Bloodline (Brainstorm & Interest)

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Which species do you most prefer?

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Original poster


Heavily, if not mostly, inspired and based around the novels and television series: The Vampire Diaries and The Originals.



Vampires, Werewolves, and Witches.. Oh my!

Genre: Fiction/fantasy, supernatural elements, horror elements, dark comedy
Keywords: Vampires, werewolves, witches, humans, drama, action, murder, supernatural, horror, dark comedy
Warnings: Murder, violence, language, implication, blood
Writing Level: Advanced
Posting Frequency: Moderate to slow (1-2x daily to 3-4x weekly)
Restrictions: 18+ strongly preferred

I'm generally searching for a brainstorming group in order to flesh-out a full story line (along with detrimental arcs). I would be the sole GM who will be in charge of tweaking these ideas so there will still be some pleasant surprises during role play. The role play would be for advanced players (multiple paragraphs, intermediate understanding of grammar and punctuation) and it would involve mature themes such as: blood, gore, combat, sexual themes, profanity, and etc. so 18+ is an important key here.

I'd like to create a universe that offers a new threat that requires each species to band together in order to conquer it. Rivals must now attempt to become allies and life-lasting feuds must be put on hold to stop this overwhelming force that is slowly, but surely, gaining thousands of followers. I have not come to the conclusion on what sort of creature threatens the livelihood of each species, but everyone has an idea on what it could do to their world if it continues it's malicious rampage. It is based on the novels and TV series The Vampire Diaries and The Originals, however it will have no ties to those canon characters. We will solely be using the lore of vampires, witches, and werewolves within that universe.

I want to use this thread for brainstorming as well as an interest check to see if anyone would like to save a spot for when it does blossom into something worthwhile. There will be free-reign on the type of character you could create, but there will be a minimum of 4 characters per player and there will be limited slots for the original vampires as well as hybrids.

  • Genre: Fiction/fantasy, supernatural elements, horror elements, dark comedy
    Keywords: Vampires, werewolves, witches, humans, drama, action, murder, supernatural, horror, dark comedy
    Warnings: Murder, violence, language, implication, blood
    Writing Level: Advanced
    Posting Frequency: Moderate to slow (1-2x daily to 3-4x weekly)
    Restrictions: 18+ strongly preferred

    Note: This role play has dark elements, but it should not be overly grim and bitter. Most people believe vampires to be soulless and brooding, but vampires were once humans so any traits they possessed while still human will more-than-likely follow them into their undead life. The same goes for werewolves, not all are ravenous creatures looking for a big, juicy meal. Not all witches will hex you on the spot when you spill their soy-pumpkin spice latte. The role play will be dark, but there will be humor and action.

    With that out of the way: Welcome! This is a fiction-fandom fantasy role play with vampires, werewolves, and witches. As noted, this is an advanced level role play with a moderate to slow posting rate. I would prefer all players to be 18+ due to the mature content that will be exposed throughout the story. This will be set in the modern-age, but when referring to your character (mostly vampires) in their past make sure you have a grasp of the time period they originated from. Every detail is not expected to be period accurate, however be mindful of the culture and technological advances (or lack thereof) within the era. If in doubt, Google will help you out!

    This role play will follow a group of supernatural beings who are forced to come together in order to stop a malevolent being that threatens their livelihood. I want to grant players a voice in the story line and it's development, but I also want to keep the original idea intact. Decisions on where to take the plot will be deciding through a voting system though I, as GM, reserve the final say, especially when a decision simply cannot be reached.
  • The Rules
    1. All Iwaku guidelines do still apply!
    2. No hijacking or baiting other characters.
    3. No character, no matter how supernatural, is impervious to physical trauma and/or damage.
    4. No character may kill another without both respective player and GM's approval/permission.
    5. Any and all sexually explicit scenes between characters must fade to black and presumably resume within the PMs.
    6. Be respectful to all other players or members of Iwaku as well as the GM/Co-GM.
    7. You must meet posting-level expectations to remain in the role play.**
    8. As the GM, I reserve the right and privilege to remove any character or player at any time for any reason.
    9. Listen to the GM/Co-GM as well as any player who has something they need to say in regard to the role play/another player/another character. However, keep the thread open to criticism or interpretation and never shoot down a question.
    10. Don't think that this is a serious role play. It is a space for all to come in, interact, and have fun no matter what may occur within the role play. All disputes in-character should stay that way and should not be brought into out-of-character chats unless you are solely speaking to another player about your characters.

