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And then there was Sammy. Sammy could not stand this atmosphere, especially since he couldn't yet comprehend what had happened. He did register though, that everyone smelled sick.
He ran in the room, tripping and squeaking, and ran over to the most unusually acting of the four. Friend!
He stuck his nose in Ren's face, sniffing him thoroughly. He smelled sicker than everyone else.
Sam knew what to do when someone was sick. He would sit on their lap and squeak for cuddles.
Ren smiled. Bitey winged poison lizard though he was, Sammy's oblivious squeaking offered a brief respite, so the boy gladly took up the drakeling on his request.
"You haven't had much practice speaking, have you? Honestly, if Lild was around, she'd... Well, she'd probably go give you to Iselotte and go back to sleep, but Iselotte would sort you out."
He shuddered a little.
"Yeah, she'd definitely sort you out," he muttered coarsely. "That woman can turn you into an expert mage in a week, but it's never exactly relaxing... Her brother's not as scary, but he's no better..."

He stared off into space for a moment, stroking the baby dragon, and then froze.
"Oh, hang on a second..." he murmured.
Miki sat by Ren's side, wordlessly beginning to map out an intricate pattern up his back with his fingers.
The gheist's hand slowed to tracing a circle below Ren's neck before Miki spoke. "You know how to get stronger." It was a statement more than a question.
"Well... I do, but... I don't know..." Ren mumbled. "We could try it. I'm technically not allowed to go back there, so we'll have to be strong enough to defeat that guard dog..."
It was around then that the ghiest's fingers passed through a groove on his spine.
"Eep! M-Miki...?!"
"Guard dog? Please don't be so vague." He questioned, continuing his actions, unperturbed. Miki pressed his hands down on a pressure point near the hollows underneath the base of Ren's skull.
"Does this help your headache, Master?"
"I-it does, actually," he mumbled, shutting his eyes and trying to remember what he could with the pain suppressed. "Um... Well, see, it's not so much a guard dog because it's actually a guard cat. It's black, about the size of a horse, and it's really, really strong. I don't think even Zhihao could beat it if it went all-out. If I remember, it guards a secret entrance to the Vortigern royal palace... We'll need to either be strong enough to beat it or quiet enough to sneak around it, but I mean... I really don't want to fight it, but I don't think anything in the world is quiet enough to get by that thing."
"Do we have to? I mean, won't we just, you know, die? What's the point?" Val said, exasperated and a little sour.
Ren considered it for a moment. "Yeah, we'll probably die if we try it. So we've got nothing to lose, when you think about it."
"Your willingness to throw your life away is terrifying," Val sighed, standing up, "I'm going to go make potions if we must try."

