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  • "There are many universes and many Earths parallel to each other. Worlds like yours, where people's souls live inside their bodies, and worlds like mine, where they walk beside us, as animal spirits we call daemons"
    - Serieafina (The Golden Compass)


    "Our universe grants every soul a twin—a reflection of themselves—the kindred spirit – And no matter where they are or how far away they are from each other—even if they are in different dimensions, they will always find one another. This is destiny; this is love."
    - Julie Dillon

  • 02c8dddc11b70527c2b6556e0a89a623.jpg

    Full name: Anthony Edward Stark
    Nickname: Tony
    Age: 30
    Height: 5'8
    Gender: Male
    Status: Dominant Omega

    Soul Marking: "What are you? Some kind of Hydra automaton?"


    Full name: Ferrum
    Nickname: Ferra
    Species: Feline
    Breed: Cat (Tiffany/Chantilly)
    Gender: Female

  • tumblr_n0zw9kN8lL1rzpohuo1_500.jpg

    Full name: Steven Grant Rogers
    Nickname: Steve/Stevie
    Age: 30 (Born:1920)
    Height: 6'2
    Gender: Male
    Status: Submissive Alpha
    Soul Marking: "Captain, You're safe. You're with friends"



    Full name:
    Nickname: Frost
    Species: Canis
    Breed: Arctic Wolf
    Gender: Male

  • the_winter_soldier_s_eyes__bucky_barnesxreader__by_innerbeautycounts-d8k2ju3.jpg

    Name: James "Bucky" Barnes
    Age: 32 (90)
    Gender: Male
    Status: Submissive Alpha
    Soulmate: Natasha



    Full name: Aessina
    Nickname: Ice
    Species: Procyonidae
    Breed: Raccoon
    Gender: Male


    Name: Natasha Romanoff
    Age: 31
    Gender: Female
    Status: Dominant Alpha
    Soulmate: Bucky



    Full name: Anastasia
    Nickname: Sia
    Species: Reptile
    Breed: Blue Krait
    Gender: Female


    Name: Clint Barton
    Age: 35
    Gender: Male
    Status: Submissive beta
    Soulmate: - (Deceased)



    Full name: Maeshka
    Nickname: May
    Species: Accipitriformes
    Breed: Hawk
    Gender: Female


    Name: Bruce Banner
    Age: 33
    Gender: Male
    Status: Beta
    Soulmate: -



    Full name: Theodora
    Nickname: Thea
    Species: Ursidae
    Breed:Grizzly bear
    Gender: Female


    Name: Sam Wilson
    Age: 32
    Gender: Male
    Status: Beta



    Full name: Remington
    Nickname: Redwing
    Species: Accipitriformes
    Breed: Falcon
    Gender: Male


    Name: James "Rhodey" Rhodes
    Age: 35
    Gender: Male
    Status: Alpha



    Full name: Amarisa
    Nickname: Marissa
    Species: Canis
    Breed: Hyena
    Gender: Female


    Name: Virginia "Pepper" Potts
    Age: 30
    Gender: Female
    Status: Alpha



    Full name: Adrianae
    Nickname: Audrey
    Species: Phasianidae
    Breed: Peafowl
    Gender: Male


    Name: Matthew "Matt" Murdock
    Age: 33
    Gender: Male
    Status: Alpha
    Soulmate: Peter Parker



    Full name: Thurgood
    Nickname: Thur
    Species: Canis
    Breed: Red Fox
    Gender: Female


    Name: Peter Parker
    Age: 20
    Gender: Male
    Status: Omega
    Soulmate: Wade Wilson/Matt Murdock



    Full name: Gwenhwyfar
    Nickname: Gwen
    Species: Ailuridae
    Breed: Red Panda
    Gender: Female


    Name: Wade Wilson
    Age: 34
    Gender: Male
    Status: Alpha
    Soulmate: Peter Parker



    Full name: Imesna
    Nickname: -
    Species: Callitrichidae
    Breed: Golden Lion Tamarin
    Gender: Male

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The lonely nights had been the hardest thing to deal with after their break up. He always had issues sleeping without Steve by his side, but now all he could think of was how much he missed his fiancé. The lack of his mate was agonizing for the omega. Only a month ago he shared a bed with his alpha, now he could barely smell his mate on the pillows. His only company was his Daemon, which were all kinds of pitiful. But here he was Tony Stark in all his whole glory, the man who had everything yet nothing at the same time.

