow=#00FF36]m[/glow][glow=#00FF4E]m[/glow][glow=#00FF66]o[/glow][glow=#00FF7D]n[/glow][glow=#00FF95]e[/glow][glow=#00FFAC]r[/glow] [glow=#00FFDB]e[/glow][glow=#00FFF3]x[/glow][glow=#00F3FF]c[/glow][glow=#00DBFF]e[/glow][glow=#00C4FF]e[/glow][glow=#00ACFF]d[/glow][glow=#0095FF]s[/glow] [glow=#0065FF]a[/glow][glow=#004EFF]l[/glow][glow=#0036FF]l[/glow] [glow=#0007FF]e[/glow][glow=#0F00FF]x[/glow][glow=#2700FF]p[/glow][glow=#3E00FF]e[/glow][glow=#5600FF]c[/glow][glow=#6D00FF]t[/glow][glow=#8500FF]a[/glow][glow=#9C00FF]t[/glow][glow=#B400FF]i[/glow][glow=#CC00FF]o[/glow][glow=#E300FF]n[/glow][glow=#FB00FF]s[/glow][glow=#FF00EB]![/glow] [glow=#FF00BC]V[/glow][glow=#FF00A4]i[/glow][glow=#FF008D]c[/glow][glow=#FF0075]t[/glow][glow=#FF005E]o[/glow][glow=#FF0046]r[/glow][glow=#FF002F]y[/glow][glow=#FF0017]![/glow] [glow=#FF0000]I[/glow] [glow=#FF3E00]w[/glow][glow=#FF5D00]o[/glow][glow=#FF7C00]n[/glow][glow=#FF9C00]d[/glow][glow=#FFBB00]e[/glow][glow=#FFDA00]r[/glow] [glow=#E4FF00]i[/glow][glow=#C5FF00]f[/glow] [glow=#87FF00]s[/glow][glow=#68FF00]u[/glow][glow=#48FF00]m[/glow][glow=#29FF00]m[/glow][glow=#0AFF00]o[/glow][glow=#00FF14]n[/glow][glow=#00FF34]i[/glow][glow=#00FF53]n[/glow][glow=#00FF72]g[/glow] [glow=#00FFB0]i[/glow][glow=#00FFD0]s[/glow] [glow=#00EFFF]m[/glow][glow=#00D0FF]y[/glow] [glow=#0091FF]s[/glow][glow=#0072FF]p[/glow][glow=#0053FF]e[/glow][glow=#0034FF]c[/glow][glow=#0014FF]i[/glow][glow=#0A00FF]a[/glow][glow=#2900FF]l[/glow][glow=#4800FF]i[/glow][glow=#6800FF]t[/glow][glow=#8700FF]y[/glow] [glow=#C500FF]a[/glow][glow=#E400FF]f[/glow][glow=#FF00F9]t[/glow][glow=#FF00DA]e[/glow][glow=#FF00BB]r[/glow] [glow=#FF007C]a[/glow][glow=#FF005D]l[/glow][glow=#FF003E]l[/glow][glow=#FF001F]?[/glow]"
Lighthearted jest it may have been, Stephette was harrowingly aware of how much more useful that would have been.
"[glow=#FF0000]W[/glow][glow=#FF6600]e[/glow][glow=#FFCC00]l[/glow][glow=#CBFF00]l[/glow][glow=#65FF00],[/glow] [glow=#00FF66]w[/glow][glow=#00FFCC]h[/glow][glow=#00CBFF]a[/glow][glow=#0065FF]t[/glow][glow=#0000FF]e[/glow][glow=#6500FF]v[/glow][glow=#CC00FF]e[/glow][glow=#FF00CB]r[/glow][glow=#FF0065].[/glow]"
Dragging herself up, she wandered over to her bedroom door, she caught sight of cracked glass in the corner of her eye.
"[glow=#FF0000]I[/glow] [glow=#FF7100]s[/glow][glow=#FFAA00]h[/glow][glow=#FFE200]o[/glow][glow=#E2FF00]u[/glow][glow=#AAFF00]l[/glow][glow=#71FF00]d[/glow] [glow=#00FF00]r[/glow][glow=#00FF38]e[/glow][glow=#00FF71]p[/glow][glow=#00FFAA]l[/glow][glow=#00FFE2]a[/glow][glow=#00E2FF]c[/glow][glow=#00A9FF]e[/glow] [glow=#0038FF]m[/glow][glow=#0000FF]y[/glow] [glow=#7100FF]m[/glow][glow=#AA00FF]i[/glow][glow=#E200FF]r[/glow][glow=#FF00E2]r[/glow][glow=#FF00AA]o[/glow][glow=#FF0071]r[/glow][glow=#FF0038].[/glow]"
But upon examining the fracture closely, she noticed something even more pertinent.

"[glow=#FF0000]I[/glow] [glow=#FF8B00]s[/glow][glow=#FFD000]h[/glow][glow=#E7FF00]o[/glow][glow=#A2FF00]u[/glow][glow=#5CFF00]l[/glow][glow=#17FF00]d[/glow] [glow=#00FF73]w[/glow][glow=#00FFB9]a[/glow][glow=#00FEFF]s[/glow][glow=#00B9FF]h[/glow] [glow=#002EFF]m[/glow][glow=#1700FF]y[/glow] [glow=#A200FF]f[/glow][glow=#E700FF]a[/glow][glow=#FF00D0]c[/glow][glow=#FF008B]e[/glow][glow=#FF0045].[/glow]"

Soot was not a good look on her.
She made her way for the closest bathroom, really hoping that she didn't run into anyone on the way.
She'd embarrassed herself enough already, thank you very much.
Keld was in the middle of preparing her snack when the new girl appeared in the kitchen. She was just finishing laying some slices of meat onto her bread when she glanced up and grinned at the blonde. "Well, it was...entertaining." Her grin widened as she dressed her sandwich with lettuce, cucumbers, and some salt and pepper. She didn't know much about Sukin Miyemoto, but she was cute, a little quiet, and only been at BellaDonna's for a few months. "I got sent to the principal's office, but that's never anything new. And the last day before break is never anything to worry about." As soon as Keld finished putting the top slice of bread on her masterpiece, she heard the door open and close before a very cautious voice called her name.

The blue eyed girl glanced over her shoulder to see Thomas standing in the entryway. Her posture was rigid and closed, she was clearly awaiting some sort of catastrophic prank as soon as she walked through the door. This, of course, made Keld swell with pride as she chuckled. She gently pressed down on her sandwich to give it that finishing touch, and to make sure everything was going to stay in place while she put it on a plate.

"You're safe, Tommy." She called as she picked up her plate and glanced at Sukina. "I'm in the kitchen, just finished making a sandwich. Hunger before pranks." When she finished speaking, there was an ear shattering crack and Keld flinched as she brought her free hand up to cover at least one of her ears. There was a very slight ringing, but enough to make the rose haired girl shake her head to try and rid herself of it. "So Stephie must be home?"

Keld was hoping to have more alone time before the rest of the house got home from school, but she supposed that was too much to ask for when you lived with so many people, girls, under one roof. Still, she wasn't going to let that ruin her almost perfect day. "Anyways," She walked back out towards the stair case where Thomas was still standing quietly in the entryway. Keld gave her a once over with a quirked eyebrow and chuckled. "No need to be so timid, Tommy." She gently nudged the girl with her elbow in a friendly manner. "I'm not going to prank you when I've got a sandwich to devour. Maybe later, though." Keld winked before she took a bite of her sandwich and headed towards the dining room.
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Isla sighed as yet another person's weight seemed to be resting around her shoulders. She didn't need to look over to see who it was since Fioranna began speaking shortly after. Isla continued to grin nervously, her face reddening as she thought of every single girl at BellaDonna's who had no idea she would be bringing over two friends. Friends who were taught an anti-magic curriculum and had most likely never witnessed witchcraft for themselves. They would have to be careful, but if the girls stuck to her side then they hopefully wouldn't leave the house permanently scarred, or frightened.

"Keld? What's a Keld?" Bonnibel asked, smiling curiously as the four of them started down the sidewalk. "Is she nice?"

"Meh." Isla replied, tilting her head from side to side slowly. "I guess you can say she's nice. But, definitely a weirdo. Fiorana is quite attached, as you can see." Isla looked over at Fiorana, smiling smugly at the white haired girl. Of course it was only just a joke, but she loved to tease. "All of the girls are nice enough though."

"Really? How many are there again?" Elizabeth asked eagerly, opening a compact mirror and adjusting a blonde tendril framing her face.

"Let's just say I never get lonely," Isla said, chuckling lightly. They boarded the light rail, everyone showing their passes. She led the girls to the back row of seats, so that they could all be together.

"You two are so lucky. I'd love to live with so many girls." Elizabeth spoke up, sighing longingly. "You could have a party every night if you wanted to."

"It can get old after awhile, you know. And we rarely ever have parties." Isla added, the light rail slowing to a stop on their block. She stood, signalling to the others that they should get off. "But it is pret-ty awesome."

Isla continued down their street, the top of BellaDonna's home towering over the other houses in the area. Everyone's house in the neighborhood was actually quite large, but the architecture of BellaDonna's certainly stood out among all of the typical victorian homes. She loved how unique it was, and the girls seemed to feel the same way, as they gasped as they headed down the street towards the strange looking house.

Isla walked up the stairs casually, while Elizabeth and Bonnie had a light bounce to their step. They were both very eager, but if you didn't know them you wouldn't be able to tell. She glanced to Fiorana, then gave a light knock on the door to at least say to the other girls not to be doing anything ridiculous when they walked in. They'd probably think it was BellaDonna and get their act together...hopefully.

"You have to knock?" Bonnie questioned, eyebrows raised in amusement.

"Well, y-yes. With so many people coming and going it's the sensible thing to do." Isla answered nervously. She cleared her throat, looking away from the girls with wide eyes as she fiddled with the necklace around her neck to remove it. There was a key dangling from the chain, which she carefully stuck into the lock and turned into place. The door wasn't locked, but had the others noticed?

"Here we are," Isla said, eyes still big as she opened the front door. "Home sweet home." Her voice was less enthusiastic than usual, and she was almost shaking for fear that her two friends would see something as soon as they walked in that couldn't easily be explained

"It's beautiful, Isla!" Bonnie chimed in cheerfully, hands clasping together. She was completely starstruck, eyes almost glistening with tears...or stars. Bonnie walked forward a bit, almost bumping into a much taller blonde standing in the entryway.

"Oh. Hello, Thomas! Sukina," Isla gave a nervous smile, her hands instinctively going to her head to remove the school hat. "These are my friends, Bonnibel and Elizabeth. "

"Pleased to meet you." They both greeted and curtsied in unison, then rose with a smile.

@★Under The Stars★ @Kate @MisterGrumpyLoli

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Dabria "Bria" Kim

Bria's last couple of weeks had been absolutely insane, first evening she thought she walked into heaven. Everything looked amazing and the director was very nice. It was weird moving to a new city but she wasn't going to complain if it got her a better place to stay. However, the saying of don't judge a book by it's cover applied well here. Everyone was insane and thought they were witches.

Yup, witches. Bria stared at the woman who told her she was a witch and she was going to learn magick and lots of new things. This being said Bria stared at the woman and then promptly closed the door of her room in the woman' face and leaned against the door in shock. Yup, everyone was bat shit crazy or so she had thought.

Needless to say those first few weeks were a real eye opener. Magick was indeed real and she and every girl in the house could use it. She kept mostly to herself except when learning magick. The biggest lesson had been control of the abilities she used accidently and randomly. She also had to learn the basics. Bria had been enrolled in the public school, Brexley. Though when she heard of the art school her mouth watered. She had made a mental note to find out about scholarships for next year.

She had been transferred a week before spring break and now school was out and she was excited to get back to the house and continue with the pile of Magick based books in her room. Bria was more into reading books then the other girls. Honestly a part of her wondered of this was all real and if she wasn't bat shit crazy like the rest.

Bria had to admit the house was much better. No beatings...so far. She had even stayed out of trouble all week. Nothing unusual had happened though she had been told that the unusual happenings had been her abilities.

