Bloodborne - Fires of Yharnam

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Highlord of the Tal'Darim
Original poster
Invitation Status
Posting Speed
  1. 1-3 posts per week
Writing Levels
  1. Adept
  2. Advanced
  3. Prestige
Preferred Character Gender
  1. Male
  2. Primarily Prefer Male
Action, Fantasy, Romance, Modern, Magical, Sci-Fi, Steampunk, etc.
Hello! I am currently thinking about bringing back a Bloodborne RP I had once. It didn't get very far because of my poor ability to keep it alive, and how busy my schedule became and I just abandoned it completely but now with free time after work had settled down. I want to come back and try once again.

I'm only looking for a small group, like 3-4 people probably to explore Yharnam and surrounding areas, and to end the Hunt.

All I have at the moment is your characters are outsiders, waking up inside of an old building with a bandage around your arm and some blood soaking through. Your characters had just gone under a blood transfusion and don't remember anything about their past, or even their names. A Hunter named Viktor is waiting in the other room for the group to wake up before sending them out with the task to end the Hunt.

I gotta dig up my old OOC for more information and update it, rehash some ideas but that is the general premises of how the RP will start.
Oh oh yes yes yes yes count me in. This is like, a need for me. I am very much interested.
I will place my interest here!
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@Dipper @Mr. Calcium

The short/small OOC/Sign-Up is now up. I will be making the character sheets shortly, though they will be rather small since your characters are sort of blank slates (in terms of history I suppose).

I'm also only looking for about one more person and then we can begin when everyone is ready and has sheets up.

OPEN SIGNUPS - Bloodborne - Fires of Yharnam
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Do we need to know about Bloodborne or have played it to be a part of the roleplay?
No not really. Knowing the basics or some things wouldn't hurt but it isn't necessary as this will be an AU.
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No not really. Knowing the basics or some things wouldn't hurt but it isn't necessary as this will be an AU.

Okey dokey! I don't mind doing some research. Count me in!