His logic made no sense to her, but there was no way he was going to go to his possible death without her.
"The way I see it, I can't think of any other way to get strong enough to lift the curse in time," Ren muttered. "If we fail, we might die or get seriously hurt, but if we don't try, it's a definite worst-case scenario. Someone once told me, 'if nobody acts, nothing changes'."
"We are guaranteed death if we don't. Don't you think dying while struggling is better than waiting to die?" Though death by oversized cat is only barely better than being cursed to death.
Miki gave a final reassuring hard press to the back of Ren's head and stood up.
"I'm going to train. You know where to find me, Master. I hope you all will be there when we pass that guard." The brunette gave a small nod and turned to leave for the Warrior training grounds, picking up a large paper bag that was under his bunk as he left.
Ren nodded. "I'm going to make preparations," he said, grimacing at the last word. "I'll be in my room if anybody needs me."
He hopped out of bed, stumbling a little, sitting down, and then getting back up and leaving the infirmary.
Kheire quietly made his way back to his room to prepare his things as well. He had a lot to think about on his way back and had barely heard the conversation his friends were having.
Kheire felt... cold. Which made no sense, his room's temperature was just fine. He did not understand. After all he saw and felt, the fire and blood that surrounded him. It plagued his mind during recovery. He was not strong enough. He was practically useless. He had one good move set up and it was wasted, a miss. He needs to improve, the best way he knows how.
He will craft his way to victory. First thing he needs is armor. He will protect the lives of his allies and friends with his life if he must. After acquiring sufficient defenses, he needs a way to hit hard and hit accurately. Maybe he will finally figure out what that first soul tool ability really does, too.
"Dorm Advisor," Miki cut through Kheire's thoughts, "I was asking if you would set my cores. Did you hear me?"
Kheire looked up from his thoughts. "Yes, of course. Bring them here, show me where you want them." He plastered a grin across his face to try and seem okay.
Miki pulled out four cores of varying sizes. "These three have a crystal alignment, but I didn't see the second alignment before I killed them, just put them on this." He pulled out a paper bag filled with colored cloth, "It's the armor I got for choosing to be a warrior." he supplied flatly.
"That should be simple enough. That is some high quality armor you got. You must have gotten lucky, hm?" The tinkerer starts using his tools to create slots in the armor for the cores. One each is set into decorative parts of the cloth armor. "They should give you some interesting effects, these cores." After finishing the modifications, he hands the equipment back over to its rightful owner.
The gheist returned the small blade to its place with a quiet, "Thank you," and tucked the bag under his arm while saying in a regular volume, "is there anything you want me to do to repay the favor?"
"I would appreciate some company on my next dungeon. I was just thinking about how I should leave now when you came. We need to get stronger if we are going to survive this curse." Kheire's expression turned a bit more serious, knowing that the lives of himself and those important to him are on the line.
Miki nodded, sneaking a glance at the mark on his arms. "What is the alignment?"
"Bubbles. The Healer teacher's bubbles inspired me to get a healing ability for my bubble-aligned pet." Kheire handed a spare set of potions to Miki, wondering if he should sell some potions to make some extra gold.
"Out of curiosity, how effective would that be... will it stop a repeat of...that woman?"
"I have no idea, but we need to start somewhere. My pets all need at least one ability to use, and healing sounds like something we are severely lacking."
The gheist gave a quick disinterested glance before turning back to face their path, "I don't see why you try this hard," he spoke offhandedly, "if you carry us around we'll just become dead weight."
"What am I supposed to do? Should I limit my growth and rely on everyone else instead when we need every bit of strength we can muster? Especially now, of all times." Kheire held open the door with his vines.
"Yes. Well, no... not exactly. Rely on us, but don't hold back. That's probably what I mean."
"I suppose that makes sense. I just don't want to feel helpless again, no matter who I am up against." He scanned the room for the bubble portal, finding that it seemed to have gone through quite a period of disuse.
"Would you like to go first?" Does that thing even work?
"Sure, I don't mind." He stepped through without hesitation to find a swamp of suds on the other side coming up to his waist.

"Well. This should have been expected."
Miki leapt through the portal, changing into a sword when he emerged out the other end. The blade sunk into the foamy surface. There's a lot of exin in here... can I even find beasts in this place?
Kheire peered down at where his sharp friend landed. "You okay? That can't be good for you. You might rust or something."
Miki shifted, kicking at the bubbles fruitlessly. "It felt more like sand. This stuff is probably really dangerous." He spoke casually despite his odd actions.
"Possibly. I am sure we will be fine." As soon as he said that, two large, hill-like bubbles rose from the swamp, revealing themselves to be giant bubble jellyfish. The first thing they did was cast a bubble around each other, seemingly giving off a radiant glow.
"Should we expect this sort of thing by now?" It'll end the same way anyway.