Bast was setting nicely and would appear suddenly after being gone who knows where for hours. It was nice having her in bed cuddling with her.

The warm sun beamed down on her as she walked alone on the sidewalk. Bria debated if she should go exploring of the city or not. Though she was concerned about getting lost and then being reported as a run away. She sighed looking around and wondering. Was her life really getting better? Or was this just the eye of the storm?

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Lucrezia Tomasz
[[ A W K W A R D • B L O N D E ]]

Thomas could feel herself being overwhelmed. This was why she hated being late home from school... if she had left on time, then she would have been home before all of this ruckus so she could have just hidden away in her room or in the basement and avoided it. Instead, she was now surrounded by a bunch of people and, as bad as that was, it wasn't the worst thing... some of these people weren't witches, so Thomas couldn't even use her magic to get out of there.

Encountering Sukina was fine. It was normal to see her pottering about the house and doing some odd job, and she was a very polite, very quiet individual, so Thomas found her eminently likeable for that very reason. Thomas had greeted the Asian in kind and then let her go back to pruning her bonsai tree, hoping to be allowed to retire to her chosen activities too.

Life wasn't like that, though, because as soon as Sukina left, Thomas was stopped in her tracks by the sound of an explosion. Was it her fault? Had she left something in the basement that had caused this? No, this came from upstairs, which meant one thing and one thing only - Stephette was at work. That settled the decision for Thomas, she wouldn't find any peace in her room if Steph was up there, so she'd have to go to the basement for sure. With hat in mind, she prepared to descend, only for Keld to appear as quickly as Sukina had left, and Thomas was then forced to endure the rose-hair girl's teasing once again. All she could do was fold her arms and pout, being the tallest girl in the house really didn't count for much, especially not to a delinquent like Keld. All that Thomas had been able to offer in protest was a folding of her arms, a pout and a few ineffectual huffs of disapproval. Keld didn't really pay any attention to what Thomas said or did, or to the fact that she hated being called "Tommy", because Keld was Keld, and that meant she did what she wanted.

Fortunately, Keld wanted to eat a sandwich.

Unfortunately, Thomas was then confronted by door-knocking. She took a step towards the door to answer it, for it to be opened by the mysterious knocker. It was was Isla, accompanied by Fiorana and two girls that Thomas had never seen before.

She froze on the spot and stared at the four of them for a moment as she was introduced and the two visitors curtsied before Thomas.

Without thinking, she curtsied back. "It's a pleasure to make your acquaintance," she said, using her most formal tone so as now to embarrass either herself or Isla. "Welcome to our home, I'm Thomas. I, um, I live here with Isla and Fiorana." Most people could never place Thomas' accent, as her spoken English was flawless and only carried a residual tint of her native German, but there was something to it that made it clear she wasn't entirely English. Some people assumed European, and she had German as often as she had had French, Dutch or Scandinavian, whilst some people that were better-travelled had asked if she was even American.

Despite their polite smiles, Thomas was still petrified by these newcomers and so she stood in the hallway, stiff as a board. Her mind raced as she tried to find either a reason to excuse herself, or some small talk that she could make, because she really didn't want to make things awkward for Isla and Fiorana. It was rare for anyone to bring a visitor back and, Thomas mused, it was a good job that BellaDonna wasn't here because visitors usually needed to be scheduled, so that the house and its inhabitants could be prepared. There hadn't been an incident that Thomas could remember during her stay at BellaDonna's, but if the house was ever publicly revealed as an orphanage for witches then it would surely spell disaster. She remembered what it was like in her childhood, and desperately wished never to repeat that experience, so she was always very careful. She had told Michael that the rules of BellaDonna's house didn't permit her to bring visitors, especially not boys, just to ensure she was never responsible for anything like that.

...and then it dawned on Thomas that her introspection had led to her standing in front of the four girls, in silence, for at least a few minutes. Clearing her throat awkwardly and standing even more rigidly than before, Thomas spoke again, blurting out the first thing to come to mind. "Will you be staying with us for dinner? We will have to wait for Miss BellaDonna to return first, but I'm sure she could magic something up to feed all of us if you're staying." Smiling confidently, and hoping to seem friendly, Thomas continued, "Two extra mouths has never been a problem before."

It took a few seconds for Thomas to realise what she'd said. She'd said "magic", to two girls that were quite clearly not magical, in any way, shape or form. She hadn't performed any magic, or done anything untoward, but somehow Thomas found herself feeling incredibly guilty and her cheeks began to turn red. She was convinced that these two strangers now knew that she, and everyone in the house was a witch, and everything was ruined and it was all her fault. She dared not make eye contact with either Isla or Fiorana, for fear of finding their death-gaze.

"Um, excuse me," she said, looking even more red in the cheeks than before, her flustered mind making her voice waiver slightly. "I think I'll go to the kitchen now and begin preparations anyway."

And with that, Thomas gave another curtsey and then fled the room as quickly as her legs could carry her, heading straight for the kitchen where she could find some peace and quiet. She stepped in, shut the door and leaned back against it, sliding halfway down and giving a very long sigh.

[[ T h o m a s • y o u • f o o l ! ]]

@Sailor Moon @★Under The Stars★

Fiorana smiled a little as Isla said she was attached to Keld. Fiorana definitely felt something strong toward Keld. It was probably the desire to sleep on her, but she didn't have the energy to think about what else it could be. Maybe she'd have to think about it while she was taking a nap on her. Or maybe she could- The group of girls began walking away from the school and Fiorana left her train of thought behind as she began following the girls. As they headed back to BellaDonna's house, Fiorana felt just slightly uncomfortable. The presence of two new people was intimidating, especially since she didn't really know these girls all too well. She had seen them hanging around Isla and she was sure that Isla was comfortable around them, but it felt like she was third wheeling in a way. She hoped that when they got to the house, that would change.

When they got to the house, the two friends of Isla seemed confused as to why you knock. Fiorana had always knocked on instinct, mostly because it was polite. BellaDonna always seemed to encourage it and Fiorana had had a chat with her about it once. BellaDonna had always said that since girls were coming and going a lot that a knock was a sign of warning in case you were about to open the door. She didn't want anyone being hurt, especially when they were about to go have a good time somewhere or learn something important.

As they entered, the activities of the people in the house were normal. She could see Thomas and Sukina, who both seemed to have just arrived. She nodded to Thomas and Sukina, but then Thomas began talking. As soon as she had said the word magic, Fiorana had barely any reaction. The way she had said it was completely normal, so there was nothing to worry about. She looked down the hall and saw a flash of red. Must've been Steph. She seemed to be running to the bathroom. Maybe she got carried away with her work again and forgot to go to the bathroom?

Thomas made a B-line for the kitchen and Fiorana quickly followed, turning to the girls and saying, "I'll be making preparations as well." Fiorana did not plan to make preparations. She was on the hunt for her pillow and Thomas had given her an opening to leave. Fiorana tried to open the door to the kitchen, but it didn't seem to budge. Instead, she zoomed through the open archway that wasn't too far away. As she entered, she saw her target. Keld seemed to be making a sandwich, but Fiorana was determined. Fiorana saw Thomas laying against the door. It confirmed that this was the reason she couldn't open the door. Now, it was time to execute the mission. Fiorana's eyes honed in on her target area, Keld's chest. Fiorana did not rush her yet, as her chest was protected by her arms that were making a sandwich. As soon as she was finished, Fiorana would strike and her prey would be providing her a nice way to get a nap in after a long day at school.
@Kate @Sailor Moon @SaberWolf @Random
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Stephette Paprika
[glow=#ff6554]『Black Jack Conjurer』[/glow]
[glow=#ff6554]"Huh?! Isla's here?!"[/glow]

Stephette had not opted to immediately get to cleaning her face.
As a matter of fact, she had reasoned that her clothes were a bigger priority, what with fabric's capacity for stains. It had been useful at first, but when she wasn't actively trying to colour her outfit, she would have much rather it stayed the way it was, and so, started with her hat. She had gotten to attempting to beat the dust out of it with a towel when she became aware of someone outside, in the hall.

Bonnibell looked up at the girl that had just introduced herself. Her first thought was about how tall she was, and how blonde her hair was. Thomas had lots of golden blonde hair, not unlike Elizabeth's. She almost caught on to how...nervous she seemed to be around them, though Thomas did seem nice enough. Was she mad that Isla had guests? Was this one of Isla's close friends, or just an acquaintance? Bonnibell couldn't tell, but she continued to stare at Thomas, who seemed to be lost in thought. She waited patiently, then glanced back at Isla and Elizabeth with a curious shrug.

"They will be staying for dinner, actually, since they will be my overnight guests." Isla simply smirked at Thomas, noting that the blonde's cheeks reddened as she spoke. "Bonnie and Elizabeth are very well behaved."

"As a matter of fact I'm an excellent chef. Why don't I help you with those preparations?" Elizabeth chimed, raising her hand slightly to show herself. She didn't wait for Thomas' response, instead, following behind Thomas as she travelled to the kitchen.

"Isla, do you have a bathroom I could use?" Bonnie asked, as the other three girls left.

"Bathroom? What's that?" Isla questioned teasingly, her eyes brightening with a smile. "Sure. I'll show you." The raven-haired girl took Bonnie by the hand gently and led her up the spiral staircase. She could already hear water running and a light shuffling from behind the door. Isla could only guess who was behind the door, but instead of assuming, she gave a light knock on the door.

"Hello? Is everything okay in there?" Isla asked, her tone a little sarcastic and teasing. Bonnie snickered from behind Isla as they awaited a response.

"[glow=#FF0D8E]I[/glow][glow=#FF269A]-[/glow][glow=#FF3FA7]I[/glow][glow=#FF59B3]s[/glow][glow=#FF72C0]l[/glow][glow=#FF8CCC]a[/glow][glow=#FF7CB5].[/glow][glow=#FF6C9D].[/glow][glow=#FF5C86].[/glow][glow=#FF4C6E]?[/glow][glow=#FF3D57]![/glow]" the voice on the other side stuttered anxiously. "[glow=#FF0000]A[/glow][glow=#FF7500]h[/glow][glow=#FFEB00].[/glow] [glow=#27FF00]A[/glow][glow=#00FF4E]h[/glow][glow=#00FFC4]e[/glow][glow=#00C4FF]m[/glow][glow=#004EFF].[/glow] [glow=#9C00FF]U[/glow][glow=#FF00EB]m[/glow][glow=#FF0075].[/glow] [glow=#FF0000]I[/glow] [glow=#FF2300]m[/glow][glow=#FF3400]e[/glow][glow=#FF4600]s[/glow][glow=#FF5700]s[/glow][glow=#FF6900]e[/glow][glow=#FF7B00]d[/glow] [glow=#FF9E00]s[/glow][glow=#FFAF00]o[/glow][glow=#FFC100]m[/glow][glow=#FFD300]e[/glow][glow=#FFE400]t[/glow][glow=#FFF600]h[/glow][glow=#F6FF00]i[/glow][glow=#E4FF00]n[/glow][glow=#D3FF00]g[/glow] [glow=#AFFF00]u[/glow][glow=#9EFF00]p[/glow][glow=#8CFF00],[/glow] [glow=#69FF00]a[/glow][glow=#57FF00]n[/glow][glow=#46FF00]d[/glow] [glow=#23FF00]g[/glow][glow=#11FF00]o[/glow][glow=#00FF00]t[/glow] [glow=#00FF23]i[/glow][glow=#00FF34]n[/glow] [glow=#00FF57]a[/glow] [glow=#00FF7B]s[/glow][glow=#00FF8C]t[/glow][glow=#00FF9E]a[/glow][glow=#00FFAF]t[/glow][glow=#00FFC1]e[/glow][glow=#00FFD3],[/glow] [glow=#00FFF6]s[/glow][glow=#00F6FF]o[/glow] [glow=#00D3FF]I[/glow][glow=#00C1FF]'[/glow][glow=#00AFFF]m[/glow] [glow=#008CFF]j[/glow][glow=#007BFF]u[/glow][glow=#0069FF]s[/glow][glow=#0057FF]t[/glow] [glow=#0034FF]c[/glow][glow=#0023FF]l[/glow][glow=#0011FF]e[/glow][glow=#0000FF]a[/glow][glow=#1100FF]n[/glow][glow=#2300FF]i[/glow][glow=#3400FF]n[/glow][glow=#4600FF]g[/glow] [glow=#6900FF]m[/glow][glow=#7B00FF]y[/glow][glow=#8C00FF]s[/glow][glow=#9E00FF]e[/glow][glow=#AF00FF]l[/glow][glow=#C100FF]f[/glow] [glow=#E400FF]u[/glow][glow=#F600FF]p[/glow][glow=#FF00F6].[/glow] [glow=#FF00D3]N[/glow][glow=#FF00C1]o[/glow] [glow=#FF009E]b[/glow][glow=#FF008C]i[/glow][glow=#FF007B]g[/glow] [glow=#FF0057]d[/glow][glow=#FF0046]e[/glow][glow=#FF0034]a[/glow][glow=#FF0023]l[/glow][glow=#FF0011].[/glow]"
She shook out her hat, mumbling something to herself about sneaking up on her.
"[glow=#FF0000]Y[/glow][glow=#FF2900]-[/glow][glow=#FF5200]Y[/glow][glow=#FF7C00]o[/glow][glow=#FFA500]u[/glow] [glow=#FFF800]c[/glow][glow=#DCFF00]a[/glow][glow=#B3FF00]n[/glow] [glow=#60FF00]c[/glow][glow=#37FF00]o[/glow][glow=#0DFF00]m[/glow][glow=#00FF1B]e[/glow] [glow=#00FF6E]i[/glow][glow=#00FF97]n[/glow] [glow=#00FFEA]i[/glow][glow=#00EAFF]f[/glow] [glow=#0097FF]y[/glow][glow=#006EFF]o[/glow][glow=#0044FF]u[/glow] [glow=#0D00FF]l[/glow][glow=#3700FF]i[/glow][glow=#6000FF]k[/glow][glow=#8900FF]e[/glow][glow=#B300FF],[/glow] [glow=#FF00F8]b[/glow][glow=#FF00CE]u[/glow][glow=#FF00A5]t[/glow][glow=#FF007C].[/glow][glow=#FF0052].[/glow][glow=#FF0029].[/glow]"