The suppressants didn't help with his insomnia. He'd been close to his heat during what they called the civil war and he had been postponing it since then. Bruce would tell him it was bad for him, but Tony didn't care. He kept popping the pills as if it was his way to salvation.

Technically, they never broke it off. Neither one of them had the guts to end their pathetic excuse of a relationship. The question was: could he forgive his mate? Sure, Stark himself was far from an ideal soulmate, the Ultron disaster was a big clue, but he always told Steve about his fuck ups. Hiding what happened to his parents was more than a fuck up. It was a betrayal. Just like him, getting betrayed by the most loyal man on the planet, sounded like his life alright.

The brunette kept his engagement ring, even though he hated the patriotic idiot for the moment he couldn't take the big step and throw it away. No instead he spent his nights alone, curled up in bed with his eyes glued to the golden ring he placed beside the picture of Steve and him. They were happy in the picture, Steve had one of his ridiculously large arms wrapped around his waist and Tony was licking off some ice cream from his cheek. It was so darn cheesy but yet sweet and somewhat dirty at the same time.
"It's your first useable selfie" Tony explained when the overgrown puppy asked why he chose that picture to keep on his night table. He really liked it, and it was nice to see the man he loved adapting to the modern society. It had been taken somewhere at the start of their relationship, almost four years ago.

The tabloids talked about their relationship every chance they got. Some of their favorite topics were 'when Tony was going to end it with Steve', 'if Steve was going to end it when Tony cheated on him', or 'if Captain America would be enough to keep the wild Omega in place'. They all just assumed that Steve was a dominant alpha, he was Captain America the most dominant alpha out there. Or at least that's how the old comics described him. Their relationship had been far from traditional despite what the reporters thought about them. Frankly, he never thought Rogers ever would be comfortable with. Tony was tailored from a young age how to act in front of the press, actually it fed his attention inner whore, and he barely reacted to how nasty some of the article could get. So people wanted him to kneel in front of an alpha, what was new? He dealt with this shit his whole life.

First time he learned that his soulmate was Captain America, he nearly snarled at the guy. He had been there when they revived the Captain, and his heart nearly stopped once he realized that the alpha said his words. They matched, Steve Rogers was his soulmate. He was euphoric and terrified at the same time.
Great, his soulmate was a newly defrost grumpy old traditionalist from the forties, a very sexy grumpy old traditionalist from the forties but still he never once met a traditionalist didn't want to 'put him in his place'. They were all the same, everyone thought that all he needed was a good knotting and then he would be all sweet and submissive. He would spend rest of his life with a disapproving alpha trying to beat some sense into him. Fuck that! He avoided Rogers like the plague and the next time he met the alpha was at the helicarrier. Fury had called him in to track the tesseract, and of course he had to run into Captain big and strong alpha. He kept butting heads with his soulmate, tried hurting him. Tried to convince himself that Rogers was just an ordinary alpha from the forties. Had he been wrong, and now he felt stupid for even thinking those judgmental thought about his mate.

The muscular man was a sweetheart. Sure as Captain America he was all strong and mighty, but as Steve he had just been timid and almost submissive whenever they interacted. The alpha didn't know how to behave around him, it was almost like watching a puppy restraining itself. It was the complete opposite of what he was expecting. He expected a stern alpha, with a stick far up his ass. Well, if alphas were to take it up their ass, for some reason they thought they should do all the penetration just because of their biology. He only met a few alphas that were okay with the omega topping, and not just riding.

To keep it briefly, the blonde was way dirtier and far more open minded than Stark had first anticipated.

The billionaire was seated at the common floor, his feline daemon purring as he scratched her behind her ear. Ferra was just like him, all for the attention. The demanding little fur ball would sometimes jump up in Steve's lap and expected the alpha to give her his attention. Steve's daemon would whine and paw at the Omega's hand to get some attention too, apparently the wolf felt left out when Ferra seeked out Steve's attention. The fact their Daemon sought the other out spoke of a strong bond.