    ** We all have lives outside of Iwaku. If an issue arises and you require an extension on your post or you must be removed from the roleplay altogether, shoot me a PM and we can always work something out. Give me a heads-up before you disappear so your character (and anyone interacting with your character) isn't stuck, aimlessly in time.

    Since this is labeled an advanced role play, I expect any and all players to meet the minimum posting level requirements. What this means is that I expect posts be coherent writing that utilizes correct punctuation, grammar, spelling, and syntax. I do not expect novellas for post! Detailed and descriptive writing is phenomenal, but sometimes too much can hinder writing as well as plot development. That means, when some players post more than 11-15 paragraphs, it can slow down the role play and make responses too difficult for others.

    With that in mind, post expectation ranges to a minimum of three to four paragraphs and a maximum of nine to ten (going over these expectations is fine on some occasions, but again too much can hinder the role play). A paragraph should discuss a theme or idea in as many sentences as need (within reason) so I'm not going to require a sentence number (I'd break that rule anyway).

    Anything under three paragraphs with only two sentences will not give any player enough meat to respond to your character. You must give other players enough to work with and respond to. The usage of dialogue is helpful and more than encouraged, as is reasonable detail of your surroundings and description of your character's thoughts/movements. I also expect players to contribute to the story line and help move the plot forward. If players do not make decisions or actions within their posts, the role play will drag and ultimately die a long, painful death. If needed, I will keep things moving forward to the best of my ability, but I want to give the players the power to make their own decisions.

  • french_quarter-new-orleans.jpg

    For centuries, The Originals have ruled over the vampires as dictators. They watch over them like family due to the fact that most have direct sire lines to The Originals, which engraves an intense form of loyalty within their bastard souls and their sires form a sort of.. Fondness for those they create. Over time, the two youngest of the Original siblings fell off the face of the earth, not wanting to become entrapped in the feud growing between the three eldest siblings. The eldest sibling was known to take control and her hybrid brother and sister didn't quite like that dynamic. Each one allied themselves within a species in order to fight the other sibling until one overruled them all. However, that feud started centuries ago, today it still continues on as each sibling teams up with another, back stabs them, and then repeats the whole process.

    In the modern era, the feud still lingers, but each species is growing weary of the constant battle between them all. Too many have died and too many have been sacrificed for a cause that does not benefit them whatsoever. Each species usually keeps to themselves, going as far as killing anyone else that comes into their presence, however there are whispers that wolves are conspiring with witches and vampires are conspiring with wolves. What is the truth? When will this feud end? And will it end before all of The Originals are hunted and slaughtered, one by one?

    Today, the Original three have come together, peacefully, to New Orleans, Louisiana in order to discuss the rumors in regards to their two younger siblings. Whispers have claimed that they have died, miraculously, which proposes the question: "How can an Original truly die?"
  • When we have more interest within this thread, another in the "Group RP Plot Info & Signups" thread will be created where you can post your character up for review. Do not, I repeat, do not post any character sheets here in this thread. I do not want to clutter this one with sheets when it is meant to brainstorm. I encourage you all to begin your character sheets though!

    I will only accept original characters. I expect applications to be spell-checked and the usage of proper grammar and punctuation prominent. Typos can occur, no worries. If anything stands out to me as not suitable for the role play, I will ask you as well as help you make revisions. The lore is long and mind-numbing, I don't expect everyone to read it all, so I will help when needed.

    If your writing is prone to mistakes, I have the authority to make the decision that you may not be an ideal candidate for this role play. I will take the conversation to private messenger and we could possibly work together in amplifying your writing to better suit the role play if you are truly interested. I don't ever want to be mean and reject a character sheet, but sometimes it must be done. I will give everyone a chance and help them to the best of my ability. This also applies to rude, inappropriate behavior. An incredibly well-thought-out, wonderfully coded character sheet will not grant you redemption if you are rude to me or any other player within the thread. If I have already accepted your character sheet and you act-up, I will kindly ask you to leave.

    Thank you for understanding! It may seem harsh or complex, but it truly isn't! I want everyone to have a fun experience here.

    Name - Full name, any nicknames, and how you properly pronounce their name. Refrain from using any canon character's names and/or surnames.

    Age - Unless you are a vampire, your character can be any age within the range of 18-100 years old. As for vampires, your character should not be older than 500 years old and please include their exact date of birth and what age they were turned into forever.