Isla perked up when Steph spoke up from behind the door. A devilish grin appeared on her face, and she folded her arms behind her back, her fingers lacing together.

"Oh! That's okay, Steph. I wouldn't want to stress you out any more, what with the your meeting with that truancy officer and all."

Bonnie covered her hands with her mouth to suppress her laughter, while Isla leaned in closer to the door. Her lips parted as she eagerly listened for some sort of reaction.

"[glow=#FF0000].[/glow][glow=#FF2300].[/glow][glow=#FF4700].[/glow][glow=#FF6A00]M[/glow][glow=#FF8E00]y[/glow] [glow=#FFD500]w[/glow][glow=#FFF900]h[/glow][glow=#E1FF00]a[/glow][glow=#BDFF00]t[/glow][glow=#9AFF00]?[/glow] [glow=#53FF00]W[/glow][glow=#2FFF00]h[/glow][glow=#0BFF00]a[/glow][glow=#00FF17]t[/glow][glow=#00FF3B]?[/glow] [glow=#00FF82]I[/glow] [glow=#00FFC9]d[/glow][glow=#00FFED]i[/glow][glow=#00EDFF]d[/glow][glow=#00C9FF]n[/glow][glow=#00A6FF]'[/glow][glow=#0082FF]t[/glow] [glow=#003BFF]k[/glow][glow=#0017FF]n[/glow][glow=#0B00FF]o[/glow][glow=#2F00FF]w[/glow] [glow=#7600FF]a[/glow][glow=#9A00FF]b[/glow][glow=#BD00FF]o[/glow][glow=#E100FF]u[/glow][glow=#FF00F9]t[/glow] [glow=#FF00B1]t[/glow][glow=#FF008E]h[/glow][glow=#FF006A]a[/glow][glow=#FF0047]t[/glow][glow=#FF0023].[/glow]"
Stephette's voice was slowly becoming for frantic.
"[glow=#FF0000]U[/glow][glow=#FF1F00]h[/glow][glow=#FF3F00].[/glow] [glow=#FF7F00]U[/glow][glow=#FF9F00]m[/glow][glow=#FFBF00].[/glow] [glow=#FFFF00]O[/glow][glow=#DFFF00]h[/glow][glow=#BFFF00].[/glow] [glow=#7FFF00]I[/glow][glow=#5FFF00]s[/glow] [glow=#1FFF00]t[/glow][glow=#00FF00]h[/glow][glow=#00FF1F]i[/glow][glow=#00FF3F]s[/glow] [glow=#00FF7F]b[/glow][glow=#00FF9F]e[/glow][glow=#00FFBF]c[/glow][glow=#00FFDF]a[/glow][glow=#00FEFF]u[/glow][glow=#00DFFF]s[/glow][glow=#00BFFF]e[/glow] [glow=#007FFF]i[/glow][glow=#005FFF]t[/glow] [glow=#001FFF]w[/glow][glow=#0000FF]a[/glow][glow=#1F00FF]s[/glow] [glow=#5F00FF]t[/glow][glow=#7F00FF]h[/glow][glow=#9F00FF]e[/glow] [glow=#DF00FF]l[/glow][glow=#FF00FE]a[/glow][glow=#FF00DF]s[/glow][glow=#FF00BF]t[/glow] [glow=#FF007F]d[/glow][glow=#FF005F]a[/glow][glow=#FF003F]y[/glow][glow=#FF001F]?[/glow] [glow=#FF0000]N[/glow][glow=#FF1E00]o[/glow] [glow=#FF5B00]w[/glow][glow=#FF7A00]a[/glow][glow=#FF9900]y[/glow][glow=#FFB700]![/glow] [glow=#FFF400]T[/glow][glow=#EAFF00]h[/glow][glow=#CBFF00]e[/glow][glow=#ADFF00]y[/glow] [glow=#70FF00]c[/glow][glow=#51FF00]a[/glow][glow=#32FF00]n[/glow][glow=#14FF00]'[/glow][glow=#00FF0A]t[/glow] [glow=#00FF47]h[/glow][glow=#00FF66]a[/glow][glow=#00FF84]n[/glow][glow=#00FFA3]g[/glow] [glow=#00FFE0]m[/glow][glow=#00FEFF]e[/glow] [glow=#00C1FF]f[/glow][glow=#00A3FF]o[/glow][glow=#0084FF]r[/glow] [glow=#0047FF]t[/glow][glow=#0028FF]h[/glow][glow=#000AFF]a[/glow][glow=#1400FF]t[/glow][glow=#3200FF],[/glow] [glow=#7000FF]r[/glow][glow=#8E00FF]i[/glow][glow=#AD00FF]g[/glow][glow=#CC00FF]h[/glow][glow=#EA00FF]t[/glow][glow=#FF00F4]?[/glow] [glow=#FF00B7]R[/glow][glow=#FF0098]i[/glow][glow=#FF007A]g[/glow][glow=#FF005B]h[/glow][glow=#FF003D]t[/glow][glow=#FF001E]?[/glow] [glow=#FF0000]T[/glow][glow=#FF1E00]h[/glow][glow=#FF3C00]e[/glow][glow=#FF5A00]r[/glow][glow=#FF7800]e[/glow][glow=#FF9600]'[/glow][glow=#FFB400]s[/glow] [glow=#FFF000]j[/glow][glow=#EFFF00]u[/glow][glow=#D2FF00]s[/glow][glow=#B3FF00]t[/glow] [glow=#78FF00]h[/glow][glow=#59FF00]o[/glow][glow=#3BFF00]m[/glow][glow=#1DFF00]e[/glow][glow=#00FF00]w[/glow][glow=#00FF1E]o[/glow][glow=#00FF3C]r[/glow][glow=#00FF5A]k[/glow][glow=#00FF78]![/glow] [glow=#00FFB4]N[/glow][glow=#00FFD2]o[/glow][glow=#00FFF0]t[/glow][glow=#00F0FF]h[/glow][glow=#00D1FF]i[/glow][glow=#00B3FF]n[/glow][glow=#0095FF]g[/glow] [glow=#005AFF]i[/glow][glow=#003BFF]m[/glow][glow=#001DFF]p[/glow][glow=#0000FF]o[/glow][glow=#1E00FF]r[/glow][glow=#3C00FF]t[/glow][glow=#5A00FF]a[/glow][glow=#7800FF]n[/glow][glow=#9500FF]t[/glow][glow=#B400FF]![/glow] [glow=#F000FF]H[/glow][glow=#FF00EF]o[/glow][glow=#FF00D1]m[/glow][glow=#FF00B3]e[/glow][glow=#FF0095]w[/glow][glow=#FF0078]o[/glow][glow=#FF0059]r[/glow][glow=#FF003B]k[/glow][glow=#FF001D]![/glow]"
She began stumbling around, her bumbling clearly audible on the other side of the door, and it swung open, with the girl only just qualifying as decent, with buttons undone, lace untied, skirt mostly up, with anything indecent just about covered.
"[glow=#430085]W[/glow][glow=#430390]-[/glow][glow=#44079B]W[/glow][glow=#450BA6]h[/glow][glow=#460EB1]a[/glow][glow=#4712BC]t[/glow] [glow=#491AD2]a[/glow][glow=#4A1DDD]m[/glow] [glow=#4C25F3]I[/glow] [glow=#4F25F6]g[/glow][glow=#5121EE]o[/glow][glow=#541DE5]n[/glow][glow=#561ADD]n[/glow][glow=#5816D5]a[/glow] [glow=#5D0EC4]d[/glow][glow=#5F0BBC]o[/glow][glow=#6207B3]?[/glow][glow=#6403AB]![/glow] [glow=#430085]W[/glow][glow=#440491]h[/glow][glow=#45089D]a[/glow][glow=#460CA9]t[/glow][glow=#4710B5]'[/glow][glow=#4814C1]s[/glow] [glow=#4A1CDA]g[/glow][glow=#4B20E6]o[/glow][glow=#4C24F2]n[/glow][glow=#4D29FE]n[/glow][glow=#4F24F5]a[/glow] [glow=#541CE3]h[/glow][glow=#5718DA]a[/glow][glow=#5914D0]p[/glow][glow=#5C10C7]p[/glow][glow=#5F0CBE]e[/glow][glow=#6108B5]n[/glow][glow=#6404AC]?[/glow][glow=#6600A3]![/glow] [glow=#430085]I[/glow][glow=#43038E]'[/glow][glow=#440697]m[/glow] [glow=#460CAA]n[/glow][glow=#460FB3]o[/glow][glow=#4712BD]t[/glow] [glow=#4919D0]g[/glow][glow=#491CD9]o[/glow][glow=#4A1FE2]n[/glow][glow=#4B22EC]n[/glow][glow=#4C25F5]a[/glow] [glow=#4F25F7]d[/glow][glow=#5122F0]i[/glow][glow=#531FE9]e[/glow][glow=#551CE2],[/glow] [glow=#5916D4]r[/glow][glow=#5B12CD]i[/glow][glow=#5D0FC6]g[/glow][glow=#5F0CBF]h[/glow][glow=#6109B8]t[/glow][glow=#6306B1]?[/glow][glow=#6503AA]![/glow]"

"Yeah. Apparently the school is cracking down on skippers and sending truancy officers to their houses." Isla replied with a big smile. She didn't even need to press her ear to the door to hear how Steph was handling all of this news.

She backed up when the doorknob began to turn and Steph's voice got closer. Smiling at the dishevelled mess that was Steph, she went to pat her on the head to smooth her hair out.

"Oh. You won't die. They just want to ask you a few questions, the worst they can do is have you come to the school over break to make up for it." Isla continued, her hands shifting delicately to the unlaced corset half hanging around Steph's waist. She and Bonnie made quick, graceful work of the lace until it was holding Steph in place again. "As long as you look presentable they should let you off with a warning."

"Just be sure to look extra sad, then they'll be sure to excuse you." Bonnibel spoke up cheerfully.

