Bleach RP, Anyone?

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Hey there! You can call me Mint/Minty. I started roleplaying about...I'd have to say five or six years ago? As things are now, it's been a while (with sporadic bursts of roleplaying every once in a while), but I've decided I want to get back to it, since it was something that I really used to enjoy! I also recently got back into Bleach for nostalgic purposes, and I've really been enjoying it. So, I figured I'd try my luck at finding somebody else who would like to roleplay it!


Length/Grammar/Stylistic Expectations: I feel like this is just a given, but I feel that for the roleplay itself (I don't mind how you talk OOC), I'd like for responses to be grammatically correct and for there to be an obvious effort given.

As for length, I usually range from one to three paragraphs, but typically try to match either my partner or what's going on in the roleplay (I.e. I'm not gonna make you write a super long reply when there's not much going on in the RP). I suppose I'm kind of in-the-middle: I don't like one-liners, but novel-length seems a bit much to me, as I end up just cramming in a bunch of unnecessary details just for the sake of making my reply longer.

I roleplay in paragraph form, third person, past tense.

Characters and Love Interests: I won't be nit-picky about characterization, as long as the character isn't outrageously OOC.

I've also always been a fan of OC/Canon pairings, and that's one of the main things I'm looking to get out of this. Doubling is what I'm going for, meaning we each play our own OC and then the other person's love interest(s). However: I will NOT fight with you over love interests, and our characters will NOT fight over love interests. I'm going to go ahead and say that my main preferences are Uryū Ishida and Ulquiorra Cifer. I'm also a big fan of love triangles, so if you'd like to do some, I would be overjoyed ;).

OOC Interactions: I like being able to be friends & joke around with the person I'm roleplaying with, in addition to discussing plot and whatever else. I figure that as long as we're going to be corresponding often, we might as well get to know each other outside of our RP.

Naturally, I'd rather you not ditch, and let me know about any absences you may take. I'll try and do the same. I can be forgetful, so feel free to harass me if it's been 2+ days since I've replied, hahaha.

Limits: I'm fine with anything as far as swearing, gore, and angst go. As for sexual content, I'm alright with it every once in a while, but I'm generally just...not a sexual person, so I'd like for it to not be a major part of the story. In that same vein, I'd have to say that non-con/dub-con, anything "hardcore", beastiality, necrophilia, and any bathroom play are completely off the table IF there's any sexual content in the RP at all. If there's anything you'd like to say as far as limits go, I'd like for you to let me know upon contacting me so this can be as comfortable and fun as possible for the both of us!

Sendoff/Contact Me!

If you are interested at all, you can reply to this thread or send me a PM on here!

I'd love to hear from you guys! Thanks!!
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Hey there, I'd love to double with you. Sadly I'm not a fan of love triangles (though we can discuss the idea anyways if it fits) but I'd be more than happy to write as Uryu for you (I always write as him)! I'm not sure who I'd like for you to write as for me, but perhaps we can brainstorm a bit of a plot and then I'll figure it out.
Hey there, I'd love to double with you. Sadly I'm not a fan of love triangles (though we can discuss the idea anyways if it fits) but I'd be more than happy to write as Uryu for you (I always write as him)! I'm not sure who I'd like for you to write as for me, but perhaps we can brainstorm a bit of a plot and then I'll figure it out.
Hey! Don't worry about the love triangle thing, it's okay if you're not a fan! I would definitely love to brainstorm with you :)
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