The businessman rose from the chair when he when F.R.I.D.A.Y. announced Steve's arrival. The rest of the team would be there later that day. They all thought that the bonded pair had a few things to sort out before the team could be reunited again.
He had been nervous to see his lover again. Could they finally put all of this behind them and be a couple again? His heart ached just from the thought of it. A dark part of him hoped his soulmate felt his pain, some nights he could feel the alpha's broken heart calling out for him. The omega ignored him, why shouldn't he? Steve ignored how his heart called out for him as he walked away from him. God, the only thing missing from the soap opera was a pregnancy and thank lord Steve hadn't knocked him up before this whole mess up. Not that they ever tried for a baby. Tony had been regular with his birth control pills, since they agreed on waiting with kids until after their marriage. Or at least Tony promised to have an open mind about it. The younger man told Steve about his daddy issues, and why it made him hesitant about kids.

"I will end up like my father" He told Steve one night as the stronger man held him close to his heart. "I'm just not the father material"

He was carrying Ferra as usual when he let the super soldier into his living quarter. Their living quarter. At first the tower was meant as just another monument of his ego. Then after the Chitauri invasion, the Captain moved in with him. Sure all of the other Avengers had a room, let's get real a whole floor, at the tower but the two of them had been alone after Bruce decided to leave the lovebirds alone. It had been a tragedy to lose his science buddy but it was nice to have some private time with his soulmate. Living together strengthened their bond.

He looked at the man he loved, but he let his own face stay blank. He had the same mask he wore in front of the media. He treated his fiancé like a stranger.

"So, you're moving back? I never take back my words, you're always welcomed in the tower, so are the others." Mr. Stark said, and they were just that. Mr. Stark and Captain Rogers. Thinking of him as his mate hurt. The goddamn idiot looked hopeful, like just because he allowed them into his home he was automatically forgiven. The way the black cat hissed when the wolf tried to greet her was a good sign of how the omega felt about his soulmate. The smaller man didn't put his daemon down as he usually did around his soulmate. He held the feline close, as if Steve would hurt her if he did. In away he had, Bucky had taken a choke hold of the small animal when Steve had gotten the upper hand. It still haunted him, for the Tony it might as well been Steve who choked him.

His engagement ring was still beside the photograph, he was not okay with Steve and what he had done. Not wearing the symbol of their bond would be a good wake up call for the love sick alpha. Just the way those blue eyes watched him broke his heart. The man looked just like a kicked puppy. He could read his soulmate without feeling his emotions through their bond.

It was hard enough to behave like an adult around the man who ripped his heart out, he didn't need the guy to look at him like that. God, he needed a drink. Some whiskey really sounded nice right about now. Ferra agreed with him, he could feel her body purring a little even though she did not make a sound.
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It was hard to say the least. Returning home had been the last thing on his mind, and yet he wondered, was this place still home? Bittersweet memories invaded his mind as he thought back about the tower. He wondered, was he still able to call this place home after all the shit he made them go through? It was a dark time, having to choose between the love of your life and your best friend who was being framed and haunted down. He wouldn't be shocked if Tony had thrown out the engagement ring he had sought out for for his mate, despite them not talking about it and making it officially over. Though he wondered once more. Was it the betrayal or lies that drove them apart? Perhaps both. He had after all chosen his best friend instead of his mate, not only that, but he had lied. Deceived his mate into thinking that he had no clue about the deaths of Howard and Maria Stark. He was pathetic, just like the rest, he needed no one to remind him. Just the simple name of his mate was enough to make him feel guilty, to make him feel emotions he promised he wouldn't show, yet here he was, standing in front of the same building that brought back so much memories he tried to bury. Steve Rogers was no different to Tony Stark. He had built up walls to protect himself, afraid that things were going to take a turn for the worst. Captain America, afraid? The entire media would have a field day with that one. Yet it was the truth. He was afraid of he letting someone else into his life, knowing that they would only use him for fame and money. Afraid that if he let them in, the past would repeat itself despite of how much everything had changed. Afraid that one day he was going to wake up alone and be reminded of the bittersweet reality. Yet, Tony Stark was the only one who was willing enough to break down those walls, and in return, what did Steve do? He hurt the man he came to love.