"Here, they're downstairs waiting. Would you like me to come with you, Steph?" Isla asked gently, her hands resting on Steph's shoulders reassuringly. Without another word, Isla began leading Steph downstairs while Bonnie went into the bathroom.

Steph's shoulders tensed up a little in response, but it seemed instinctive. She would normally be flushing and squirming right about now, but she had other things on her mind.
"[glow=#430085]I[/glow][glow=#430086]s[/glow][glow=#430188]l[/glow][glow=#43018A]a[/glow][glow=#43028B].[/glow] [glow=#43038F]I[/glow] [glow=#440492]c[/glow][glow=#440594]a[/glow][glow=#440596]n[/glow][glow=#440698]'[/glow][glow=#440799]t[/glow] [glow=#44089D]g[/glow][glow=#45089F]o[/glow] [glow=#4509A2]b[/glow][glow=#450AA4]a[/glow][glow=#450BA6]c[/glow][glow=#450BA7]k[/glow] [glow=#460CAB]t[/glow][glow=#460DAD]o[/glow] [glow=#460EB0]s[/glow][glow=#460FB2]c[/glow][glow=#460FB4]h[/glow][glow=#4610B5]o[/glow][glow=#4710B7]o[/glow][glow=#4711B9]l[/glow] [glow=#4712BC]d[/glow][glow=#4713BE]u[/glow][glow=#4713C0]r[/glow][glow=#4714C1]i[/glow][glow=#4815C3]n[/glow][glow=#4815C5]g[/glow] [glow=#4816C8]t[/glow][glow=#4817CA]h[/glow][glow=#4818CC]e[/glow] [glow=#4919CF]b[/glow][glow=#4919D1]r[/glow][glow=#491AD3]e[/glow][glow=#491AD5]a[/glow][glow=#491BD6]k[/glow][glow=#491CD8].[/glow] [glow=#4A1DDC]T[/glow][glow=#4A1DDD]h[/glow][glow=#4A1EDF]e[/glow][glow=#4A1FE1]r[/glow][glow=#4A1FE3]e[/glow][glow=#4A20E4]'[/glow][glow=#4A20E6]s[/glow] [glow=#4B21EA]a[/glow][glow=#4B22EB]b[/glow][glow=#4B23ED]s[/glow][glow=#4B23EF]o[/glow][glow=#4B24F1]l[/glow][glow=#4B24F2]u[/glow][glow=#4C25F4]t[/glow][glow=#4C26F6]e[/glow][glow=#4C26F8]l[/glow][glow=#4C27F9]y[/glow] [glow=#4C28FD]n[/glow][glow=#4C29FE]o[/glow] [glow=#4D27FC]w[/glow][glow=#4E27FB]a[/glow][glow=#4E26F9]y[/glow] [glow=#4F25F7]I[/glow] [glow=#4F24F4]c[/glow][glow=#5023F3]a[/glow][glow=#5023F1]n[/glow] [glow=#5121EF]d[/glow][glow=#5121ED]o[/glow] [glow=#5220EB]t[/glow][glow=#521FE9]h[/glow][glow=#531FE8]a[/glow][glow=#531EE7]t[/glow][glow=#541DE6].[/glow] [glow=#541CE3]I[/glow][glow=#551CE2]'[/glow][glow=#551BE0]l[/glow][glow=#551ADF]l[/glow] [glow=#5619DC]a[/glow][glow=#5719DB]b[/glow][glow=#5718DA]s[/glow][glow=#5718D8]o[/glow][glow=#5817D7]l[/glow][glow=#5816D6]u[/glow][glow=#5816D4]t[/glow][glow=#5915D3]e[/glow][glow=#5915D2]l[/glow][glow=#5914D0]y[/glow][glow=#5A13CF],[/glow] [glow=#5B12CD]w[/glow][glow=#5B12CB]i[/glow][glow=#5B11CA]t[/glow][glow=#5C10C9]h[/glow][glow=#5C10C7]o[/glow][glow=#5C0FC6]u[/glow][glow=#5D0FC5]t[/glow] [glow=#5E0EC2]a[/glow] [glow=#5E0CBF]d[/glow][glow=#5F0CBE]o[/glow][glow=#5F0BBD]u[/glow][glow=#5F0BBB]b[/glow][glow=#600ABA]t[/glow][glow=#6009B9],[/glow] [glow=#6108B6]d[/glow][glow=#6108B5]e[/glow][glow=#6207B4]f[/glow][glow=#6207B2]i[/glow][glow=#6206B1]n[/glow][glow=#6305B0]i[/glow][glow=#6305AE]t[/glow][glow=#6404AD]e[/glow][glow=#6404AC]l[/glow][glow=#6403AA]y[/glow] [glow=#6502A8]d[/glow][glow=#6501A6]i[/glow][glow=#6601A5]e[/glow][glow=#6600A4]![/glow]"
She looked around, the butterflies in her stomach painfully obvious as she dusted her face off and tried to tie her clothes up behind her as she made her way down the stairs at an uncomfortable pace.​
  • Love
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Dabria "Bria" Kim


  • ******************************************************

    Location: Belladonna's house, first floor, bottom of stairs.


    After a long debate against a tree on the side line of the sidewalk she decided she had plenty of time to explore the city during her free week. She was starving anyways. Maybe she would cook dinner for everyone in order to get to know everyone. She really needed to stop hiding in her room. She wasn't that type of person normally.

    Thinking quickly about what was in the refrigerator she could make a chicken garlic pasta and a salad. With the sandwich bread she could make garlic bread. The idea in mind she set off for the house.

    Once she arrived she entered she headed towards the stairs and saw Isla , Steph and two people she most definitely didn't know. She studied everyone cautiously. Bria had been told not to tell anyone about magick or being a witch. Unsure if these people knew, she had to be careful.

    "Hey...um...," she started a little nervously then mentally kicked herself, "I was thinking of making salad and pasta for dinner for everyone, are these girls sticking around? Got to know how much to cook."

    She stood straight and tall, well as tall as she could get at under five feet tall. Her grey eyes were hard and she held herself with more confidence.

    @Kate @Sailor Moon @SaberWolf @Random @★Under The Stars★
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As Keld was on her way to the dining room to eat her sandwich. She heard Thomas open the door after someone knocked. Keld hadn't a clue who would be at the door, no one here would have to knock since they lived here and they hardly ever got a visitor unless they were trying to sell something. And after a few harmless pranks on them when they were standing outside of the door, they knew not to come back. So she glanced at the door as she passed to see Isla, Fiorana, and two other girls that she didn't recognize.

Her eyes fell on the girls as they walked through the door and Thomas greeting them before one of the new girls followed her into the kitchen. She glanced at the other girl and Isla before they went upstairs in search of a bathroom. Blue eyes watched the girls ascend the stairs before pulling a chair out at the dining room table and sitting down. She ate her sandwich in general silence, listening to the clamoring in the kitchen and then a few moments later, the drumming of footsteps coming down the stairs. Keld took the last bite of her sandwich before sighing in satisfaction.

Keld stood when she saw Isla, Stephette, and Isla's friend coming down the stairs. Then, the other new girl to the house, Dabria, walked through the front door. Keld rolled her eyes slightly before shaking her head, hardly ever a moment of peace. Even after eating her sandwich, Keld was always ready to eat again. So when Dabria mentioned what she would add to dinner, Keld hummed and nodded her head.

"I can always eat more food." She grinned before glancing at Isla with a bright smile. "There's my Island," Keld tilted her head to see the red headed girl. "Who's your friend?" Then, she noticed how...defeated, Stephette looked. "And what's wrong with Stephie? I don't know if I've ever seen her so...depressed?" Keld took a few steps forward and gently poked Stephette's face. "You all right, Shrimp?"

Mys Bellyoung


Mys sat in her room, bent over a deep purple piece of paper, dotted in stars. Sunlight filled the room through an open curtain, highlighting the particles of dust that floated through the space. It glimmered off a collection of watches and gems, reflecting a galaxy of light onto wall. The girl's room, while spacious and organized, was packed to the brim, filled with various trinkets and baubles. One the leftmost wall hung dozens of large and intricate hats, while more still formed a small mountain underneath them. Her bed, a grand canopy of purple fabric, was unmade, the deep purple quilting thrown messily to the side. On it, nuzzled up into her pillow, sat her familiar, his black tipped tail tightly curled around him. On the corner of the desk, sat a small venus fly trap, its mouth closed tight as it digested it afternoon snack.

Because today marks the day Mercury will begin it path intro retrograde, you can expect to see some relationships fall apart in the next few weeks. Most notably, with your significant other.

Mys looked to the star map by her side, then back at the paper. She couldn't just leave off there. She frowned, bouncing her leg as she thought of what to say.

Fortunately, by the time of the new moon, you will have gained a new friendship, that should last for many years.

Mys paused, then sighed.

Finally, next month you will stumble upon an unexpected but bountiful opportunity.

Mys rolled her eyes. The last sentence was quite unlikely, but unless she made her client think something good would happen to them eventually, they wouldn't continue with her horoscope service.

Tch, Gemini's are so fussy.

Flicking a strand of hair out of her eye, Mys began to sign the letter.

May the stars shine upon you, Madam-

Suddenly, a large bang from one of the other rooms rang through walls, making Mys jump and sending her hand sliding across the page. "Šūdas!" In a rage, Mys quickly grabbed the paper and jumped out of her chair, storming out the room and into the hallway. She quickly ran to Stephette's room, before huffing in annoyance to have found the room empty.

"Stephette?! Stephette, where are you?! I know you did this!"

Mys barreled down the stairs, calling out loudly. Whenever she wasn't calling for Stephette, she was cursing under her breath, vowing to get her revenge. As she made it to the bottom of the stairs, she saw the girl's bright red hair, and went storming towards her.

"Stephette, tu kvailys!" Mys shouted, holding out the smeared piece of paper. "Look what you've done!"
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Lucrezia Tomasz
[[ A W K W A R D • B L O N D E ]]

Thomas' hopes for peace and quiet were short-lived once more.

Keld may have finished in the kitchen, but Fioranna followed the blonde into the room in search of... something. Thomas wasn't entirely sure of what, exactly, as the silver-haired witch said nothing, but the look in her eyes made it clear she hadn't found it. At least that meant it wasn't Thomas. There was another push against the kitchen door as someone else tried to enter and Thomas knew then that it was only a matter of time before they went around the arch to the back end of the kitchen too. She was not going to be left alone that easily.

So, with a sigh, Thomas pulled herself up and brushed herself off. There were no mirrors in the kitchen, so Thomas had to make do with peering up at the nearest window and trying to catch a glimpse of herself in its reflection to see if she was still as bright red as she felt. The click-clack of heels on tiles announced the arrival of the kitchen's latest entrant and Thomas spun around to find herself looking at Elizabeth. Was she about to call her out on being a witch?

Thomas hoped not.

"Elizabeth," she squeaked, brushing a few strands of long blonde hair back and smiling awkwardly. "Wh-what are you doing here? Shouldn't you be with Isla?"

Elizabeth smiled and shook her head. "I volunteered to come and help you with dinner, plus I wanted a chance to see more of this place. I've been in old houses before, and big houses too, but there's something a bit special about this place that I can't put my finger on." She tapped said finger against her chin, "It's just a sort of vibe to it, as if there's some kind of magic in the air."

Thomas' eyes went wide and the blood drained from her face. Did she know? Had she worked it out? Was this why she had sneaked away to confront Thomas in private?

"Not that I believe in that stuff," added Elizabeth, quickly, seeing the look on Thomas' face and responding to it. "It's just that I was told stories like that when I was growing up and this is exactly the kind of house I imagined."

"Well, that, um," Thomas was flustered. Perhaps Elizabeth didn't know anything and perhaps Thomas hadn't ruined everyone's lives forever with her slip of the tongue. "I suppose I don't think about that sort of thing. It's just home to me."

"Didn't you think that sort of thing when you joined the home?" asked Elizabeth. "You must have thought something along those lines the first time you saw this place, surely?"

Thomas shook her head. "I've been here for close to ten years now, I-I was just a child when I arrived here and even then I had more on my mind than noticing the architecture of the house..."