    Nationality - Where they are from.

    Languages - What languages your character speaks. Be reasonable. It's normal to speak other languages, but indicate their fluency by using this: (F) Fluent: they speak the language with no difficulty whatsoever; (C) Conversational: they are able to make small talk and understand most of the language; (P) Polite: they can communicate well enough for socializing at public events, but conversation can be difficult; (B) Broken: they can piece together enough phrases to communicate basic ideas:

    Powers & Ability - There is no need to re-list what I have already written about your character (species-wise), simply tell us what ability they use the most or what power they have mastered more than the others. Be reasonable. Your character is susceptible to physical trauma and/or damage and most-likely will be injured or beaten in combat.

    Appearance - Pictures are not required, but they are encouraged. However, I can only stress this enough, please use artistic images for your characters and/or headshots, face claims, and etc.. Using images of real people is my own way of describing characters, but refrain from using the faces of any canon characters and make sure you and another player do not have the same face claim (unless they are twins). That said, I restrict the usage of anime/manga characters. That artwork is not what I am looking for and there is nothing wrong with it, but I simply don't want it used here.

    In addition to an image, include a short, written description of your character with exact height and weight measurements for combat purposes.

    Personality & Brief Background - Try to mesh these two together to the best of your ability. I expect biography to come out during the roleplay and some character's bios we may already know. A general overview (a few short paragraphs would be enough) of your character's demeanor, habits, ticks, and whatnot should go here. Character development is key, but personality tends to change much more slowly overtime. Editing this as your character develops, while adding key-points on why they've changed, is your choice altogether. As you flesh out their personality, try to add tidbits of their background and why they have come to be that way.

    Aspirations & Regrets - What is your character good at? What do they dream to become? What have they lost and now feel an immense pain when they think about it? Do they have any budding skills?

    Misc. - Anything else you want others to know about your character. Any funny comments or important information to share goes right here.
    You are more than welcome to enter in a fancy-schmancy code to better reflect your character and your writing, but make sure it is easily legible and not overly huge.
  • Here is a list of characters I would most definitely want in the role play. It will be on a first come, first serve basis so if someone has already claimed it before you and you are just dying to try it, take it up with them. They may be inclined to offer a trade. They are free-reign characters so they are nameless and most everything is up to you! If you choose a character and there is an ulterior plot for them, I will let you know.

    Note: You do not have to choose a base from this list. You are welcome to create a character simply from scratch. I created this list to give an idea on the ratio I want for each species. As for humans, there could be as many as you can handle, just no more than 4 characters since it tends to stall the role play from moving forward. With that, if you choose a character here that is destined to die, make sure you choose another character so you still have premise within the role-play. These are just characters I would like to have! The only ones that will definitely be in the role play are The Originals.

    Here we go:

    The Original Vampires - All flesh and blood siblings to one another. They are in order from eldest to youngest.
    Vampire (female) (reserved for Tyche)
    Vampire-Werewolf Hybrid (male) (reserved for MadKingJai™)
    Vampire-Witch Hybrid (female) (reserved for BladeX)
    Vampire (female) (reserved for ~Dark Disney~)
    Vampire (male) (will be killed off)
    Vampire (male) (will be killed off)

    Vampires - One is directly sired to the eldest female Original and the other is sired to the vampire-witch hybrid Original. The last is sired to the youngest male Original and will be killed off.
    Vampire (sired to the eldest Original) (reserved for Katori)
    Vampire (sired to the witch-hybrid) (reserved for MisterGrumpyLolli)
    Vampire (sired to youngest male; will be killed off)

    Hybrids - Both are immediate descendants of the Vampire-Werewolf Original, however one is completely loyal to him and the other has broken their ties to him completely.
    Vampire-Werewolf (against) (reserved for Tyche)
    Vampire-Werewolf (loyal)

    Werewolves - One is a born Werewolf transformed many years ago and the other has yet to transform.
    Werewolf (yet to transform) (reserved for Spectre of the Fade)
    Werewolf (already transformed) (reserved for Azzy)

    Witches - One Witch is an immediate descendant of the very first, Original Witch and the other has just begun to accumulate her powers. The Elder is the only one who can perform high-intensity spells and ultimately not die, she brings the two together.
    Elder (reserved for LolliNinja)
    Witch (descendant to the OW) (reserved for Katori)
    Witch (new witch) (reserved for abalint)
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Wait, if we have four characters maximum, why does one of my two characters need to die?