The slight whine that came from his side brought the Brooklynnite out of his musing. Smiling sadly, he took a deep breath and entered the building, paying no heed to those who were openly staring at him as he made his way to the elevator. It was no secret that nearly their entire relationship was being printed out in every magazine there was. The tabloids would do anything to have a chance to talk and comment about their relationship, which was a huge load of bullshit if you asked him. There favourite topic was mostly how Steve or Tony was going to end it with the other, or if he was enough to keep the wild omega at bay. It was really annoying how the media was soo nosy when it was not even their own relationship. Hell, he even nearly flipped them the bird during one of their dates, if it weren't for Tony holding his hand. What right did they even have to talk shit about someone they didn't really know about?

He knew what they meant, he wasn't that stupid to some things. Sure he was an alpha, but that didn't mean that just because he came from a world where omegas were only good for being on their knees, a world where omegas were weak and nothing but a disgrace to a family meant that he was one of those alphas. No, he was against those sexist stands on omegas. Why? Because it didn't feel right to judge someone base on what they are. What right did an alpha even have to force an omega to think that they were nothing good besides a good fuck? Did their mothers not teach them about how and why omegas were sacred to their world? Why they were to be treated with respect and kindness? Perhaps their mothers were one of those prostitutes who were also forced into submission in an alleyway. He'd be happy to even start a bloody riot because of it, he didn't care about what the other thought, this wasn't what he fought for. It took him months for Steve to make Tony see that he wasn't like those prejudice pricks back in the forties. He didn't even know what compelled him to make the omega see the truth about him, yet something in the back of his mind told him that the reward would be sweeter than any victory he fought for. And damn right it was.

Their sex life had skyrocketed from awesome to perfect. Having able to knot the omega was heaven, he was damn tight and hot, and he could never forget the sensation of his mate wriggling and moaning beneath him. Just thinking about him nearly made him go into a rut. Keyword, nearly. Despite knowing how their sex life was, he knew Tony wanted more, and the first time the omega had suggested and explained some sexual nature turned him into a tomato. It had been an interesting confrontation to say the least, and he would admit, some of the things Tony had suggested turned him on. And dear god did he suggest. By the time Tony was done, they had finished a few rounds of glorious sex, and he would admit once more that they had done nearly half of the things that had been suggested. Who would've thought that Steve Rogers was such a kinky bastard? But the one thing he could never forget the most was how nice it felt to have his omega fuck him. Sure it went against their nature as alpha and omega, but he couldn't resist the sweet temptation. The first time they had done it, he knew he had a look of shame for liking something so dirty such as that, yet couldn't help but beg for more. After doing it a few more times, it didn't take long for Steve to find his guilty pleasure, and he was as hell not going to give it up for anything in the world....well, besides his mate.

The captain stared at the steel door of the elevator as it went up, his daemon sitting obediently beside him, body in full attention. Steve smiled sadly at the wolf when he looked up at him. Frost was exactly like Steve, too kind-hearted. It was ironic when he thought about it now, how his daemon was an artic wolf and how Steve was frozen in ice. Quite funny, really. He was quite confused that his mate hadn't thought about that or pointed it out, perhaps it was the result of their falling apart? No, he couldn't jump into any conclusions just yet, they needed to talk things out before anything else could happen. And he knew that this was going to be harder than he had thought.

As F.R.I.D.A.Y announced his arrival, he couldn't help but notice the pounding of his heart, as if it were ready to just jump out of his rib cage and run away from everything. Was this how it felt when you knew you were about to lose the most precious thing in your life? If so, he would do anything to make things right and not feel this again, that was if Tony was willing to take him back. Yet despite the obvious, he knew deep down that his beloved would never take him back, why would he? Steve had ignored the omega's heart calling out for him that day he had walked out. He could vividly remember how his heart had called out for his mate during their time apart, and how said mate had ignored the call. It was fair if you thought about it long and hard. But he wondered, if Tony were to throw him away, why was he allowing him to return to the tower? Steve knew he was furious at his past actions yet, why hadn't Tony severed their bond? Sure finding your mate was a once in a lifetime thing, but did that mean Tony hadn't tried? But then again, soul magic was a tricky thing, and he doubt even Loki would willingly destroy a bond between two mates.