Knowing better than to say too much and depress a house guest, Thomas stopped herself continuing. Unfortunately, she lacked the social grace to move on to another subject and so let that hang awkwardly in the air.

Fortunately, Elizabeth had social grace to spare. "Well, anyway, I'm here now to help with dinner!" she curtsied again and moved towards a rack where aprons hung on the wall opposite the window. "I'm an excellent chef, so I'm at your disposal. What are we cooking?"

Thomas blinked and cursed herself inwardly. She had never planned to make dinner, she had just been looking for an excuse to leave the room. "Well, I wasn't sure. I thought maybe... as we've got so many people in the house today... we could... um... well, that is... if people aren't too hungry... or in too much of a rush..." Thomas headed straight for the ice box in the corner of the room, before heaving a sigh of relief. "How does stuffed pork sound?" she asked, pulling the paper-wrapped joint of meat out of the box and holding it up in front of Elizabeth. "There's plenty to go around, but it will take a bit of time to cook properly."

  • Love
Reactions: Saber and envogue
Dabria "Bria" Kim


  • ******************************************************

    Location: Belladonna's house, first floor, bottom of stairs.


    Bria smiled at Keld, while she had stayed away from the girls over the last few weeks she couldn't help but like her. Even though she was eating a sandwich she had taken her peace offering of cooking for everyone. Honestly, she had been a little worried they would kick it into her face then she probably would have been pissed. Bria wasn't normally this shy or meek but having been thrown literally into a whole knew world and knocked her down a few notches but she was slowly finding her feet.

    "Ok, Keld. I can assume Steph and Isla, you guys want to eat as well since everyone will be wanting dinner," she started to state when noise up the stairs distracted her.

    Bria cringed when Mys came barreling down the stairs pissed like a cat thrown in water. Bria always thought she was a bit high strung especially when it came to Steph. Steph was like herself couldn't control her magick. Steph wasn't a newbie like Bria but they had the magick thing in common. Steph's magick made things go boom. Bria just vanished and re-appeared in another room. Isla had gotten a shock to find Bria in her bedroom one night during her first week there. Bria though the 'go booms' were hilarious reminding her of the fiction novels she had read when she was younger.

    "Mys back off," Bria snapped, "not everyone is in control yet," she said trying to be careful with her words aware of the strangers in the house.

    Bria didn't have control of her magick and had Mys come yelling at her like that, Mys would have seen another side of her completely. Just seeing Mys aloof attitude as she waved paper in Steph's face ticked Bria off. It reminded her of too many of the girls in the other orphanage she had been in. Girls thinking they were above everyone else or at least whoever they thought made too many mistakes while they tried to be perfect. Maybe Bria was wrong but currently she didn't care.

    Bris reached forward and ripped the paper from Mys hand before shoving it back at her, "it's rude to shove stuff in people's face and blame them for things that may not have been their fault," she growled in rage on behalf of Steph.

    @Kate @Sailor Moon @SaberWolf @Random @★Under The Stars★

  • Bast
    [tab=Catalyst & Abilities][/tab]

  • Magical Catalyst: Pair of daggers made of Stygian Iron gifted by the Death's Gate Keeper


    Specialty Magic: Spirit

    Summoning of spirits/Sense the dead: can sense where someone died and if spirits are near by and can call forth spirits to earth's realm from beyond the gate.

    Communication with the dead: can speak with spirits and use for spying and distraction as spirits can move objects

    Spirit Shield: creates a barrier around her using spirits, more dead bodies in the areas stronger the shield, inside a cemetery her barrier is near unbreakable.

    Possession: Can become possessed with a spirit; can use their past abilities when they were alive for 15 minutes, gains their memories of their life and any magical knowledge (doesn't mean she can use spells she hasn't actually learn or used before, she has the knowledge but not the experience).

    Graveyard's Tomb: summons tombstones to entrap people/things into a tomb.

    Downside: all abilities use her energy, so more she uses the more tired she gets, if she over does it she becomes temporarily blind.

    Secondary Magic: Shadow

    Night Sight: Can see in the dark with near perfect clarity.

    Darkness Falls: entraps everyone within 20 feet of her into utter and complete silent darkness.

    Shadow Travel: Can use shadows to move from one location to another, if there are not shadows in other location will be thrown back. She can also hide in shadows and be unseen.

    Shadow Manipulation: can use existing shadows to physically grab things, hold things/people in place, etc.

  • c1070101_3d57ccbaaad1215a7b643c21a6791345.jpg

    Age: 16

    Height: 4' 10"

    Weight: 100lb

    Ethnicity: Half Korea, Half Russian

    Hair Color: Black

    Eye Color: Grey

    Sexual Orientation: Straight (possible bi-curious)

    She was an orphan and couldn't remember her family as she was three years old when she was dumped at a church doorstep. After a while, it was obvious that she was different from other children. Things happened around her that couldn't be explained. She was often seen talking to 'herself' or appearing out of no where. When she turned 16 someone came to the orphanage supposedly her new case worker explaining that she was being moved to a new home. She was taken from the orphanage to Belladonna's Home for Girls.
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Stephette Paprika
[glow=#ff6554]『Black Jack Conjurer』[/glow]
[glow=#ff6554]"Gotta deal with this in a calm, logical way...! 。(>^<)。"[/glow]

Stephette practically recoiled at her face being prodded, snapping her out of whatever nightmare reverie she had been stuck in.
"[glow=#FF0D8E]W[/glow][glow=#FF1190]-[/glow][glow=#FF1592]W[/glow][glow=#FF1994]h[/glow][glow=#FF1D96]o[/glow] [glow=#FF269A]a[/glow][glow=#FF2A9C]r[/glow][glow=#FF2E9E]e[/glow] [glow=#FF37A2]y[/glow][glow=#FF3BA5]o[/glow][glow=#FF3FA7]u[/glow] [glow=#FF48AB]c[/glow][glow=#FF4CAD]a[/glow][glow=#FF50AF]l[/glow][glow=#FF54B1]l[/glow][glow=#FF59B3]i[/glow][glow=#FF5DB5]n[/glow][glow=#FF61B7]g[/glow] [glow=#FF6ABC]a[/glow] [glow=#FF72C0]s[/glow][glow=#FF76C2]h[/glow][glow=#FF7BC4]r[/glow][glow=#FF7FC6]i[/glow][glow=#FF83C8]m[/glow][glow=#FF87CA]p[/glow][glow=#FF8CCC],[/glow] [glow=#FF86C5]y[/glow][glow=#FF84C1]o[/glow][glow=#FF81BD]u[/glow] [glow=#FF7CB5]f[/glow][glow=#FF79B1]a[/glow][glow=#FF76AD]i[/glow][glow=#FF74A9]r[/glow][glow=#FF71A5]y[/glow] [glow=#FF6C9D]t[/glow][glow=#FF6999]a[/glow][glow=#FF6795]l[/glow][glow=#FF6491]e[/glow] [glow=#FF5F8A]p[/glow][glow=#FF5C86]r[/glow][glow=#FF5982]o[/glow][glow=#FF577E]t[/glow][glow=#FF547A]a[/glow][glow=#FF5276]g[/glow][glow=#FF4F72]o[/glow][glow=#FF4C6E]n[/glow][glow=#FF4A6A]i[/glow][glow=#FF4766]s[/glow][glow=#FF4462]t[/glow][glow=#FF425E]?[/glow][glow=#FF3F5A]![/glow]" she cried. Immediately returning to the real world to the sight of Keld's face, she spared not a single moment collecting herself, her face brightening until she was able to be aptly described as a ball of red.
[glow=#FF0000]N[/glow][glow=#FF3300]o[/glow][glow=#FF6600],[/glow] [glow=#FFCC00]n[/glow][glow=#FFFF00]o[/glow][glow=#CBFF00],[/glow] [glow=#65FF00]n[/glow][glow=#32FF00]o[/glow][glow=#00FF00],[/glow] [glow=#00FF66]n[/glow][glow=#00FF99]o[/glow][glow=#00FFCC],[/glow] [glow=#00CBFF]w[/glow][glow=#0098FF]a[/glow][glow=#0065FF]i[/glow][glow=#0032FF]t[/glow] [glow=#3200FF]a[/glow] [glow=#9900FF]s[/glow][glow=#CC00FF]e[/glow][glow=#FF00FE]c[/glow][glow=#FF00CB]o[/glow][glow=#FF0098]n[/glow][glow=#FF0065]d[/glow][glow=#FF0032].[/glow]
That was right! A helping hand was exactly what she needed right now!
Firmly placing her hands on Keld's shoulders, she looked into the girl's eyes with a solemn expression.
"[glow=#FF0000]K[/glow][glow=#FF2600]e[/glow][glow=#FF4C00]l[/glow][glow=#FF7200]d[/glow][glow=#FF9900].[/glow] [glow=#FFE500]I[/glow] [glow=#CBFF00]n[/glow][glow=#A5FF00]e[/glow][glow=#7FFF00]e[/glow][glow=#59FF00]d[/glow] [glow=#0CFF00]y[/glow][glow=#00FF19]o[/glow][glow=#00FF3F]u[/glow][glow=#00FF66].[/glow] [glow=#00FFB2]I[/glow] [glow=#00FEFF]c[/glow][glow=#00D8FF]a[/glow][glow=#00B2FF]n[/glow][glow=#008CFF]'[/glow][glow=#0065FF]t[/glow] [glow=#0019FF]d[/glow][glow=#0C00FF]o[/glow] [glow=#5900FF]t[/glow][glow=#7F00FF]h[/glow][glow=#A500FF]i[/glow][glow=#CC00FF]s[/glow] [glow=#FF00E5]a[/glow][glow=#FF00BF]l[/glow][glow=#FF0098]o[/glow][glow=#FF0072]n[/glow][glow=#FF004C]e[/glow][glow=#FF0026],[/glow]" she said. "[glow=#FF0000]P[/glow][glow=#FF4800]l[/glow][glow=#FF9100]e[/glow][glow=#FFDA00]a[/glow][glow=#DAFF00]s[/glow][glow=#91FF00]e[/glow][glow=#48FF00],[/glow] [glow=#00FF48]y[/glow][glow=#00FF91]o[/glow][glow=#00FFDA]u[/glow] [glow=#0091FF]a[/glow][glow=#0048FF]n[/glow][glow=#0000FF]d[/glow] [glow=#9100FF]I[/glow][glow=#DA00FF].[/glow][glow=#FF00DA].[/glow][glow=#FF0091].[/glow] [glow=#FF0000]Y[/glow][glow=#FF1C00]o[/glow][glow=#FF3900]u[/glow] [glow=#FF7300]h[/glow][glow=#FF9000]a[/glow][glow=#FFAD00]v[/glow][glow=#FFCA00]e[/glow] [glow=#FAFF00]e[/glow][glow=#DDFF00]x[/glow][glow=#C0FF00]p[/glow][glow=#A3FF00]e[/glow][glow=#86FF00]r[/glow][glow=#69FF00]i[/glow][glow=#4CFF00]e[/glow][glow=#30FF00]n[/glow][glow=#13FF00]c[/glow][glow=#00FF09]e[/glow] [glow=#00FF43]w[/glow][glow=#00FF60]h[/glow][glow=#00FF7D]e[/glow][glow=#00FF99]n[/glow] [glow=#00FFD3]i[/glow][glow=#00FFF0]t[/glow] [glow=#00D3FF]c[/glow][glow=#00B6FF]o[/glow][glow=#0099FF]m[/glow][glow=#007DFF]e[/glow][glow=#0060FF]s[/glow] [glow=#0026FF]t[/glow][glow=#0009FF]o[/glow] [glow=#3000FF]b[/glow][glow=#4C00FF]-[/glow][glow=#6900FF]b[/glow][glow=#8600FF]o[/glow][glow=#A300FF]d[/glow][glow=#C000FF]i[/glow][glow=#DD00FF]e[/glow][glow=#FA00FF]s[/glow][glow=#FF00E6],[/glow] [glow=#FF00AD]r[/glow][glow=#FF0090]i[/glow][glow=#FF0073]g[/glow][glow=#FF0056]h[/glow][glow=#FF0039]t[/glow][glow=#FF001C]?[/glow] [glow=#FF0000]S[/glow][glow=#FF2900]o[/glow][glow=#FF5200].[/glow][glow=#FF7C00].[/glow][glow=#FFA500].[/glow] [glow=#FFF800]t[/glow][glow=#DCFF00]e[/glow][glow=#B3FF00]a[/glow][glow=#89FF00]c[/glow][glow=#60FF00]h[/glow] [glow=#0DFF00]m[/glow][glow=#00FF1B]e[/glow][glow=#00FF44].[/glow][glow=#00FF6E].[/glow][glow=#00FF97].[/glow] [glow=#00FFEA]h[/glow][glow=#00EAFF]o[/glow][glow=#00C0FF]w[/glow] [glow=#006EFF]t[/glow][glow=#0044FF]o[/glow] [glow=#0D00FF]h[/glow][glow=#3700FF]i[/glow][glow=#6000FF]d[/glow][glow=#8900FF]e[/glow] [glow=#DC00FF]o[/glow][glow=#FF00F8]n[/glow][glow=#FF00CE]e[/glow][glow=#FF00A5].[/glow][glow=#FF007C].[/glow][glow=#FF0052].[/glow][glow=#FF0029]![/glow]"
Perhaps violence was the answer for once...!