The gheist slammed into one of the beasts, using his crystal boots to anchor himself to its soft body as it writhed in pain from the force.
"I suppose we should, by now." Kheire sighed and rushed his enemy, using his soul tool to enhance his strength and prepare to slam into its bouncy body.
As Kheire was preparng his next attack, his enemy took the chance to lob explosive bubbles at him, only two of which hit.
Miki's enemy, on the other hand, missed abysmally.
The gheist sliced through the gelatinous mass at his feet.
Kheire drank a potion to further increase his strength, wanting to finish this quickly.
The bubbly jellyfish that was targeting Kheire landed another shot in its next volley.
The one that was still targeting Miki missed completely again.
Miki created several crystals, impaling the monster and nailing it to the ground.
Kheire finally blasted through the giant puffy monster, after which he gets to collecting its remains.
"Feel free to look for more resources while I use this one for target practice, Dorm Advisor." The brunette summoned a sword, launching it at the trapped creature as if to accentuate his point.
Kheire shrugged and began collecting whatever he could find, including the loot chest, before sitting down and giving his pet, Levi, the beast's regeneration spell.
Miki ended the creature's suffering with the fiftieth sword, turning to Kheire who had waited for him. "Let's go, Dorm Advisor."
"Alright. Good idea with the imprisonment and spell training." Kheire gathered up what was left of the monster's corpse and left alongside Miki.
Once ready, Vivi was about to run out to Quin's room, but felt nervous, and frowned. 'What if it isnt good enough...?' she thought sadly to herself. Shaking her head, she concluded she would just ask Kheire before she leaves. Walking calmly to Room 2601N, she knocked on his door and twitched nervously, her tail reflecting her twitching hands and ears.
Kheire opened his door to see Vivi dressed up for the night. Having heard from the healer teacher about the interactions between she and Quin while reading her nervous expression and using scanning vision, he deduced the situation quickly enough. "You look amazing, and Quin is a lucky guy. Go show him how lucky he is." He pats her cheek, smiling supportively.
Shakily nodding, she smiled nervously.
"Th-thanks...s-supportive hug please...?" She bit her bottom lip, breathing erratic and still twitching.
"Of course, what else am I here for? Besides getting cool stuff." He grins and hugs her, gently patting her back. "You will knock him off his feet."
Vivi took a deep breath and sighed, stopping her shaking. "Thanks Kheire...I owe you a lot." She hugged back briefly and pulled back. "Now time to go get some vampire ass!" She proclaimed, grinning as she ran without trouble Quin's room. Once approaching, she slowed down to a walk, knocking on his door lightly.
Quin got out of the shower, quickly drying off and brushing his wet long hair. He put on his black suit and started looking for a tie. "Red? No, Blue? Maybe, Purple? Hmm." He mumbled to himself. "Dark blue, dark purple, or light purple..." He sat in deep thought for a moment. "Dark blue, calm and relaxing." He grabbed it walking to a mirror to tie it around his neck. Hearing the knock on his door, he walked over took a deep breath, and answered it. His jaw dropped right away seeing Vivi.
A light blush tinted her cheeks as she saw the Vampire in his usual formal wear, somehow making it look better than he already did.
"Er...I was wondering if you w-were ready..." She muttered quietly, internally pissed with herself on how she was stuttering like an idiot.
"Umm Yeah, I should be ready." Quin smiled looking down at Vivi.
Smiling back softly, Vivi moved to the side to let Quin out.
"Come on, I brought plenty of money on me incase something catches our attention."
Quin took a step out his door, putting his arm out. Expecting Vivi to lock arms with him. "Shall we?" He asks
The Nekomata nodded dumbly and locked her arm with his.
"Ya, lets go!" She excitedly said.
Now thinking about it, Vivi wondered if dipping her blood on the Lotus's petal tips was a good idea.
"I love you hair." Quin said as they walked down the halls
"Thanks! I love your suit, did you do something to it? It looks more...fancy than usual, with a shine and a sweet scent." She curiously asked, left ear twitching left and flickering down.
"The only thing I did to it was have you bring it to me."
She blushed slightly. "But it smells like blueberries..." she still wondered. "Are you sure you didnt eat blueberries?"
"I didn't do anything to the suit. All that I did was have you bring it to me... Erm, Left or right?" Quin asks feeling confused.
The Nekomata giggled to herself quietly. "Right, passed the dining room and kitchen."
"Alrighty." Quin turns right, pulling Vivi with him.
Vivi kept up well, despite the huge difference in height and pace. Looking down, she felt something off, like something was bubbling and fluttering in her stomach. 'Have I ever been this nervous before...? Ugh, pull it together, he has probably went on plenty of dates before. Keep up!' she commanded herself.
"Look, the doors." Quin pointed at the doors leading outside, smiling.
Snapping her head up, she nodded, a bit dazed.
"O-oh!" She blushed at her own stupidity. God she felt like a total idiot.
"Off to town?" Quin asks now looking at Vivi, seeing her blush. "Are you feeling okay? You're a bit red and flushed."
"Im fine! Lets go to town!" She hid her nervousness with a happy expression, trying to reassure the worried Vampire.
"Okay, okay." Quin smiled. "I'll carry you to town if you'd like." Quin started to chuckle at how childish he's being.
Blushing more, she opted to cover her face.
"No carrying will be needed!" She mumbled.
'God im already regretting the mary janes. No worries. We'll be sitting at some points, i'll live.' with that final thought, she let out a breath she did not know she was holding and looked back up with determination. "Come on, lets go!" She happily said, practically running out the door and dragging Quin along.
Quin followed, almost getting tugged. "Are you sure? You're pretty light, and short people do get tired faster than tall people."
The Nekomata halted immediately and turned around quickly, punching Quin's stomach lightly while pouting. "Fight me you scrub, i'll race your shit any day." She challenged, blush still there, but out of embarrassment.
Quin laughed slightly. "Atop, that almost hurt." He countinued to laugh, "I don't want you to embarrass yourself shorty."
Vivi began to make whining sounds, her ears pressing flat against her head. "You dont have to be mean about it, atleast im not the height of freaking giants..."
Quin sighs "You make a point. At least you don't hit your head on anything and everything."
She took a pause to process that before laughing loudly. "I-I've never seen you hit your head on anything though! Haha!" She covered her mouth, her laughing turning childish.
"That's because i always duck." Quin says looking towards Vivi, hitting his head on a branch. "ow..."
Laughing more, she bent over slightly to ease her clenching stomach. "C-cant breathe! Hahaha!"
"You're gonna be tall..." Quin picks Vivi up, holding her above his head, walking forward.
The Nekomata squeaked in embarrassment, blushing darkly. "Q-quin! Short dress, short dress!" She yelped.
Quin stopped and put her down. His face bright red. "I umm, err, forgot..." He shakes his head not knowing what else to say. "Uhh, sorry..."
Her blush settling down, she nodded dumbly. "I-it's fine! You just shocked me, i'm pretty heavy, and no one has picked me up before..."
'Unless it was followed by then being thrown around the room...' she finished in her head.
Quin started to laugh. "You, heavy?! That's cute."
"Flupping fight me! Im 135, its heavy as it is!" She pouted, crossing her arms and continuing walking.
"I will pick you up again..." Quin said still laughing, catching up to Vivi.
"No thanks, still wearing a short dress!" She stuck out her tongue while grinning. "Besides, being picked up without quickly feeling the wall hit my back soon after is a new feeling I'll have to get used to another time."
Quin sighs. "Okay, Okay, another time it is then.... Quick question." Quin says hiding a smile.
"Hm?" Her tail and ears flickered curiously.
"It's so important, If I don't ask we'll explode..." Quin says trying to act casual.
Vivi stopped quickly and looked directly at Quin with a worried look. "Is something wrong?"
"Are we there yet?" Quin asks starting to laugh again.
"Okay...er…ya...but you know, you can tell me anything, right?" She asked, still worried on what the question was.