By the time Steve left the elevator, he chuckled at the warning he had received from F.R.I.D.A.Y, it would seem that even Tony's children were furious at his actions, choosing to leave their father instead of staying. As he was led into their ― no, it was Tony's now, not theirs ― living quarters, memories of them living together resurfaced, making him more nervous of what was to come. Avengers Tower, née Stark was once a momentum of his mate's ego and fame, but ever since the Chitauri attack and Loki, things started to change. One thing for sure and was true, was the moving in of the entire Avengers into the tower. At first everyone had thought that they were going to just get a room, but lo and behold, they were given an entire floor, one for each Avenger. Steve had thought at first that the billionaire was just showing off his money, but only to find out that there were really a lot of empty floor that would be in need of use. And damn well did Steve use his floor to his advantage. He had created an art room where a spare room once was in, and needless to say, he was grateful.

The captain's breath hitched when his mate stared at him, with the same blank expression he wore in front of the media. "So, you're moving back? I never take back my words, you're always welcome in the tower, so are the others." Tony spoke. The way he had looked at him was a minor sting, but the way he spoke hurt. They were nothing more but Mr. Stark and Captain Rogers, now. Two strangers meeting once more in a world full of chaos and beauty. "Tony." He began, but was caught off by the sound of hissing coming from his mate's feline daemon. Did he really caused so much trouble and heartache that even Ferra hated him and Frost? As he stared at the feline, he took note of how Tony hadn't put her down like he usually did, but only held her tighter, as if he was afraid Steve was going to hurt her if he did. Returning his focus back to his mate's eyes, the tightening in his chest tightened even further as he stared right back at those blank eyes that once held so much emotions. "I'm sorry." There was so much he wanted to say, so many things to apologise for, and yet he didn't know how to voice it out.
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"Don't" Tony interrupted before his mate could continue. The simple word held so much emotion, a hint of sadness made it through his tailored mask. He didn't want to hear the apology. He couldn't hear it. Knowing his mate as well as he did, he knew there was so much more the other wanted to say. Tony wasn't ready to hear it, if he heard it he might forgive Steve and then the alpha would break his heart all over again. Realizing his mistake, the omega quickly made his facial features unreadable again. He turned away from the alpha and sat his feline daemon down on the bar counter. The cat didn't seem too pleased with being placed at the bar, but she kept calm.

His relationship with Steve kept his alcohol abuse at bay, now when he was alone he had no reason to hold back. It wasn't like Steve forced him to quit, really it came naturally once they started spending time with each other. Dating the alpha meant lesser nights alone which in its own led to less drinking. Part of his drinking problem was loneliness and frankly, boredom. Either way he kept his bartending skills at its finest, there were always moments where good bartending came in handy. It once saved their life during an assignment the narcissist consulted on, that mission report had been priceless. Fury would have thought that Stark was just bullshitting for the kicks of it, but Captain Rogers had backed him up. No one doubted Captain America's word.

Tony poured himself a generous amount of whisky, the expensive brand, he was going to need it if they actually were about to have a conversation.
"Just take whatever you want, you already know where I keep everything" the smaller man told his fiancé He picked up the feline again and led the blonde to one of the many seating areas in the tower. This one was right next to the library, it had a wonderful view of the city. A place he'd seen his boyfriend sketch a few times when everything was fine and dandy. They didn't spend all twenty four hours together, Tony could be locked inside his workshop for days. It was usually Steve who asked him to be social, but sometimes he left the grown up playroom on his own free will.