She didn't finish that thought before Mys barrelled through the doorway, a pint-sized whirlwind yelling words she didn't really understand.
"[glow=#FF0000]H[/glow][glow=#FF1000]o[/glow][glow=#FF2000]l[/glow][glow=#FF3100]d[/glow] [glow=#FF5200]o[/glow][glow=#FF6200]n[/glow][glow=#FF7300],[/glow] [glow=#FF9400]s[/glow][glow=#FFA400]l[/glow][glow=#FFB400]o[/glow][glow=#FFC500]w[/glow] [glow=#FFE600]d[/glow][glow=#FFF600]o[/glow][glow=#F6FF00]w[/glow][glow=#E6FF00]n[/glow][glow=#D5FF00],[/glow] [glow=#B4FF00]I[/glow] [glow=#94FF00]d[/glow][glow=#83FF00]o[/glow][glow=#73FF00]n[/glow][glow=#62FF00]'[/glow][glow=#52FF00]t[/glow] [glow=#31FF00]s[/glow][glow=#20FF00]p[/glow][glow=#10FF00]e[/glow][glow=#00FF00]a[/glow][glow=#00FF10]k[/glow] [glow=#00FF31]e[/glow][glow=#00FF41]n[/glow][glow=#00FF52]o[/glow][glow=#00FF62]u[/glow][glow=#00FF73]g[/glow][glow=#00FF83]h[/glow] [glow=#00FFA4]K[/glow][glow=#00FFB4]o[/glow][glow=#00FFC5]r[/glow][glow=#00FFD5]e[/glow][glow=#00FFE6]a[/glow][glow=#00FFF6]n[/glow] [glow=#00E6FF]t[/glow][glow=#00D5FF]o[/glow] [glow=#00B4FF]u[/glow][glow=#00A4FF]n[/glow][glow=#0094FF]d[/glow][glow=#0083FF]e[/glow][glow=#0073FF]r[/glow][glow=#0062FF]s[/glow][glow=#0052FF]t[/glow][glow=#0041FF]a[/glow][glow=#0031FF]n[/glow][glow=#0020FF]d[/glow] [glow=#0000FF]a[/glow][glow=#1000FF]n[/glow][glow=#2000FF]y[/glow] [glow=#4100FF]o[/glow][glow=#5200FF]f[/glow] [glow=#7300FF]w[/glow][glow=#8300FF]h[/glow][glow=#9400FF]a[/glow][glow=#A400FF]t[/glow] [glow=#C500FF]y[/glow][glow=#D500FF]o[/glow][glow=#E600FF]u[/glow] [glow=#FF00F6]j[/glow][glow=#FF00E6]u[/glow][glow=#FF00D5]s[/glow][glow=#FF00C5]t[/glow] [glow=#FF00A4]c[/glow][glow=#FF0094]a[/glow][glow=#FF0083]l[/glow][glow=#FF0073]l[/glow][glow=#FF0062]e[/glow][glow=#FF0052]d[/glow] [glow=#FF0031]m[/glow][glow=#FF0020]e[/glow][glow=#FF0010].[/glow]"
Taking a moment to look over the piece of paper being waved in her face, Stephette's eyes lit up.
"[glow=#FF0000]W[/glow][glow=#FF3600]h[/glow][glow=#FF6D00]o[/glow][glow=#FFA300]a[/glow][glow=#FFDA00],[/glow] [glow=#B6FF00]M[/glow][glow=#7FFF00]i[/glow][glow=#48FF00]s[/glow][glow=#12FF00]s[/glow][glow=#00FF24]y[/glow][glow=#00FF5B]![/glow] [glow=#00FFC8]T[/glow][glow=#00FEFF]h[/glow][glow=#00C8FF]a[/glow][glow=#0091FF]t[/glow][glow=#005BFF]'[/glow][glow=#0024FF]s[/glow] [glow=#4800FF]a[/glow][glow=#7F00FF]m[/glow][glow=#B600FF]a[/glow][glow=#EC00FF]z[/glow][glow=#FF00DA]i[/glow][glow=#FF00A3]n[/glow][glow=#FF006D]g[/glow][glow=#FF0036]![/glow] [glow=#FF0000]Y[/glow][glow=#FF2500]o[/glow][glow=#FF4A00]u[/glow] [glow=#FF9500]m[/glow][glow=#FFBA00]u[/glow][glow=#FFDF00]s[/glow][glow=#F8FF00]t[/glow] [glow=#AEFF00]k[/glow][glow=#88FF00]n[/glow][glow=#63FF00]o[/glow][glow=#3EFF00]w[/glow] [glow=#00FF0C]t[/glow][glow=#00FF31]h[/glow][glow=#00FF57]e[/glow] [glow=#00FFA1]e[/glow][glow=#00FFC7]n[/glow][glow=#00FFEC]t[/glow][glow=#00ECFF]i[/glow][glow=#00C7FF]r[/glow][glow=#00A1FF]e[/glow] [glow=#0057FF]a[/glow][glow=#0031FF]l[/glow][glow=#000CFF]p[/glow][glow=#1800FF]h[/glow][glow=#3E00FF]a[/glow][glow=#6300FF]b[/glow][glow=#8800FF]e[/glow][glow=#AE00FF]t[/glow] [glow=#F800FF]b[/glow][glow=#FF00DF]y[/glow] [glow=#FF0095]n[/glow][glow=#FF006F]o[/glow][glow=#FF004A]w[/glow][glow=#FF0025]![/glow] [glow=#FF0000]C[/glow][glow=#FF3300]o[/glow][glow=#FF6600]n[/glow][glow=#FF9900]g[/glow][glow=#FFCC00]r[/glow][glow=#FFFF00]a[/glow][glow=#CBFF00]t[/glow][glow=#98FF00]s[/glow] [glow=#32FF00]o[/glow][glow=#00FF00]n[/glow] [glow=#00FF66]b[/glow][glow=#00FF99]e[/glow][glow=#00FFCC]c[/glow][glow=#00FEFF]o[/glow][glow=#00CBFF]m[/glow][glow=#0098FF]i[/glow][glow=#0065FF]n[/glow][glow=#0032FF]g[/glow] [glow=#3200FF]l[/glow][glow=#6500FF]i[/glow][glow=#9900FF]t[/glow][glow=#CC00FF]e[/glow][glow=#FF00FE]r[/glow][glow=#FF00CB]a[/glow][glow=#FF0098]t[/glow][glow=#FF0065]e[/glow][glow=#FF0032]![/glow]"
She folded her arms proudly, standing straight.
"[glow=#FF0000]K[/glow][glow=#FF1A00]e[/glow][glow=#FF3400]e[/glow][glow=#FF4F00]p[/glow] [glow=#FF8300]t[/glow][glow=#FF9E00]h[/glow][glow=#FFB800]i[/glow][glow=#FFD300]s[/glow] [glow=#F6FF00]u[/glow][glow=#DBFF00]p[/glow][glow=#C1FF00],[/glow] [glow=#8CFF00]l[/glow][glow=#72FF00]i[/glow][glow=#57FF00]t[/glow][glow=#3DFF00]t[/glow][glow=#23FF00]l[/glow][glow=#08FF00]e[/glow] [glow=#00FF2B]M[/glow][glow=#00FF46]i[/glow][glow=#00FF60]s[/glow][glow=#00FF7B]s[/glow][glow=#00FF95]y[/glow][glow=#00FFAF],[/glow] [glow=#00FFE4]a[/glow][glow=#00FEFF]n[/glow][glow=#00E4FF]d[/glow] [glow=#00AFFF]y[/glow][glow=#0095FF]o[/glow][glow=#007BFF]u[/glow] [glow=#0046FF]c[/glow][glow=#002BFF]a[/glow][glow=#0011FF]n[/glow] [glow=#2300FF]t[/glow][glow=#3D00FF]a[/glow][glow=#5700FF]k[/glow][glow=#7200FF]e[/glow] [glow=#A700FF]o[/glow][glow=#C100FF]n[/glow] [glow=#F600FF]t[/glow][glow=#FF00ED]h[/glow][glow=#FF00D3]e[/glow] [glow=#FF009E]w[/glow][glow=#FF0083]o[/glow][glow=#FF0069]r[/glow][glow=#FF004F]l[/glow][glow=#FF0034]d[/glow][glow=#FF001A].[/glow] [glow=#FF0000]I[/glow] [glow=#FFB400]b[/glow][glow=#EFFF00]e[/glow][glow=#95FF00]l[/glow][glow=#3BFF00]i[/glow][glow=#00FF1E]e[/glow][glow=#00FF78]v[/glow][glow=#00FFD2]e[/glow] [glow=#0077FF]i[/glow][glow=#001DFF]n[/glow] [glow=#9500FF]y[/glow][glow=#F000FF]o[/glow][glow=#FF00B3]u[/glow][glow=#FF0059].[/glow]"
If it weren't for the actual words coming out of her mouth, it would have been pretty much impossible to pick up on her sarcasm.