"Yes yes I know, that was the question, I was just trying to be funny, it's what I do when I'm nervous." Quin closed his mouth after realization of what came out of it.

Giggling lightly, Vivi quietly said,"Oh jeez, I thought I was the nervous one here."

Quin chuckled along. "Please this is my first date In years…" Quin smiled looking down at Vivi.

The Nekomata tilted her head to the side in curiosity when she heard that part. "In years…? When was your last date?" she questioned aloud.

"My first and last date was maybe 2 years ago, if you could even call it a date…" Quin said trying to remember it all.

"Oh...this is my first time dating. W-well, it is and it i-isn't-i'll shut up now thank you!" She face palmed in embarrassment, blushing extremely.

"It's okay, it's okay, I hope I'm doing everything correctly since it's your first time dating. Look towns right over there… Dinner, suit/tie shopping, something you wanna do, then we trash a hotel room." Quin smiles, getting excited.

Looking up in awe, she nodded and smiled. "This is better than just staying silent and following!" She let slip, eyes widening at what she said. "Eh...nothing, just nervous! I mean, atleast you aren't a 53 year old ma-I'LL CONTINUE TO SHUT UP NOW!" she slapped her face, groaning loudly in irritation towards herself. 'SHUT UP SHUT UP SHUT UP SHUT UP!' She yelled at herself repeatedly.

Quin randomly hugged Vivi. "It's okay, that's the past, it's over, you don't have to think or talk about it…" Quin smiled still hugging Vivi.

Without realizing it, she had started purring loudly, snuggling closer into the Vampire's embrace. "Thanks…" she muttered, feeling warm and secure in his arms.

"You're welcome." Quin smiled loving every second of the hug. He thought 'wow I haven't done this in a long time…' he let go of her and took her hand, holding it in his.