He placed himself in one of the couches, the way both Ferra and him were closed off would be a good enough hint for the alpha to take a seat at the couch in front of him. Ferra wasn't shy to use her claws if either Frost or Steve dared to come anywhere near them. The feline's yellow eyes were glued on the wolf, studying each one of his movement as if he was a threat. She only relaxed a little when the billionaire scratched her behind the ear.
Even though they kept their distance to each other, he could still smell his mate's pheromones. A part screamed at him to trust the alpha again. To let the strong man rest his head in his lap and let his own fingers brush through those soft golden locks of his. The overgrown puppy loved the attention and Tony was happy to please the alpha. The scent was familiar, it was what had comforted him so many nights when they were a healthy couple. His own scent calmed his mate as much as his mate's comforted him. There wouldn't be long before the alpha would get a whiff of him and note the change in his omega's smell. The suppressants did more than to postpone his heat, it changed his scent completely. He had chosen the brand that hid your taken pheromones, knowing it would leave his fiancé wondering if he'd been unfaithful. He had attended enough galas to make it a possibility.

"I had a bed arranged for you in your old room. All of your belongings have been moved to your living quarters, even the ones you left in my workshop" Honestly he was a bit unsure to why he moved out all of Rogers' art supplies from his man cave. He told himself it was because he didn't want the alpha in his private area, but in reality he didn't know if his mate wanted to be around him as much as before. It was easier on his heart to just move everything out than to get the answer. Besides having the man he loved around him would be too much for him, at least the workshop would be his sanctuary.

"I didn't know if you wanted a double or a single so I went with a double. You seem awfully close to Barnes" There were some venom in his voice has he sated the last part. Ferra's tail was twitching a little in irritation. The daemon and the human were both cold as ice. However the black feline left the safety of her human and landed softly on the table between the bonded mates. Ferra strutted up to the wolf, as if the table was her own private runway. She resembled Tony as she walked, there was really no wonder who she belonged to. It was ridiculous, the canine could easily take her down yet she acted like she owned the place.

"I don't like the way either Steve or you looks at Tony. You two have hurt us enough" She warned. The Chantilly hadn't behaved this coldly since Stark believed that his soulmate was a conservative alpha. It was hard to believe that this threatening looking daemon had once been cuddly and sweet around Steve and Frost. She was usually so friendly around the wolf and would let the kind hearted daemon pin her down so he could lick her. The two daemons would usually interact by themselves when their humans talked. Sometimes they would play around, other times they would snuggle up with one another. "I don't want you sniffing around my territory you filthy mutt. Next time I see you anywhere near my human I will shred you apart with my claws" Her nose moved and the daemon let out a hiss when he smelled Aessina on her twin soul. The instinct to rub up on the wolf was almost too much, even if she didn't like the canine it was still in her nature to want her twin soul to smell like her. Her tail twitched again and she looked almost as offended as Stark did at the moment.
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Take whatever he wanted. Oh he definitely would take what he wanted. He would have had Tony over his shoulder by now and had already left for his floor if it weren't for his mate's daemon. Ferra had her claws out and glaring at both him and Frost, and he was damn sure that she wold attack if either of them took a small step towards the two. He knew it would make things worst between them but he didn't care, he was going to apologize and apologize he would. Tony was his everything and he would do anything for his omega, be it death or torture, he wasn't going to let him go even if he was being pushed away. SHIELD be damn, he was going to make things right. Hydra could go and fuck themselves.

Steve watched as his mate took a seat at one of the couches, scratching the back of his daemon's ear. It was a clear invite that he was allowed to sit, but he shook his head. He knew that if he ever sat down the few walls he had built the past months would start crumbling down and he was not going to ― he hope not ― cry in front of the man he had hurt in more ways than one. He could even feel a few of them perishing at the sight of his mate alone. "Everything?" He asked, unconsciously tilting his head to the side. What was there left to take if his belongings had been moved back to his floor? Besides Tony, he had nothing left to take with him and he didn't know if his mate would be pleased to know if he told him that he was the last thing he needed to take with him or not. But then again, he might start ranting about being told that he was an object and not human.

Steve frowned. Was that the problem? Bucky? "Tony, you knew that I'd go after Bucky. He needed my help." After everything they both went through, had it still not went through his skull that Bucky was his best friend and brother and nothing more? Then why had he went after the Winter Soldier? Because he knew that his brother needed help and he would be damn if he lost the last living family that he had left. "I had just lost Peggy. You can't expect me to stay here while the last family I have was being hunted down." They had thought he had gotten over it, but he hadn't. It wasn't easy to forget the people he had grown to care about, he was not like the rest who were willing to forget memories that made them themselves. He had promised, just a few hours before both his mother's and Mrs. Barnes' death that he would protect the last family he had, even if it meant dying while trying. Just because he was magnanimous didn't mean he couldn't hold a grudge against someone. He stared blankly at the feline as she strutted up to his daemon, as if she owned the floor. Oh wait, they do.