Before Mys could respond, however, Dabria had already snatched the letter away, reprimanding the girl.
Shaking her head, Stephette raised her hand in a "stop" gesture.
"[glow=#FF0000]N[/glow][glow=#FF5500]o[/glow][glow=#FFAA00]p[/glow][glow=#FFFF00]e[/glow][glow=#AAFF00].[/glow] [glow=#00FF00]S[/glow][glow=#00FF55]h[/glow][glow=#00FFAA]e[/glow][glow=#00FEFF]'[/glow][glow=#00A9FF]s[/glow] [glow=#0000FF]r[/glow][glow=#5500FF]i[/glow][glow=#AA00FF]g[/glow][glow=#FF00FE]h[/glow][glow=#FF00AA]t[/glow][glow=#FF0054].[/glow] [glow=#FF0000]T[/glow][glow=#FF0E00]h[/glow][glow=#FF1D00]a[/glow][glow=#FF2C00]t[/glow] [glow=#FF4A00]w[/glow][glow=#FF5900]a[/glow][glow=#FF6700]s[/glow] [glow=#FF8500]t[/glow][glow=#FF9400]o[/glow][glow=#FFA300]t[/glow][glow=#FFB200]a[/glow][glow=#FFC100]l[/glow][glow=#FFCF00]l[/glow][glow=#FFDE00]y[/glow] [glow=#FFFC00]m[/glow][glow=#F2FF00]e[/glow][glow=#E3FF00].[/glow] [glow=#C6FF00]I[/glow][glow=#B7FF00]'[/glow][glow=#A8FF00]m[/glow] [glow=#8AFF00]n[/glow][glow=#7BFF00]o[/glow][glow=#6CFF00]t[/glow] [glow=#4FFF00]s[/glow][glow=#40FF00]o[/glow][glow=#31FF00]r[/glow][glow=#22FF00]r[/glow][glow=#13FF00]y[/glow] [glow=#00FF09]a[/glow][glow=#00FF18]t[/glow] [glow=#00FF36]a[/glow][glow=#00FF45]l[/glow][glow=#00FF54]l[/glow][glow=#00FF63],[/glow] [glow=#00FF80]b[/glow][glow=#00FF8F]u[/glow][glow=#00FF9E]t[/glow] [glow=#00FFBC]i[/glow][glow=#00FFCB]t[/glow] [glow=#00FFE8]w[/glow][glow=#00FFF7]a[/glow][glow=#00F7FF]s[/glow] [glow=#00D9FF]c[/glow][glow=#00CBFF]o[/glow][glow=#00BCFF]m[/glow][glow=#00ADFF]p[/glow][glow=#009EFF]l[/glow][glow=#008FFF]e[/glow][glow=#0080FF]t[/glow][glow=#0071FF]e[/glow][glow=#0063FF]l[/glow][glow=#0054FF]y[/glow] [glow=#0036FF]m[/glow][glow=#0027FF]y[/glow] [glow=#0009FF]f[/glow][glow=#0400FF]a[/glow][glow=#1300FF]u[/glow][glow=#2200FF]l[/glow][glow=#3100FF]t[/glow][glow=#4000FF].[/glow] [glow=#5E00FF]I[/glow][glow=#6C00FF]'[/glow][glow=#7B00FF]m[/glow] [glow=#9900FF]n[/glow][glow=#A800FF]o[/glow][glow=#B700FF]t[/glow] [glow=#D400FF]r[/glow][glow=#E300FF]e[/glow][glow=#F200FF]a[/glow][glow=#FF00FC]l[/glow][glow=#FF00ED]l[/glow][glow=#FF00DE]y[/glow] [glow=#FF00C1]s[/glow][glow=#FF00B2]o[/glow][glow=#FF00A3]r[/glow][glow=#FF0094]r[/glow][glow=#FF0085]y[/glow] [glow=#FF0067]t[/glow][glow=#FF0059]h[/glow][glow=#FF004A]o[/glow][glow=#FF003B]u[/glow][glow=#FF002C]g[/glow][glow=#FF001D]h[/glow][glow=#FF000E],[/glow]" she emphasised. "[glow=#FF0000]I[/glow][glow=#FF0F00]'[/glow][glow=#FF1F00]m[/glow] [glow=#FF3F00]a[/glow] [glow=#FF5E00]s[/glow][glow=#FF6E00]u[/glow][glow=#FF7E00]p[/glow][glow=#FF8D00]e[/glow][glow=#FF9D00]r[/glow] [glow=#FFBD00]d[/glow][glow=#FFCD00]a[/glow][glow=#FFDC00]n[/glow][glow=#FFEC00]g[/glow][glow=#FFFC00]e[/glow][glow=#F1FF00]r[/glow][glow=#E2FF00]o[/glow][glow=#D2FF00]u[/glow][glow=#C2FF00]s[/glow] [glow=#A2FF00]p[/glow][glow=#93FF00]e[/glow][glow=#83FF00]r[/glow][glow=#73FF00]s[/glow][glow=#63FF00]o[/glow][glow=#54FF00]n[/glow][glow=#44FF00],[/glow] [glow=#24FF00]s[/glow][glow=#15FF00]o[/glow] [glow=#00FF0A]i[/glow][glow=#00FF1A]f[/glow] [glow=#00FF39]I[/glow] [glow=#00FF59]a[/glow][glow=#00FF69]p[/glow][glow=#00FF78]o[/glow][glow=#00FF88]l[/glow][glow=#00FF98]o[/glow][glow=#00FFA8]g[/glow][glow=#00FFB8]i[/glow][glow=#00FFC7]s[/glow][glow=#00FFD7]e[/glow] [glow=#00FFF7]f[/glow][glow=#00F7FF]o[/glow][glow=#00E7FF]r[/glow] [glow=#00C7FF]s[/glow][glow=#00B8FF]o[/glow][glow=#00A8FF]m[/glow][glow=#0098FF]e[/glow][glow=#0088FF]t[/glow][glow=#0078FF]h[/glow][glow=#0069FF]i[/glow][glow=#0059FF]n[/glow][glow=#0049FF]g[/glow] [glow=#002AFF]l[/glow][glow=#001AFF]i[/glow][glow=#000AFF]k[/glow][glow=#0500FF]e[/glow] [glow=#2400FF]t[/glow][glow=#3400FF]h[/glow][glow=#4400FF]a[/glow][glow=#5400FF]t[/glow][glow=#6300FF],[/glow] [glow=#8300FF]i[/glow][glow=#9300FF]t[/glow] [glow=#B200FF]w[/glow][glow=#C200FF]o[/glow][glow=#D200FF]n[/glow][glow=#E200FF]'[/glow][glow=#F100FF]t[/glow] [glow=#FF00EC]b[/glow][glow=#FF00DC]e[/glow] [glow=#FF00BD]c[/glow][glow=#FF00AD]o[/glow][glow=#FF009D]o[/glow][glow=#FF008D]l[/glow] [glow=#FF006E]a[/glow][glow=#FF005E]t[/glow] [glow=#FF003F]a[/glow][glow=#FF002F]l[/glow][glow=#FF001F]l[/glow][glow=#FF000F].[/glow] [glow=#FF0000]A[/glow][glow=#FF1400]c[/glow][glow=#FF2900]t[/glow][glow=#FF3E00]u[/glow][glow=#FF5200]a[/glow][glow=#FF6700]l[/glow][glow=#FF7C00]l[/glow][glow=#FF9000]y[/glow][glow=#FFA500],[/glow] [glow=#FFCE00]a[/glow][glow=#FFE300]t[/glow] [glow=#F1FF00]t[/glow][glow=#DCFF00]i[/glow][glow=#C7FF00]m[/glow][glow=#B3FF00]e[/glow][glow=#9EFF00]s[/glow] [glow=#75FF00]l[/glow][glow=#60FF00]i[/glow][glow=#4BFF00]k[/glow][glow=#37FF00]e[/glow] [glow=#0DFF00]t[/glow][glow=#00FF06]h[/glow][glow=#00FF1B]i[/glow][glow=#00FF30]s[/glow][glow=#00FF44],[/glow] [glow=#00FF6E]i[/glow][glow=#00FF82]n[/glow][glow=#00FF97]s[/glow][glow=#00FFAC]t[/glow][glow=#00FFC0]e[/glow][glow=#00FFD5]a[/glow][glow=#00FFEA]d[/glow] [glow=#00EAFF]o[/glow][glow=#00D5FF]f[/glow] [glow=#00ACFF]s[/glow][glow=#0097FF]a[/glow][glow=#0082FF]y[/glow][glow=#006EFF]i[/glow][glow=#0059FF]n[/glow][glow=#0044FF]g[/glow] [glow=#001BFF]s[/glow][glow=#0006FF]o[/glow][glow=#0D00FF]r[/glow][glow=#2200FF]r[/glow][glow=#3700FF]y[/glow][glow=#4B00FF],[/glow] [glow=#7500FF]y[/glow][glow=#8900FF]o[/glow][glow=#9E00FF]u[/glow] [glow=#C700FF]o[/glow][glow=#DC00FF]u[/glow][glow=#F100FF]g[/glow][glow=#FF00F8]h[/glow][glow=#FF00E3]t[/glow] [glow=#FF00BA]t[/glow][glow=#FF00A5]o[/glow] [glow=#FF007C]s[/glow][glow=#FF0067]a[/glow][glow=#FF0052]y[/glow][glow=#FF003E].[/glow][glow=#FF0029].[/glow][glow=#FF0014].[/glow]"
She shifted one foot back, crossing her arms over and bending her head back to strike a dramatic pose that wouldn't have looked out of place on a catwalk, making direct eye contact with Mys and making an almost sultry expression.
"[glow=#FF0000]Y[/glow][glow=#FF2500]o[/glow][glow=#FF4A00]u[/glow] [glow=#FF9500]s[/glow][glow=#FFBA00]h[/glow][glow=#FFDF00]o[/glow][glow=#F8FF00]u[/glow][glow=#D3FF00]l[/glow][glow=#AEFF00]d[/glow] [glow=#63FF00]b[/glow][glow=#3EFF00]e[/glow] [glow=#00FF0C]m[/glow][glow=#00FF31]o[/glow][glow=#00FF57]r[/glow][glow=#00FF7C]e[/glow] [glow=#00FFC7]c[/glow][glow=#00FFEC]a[/glow][glow=#00ECFF]r[/glow][glow=#00C7FF]e[/glow][glow=#00A1FF]f[/glow][glow=#007CFF]u[/glow][glow=#0057FF]l[/glow][glow=#0031FF],[/glow] [glow=#1800FF]l[/glow][glow=#3E00FF]i[/glow][glow=#6300FF]t[/glow][glow=#8800FF]t[/glow][glow=#AE00FF]l[/glow][glow=#D300FF]e[/glow] [glow=#FF00DF]k[/glow][glow=#FF00BA]i[/glow][glow=#FF0095]t[/glow][glow=#FF006F]t[/glow][glow=#FF004A]y[/glow][glow=#FF0025].[/glow] [glow=#FF0000]I[/glow][glow=#FF1900]f[/glow] [glow=#FF4B00]n[/glow][glow=#FF6400]o[/glow][glow=#FF7D00]t[/glow][glow=#FF9600],[/glow] [glow=#FFC800]y[/glow][glow=#FFE100]o[/glow][glow=#FFFA00]u[/glow] [glow=#D1FF00]c[/glow][glow=#B7FF00]o[/glow][glow=#9EFF00]u[/glow][glow=#85FF00]l[/glow][glow=#6CFF00]d[/glow] [glow=#3AFF00]b[/glow][glow=#21FF00]e[/glow] [glow=#00FF10]s[/glow][glow=#00FF29]e[/glow][glow=#00FF42]a[/glow][glow=#00FF5B]r[/glow][glow=#00FF75]e[/glow][glow=#00FF8E]d[/glow] [glow=#00FFC0]t[/glow][glow=#00FFD9]o[/glow] [glow=#00F2FF]a[/glow] [glow=#00C0FF]c[/glow][glow=#00A7FF]r[/glow][glow=#008EFF]i[/glow][glow=#0075FF]s[/glow][glow=#005BFF]p[/glow] [glow=#0029FF]u[/glow][glow=#0010FF]n[/glow][glow=#0800FF]d[/glow][glow=#2100FF]e[/glow][glow=#3A00FF]r[/glow] [glow=#6C00FF]m[/glow][glow=#8500FF]y[/glow] [glow=#B700FF]b[/glow][glow=#D100FF]r[/glow][glow=#EA00FF]i[/glow][glow=#FF00FA]l[/glow][glow=#FF00E1]l[/glow][glow=#FF00C8]i[/glow][glow=#FF00AF]a[/glow][glow=#FF0096]n[/glow][glow=#FF007D]c[/glow][glow=#FF0064]e[/glow][glow=#FF004B].[/glow][glow=#FF0032].[/glow][glow=#FF0019].[/glow] [glow=#FF0000]A[/glow][glow=#FF2700]n[/glow][glow=#FF4E00]d[/glow] [glow=#FF9C00]w[/glow][glow=#FFC400]h[/glow][glow=#FFEB00]a[/glow][glow=#EBFF00]t[/glow] [glow=#9CFF00]a[/glow] [glow=#4EFF00]w[/glow][glow=#27FF00]a[/glow][glow=#00FF00]s[/glow][glow=#00FF27]t[/glow][glow=#00FF4E]e[/glow] [glow=#00FF9C]t[/glow][glow=#00FFC4]h[/glow][glow=#00FFEB]a[/glow][glow=#00EBFF]t[/glow] [glow=#009CFF]w[/glow][glow=#0075FF]o[/glow][glow=#004EFF]u[/glow][glow=#0027FF]l[/glow][glow=#0000FF]d[/glow] [glow=#4E00FF]b[/glow][glow=#7500FF]e[/glow][glow=#9C00FF].[/glow] [glow=#EB00FF]F[/glow][glow=#FF00EB]u[/glow][glow=#FF00C4]f[/glow][glow=#FF009C]u[/glow][glow=#FF0075]f[/glow][glow=#FF004E]u[/glow][glow=#FF0027].[/glow]"
In the blink of an eye, she shifted expertly back to her normal posture with a blank face that could make one wonder if she had even just done that at all.
"[glow=#FF0000]O[/glow][glow=#FF7500]r[/glow] [glow=#9CFF00]s[/glow][glow=#27FF00]o[/glow][glow=#00FF4E]m[/glow][glow=#00FFC4]e[/glow][glow=#00C4FF]t[/glow][glow=#004EFF]h[/glow][glow=#2700FF]i[/glow][glow=#9C00FF]n[/glow][glow=#FF00EB]g[/glow][glow=#FF0075].[/glow] [glow=#FF0000]A[/glow][glow=#FF2F00]s[/glow][glow=#FF5F00]k[/glow] [glow=#FFBF00]K[/glow][glow=#FFEF00]e[/glow][glow=#DFFF00]l[/glow][glow=#AFFF00]d[/glow][glow=#7FFF00].[/glow] [glow=#1FFF00]S[/glow][glow=#00FF0F]h[/glow][glow=#00FF3F]e[/glow][glow=#00FF6F]'[/glow][glow=#00FF9F]s[/glow] [glow=#00FEFF]t[/glow][glow=#00CFFF]h[/glow][glow=#009FFF]e[/glow] [glow=#003FFF]e[/glow][glow=#000FFF]x[/glow][glow=#1F00FF]p[/glow][glow=#4F00FF]e[/glow][glow=#7F00FF]r[/glow][glow=#AF00FF]t[/glow] [glow=#FF00EF]h[/glow][glow=#FF00BF]e[/glow][glow=#FF008F]r[/glow][glow=#FF005F]e[/glow][glow=#FF002F].[/glow] [glow=#FF0000]O[/glow][glow=#FF0D00]h[/glow][glow=#FF1A00],[/glow] [glow=#FF3500]b[/glow][glow=#FF4200]u[/glow][glow=#FF4F00]t[/glow] [glow=#FF6A00]s[/glow][glow=#FF7700]h[/glow][glow=#FF8500]e[/glow] [glow=#FF9F00]h[/glow][glow=#FFAC00]a[/glow][glow=#FFBA00]s[/glow][glow=#FFC700]n[/glow][glow=#FFD400]'[/glow][glow=#FFE200]t[/glow] [glow=#FFFC00]g[/glow][glow=#F3FF00]o[/glow][glow=#E6FF00]t[/glow] [glow=#CBFF00]m[/glow][glow=#BEFF00]u[/glow][glow=#B1FF00]c[/glow][glow=#A4FF00]h[/glow] [glow=#89FF00]t[/glow][glow=#7CFF00]a[/glow][glow=#6EFF00]s[/glow][glow=#61FF00]t[/glow][glow=#54FF00]e[/glow] [glow=#39FF00]f[/glow][glow=#2CFF00]o[/glow][glow=#1FFF00]r[/glow] [glow=#04FF00]t[/glow][glow=#00FF08]h[/glow][glow=#00FF16]e[/glow] [glow=#00FF30]t[/glow][glow=#00FF3E]h[/glow][glow=#00FF4B]e[/glow][glow=#00FF58]a[/glow][glow=#00FF66]t[/glow][glow=#00FF73]r[/glow][glow=#00FF80]i[/glow][glow=#00FF8D]c[/glow][glow=#00FF9B]a[/glow][glow=#00FFA8]l[/glow][glow=#00FFB5],[/glow] [glow=#00FFD0]s[/glow][glow=#00FFDD]o[/glow] [glow=#00FFF8]m[/glow][glow=#00F8FF]a[/glow][glow=#00EBFF]k[/glow][glow=#00DDFF]e[/glow] [glow=#00C3FF]s[/glow][glow=#00B5FF]u[/glow][glow=#00A8FF]r[/glow][glow=#009BFF]e[/glow] [glow=#0080FF]y[/glow][glow=#0073FF]o[/glow][glow=#0065FF]u[/glow] [glow=#004BFF]r[/glow][glow=#003EFF]a[/glow][glow=#0030FF]m[/glow][glow=#0023FF]p[/glow] [glow=#0008FF]i[/glow][glow=#0400FF]t[/glow] [glow=#1F00FF]r[/glow][glow=#2C00FF]i[/glow][glow=#3900FF]g[/glow][glow=#4600FF]h[/glow][glow=#5400FF]t[/glow] [glow=#6E00FF]u[/glow][glow=#7C00FF]p[/glow] [glow=#9600FF]w[/glow][glow=#A400FF]h[/glow][glow=#B100FF]e[/glow][glow=#BE00FF]n[/glow] [glow=#D900FF]y[/glow][glow=#E600FF]o[/glow][glow=#F300FF]u[/glow] [glow=#FF00EF]f[/glow][glow=#FF00E2]o[/glow][glow=#FF00D4]l[/glow][glow=#FF00C7]l[/glow][glow=#FF00BA]o[/glow][glow=#FF00AC]w[/glow] [glow=#FF0092]h[/glow][glow=#FF0085]e[/glow][glow=#FF0077]r[/glow] [glow=#FF005D]a[/glow][glow=#FF004F]d[/glow][glow=#FF0042]v[/glow][glow=#FF0035]i[/glow][glow=#FF0027]c[/glow][glow=#FF001A]e[/glow][glow=#FF000D].[/glow]"
With a thumbs-up to everyone, she made her way to the door with large, strutting steps.
"[glow=#FF0000]W[/glow][glow=#FF2600]e[/glow][glow=#FF4C00]l[/glow][glow=#FF7200]l[/glow][glow=#FF9900],[/glow] [glow=#FFE500]d[/glow][glow=#F2FF00]o[/glow][glow=#CBFF00]n[/glow][glow=#A5FF00]'[/glow][glow=#7FFF00]t[/glow] [glow=#32FF00]f[/glow][glow=#0CFF00]o[/glow][glow=#00FF19]r[/glow][glow=#00FF3F]g[/glow][glow=#00FF66]e[/glow][glow=#00FF8C]t[/glow] [glow=#00FFD8]w[/glow][glow=#00FEFF]h[/glow][glow=#00D8FF]a[/glow][glow=#00B2FF]t[/glow] [glow=#0065FF]I[/glow][glow=#003FFF]'[/glow][glow=#0019FF]v[/glow][glow=#0C00FF]e[/glow] [glow=#5900FF]t[/glow][glow=#7F00FF]a[/glow][glow=#A500FF]u[/glow][glow=#CC00FF]g[/glow][glow=#F200FF]h[/glow][glow=#FF00E5]t[/glow] [glow=#FF0098]y[/glow][glow=#FF0072]o[/glow][glow=#FF004C]u[/glow][glow=#FF0026],[/glow]" she told the room, in a tone not unlike a hero at the end of a picture show about to sacrifice himself to save the world. "[glow=#FF0000]O[/glow][glow=#FF2100]n[/glow][glow=#FF4200]e[/glow] [glow=#FF8500]w[/glow][glow=#FFA600]a[/glow][glow=#FFC700]y[/glow] [glow=#F3FF00]o[/glow][glow=#D2FF00]r[/glow] [glow=#90FF00]a[/glow][glow=#6EFF00]n[/glow][glow=#4DFF00]o[/glow][glow=#2CFF00]t[/glow][glow=#0BFF00]h[/glow][glow=#00FF16]e[/glow][glow=#00FF37]r[/glow][glow=#00FF58].[/glow][glow=#00FF79].[/glow][glow=#00FF9B].[/glow] [glow=#00FFDD]I[/glow] [glow=#00DDFF]m[/glow][glow=#00BCFF]i[/glow][glow=#009BFF]g[/glow][glow=#0079FF]h[/glow][glow=#0058FF]t[/glow] [glow=#0016FF]b[/glow][glow=#0B00FF]e[/glow] [glow=#4D00FF]g[/glow][glow=#6E00FF]o[/glow][glow=#9000FF]n[/glow][glow=#B100FF]e[/glow] [glow=#F300FF]a[/glow] [glow=#FF00C7]w[/glow][glow=#FF00A6]h[/glow][glow=#FF0085]i[/glow][glow=#FF0063]l[/glow][glow=#FF0042]e[/glow][glow=#FF0021].[/glow] [glow=#FF0000]B[/glow][glow=#FF2800]u[/glow][glow=#FF5000]t[/glow] [glow=#FFA100]I[/glow][glow=#FFC900]'[/glow][glow=#FFF100]l[/glow][glow=#E4FF00]l[/glow] [glow=#93FF00]a[/glow][glow=#6BFF00]l[/glow][glow=#43FF00]w[/glow][glow=#1AFF00]a[/glow][glow=#00FF0D]y[/glow][glow=#00FF35]s[/glow] [glow=#00FF86]b[/glow][glow=#00FFAE]e[/glow] [glow=#00FEFF]b[/glow][glow=#00D6FF]y[/glow] [glow=#0086FF]e[/glow][glow=#005DFF]v[/glow][glow=#0035FF]e[/glow][glow=#000DFF]r[/glow][glow=#1A00FF]y[/glow][glow=#4300FF]o[/glow][glow=#6B00FF]n[/glow][glow=#9300FF]e[/glow][glow=#BB00FF]'[/glow][glow=#E400FF]s[/glow] [glow=#FF00C9]s[/glow][glow=#FF00A1]i[/glow][glow=#FF0078]d[/glow][glow=#FF0050]e[/glow][glow=#FF0028].[/glow]"