Vivi blushed lightly, ears flat against her head once again. "So...food?" she questioned, not having eaten for a whole two days. 'Wait, shit, has it really been two days? Damn...'

"Yes food." Quin smiles and walks towards the fancy restaurant with Vivi. "I made reservations earlier today." The couple walks in, hand in hand and Quin looks at the receptionist. "I have reservations under Vuin."

The lady nodded and took them to the back of a large packed room. "I got us seats in the back away from people…" Quin pulled out Vivi's chair and motioned for her to sit down.

Hearing the name, the Nekomata tilted her head to the side as she sat down. "Vuin? Who's that?" she asked curiously, secretly taking in the beautiful scenery.

"Well… it's our names tossed together and boom I used it." Quin smiled and sat opposite from her. "I really love your dress." Quin says smiling, not able to take his eyes off of her.

She looked to the side in shyness, wanting to avoid proper eye contact to stop from blushing. "I dipped the lotus in a bit of blood…" she awkwardly stated, twirling a piece of her hair like an idiot. 'Who the hell am I and why do I fail so bad at acting like me'

"Ooh~ it smells quite nice, I like it." Quin smiled, then frowened. "Are you alright? You're still red and now not looking at me. I understand you're nervous, but come on, two friends having a fun night out." Quin smiles looking at Vivi, him getting a slight blush.

She frowned slightly at the 'friends' part. "Y-ya! Sorry, just feeling very squeamish today...i'll be fine!" She gave a reassuring smile.

"Okay okay, whatever you say." Quin smiles at her, as the waitress comes back to see what they'd like to eat.

"I'll have the Potato cream biscuit bowl soup with a medium rare steak, mash potatoes on the side and a strawberry lemonade please!" She cheerfully asked the waitress.

"I'll have what she's having, minus the soup, and to drink I'll have an apple juice." Quin told the waitress and she was off on a mission to get the couple there food.

Stretching, Vivi yawned and let her ears flicker rapidly, adapting to the many sounds around her. "I had a fun time with Ren, Miki, and Kheire earlier…" she trailed off, trying to start a conversation.

"Ooh that sounds fun, what did you all do?" Quin asks. "Umm Ren is the short one right? I'm not really acquainted to Miki or Ren…" he says confused.

"Ya, we all went on an electric dungeon. I got a core to fuse in my bones!" She happily stayed, loving her new found knowledge from her Martial Arts Teacher.

"Oooo, that sounds fun." The waitress comes back with Vivi's soup and some breadsticks for Quin.

Vivi took in a deep breath and sighed happily. "thank you!" she clapped her hands together and bowed her head down slightly, closing her eyes picking out a piece of bread from the makeshift lid to put on the side.

Quin took a breadstick and started to eat it. "Willyoubemygirlfriend?" Quin says really fast and suddenly, going red at the face.

Looking up quickly and gasping, she went red in the face, not expecting this.

"Y-yes!" she said quickly, not caring how fast her answer was.

"Yes times 10 billion!" she giggled.

Quin smiled and relaxed. "You're getting a massive hug when we're done here." Quin said as the waitress returned with two steaks with two mashed potatoes.

Sighing happily, Vivi took a few sips of her soup and almost fell over at how tasty it was. The soup was creamy and smooth, leaving a warm feeling go down her throat, and the potato pieces soft to the touch. Grabbing a knife, she cut out a piece of her steak, taking a bite of it and this time almost falling to the side.

"Th-the food is sooo gooood!" she practically cried with joy.

Quin smiles seeing Vivi enjoy her food. Quin turns his finger into a mini knife and cuts a small piece of the steak, eating it. "Jeez, that is great."

Vivi nodded happily, purring loudly as she took more bites of her steak, surprisingly with great manners that she had learned from her childhood.

Quin ate more of his steak drinking some of his apple juice. "This is a really good place." Quin smiles biting into his potatoes.

"Mhm! Kinda wondering how much it costs though, I don't think reservations here are cheap…" she frowned slightly, ears drooping as she took a piece of bread and dunked it in the potato soup.

"I know what to do…. are you done eating?" Quin asks looking at her.

Vivi quickly perked up and drank more of her soup. "Never!" the Nekomata proclaimed.