It's only if you choose a base-character that is already destined to die. You are welcome 4 characters: all of your own choosing, some of your own choosing, some from the base-character sheet, or all from the base-character sheet., etc.. If you wanted to choose one of the other Originals destined to die, then you are also welcome to create another character to keep in the roleplay. Some like more than 1 character and others do not.
It's only if you choose a base-character that is already destined to die. You are welcome 4 characters: all of your own choosing, some of your own choosing, some from the base-character sheet, or all from the base-character sheet., etc.. If you wanted to choose one of the other Originals destined to die, then you are also welcome to create another character to keep in the roleplay. Some like more than 1 character and others do not.

Oh, okay. I got a little freaked for a moment there. So, basically, every character in the base list are destined to die or only a select few?
Oh, okay. I got a little freaked for a moment there. So, basically, every character in the base list are destined to die or only a select few?

Only a select few are destined to die! No worries. So far, I only plan to kill 2 Originals. Anything else is open and most likely to live through the whole duration of the role play.

Those character-bases are more how I want the ratio of species to go. I don't want an over abundance of vampires or wolves or whatever. I want to stick to a minimum amount of characters where some have select roles. That's why some are left blank and others have a little snippet that reflects on what their personality should include. That way we have a wide-variety of characters and things don't become monotonous. I hope I am not making things too complex! My mind has become overworked LOL.
Only a select few are destined to die! No worries. So far, I only plan to kill 2 Originals. Anything else is open and most likely to live through the whole duration of the role play.

Those character-bases are more how I want the ratio of species to go. I don't want an over abundance of vampires or wolves or whatever. I want to stick to a minimum amount of characters where some have select roles. That's why some are left blank and others have a little snippet that reflects on what their personality should include. That way we have a wide-variety of characters and things don't become monotonous. I hope I am not making things too complex! My mind has become overworked LOL.

Nah, it's cool. I'm hoping to play a witch (possibly someone who becomes a witch-vampire hybrid later on in the roleplay, if that's possible! :o) and a human. c:
Nah, it's cool. I'm hoping to play a witch (possibly someone who becomes a witch-vampire hybrid later on in the roleplay, if that's possible! :o) and a human. c:

Sweet! I look forward to seeing them! A witch-vampire hybrid could be created, but no supernatural creature besides a full-witch can use magic since vampires and werewolves are not accepted by The Balance of Nature (their ravenous ways overpower this belief system). If they were old enough though, they had probably already attempted spell casting and still have decent knowledge of spells and tools. They would work really well with other witches tbh, despite their vampire gene.
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Sweet! I look forward to seeing them! A witch-vampire hybrid could be created, but no supernatural creature besides a full-witch can use magic since vampires and werewolves are not accepted by The Balance of Nature (their ravenous ways overpower this belief system). If they were old enough though, they had probably already attempted spell casting and still have decent knowledge of spells and tools. They would work really well with other witches tbh, despite their vampire gene.

Considering witches are mortal, she's probably not going to be old enough to gain that sort of knowledge after she loses her magic. I'm excited either way, though! I've already got a name, age, and Pinterest board for her! xD
Considering witches are mortal, she's probably not going to be old enough to gain that sort of knowledge after she loses her magic. I'm excited either way, though! I've already got a name, age, and Pinterest board for her! xD

Well, the stronger the witch the earlier they manifest their powers so depending on what age your girl was turned into a vampire, she could have already dabbled in Magic. I'm glad that you are excited! I need to start utilizing Pinterest for my roleplay needs LOL.
  • Bucket of Rainbows
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Well, the stronger the witch the earlier they manifest their powers so depending on what age your girl was turned into a vampire, she could have already dabbled in Magic. I'm glad that you are excited! I need to start utilizing Pinterest for my roleplay needs LOL.

Well, she's not a vampire yet and she's 22 right now. xD
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Was off handling something. But I believe I found my face for Original Hybrid (Mikey Heverly)

He is going to want to fight his vampire side and fully want to be a werewolf, trying to prove himself to the wolves and also seeing his true family as the people that only keep him from being himself. So that's his main struggle he has.