Just like his human, Frost stared blankly at his twin soul as she spoke. It was amusing to watch the feline threaten him when she knew that he could easily bring her down with or without force, but he understood her reasoning and couldn't blame her for her actions. If he was able he would be frowning by now. He knew that they had hurt them, but he didn't know to what extent the damage would be. "Very well. Since you've drawn your line and threat, it's only fair if I did too." Did Steve forget to mention that his daemon was the exact opposite of himself? It probably had to do with the serum but he wasn't sure. Frost narrowed his eyes at Ferra, snout curled into a menacing snarl, exposing sharp teeth that were perhaps still slightly tainted red from his snack. "Insult us if you want, we deserve it, but if I ever hear or find out that you've caused harm to my brother, I will make sure that you'll experience it tenfold." He growled, taking a few steps as he spoke. Just because his human was a solider who protected a country did not mean that he himself was tamed. Wolves are always wild no matter the circumstances.

Ferra lost it when the wolf stepped in closer. She launched at the larger daemon, not caring that the wolf was way bigger than her. Her claws dug into the wolf's neck and her teeth were soon to follow. She was stuck to the canine and refused to let go. The fight had just turned physical between the two soul demons. There wouldn't be long before the Frost would get the upper hand but she had the advantage at the start with an aerial attack. Her hind legs were used to claw the wolf's face. It was a good technique, her opponent wouldn't be able to bite her until he gotten her off his head. The black cat was fierce and would have easily scared away a lesser daemon, despite her minute appearance in the physical world. The sight was almost comical and a bit admirable at the same time.

Tony didn't really notice the fight between the twin souls. The felines enraged shrieks would certainly have turned heads had they been outside, but for now they were alone in the room. It was their daemons that indicated their displeasure with one another. He might been a master of cloaking his own feelings, but Ferra was never afraid to project his real emotions. Well at least around his soulmate.

'Last family I have' the words echoed in the omegas head, and the meaning behind it suddenly hit him. He had never been more than a replacement from the family Steve lost during the war. Even if they were mates, he would never really be his real family. The soldier said so himself. He felt betrayed and suddenly he wished he brought the whole damn bottle with him like the drunkard everyone knew he was. The brunette downed the glass in one go, the numbing effect was almost immediate. Steve never liked it when he turned to alcohol whenever he felt lost. He preferred it when he shared his burdens, but how could he possible share his emotions when the man he loved left him? And now with the sudden realization that he never meant more to the alpha than a horny omega he felt like his world was falling apart under him. He had been so close to quitting, he only took a glass of wine during their nights out or a glass champagne during galas other than that he was clean. Their fight had been a trigger for his slumbering alcoholic.

If someone asked him a year ago if he ever doubted his mate's loyalty he would have laughed in the idiot's face. Of course the blonde was loyal. If you searched for the word loyal in the dictionary then a picture of his fiancé would have turned up. Well at least at Wikipedia, Stark might have hacked the site and made it impossible for the admins to remove the dorky picture of the supersoldier. But now he wasn't as convinced anymore. Would he ever be more to Steve?

Tony looked shocked as if the man in front of him had struck him. He might as well had, it certainly hurt as bad. He long since cut the mountain of muscles out from his side of the bond and for the moment all Steve could do was try to read his emotions on either him or Ferra. The billionaire could feel the low whine in the back of his throat threatening to make his melancholy clear. No he wasn't about to break down in front of this asshole. The dickhead was worse than he once thought, actually he liked him more when he thought the guy was a traditionalist. At least he wouldn't toy with his heart. But then maybe this was karma. A way for life to laugh him in the face. Someone like Tony Stark could never find true happiness.

"Well then, I guess we made things clear. Welcome home, honey" It didn't sound warm at all, the nickname was spoken with resentment. "You can go and fuck Barnes now, I think we're done here. Well, unless you got something more to say? Speak now or forever hold your peace"
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