Quin laughed. "Well…." Quin got up and followed a waiter, the waiter stopped by some boxes and Quin grabbed two. He walked back to his and Vivi's table. "Take a box, put your food in it, there a windows in the bathroom that we can crawl out of…. and we'll just walk back to the academy." Quin smiled

Staring for a bit, Vivi gave Quin the most serious look she could make.

"Quin the fucking vampire. You. Are beautiful." she said as she quickly boxed everything. "let's do this shit."

Quin began to laugh quietly. "Okay okay, hold on." He put what he had left in his box. "Okay, the woman's bathroom has a hire window, let me catch you when I get out of the men's, okay?" He asked looking at Vivi.

She nodded slightly, pouting. "I'm only 5'1, piss off…" she speed walked to the ladies room, quickly getting into the stall with the window and breaking it open, along with the safety metal bars.

"Fine…." Quin left right after Vivi and ran to the bathroom to "vomit". He looked at the window. "Wow someone already opened it?" He hopped out to see Vivi already on the ground below.

With a look up, the Nekomata covered her eyes slightly. "Jeez, you're so tall I can barely see you out of all that sparkly gayness." she grinned. "you probably just stepped out of the window."

"No no, I hopped out the window…" The Vampire said with a laugh. "You ready to go back and have a fire?

She nodded happily and rubbed one of her cold ears lightly. "Sure!"

Quin started walking back towards the academy, "you coming?" He asked

Vivi quickly ran after, making sure to maneuver correctly in the tight short dress she regretted wearing now.

"If you want you can change out of the dress as I start the fire." Quin smiles.

Vivi smiled more, willing to take the offer but deciding against it. She got all ready for this, she wouldn't toss it out now.

"It's fine, I'll stay!" she chirped happily.

A rustling behind a nearby bush caught her attention, before she saw a crossbow peak out from between the leaves and aim right at the Vampire. Her eyes widened, unable to get a word out as the sharp arrow shot forward and stabbed Quin from behind, directly hitting his heart.

"Ahh!" Quin shouts as the arrow shoots through is chest cavity, falling onto the sticks and twigs he placed in the fire. Knocking them around everywhere, as his blood drains from the open hole, staining his once nice suit and tie.

Vivi stared for a good moment before shrieking loudly. She glared darkly at the hunter, summoning her battle axe and instantly charging at him. It only took one swipe to kill the foolish human, but Vivi wasn't done yet. As tears fell down her cheeks, she kept jabbing her axe into the corpse, spraying blood everywhere. "DAMN. YOU. TO. HELL." she continued to yell, finally stopping and falling silent. She dropped her axe, panting as she walked over to the Vampire's corpse, holding it close as she sobbed gently, wishing it was all a joke and he'd come back. She refused to leave his side until someone came to recognize the death of her lover.

(Sorry for the late response as one of our members was not able to respond in the word doc for a long time. We would've continued but Quin has decided to leave the rp due to his schedule being too busy. Sorry for the inconvenience.)
After sitting there till morning, the tears had run out. Vivi blinked and finally looked up at the sunrise, then back at her now bloodied dress. The nekomata gulped slightly and stood up slowly, picking up quin. She carried him off to the infirmary, where the nurse gasped slightly and took the bloody corpse from Vivi, giving her a sad look. Vivi just stared off emotionless, running back out to the dorms to forget it all. She...wanted to think he was alive, but she saw it all already. The Nekomata let out a dry sob and she entered her room, grabbing her battle ready clothes. She didn't want to deal with anything, but she wanted to do something to forget. Vivi took a quick shower and changed, rushing to the living room and curling up into a ball in Quin's favorite seat on the couch.
Ren had his sari wrapped around his vividly glowing face as he sat down on the couch in the dorm.
He was unsure if that sword-sharpening session had been traumatic or... what?
He'd definitely enjoyed it a little, but he was also pretty damn mortified.
It even took him a moment to notice he had become company.
"V-Vivi? Are you alright?"
Vivi only shook her head, but did not want to give a proper answer. Honestly, she just didnt want to think about anything. She wanted to do something to get her mind off it.
Carefully, Ren laid a hand on her head, stroking slowly behind her ears.
"Here, here," he said softly, pretty sure that was the word he was looking for. "You'll be okay."
Not completely knowing what else to say, he just kept gently moving his hand as if exploring her hair.
The Nekomata turned into a neko, moving on to Ren's lap and purring gently.
"D...do you have something I can do...?" Vivi muttered.