And I do like the idea of the person doing all of this not being such a close person to the other person... so they wouldn't fully know what's going on. But what if it was a Human. Like a Hunter who made a deal with the witches, since I think the witches want the vampires gone and hunters are notorious for killing vampires and werewolves. Maybe that's who's behind this?
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She is PERFECT for my little witch! 8D

Ok, fangirling done. :3
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Was off handling something. But I believe I found my face for Original Hybrid (Mikey Heverly)

He is going to want to fight his vampire side and fully want to be a werewolf, trying to prove himself to the wolves and also seeing his true family as the people that only keep him from being himself. So that's his main struggle he has.

And I do like the idea of the person doing all of this not being such a close person to the other person... so they wouldn't fully know what's going on. But what if it was a Human. Like a Hunter who made a deal with the witches, since I think the witches want the vampires gone and hunters are notorious for killing vampires and werewolves. Maybe that's who's behind this?

His need to fight his vampire gene is awesome! Gives more subsistence to the feud that has been occurring for all these centuries.

A hunter would definitely be something nobody saw coming since there are very little hunters who know about the supernatural world in this day-and-age. It's not like before, when any little thing could label you as a witch and then consequentially cause you to be burned at the stake. Instead, humans turn a blind eye to vampires, werewolves, and witches some even being compelled not to talk.

Well, she's not a vampire yet and she's 22 right now. xD

Oh I getcha! Well, I am excited either way!
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Also, @Tyche, do you plan to have a discord once we get more people or have people talk and plot in an ooc thread? I'm also wondering what the CS might look like? Is it in depth (with strengths, weaknesses, hobbies, likes, etc.) or more basic?
Also, @Tyche, do you plan to have a discord once we get more people or have people talk and plot in an ooc thread? I'm also wondering what the CS might look like? Is it in depth (with strengths, weaknesses, hobbies, likes, etc.) or more basic?

If this kicks off with enough people, yes, I would love to use a discord server for everyone! Also, the CS is just a skeleton so if you feel like you need to add more depth then please do so! The skeleton is located in the Character Creation tab, but le tme just spoiler it right here vvv.

Name - Full name, any nicknames, and how you properly pronounce their name. Refrain from using any canon character's names and/or surnames.

Age - Unless you are a vampire, your character can be any age within the range of 18-100 years old. As for vampires, your character should not be older than 500 years old and please include their exact date of birth and what age they were turned into forever.

Nationality - Where they are from.

Languages - What languages your character speaks. Be reasonable. It's normal to speak other languages, but indicate their fluency by using this: (F) Fluent: they speak the language with no difficulty whatsoever; (C) Conversational: they are able to make small talk and understand most of the language; (P) Polite: they can communicate well enough for socializing at public events, but conversation can be difficult; (B) Broken: they can piece together enough phrases to communicate basic ideas:

Powers & Ability - There is no need to re-list what I have already written about your character (species-wise), simply tell us what ability they use the most or what power they have mastered more than the others. Be reasonable. Your character is susceptible to physical trauma and/or damage and most-likely will be injured or beaten in combat.

Appearance - Pictures are not required, but they are encouraged. However, I can only stress this enough, please use artistic images for your characters and/or headshots, face claims, and etc.. Using images of real people is my own way of describing characters, but refrain from using the faces of any canon characters and make sure you and another player do not have the same face claim (unless they are twins). That said, I restrict the usage of anime/manga characters. That artwork is not what I am looking for and there is nothing wrong with it, but I simply don't want it used here.

In addition to an image, include a short, written description of your character with exact height and weight measurements for combat purposes.

Personality & Brief Background - Try to mesh these two together to the best of your ability. I expect biography to come out during the roleplay and some character's bios we may already know. A general overview (a few short paragraphs would be enough) of your character's demeanor, habits, ticks, and whatnot should go here. Character development is key, but personality tends to change much more slowly overtime. Editing this as your character develops, while adding key-points on why they've changed, is your choice altogether. As you flesh out their personality, try to add tidbits of their background and why they have come to be that way.

Aspirations & Regrets - What is your character good at? What do they dream to become? What have they lost and now feel an immense pain when they think about it? Do they have any budding skills?

Misc. - Anything else you want others to know about your character. Any funny comments or important information to share goes right here.
I don't really want a long, year-to-year history lesson on your character since things should be revealed within the role play at a moderate pace. However, try your best when creating their personality to mesh it with their background so we have a slight understanding of why they act a certain way.
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  • Thank You
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I found my human and already got a pinterest set up for her as well.

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I am interested
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Can I have the hybrid vampire witch