Finally dry of snarky remarks, Stephette turned her back to everyone, the anxiety on her face hidden as she swung open the front door to see...

  • Love
  • Nice Execution!
Reactions: Arwen and envogue

"There's my Island," Keld tilted her head to see the red headed girl. "Who's your friend?"

Descending the stairs, Isla saw Keld and DaBria waiting down below. She almost rolled her eyes at Keld and that...silly grin plastered on her face, but Isla simply smirked as she continued to usher Steph down the stairs. The door to the upstairs bathroom opened and shut, and Bonnibel soon joined the girls at the foot of the staircase.

"Always patiently waiting to pounce on new blood, Keld." Isla teased. She could only assume that the friend Keld was asking about was Bonnie, so she stepped aside to allow the pair to meet.

"I'm Bonnibel. You're Keld, right? Isla has told me so much about you," Bonnie said, after an elegant curtsy. Standing straight, she looked over the new faces. That was when something, or someone came thundering down the stairs, shouting in some foreign language.

Isla didn't have any time to scowl at Bonnie for what she'd just told Keld, but that was probably for the best as everyone turned to see Mys charging down the stairs. Mys was a feisty one, quite the witch. It looked like the petite girl's sights were set on Steph, and Isla did not want to be in the middle of whatever those two needed to settle. However, this did interfere with her plans a bit.

Isla blinked innocently as Mys ripped into Steph for only God knows what. Isla wasn't exactly fluent in Lithuanian, and Mys' accent was sometimes hard to follow. Or, maybe that was just Isla's excuse to not speak to her, especially since the two had bumped heads in the past. Fortunately, or possibly unfortunately for Bria, she stepped in to defend Stephette. She smiled as the three girls went back and forth, retort after retort. They were all so little that the whole thing was comical to Isla.

"One way or another... I might be gone a while. But I'll always be by everyone's side."

Isla folded her arms behind her back and followed Steph to the front door. The look on Steph's face almost made Isla want to keep the joke going, but it was also heartbreaking to see Steph so defeated. She stepped in, though, when Steph opened the door to find no one there.

"Hmm. Guess he got tired of waiting around for you, Stephette." Isla looked thoughtful for a moment, the tip of her index finger pressed gently against her chin as she came to stand by Steph. "But on the bright side, they probably won't be back around. As long as you don't skip anymore, of course." She shut the front door, locking it with a grin.

"Though, a cute girl like you could easily talk her way out of most situations." Bonnie added, an innocent smile on her face as she joined Isla. "You never had anything to worry about in the first place, silly. Isla's been pulling your leg this whole time."

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